Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
ObamaCare Alive And Well
Pelosi: "Regardless of MA, It Will Happen"
ALERT: Obama the Democrats in Congress and the extreme liberal left are out of touch, blaming voters and everyone else as Brown goes to Town they are still conspiring in the dark corners behind closed doors in Washington to push through ObamaCare.
Socialized Health Care Can STILL Be Stopped -
Select Here to Tell Congress to VOTE NO on ObamaCare:
We need your continued help more than ever as Socialized Health Care MUST STILL Be Stopped.
Pelosi said "Regardless of Massachusetts, it will happen" and Democrats are continuing to work to reconcile the House and Senate ObamaCare bills and are proceeding to force a through a process called "budget reconciliation," where they only need 51 votes to pass a bill, not 60.
Obama, Reid and Pelosi are still circling and have vowed to continue working on passing a scaled down ObamaCare bill by picking America apart with new taxes, increased healthcare costs and insurance premiums by hiding ObamaCare in future spending bills.
The Only Poll That Counts - The Results Of The MA Special Election
The extreme liberal left believes that ObamaCare has not gone far enough and have produced an internal poll of Massachusetts voters (is it really true?) that shows of the Obama voters who cast a ballot for Brown, nearly half (49%) support the Senate bill or think it does not go far enough. (Liars can figure but figures do not lie as dangerously out of touch extreme left Liberals are still pushing ObamaCare)
Trusted Gallup polls tell the truth and 72% say Brown's election reflects many Americans' frustrations, which the president and members of Congress should pay attention to and Americans widely agree that the election result has national political implications.
In the wake of Republican Scott Brown's victory in Tuesday's U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts, the majority of Americans (55%) favor Congress' putting the brakes on ObamaCare.
Obama Blames "Last Eight Years" for Rejection of His Brand of Change
Obama and the Democrats in Congress must realize they are to blame. They were given power 14 months ago on Nov 4th, 2008 when they told us to vote for the Hope of Change. What we got instead was the Hoax of Chains. The chains of lost freedom, unemployment, reduced security and an increased national debt greater than the gross domestic product of the world.
"...as noted in the Rhodes Cook Letter no other President in the past half-century has seen his Gallup job-approval rating drop as far as Obama's has in his first year (down 21 points), and no president in that same half century has seen his approval rating go up, even as much as 1 point, between the end of his first year and the eve of his first midterm election"
--Charlie Cook, Cook Political Report, January 16, 2010
Obama gives himself a B+ grade for his first year in office. The American people however in Virginia, New Jersey and just yesterday Massachusetts -- have given him an "F". Even Juan Williams of Fox News an Obama supporter gave him an incomplete and said Americans have given him a D. By all measures Obama is on track to be the worst president in American history. He only has himself to blame for his dismal record AMERICA IS BROKE on his watch with:
Record national debt greater than the gross domestic product of the world
Government take over of the auto industry
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Liberal policies
$700 Billion Federal Stimulus
$1.2 Trillion Federal Reserve Rescue
$6.4 Trillion Tax and Spend Budget to Redistribute Wealth
+10% Unemployment
Next Up ObamaCare and it will destroy Health Care in America
This is a fight for the very heart of America. We can WIN this fight! With Senate Republicans now forcing Democrats to "ping-pong" the Obamacare bill back and forth between the two Houses, we can capitalize on the divisions within the Democrat Party itself! If we can STOP Reid and Pelosi from getting enough votes in either House -- that means THE BILL WOULD DIE!
We CAN still win, by keeping the Democrats from getting the votes they need to pass Obamacare... but we can't do it without YOUR help!
TAKE ACTION: We don't have much time before the liberal Democrat leaders in the House and Senate begin their backroom deal-making to work all of their deals and compromises, in hopes of getting enough votes to pass Obamacare. We have to start NOW in letting ALL of these people who are supposed to be representing US in Washington, that we are NOT going to put up with this -- and that they MUST LISTEN TO US and KILL THE BILL!
BE ENCOURAGED -- remember that the majority of the American people are WITH US. With every passing day, more and more citizens -- left AND right -- are expressing their opposition and outrage over this monstrous bill. And remember, Obama, Pelosi and Reid wanted to pass Obamacare months ago. Thanks to YOUR efforts, we've been able to STOP that from happening -- WE CAN'T GIVE UP NOW!
We CANNOT let the radical liberals in Congress -- and the White House -- force this plan for socialized health care on the American people! That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send a strong message to every single member of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, OPPOSING this outrageous plan.
For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Democrats, Republicans, Independents -- EVERYONE in BOTH houses of Congress, DEMANDING that they REJECT this socialized health care plan NOW!
This fight CAN BE WON! Please, take action right away to STOP this bill in the U.S. Congress!
Alan M. Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC
Send your faxes right away to make sure every single Senator and Representative gets a STRONG message, to REJECT the socialized plan of "Obamacare" NOW -- Thank you!
Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC:
American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC)
PO Box 1682
Dept Code 3548
Bellevue, WA 98009-1682
Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
ALERT: Obama the Democrats in Congress and the extreme liberal left are out of touch, blaming voters and everyone else as Brown goes to Town they are still conspiring in the dark corners behind closed doors in Washington to push through ObamaCare.
Socialized Health Care Can STILL Be Stopped -
Select Here to Tell Congress to VOTE NO on ObamaCare:
We need your continued help more than ever as Socialized Health Care MUST STILL Be Stopped.
Pelosi said "Regardless of Massachusetts, it will happen" and Democrats are continuing to work to reconcile the House and Senate ObamaCare bills and are proceeding to force a through a process called "budget reconciliation," where they only need 51 votes to pass a bill, not 60.
Obama, Reid and Pelosi are still circling and have vowed to continue working on passing a scaled down ObamaCare bill by picking America apart with new taxes, increased healthcare costs and insurance premiums by hiding ObamaCare in future spending bills.
The Only Poll That Counts - The Results Of The MA Special Election
The extreme liberal left believes that ObamaCare has not gone far enough and have produced an internal poll of Massachusetts voters (is it really true?) that shows of the Obama voters who cast a ballot for Brown, nearly half (49%) support the Senate bill or think it does not go far enough. (Liars can figure but figures do not lie as dangerously out of touch extreme left Liberals are still pushing ObamaCare)
Trusted Gallup polls tell the truth and 72% say Brown's election reflects many Americans' frustrations, which the president and members of Congress should pay attention to and Americans widely agree that the election result has national political implications.
In the wake of Republican Scott Brown's victory in Tuesday's U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts, the majority of Americans (55%) favor Congress' putting the brakes on ObamaCare.
Obama Blames "Last Eight Years" for Rejection of His Brand of Change
Obama and the Democrats in Congress must realize they are to blame. They were given power 14 months ago on Nov 4th, 2008 when they told us to vote for the Hope of Change. What we got instead was the Hoax of Chains. The chains of lost freedom, unemployment, reduced security and an increased national debt greater than the gross domestic product of the world.
"...as noted in the Rhodes Cook Letter no other President in the past half-century has seen his Gallup job-approval rating drop as far as Obama's has in his first year (down 21 points), and no president in that same half century has seen his approval rating go up, even as much as 1 point, between the end of his first year and the eve of his first midterm election"
--Charlie Cook, Cook Political Report, January 16, 2010
Obama gives himself a B+ grade for his first year in office. The American people however in Virginia, New Jersey and just yesterday Massachusetts -- have given him an "F". Even Juan Williams of Fox News an Obama supporter gave him an incomplete and said Americans have given him a D. By all measures Obama is on track to be the worst president in American history. He only has himself to blame for his dismal record AMERICA IS BROKE on his watch with:
Record national debt greater than the gross domestic product of the world
Government take over of the auto industry
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Liberal policies
$700 Billion Federal Stimulus
$1.2 Trillion Federal Reserve Rescue
$6.4 Trillion Tax and Spend Budget to Redistribute Wealth
+10% Unemployment
Next Up ObamaCare and it will destroy Health Care in America
This is a fight for the very heart of America. We can WIN this fight! With Senate Republicans now forcing Democrats to "ping-pong" the Obamacare bill back and forth between the two Houses, we can capitalize on the divisions within the Democrat Party itself! If we can STOP Reid and Pelosi from getting enough votes in either House -- that means THE BILL WOULD DIE!
We CAN still win, by keeping the Democrats from getting the votes they need to pass Obamacare... but we can't do it without YOUR help!
TAKE ACTION: We don't have much time before the liberal Democrat leaders in the House and Senate begin their backroom deal-making to work all of their deals and compromises, in hopes of getting enough votes to pass Obamacare. We have to start NOW in letting ALL of these people who are supposed to be representing US in Washington, that we are NOT going to put up with this -- and that they MUST LISTEN TO US and KILL THE BILL!
BE ENCOURAGED -- remember that the majority of the American people are WITH US. With every passing day, more and more citizens -- left AND right -- are expressing their opposition and outrage over this monstrous bill. And remember, Obama, Pelosi and Reid wanted to pass Obamacare months ago. Thanks to YOUR efforts, we've been able to STOP that from happening -- WE CAN'T GIVE UP NOW!
We CANNOT let the radical liberals in Congress -- and the White House -- force this plan for socialized health care on the American people! That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send a strong message to every single member of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, OPPOSING this outrageous plan.
For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Democrats, Republicans, Independents -- EVERYONE in BOTH houses of Congress, DEMANDING that they REJECT this socialized health care plan NOW!
This fight CAN BE WON! Please, take action right away to STOP this bill in the U.S. Congress!
Alan M. Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC
Send your faxes right away to make sure every single Senator and Representative gets a STRONG message, to REJECT the socialized plan of "Obamacare" NOW -- Thank you!
Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC:
American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC)
PO Box 1682
Dept Code 3548
Bellevue, WA 98009-1682
Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Cyber spat with China
US, Google, Hillary Clinton and China are getting increasingly hostile over hacking from China's soil [I didn't do nothing] and censoring of Google searches.
Can't we just get along with the Castros in Cuba, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Iran, China, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. Obama was quick to criticize Bush 43 for failed international policies. After 12 months in office, nothing has improved except that we are perceived internationally by our nemeses as a bunch of spineless, weak-kneed wusses. In ObamaWorld, they do not know any more about international relations than they do about creating domestic jobs. Their lack of experience is showing.
Rumor has it that Obama will not even talk to his children without a teleprompter ... the right jack
Can't we just get along with the Castros in Cuba, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Iran, China, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. Obama was quick to criticize Bush 43 for failed international policies. After 12 months in office, nothing has improved except that we are perceived internationally by our nemeses as a bunch of spineless, weak-kneed wusses. In ObamaWorld, they do not know any more about international relations than they do about creating domestic jobs. Their lack of experience is showing.
Rumor has it that Obama will not even talk to his children without a teleprompter ... the right jack
Published on DickMorris.com on January 25, 2010
Highly informed sources on Capitol Hill have revealed to me details of the Democratic plan to sneak Obamacare through Congress, despite collapsing public approval for healthcare "reform" and disintegrating congressional support in the wake of Republican Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts.
President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid all have agreed to the basic framework of the plan.
Their plan is clever but can be stopped if opponents of radical healthcare reform act quickly and focus on a core group of 23 Democratic Congressman. If just a few of these 23 Democrats are "flipped" and decide to oppose the bill, the whole Obama-Pelosi-Reid stratagem falls apart.
Here's what I learned top Democrats are planning to implement.
Senate Democrats will go to the House with a two-part deal.
First, the House will pass the Senate's Obamacare bill that passed the Senate in December. The House leadership will vote on the Senate bill, and Pelosi will allow no amendments or modifications to the Senate bill.
How will Pelosi's deal fly with rambunctious liberal members of her majority who don't like the Senate bill, especially its failure to include a public option, put heavy fines on those who don't get insurance, and offering no income tax surcharge on the "rich"?
That's where the second part of the Pelosi-deal comes in.
Behind closed doors, Reid and Pelosi have agreed in principle that changes to the Senate bill will be made to satisfy liberal House members -- but only after the Senate bill is passed and signed into law by Obama.
This deal will be secured by a pledge from Reid and the Senate's Democratic caucus that they will make "fixes" to the Senate bill after it becomes law with Obama's John Hancock.
But you may ask what about the fact that, without Republican Scott Brown and independent Democrats such as Joe Lieberman, Reid simply doesn't have the 60 votes in the Senate to overcome a Republican filibuster that typically can stop major legislation?
According to my source, Reid will provide to Pelosi a letter signed by 52 Democratic senators indicating they will pass the major changes, or "fixes," the House Democrats are demanding. Again, these fixes will be approved by the Senate only after Obama signs the Senate bill into law.
Reid also has agreed to bypass Senate cloture and filibuster rules and claim that these modifications fall under "reconciliation" and don't require 60 Senate votes.
To pass the fixes, he won't need one Republican; he won't even need Joe Lieberman or wavering Democrats such as Jim Webb of Virginia.
His 52 pledged senators give him a simple majority to pass any changes they want, which will later be rubberstamped by Pelosi's House and signed by Obama.
This plan, of course, is a total subversion of the legislative process.
Typically, the Senate and House pass their own unique legislation and then both bills go to a conference committee. In conference, the leadership of both Democrat-dominated houses wheels and deals and irons out differences.
The final compromise bill is then sent back to the full Senate and full House for a vote and has to pass both to go to the president.
In the House, a simple majority passes the legislation. But under Senate rules, major legislation requires 60 votes to end a filibuster.
As it stands, the House bill and Senate bill have major discrepancies. Reid does not have 60 votes to pass a compromise bill that would no doubt include some of the radical provisions House members have been demanding.
But if the House passes the exact Senate bill that passed by a 60-39 Senate vote last month, there is no need for a conference on the bill. It will go directly to the president's desk.
There is a rub to all of this.
This secret plan being hatched by Pelosi and Reid requires not only a pledge by 52 Democratic senators to vote later for the House modifications. House liberals must actually believe these Senators will live up to their pledge and pass the fixes at some future date.
A Senate source cautions: "Senators more than House members and both more than ordinary people, lie."
Still, my Senate source and others in Washington believe that the liberals in the House, grasping at straws after the stunning Massachusetts defeat, will go along with the Reid-Pelosi plan to bypass a conference bill and ultimately will vote for the Senate version without changes.
Among the key "fixes" House liberals are demanding the Senate pass in reconciliation at some later date include a "carve out" for unions from the "Cadillac policy" insurance tax. The Senate plan funds their healthcare plan by heavy taxes on so-called "Cadillac" insurance plans that provide those insured with exceptionally good coverage including almost unlimited health access with little or no co-payments. The Senate's view was that rich people have such plans and should be taxed for them to pay the less fortunate.
But many unions have Cadillac plans for their members, and they are furious their members will be hit with the Senate tax. The unions have told their minions in the House to oppose the Senate Cadillac plan tax.
House liberals also are requiring a fix that increases fines for those who flout the law and don't buy health insurance (the Pelosi-passed plan includes criminal penalties, including possible jail time if a person doesn't purchase insurance). Another fix will raise subsidies for low-income families seeking to buy insurance.
In the original House bill that passed, healthcare expansion costs would have been paid for by an income tax surcharge on the "rich." House liberals are pushing for that fix as well.
So what is the counter-move? How do opponents of Obamacare stop this?
Opponents cannot rely on liberal Democrats in the House who might balk at passing the Senate bill with just a "pledge" from 52 senators. I have no doubt House liberals, despite their skepticism, will fade under pressure from Pelosi and Obama. They will do their duty and pass the Senate bill, whatever their current posturing.
Instead, the key to stopping the Pelosi-Reid plan lies with conservative or "moderate" Democrats who voted for the healthcare bill the first time.
There are 23 of these conservative-leaning Democratic House members who voted for Pelosi's Obamacare back in November, which passed by just five votes, with 39 Democrats defecting to vote against the bill.
All 23 of these congressmen who did vote for the Pelosi bill are extremely vulnerable.
Opponents of Obamacare need to climb all over these 23 congressmen with TV ads and advocacy campaigns in their districts to get them to change their vote this time, to vote "no" to the Senate bill when it comes before the House.
Voters need to say, "You voted for Obamacare the first time. But your district opposes it by 2 to 1. Now it is coming up for a vote again. Listen to your constituents and vote no. We don't want Medicare cuts or premium increases or rationing of medical care. Don't monkey with our healthcare. Vote no this time."
Since the House healthcare bill passed by five votes, much has happened and the political landscape has changed dramatically.
The Massachusetts election of a Republican to Ted Kennedy's Senate seat has sent shock waves through Washington. Every one of these 23 Democrats knows they will face an angry backlash in their districts if they vote for the Senate bill and go along with Pelosi-Reid plan to ram through Obamacare.
I believe now is the time for opponents to act. The truth is that Obamacare is hanging by a thread.
Opponents, if they move now, can drive a stake through its heart.
Once these congressmen hear from their aroused constituents, they won't be able to back Obamacare.
As I mentioned, the Pelosi health bill passed the House by only 220-215. Nancy Pelosi knows she has no margin for error.
If only a handful of these 23 congressmen change their vote under public pressure, the Pelosi-Reid plan is stopped and Obamacare is dead.
Click here to help fund ads in the districts of these swing Congressmen.
Go to DickMorris.com to read all of Dick's columns!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Big Government subsidies

January 22, 2010 is a day that should live in infamy, at least among believers in limited government. On that day, the federal government added its 2,000th subsidy program for individuals, businesses, or state and local governments.
Let us have a moment of silence for those US TAXpayers who are supporting our Big Government ... the right jack

Friday, January 22, 2010
News Highlights
Obama rants about punishing banks in a campaign style speech in Ohio.
Unemployment rose in 43 states in December 2009.
Fort Hood report by Pentgon released. Muslim and terrorist not mentioned in the murder of US soldiers and civilians by a Muslim terrorist. 1/22/10
ObamaWorld top military brass is in the anti-military tank with Obama Department of Justice [Eric Holder], presumably to save their rank and pay grade. Military Rank and File not happy nor are the junior officers when The Top Brass puts politics and political correctness ahead of the USA and national security.
Those who blame Bush 43 for our financial troubles that bloomed in 2008 conveniently do not implicate the Democrat Congress for their loan meddling during the second Bush term. Remember, the Democrat Congress was going to bring the power of Big Democrat Government down on lending institutions that would not make unsecured loans to people who could not afford those loans.
If it is too big, it is too big to fail - An overused Democrat slogan that they do not apply to Big Democrat Government. Big Democrat Government is never tooooo big.
Air America, the Democrat attempt to sell their agenda and propaganda on talk radio, declares bankruptcy. Shuts down. Marketplace would not support their failed hosts and political agenda programming. 1/21/10
Story at: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/22/why-did-air-america-fail
77% of investors believe that the ObamaWorld administration is anti-business.
61% of the citizens in Rasmussen poll want ObamaWorld to drop the health care plan they have created.
8% of the labor force is unionized. 2010
The Copenhagen Global Warming Hoax meetings. Delegation from the USA cost US Taxpayers $200,000 for carbon-spewing jets and luxury limos.
Conan O’Brien has staff of 200 for his five - one hour shows on NBC. Rush Limbaugh has a staff of 10 for his five - three hour radio shows a week and daily updates. 1/22/10
ObamaWorld health care bill creates 121 new government agencies.
More people employed by government than by manufacturing and construction.
28 cents out of every charitable government US taxpayer dollar goes to overhead.
Martin Luther King, his father and his grandfather were Republicans. MLK switched to the Democrat party after his wife made a deal with Ted Kennedy to get MLK out of jail.
The average amount of time that the ball is in play during the game in the NFL is 11 minutes.
Benefits of cardiovascular exercise starts at 15 continuous minutes. Heart rate needs to climb 50% toward maximum for a training effect.
Stretching is best done when the position is held in a static pose for at least 17 seconds. No bouncing or bobbing.
The prevalence of obesity among children aged 6 to 11 more than doubled in the past 20 years, going from 6.5% in 1980 to 17.0% in 2006. The rate among adolescents aged 12 to 19 more than tripled, increasing from 5% to 17.6%.
Endowments of US colleges and universities lost an average of 19 percent on their investments in fiscal 2009.
An estimated 250,000 government workers will need to be hired to manage the massive new budget … private sector loses 7 million jobs - - - http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/economy/commentary-mainmenu-43/1057
In ObamaWorld, salaried fat cats on the government payroll grew from 14% to 19%
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Say one thing. Do another.
Democrats have completely sold-out on a new socialist agenda for America. This has been taking place without regard for our historical roots in freedom, liberty, exceptionlism and self-determination. Their followers appear to freely engage in untruths and distortions without hesitation or questions. Followers have become subservient robots in promoting this new socialist agenda for America.
I watched FutureWorld the other night. It was produced in 1976 and starred Peter Fonda. FutureWorld was a follow up to the 1973 epic called WestWorld starring Yul Brynner. Both movies enticed citizens to visit an “adventure world” that featured robots who looked quite human. In FutureWorld, the insidious theme was for robots to replace actual human beings, in this case world leaders. Both of these "future worlds" crumbled.
I have been struck over and over by the real world compared to the world that is being foisted upon us by Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress. Of course, the [social] Democrat agenda has been promoted for decades by our media, our Big Time Dying Media. In listening to the talk, Obama officials and Democrat Congressional leaders offer one verbal view of how things are in the USA while constructing a totally different America with their legislative actions. Their view is called ObamaWorld.
Welcome to ObamaWorld …
dreams and fantasies
In ObamaWorld, everyone is given a voice in all deliberations and their input is incorporated into all subsequent legislative bills and actions.
** But in the real world, dissenters who present other political views are shut out of the process.
In ObamaWorld, there is no discrimination.
** But in the real world, Democrats have engaged in ongoing personal attacks against the opposition with the help of a very corrupt and compliant media. Both appear ready and willing to destroy any and all dissent - persons or ideas.
In ObamaWorld, there is no favoritism.
** In the real world, Democrats provide open as well as backroom gifts, bribes, bonus and exemptions for favored Democrats who follow their party line, policies, and politics. This includes the loyal enforcers who do their bidding.
In ObamaWorld there are no crimes as there are no values. The only crimes are those of the opposition and targeted groups like US soldiers and Christians.
** In the real world, justice is blind. Tax cheats are punished. Sexual deviants are punished. Thieves are punished. Those who follow the tenants of The Constitution are free to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In ObamaWorld, health care will cover everyone and save millions if not billions of dollars.
** But in the real world, few if any big government programs have succeeded. No program is less costly than was shown in the original estimates.
In ObamaWorld, the money supply is endless. Print more and borrow more money. That is how it operates.
** In the real world, government as in families, cannot spend what we do not have. It does but it should not happen.
In ObamaWorld, there are claims of massive Earth-ending global warming.
** But in the real world, global warming cannot be shown or verified by science.
In ObamaWorld, we are told that Business is a villain and the cause of our problems in the USA.
** But in the real world, business is our only source of jobs and tax revenue in and for the USA.
In ObamaWorld, our borders are open to any and all who want to come in and take advantage of the generosity of its citizens - make that our government.
** In the real world, the taxpayers of the USA cannot afford to be the charity for the world. This is particularly true when dictators and despots take our generous gifts to their own people and divert our charity to their own personal bank accounts and that of their families.
In ObamaWorld, those most admired are the most evil socialist despots on Earth.
** But in the real world, despots are the ones who jail and shoot their dissenters. These are the same despots who rob their own people.
In ObamaWorld, the USA is the single most dominant source of all evil in the world.
** But in the real world, the USA is the liberator, defender, care giver and leader around the globe. We are The Model that dictators and despots hate.
In ObamaWorld, their “truth” has nothing to do with the real world.
** But in the real world, the people of the USA are disregarding what the Big Time Dying Media says and writes. People are learning the truth from other sources of news and information.
In ObamaWorld, the government will care for everyone so that there will be no hunger, sickness or unemployment.
** But in the real world, governments that provide everything drag their people down to a common subsistence level. They lives are occupied by scrambling for basic necessities. Everyone is the same – poor, uninspired, compliant, reliant on government.
In ObamaWorld, the government can do everything well.
** In the real world, the past and present government administrations have created a long long list of business and government failures. They include: Amtrak. Auto industry. Bank bailouts. Congressional Cafeteria. House of ill-repute in Texas - could not make a profit selling liquor and sex. Job creation. Katrina. Medicare. Post Office. Public schools. Social Security. Viet Nam. Welfare.
ObamaWorld presents a socialist myth of utopia.
** But in the real world, the model of governance presented by the United States of America more closely approaches utopia than any other form of governance yet to created by mere mortals. … the right jack
Ed Note: The Right Jack thought he had coined a new word - ObamaWorld. But alas, that is not the case. An internet search revealed that Victor Davis Hanson coined the term Obamaworld in a June 18, 2009 article. See the link below.
Friday, January 15, 2010
More climate data manipulation
January 14, 2010
Go to KUSI.com and see the program that was aired on KUSI TV.
It has been revealed that a "sleight of hand" was used in the computer program that rated 2005 as "THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD.” Skeptical climate researchers have discovered extensive manipulation of the data within the U.S. Government's two primary climate centers: the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville, North Carolina and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) at Columbia University in New York City. These centers are being accused of creating a strong bias toward warmer temperatures through a system that dramatically trimmed the number and cherry-picked the locations of weather observation stations they use to produce the data set on which temperature record reports are based. The two investigators say the system has been distorted in other ways as well. They have documented their findings in great detail in a scientific report that has been posted online. These findings are presented as a part of my television special report ”Global Warming: The Other Side” telecast Thursday night, January 14th at 9 PM here on KUSI TV.
The data manipulation studies are explored in detail during the fourth segment of the one hour video now available here on our website. Just click on the Global Warming special banner to go to the page.
NOAA and NASA start with the unadjusted NOAA GHCN (Global Historical Climate Network). NASA eliminates some stations and adds some in the polar regions. For NASA, the computer program that manipulates the data is known as GIStemp, Both then add their own adjustments to calculate a global average temperature and a ranking for each month and year. The two inter-related U.S Government agencies have so intertwined their programs and data sets that both are being challenged by the investigating team that has produced this "smoking gun of U.S. Climate-gate.” “We suspect each center will try to hide behind, ‘It’s them; Not us’ and point fingers at each other," says the Computer Programmer from San Jose behind these new revelations. He and a Certified Consulting Meteorologist from New Hampshire made their revelations public on January 14th on a prime time television special report at 9:00PM PST; on KUSI-TV, an independent television station in San Diego Perhaps that is why Dr. Richard Anthes, President of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in testimony to congress in March 2009 noted “The present federal agency paradigm with respect to NASA and NOAA is obsolete and nearly dysfunctional in spite of best efforts by both agencies.”
The U.S. Government’s National Weather Service uses the NCDC data in its record temperature news releases put out with much media fanfare on a regular basis as they declare a given month or year has set a record for warmth, supporting the global warming agenda.
Also, the NCDC/NASA GISS data are regularly used by climate researchers doing studies at various research centers and within university meteorology centers that are doing studies to support the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This data is also shared with other global centers such as the recently hacked or leaked East Anglia University Hadley Climate Center in England.
Programmer E. Michael Smith and CCM Joseph D’Aleo, the two men who did the research, also revealed there are no actual temperatures left in the computer database when it proclaimed "2005 WAS THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD.” In the transition to a computer averaging system, the National Data Climate Center deleted actual temperatures at thousands of locations throughout the world as it evolved to a system of global grid boxes. The number that goes into each grid box is determined by averaging the temperatures of two or more weather observation stations nearest that grid box.
D'Aleo puts it this way, "Over 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water and vast areas of land masses remain unpopulated as well. So it is reasonable to come up with some sort of grid method to simulate full global coverage. The problem arises because not all of the grid boxes have continuous temperature measurements from within them. So NCDC averages surrounding or nearby points and places that number in the box. In some cases those observations are from several hundreds of miles away. That produces a serious question, ‘Does the resulting number represent the average temperature for that region within meaningful limits?’” D'Aleo says it does not. "A vital issue,” he says is, "temperatures are not linear over space, but instead vary enormously because of differences in terrain, elevation, vegetation, water versus land and urbanization."
This problem is only the tip of the iceberg with the data being produced at NDCC. For one thing, it is clear that comparing data from previous years when the final figure was produced by averaging a large number of temperatures and those produced from a much smaller temperature set with large data gaps is comparing apples and oranges. “When the differences between the warmest year in history and the tenth warmest year is less than three quarters of a degree, it becomes silly to rely on such comparisons,” Smith and D’Aleo say. But that is exactly what has been done in touting the late 1990s and the early 2000s as the warmest ten years in history. "It is clearly a travesty and agenda- driven by global warming advocates,” D'Aleo asserts.
For E. Michael Smith this project was quite a test of his computer programming skills. "Opening, unraveling and understanding what is happening in a complex FORTRAN computer code, with 20 years of age and change in it, is a difficult and grueling task," he says, "and the deeper I dug the more amazing the details revealed. When doing a benchmark test of the program, I found patterns in the input data from NCDC that looked like dramatic and selective deletions of thermometers from cold locations." Smith says after awhile, it became clear this was not a random strange pattern he was finding, but a well designed and orchestrated manipulation process. "The more I looked, the more I found patterns of deletion that could not be accidental. Thermometers moved from cold mountains to warm beaches; from Siberian Arctic to more southerly locations and from pristine rural locations to jet airport tarmacs. The last remaining Arctic thermometer in Canada is in a place called 'The Garden Spot of the Arctic,’ always moving away from the cold and toward the heat. I could not believe it was so blatant and it clearly looked like it was in support of an agenda,” Smith says.
Here are the numbers behind the startling findings of the new research paper. The number of actual weather observation points used as a starting point for world average temperatures has been reduced from about 6,000 in the 1970s to about 1,500 in the most recent years. Still, more stations are dropped out in related programs and in the final NASA/GIStemp data file, it drops to about 1,000. That leaves much of the world unaccounted for,” says Joseph D'Aleo of ICECAP.us and SPPI.org, who has released a research study of the global temperature pattern today. "Think of it this way,” he continues, "if Minneapolis and other northern cities suddenly disappeared but Kansas City and St. Louis were still available, would you think an average of Kansas City and St. Louis would provide an accurate replacement for Minneapolis and expect to use that to determine how Minneapolis’ temperature has changed with any hope of accuracy?"
E. Michael Smith pointed out that the November 2009 "anomaly map" from GISS shows a very hot Bolivia, which is covered by high mountains. "One small problem: there have been no temperatures recorded in the NCDC data set for Bolivia since 1990. NASA/GISS have to fill in or make up the numbers from up to 1200km away. This is on the beach in Peru or in the Amazon jungle," he said.
He and D'Aleo say it is startling where the temperatures are that have been dropped from the calculation. "A very high percentage of those dropped are from the more northern locations. Very few are left north of sixty degrees longitude.” “Clearly there is also a bias to leave in locations with warmer temperatures, i.e. from the arid areas and within the urban warmth of cities,” he adds. In the greatest reduced list of locations, there are very few colder mountain locations retained.
E. Michael Smith and Joe D'Aleo are both interviewed as part of a report on this study on the television special, "Global Warming: The Other Side" seen at 9 PM on January 14th on KUSI-TV, channel 9/51, San Diego, California. That program will be available on-demand at KUSI.com at the conclusion of the broadcast. The detailed report by D’Aleo is available at http://icecap.us/images/uploads/NOAAroleinclimategate.pdf
For more information, contact:
E. Michael Smith at pub4all@aol.com
Smith's climate blog: http://chiefio.wordpress.com/gistemp
Joseph D’Aleo at Jsdaleo6331@aol.com, or 603-689-5646
D’Aleo website: http://www.icecap.us
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Discrimination. Political Correctness. Dissent.

Discrimination. Political Correctness. Dissent.
The Cornerstones of the Democrat Party for over 20 years now have been inserting political correctness into our lives as a way to stop dissent. For an even longer period of time, they have tooted the horn of discrimination. Again, it has been used to stop dissent. It can be seen most clearly in the criticisms of President Obama. Every criticism of his performance and policies has been blunted with charges of racial discrimination.
With that in mind, we should take a close look at what has been happening among Democrats.
Black Republicans can be bashed at will by Democrats. Clarence Thomas is the most obvious example of all manner of Democrat hate speech. No racial discrimination there.
The nasty words of Democrats can be extended to white males in general, old white males and Republican women. Sarah Palen serves as the best example of nasty Democrat slander from Obamanistas, the media and left wing bloggers. George Bush 43 also took more than his fair share of slings and arrows from Democrats, starting with his first nomination for the presidency.
Christians in particular as well as members of other religious faiths are routinely bashed by Democrat legislators as well as their aides and the Big Time Dying Media. There are no harsh words by Democrats for Muslim terrorists, foreign or domestic.
As for Democrats, what is NOT discrimination.
Is it not discrimination for Democrats to give GM union workers special incentives and tax benefits that are NOT offered to all Americans.
Is it not discrimination for Democrat members of Congress to close Republican car dealerships but not car dealerships owned by Democrats.
Is it not discrimination for Democrat members of Congress to give bonuses to their Democrat sympathizers at Freddie Mae and Fanny Mac but squash bonuses and other incentives to business that are not lead by Democrats.
Is it not discrimination to give Democrat members of Congress special incentives and benefits to representatives [and their states] who vote for ObamaCare that do NOT benefit all Americans.
Is it not discrimination for Democrats to put Navy Seals on trial for alleged battlefield abuse of captured terrorists while dismissing voter intimidation by black civilian vigilante groups at polling stations.
Is it not discrimination for Democrats to continue to give ACORN special payments and grants despite lengthy court records in many states showing patterns of criminal behavior while ignoring Republican dissent.
Is it not discrimination for Democrat legislators to write special fairness rules that prohibit Republicans from participating in the deliberative processes of Congress.
Is it not discrimination for Democrat members of Congress to write and pass a highly unpopular health care bill that was prepared by Democrats and never if ever read by any legislator.
Is it not discrimination for Democrat in the Big Time Dying Media to berate Republicans at will as a way to marginalize their influence while ignoring obvious areas of disagreement [i.e., Acorn, SIEU, Climate hoax, etc].
Is it not discrimination for Democrat and the Big Time Dying Media to ignore the controversy and spending surrounding global warming [e.g., unsubstantiated science when it cannot be duplicated] and Congressional Budget Office health care estimates while demanding increased program budgets against Republican efforts to trim spending.
Is it not discrimination for Democrat in our University system to berate Republican students at will and punish them with lowered grades for their beliefs [and term papers] in order to squash dissent. Is that the Democrat version of Academic Freedom.
Is it not discrimination for Democrats in Congress to give themselves pay raises and golden health care programs [particularly in tough economic times] while denying health and cost of living benefits [e.g., social security, Medicare] to all Americans.
Is it not discrimination for Democrats in Congress to raises taxes on all Americans, particularly the higher income brackets, while giving themselves wage increases and lucrative tax-free retirement packages.
Is it not discrimination for Democrats in Congress to punish businesses of all sizes for their economic successes while spending more and more on people who will seldom if ever contribute a penny toward bettering themselves or the USA.
It is well worth repeating over and over exactly what Thomas Jefferson said: Any government that can give you everything you need is strong enough to take everything you have. … the right jack
Obama blames Bush for Haiti
To help Haiti, consider sending your financial help to a local church charity. As a rule, church aide tends to go mostly to the people in need and not to administrative overhead.
Obama blames Bush 43 for the terrible social conditions in Haiti. If Obama knew anything at all, he would know that Haiti has been controlled by socialist style dictators since the 1950s. It has been a troubled nation since early in the 1900s. Dictators have wasted the geographic beauty of this nation for personal gain. To blame Bush 43 for anything related to Haiti and not consider the inaction of Clinton, Carter, Johnson and Kennedy just shows his ignorance and partisanship. ... the right jack
See the link below for more about Haiti.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Where in the world is Joe Biden
Obama: Stupid and Lazy?
Is Obama Stupid and Lazy?
Obama may not be as intelligent
as his supporters assure us
By Steve Baldwin
A Western Center for Journalism Exclusive
Is Obama Stupid and Lazy? Although that’s quite a provocative question, evidence is mounting that Obama may not be as intelligent as his supporters and cheerleaders in the media constantly assure us. The reality may be that Obama is mostly a creation of the liberal media. Indeed, the more we dig into his past, the more we find very little substance and discover how a network of liberal professors, law firms, and others, gave him a pass on performance while he pursued his political agenda.
Educational Background
We know very little about Obama’s academic performance. Sources state that he attended an elite K-12 school in Hawaii called Punahou School, but the school claims that his records are missing.
Obama attended the prestigious Occidental College in California. This is puzzling, however, because he has admitted in his book and elsewhere that he was engaged in heavy drug use while in high school. This seems to show that his studies were the last thing on his mind. How he got in remains a mystery and Obama’s attorneys have blocked access to those records.
Obama finished up his undergraduate years at Columbia College, but again, Obama won’t release those records either. We have no information to suggest he was a good student. We do know, however, that he did not graduate with honors from Columbia. As the New York Sun writes:
University Spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated with a major in political science but without honors. Nevertheless, he was later admitted to Harvard Law School.
Being accepted by Harvard Law School without graduating with honors from Columbia suggests that Obama was admitted to Harvard based on race and perhaps, by that time, his growing reputation as a liberal political superstar.
Obama has also refused to release his Columbia thesis, which was about nuclear disarmament of the West. Perhaps Obama is fearful that his thesis, which likely advocates the disarming of the West at the peak of the Cold War, would be seen as incredibly stupid – which it would be.
Obama at Columbia University
Indeed, the only article anyone can find written by Obama during his undergraduate years is one published by the Sundial, a campus newspaper. Titled Breaking the War Mentality, it’s an idiotic piece that reads like something out of the mind of a 14 year old. Moreover, it simply repeats the propaganda lines of various campus anti-war groups. He writes favorably of nuclear freeze groups, of whom, we now know – thanks to the opening of KGB archives – were being manipulated by the Soviets.
Indeed, the numerous efforts of Obama’s legal team to seal all his academic records brings suspicion that Obama wants to hide his lack of academic achievements, which means that liberal college administrators at Occidental and Columbia admitted him based on his skin color and perhaps even his liberal political pedigree. With college faculty and administration completely dominated by liberals and with rage for affirmative action at its peak at that time, this is a highly possible scenario.
Not graduating with honors from Columbia College almost guarantees that Obama’s acceptance to the Harvard Law School was hinged on affirmative action. We also know that some prominent liberals were lobbying the school to gain Obama admittance. It’s no wonder Obama has refused to release any Harvard records as well; nor will he release his LSAT or SAT scores. Moreover, how Obama was elected to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review is also controversial.
Historically, those who become president of the HLR do so based off of outstanding grades, but not in Obama’s case. Indeed, at the time of his election, there was a push to promote blacks to leadership positions on campus, regardless of merit. The left felt that racial promotions, regardless of merit, was a way to pay back the white man’s “debt” to blacks for the slavery era.
Obama made headlines when he was elected the first black president of the HLR. But breaking the racial barrier was the goal of those who elected him in much the same way many Americans voted for him for president due to his skin color. When affirmative action programs promote people due skin color and not merit, eventually someone pays a price. In Obama’s case, America is paying the price. At the time, Obama even admitted that his HLR election was about race, telling the New York Times: The fact that I’ve been elected shows a lot of progress.
Indeed, according to the NYT, the head of the HLR used to be selected based on grades, but that’s no longer the case:
The system came under attack in the 1970’s and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of the Law Review.
No one will reveal what Obama wrote for his essay, but we can assume Obama wrote a feel-good liberal essay on some politically correct topic and, combined with the incentive to “make history,” the HLR staff voted him as president. But it’s clear his election was not due to his scholarship. It was all about race and politics. Obama even admits as such in 1990 HLR statement:
Since the merits of the Law Review’s selection policy has [sic] been the subject of commentary for the last three issues, I’d like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works…
I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action
programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law
Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not
personally felt stigmatized either within the broader law school community or as a staff member
of the Review.
Note that in the very first sentence of this statement, Obama writes the noun “merits” as plural and the verb “had” as singular! And this from the editor of the HLR? Ironically, Obama’s statement confirming that the affirmative action mentality elected him also affirms how affirmative action lowers academic standards.
What is strange about Obama’s tenure with HLR is that he wrote hardly anything for the publication during his two year term with them. Only one article has been found, an unsigned six-page summary on the question of whether fetuses should be able to file suits against their mothers.
According to Poltico:
The temperate legal language doesn’t display the rhetorical heights that run through his memoir, published a few years later….
Others have pointed out numerous logic and grammatical errors in the piece that any “brilliant” HLR editor would not have made. Indeed, as far as can be determined, Obama is the first HLR president in Harvard’s history to not have written anything for the Review under his own name. Was Obama not capable of writing well-researched legal briefs? What was he afraid of?
Harvard is notorious for its liberal faculty and one can see how a promising, liberal, half-Kenyan, black-activist would be passed for work that wouldn’t have been accepted from a white or Asian student.
Yes, Obama graduated in the top 10% of his class, but with the obsessive, affirmative-action mentality held by his professors, one can assume that he was favored on reasons other than intellectual merit. Obama’s politics were well known to them and as a result of being a history-making first president of the HLR, it’s a good bet that his professors treated him the same way the Harvard admission officers treated him – lowering the standards and inflating the grades.
Speaking Ability
Jon Favreau is the main speechwriter at The White House
One reason why the media has declared Obama to be “brilliant” is because of his inspirational speeches. However, Obama doesn’t write his speeches. His campaign speeches were written by Jon Favreau, who is now his main speechwriter at the White House. The soaring words and inspirational phrases were all written by Favreau. Without Favreau, Obama’s speeches are mediocre.
Don’t believe me? Visit YouTube.com and search for “Obama with no teleprompter,” and you’ll find a slew of speeches in which he sounds like a fool, stuttering and stammering. Without a speech prepared for him and without a teleprompter, he’s a less than average speaker. Being unable to speak extemporaneously, like the media claims he can, is a sign of his lack of brilliance. What’s more, not only is his grammar and syntax off in his unprepared speeches, his thoughts are also confusing:
Well, let me — let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. It will be a strong friend of Israel’s under a McCain government — administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel’s under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change. Even Bush was a better “off-the-cuff” speaker than Obama is.
Moreover, it was discovered that many of Obama’s speeches contained the same phrases as those of Deval Patrick, the Governor of Massachusetts. These same boilerplate platitudes that many American voters found so appealing were, in fact, used by a left-wing Governor in Massachusetts. Regardless, there was is an explanation for this plagiarism; David Axelrod was the campaign strategist for both Obama and Patrick.
Professional Career
Following his graduation from Columbia, Obama claims he worked as a research assistant for a high powered consulting firm. This position he supposedly held has turned out to be misleading and nothing short of a joke. A colleague has since reported what Obama really did: He actually worked for a small company that published a business forecasting newsletter. Obama would take economic reports from other countries and collate them into a three ring binder to be sent out to subscribers. He didn’t do any legal work for them. In fact, he did work typical of an intern.
After Obama graduated from Harvard Law, he did not to seek work as a clerk for a prominent liberal judge, as most of his Harvard colleagues did. The work of a law clerk is demanding and it is doubtful that Obama was capable of completing such a challenge. Instead, Obama was hired by a Chicago law firm. But he didn’t do any heavy lifting there either. Instead, he spent all his time writing notes for his first book. As Allison Davis, a founding partner of the firm wrote:
Some of my partners weren’t happy with that, Barrack sitting there with his key board on his lap and his feet up on the desk writing the book.
No can find any law briefs written by Obama at this time. It appears that he was just “parked” at the law firm, preparing himself for a political career. Indeed, Obama will NOT release his billing records for this time period, so it is suspected that he is hiding the fact that he didn’t engage in any substantial work for this law firm.
Obama at the University of Chicago Law School
After he accepted this position, Obama’s incompetence was exposed. Here is what one blogger, familiar with the exams Obama gave while “teaching” at the University of Chicago:
But it gets even worse when you try to read the Constitutional Law exams at Chicago; for instance, here’s an exam from 2003 [when Obama was 42 years old] where the preposition doesn’t agree with the verb:
Law week, two men, Richard and Michael, walked into you office and asked for your help.
You learn that they are a monogamous, gay couple who have been living together for the past ten years. Both men are successful architects, and after devoting the past decade on their respective careers, they have now decided that they want to marry and raise children together.
Setting aside the “Law” and “you office” typos, a man doesn’t devote a decade on his career – he devotes a decade to his career.
But of course that’s the same pattern we saw back in 1990, and which persisted throughout the 1990s and into this decade – the nouns don’t agree with the verbs, and the verbs don’t agree with the prepositions – and that’s just sweating the little stuff.
The other night, a few of us got together and were trying to parse some of the gibberish in the old exam answer sheets, and after about fifteen minutes of reading stuff like this, we just threw our hands up in the air, and begged, “No mas!”
A more interesting question arises if we assume that a court rejects Helen’s claim that a fundamental right is at stake, and instead chose to subject PFVA to rational basis review.
The recent Romer opinion may not overturn (in fact, it doesn’t even mention) Bowers, but it nevertheless indicates that even under rational, basis review, the Equal Protection Clause does not permit classifications based merely on a majority’s “distaste” of a particular group – at least not insofar as the classification is not merely directed at the group’s ability to engage in particular conduct that the majority finds disturbing, but rather, is “class legislation” that potentially disadvantages the group in a range of activities unrelated to any particular conduct.
By our count, that’s approximately 10.75 different negations in one sentence. But then somebody noticed this little gem from the 1996 answer sheet:
Which spin on Romer the Court might adopt is anybody’s guess. What is safe to say is that the views of particular justices on the desirability of rearing in children in homosexual households
would play a big part in the decision.
This paragraph doesn’t even make sense. Obama was not only incomprehensible in his writing, but he was obsessed with group identity and other bogus legal theories. During the presidential campaign Obama claimed he was a “Constitutional law professor” at the University of Chicago Law School, but this is not true. He was listed on the Chicago Law School website as a “Senior Lecturer in Law.” That is not the same as a law professor. As Lynn Sweet writes in the Chicago Sun-Times:
The University of Chicago released a statement on Thursday saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)
‘served as a professor’ in the law school—but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there
part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed on Friday. ‘He did not hold the title
of professor of law,’ said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and
Lecturer in Law at the school, on East 60th St. in Chicago. . . .
The university statement said, ‘From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack
Obama served as a professor in the Law School.’ The school probably did not mean to imply that
Obama became a University of Chicago professor a year out of law school. But the word ‘served’ is
key— Nagorsky said Obama carried out, or served, a function of a professor—teaching a core
curriculum course while a senior lecturer—while at the same time not holding down that rank....
While Obama was also part of the law school community, his appointment was not part of an academic search process and he did not have any scholarly research obligations which professors often do.
It appears as if the University of Chicago babysat him as well. Not having to complete any research like real professors do, Obama was free to continue his hard left networking and community organizing in preparation for his political career.
Obama worked for Acorn
At this point in his life, Obama worked for a number of community organizing groups but finding anything written by him is almost impossible. His name did appear on an ACORN lawsuit against Citibank which forced them to approve home loans for people who were not qualified (yes, Obama and his ACORN friends contributed to the credit crisis now destroying America), but he is one of nine attorneys listed and there is no evidence he wrote any of the briefs.
Indeed, it does not appear that he ever used his Harvard Law School degree to engage in any legitimate legal work. Perhaps he learned so little about the law at Harvard, he simply wasn’t prepared to engaged in any real legal work.
We do know that his community organizing work was generally considered incompetent. When he was hired by the Annenberg Foundation to carry out reforms focused on a few dozen public Chicago schools, he was a complete failure. He and his best fiend, terrorist Bill Ayers, were given a $150 million grant to improve the performance of a few dozen schools, but internal Annenberg audits reveal there was zero improvement. In fact, in some areas, the school’s performance declined, as I explained in “What is Obama’s Real Education Agenda?”:
Indeed, a 2003 a report by the Chicago Annenberg Research Project, a group entrusted with
analyzing the results of the Annenberg Challenge, found that ‘there were no statistically significant
difference in student achievement between Annenberg Schools and demographically similar non-
Annenberg schools. This indicates that there was no Annenberg effect on achievement.’ And that
was in academics.
Even in the touchy-feely areas of ‘student’s sense of self-efficacy and social competence’ the report found ‘there were no statistically significant differences in these outcomes between Annenberg [funded] schools and non-Annenberg schools.’ It gets worse. The report revealed that in some areas such as ‘student peer support for academic learning, inclusive school leadership, and teacher commitment,’ these ‘failed to improve and some weakened.’
How can one blow $150 million and not show any improvement? This is the extent of Obama’s executive experience and it reveals total incompetence. And yet the Obama team had the gall to attack Governor Palin for being inexperienced!
Dreams of my Father
Dreams From My Father by Bill Ayers
By the beginning of October 2008, my confidence that Dreams had been thoroughly doctored and that the doctor was none other than terrorist emeritus Bill Ayers.
This stunning revelation was ignored by the establishment media until best-selling author Chris Anderson, in his new book, Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage, revealed that sources close to Obama confirm that Bill Ayers wrote Dreams of My Father. But for years, Obama claimed to have written it and also claimed to have not known Ayers well. Now we know both statements are lies. As Cashill writes:
Only in America could an America-hating terrorist conspire with an unskilled writer of uncertain
origins on an untruthful memoir and succeed in getting the man elected president. This plot is an
absolutely rich, so thoroughly cinematic, that the literary gatekeepers refuse to believe it’s true.
Sorry to disillusion you.
State Senate Career
While in the Illinois State Senate, his accomplishments were meager. In fact, he didn’t show up much of the time. Records show he didn’t even bother to vote much of the time either. He also voted “present” more than any other legislators – 130 times - which simply means you’re “neutral” on the issue being voted upon. The few bills he introduced were handed to him by veteran legislators.
He was handed 26 bills by a fellow senator his first years as a state senator, bills all written by others. He was known as a “Bill Jacker,” which is someone who steals other people’s legislative ideas and then claims credit for them. Even the so called “ethics” legislation he often mentioned on the campaign trail was a fraud. This was an already crafted bill created by Senator Emil Jones. Jones allowed Obama to take a lead on it to help his career. This is not a sign of genius.
U.S. Senate Career
In the U.S. Senate Obama once again repeated his “bill jacking” actions. He often claimed credit for bills he was merely a co-sponsor of but had no involvement in creating. When Texas State Senator Kirk Watson was questioned by Chris Matthews to list any of Obama’s legislative accomplishments, he was unable to name one. The exchange can be viewed here.
Following a number of meetings involving intense negotiations on the 2006 immigration “reform” bill (the amnesty bill), there was a press conference. Obama showed up and actually spoke as if he was part of the negotiations when in fact he had nothing to do with the crafting of the bill.
McCain accused Obama of “partisan postering” since the few meetings they had never produced any legislation. Maybe he is not the only one who is sick of his lies and stupidity.
Obama even took credit for a banking bill which disinvested money from Iran: Just this past – this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran as a way of racheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.
The problem is, Obama was not a member of the Banking Committee and had nothing to do with the bill.
Having very little legislative accomplishments and stealing other people’s ideas is not a sign of brilliance. It’s a sign of laziness and arrogance.
Many of his Polices Aren’t Just Liberal, They’re Stupid!
Outside of “identity politics” and sports, Obama has little understanding of the real world:
• His repeated bows to foreign leaders, which suggests he doesn’t understand basic protocol.
• His efforts to try terrorists in civilian court reveal a severe misunderstanding of the U.S. Constitution.
• His idea that massive government spending will generate private sector jobs is a bizarre view not held by any credible free market economist and has no historical precedent.
• His belief that additional burdens placed upon the private sector will not have any impact on job creation defies all logic.
• His belief that government must take over all health care in order to make it more efficient completely ignores the history of socialized medicine all over the world.
• He appears to have no basic understanding of free-market economics.
• His view that apologizing to America’s enemies will earn us goodwill is naïve and incredibly stupid.
Nor does Obama Understand even Basic History:
• He claimed the Americans liberated Auschwitz and Treblinka. They did not.
• He said the whole world came together to save Berlin during the airlift. No they didn’t; it was mostly an American and British effort.
• He portrays his father as a freedom fighter, when in fact he was part of an extremely violent, corrupt movement in Kenya.
• He believes his Kenyan family was involved with the African freedom movement. No, they weren’t. Obama’s relatives have attempted to impose Sharia law in Kenya.
• He even thinks the origins of his name is Swahili. No, its not. It’s Arabic. Swahili has nothing to do with his name.
• He claims that as a result of the Selma march, he was born. Not true. Obama was born four years before the Selma march.
Obama’s Stupidity is Reflected by the Most Naive Cabinet Ever.
Obama’s lack of knowledge about how the free enterprise system works is not just limited to him, but also reflected in who he has chosen to lead his administration. J.P Morgan tracks the percentage of cabinet officials — 432 in all – who have private sector experience. They’ve been doing this since 1900. The vast majority of Presidential cabinets have selected around 50% of its people from private sector backgrounds. Except Obama’s cabinet. Only 8% of his cabinet officials hail from the private sector. This does not mean they’re stupid, but it does reveal how incredibly naïve it is for Obama is to appoint so many people with NO private sector experience to oversee a collapsing economy.
He’s all fluff and no content.
The Cult of Personality
They all apparently believed he was destined for power and would be the one who transforms America. Not because of his intelligence; but because of the fabricated image he projected.
Headlines in review
More jobs lost in December 2009. Unemployment still at 10% for those looking and 17% when counting those who have stopped looking.
7 million jobs lost during Obama Time. Claims 3 million jobs created.
Obama jobs program money is like taking water from the deep end of the swimming pool and pouring it in the shallow end of the pool.
Liberal watchdog groups give Obama an “A” for openness. This is after the Republicans were shut out of health care debate [and amendments] and Obama reneged on his offer to show legislative dealings on C-SPAN. January 2010
SIEU union members driven in by the truck load at Massachusetts Senate Republican rally with signs for the Democrat candidate. Each union member received $50. Where is the IRS? January 2010
National Wildlife Foundation supports Cap and Trade with your donations. Is that where you want your money to go?
AARP supports the anti-senior initiatives like rationing of care by the Obama administration and Congress. Wake up Seniors. AARP does not represent Seniors. It is after Obama insurance bonuses.
Bonuses for Republican governed organizations are ordered to limit and cap bonuses. Those who award bonuses for Democrat governed organizations like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not told to restrict or show restraint.
Union to get tax breaks [tax bonuses?] in secret closed-door health care meetings. ... the right jack
Professor is Genius

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class.
That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".
All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.
As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.
The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.
All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.
Could not be any simpler than that.
(Please pass this on if you did not understand it, you soon will)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruder

Long time Anti-Gun Advocate State Senator R.C. Soles, 74, shot one of two intruders at his home just outside Tabor City, N.C. about 5 p.m. Sunday, the prosecutor for the politician's home county said.
The victim, Kyle Blackburn, was taken to a South Carolina hospital, but the injuries were not reported to be life-threatening, according to Rex Gore, district attorney for Columbus, Bladen and Brunswick counties.
The State Bureau of Investigation and Columbus County Sheriff's Department are investigating the shooting, Gore said. Soles, who was not arrested,declined to discuss the incident Sunday evening.
"I am not in a position to talk to you," Soles said by telephone. "I'm right in the middle of an investigation."
The Senator, who has made a career of being against gun ownership for the general public, didn't hesitate to defend himself with his own gun when he believed he was in immediate danger and he was the victim.
In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, the "Do As I Say And Not As I Do" Anti-Gun Activist Lawmaker picked up his gun and took action in what apparently was a self-defense shooting. Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation.
It has prompted some to ask if the Senator believes his life and personal safety is more valuable than yours or mine.
But, this is to be expected from those who believe they can run our lives, raise our kids, and protect our families better than we can.
Note: Once again, our Legislative leaders show they are not capable of acting in a way that supports their political positions. Travel. Health care. Retirement. Guns. They say one thing and do another. Our Legislators must adhere to the laws that they promote/pass. Our laws must apply to everyone, politicians included. No exceptions. ... the right jack
Monday, January 11, 2010
Political Correctness

Political Correctness
We have heard far too many examples of senior white ladies and men begin screened at security checks while other "stereo-typical" passengers go unchecked. Perhaps ALL of our politicians and their aides should fly by commercial carrier like normal citizens. This might just jolt their political sense or reality. After all, political correctness is not rational. It is political.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Cannot fix stupid

This was this guy's first boat and he was taking it to the lake, but he was not quite sure of the correct procedure for launching a boat off a ramp.
However, he figured it could not be that difficult to do, so he stopped by his Union office for advice, and they just told him ... "Don't let the trailer get too deep in the water when you're launching your boat".
Well later on, he could not understand what they meant by that, as he just could barely get his trailer in the water! Here is a picture that is "worth a thousand words!"
Your gotta love this guy! He demonstrates why some people should not be allowed to get married, reproduce or vote! Notice the back window of his truck.
Obama’s flag?
Obama’s flag?
Our nephew who lives in Michigan emailed us with the revelation that his daughter, a three year old, recognizes Obama’s voice on television without seeing him. While driving to the store, she even pointed out the Obama’s flag.
Oh my. Our nephew had a conversation with her later that day explaining that the stars and stripes is the US flag. Now this three year old says, NOT Obama flag, when she sees Old Glory.
Do you know what your children are being taught [and learning] in pre-school and in k-12 school, not to mention a majority of leftist colleges and universities. If not, you should quiz them about their schooling. It is your duty. Under the deadly communist regimes, this kind of schooling noted earlier would be called indoctrination. It is not education.
Indoctrination is rote memory. Say the right thing when living in dictatorships and you will not be imprisoned or eliminated.
Education is learning about both sides of any given issue [i.e., capitalism versus socialism, democracy versus dictatoriships] and free thinking. Education is poisonous to dictatorships that exist in places like China, Russia, the former USSR, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, fascist Italy, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and many African nations.
This makes one wonder why so many of the Obama appointees, and the President himself, so admire these socialist and communist dictators. Are these dictatorial socialist nations his vision for America? … the right jack
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Secrecy is not transparency

Secret negotiations underway to finalize ObamaCare
From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation
They are doing it again... Reid and Pelosi are holding
secret, backroom meetings to put the final touches on
ObamaCare. I'm done with government working in the
shadows, away from public scrutiny. See below. --- Steve
We've just received word that congressional leadership will not hold formal Conference meetings to resolve the difference between the House and Senate ObamaCare bills.
They hatched the plan yesterday during a meeting with Obama's team at the White House. As a result, only a select few will work on the final ObamaCare legislation -- out of public view, free of
traditional governing rules, and without a single Republican!
And efforts to open these meetings up to the public have been rebuffed.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to a C-SPAN
request to televise the reconciliation process by saying,
"There has never been a more open process for any
legislation," and hinted that keeping the public at bay
is the best way to push the legislation through.
"We will do whatever is necessary to pass the bill,"
Pelosi concluded.
With public opposition to ObamaCare continuing to build, Reid and Pelosi are determined to use whatever political shenanigans they can to pass this bill as quickly as possible.
This is utterly despicable.
As an American who dearly loves my country, I cannot stand for this kind of arrogant disregard for our rules and regulations.
These hearings must be brought to light -- in full view of the public and following the normal House-Senate procedures. And we have to be the ones to demand as much!
+ + Their Goal: Keep Us In The Dark And Rush Passage!
It's no secret that Reid, Pelosi and their ilk are determined to pass ObamaCare in time for the President's State of the Union Address. That's just a few weeks away.
That is why we have to diligently use the time that remains to put the ENTIRE Congress on notice demanding these secret meetings be brought to light.
+ + Fax and Phone Blast to Bring ObamaCare to the Light
My staff has identified the key members of Congress that need to hear from you. Each one needs to be told repeatedly that the American people don't like secrets, and won't stand for more murky and sleazy backroom dealings.
I believe tens of thousands of faxes demanding transparency will cause many to reconsider their actions.
Just give me permission to send faxes on your behalf to your two Senators and Representative and key members of Congress (including the Blue Dog Democrats and those most vulnerable in their re-election efforts) and we can begin putting these lawmakers on notice!
Click here now:
If you prefer to send faxes on your own we've done all the work for you. Simply click here to download targets and letters now:
After scheduling your faxes, pick up your phone and call your lawmakers every day demanding the ObamaCare merger meetings be brought into full public view.
Urge them to champion the people by opposing ObamaCare, and finally put them on notice that support of these backroom meetings and the ObamaCare bill may cost them their jobs!
Again, we have just a few weeks to take our best action opposing ObamaCare and the sweeping changes that would affect EVERY American.
Click below and take immediate action with me today:
Thanks in advance for taking action with Grassfire Nation.
Steve Elliott
Grassfire Nation
P.S. After scheduling your faxes, forward this message to your friends and family, urge them to get involved by clicking below and signing our petition opposing ObamaCare:
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(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact Grassfire Nation with comments, questions or to change your status, see link at the end.)
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Grassfire Nation is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.
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If union card check passes
Subtitle: Union bosses will see if workers vote the union way.
Secret ballot gone. Freedom gone.
Should ANY version of “Card Check” pass, it would:
*** Force millions of additional working Americans to pay union dues under the threat of losing their jobs, filling Big Labor’s coffers with hundreds of millions of forced-dues dollars;
*** Dramatically increase the wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda, slowdowns and bitter strikes that shut down businesses and destroy jobs, ensuring that even more plants are closed and more jobs are shipped overseas or lost forever;
*** Enable Big Labor to pump even more campaign cash into the coffers of its radical, tax-and-spend politicians like Barack Obama and Harry Reid, who, in turn, will look for even greater ways to increase the union bosses’ forced-dues empire.
Secret ballot gone. Freedom gone.
Should ANY version of “Card Check” pass, it would:
*** Force millions of additional working Americans to pay union dues under the threat of losing their jobs, filling Big Labor’s coffers with hundreds of millions of forced-dues dollars;
*** Dramatically increase the wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda, slowdowns and bitter strikes that shut down businesses and destroy jobs, ensuring that even more plants are closed and more jobs are shipped overseas or lost forever;
*** Enable Big Labor to pump even more campaign cash into the coffers of its radical, tax-and-spend politicians like Barack Obama and Harry Reid, who, in turn, will look for even greater ways to increase the union bosses’ forced-dues empire.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Politics and Party Planks
Democrats were always crying about the fate of the homeless during Republican administrations. Now that the Democrats have control of the government, there is no mention or concern for the homeless. However, they do want to spend billions and billions on illegal aliens now in our country – health care, homes, meals, tuition, tax free incentives, etc.
A Republican agenda for the coming years COULD be to care for our own homeless population, many of whom are military veterans. At the same time, Republicans could stop illegal immigration.
It is possible that providing for the homeless, stopping illegal immigration, the Fair Tax could be three planks in the Republican platform. All could be winners that Democrats would not support.
Then there is Sarah Palin. With considerable help from the media, Democrats have been constructing negative voter opinions about Republicans since Dwight Eisenhower. Bush 43 was trashed the very moment he became a Presidential nominee. John McCain was considered a good guy by the media until he became the Republican nominee for the Presidency. Then, both ripped him apart.
No Republican escapes the Democrat politics of personal destruction. So, we first need to explain their long-time strategy and ignore the slings and arrows thrown at all Republicans by Democrats and their big friends in the Big Time Dying Media. This takes courage.
However, the Democrats have sealed their own fate by attempting to take over the lives of private citizens with czars, their deadly Health Care bill, Cap and Trade and foolish energy policies. Many scholars consider these initiatives Un-Constitution. If successful, Republicans need to reverse the Democrat conquest of America. If Republicans do not take care of business, there are plenty of Americans who are prepared to vote them out too and start over. … the right jack
Sunday, January 3, 2010
UK Health Care
Hic. Hic.
The cash-poor UK National Health Service reported the drinking [i.e., alcoholism] is costing the UK's taxpayer funded medical system $4.4 billion a year on treatment. Costs have doubled in the past five years. Total funding for their health care system is $162 billion annually.
UK officials estimate that 1.1 people have alcohol addiction and 10.5 million drink above sensible limits. The UK population in 2008 was estimated at 61.4 million people.
Alcoholism was a big problem in the USSR and continues to be a huge problem in Russia. Government controllers have increased the price of vodka in an effort to reduce consumption and alcoholism. Alcoholism is three times higher now than it was 15 years ago.
Over 15 million Americans are dependent on alcohol and 500,000 are between the ages of 9 and 12. The highest percentage of heavy drinkers (12.2%) is found among unemployed adults between the age of 26 to 34.
What will the destructive effects of nationalize health care [i.e., poor economy, lost jobs, rationed care] do to the US population. We have previously written about the unintended consequences of government programs [like welfare] and nationalized health care is likely to be no exception to the rule ... the right jack
The cash-poor UK National Health Service reported the drinking [i.e., alcoholism] is costing the UK's taxpayer funded medical system $4.4 billion a year on treatment. Costs have doubled in the past five years. Total funding for their health care system is $162 billion annually.
UK officials estimate that 1.1 people have alcohol addiction and 10.5 million drink above sensible limits. The UK population in 2008 was estimated at 61.4 million people.
Alcoholism was a big problem in the USSR and continues to be a huge problem in Russia. Government controllers have increased the price of vodka in an effort to reduce consumption and alcoholism. Alcoholism is three times higher now than it was 15 years ago.
Over 15 million Americans are dependent on alcohol and 500,000 are between the ages of 9 and 12. The highest percentage of heavy drinkers (12.2%) is found among unemployed adults between the age of 26 to 34.
What will the destructive effects of nationalize health care [i.e., poor economy, lost jobs, rationed care] do to the US population. We have previously written about the unintended consequences of government programs [like welfare] and nationalized health care is likely to be no exception to the rule ... the right jack
US Government Quiz
Okay you red-blooded Americans let us test your knowledge of the US Government where 24 out of 30 or 80% is considered a passing grade. Supposedly 96% of all high school Seniors FAILED this test. AND if that's not bad enough, 50% + of all individuals over 50 did too!! Count me in.
I scored a 23 or 76.6%. My right wing, knuckledragging, gun toting, bible thumping, white terrorists, gray panther bride scored a 24 but she is much smarter than I.
Take the test and you will be surprised at what we do not know. Click on the link below and see just how much you really know ...
Not as easy as you think! Eh?
I scored a 23 or 76.6%. My right wing, knuckledragging, gun toting, bible thumping, white terrorists, gray panther bride scored a 24 but she is much smarter than I.
Take the test and you will be surprised at what we do not know. Click on the link below and see just how much you really know ...
Not as easy as you think! Eh?
Truth About Health Care Bills

The Truth About the Health Care Bills
Michael Connelly, Ret.
Constitutional Attorney
Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.
To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying. The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved, free health care for illegal immigrants, free abortion services, and probably forced participation in abortions by members of the medical profession.
The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats and most of them will not be health care professionals. Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly controlled.
However, as scary as all of that it, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated. If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed.
The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government. The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people and the businesses they own. The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with. I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.
This legislation also provides for access by the appointees of the Obama administration of all of your personal healthcare information, your personal financial information, and the information of your employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is a direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. You can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide.
If you decide not to have healthcare insurance or if you have private insurance that is not deemed "acceptable" to the "Health Choices Administrator" appointed by Obama there will be a tax imposed on you. It is called a "tax" instead of a fine because of the intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th Amendment. However, that doesn't work because since there is nothing in the law that allows you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax, it is definitely depriving someone of property without the "due process of law."
So, there are three of those pesky amendments that the far left hate so much out the original ten in the Bill of Rights that are effectively nullified by this law. It doesn't stop there though.
The 9th Amendment that provides: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people;"
The 10th Amendment states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Under the provisions of this piece of Congressional handiwork neither the people nor the states are going to have any rights or powers at all in many areas that once were theirs to control.
I could write many more pages about this legislation, but I think you get the idea. This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights. Article 6 of the Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to "be bound by oath or affirmation" to support the Constitution. If I were a member of Congress I would not be able to vote for this legislation or anything like it without feeling I was violating that sacred oath or affirmation. If I voted for it anyway I would hope the American people would hold me accountable.
For those who might doubt the nature of this threat I suggest they consult the source. Here is a link to the Constitution:
http://www.archives.gov/ex hibits/charters/constituti on_transcript.html
And another to the Bill of Rights:
http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of_ri ghts_transcript.html
There you can see exactly what we are about to have taken from us.
Michael Connelly, retired attorney
Constitutional Law Instructor
Carrollton, Texas
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