UPDATE: We have warned you since she was appointed SOLICITOR GENERAL that Elena Kagan was UNETHICAL and UNFIT for high office in government! Her record is TAINTED; she CAN BE removed – HELP IMPEACH HER TODAY!
Throughout her confirmation hearings as a nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court, we presented the irrefutable evidence of Kagan's corruption and criminal fraud before that very court, and demanded that the U.S. Senate bring her to book!
Instead, they confirmed her to life tenure on the High Court – which will stand, unless we can compel the Congress to rightfully IMPEACH her.
Is there a legitimate case to be made for Kagan's removal from the Court, or are we – as the leftwing blogs insist – just cranks unjustly attacking a qualified jurist we don't agree with politically? You decide:
During her tenure as Dean at Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan forged the law schools' 'Islamic Finance Project.' Its purpose was "to promote Shariah compliance in the U.S. financial sector." Funding came from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a billionaire investor whose contribution of $10 million to the Twin Towers fund was refused by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani because bin Talal had publicly blamed the 9/11 Islamic jihad attack on American foreign policy.
Shariah is not some quaint, benign religious-specific code of conduct; nor is it compatible with our Constitution. Islamists seek to spread and enforce Shariah law and fund Muslim "cultural projects" that do not disqualify jihad (holy war) by inducing American and European financial institutions to establish Shariah Compliant Funds in which their clients can invest without conforming to Western norms.
Shariah funds conform in all respects to Shariah law in their investments. They routinely collect 2.5 percent of the principal of any investment annually for donation to Islamic "charitable" institutions, fine recipients of their investment 7 percent for transgressions of Shariah law (and donate the fine to charity), and only invest in projects compliant with the rules of Shariah.

Unfortunately, the decisions as to which investments are compliant and which "charities" receive their benefice are made by Shariah Compliance Boards appointed by the financial institutions that typically include radical Muslim extremists. These imams are the arbiters who routinely designate terrorist-linked entities to receive their "charitable" donations, like the Ground Zero Cordoba mosque (The Holy Land Foundation unindicted co-conspirators list also springs immediately to mind). They also proscribe investment in any firm engaged in U.S. defense contracting on the grounds that the contract could aid Israel – because the Shariah Compliance Boards are overtly anti-Semitic and rabidly hostile to Israel.
Most major banks in the U.S. and Europe have in recent years established Shariah Compliant Funds, and they had almost $1 trillion under management as early as 2007 – with very likely much more today.
Because of her own advocacy for such funds, Harvard Law School now has three Saudi-funded institutions devoted to the "study" of Shariah. Kagan as a Supreme Court justice will be required to rule frequently on possible applications of Shariah law in the United States. She is already on the public record as welcoming "good ideas wherever they originate" and open to applications of foreign law in interpreting U.S. statutes and common law. She is an advocate of record for the Islamization of our nation's financial sector.
A major lawsuit against AIG, seeking to ban Shariah Compliance Funds in banks that accepted TARP money (as violating the First Amendment separation of church and state) is now making its way up to the Supreme Court. Kagan cannot be trusted to rule objectively on this case, nor can we rely on her to properly exclude Shariah law from American jurisprudence.
On June 1, 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled that a federal taxpayer lacks "standing" to challenge the government's use of taxpayer funds to support Shariah-based activities. The case, which is captioned on appeal as Murray v. United States Department of Treasury, et al., was brought by American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) attorneys David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise, representing the plaintiff, Kevin Murray, a taxpayer and former combat Marine who served in Iraq. The federal lawsuit alleges that the U.S. government's takeover and financial bailout of AIG was in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, because of Shariah compliance.

Elitist judges may think American citizens have no standing to reject Shariah, but our own common sense, and our common law traditions, hold otherwise – as more and more grassroots initiatives are successfully proving. AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi stated, "It is one thing that our government felt compelled to bail out AIG after its fortunes were destroyed due to the company's own recklessness and bad acts. It is quite another thing to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to promote and support AIG's Shariah businesses, all of which don't just sell Shariah products to the Muslim world, but actively promote Shariah as the best, most ethical way of life."
Yerushalmi continued, "Indeed, the Shariah authorities relied upon by AIG's Shariah Supervisory Committees actively promote violent jihad. The fact that the Sixth Circuit acknowledged these facts, but yet found no standing to challenge this impermissible use of taxpayer money under the Constitution is troubling, but this fight is not yet over." The case will appeal to the Supreme Court – upon which Kagan has NO BUSINESS sitting.
Kagan's ties to Shariah Compliance Funds is far from her only taint. There is no debate that the White House is running a relentless public relations campaign of intimidation, lies and media name-calling against Obama reelection opponents and specifically, ObamaCare adversaries, in his thuggish gangster Administration's no-holds-barred offensive to force the bill to be upheld by the Supreme Court – thanks to Elena Kagan's illicit, vital vote.
Will Congress fight back, or be cowed by Alinsky tactics? They seem to be already cowed by the Romney wing of the GOP – Congress lately is very, very quiet about ObamaCare, and Mitt Romney just named an energetic pro-ObamaCare RINO partisan – the aggressive, anti-grassroots elitist, and completely unacceptable Mike Leavitt, as the head of the Romney administration transition team. People are policy, and the Romney policy outlook is very, very bleak for conservatives. If we cannot stand on principle with the GOP to stop ObamaCare, can we pursue justice?
It seems justice is very, very difficult to achieve these days in American courts. Despite lower court actions brought by public watchdog groups Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch seeking to uncover the truth about Kagan's record, America has been completely STONEWALLED on the legal compulsion under which Justice Elena Kagan should have been FORCIBLY RECUSED from ObamaCare hearings!
We have warned you for many months that Obama's latest appointee to the Court, Elena Kagan, was an unethical, committed "progressive" specifically placed there to ensure reliable hard-left votes for him on cases like ObamaCare – no matter what. Yet we could not get the Senate to listen that Kagan is ethically and professionally unqualified, compromised, wholly unfit to be seated as a Supreme Court Justice. Demands from all quarters for her to be unseated, or at the very least to be recused from the ObamaCare decisions, have been stonewalled, because the Court under Obama has been shamefully politicized.
YEARS ago Life and Liberty PAC was SHOUTING about Elena Kagan's subversive senior thesis, "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933" in which Kagan bemoaned that "a coherent socialist movement is nowhere to be found in the United States" and that" no "radical party" had yet "attained the status of a major political force."
Kagan expressed her solidarity in her thesis with "those who, more than half a century after socialism's decline, still wish to change America." She TOLD us where her radical loyalties lie; her record since is replete with confirmations that she meant it – and we should not doubt her.
We also wrote at length during her confirmation hearings and immediately after, about how as Dean of Harvard Law, Kagan completely removed the core Constitutional Law class requirements from the curriculum, and replaced those essential courses with required studies of international law.
Notoriously, Kagan also helped Harvard solicit and receive a $20 million "Islamic Studies" grant from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, which implemented not only Shariah Law educational program content into the curriculum, but Shariah-compatible financial practices at Harvard.
Most damning, Elena Kagan is a paid-for criminal hack, demonstrably guilty of falsifying evidence that was brought before the Supreme Court in their deliberations on the constitutionality of state prohibitions upon the so-called "partial-birth abortion" procedure. Kagan then perjured herself on this matter during her SCOTUS confirmation hearings. These felonious actions have been scrupulously documented by American United for Life Action and various other legal watchdog organizations. Life and Liberty PAC brought legal action at the Supreme Court, seeking injunctive relief and Court sanctions against Kagan, to no avail.
Further, Kagan is guilty of conflict of interest and violations of Federal law in presiding on the ObamaCare hearings, as she demonstrably participated in the defense strategy for these cases as Obama's Solicitor General prior to her nomination to the High Court.
Still, because our political "elites" in Washington either fear the Obama machine, or have capitulated to it, no one there will hold Elena Kagan accountable.
It is up to We the People.
We MUST prevail upon the Congress to uphold their oaths of office, and defend the Constitution.
Obama is using the prestige and power of the Oval Office to distract from his destruction of ordered liberty; he is attacking the Supreme Court in incitement to leftist protests and campaigns for impeachment of all five "conservative" Justices if the High Court rules against him!
During a Rose Garden press conference, Obama came out swinging against the Court. He either duplicitously or ignorantly applied the description of judicial activism to the doctrine of judicial review. He then questioned whether an "unelected group of people" (the Supreme Court) could overturn a law approved by Congress (despite federal judicial review of constitutionality having been established in the 1803 landmark caseMarbury v. Madison and representing the main historical task of the Supreme Court)!
Obama went on to declaim that whatever the judiciary determined to be ObamaCare's constitutionality, "I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," (denying a principal duty of the federal courts which has been exercised countless times and enforced by Supreme Court decisions striking down more than 163 acts of Congress through 2010.)
Obama, as usual, repeats here another outrageous falsehood – ObamaCare passed under disgraceful procedural irregularities by only 219 to 212, a razor-thin margin, not a strong majority, in which 34 Democrat House members voted nay; however, the margin of passage has never been a factor in the Supreme Court's review of any law's constitutionality.
As every student in America used to be taught, the Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof are the supreme law of the land… Any law contrary to the Constitution is void. The duty of judicial review grants federal courts the power to void acts of Congress that are in conflict with the Constitution.
Obama shamefully chose to conflate modern judicial activism – when judges unconstitutionally legislate from the bench, allow their partisan, personal views about public policy, and not the Constitution, to guide their judicial decisions, and invent new "rights" out of thin air – with the constitutional doctrine of judicial review. For Justices to invalidate a law they deem to be unconstitutional is precisely the duty of the Supreme Court. ("No legislative act … contrary to the Constitution, can be valid," Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #78.)
Obama's inflammatory demagoguery, where facts and history are perverted, lies are pronounced claiming truth, all principle is subordinated to ambition, and reality is simply altered to conform to envisioned fantasy, has been far beyond even what we expected from the Chicago Way.
But it MUST not go unanswered! ObamaCare MUST not stand!
Kagan MUST be held accountable!
We MUST display our superior resolve to the Court, the Congress and the political elites, expressed by YOU, the true American majority of free citizens who overwhelmingly reject the lawlessness and arrogance of Obama and Kagan – and their unbridled trampling of the Constitution!
We the People know this legislation is UNAMERICAN and UNCONSTITUTIONAL – and understand that OBAMA and his partisans like KAGAN have abandoned ALL HONOR AND HONESTY in discussion, debate and deliberation in how we as a people should move forward with healthcare reform!
We have nothing to lose by standing on the Constitution! If ObamaCare is struck down by the Supreme Court, Obama's past defiance of the Court shows he WILL openly resist the decision, inciting the radical Occupy forces to call for protests and impeachments!

"I have complete confidence in the capability of my colleagues to determine when recusal is warranted," said Chief Justice Roberts in his year-end report, by which he meant each justice
individually and
personally determining recusal for him or herself.
But with her ethically besmirched record, there are NO grounds for the American people to have "complete confidence" in Elena Kagan rendering justice on ObamaCare, on Shariah-related cases, on pro-life challenges – or frankly anything else!
And after heading the department preparing to defend ObamaCare in court, not to mention managing the attorneys assigned to defend Obama's "signature legislation," it is simply illogical to assume Kagan could be impartial about these cases.
And now, after her performance in the ObamaCare hearings, where we witnessed her still "acting" as Solicitor General and leaping in to make the highly partisan defense arguments that her successor, Donald B. Verrilli Jr., was too flustered or incompetent to present…
Kagan's creepiness will not abate, and new evidence of her radicalism and unethical partiality to Obama socialism will continue to emerge. Documents have been recently uncovered by Breitbart.com that reveal handwritten notes from Elena Kagan to radical professor and Obama mentor, the late Derrick Bell – author of the subversive, discredited "critical race theory" in which Kagan attempts to assist Bell in defending his indefensible racism.
Handwritten correspondence between Bell and Kagan clearly expresses their mutual desire for a "more liberal court" achieved through "skillful lawyering" and the creation of a "common crisis" to bring about the change necessary to accomplish the Left's extremist goals.
The integrity of the Supreme Court, and what remains of our system of co-equal branches and balance of powers, is imperiled by Obama's appointment of the unethical Kagan, and his dangerous demagoguery, his deliberate falsification of history and misrepresentations of our institutions of jurisprudence and fealty to the Constitution – not least of all Kagan's arrogant refusal to recuse herself specifically as law requires from deciding the ObamaCare cases.
Will Obama intensify his attack upon the Court, and call out the Occupy mobs upon the Court's conservative Justices, should they defy him, and rule against ObamaCare despite Kagan's vote?
The strength of our Republic lies in the system of checks and balances our Founding Fathers laid out over 200 years ago. They foresaw a time when one branch would overreach its equal and co-governing status and so they provided us with a remedy – the sovereignty of We the People.
We now MUST ACT, and COMPEL our elected representatives in Washington to HONOR THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE – do their job, provide oversight and accountability, and stop the tyranny that seeks to destroy the Constitution.
Congress must demand integrity on the Court in order to preserve the Republic.
Join me now, in demanding Congress take a stand, uphold the law and the Constitution, COMPEL KAGAN'S REMOVAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT UNDER FEDERAL LAW, and fully investigate Obama and Kagan's conduct surrounding the Supreme Court's ObamaCare constitutionality challenges!
To send a check, please mail to:
Life & Liberty Political Action Committee
P.O. Box 131327
Houston, TX 77219-1327
Life & Liberty PAC is a federal political action committee dedicated to advancing the principles of ordered liberty and responsible self-government. We pledge a firm and abiding commitment to support those who stand in defense of our unalienable rights, endowed us by our Creator God and enshrined in our nation's Founding institutions of justice. Thank you for keeping faith and joining with us, for God & Country — Life & Liberty!