$ales $tory
A young guy from North Dakota moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job.
The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says "Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in North Dakota."
Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he'd give him a shot, so he gave him the job.
"You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did."
His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor.
"How many customers bought something from you today?" The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, "One". The boss says "Just one?!!? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day.
That will have to change, and soon, if you'd like to continue your employment here. We have very strict standards for our sales force here in Florida. One sale a day might have been acceptable in North Dakota, but you're not on the farm anymore, son."
The kid took his beating, but continued to look at his shoes, so the boss felt kinda bad for chewing him out on his first day. He asked (semi-sarcastically), "So, how much was your one sale for?"
The kid looks up at his boss and says "$101,237.65".
The boss, astonished, says $101,237.65?!? What the heck did you sell?"
The kid says, "Well, first, I sold him some new fish hooks. Then I sold him a new fishing rod to go with his new hooks. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition."
The boss said "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a TRUCK!?"
The kid said "No, the guy came in here to buy tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Government Failures and Abuses noted by TheRightJack

Failures and Abuse of Power
War on Terror … winning debate topic and campaign issues for Bush 43 over Kerry in 2004. Dick Morris video 5/31/14
2014 and 2016 elections:
Open US Border. US law not enforced. Illegals wanted. Dems advertising in Mexico. Catch and Release of illegals. Homeland Security inaction. Domestic gun and ammo purchases. Big Dem Gov militarizing the police. Friendly with the Muslim Brotherhood. Lack of respect for US internationally = China, Iran, Russia. Deserting US Embassy staff. AG ignoring crime. EPA decrees that weaken US economy. Big Dem Gov expansion.
Postal Service Faces $100B in Debts and Unfunded Benefits … “At the end of fiscal year 2013,” said the GAO, “USPS had about $100 billion in unfunded liabilities: $85 billion in unfunded liabilities for benefits, including retiree-health, pension, and workers’ compensation liabilities, and $15 billion in outstanding debt to the U.S. Treasury—the statutory limit.” – [cnsnews.com] 3/14/14
See the budget details in the article. Unfunded benefits seem to be a continual big money problem in many Democrat-controlled cities. Basic Math is not in the Democrat DNA - income vs expenses. A partial solution is for postal employees to begin paying for their own healthcare benefits while reducing or eliminating those golden retirement plans.
Obama Then and Now
VIDEO: Obama Slammed Bush Over Executive Power in 2008, Promised to "Reverse When I'm President"
The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States of America. [blog.heritage.org] 2/13/14
We are #1 … ooops… make that 19th
This study exposes the level
of corruption in the US government
… Overall, the 2013 study
concluded that more than two-thirds of the 177 nations surveyed scored under
50, indicating that there is widespread government corruption throughout the
globe. … According to the 2013 CPI report, America is the world’s 19th least
corrupt country. The US held the same spot in 2012. [dailycaller.com] 12/3/13
Could it be a transparency
30%. Fraudulent payments on earned income tax payments according to IRS … and they are not able to identify those who are defrauding the US Taxpayers. Heard on a radio news report on 10/25/13
If Big Gov cannot get this EITC right, how can it possibly manage the massively larger ObamaCare effectively and efficiently?
Big Dem Action: Save financially troubled and debt-ridden Post Office. End postal delivery to individual residential customers.
Obama and Big Dem Gov spying
on you thru Verizon. Obama campaigned against this when Bush 43 was President,
and BAM, now that he is Pres he expanded it rather than dismantle it. The
intent under Bush was to look for connections among known terrorist phones
overseas and unknown domestic phones. Now Obama is spying on all US taxpayers.
AG Holder assigned by Obama to investigate AG Holder and DOJ. ;-)
Profiling by IRS. Obama IRS Team selectively reviews Conservative groups who are seeking Not-For-Profit status. Asks many intrusive personal questions about members, their views, their church affiliation, what they read, do they protest and if so, who, etc. Delay tactics go on for months. Democrat and muslim groups slide through the process very quickly. Appears to have been happening since 2010. 5/31/13
IRS takes the 5th. Is that legal? What happened to the Obama and Pelosi promises of transparency!
Failure: Obama Adm cannot protect the lives of our US Adm staff in Benghazi Embassy with the entire US Military at their beck and call. Now these same politicians want to take away our guns so we cannot even protect ourselves. Just wait until you see the Big Gov ObamaCare disaster that is coming. 12/21/12
41. With an average of 41 gun related deaths per month in Chicago, there is no effort by Big Dem Gov nor Big Dem Personalities to address this violence. Ditto educational failure in the Big Dem Cities.
Abuse. AG Holder, a partisan Democrat, will not investigate nor prosecute union terrorist-type threats, intimidation and violence.
Abuse. AG Holder, a partisan Democrat, will not investigate nor prosecute vote fraud in 2012 election.
Abuse. AG Holder, a partisan Democrat, will not investigate nor prosecute black on white crime.
Bonuses. US Post Office administrators to receive large bonuses despite massive debt. Rewarding poor performance.
Waste. Big Dem Gov agency, National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership, NIST MEP, spent between $3 to $5 million dollars on an annual conference at a lavish resort near Walt Disney World in Florida. [dailycaller.com] 7/12/12
House votes 255 to 67 to hold Holder in contempt of Congress with 17 Democrats siding with the House Republicans. [freedomoutpost.com] 6/28/12
Both Obama and Holder act as if our laws and the US Constitution do not apply to them. Give them four more years and they will prove it. On examining the past 3.5 years, it is my view that once Democrats have control of the House, Senate and Presidency again, the US Constitution will forever be changed from the original intent of the founders. ... and there are many who do not care.
Failure of the highest degree. It is insulting to amateurs to call Obama “The Amateur” as he has been so labeled in the recent book of that title. I have seen far too many amateurs who are quite well skilled and knowledgeable in their field of interest. As president of the USA, the abilities of Obama to govern fall far below the knowledge and experience of most amateurs, except for the beginners. The abilities of Obama are similar to those men who enter “tough man” contests and look like fools. Who was responsible for vetting this man? =TheRightJack on 6/9/12
Voter ID Scam. Obama and AG Holder campaigning against voter ID requirements claiming that it is done by Republicans to intimidate blacks and reduce the black vote. Democrats claim that it is a hardship for some people to get photo/voter IDs. Democrat strategy to get all the legals and illegals to vote as many times as possible. It is all about votes, not hardships. 6/3/12 NYC Welfare. Nancy Pelosi's daughter is an aspiring film producer. She made this short but disturbing video which has caused quite a stir in the "progressive" community. Was her mother furious? [YouTube] 3/18/12
$18B-b-billion Federal job training program has waste. … Example: In one state, workforce agency employees took more than 100 gambling trips to casinos mostly during work hours. [thenewamerican.com] 5/19/12
$25 million a day. US Post office losing $25 million dollars a day. Congress still deliberating about it. Network news report heard on the radio 5/13/12
No Big Dem Gov outcry for new postal regulations compared to what is being said about the $2 B-b-billion JP Morgan Chase losses from bad trading. USPO operating at $14.1 B-b-billion "deficit" in 2012.
$16 B-b-billion. California shortfall. More tax money needed but it will not be enough. Was $9.6 B-b-billion in January. Gov Moonbeam might actually make some budget cuts. [foxnews.com] 5/13/12
Hmmmmm ...
1.3%. Increase in Social Security payments for those who have paid into the system.
30% or more. Increase in payment to welfare recipients under Obama. Heard on a radio commercial 10/24/13
The Social Security Ponzi Scheme has been funded by US tax for decades and it is among the first thing that Big Gov threatens to cut. ... But we cannot ever cut the badly needed welfare payments. Something fraudulant going on, eh what!
Big Dem Action: Save financially troubled and debt-ridden Post Office. End postal delivery to individual residential customers.
Consequences: How long will
it be then for Them to discover that they absolutely need to construct thousands of
new Union-Built US post offices so every resident can have a post office box.
Evaluation: Increased spending
and inconvenience to many elderly people and those without transportation.
Solution: Use non-union rural
and suburban newspaper carriers, paperboys and papergirls to deliver the mail.
Just a thot. = TheRightJack on 7/24/13
IRS sent $46 million in tax refunds to 23,994 “Unauthorized aliens – all at the same address in Atlanta … for example … 10 addresses in the U.S. that were issued anywhere from 1,846 to 23,994 tax refunds each. Four of those 10 addresses were located in Atlanta. … IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and 2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth. … Read on. [theblaze.com/stories] June 21, 2013
Is this Obama - Pelosi transparency in action?
$330,000. $181,000.
Malifornia transit exec not working, collects $330,000 in salary and $181,000
in pension. Guess who is going to bail out Malifornia for its extravagant
salaries and unsustainable pension funds. Report in local newspaper. Story
not found on line. 6/10/13
Profiling by IRS. Obama IRS Team selectively reviews Conservative groups who are seeking Not-For-Profit status. Asks many intrusive personal questions about members, their views, their church affiliation, what they read, do they protest and if so, who, etc. Delay tactics go on for months. Democrat and muslim groups slide through the process very quickly. Appears to have been happening since 2010. 5/31/13
IRS takes the 5th. Is that legal? What happened to the Obama and Pelosi promises of transparency!
Failure: Obama Adm cannot protect the lives of our US Adm staff in Benghazi Embassy with the entire US Military at their beck and call. Now these same politicians want to take away our guns so we cannot even protect ourselves. Just wait until you see the Big Gov ObamaCare disaster that is coming. 12/21/12
22 of the Worst Government Expenditures of 2012 including … Congressional salaries total almost $100 million. Seems like they should be able to get something done for that much money, ey? [ijreview.com] 12/21/1/2
22 of the Worst Government Expenditures of 2012 including … Congressional salaries total almost $100 million. Seems like they should be able to get something done for that much money, ey? [ijreview.com] 12/21/1/2
41. With an average of 41 gun related deaths per month in Chicago, there is no effort by Big Dem Gov nor Big Dem Personalities to address this violence. Ditto educational failure in the Big Dem Cities.
Abuse. AG Holder, a partisan Democrat, will not investigate nor prosecute union terrorist-type threats, intimidation and violence.
Abuse. AG Holder, a partisan Democrat, will not investigate nor prosecute vote fraud in 2012 election.
Abuse. AG Holder, a partisan Democrat, will not investigate nor prosecute black on white crime.
Bonuses. US Post Office administrators to receive large bonuses despite massive debt. Rewarding poor performance.
Waste. Big Dem Gov agency, National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership, NIST MEP, spent between $3 to $5 million dollars on an annual conference at a lavish resort near Walt Disney World in Florida. [dailycaller.com] 7/12/12
Fact Act. Trial lawyers opposed to legal reform related to transparency and the big bailouts. [Institute for Legal Reform] 6/30/12
Let me see. Who was it that said they would have the most transparent government ever. Oh yes. It was Obama and Pelosi
Let me see. Who was it that said they would have the most transparent government ever. Oh yes. It was Obama and Pelosi
Deep down, lawyers are pretty good people ... six feet down!
Both Obama and Holder act as if our laws and the US Constitution do not apply to them. Give them four more years and they will prove it. On examining the past 3.5 years, it is my view that once Democrats have control of the House, Senate and Presidency again, the US Constitution will forever be changed from the original intent of the founders. ... and there are many who do not care.
Failure of the highest degree. It is insulting to amateurs to call Obama “The Amateur” as he has been so labeled in the recent book of that title. I have seen far too many amateurs who are quite well skilled and knowledgeable in their field of interest. As president of the USA, the abilities of Obama to govern fall far below the knowledge and experience of most amateurs, except for the beginners. The abilities of Obama are similar to those men who enter “tough man” contests and look like fools. Who was responsible for vetting this man? =TheRightJack on 6/9/12
Voter ID Scam. Obama and AG Holder campaigning against voter ID requirements claiming that it is done by Republicans to intimidate blacks and reduce the black vote. Democrats claim that it is a hardship for some people to get photo/voter IDs. Democrat strategy to get all the legals and illegals to vote as many times as possible. It is all about votes, not hardships. 6/3/12 NYC Welfare. Nancy Pelosi's daughter is an aspiring film producer. She made this short but disturbing video which has caused quite a stir in the "progressive" community. Was her mother furious? [YouTube] 3/18/12
$18B-b-billion Federal job training program has waste. … Example: In one state, workforce agency employees took more than 100 gambling trips to casinos mostly during work hours. [thenewamerican.com] 5/19/12
$25 million a day. US Post office losing $25 million dollars a day. Congress still deliberating about it. Network news report heard on the radio 5/13/12
No Big Dem Gov outcry for new postal regulations compared to what is being said about the $2 B-b-billion JP Morgan Chase losses from bad trading. USPO operating at $14.1 B-b-billion "deficit" in 2012.
$16 B-b-billion. California shortfall. More tax money needed but it will not be enough. Was $9.6 B-b-billion in January. Gov Moonbeam might actually make some budget cuts. [foxnews.com] 5/13/12
Plan B is to raise taxes and cut spending to go along with out migration by California's Hollywood elite and job producers.
Plan C is a request for Obama to bail them out with US Taxpayer money.
Thought for the day: Secret Service scandal was uncovered when a disagreement on how much a prostitute wanted for her services came to light. She wanted $800. The Secret Service Agent offered $30. How ironic is it that the only person in Washington willing to cut spending gets fired?
Plan C is a request for Obama to bail them out with US Taxpayer money.
Thought for the day: Secret Service scandal was uncovered when a disagreement on how much a prostitute wanted for her services came to light. She wanted $800. The Secret Service Agent offered $30. How ironic is it that the only person in Washington willing to cut spending gets fired?
Free Speech gone as Congress and Obama pass legislation – HR 347 – giving sweeping powers decided by Secret Service agents when escorting the President. It is a felony = more than a year in jail for speaking your mind. Signed in secret. 3.5 minute video. [youtube.com] 4/26/12
The ACLU view of HR 347
According to Slate.com
Billion$ more for Fannie and Freddie under consideration for the mortgage disaster that Fannie and Freddie created under the watchful eyes of Barney Frank [D-MA] and Christopher Dodd [D-CT]. 3/1/12
History lesson: These two quasi-governmental agencies were at the center of the mortgage disaster when Congress, during the Bush 43 presidency, threatened mortgage lenders with Big Dem Congress destruction if they did not make loans to people who could not afford to pay for these loans. 3/2/12
Post Office (Mis)Management
• Last 5 years in the red
• $5.5 billion due to Treasury for retiree health benefits
• $14.1 Billion deficit predicted for 2012
• $20 Billion needs to be cut in 5 years to become profitable
• 45 cent stamp coming January 22, 2012
• Will close about 250 of 500 distribution centers [AP] 12/5/11
It is well past time to privatize the US Postal Service. Recent history has shown that private companies can run public/government endeavors better at less cost than can US Big Gov. Read more at Government Failures at TheRightJack.
Obama supporter receives $443M for smallpox drug for a threat that may not exist. … Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor. [LAtimes.com] 11/13/11
Bribed. Terry Spicer [D-AL] pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from lobbyists and a casino developer. [TheDailyCaller] 11/15/11
Bribes, IPOs, perks, and sweetheart deals like the land and home deal that Obama received while in Chicago are just a few of the ways that our elected representatives become wealthy and fail the electorate. =TheRightJack
Government schools are one of our most incideous government failures. First, school leaders and politicians cry out for more and more money. Then, when it occurs, more money has absolutely no effect on student performance. Secondly, teacher indoctrination of students into favored political postitions takes precedence over the unbiased education of students. This is criminal behavior befitting the world’s worst despots. =TheRightJack 11/15/11
Test. National Alert on radio and TV. November 9, 2011 at 2:00 pm. Done either by FEMA, FCC, Homeland Security or The White House so Obama can show you how much he cares. There are countless shady activities going on with this Obama group in Washington that we must be very suspicious about any project they bring forth.
Apparently the test did not work! 11/9/11. Yet another reason Big Gov should have nothing to do with health care.
Lights out. Highland Park, Michigan cannot pay its bills. Shrinking tax base when Ford and then Chrysler moved out. 42% of population live in poverty. Vandalism on the rise. [YahooFinance] 11/3/11
Jobs. Obama threatens seniors that checks will not be mailed as there is not enough money unless Republicans pass the budget amendment. The failure: Obama holding out on money that has been paid into the Social Security system by seniors. That is what you call a Ponzi scheme.
1. Destruction everywhere.
2. People without work everywhere.
3. US Gov money and donations from other nations.
Why not put native Haitians to work cleaning up their own devastation? Makes perfect sense to me. Why does it not make sense to governments?
Turf war. The FBI succeeded in undermining and finally ending the successful FBI Art Crime Team with internal "Turf War" disputes over who is in charge and who gets credit. See the book "Priceless" by Robert Wittman.
Accounting blunders or deception? Big Gov grant program for 18,000 black US farmers gets 84,000 applicant pay-outs. More expected. This is just like Big Gov payments to dead people. 12/1/2010
Big Gov still sending over $1 billion annually to dead people via Social Security, HHS, HUD, Medicare, Aids. How will Big Gov ever manage any kind of national health care system without massive fraud and waste?
Massive vote fraud nationwide threatens individual rights, freedom and democracy.
Democrat State Governments could not or would not send absentee ballots to people oversees including our soldiers. This has been an ongoing problem over the past three US election cycles.
Absentee ballots not counted.
Big Gov Accounting. 72,000 stimulus payments of $250 went to dead people. $4.3 million went to more than 17,000 prison inmates. 89,000 checks = $22,250,000 snafu. Source: government investigator report. 10/8/10
US Postal System. Postal Union election ballots lost in the mail by US Postal Service. 10/7/10
California. Welfare checks and cards used on cruise ships and in Las Vegas casinos. [Any wonder that California is broke. Government in general, seems totally unable to account for the US Taxpayer money they spend.]
US Pledge for Haitian 7.0 earthquake relief: Since January 2010, Haitian $1.15 Billion relief package is still tied up in the US Congressional red tape.
US Post Office said to have selected 1,125 workers each day to sit in ready rooms. Cost to US Taxpayers is $50 million annually. [Did you know that we also have thousands of teachers sitting in rubber rooms each day because they are not fit to teach but cannot be fired - a union thing.]
US Government - Democrats attempt to "spread the wealth" in 2009 and 2010 with control of Congress since 2008. Government workforce up. Government salaries up. Foreclosures up. Bank failures up. Unemployment up. Joblessness up. Pension defaults up. Republicans and Conservatives fired up. Home values down. Business creation down. Immigration down. Dollar down. Birth rate down. Family income down. International opinion of USA down. Newspaper readership down. Big Time Dying Media down. Democrats down.
Pentagon - Defense Department cannot account for $8.7 billion out of $9.1 billion designated for reconstruction in Iraq from 2004 to 2007. Congress appropriated $53 billion for the reconstruction effort. Who is enriching their pockets at the expense of the US Taxpayers. July 27, 2010.
BP Oil spill - Stalling. Oil is released into the Gulf of Mexico while Obama and the Democrat Congress talk and talk and talk. Democrats focus on reparations while ignoring possible solutions. Democrats will not allow a disaster to go to waste when it can further their political agenda.
Calif city goes bust - Maywood CA south of LA, a sanctuary city . . . "Crushed by the recession and falling tax revenues, the city is disbanding the police force and firing all public sector employees," Matthew Garrahan wrote in the Financial Times, never mentioning that illegal immigration was the problem. 96% of the 45,000 population, legal and illegal, are Hispanic. May 28, 2010.
Housing Tax Credit for first time home buyers - Nearly 1,300 prison inmates received nearly $9 million in tax credits. More than 14,100 tax filers wrongly received $26.7 million in tax credits. One home was used for 67 tax credit filers. Some taxpayers got the credit for sales before the tax break started. June 24, 2010 news item. - - - the right jack is anxious to see Big Sugar Daddy Government manage health care. Read example and example below of government mis-management.
Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 – US Government inspectors headed by the Obama administration gave that BP Gulf of Mexico oil well passing grades. Environmentalists do not want drilling on US soil where oil is easy to find and can be brought to the surface without disastrous oil spills.
Los Angeles – Out of cash. Cannot pay their bills and cannot print money like the Federal Government. Gee. Why not raise taxes and institute more fines. Certainly would not want to cut spending. That would make way too much sense. April 2010
Border with Mexico – Virtual fence shut down. $50 million taken from the project. In 2009, Big Gov gave $100 million to cover 53 miles with this technology. Budgeted at $6.7 billion by 2014. Israelis use low tech approach - multiple fences, razor wire and nicely raked sand that reveals footprints where breaches are made by terrorists.
Illinois Pension System – Taxpayer contributions were used for other Illinois projects. The state cannot pay the pensions as promised. That is the same reason our US Social Security program is broke. 3/23/10
Massachusetts Health Care program is broke. No money to fund the program. It took only five years from inception to death.
California is broker than broke. Big Democrat majority keeps adding to budget perks for more people. In fact, one California city gave full pensions at age 50 or 55 and they had to default. No money. Is that what it takes to get their attention.
Michigan. Do not even go there. A wasteland. Massive unemployment. Corruption part of the problem with Democrats rulers. African Americans and women hit hardest. Cities are shrinking as people evacuate the cities and the state.
In other states, Democrats are crying and whining because they do not want their new Republican administrations to cut any program or budgets to balance the budget. These Democrat protesters cannot run their own household budgets this way but some how believe that government can spend and spend without restrictions or consequences.
Census, 2010 – Our US Government lost $2B to $3B on specifically designed wireless PDAs. They failed to live up to expectations. Nice way to say they did not work. Census decision-makers junked the whole project. Officials have gone back to hard copy mailed out census forms. 3/2010 media report.
Cash for Clunkers – The first $1Billion auto industry stimulus was used up and government has yet to figure out how to repay the auto dealers. Dealers are carrying the government note. Then an additional $2 billion was added to this government program. Apparently just 2% of the rebates have been paid at this time. Wow . . . and Obama wants our government to take over 1/6 of the US economy.
Health Care – Are Obama Administrators going to take 1/6th of the US economy and put government in charge of it? If this bill becomes law, they will put all health care insurance companies out of business.
GM in 2009 – Obama appoints Edward Whitaker, 67 year old former head of AT&T, as Chairman to run General Motors. He has no experience in the auto industry. Now he is out. Many top executives around the nation have both advertising and sales management credentials.
Historical Evidence of US Government management failures . . .
Bank Bailouts - Billions of dollars spent, some without accountability, has resulted in high unemployment, company failures, decreased consumer spending and a horrible real estate market. There is not enough tax money in the USA to pay for these shot-in-the-dark boondoggles.
Amtrak - May 1, 1971 thru 2009 – Still running at a loss despite massive government subsidies. Now the Obama Administrators want to add more city bus lines for people who do not or will not ride the bus.
Schools. Many big city blue state school systems have become educational wastelands. Absenteeism, dropouts and violence run rampant. City and county public - government schools continue to dumb down the curriculum to the point were many students entering college spend their first year in remedial courses. Remedial courses enable them to pass college level courses. Private schools, charter schools and home-schools are quite successful at much lower costs.
Social Security – Established in 1935. Destined to go broke for several reasons. Congressional legislators have taken money intended for Social Security and used it for their pet projects. These same legislators, our Masters of Regulations and Oversight, have given benefits to people who have never put a single cent into the system. The year 2042 is the current insolvency date.
Medicare – Established in 1965. Going broke. Our Legislators have been unwilling to address the problems of Social Security and Medicare for fear of NOT getting reelected. The year 2019 is the current insolvency date. Estimated costs as start up was $4B. It now costs over $400B annually. Gee. Do you think Obama Health Care Change will follow this pattern.
Iraq War I in 2003 – The US Congress would not allow the US Military to finish the job.
Iraq War II in 2005 – The US Congress and the US Military did not have contingency plans for events that might transpire when the existing Iraqi military government was defeated and removed from power.
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 – Local. State. Federal. Local citizens did not know how to flee the hurricane area as an uncounted number of school buses were abandoned in parking lots. People waited for the government to come in and take them to safety. Emergency shelters [ie., trailers] were purchased and set unused. Same for water and other supplies. Crime was rampant.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008 – Government entities. Government requirements on lenders [i.e., lenders were ordered by members of Congress to give loans to people who could not pay the loans] brought disastrous results. Then the very members of Congress who caused the problem blamed the default problems on lack of government oversight. A Democrat Congress rejected inquiries by President Bush noting that everything was fine.
Congressional Cafeteria – Congressional leaders were not able to run it at a profit so it was turned over to a private company.
US Postal Service – Every time you turn around, they raise rates. In the meantime, private companies like UPS and Fed Ex are doing fine while the US Postal Service struggles to get the mail through come rain or shine. By August 2009, they were $7 billion in debt for the year.
4/13/10 update: US Postal Service set to lose $7 Billion in fiscal 2010 that ends in September with 553,000 government employees who play no taxes on Federal retirement income. $238 Billion projected losses in the next decade.
The House Post Office in 1994 – Members of Congress were writing US government checks for $100 worth of stamps for example, taking one stamp, and putting the “change” in their pocket. Newt Gingrich and his Republican colleagues put a stop to it. This is one of the events that lead to Gingrich's bad reputation among the Leftist Congressional members and the Democrats in the news media.
Viet Nam War in the 1960s and 1970s – Members of Congress would not allow the US Military to fight this War to win it.
And the beat goes on. Our elected legislators do not have the knowledge or experience to run anything. All they really know is how to talk as they continually run for office and spend without regard to the unintended consequences … the right jack
The ACLU view of HR 347
According to Slate.com
Billion$ more for Fannie and Freddie under consideration for the mortgage disaster that Fannie and Freddie created under the watchful eyes of Barney Frank [D-MA] and Christopher Dodd [D-CT]. 3/1/12
History lesson: These two quasi-governmental agencies were at the center of the mortgage disaster when Congress, during the Bush 43 presidency, threatened mortgage lenders with Big Dem Congress destruction if they did not make loans to people who could not afford to pay for these loans. 3/2/12
Government union employee
pensions for regular workers yield $6 million to $10 million payments over a
lifetime. “Watch Wayne Allyn Root report on the true 1 percent: government
employees. This is the privileged class that is straining taxpayers to the
breaking point and bankrupting the U.S. economy. Will you retire with $5
million to $10 million? Average government employees are doing it every day.
Watch here to understand the greatest scam since Bernie Madoff.”
[personalliberty.com] 3/1/12
And then there are the golden
retirement plans of our elected members of Congress. They are just obscene when
compared to what ordinary workers and ordinary business owners can achieve.
NPR. Political ponzi abuse. Interview with former
Clinton cabinet member, Robert Reich, now a college professor, calls Social
Security an entitlement while sticking it to Republicans. We bought and paid
for our Social Security while food stamps, unemployment and welfare payments
for having kids are entitlements created with Golden Handcuffs to bribe more people into become Democrat voters.
Heard on NPR 2/8/12.
Earlier during the so called budget crisis in 2011, Obama threatened to withhold social security payments.
• Last 5 years in the red
• $5.5 billion due to Treasury for retiree health benefits
• $14.1 Billion deficit predicted for 2012
• $20 Billion needs to be cut in 5 years to become profitable
• 45 cent stamp coming January 22, 2012
• Will close about 250 of 500 distribution centers [AP] 12/5/11
It is well past time to privatize the US Postal Service. Recent history has shown that private companies can run public/government endeavors better at less cost than can US Big Gov. Read more at Government Failures at TheRightJack.
Obama supporter receives $443M for smallpox drug for a threat that may not exist. … Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor. [LAtimes.com] 11/13/11
Bribed. Terry Spicer [D-AL] pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from lobbyists and a casino developer. [TheDailyCaller] 11/15/11
Bribes, IPOs, perks, and sweetheart deals like the land and home deal that Obama received while in Chicago are just a few of the ways that our elected representatives become wealthy and fail the electorate. =TheRightJack
Government schools are one of our most incideous government failures. First, school leaders and politicians cry out for more and more money. Then, when it occurs, more money has absolutely no effect on student performance. Secondly, teacher indoctrination of students into favored political postitions takes precedence over the unbiased education of students. This is criminal behavior befitting the world’s worst despots. =TheRightJack 11/15/11
Test. National Alert on radio and TV. November 9, 2011 at 2:00 pm. Done either by FEMA, FCC, Homeland Security or The White House so Obama can show you how much he cares. There are countless shady activities going on with this Obama group in Washington that we must be very suspicious about any project they bring forth.
Apparently the test did not work! 11/9/11. Yet another reason Big Gov should have nothing to do with health care.
Lights out. Highland Park, Michigan cannot pay its bills. Shrinking tax base when Ford and then Chrysler moved out. 42% of population live in poverty. Vandalism on the rise. [YahooFinance] 11/3/11
Jobs. Obama threatens seniors that checks will not be mailed as there is not enough money unless Republicans pass the budget amendment. The failure: Obama holding out on money that has been paid into the Social Security system by seniors. That is what you call a Ponzi scheme.
1. Destruction everywhere.
2. People without work everywhere.
3. US Gov money and donations from other nations.
Why not put native Haitians to work cleaning up their own devastation? Makes perfect sense to me. Why does it not make sense to governments?
Turf war. The FBI succeeded in undermining and finally ending the successful FBI Art Crime Team with internal "Turf War" disputes over who is in charge and who gets credit. See the book "Priceless" by Robert Wittman.
Accounting blunders or deception? Big Gov grant program for 18,000 black US farmers gets 84,000 applicant pay-outs. More expected. This is just like Big Gov payments to dead people. 12/1/2010
Big Gov still sending over $1 billion annually to dead people via Social Security, HHS, HUD, Medicare, Aids. How will Big Gov ever manage any kind of national health care system without massive fraud and waste?
Massive vote fraud nationwide threatens individual rights, freedom and democracy.
Democrat State Governments could not or would not send absentee ballots to people oversees including our soldiers. This has been an ongoing problem over the past three US election cycles.
Absentee ballots not counted.
Big Gov Accounting. 72,000 stimulus payments of $250 went to dead people. $4.3 million went to more than 17,000 prison inmates. 89,000 checks = $22,250,000 snafu. Source: government investigator report. 10/8/10
US Postal System. Postal Union election ballots lost in the mail by US Postal Service. 10/7/10
California. Welfare checks and cards used on cruise ships and in Las Vegas casinos. [Any wonder that California is broke. Government in general, seems totally unable to account for the US Taxpayer money they spend.]
US Pledge for Haitian 7.0 earthquake relief: Since January 2010, Haitian $1.15 Billion relief package is still tied up in the US Congressional red tape.
US Post Office said to have selected 1,125 workers each day to sit in ready rooms. Cost to US Taxpayers is $50 million annually. [Did you know that we also have thousands of teachers sitting in rubber rooms each day because they are not fit to teach but cannot be fired - a union thing.]
US Government - Democrats attempt to "spread the wealth" in 2009 and 2010 with control of Congress since 2008. Government workforce up. Government salaries up. Foreclosures up. Bank failures up. Unemployment up. Joblessness up. Pension defaults up. Republicans and Conservatives fired up. Home values down. Business creation down. Immigration down. Dollar down. Birth rate down. Family income down. International opinion of USA down. Newspaper readership down. Big Time Dying Media down. Democrats down.
Pentagon - Defense Department cannot account for $8.7 billion out of $9.1 billion designated for reconstruction in Iraq from 2004 to 2007. Congress appropriated $53 billion for the reconstruction effort. Who is enriching their pockets at the expense of the US Taxpayers. July 27, 2010.
BP Oil spill - Stalling. Oil is released into the Gulf of Mexico while Obama and the Democrat Congress talk and talk and talk. Democrats focus on reparations while ignoring possible solutions. Democrats will not allow a disaster to go to waste when it can further their political agenda.
Calif city goes bust - Maywood CA south of LA, a sanctuary city . . . "Crushed by the recession and falling tax revenues, the city is disbanding the police force and firing all public sector employees," Matthew Garrahan wrote in the Financial Times, never mentioning that illegal immigration was the problem. 96% of the 45,000 population, legal and illegal, are Hispanic. May 28, 2010.
Housing Tax Credit for first time home buyers - Nearly 1,300 prison inmates received nearly $9 million in tax credits. More than 14,100 tax filers wrongly received $26.7 million in tax credits. One home was used for 67 tax credit filers. Some taxpayers got the credit for sales before the tax break started. June 24, 2010 news item. - - - the right jack is anxious to see Big Sugar Daddy Government manage health care. Read example and example below of government mis-management.
Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 – US Government inspectors headed by the Obama administration gave that BP Gulf of Mexico oil well passing grades. Environmentalists do not want drilling on US soil where oil is easy to find and can be brought to the surface without disastrous oil spills.
Los Angeles – Out of cash. Cannot pay their bills and cannot print money like the Federal Government. Gee. Why not raise taxes and institute more fines. Certainly would not want to cut spending. That would make way too much sense. April 2010
Border with Mexico – Virtual fence shut down. $50 million taken from the project. In 2009, Big Gov gave $100 million to cover 53 miles with this technology. Budgeted at $6.7 billion by 2014. Israelis use low tech approach - multiple fences, razor wire and nicely raked sand that reveals footprints where breaches are made by terrorists.
Illinois Pension System – Taxpayer contributions were used for other Illinois projects. The state cannot pay the pensions as promised. That is the same reason our US Social Security program is broke. 3/23/10
Massachusetts Health Care program is broke. No money to fund the program. It took only five years from inception to death.
California is broker than broke. Big Democrat majority keeps adding to budget perks for more people. In fact, one California city gave full pensions at age 50 or 55 and they had to default. No money. Is that what it takes to get their attention.
Michigan. Do not even go there. A wasteland. Massive unemployment. Corruption part of the problem with Democrats rulers. African Americans and women hit hardest. Cities are shrinking as people evacuate the cities and the state.
In other states, Democrats are crying and whining because they do not want their new Republican administrations to cut any program or budgets to balance the budget. These Democrat protesters cannot run their own household budgets this way but some how believe that government can spend and spend without restrictions or consequences.
Census, 2010 – Our US Government lost $2B to $3B on specifically designed wireless PDAs. They failed to live up to expectations. Nice way to say they did not work. Census decision-makers junked the whole project. Officials have gone back to hard copy mailed out census forms. 3/2010 media report.
Cash for Clunkers – The first $1Billion auto industry stimulus was used up and government has yet to figure out how to repay the auto dealers. Dealers are carrying the government note. Then an additional $2 billion was added to this government program. Apparently just 2% of the rebates have been paid at this time. Wow . . . and Obama wants our government to take over 1/6 of the US economy.
Health Care – Are Obama Administrators going to take 1/6th of the US economy and put government in charge of it? If this bill becomes law, they will put all health care insurance companies out of business.
GM in 2009 – Obama appoints Edward Whitaker, 67 year old former head of AT&T, as Chairman to run General Motors. He has no experience in the auto industry. Now he is out. Many top executives around the nation have both advertising and sales management credentials.
Historical Evidence of US Government management failures . . .
Bank Bailouts - Billions of dollars spent, some without accountability, has resulted in high unemployment, company failures, decreased consumer spending and a horrible real estate market. There is not enough tax money in the USA to pay for these shot-in-the-dark boondoggles.
Amtrak - May 1, 1971 thru 2009 – Still running at a loss despite massive government subsidies. Now the Obama Administrators want to add more city bus lines for people who do not or will not ride the bus.
Schools. Many big city blue state school systems have become educational wastelands. Absenteeism, dropouts and violence run rampant. City and county public - government schools continue to dumb down the curriculum to the point were many students entering college spend their first year in remedial courses. Remedial courses enable them to pass college level courses. Private schools, charter schools and home-schools are quite successful at much lower costs.
Social Security – Established in 1935. Destined to go broke for several reasons. Congressional legislators have taken money intended for Social Security and used it for their pet projects. These same legislators, our Masters of Regulations and Oversight, have given benefits to people who have never put a single cent into the system. The year 2042 is the current insolvency date.
Medicare – Established in 1965. Going broke. Our Legislators have been unwilling to address the problems of Social Security and Medicare for fear of NOT getting reelected. The year 2019 is the current insolvency date. Estimated costs as start up was $4B. It now costs over $400B annually. Gee. Do you think Obama Health Care Change will follow this pattern.
Iraq War I in 2003 – The US Congress would not allow the US Military to finish the job.
Iraq War II in 2005 – The US Congress and the US Military did not have contingency plans for events that might transpire when the existing Iraqi military government was defeated and removed from power.
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 – Local. State. Federal. Local citizens did not know how to flee the hurricane area as an uncounted number of school buses were abandoned in parking lots. People waited for the government to come in and take them to safety. Emergency shelters [ie., trailers] were purchased and set unused. Same for water and other supplies. Crime was rampant.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008 – Government entities. Government requirements on lenders [i.e., lenders were ordered by members of Congress to give loans to people who could not pay the loans] brought disastrous results. Then the very members of Congress who caused the problem blamed the default problems on lack of government oversight. A Democrat Congress rejected inquiries by President Bush noting that everything was fine.
Congressional Cafeteria – Congressional leaders were not able to run it at a profit so it was turned over to a private company.
US Postal Service – Every time you turn around, they raise rates. In the meantime, private companies like UPS and Fed Ex are doing fine while the US Postal Service struggles to get the mail through come rain or shine. By August 2009, they were $7 billion in debt for the year.
4/13/10 update: US Postal Service set to lose $7 Billion in fiscal 2010 that ends in September with 553,000 government employees who play no taxes on Federal retirement income. $238 Billion projected losses in the next decade.
The House Post Office in 1994 – Members of Congress were writing US government checks for $100 worth of stamps for example, taking one stamp, and putting the “change” in their pocket. Newt Gingrich and his Republican colleagues put a stop to it. This is one of the events that lead to Gingrich's bad reputation among the Leftist Congressional members and the Democrats in the news media.
Viet Nam War in the 1960s and 1970s – Members of Congress would not allow the US Military to fight this War to win it.
And the beat goes on. Our elected legislators do not have the knowledge or experience to run anything. All they really know is how to talk as they continually run for office and spend without regard to the unintended consequences … the right jack
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Election 2012 as seen by TheRightJack
Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything - - - Joseph Stalin
2004 election
War on Terror … winning debate topic and campaign issues for Bush 43 over Kerry in 2004. Dick Morris video 5/31/14
2014 and 2016 elections:
Open US Border. US law not enforced. Illegals wanted. Dems advertising in Mexico. Catch and Release of illegals. Homeland Security inaction. Domestic gun and ammo purchases. Big Dem Gov militarizing the police. Friendly with the Muslim Brotherhood. Lack of respect for US internationally = China, Iran, Russia. Deserting US Embassy staff. AG ignoring crime. EPA decrees that weaken US economy. Cuts in military spending. Big Dem Gov expansion.
Sign: Is it 2012 yet? Yep!
The Raw Deal ... We were given the New Deal by FDR. Then the Great Society by LBJ. And now we have experienced the Raw Deal by Obama and the Democrats in Congress … and this is just after 3+ years. What new surprises does Obama have in store for us if he is re-elected? =TheRightJack on 10/19/12
Conservative GOP. Seems like
the National GOP traditionalists have not learned a thing from all of the
Conservatives who have won state and local races over the past four years. They continue running national campaigns as Democrat Lites. =TheRightJack on 12/27/12
4 million Republicans who voted for McCain in 2008 did not vote in 2012.
Exactly what is it that the "Undecideds" cannot yet figure out? ... Unemployment? Inflation? Higher cost of food and gas? Declining family income? Kids still living at home? Higher taxes coming? Overspending? Over regulation by Big Gov? US Taxpayer money given to Muslim Brotherhood? What? That transparency thing? USA is broke?
* * WARNING: Due to the controversial nature of the reports below that do not adhere to the Democrat Party Line … we DO NOT guarantee that our reports will always be available moving forward. We also do not make any claims or guarantees that you will learn or profit from these reports. We provide this only as an informational service. =TheRightJack
Latest campaign themes for Obama
• Romney had binders of women [Laughable]
• Romney lied at the debates. [Turns out it was Obama]
• Romney is too rich to know and feel your plight [pain]
• Romney budget numbers do not add up. [Obama admitted not being good at math in school]
• Romney is a bullsh###er. [What part of his economic plan is that?]
Obama election strategy in July with 4 months to go:
• We do not know what Romney is going to do. [Good grief]
• Romney’s profit based corporate experiences do not apply to government.
• Romney will destroy unions. [Your point?]
• Bush 43 left me with trillions of dollars in debt.
• Paying unemployment benefits creates jobs. [Yea right]
• I need more time to allow my economic policies to work. [Ho Ho Ho]
• Romney will destroy unions. [Your point?]
• Bush 43 left me with trillions of dollars in debt.
• Paying unemployment benefits creates jobs. [Yea right]
• I need more time to allow my economic policies to work. [Ho Ho Ho]
• Students need to seek jobs in government service, not the business world.
• I will pay off student debt, make it easy on unions, open the borders to illegals, help women get whatever they want from Big Gov, you name it. We will give it away if it leads to votes for me.
Obama says, Don’t Talk About his Raw Deal:
• High unemployment
• I will pay off student debt, make it easy on unions, open the borders to illegals, help women get whatever they want from Big Gov, you name it. We will give it away if it leads to votes for me.
Obama says, Don’t Talk About his Raw Deal:
• High unemployment
• Higher unemployment for new college grads
• Really high unemployment among young black males
• Shrinking labor force
• Higher food and fuel prices
• Inflation
• More taxes on everyone, not just the 1%ers or +$250,000ers
• Depressed real estate market
• Suppressing military votes
• Death Panels for seniors under ObamaCare
• New ObamaCare Taxes that have nothing to do with health care
• Exemptions from ObamaCare for unions, muslims, amish, Congress, etc. How does that work, by the way.
• Bowing to foreign leaders, referred to as Baracking. =TheRightJack on 7/5/12
• Sling mud in keeping with the Democrat tradition of personal destruction.
# # #
Positively Republican! This is the best video compilation of Obama lies to be found. One right after another, in his own voice. SIXTY-FIVE of them! Mash the "Share" button and get this out there so undecided voters can see! [youtube] 11/4/12
Revenge. New last minute Obama campaign theme over the past week. It is interpreted to mean that more people need to be on Big Gov entitlements and pay no taxes so "They" know how it feels. =TheRightJack on 10/4/12
47% vs. all white males. Obama campaign is trying to make Romney look bad with his 47% takers comment which he did clarify. The 47% do not pay much into the system apart from those who have paid into Social Security as have I. Obama campaign said earlier that they had written off the "white male voters" as he courts women, students, blacks, Hispanics, illegals, and Big Gov handout recipients. 10/26/12
Romney has seized the momentum as a result of the Presidential debates and the Benghazi cover up.
Inhofe: Obama delaying new pollution rules to boost his chances of reelection [thehill.com] 10/25/12
What Plan? Still no economic plan offered by Obama if re-elected with just a few weeks to go before the election.
Update: The Obama Plan was just released in late October. Where has that been the last four years? This is just like a student turning in their homework late and it was not very well done to boot. 10/25/12
Forward with more Hope and Change? It is more like Rope and Chains that we use to bind ourselves if we re-elect Obama to a 2nd term.
Vote for Obama. If you do not want to work and you want government to support you, then vote for Obama. For you, this means that there is little Hope that your life will Change for the better when you are dependent on others, whether relatives or government. =TheRightJack on 10/15/12
The Obama Economy ...
Work hours reduced. ObamaCare mandates that employers must provide health care for employees that work over 30 hours per week. Solution: reduce employee hours to part time status. Prime example is Darden Restaurants. 10/11/12
Other businesses are laying off workers to keep their companies profitable, even if it means reducing growth.
Obama asking companies to not announce layoffs until after the election, even if it violates labor laws. Obama offers Big Dem Gov money to pay their fines if they will wait. =TheRightJack on 10/11/12
Obama Election Theme ...
+14% U6 unemployment rate for September. This is the real unemployment rate.
Vote Strategy for Obama. Vote Now … so that you will not be able to change your mind in the coming weeks. Said by Obama on NPR, the Vote Now part, that is. 10/10/12
Many polls show Obama winning over Romney nationwide and in the swing states, before the debates. Democrats ahead in the polls is par for the course and seems to have little relationship to the final results.
Debates. Round One … goes to Romney over Obama according to many polls and even most media reporters. Romney was on point with specific policy points and critiques of Obama policies. Obama rambled on while trying to think of what to say. Romney made him look like a student with weak and incomplete answers. TV audience was said to be 65 million. =TheRightJack on 10/5/12
Obama Phone. Cleveland lady going ga-ga over being given a cell phone. [dailycaller.com] 9/27/12
Remember the lady in Detroit who was lined up to get some Obama money. What are the voting preferences among that segment of the 47%ers?
$11.00 per hour. SEIU protesters at Romney events paid $11 per hour to be disruptive. [theblaze.com] 9/27/12
It’s All Over. Common Big Dem Media theme at this time is that the Romney campaign is dull, unexciting and losing ground to Obama in the polls. The Media Cheerleaders will not disclose complete information about the economy, factual truths that hurt Obama, and what Obama is going or not doing while they contribute to the Obama election campaign. This nearly unanimous cheerleading for Obama must mean that Romney is ahead. Vote like Romney is behind and recruit 2 more like minded voters. =TheRightJack on 9/28/12
Libyan “spontaneous” attacks around
the middle east still not fully understood by this administration, they say, as Obama
works on fundraisers and popular TV show appearances. Hmmm. How is it that those “undecideds” still know not for whom to vote? 9/22/12
Busted … Immigration. Democrats blocked Bush 43 from making changes in immigration when Democrats were in control of Congress and Obama was a member of the House. Yet, Obama said recently on Hispanic TV Univision that Republicans blocked immigration during the first two years that Obama was president and Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress. The truth is that Obama and the Democrats never offered any immigration bills. 9/22/12
Busted … Fast and Furious. Obama says that the ill-fated DOJ Fast and Furious under the watch of AG Holder was a continuation of a Bush sting called Wide Receiver. The Bush Administration terminated that program two years before Obama came to office. Obama is making up “fact” to cover his tail. Heard on the radio. 9/21/12
Busted … Immigration reform. Obama was questioned by Spanish language television about why he did not take care of immigration reform when he had the backing of a Democrat Congress. Obama blamed Republicans for stopping him. GOP members did not have enough votes to stop Democrats from doing what every they wanted to do. 9/21/12
Busted … Obama, The Constitutional Law Professor. We were told by the Democrats and The Media that un-vetted Obama was a "rock star" law professor at the University of Chicago. Upon further review, Obama was only a part time Lecturer. He taught three courses, one related to racism and the law. He taught no constitutional law courses. His ratings by students were in the lower third of all who taught there. His recommendations by students to take his class were low. He did not complete any scholarly writings as did other faculty. He did not engage in public service while there. Heard in news report on the radio while driving. 9/20/12 Sources of information about these false claims about Obama include …
Busted ... Libya. Obama unwilling to tell us what they knew and when they knew it. Libyans knew what and when. Libyans gave US a heads-up. Is Hillary the fall guy?
Heads [scapegoats] are rolling at the Obama DOJ over Fast and Furious. Holder, he know nading. Hmmm. Do those “undecideds” still know not for whom to vote?
Busted ... Obama missing in action. Misses many of the daily security briefings. Obama working on fundraiser rather than attend security briefings on the "day after" the embassy killings. Bush 43 was never too busy for US matters of state. Romney and GOP appear to be on top of US foreign affairs situation. Do the people in the White House today care about the USA?
Barney Fife edict. No bullets for Marines, again. [freebeacon.com] 9/13/12
Free Speech. Democrats are
FREE to disparage Christianity and catholics in the USA, not to mention Republicans. Artists are FREE to
demean religious symbols in the USA. Middle eastern religious zealots are FREE
to call for the death of Jews and the termination of Israel. At the same time,
others are not FREE to be critical of muslim religious symbols and teachings. What an ingenious religious – political – military - government system of
control and intolerance that calls on followers to eliminate dissent. 9/13/12
Obama replays Carter speech and fell flat. Incredible! [politico.com]
Geico actor fired for
criticizing Obama. Where is their bipartisanship? You can expect that kind of
behavior from Progressive Ins where their owner is a Big Dem Donor. Could Geico not have met with him to learn more about his point of view? Sure! 8/27/12
2012 election. Will it come down to US Taxpayers versus non tax payers. Producers versus Consumers. Makers versus Takers. One thing is sure, if the non taxpayers win out, that will signal the beginning of the end of capitalism. Who will want to work only to give most of it away to the non taxpayers. We went through this issue when settlers first landed on our shores. The pilgrims of the 1600s who were producers won out of over those who were lazy, as Obama called us recently, and wanted only to be takers. =TheRightJack on 8/23/12
$500,000. Obama Labor Department spent $500,000 of US Taxpayer stimulus money on pro-Obama political advertising. News TV scroll on 8/22/12
War on Women distraction. Todd Akin [R-MO] running for Congress, steps in it with his ill-formulated rape statement. He gives DEMs reason to reinvigorate their charges that GOP is conducting a war on women. 8/21/12
Ohio college coed [a freshman] makes a swooning remark that Obama is “sooooo nice” after shaking hands with him. Heard on NPR on 8/22/12 Any wonder that Obama is spending his face time with the naïve college crowd?
A later NPR report explains that Obama is having a hard time connecting with and giving face time to his rich Democrat donors.
Two faces of Obama-Biden. Today, Romney and Ryan are great guys. Good family men. … BUT yesterday, Romney is rich. Romney did not pay his taxes. Romney is a felon. Mrs Romeny rides expensive horses. Ryan has not enough experience. ALL Republican want to starve children, Roll grandma off a cliff, Cut education, Cut Medicare, Cut social security, Abort black babies – ooops that is a Democrat thing, Want dirty air and water. BTW, Do Republicans have secret sources of clean air, clean water and clean soil. 8/13/12
Paul Ryan of Wisconsin named VP. Big Dem media says that he is too inexperienced to be president. Maybe he is also too young. Too northern? Too mathematical? [newsbusters.org] 8/11/12
The Big Dem media obviously does not know how utterly foolish they are when comparing The Amateur to Ryan or Sarah Palen for that matter.
Now Romney is a tax cheat says: Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Obama. Democrat strategy is guilt by false accusations. He said. She said. [patriotpost.us] 8/9/12
Obama and the Democrat
politicians and media are calling out Romney for not offering "specific plans" for what he will do to “fix” the economy.
Obama in 2007: I’ll Fire Anyone Who Conducts Opposition Research on Personal Matters. … I do not want to see research that is involved in trying to tear people down personally,” then Senator Obama said at a press conference in Waterloo, Iowa in December 2007. Then there was the recent “felon” charge against Mitt Romney by Stephanie Cutter. Tax cheat charge also. [townhall.com] 8/2/12
8 point Obama lead. Obama said to have up to an eight point lead in some areas. Well, it depends on who you poll. If the poll is overloaded with Democrats, for instance, you can get any result you want. =TheRightJack 7/27/12
Reports are that Democrats are over-sampled in some polls by 8 to 11%. Update on 8/5/12
3:1. Obama has outraising Romney in offshore fundraising. [policymic.com] 7/20/12
Fundraising behind closed doors by Obama. Excluding the media. Confiscating cell phones. No video. [businessweek.com] 7/12/12. See Finger Foods below.
Have you actually seen the Democrat definition of transparency in writing that Ms Pelosi boldly promised during 2008 campaigning? Will people ever stop falling for their lines? The highly visible Democrats remind me of Lucy and Charlie Brown when he tries to kick his football.
Bane. Evil in the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” is named Bane. Of course, no subliminal nor blantently obvious association with Bain Capital and Mitt Romney.
This movie makes it official and certifiable. Hollywood is now The Propaganda Machine of the Democrat Party. Do they not need to register as a political PAC?
FYI: Lenie Reifenstahl was the Nazi film propagandist for Adoph Hitler. [imdb.com]
GE employees 301,000 [unverified] people worldwide. This is where the Obama green energy bailout money went for just one company.
How long will Democrats keep quiet about the distortions, distractions and outright lying by Obama? =TheRightJack 7/16/12
How long will Democrats in Congress allow Obama to assume their roll and show them to be non-functional. =TheRightJack 7/16/12
New Strategy: Romney is rich. Romney is rich. Romney is rich. Seems to be the top campaign theme for Obama. 7/15/12
Quote of the Year: Apparently I am supposed to be more outraged by what Mitt Romney does with his money than by what Barack Obama does with my money. 7/10/12 Source unknown.
• Really high unemployment among young black males
• Shrinking labor force
• Higher food and fuel prices
• Inflation
• More taxes on everyone, not just the 1%ers or +$250,000ers
• Depressed real estate market
• Suppressing military votes
• Death Panels for seniors under ObamaCare
• New ObamaCare Taxes that have nothing to do with health care
• Exemptions from ObamaCare for unions, muslims, amish, Congress, etc. How does that work, by the way.
• Bowing to foreign leaders, referred to as Baracking. =TheRightJack on 7/5/12
Obama Election Strategy:
• Bribe union members for votes
• Bribe single mothers for votes
• Bribe young impressionable college students for votes
• It is all the fault of Bush 43.
• Bribe single mothers for votes
• Bribe young impressionable college students for votes
• Mitt Romney is rich.
• Mrs Romney rides horses.
• Romney is not qualified. Really?
• Success in business does not qualify Romney to govern the USA. Really?
• GOP war on women. GOP war on women.
• Where are all of the Romney tax returns?
• Success in business does not qualify Romney to govern the USA. Really?
• GOP war on women. GOP war on women.
• Wealthy are not paying their fair share. Which is?
• Republicans want to cut spending.
• Republicans want to cut spending.
• It is capitalism and the economic policies of the past that got us into this economic mess.
• Nothing is my fault. The buck is never going to stop here.
• Continue to blame Republicans for what Democrats are actually doing.
# # #
Reaffirmed. White voters did not turn out and vote for Romney. Now Are You Happy? April 2013
Election 2012 summary by TheRightJack
• 57% of registered voters
showed up to vote. Pitiful.
• 3 million GOP no shows.
• Romney got fewer votes in 2012 than McCain did in 2008.
• Who stayed home rather than vote for Romney?
• GOP seniors were no shows.
• Military ballots not counted, again. Criminals voted.
• Democrats got out the voters
they had to have. GOP did not.
• Unions. Blacks. Hispanics.
Single women. Collegians. Younger voters. Jews. Gays.
• Big Dem Media never asked any
tough questions of Obama.
• Big Dem Media hammered every GOP person, relentlessly. It worked.
• Big Dem Media hammered every GOP person, relentlessly. It worked.
Nothing has changed.
• How much more large will Big
Dem Gov grow?
• How many new people, legal
and illegal, will be added to the Big Dem Gov handout rolls and voter rolls?
• Will Obama remain an extreme
Leftist partisan like his first term.
• Will Democrats remain extreme
Leftist partisans as they were last term.
• Will compromise continue to
be the The Dem Way or No Way?
• Will the Dems even let the GOP
in the door?
• How much will taxes go up on
• How much income will families
lose to bad Dem economic policies?
• Will Dems in the Senate ever
offer a budget, as required?
• Will Dems really lower the
deficit? More taxes will not accomplish that objective, if it is an objective
at all.
• Will Obama and the Dems run
the USA off the fiscal cliff.
• Will new crushing EPA regulations be
• Will Dems limit energy
sources to above ground sources thus increasing household and business energy costs?
• Will Dems open the borders to flood the nation with new Democrat dependents?
• Will ObamaCare continue to
dampen business and job creation?
• Will Dems support turning US
constitutional rights over to the UN?
• Will black and female
Republicans continue to be assaulted by the racist and sexist Dems?
• What will the next mid year
election bring?
• Will the Big Dem Media continue to hammer everything GOP regardless of race, sex or condition of servitude? Absolutely!
• Will other sources of real news emerge? Absolutely!
• Will the Big Dem Media continue to hammer everything GOP regardless of race, sex or condition of servitude? Absolutely!
• Will other sources of real news emerge? Absolutely!
# # #
Revenge. New last minute Obama campaign theme over the past week. It is interpreted to mean that more people need to be on Big Gov entitlements and pay no taxes so "They" know how it feels. =TheRightJack on 10/4/12
Rude and Crude. I am trying to
figure out who is going to flip over to Obama or even be motivated to go out and vote for
Obama based on his recent vile and vulgar campaign ads. Then add the off-color
choice of words used by both Biden and Obama. 10/31/11
47% vs. all white males. Obama campaign is trying to make Romney look bad with his 47% takers comment which he did clarify. The 47% do not pay much into the system apart from those who have paid into Social Security as have I. Obama campaign said earlier that they had written off the "white male voters" as he courts women, students, blacks, Hispanics, illegals, and Big Gov handout recipients. 10/26/12
Obama Accused Of Suppressing
Military Vote By Withholding Absentee Ballots [forbes.com/sites/rickungar]
Romney has seized the momentum as a result of the Presidential debates and the Benghazi cover up.
Inhofe: Obama delaying new pollution rules to boost his chances of reelection [thehill.com] 10/25/12
Widely unacceptable policies
are why the Democrat Congress in 2009 and 2010 did not pass their extreme
legislative agenda knowing that it would cost them dearly in the 2010
elections, and it did anyway.
Tasteless. Obama campaign ad
directed toward young females promotes that voting for Obama is like selecting
with whom you would choose to lose your virginity. [conservativevideos.com]
Is this the October surprise or is it the Benghazi cover-ups?
Or was it calling Romney at bullsh###er? How did these campaign actions sit with the Undecideds?
What Plan? Still no economic plan offered by Obama if re-elected with just a few weeks to go before the election.
Update: The Obama Plan was just released in late October. Where has that been the last four years? This is just like a student turning in their homework late and it was not very well done to boot. 10/25/12
Forward with more Hope and Change? It is more like Rope and Chains that we use to bind ourselves if we re-elect Obama to a 2nd term.
HBO series Newsroom. Please
listen to the entire clip. A short you tube clip. [youtube.com] Rated R for language.
Vote for Obama. If you do not want to work and you want government to support you, then vote for Obama. For you, this means that there is little Hope that your life will Change for the better when you are dependent on others, whether relatives or government. =TheRightJack on 10/15/12
Why does Obama need to issue
923 executive orders including EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 that allows the Housing
and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public
funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
What is he planning to do that he needs EO 11004? See Executive Orders by Obama
at TheRightJack.
The Obama Economy ...
Work hours reduced. ObamaCare mandates that employers must provide health care for employees that work over 30 hours per week. Solution: reduce employee hours to part time status. Prime example is Darden Restaurants. 10/11/12
Other businesses are laying off workers to keep their companies profitable, even if it means reducing growth.
Obama asking companies to not announce layoffs until after the election, even if it violates labor laws. Obama offers Big Dem Gov money to pay their fines if they will wait. =TheRightJack on 10/11/12
Obama Election Theme ...
Be specific now. What exactly are those economic policies of the past that Democrats have been railing against for the past four years that have brought us to the edge of financial disaster. Have you ever heard or seen what they actually are?
Are those policies the financial regulations that Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd created in a Democrat controlled Congress during Bush 43 … and then threatened to hammer businesses into the ground if they did not implement these ill-advised Democrat policies. Mortgage loan demands first comes to mind.
Are they the tenants of capitalism, not the tenants of socialism that Democrats continue to promote as the answer to all US and world problems … despite the fact that there are no examples of successful socialist nations. For example: China, Cuba, the old USSR, Venezuela and on and on. When socialists spread the wealth, these nations eventually become filled with members of the peasant class while the ruling despots and dictators hoard the people’s wealth and prosper.
What specifically are those economic policies of the past that are so terrible? =TheRightJack on 10/11/12
+14% U6 unemployment rate for September. This is the real unemployment rate.
Vote Strategy for Obama. Vote Now … so that you will not be able to change your mind in the coming weeks. Said by Obama on NPR, the Vote Now part, that is. 10/10/12
Many polls show Obama winning over Romney nationwide and in the swing states, before the debates. Democrats ahead in the polls is par for the course and seems to have little relationship to the final results.
NPR bias. Devoted a generous amount of time this morning for the Obama “what I should have said at the debate” Tour as he was back on the road campaigning. Obama and Big Dem Media continue to say that Romney did not offer any specifics. In the meantime, the Obama specifics include the decades old socialist “Forward” theme as a follow up to his 2008 “Hope and Change” theme that was totally void of specifics. 10/5/12
The Obama Operation Flexibility. Short
one minute video/campaign ad, not supported by The One. Very well done. Click here to view it.
Reader Comment: This ad should play on TV
in every city in America! It won't, of course; too
expensive; and far too true regarding the Democratic cause. BUT WE CAN PLAY IT OVER AND
OVER AGAIN FOR FREE... and we should send it to everyone.
Debates. Round One … goes to Romney over Obama according to many polls and even most media reporters. Romney was on point with specific policy points and critiques of Obama policies. Obama rambled on while trying to think of what to say. Romney made him look like a student with weak and incomplete answers. TV audience was said to be 65 million. =TheRightJack on 10/5/12
Absentee ballots. Military
absentee ballots are down 90% in VA and other states because Obama hasn't
opened voting centers on 50% of the posts. He knows military usually votes
Republican. He wants Illegal aliens [and those in jail] to vote but not our military. He also has
sent messages to Lockheed to break the law and not give layoff notices to
thousands before the election and even told them his administration would pay
legal fees. He is trying to illegally win this election just as dictators do in
other countries. No wonder Hugo Chavez says Obama gets his vote. Source:
Facebook post 10/2/12
Getting absentee ballots counted from our people in the military is not a new challenge for GOP.
Ready for Obama to appoint Eric
Holder, the head DOJ who was responsible for Fast and Furious, to the Supreme
Court? Hmmm. Still undecided?
16.5 million ObamaPhones
given to hopeful ObamaVoters. Heard on the radio 10/1/12
Middle income people losing
income under Obama. Hmmm. Still undecided?
Obama Phone. Cleveland lady going ga-ga over being given a cell phone. [dailycaller.com] 9/27/12
Remember the lady in Detroit who was lined up to get some Obama money. What are the voting preferences among that segment of the 47%ers?
$11.00 per hour. SEIU protesters at Romney events paid $11 per hour to be disruptive. [theblaze.com] 9/27/12
It’s All Over. Common Big Dem Media theme at this time is that the Romney campaign is dull, unexciting and losing ground to Obama in the polls. The Media Cheerleaders will not disclose complete information about the economy, factual truths that hurt Obama, and what Obama is going or not doing while they contribute to the Obama election campaign. This nearly unanimous cheerleading for Obama must mean that Romney is ahead. Vote like Romney is behind and recruit 2 more like minded voters. =TheRightJack on 9/28/12
Busted . . . Libya. Leader in
Libya confirms that 911 “disturbances” were planned in advance. The Film was
NOT the source of these “anything but spontaneous” riots. Other news reports
revealed that the US ambassador knew the attacks were planned and coming. The
US ambassador, who was gay, was apparently raped before he was killed. Rather
than attend regular security briefings, Obama was preparing for fundraising and
TV appearances. Later, Obama was unable to meet with BiBi Netanyahu of Israel
due to tight [?] scheduling conflicts. Obama appears to have serious priority
issues when it involves US security and international relations. Update on
Busted … Immigration. Democrats blocked Bush 43 from making changes in immigration when Democrats were in control of Congress and Obama was a member of the House. Yet, Obama said recently on Hispanic TV Univision that Republicans blocked immigration during the first two years that Obama was president and Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress. The truth is that Obama and the Democrats never offered any immigration bills. 9/22/12
Busted … Fast and Furious. Obama says that the ill-fated DOJ Fast and Furious under the watch of AG Holder was a continuation of a Bush sting called Wide Receiver. The Bush Administration terminated that program two years before Obama came to office. Obama is making up “fact” to cover his tail. Heard on the radio. 9/21/12
Busted … Immigration reform. Obama was questioned by Spanish language television about why he did not take care of immigration reform when he had the backing of a Democrat Congress. Obama blamed Republicans for stopping him. GOP members did not have enough votes to stop Democrats from doing what every they wanted to do. 9/21/12
Busted … Obama, The Constitutional Law Professor. We were told by the Democrats and The Media that un-vetted Obama was a "rock star" law professor at the University of Chicago. Upon further review, Obama was only a part time Lecturer. He taught three courses, one related to racism and the law. He taught no constitutional law courses. His ratings by students were in the lower third of all who taught there. His recommendations by students to take his class were low. He did not complete any scholarly writings as did other faculty. He did not engage in public service while there. Heard in news report on the radio while driving. 9/20/12 Sources of information about these false claims about Obama include …
Busted ... Libya. Obama unwilling to tell us what they knew and when they knew it. Libyans knew what and when. Libyans gave US a heads-up. Is Hillary the fall guy?
Heads [scapegoats] are rolling at the Obama DOJ over Fast and Furious. Holder, he know nading. Hmmm. Do those “undecideds” still know not for whom to vote?
Busted ... Obama missing in action. Misses many of the daily security briefings. Obama working on fundraiser rather than attend security briefings on the "day after" the embassy killings. Bush 43 was never too busy for US matters of state. Romney and GOP appear to be on top of US foreign affairs situation. Do the people in the White House today care about the USA?
Barney Fife edict. No bullets for Marines, again. [freebeacon.com] 9/13/12
Obama replays Carter speech and fell flat. Incredible! [politico.com]
DNC theme. Bin Laden is dead and GM is
in failing health again as GM opens four plants in China. ... and GM has not paid back their debt to US Taxpayers nor reimbursed the money that was stolen from investors when Obama gave GM to the Union.- - - DNC election phrase that needs to be updated for accuracy. =TheRightJack on 9/7/12
Obama 2012 to 2016. What
specifics will Obama give US Taxpayers about more taxes, more regulations, even
less transparency, more support for Muslim Brotherhood, more debt forgiveness,
more crony capitalism, more bailouts, less enforcement of our laws … and that memorable open mike statement
to the Russians about having more flexibility in a second term? What exactly
does that portend for the USA?
DNC speakers have really been
firing up their convention delegates. Telling them what they want to hear =
more of the same. Nothing new. Raise taxes. More spending. No details.
Criticizing GOP for lack of details. GM on track to go broke again, but not
going to hear that from their speakers. Romney is rich. Ryan is inexperienced.
Ann Romney rides expensive horses. GOP stopped Obama BUT Democrats had total
control of Congress for four years including two years under Obama.
=TheRightJack on 9/5/12
Less is more. Democrats will
never admit, particularly during the campaign season, that reducing taxes on
all US Taxpayers brings more money into the US Treasury than does raising
taxes. Democrats must keep this false claim alive to support their unquenchable
thirst for US Taxpayer money. Bill Clinton, who knows better, earns a Pinocchio
on 9/5/12
In, then out, then in.
Democrats removed God and Israel from their 2012 DNC party platform. After
taking heat, both were forced back in with a 2/3rds voice vote that sounded more
like 50-50. It is good to take a stand on your convictions, particularly if it
means votes. What ever happened about the Muslim prayer meeting in Charlotte at
the DNC Convention, anyhow? 9/5/12
Mrs Obama portrayed herself and her husband as poor folks who barely got by back in the day. Yet, both went to privileged schools and colleges. Sounds good to the base though.
DNC speakers Tuesday night on C-Span seemed to be using many of the old talking points used in their TV ads that had previously been fact checked and shown to be in error, to put it nicely.
Pre-convention speeches by Obama were shown to be virtual replays of 2008 speeches, with less fire and enthusiasm this time around.
Clint Eastwood "empty chair" chat with Obama at the GOP National Convention. The metaphor was well conceived as it struck an exposed nerve on the Left. [YouTube]
Mighty Obama has struck out. Five minute video based on Casey at the Bat. [angelfire.com]
University of Colorado study
says Romney will win 52% to 48% [despite the massive Big Dem Media PR job that
has been laid on the USA over the past 13 years ... make that since before Ronald
Reagan was president]. 8/23/12
Old time GOPers insiders who
are not Conservatives think Romney will lose. When voters hear that kind of
talk from them, some voters will flip over to become Obama voters so they end up
on that side when the dust settles. This is called a self-fulfilling prophesy.
If you think you are beaten, you are beaten. Wake up. Think and act in a
positive manner. This is what good teachers, coaches and managers tell their
charges continually. Think positive … and that is not a new concept. Been
around since Norman Vincent Peale =TheRightJack on 8/27/12
Bob is a racist. Short 4.5 min
video explaining why you are a racist if you are a Republican. Does not apply to Democrats. [youtube.com]
2012 election. Will it come down to US Taxpayers versus non tax payers. Producers versus Consumers. Makers versus Takers. One thing is sure, if the non taxpayers win out, that will signal the beginning of the end of capitalism. Who will want to work only to give most of it away to the non taxpayers. We went through this issue when settlers first landed on our shores. The pilgrims of the 1600s who were producers won out of over those who were lazy, as Obama called us recently, and wanted only to be takers. =TheRightJack on 8/23/12
$500,000. Obama Labor Department spent $500,000 of US Taxpayer stimulus money on pro-Obama political advertising. News TV scroll on 8/22/12
War on Women distraction. Todd Akin [R-MO] running for Congress, steps in it with his ill-formulated rape statement. He gives DEMs reason to reinvigorate their charges that GOP is conducting a war on women. 8/21/12
Ohio college coed [a freshman] makes a swooning remark that Obama is “sooooo nice” after shaking hands with him. Heard on NPR on 8/22/12 Any wonder that Obama is spending his face time with the naïve college crowd?
A later NPR report explains that Obama is having a hard time connecting with and giving face time to his rich Democrat donors.
Two faces of Obama-Biden. Today, Romney and Ryan are great guys. Good family men. … BUT yesterday, Romney is rich. Romney did not pay his taxes. Romney is a felon. Mrs Romeny rides expensive horses. Ryan has not enough experience. ALL Republican want to starve children, Roll grandma off a cliff, Cut education, Cut Medicare, Cut social security, Abort black babies – ooops that is a Democrat thing, Want dirty air and water. BTW, Do Republicans have secret sources of clean air, clean water and clean soil. 8/13/12
Paul Ryan of Wisconsin named VP. Big Dem media says that he is too inexperienced to be president. Maybe he is also too young. Too northern? Too mathematical? [newsbusters.org] 8/11/12
The Big Dem media obviously does not know how utterly foolish they are when comparing The Amateur to Ryan or Sarah Palen for that matter.
Now Romney is a tax cheat says: Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Obama. Democrat strategy is guilt by false accusations. He said. She said. [patriotpost.us] 8/9/12
Note that the Big Dem Media do not challenge the truthfulness of the charge. They wonder how the victim will respond and how the charge will effect the victim.
See Media section post about Disinformation.
Romney Hood … 2012 vs 1995. Obama puts down
Romeny as Robin Hood in reverse, going back to the same theme used against GOP
in 1995. Heard on the radio 8/7/12
They fail to mention that
Obama ran on specifics like Hope, Change, Bipartisanship, Post racial …
whatever, Transparency, Transformation, and Shovel ready jobs, all without
disclosure of his personal records. Voters bought these “specific” Obama plans
but Democrats want real specifics from Romney. =TheRightJack 8/1/12
Obama in 2007: I’ll Fire Anyone Who Conducts Opposition Research on Personal Matters. … I do not want to see research that is involved in trying to tear people down personally,” then Senator Obama said at a press conference in Waterloo, Iowa in December 2007. Then there was the recent “felon” charge against Mitt Romney by Stephanie Cutter. Tax cheat charge also. [townhall.com] 8/2/12
In the meantime, Obama has
been talking big recently about focusing on job creation like a laser. Just words. No action. No change.
8 point Obama lead. Obama said to have up to an eight point lead in some areas. Well, it depends on who you poll. If the poll is overloaded with Democrats, for instance, you can get any result you want. =TheRightJack 7/27/12
Reports are that Democrats are over-sampled in some polls by 8 to 11%. Update on 8/5/12
3:1. Obama has outraising Romney in offshore fundraising. [policymic.com] 7/20/12
Fundraising behind closed doors by Obama. Excluding the media. Confiscating cell phones. No video. [businessweek.com] 7/12/12. See Finger Foods below.
Have you actually seen the Democrat definition of transparency in writing that Ms Pelosi boldly promised during 2008 campaigning? Will people ever stop falling for their lines? The highly visible Democrats remind me of Lucy and Charlie Brown when he tries to kick his football.
Bane. Evil in the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” is named Bane. Of course, no subliminal nor blantently obvious association with Bain Capital and Mitt Romney.
This movie makes it official and certifiable. Hollywood is now The Propaganda Machine of the Democrat Party. Do they not need to register as a political PAC?
FYI: Lenie Reifenstahl was the Nazi film propagandist for Adoph Hitler. [imdb.com]
GE employees 301,000 [unverified] people worldwide. This is where the Obama green energy bailout money went for just one company.
How long will Democrats keep quiet about the distortions, distractions and outright lying by Obama? =TheRightJack 7/16/12
How long will Democrats in Congress allow Obama to assume their roll and show them to be non-functional. =TheRightJack 7/16/12
New Strategy: Romney is rich. Romney is rich. Romney is rich. Seems to be the top campaign theme for Obama. 7/15/12
Quote of the Year: Apparently I am supposed to be more outraged by what Mitt Romney does with his money than by what Barack Obama does with my money. 7/10/12 Source unknown.
Top 12 reasons to vote
like #6 which is … I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. and
#7 which is … I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive. [ipatriot.com] 7/14/12
like #6 which is … I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. and
#7 which is … I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive. [ipatriot.com] 7/14/12
Obama says that Romney as head of Bain is responsible for what Bain did. Heard on the radio 7/15/12
Yet Obama takes no responsibility at all for DOJ, Eric Holder, Fast & Furious, bailouts [still blaming Bush 43] and failed energy company speculative loans involving campaign contributors. =TheRightJack
Why are people feinting at
Obama campaign rallies? Is this part of the Obama strategy to show that he cares?
Obama bashes Bain Capital while accepting their political contributions. 7/15/12
Obama’s Got To Get Out by Ryan Bomberger … a great song by the resistance movement. [resistance.ning.com] 7/12/12
Romney promises to repeal ObamaCare. Obama trumpets Bain Capital sending jobs overseas while Romney was [not] there. 7/2/12
$2,000. ObamaCare TAX to cost families as much as $2,000 a year, some more, some less. Ignore that income over $250,000 promise by Obama. 6/28/12
Romney shipped jobs overseas.
Obama campaign charges that Romney shipped jobs overseas in TV ads while at
Bain Capital. Romney rep explains that this is true as companies he helped had
to beef up their overseas staff in order to support the increased employment and
sale of US goods overseas. Heard on Fox radio with Bob Bechel and a Romney lady,
Big Dem Supporter on all media shows. 7/3/12
Fact check reports today ... NOT SO. 7/10/12
Fact check reports today ... NOT SO. 7/10/12
Pollsters show Obama both ahead and behind Romney in Ohio. Rasmussen has Romney ahead nationwide by 2 percentage points. 7/3/12
Romney promises to repeal ObamaCare. Obama trumpets Bain Capital sending jobs overseas while Romney was [not] there. 7/2/12
Mitt Romney VP possibilities: Bolton. Palen. Paul. Pawlenty. Portman. Rice. Rubio. 6/30/12
Finger food? No knives, forks and spoons permitted at Obama events. Heard on the radio 6/23/12. Web citation follows [standwitharizona.com]
Crass. Obama wants you to send HIM the money your friends and family would have spent on your wedding gifts for HIS election campaign. 6/22/12
Weddings for Obama. Just when you thought the Obama campaign could not get any more desperate, they come up with this: the Obama Event Registry, asking supporters who are getting married, having a birthday, or celebrating an anniversary to direct gift-givers to Obama’s re-election website [barackobama.com] 6/22/12
Felon gets $7.45 million Obama stimulus money … “David Myers [The Perp], 54, served nine months in prison for helping to falsify the telecommunications company’s books to meet earnings targets. The $11 billion accounting fraud wiped out more than 17,000 jobs and $184.6 billion in market value from WorldCom’s high on June 1999.” [townhall.com] 6/22/12
Elections have consequences“…..if Mitt wins the nomination, as seems very likely, I will enthusiastically support his candidacy. For my friends who have hesitation on that score, I’d just ask you to keep four things in mind:
1. Justice Scalia just turned 78
2. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year
3. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August
4. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.
We wish them all well, of course, but the brute fact is that whomever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least one and maybe more new members of the Supreme Court — in addition to hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come.
If you don’t think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, I think you’re smokin’ something funky….”
So for anybody who is thinking of not voting because your favorite did not get nominated, or writing in a candidate who can't win ... Imagine this:
Source: Columnist Andrew McCarthy gave us what probably is the most important question regarding the upcoming presidential election.
Good. Obama raised and spent the most money defeating McCain in 2008.
Bad. Gov Walker raised and spent more money than Democrat backed unions in 2012 Wisconsin recall election. Walker wins. Democrat media focuses on the evil influence of money on politics.
Voter ID Distraction. Obama and AG Holder campaigning against voter ID requirements claiming that it is done by Republicans to intimidate blacks and reduce the black vote. Democrats claim that it is a hardship for some people to get photo/voter IDs. Democrat strategy to get all the legals and illegals to vote as many times as possible. It is all about votes, not hardships. 6/3/12
Elections have consequences“…..if Mitt wins the nomination, as seems very likely, I will enthusiastically support his candidacy. For my friends who have hesitation on that score, I’d just ask you to keep four things in mind:
1. Justice Scalia just turned 78
2. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year
3. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August
4. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.
We wish them all well, of course, but the brute fact is that whomever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least one and maybe more new members of the Supreme Court — in addition to hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come.
If you don’t think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, I think you’re smokin’ something funky….”
So for anybody who is thinking of not voting because your favorite did not get nominated, or writing in a candidate who can't win ... Imagine this:
Source: Columnist Andrew McCarthy gave us what probably is the most important question regarding the upcoming presidential election.
Good. Obama raised and spent the most money defeating McCain in 2008.
Bad. Gov Walker raised and spent more money than Democrat backed unions in 2012 Wisconsin recall election. Walker wins. Democrat media focuses on the evil influence of money on politics.
Voter ID Distraction. Obama and AG Holder campaigning against voter ID requirements claiming that it is done by Republicans to intimidate blacks and reduce the black vote. Democrats claim that it is a hardship for some people to get photo/voter IDs. Democrat strategy to get all the legals and illegals to vote as many times as possible. It is all about votes, not hardships. 6/3/12
Obama Truth Teams [theblaze.com] 5/26/12
How ironic is it that a politician class has organized truth teams.
Truth Teams started … “The Truth Team is a network of supporters of President Obama who are committed to responding to unfounded attacks and defending the President’s record. When you’re faced with someone who misrepresents the truth, you can find all the facts you need right here—along with ways to share the message with whoever needs to hear it.” … National supporters for the organization include the National Education Association, Service Employees International Union, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union and the United Steelworkers Union. [theblaze.com] 2/13/12
Obama considers his attacks on Romney while at Bain Capital as fair game. Then the absence of a real job, his disbarment escapade and absence of documentation of Obama is fair game, not to mention his record in office since 2008 when it comes to ...
• job loss
• wasted US Tax Payer money on green "investments"
Obama Truth Teams [theblaze.com] 5/26/12
How ironic is it that a politician class has organized truth teams.
Truth Teams started … “The Truth Team is a network of supporters of President Obama who are committed to responding to unfounded attacks and defending the President’s record. When you’re faced with someone who misrepresents the truth, you can find all the facts you need right here—along with ways to share the message with whoever needs to hear it.” … National supporters for the organization include the National Education Association, Service Employees International Union, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union and the United Steelworkers Union. [theblaze.com] 2/13/12
Obama considers his attacks on Romney while at Bain Capital as fair game. Then the absence of a real job, his disbarment escapade and absence of documentation of Obama is fair game, not to mention his record in office since 2008 when it comes to ...
• job loss
• wasted US Tax Payer money on green "investments"
• shovel ready jobs that really just stocked union pension funds
• lack of business sense and the failure to pick winning business sectors
• dealerships closed with GM bailout by Obama
• lack of business sense and the failure to pick winning business sectors
• dealerships closed with GM bailout by Obama
• jobs and investor money lost with GM bailout by Obama
Obama and Biden still telling us how the economy is improving. 5/18/12
Obama telling us that his economic policies are working but it may take 10 to 15 years for the economy to get better. Media silent on this claim!
Obama and Biden still telling us how the economy is improving. 5/18/12
Obama telling us that his economic policies are working but it may take 10 to 15 years for the economy to get better. Media silent on this claim!
Desperation. Obama inserts his own self aggrandizing footnotes, looking like updates, into the official White House biographies of presidents who came before him. How crass. 5/16/12
Obama evolves to become a pro gay marriage kind of guy. For the sake of the nation, he really needs to evolve into a pro conservative kind of guy and stop wasting tax payer money on dead end crony companies and unions. But that is not going to happen. It goes against his upbringing.=TheRightJack 5/13/12
"Culture - what you believe, what you value, how you live - matters," Romney told graduates gathered in the football stadium on Liberty University's campus in the Virginia mountains. "The American culture promotes personal responsibility, the dignity of work, the value of education, the merit of service, devotion to a purpose greater than self, and at the foundation, the preeminence of the family." - - - Mitt Romney at Liberty University [Newsmax] 5/12/12
Several of these Romney concepts like personal responsibility, the dignity of work and the preeminence of the family are not what Democrats are campaigning for as they seek more Big Gov dependents.
Double Agent. US proudly tells the world that the new underwear bomber was a double agent from Nigeria. So now, the friendly enemies of Obama will be giving every newbie the 3rd degree. Jeez. US spy guys or their leaders in the White House must have pink slime for brains OR they are so desperate for good news that they will give away the farm in order to look good.
Obama all in for gay marriage 5/9/12 Radical left must be as happy as pigs at the trough.
Can we make this a requirement for membership in the Democrat Party!
Obama relection campaign video features that "Forward" theme so historically favored in socialist and communist circles.
Obama senior advisor leans on Karl Marx for support [sayanythingblog.com] 5/8/12
They are what they study but apparently they are not critical thinkers, just ideologues. Marx is the Big Daddy of Communism right up there with V Lenin.
Oooops. “I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly, I don’t see much of a distinction– beyond that,” - - - Joe “The Gaff” Biden. [cowboybyte.com] 5/7/12
Re-Launch? Obama launches his 2012 campaign, this time at VCU in Richmond, Virginia in front of another group of students. Is every event a new “launch” of his 2012 campaign? 5/6/12
Obama “launched” his 2012 campaign at Ohio State to a half-filled arena. According to reports, it was SRO in 2008. Maybe the people have wised up to Obama.
Desperation. Obama inserts his own self aggrandizing footnotes, looking like updates, into the official White House biographies of presidents who came before him. How crass. 5/16/12
Obama evolves to become a pro gay marriage kind of guy. For the sake of the nation, he really needs to evolve into a pro conservative kind of guy and stop wasting tax payer money on dead end crony companies and unions. But that is not going to happen. It goes against his upbringing.=TheRightJack 5/13/12
"Culture - what you believe, what you value, how you live - matters," Romney told graduates gathered in the football stadium on Liberty University's campus in the Virginia mountains. "The American culture promotes personal responsibility, the dignity of work, the value of education, the merit of service, devotion to a purpose greater than self, and at the foundation, the preeminence of the family." - - - Mitt Romney at Liberty University [Newsmax] 5/12/12
Several of these Romney concepts like personal responsibility, the dignity of work and the preeminence of the family are not what Democrats are campaigning for as they seek more Big Gov dependents.
Double Agent. US proudly tells the world that the new underwear bomber was a double agent from Nigeria. So now, the friendly enemies of Obama will be giving every newbie the 3rd degree. Jeez. US spy guys or their leaders in the White House must have pink slime for brains OR they are so desperate for good news that they will give away the farm in order to look good.
Obama all in for gay marriage 5/9/12 Radical left must be as happy as pigs at the trough.
Can we make this a requirement for membership in the Democrat Party!
Obama relection campaign video features that "Forward" theme so historically favored in socialist and communist circles.
Obama senior advisor leans on Karl Marx for support [sayanythingblog.com] 5/8/12
They are what they study but apparently they are not critical thinkers, just ideologues. Marx is the Big Daddy of Communism right up there with V Lenin.
Oooops. “I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly, I don’t see much of a distinction– beyond that,” - - - Joe “The Gaff” Biden. [cowboybyte.com] 5/7/12
Obama, like Clinton, has tried to have it both ways and has made no such "gay" proclamation so an not to offend black and white voters alike who are viscerally opposed to gay marriage.
Obama, like Clinton, has tried to have it both ways and has made no such "gay" proclamation so an not to offend black and white voters alike who are viscerally opposed to gay marriage.
Is every campaign stop for Obama from here going "forward" going to be labeled, a launch of his 2012 campaign?
Obama “launched” his 2012 campaign at Ohio State to a half-filled arena. According to reports, it was SRO in 2008. Maybe the people have wised up to Obama.
People, not necessarily Obama political operatives, were going door to door drumming up people/students to come see Obama. Update report heard on the radio 5/7/12
And what is this thing about “launching” his campaign. He has made over 100 fundraising campaign events, more than the total conducted by the five previous presidents.
Between extravagant vacations, special parties, golf and fundraising, when does he actually have time to watch the store. 5/6/12
Fundraising. A new book by Brendan J. Doherty, The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign, says that Obama has held more re-election fundraising events since taking office than the combined total of all five of his predecessors in the Oval Office. Doherty found that as of March 6, Obama had held 104 fundraisers. [personalliberty.com] 5/4/12
Among golf, fundraising and vacations, who is watching the store?
And what is this thing about “launching” his campaign. He has made over 100 fundraising campaign events, more than the total conducted by the five previous presidents.
Between extravagant vacations, special parties, golf and fundraising, when does he actually have time to watch the store. 5/6/12
Fundraising. A new book by Brendan J. Doherty, The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign, says that Obama has held more re-election fundraising events since taking office than the combined total of all five of his predecessors in the Oval Office. Doherty found that as of March 6, Obama had held 104 fundraisers. [personalliberty.com] 5/4/12
Among golf, fundraising and vacations, who is watching the store?
Forward. Obama campaign selects the very well know communist term “Forward” as a theme for the 2102 campaign. It goes back to the days of Lenin in 1905.
Forward. Obama campaign selects the very well know communist term “Forward” as a theme for the 2102 campaign. It goes back to the days of Lenin in 1905.
Obama celebrating his "decision" to kill Bin Laden one year later.
• Bush and Cheney developed to plan to get Bin Laden
• Obama was previously against going after Bin Laden
• Pres Bill Clinton turned down opportunities to "get" Bin Laden from Sudan
• Other accomplishments of Obama are lots of golf, many expensive vacations appointing the most socialists as czars, creating massive federal debt, etc.
Election Update on 4/27/12. Karl Rove has Obama winning 2012 election as it stands right now. States in Obama column are: HI CA OR WA CO NM MN WI IL DE NJ NY RI MA VT ME. Leaning Obama: NV MI OH PA NH. Toss up states: KS MO VA NC SC FL. [businessinsider.com] 4/26/12
Some pundits are predicting that Romney will win in a landslide as Obama and Dems dream up more diversionary issues.
Obama ahead by 17 percentage points with the under 25 college crowd but is losing ground and enthusiasm based on 2008 election numbers. That is why Obama is out on the college trail offering tuition and loan incentives. 4/25/12
Election Day is more than 6 months away, but the liberals are behaving like it's mid-October. They've already invested $32 million in TV ads to target 26 conservatives in 14 states, and have committed to over $1 million of television ads against me. I'm at the top of their list. But the ads haven't even aired yet, and I'm under attack! - - - Rep Steve King, [R-Iowa] 4/21/12
We want to take the money out of politics - - - Democrat theme
Dirty politics? Unexpected. Not really. New political party taking shape. Non-Democrats Roemer and Paul are possible nominees. 4/19/12 Heard report on the radio.
Designed to pull votes away from Romney. But it has nothing to do with Romney. Target is people who are not paying attention.
Mitt Romney accused by Democrats and Media of being too rich and out of touch with ordinary people. Right. What we need in the White House is a very personable guy who has never held a real job and does not know squat economics, energy, jobs and world affairs.
Santorum suspends presidential campaign. Romney, Paul and Gingrich still standing. Romney can now unleash his team on Obama. [newsmax.com] 4/9/12
Here comes the mega-slander, spin and deception from the radical Left.
• Racism by the right.
• Anti-women by the right.
• Anti-immigration by the right.
• Bush and Cheney developed to plan to get Bin Laden
• Obama was previously against going after Bin Laden
• Pres Bill Clinton turned down opportunities to "get" Bin Laden from Sudan
• Other accomplishments of Obama are lots of golf, many expensive vacations appointing the most socialists as czars, creating massive federal debt, etc.
Election Update on 4/27/12. Karl Rove has Obama winning 2012 election as it stands right now. States in Obama column are: HI CA OR WA CO NM MN WI IL DE NJ NY RI MA VT ME. Leaning Obama: NV MI OH PA NH. Toss up states: KS MO VA NC SC FL. [businessinsider.com] 4/26/12
Some pundits are predicting that Romney will win in a landslide as Obama and Dems dream up more diversionary issues.
Obama ahead by 17 percentage points with the under 25 college crowd but is losing ground and enthusiasm based on 2008 election numbers. That is why Obama is out on the college trail offering tuition and loan incentives. 4/25/12
Election Day is more than 6 months away, but the liberals are behaving like it's mid-October. They've already invested $32 million in TV ads to target 26 conservatives in 14 states, and have committed to over $1 million of television ads against me. I'm at the top of their list. But the ads haven't even aired yet, and I'm under attack! - - - Rep Steve King, [R-Iowa] 4/21/12
We want to take the money out of politics - - - Democrat theme
Dirty politics? Unexpected. Not really. New political party taking shape. Non-Democrats Roemer and Paul are possible nominees. 4/19/12 Heard report on the radio.
Designed to pull votes away from Romney. But it has nothing to do with Romney. Target is people who are not paying attention.
Mitt Romney accused by Democrats and Media of being too rich and out of touch with ordinary people. Right. What we need in the White House is a very personable guy who has never held a real job and does not know squat economics, energy, jobs and world affairs.
Santorum suspends presidential campaign. Romney, Paul and Gingrich still standing. Romney can now unleash his team on Obama. [newsmax.com] 4/9/12
Here comes the mega-slander, spin and deception from the radical Left.
• Racism by the right.
• Anti-women by the right.
• Anti-immigration by the right.
• Anti-environment by the right.
• Anti-voter ID protection by the right.
• Anti-gay homophobes on the right.
• Anti-education by the right.
• Anti-science by the right.• Anti-union by the right.
• Anti-poor by the right.
• Anti- middle class by the right
• Protecting the wealthy by the right.
• Pro-business by the right.
• Draconian spending cuts by the right.
Santorum on the ropes. Paul and Gingrich appear to be dead in the water as hopeful GOP presidential nominees.
Obama Now: Worst approvals. Highest Dis-approvals. Losing female vote as result of Georgetown Law School birth control outrage by Liberal Left. 3/13/12
Romney or Santorum - Santorum or Romney. Romney receiving endorsements from those who might be regarded as The GOP Establishment who gave us Bob Dole and John McCain. Republicans in local and state races who are running as conservatives are winning. 3/5/12
Obama campaign focus: Union groups. College groups. Women's groups.
Bottom Line. Anybody but Obama. Republicans will vote for whomever emerges as the winner. What is the agenda of those who complain about the GOP mud-slinging? Does any legal voter but the totally committed Far Left Progressive Democrats really want Obama for another four years? 2/29/12
Bravo Santorum. Rick Santorum on inviting Democrats to vote for him. Romney lets off steam. In truth, Santorum did exactly what we want to happen in the 2012 election. We want to invite Republicans, Tea Party, Independents, No Name Party, Moderates and Democrats to vote Republican in 2012. We want to put an end to the subservient apologies, political handouts and crony bailouts. We want to put an end to the crippling economic insanity of Obama and the Democrats. That means, [1] remove their smothering energy blanket, [2] remove the tax and employment threats that stifle business growth, [3] reduce tax rates so overseas business profits can be brought back into the USA that will ultimately help US workers, create jobs, and give all citizens hope for a bright future with jobs and growth. Yes. We want a government with values that promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. =TheRightJack 2/28/12
Most recent GOP presidential debate on 2/22/12
• Looks like this portion of the race is becoming Team Romney-Paul versus Team Santorum-Gingrich.
• Question: Will Republicans attack the Obama policies in the same way they are attacking each other during the debates.
Suggestion: Gingrich not on primary ballot in Virginia. Other states too. Write in ballots for Newt will not be counted. Solution: If voters do not vote, Romney wins. OR Vote for Ron Paul to send a message to Romney.
Votes are like guns. When Big Government gains controls through votes based on favoritism and entitlements, then The Entitled Ones allow Big Gov to call the shots. =TheRightJack 1/30/12
SOTU 1/24/12 ...
• Oil production on private land is up
Do Nothing Congress?
1000 days today since Democrats in US Senate have passed a budget. What are they hiding by not doing this? 1/24/12
Newt wins SC. Democrats shaking in their boots.
Oooops. Santorum wins Iowa, not Romney.
Romney and Huntsman. It could happen!
Dead people could have noted in New Hampshire.
Romney settling into #1 position. Attack ads on him by GOP mates pick up as was done to Newt when he was leading the way. Huntsman looking good.
Suggestion: How about Sean Penn for the Ron Paul Secretary of State. Penn seems to be very friendly with nations like Venezuela that would like to wipe the USA off the map. 1/12/12
Romney out front among those polled. Non-Romney pack runs negative anti-Newt ads in Iowa and they work. Romney and Santorum appear to be very similar philosophically but Santorum is branded as the right wing religious zealot. January 2012
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Republican establishment wants to avoid challenging Obama on his disastrous economic record. Yet Conservatives who have challenged Big Washington Gov and massive Democrat spending are winning election after election. Moderate RINOs like John McCain do not win elections.
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Election 2012: equality and entitlements versus freedom. Several good editorials on this in the Sunday newpaper including one by George Will. The gist of it is that we cannot have both economic equality and freedom. It is one or the other. To have total equality [except for the PolitBureauCrats], THEY must take away our freedoms. 1/8/12
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Replay: NY Times disclosed that the 2012 Obama election strategy is to court all voter blocks that represent unions [teachers, government, trades], minorities, those on Big Dem Gov welfare [single mothers in particular], those who pay no taxes and the very wealthy uber-Left. White workforce, men in particular, are of no interest to him and his campaign strategists. 1/2/11
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Congress not scoring well among who? Democrats continue to point the blame for the poor ratings of Congress on the GOP while the GOP tries to reign in MASSIVE Democrats and Obama spending. Democrats continue to put forth spending program after spending program with no signs of restraint. It is hard to believe that Democrats really want to bankrupt the US but since the US is already broke, you have to believe that there objective is to totally destroy the US economy.
Why? Make more people dependent on US Big Dem Gov => More Dem voters => More Dem control => Once they control it all, they can do what ever they wish. =TheRightJack 1/1/12
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Elections have consequences:
• Pardons. Do you think that Obama has the gall to pardon all Gitmo prisoners as he leaves The White House after his 2012 defeat? 12/23/11
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Tea Party done? This is what the Left wing media wants US voters to believe. Just wait until it gets down to campaign season.
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Romney or Gingrich? Gingrich or Romney? Might yet another GOP candidate emerge before all is said and done? Any Republican is better than Obama.
BTW, what will happen if Republican states do not put Obama on the ballot because of his [1] failure to offer unrefutable proof of US citizenship, [2] his odd Connecticut social security number where he never lived, [3] applying for US college as a foreign student, and [4] the failure of Democrats to provide any proof of vetting.
Do you know how many times a month I must show proof of who I am.
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What is the legal strategy to prosecute those involved in Vote Fraud in big Democrat precincts where there is no Republican or neutral observer on site to verify that the votes submitted are "legal" votes. More votes than registered voters IS an absolute signal to RE-Vote under supervision. Trust but verify with a re-vote. =TheRightJack 12/17/11
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VP Biden tests Obama 2012 campaign strategy on education to fix financial problems in education created by Obama administration policies over the past three years. [dailycaller.com] 12/12/11
Education with K-12 and college indoctrination, is a key Obama support group along with public sector unions, single mothers, blacks, gays, Hollywood and the Big Time Dying Media, of course.
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Obama Kansas Speech … "It starts with making sure that everyone has a fair shot at success." [whitehouse.gov] 12/6/11
Obama in Kansas [dailyadvance.com ] 12/9/11
Obama likens the American Dream to dependence on Big Gov, not individual initiative.
Obama wants total fairness and opportunity. Obviously, it includes people who elected NOT to finish school, single teen moms, potheads, druggies, convicts, unions and illegals. I am sure that US Taxpayers are going to get behind that campaign platform. Obama continues to talk jobs but is actively on course for bigger and bigger government at the expense of the US job creators. Watch what he does, not what he says. This applies to all politicians. =TheRightJack 12/10/11
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Latest Obama election pitch: Do you really want to be out there on your own? Fend for yourself? [An anti self reliance pitch?]
What he means: Democrats want as many people as possible to depend on Big Dem Gov for their existence. That will require us to tax the crap out of “everyone” until all businesses are controlled or owned by Big Dem Gov. Then all US businesses will operate with the same “fire in their bellies” as Big Gov with that underlying motivation to keep costs under control, offer great products and service as does Congress, the Post Office, public schools and DMV. =TheRightJack on 12/7/11
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Fact Check Obama. Trusting what Obama says is not smart but his followers seem to believe everything he says. The media may not believe him but they seldom if ever challenge what he says. =TheRightJack 12/7/11
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Perfect. What a perfect way to derail a black candidate. Have white women accuse him of affairs, even if it allegedly happened years ago. Very easy stereotypical deprecation by those who have mastered the Politics of Personal Destruction for their supportive media. To be accused is to be guilty.
How to derail the other candidates …
For Newt, it will be his former wives and House leadership.
For Romney it will be his religion and his big business connections.
For Perry, it is likely to be immigration and lack of intelligence associated with his Texas drawl.
For Bachmann, it is likely to be her extreme right wing conservatism and of course, being a woman.
For Obama, it is likely to be … his record, and Who is this man? We know absolutely nothing about him before 2008?
What dark horse like Paul or Huntsman is going to become the front runner after all of the mud is slung?
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Newt “Poppa Smurf” Gingrich. Is he the one? 12/2/11
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Golden Handcuffs: Handouts. Food stamps. Lifestyle changing unemployment. Black market incomes. Dependence on Big Gov. Big Dem Gov Jobs. Big Bailouts. [Golden Handcuffs was a disparaging term associated with worker policies and pay scales associated with RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company.]
Big Election Question: Will those millions receiving Big Dem Gov handouts vote for those who will promise to give them even more handouts or those who promise to create more jobs.
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Obama Election Strategy Announced: Obama will focus [i.e., cater to] his 2012 campaign strategies on the elite and the poor whites. The elite are the ones who want everyone with comparable incomes to pay more taxes yet seem unwilling to pay more taxes, voluntarily. The poor whites of course are those who are unable to work and those who elect not to work, plus the heavily-subsidized-by-dues me-first union boss elites. [Unbiased summary by TheRightJack, as The Big Time Dying Dem Media would claim] 11/30/11
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Democrats blast Republicans as do nothings. They are trying. Republican solutions and legislation never gets reported by their media. Democrat stalling and obstacles seldom if ever reported by their media.
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Pressure mounting on Obama from inside his party to replace him with a more centrist candidate. Why? Looks like more and more legal US voters are leaving the Left and they are likely to leave the Congressional Democrats in large numbers too. Their only hope is that there is sufficient vote fraud [i.e., ballot stuffing] to overcome a massive legal voter surge for the GOP. =TheRightJack 11/26/11
In regard to vote fraud, how do the states handle situations where there are more votes cast than there are registered voters. It should result in a re-vote, not a recount.
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Newt Gingrich. If I were to vote today, Newt Gingrich would get my vote. Still, I would also vote for any Republican over Obama.
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Democrat Campaign strategy for 2012 in a nutshell: Blame Republicans for unwillingness to raise taxes. [NewsMax.com] 11/16/11
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@KarlRove on Twitter. Almost all of these 12 swing states give Obama a higher disapproval rating than approval rating: http://bit.ly/vs9AFc 11/11/11
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Serial accuser. At least one lady who has accused Herman Cain of sexual misbehavior appears to be a serial accuser. [theblaze.com] 11/9/11 What a surprise. Will she fall on her sword for the Democrat Party?
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Ooops. Another serial accuser. [theBlaze.com] 11/8/11. What next?
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Herman Cain, GOP presidential front runner. The target of another Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction by two more women claiming to have been the victim of his sexual assaults. Tis very suspicious that these allegations did not surface when he ran for other public offices since his restaurant days. 11/8/11
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Visualize a GOP administration and cabinet made up of the top eight presidential candidates ... A truly great combination of political and business experts who could get the USA back on a positive economic path with apologies to none.
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Cain or Gingrich
Gingrich or Cain
Romney still flat lining as a non-conservative
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Mad Michelle to continue her roll as the sweet Obama attack dog during the 2012 election cycle. All problems are the fault of Republicans. Democrats cannot run on their record. [washingtontimes.com] 10/30/11
x x xRacism. If Herman Cain were a Democrat, the Big Time Dying Democrat Media would be shouting racism at the way he has been repeatedly chastised, demeaned and slandered since he became a political frontrunner. However, as we know, Democrats can never be perps when it comes to racism, sexism and homophobia. These charges apply only to Republicans. 11/5/11
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Now a third charge is anonymously leveled at Herman Cain. Democrat operatives use racial stereotype [?] on Cain as they had done previously with Clarence Thomas. That is, African Americans and blacks are sexual predators. 11/2/11
Herman Cain gets sexual harassment claims thrown at him by Democrat Politics of Person Destruction operatives. Media careful to not mention anything about Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, Jesse Jackson and The Clinton Bimbo Eruptions. Clinton women he “friended” became targets for the Big Time Media back then, not Clinton. Bill Clinton keeping his mouth shut.
Inappropriate sexual behavior. Bill Clinton had a string of proven sexual [affairs or assault?] cases going back to his Arkansas days. Hillary in the dark. Yea right! Cain has maybe one anonymous accusation … and it was determined that is was a false accusation. Cain gets grilled. Clinton still on the loose. 10/31/11 Well, maybe it depends on the meaning of sexual behavior.
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Obama’s Army. He said that as president he would create "a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the U.S. military, to advance his "objectives" for America. [wnd] 10/27/11
Turns out that this army is made up of his union leaders and buddies from the Teamsters, AFL-CIO, UAW, IBEW, SEIU-ACORN, NEA etc, and the professional left wing organizers behind the scenes at Occupy Wall Street, all bought and paid for by the the US Taxpayers.
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President Barack Obama getting round his self-imposed ban on accepting campaign donations from registered lobbyists by accepting donations from unregistered lobbyists instead. 15 Wall Street bundlers identified. [newsmax.com] 10/28/11
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Polls. Results are likely to be confusing when the choice is Obama versus one of eight potential GOP candidates compared to election time when it boils down to Obama versus one GOP presidential nominee. In reality, any one of the GOP hopefuls should prevail over Obama … but money talks and Obama is taking in record amounts from his Wall Street cronies. =TheRightJack
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2012 election: Makers vs Takers
[floydreports.com] Good statistics for the factually challenged.
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Obama working hard on his big support groups lately: unions, teachers, students, protesters. Elected Democrats not showing up nor giving him much love.
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Obama tells audience at his most recent campaign stop that “you are on your own” if Republicans are elected in November 2012. Was he speaking to people who will not work and college students? Maybe government workers where the number of jobs have grown and grown during his reign. 10/25/11
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Democrats and Big Dem Media picking Romney to run against Obama. Interesting!
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Tea Party being attacked relentlessly by Big Time Dying Democrat Media. Trying to convince those who do not follow the political ebbs and flows closely that the Occupy Wall Street people are pure saints. Tea Party people are mean angry vicious racists who want Big Gov to protect the wealthy. =TheRightJack 10/23/11
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Moving up in the debates:
Herman Cain
Newt Gingrich
Holding ground:
Mitt Romney
But it is a time to the Primaries.
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Elected Democrats not showing up for Obama [campaign] stops. They do not want him dragging them down as his popularity continues to fall, just like the US economy.
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20%. Mort Zuckerman. Real estate mogul, NY Daily News owner and Democrat says the real unemployment rate is 20%.
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Saul Alinsky. A review of his writings is coming. It will show his very simple political strategy in plain words as well as the influence his writings have had on young impressionable Democrats like Hillary Rodham [the Wellesley student] and Barack Obama [the community organizer]. It may shock you to learn what motivates the protestors, their union organizers, and their financial backers. Their motives are spelled out very clearly. Consider: One person. One vote. One time. Power.
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If I am elected, I promise ...
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Democrats and Their Media are trying desperately to convince US voters that Republicans are to blame for nothing happening in Washington. Democrats had absolute control on Congress for four years and were scared stiff to pass legislation for fear of the blame they would heap upon themselves for such radical far left and “out of touch” legislation.
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MSNBC Republican Debate. Go for it. This is a serious primer for what GOP candidates will face from The Media in the 2012 elections. The GOP can only win converts by speaking before a biased and unfriendly or even hostile left-wing network hosts and audiences. Use it as an opportunity for their audiences hear, maybe for the first time, the GOP point of view from the horse’s mouth. Go git em Newt. Do not let the hosts derail the GOP agenda. =TheRightJack 10/14/11 Stupid. Click Here for the RedState.com story.
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Herman Cain lectured by MSNBC white guy. Neither Cain nor Obama marched in the South. Somehow, Cain is not down for the struggle but Obama is. Much more along with questions Rush Limbaugh would ask this MSNBC fellow. [rushlimbaugh.com] 10/7/11. Cain is able.
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Obama marched with the New Black Panther Party in 2007. Photos and story.
[conservativebyte.com] Click Here and then Click Here.
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Leadership gone astray. Democrats seem intent on fostering riots and partisan political factions by pitting one group against another rather than create positive economic solutions for all Americans. =TheRightJack
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Election 2012
Gaining ground
Herman Cain
Same old same old
Mitt Romney and Rick Perry
Losing ground
Michelle Bachmann
Barack Obama
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reed
Christie and Palin
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How many US Taxpayers who vote, union or not, believe that the unions and their naïve young protesters who are trying to bring down the US economy is a winning political platform.
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Mitt Romney – Wall Street protesters [with union backing] seem to be positioning Mitt Romney as a Wall Street insider for the coming election cycle. Wall Street has been a huge Obama backer. Just more evidence of how little these protesters know about current events and history.
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Herman Cain – Moving up in the polls. Bill O’Reilly does not like Cain because he lacks political experience. Well, is it not all of those people with political experience who put us in the economic mess. Yes it is. Wise up O’Reilly. I will vote for Herman Cain in a heartbeat. He knows what to do. He has a plan. He knows how to put the US back in the black. He will not beat around the bush, and there is plenty of political expertise available. Consider Newt and the other candidates along with John Bolton and many others. Cain is able.
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Suspend national elections say two Democrats. ... current NC Gov and a former Obama administrator. Democrats are sounding like third world despots and dictators who want total control without obtaining the approval of the US electorate at the ballot box. 9/29/11
Spread the blame, not the wealth … Democrats have been offering such horrible legislation in the Senate that they do not dare bring their bills to the floor for votes. Obama's new job killing bill has been stalled BY Democrats. Democrat budgets for Congress has had no action for over 900 days, since Democrats were in control of Congress. Why? Democrats cannot get the GOP to go along with them to spread the blame. Sitting Democrats do not have the courage to bring forward their rotten legislation without the support from the GOP. Cowards, they are. And Democrats blame Republicans for nothing being accomplished by Congress. =TheRightJack on 9/29/11
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When you are holding a Hammer (Everything Looks Like a Nail). You Tube 3:09 minutes. Song that got a teacher fired. So much for freedom of speech in education.
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Obama job approval among:
Overall at 39% and falling
Hispanics at 44% and falling
Young voters at 44% and falling
Gallup Sept 24-26, 2011
49% disapprove
42% approve
And now more people believe that our dismal economy is NOT the fault of Bush 43. The blame rests with the economic policies of the current group of Democrats.
Remember when they said that there is very little difference between Democrats and Republicans. Now who are the racists? Who are the job killers? Who is destroying our once envied economy?
Nazi. Texas teacher calls Texas tea party leader a Nazi. [theblaze.com] 9/22/11
Hmmm. I found the GOP debate Monday night more interesting that the football game. Holy Moly. That is un-American, or something. A political junkie? Any GOP member on that stage last night will be a better president of the USA than Obama or O’Biden or Hillary or Kerry or AlGore. Click Here and then Click Here.
GOP Debate in FL on 9/12/11
Winners: Bachmann. Perry. Romney.
So-So: Cain. Gingrich. Huntsman
Losers: Paul. Santorum.
GOP Debate in CA on 9/7/11
Winners: Huntsman. Perry. Romney.
So-So: Bachman. Cain. Gingrich.
Losers: Paul. Santorum.
Increasingly violent and inflammatory election rhetoric by those on the Left is condoned by Obama with his silence.
In January President Obama called for civility. In January the President claimed he desired lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to stop the finger pointing and to work together toward solving the serious issues facing our nation… “Pause for a moment…make sure that we are talking to each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.” - - - President Barack Obama (January 12, 2011)
President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out and get America back to an America where we belong. - - - Jimmy Hoffa, Teamsters President 9/5/11 Obama Campaign Rally in Detroit in introducing Obama
Violent election rhetoric and lies from the Left as GOP goes about winning at the ballot box. Waters. Carson. Biden. Hoffa. The union way is to do what ever it takes to hold on to their golden goose … bargaining from the same side of the table with the Democrats. Obama quiet. Big Dem Media quiet. [americanthinker.com] 9/6/11
The liberal political machine continues to ramp up their hateful rhetoric towards the Tea Party. This time it was union thug, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., using exactly the kind of rhetoric that President Obama falsely lectured Tea Party activists about during his absurd calls for civility after the tragedy in Tucson.
Jimmy Hoffa Jr to Obama. “Let’s take these sons of bitches out” … “We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war. President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march… Everybody here’s got a vote…Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” [TheTeaParty.net]
Another No-No. Huffinton Post, a leftist report, alters words by Glen Beck to make him seem racist. [theblaze.com] 8/31/11 2012 Dem campaign platform picking up steam.
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$174,000. US Lawmakers say they need a raise. Hey! Suck it up. Do what the rest of us have to do in this economy. Cut spending. Congressional approval rating at 17%. [Yahoo]
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Entitlements. Most dangerous president we’ve had in modern times - - - David Horowitz [NewsMax.com] 8/29/11
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1 hour. Obama spent about one hour per stop on the bus during his recent 3 state "non-campaign" Canadian made Big Gov black bus trip. Total cost over $4 million to US Taxpayers.
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Racism. Democrats positioning the opposition to global warming and/or climate change as equivalent to racism in the coming election cycle. Before this, any and all criticism of Obama has been positioned as racism. The latter is still widely used by Democrats and their media.
# # #
Edited. Michelle Bachmann speech edited by Democrats so she can charge with racism. Democrats must keep the minority voters in their camp, regardless of the damage their economic policies are bringing on all Americans, not just minorities.
# # #
26%. Obama approval ratings in radio report. A new low. No support remains except from the far far left. That would be union bosses, university professors, unmarried mothers, media writer and reporters, poverty pimps and a dwindling majority of elected Democrats. How low can you go? 8/19/11 49% hispanic support. 80% black support.
# # #
Recycling. Neal Boorts plays two sound bites, one after another. Around 17 bullet points. First one is Jimmy Carter followed immediately by a second one by Barack Obama. Same bullet point verbage in both speeches. No new ideas in 40 years. Amazing. 8/19/11 Plagerism? Not in politics. Rules for Business do not apply to politicians.
# # #
Chris Matthews on Hardball offers a “very astute political criticism” of Gov Rick Perry [R-Texas], who just announced that he is running for the GOP nomination for president. Matthews said that Perry “dresses fancy.” Wow. Matthews is an insightful critic. 8/16/11
# # #
39% solution. Obama received a 39% approval rating in latest Gallup Poll, with 54% disapproval from American public.
# # #
Approval ratings of Obama:
80% approval rate by muslims. Down from 84%.
60% approval rating among atheists, agnostics, those of no religion
50% among catholics
37% among protestants
25% among mormons
7% approval rate of Bush 43 by muslims
[NewsMax.com] 8/15/11
# # #
Love Fest. Green Bay Packers All Pro Charles Woodson and female sideline reporter on NFL Network have a mutual Obama Love Fest. 8/14/11 Gag!
# # #
49% Quinnipiac University poll showing that 49% of New York State voters disapprove of his job performance, compared to 45% who approve. 85% disapproval among Republicans. 58% disapproval among Independents. 10% disapproval among Democrats. [newsmax.com] 8/12/11
Holy Smokes. National Organization for Women [NOW] defends Michelle Bachmann against Newsweek article that features an unflattering cover photo of MB. [DailyCaller.com] 8/8/11 The next thing you know, the NAACP will be saying the Obama is bad for jobs for black teens, black 24 to 44 year old, older middle age blacks, and black seniors. Justice Clarence Thomas – not a chance.
Communist Party USA endorses Obama for 2012. Are they not his socialists brethren?
62%. People not sold on their Congressional reps. [Rasmussen]
Now, if a politician wants to get the votes to pass legislation, he better be able to win on the merits of that legislation. It's no longer an option to trade an unprincipled vote to fund some absurd pet project. No more “cornhusker kickbacks” for Ben Nelson in Nebraska; no more "Louisiana purchase” for Mary Landrieu in exchange for the passage of the dangerous Obamacare. This is the first example of how we are going to stop the flow of terrible legislation from Washington. - - - TeaParty.net 7/31/11
Zogby Poll on Obama. On the basic question, 39.2% said they trust the president and 52.8% said they don’t. The rest were not sure. Less than half, 45.8%, over 70 said they trust him. [NewsMax.com] 7/26/11
Wall Street is largest contribute to Obama 2012 re-election campaign so far. Lawyers held the #1 position last time around. Interesting that Wall Street has taken the brunt of the Obama attacks against capitalism.
Obama to run for re-election on his so called “good intentions” and not results, like an absolutely terrible economy caused by socialist collective principles where Big Dem Socialist Government is in charge of all monies and payouts/entitlements [to Unions and the Voluntary Poor dependents, for instance].
Research findings. The Red, White and Blue means Republicans. Americans associate the US Flag with the GOP, not Democrats. [usnews.com] 7/20/11 Wow, more self cleansing … and Democrats have done it to themselves, just like they have done by promoting abortions.
Budgets and Democrats. Any guesses as to how long it has been since Democrats in Congress have fulfilled their obligation to submit an annual budget? Is it 4 years. Why? It is pretty obvious that Democrat budgets are so unsustainably high that they will not bring them forward for fear of the election problems that Democrats would create for themselves. Democrats usually want GOP to side with them on controversial issues so that the blame can be spread to everyone. Democrats do not want to take ownership of losing issues. Where am I wrong. =TheRightJack
Gov Chris Christie beating Obama by 4 points in Zogby poll. Obama approval at 44%. Just 36% say he deserves to be reelected. [NewMax.com] 7/12/11 The stats story.
Are there any politicians today who will put the US people and the USA above party and politics? =TheRightJack
Can the GOP reverse the US economic performance that has been in decline since 2007
National Education Association has never endorsed a Republican for president.
“They [Media Matters for America] used to monitor the media and point out things that were wrong, false, inappropriate, which is fine, but what you are hearing…is that really now they’re involved in opposition research. They are digging up dirt on people. They’re trying to ruin people’s lives and reputation because they disagree with their politics. And, in specific here, what they disagree with is conservative politics and they really don’t like Fox News. So they’re going after everybody associated with Fox News including the likes of me.” - - - Juan Williams on Fox News 7/5/11
Juan Williams is a Democrat on Fox News who was fired from NPR for being fair and balanced in not sticking to the standard Liberal party line. =TheRightJack
Do we really want to consider electing Democrat party candidates whose supporters and donors vow to bring down the US economy. They include George Soros, Steve Lerner [SEIU official], Mexican Workers Party, the Unions and others.
Borked. Remember that term? Democrats now accuse Republicans of what “The Dems” have been doing to the US economy. This is not a new political strategy for Democrats. The Clintons have done this before. Remember the “Politics of Personal Destruction.” To the best of my recall, this started as a Democrat “policy” to berate and slander Republicans. It was used against Oliver North, any Republican attorney general, and any Republican member of Congress who was a threat. It continues today against Sarah Palin and any Republican who gains prominence. See Democrat Hit List here at TheRightJack.
Obama gives “Straw Man” choice of tax cuts for big business like Big Oil or funds for children. Yet Obama wants to allow millions of illegals to stay in the USA and receive free benefits for which they have paid nothing into the system. Where is Obama on the argument that … US Tax Payer money to support thousands if not millions of illegals or US Tax Payer money to support programs for our US Children.
Richard Lugar [R-IN], Obama’s favorite Republican. Lugar voted for the liberal bailouts, sponsored amnesty legislation, supports gun bans, supported Obama's liberal supreme Court nominees, and voted against a ban on earmarks! His GOP opponent gaining support in Indiana.
Blagojevich. What did he learn? According to a sound bite on a radio news report, he learned … "not to talk so much." That means he did not learn to be honest rather than perpetrate various illegal political tricks and unsuccessful payoffs. 6/27/11 Click Here.
Prediction. If GOP takes the Senate and the House in the 2012 election and Obama is reelected . . . there will continue to be a string of far left wing appointees who will continue to strangle the US economy. See Rebecca Wodder nominee for Interior.
The Buck never stops here.
New Democrats campaign strategy … do all they can with the full support of the Big Time Dying Democrat Media to blame the Democrat economic disaster on Republicans.
Theme: the last 2 ½ years under Obama and 4-5 years under a total Democrat Congress just could not overcome what Bush and the GOP did to the US economy. The economy was much worse than we expected ... the old Bill Clinton line when he took office. It is going to take a long time to get this corrected.
Gov Chris Christi of NJ is becoming a GOP presidential favorite for his no nonsense style and plain talking answers to questions. Unlike many Republicans who “pussie foot” around with their answers, he comes directly to the point. His kind of talk is what it will take to back Democrats into the corner they created. =trj
Leftist media figure on MSNBC alters a Neil Boortz quote for maximum political effect. Another Leftist Lied, and got caught. Nothing new about that. [RedState.com] Click Here to read what Boortz actually said.
Off the cliff. Did you see the recent Democrat commercial . . . a white man in a suit is pushing a terrified elderly lady in a wheel chair off a cliff with the fact-less claim, of course, that Republicans want to kill seniors. June 2011
Republicans want to kill seniors. Recurring Democrat campaign theme in one form or another. Ditto the "Republicans want seniors to eat dog food" refrain when GOP sought budget cuts a decade or more ago. These claims are not as outrageous as the number of people that apparently believe them.
Bill O’Reilly is very critical of Herman Cain as a presidential candidate. Cain was interviewed on The Factor and dismissed some of his comments quite abruptly. Maybe there is something else going on with Mr O that would cause him to “dis” the Pizza Man so abruptly. Perhaps it is because Cain is close to Neil Boortz and has/had his own talk show.
TheRightJack believes that Herman Cain is a viable presidential candidate along with Michelle Bachmann, Chris Christy and John Bolton. The latter two have not announced that they are candidates. Sarah Palin needs more experience but actually has had more successful experiences in government than has Obama. He still sounds like a union hack and partisan organizer. However, he has a formidable political team propping him up including, of course, the Big Time Dying Democrat Media.
News Brief: Congressman Anthony Weiner just announced that he will run for President and has selected Attorney General Eric Holder as his Vice-Presidential running mate. Weiner-Holder in 2012. Cannot wait to see their campaign bun-ting.
Democrats plan to run their own Republican candidates to split the vote. The uninformed are their target. Capture around 10% of the Republican vote and Democrat wins.
Liberal women standing behind Congressman Anthony Weiner [D-NY] while Republican women willing to vote for Obama over Sarah Palin.
George Soros is funding a national campaign to get Democrat Secretaries of State elected. Why? Secretaries of State count the votes. Those who count the vote decide the winner.
It is ...
The magnetic personality of Obama or the absolutely wretched economic policies and anti-USA politics of Obama.
Will the voters consider those two factors or will personality trump bad performance.
Which way are the voters going to go?
Will those who pay no taxes and those whose paycheck is dependent on government spending vote for more government and more spending regardless of what is best for the country
We know that 30±% on the Left will vote for Obama without question, regardless of economic facts.
We also know that 30±% on the right will vote for any GOP candidate.
Who will the middle 30% - 40% hear the last few days before the election when casting their votes.
Can the GOP make Obama pay for his massively unpopular policies OR IS the GOP going to “make nice” as did John McCain in the 2010 campaigning and debates.
And finally, who will be counting the votes?
• Anti-voter ID protection by the right.
• Anti-gay homophobes on the right.
• Anti-education by the right.
• Anti-science by the right.• Anti-union by the right.
• Anti-poor by the right.
• Anti- middle class by the right
• Protecting the wealthy by the right.
• Pro-business by the right.
• Draconian spending cuts by the right.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
radio interview in LA. [theblaze.com] 4/3/12
Ms Schultz is head of DNC and a
far far far radical leftist who spews a constant steam of verbal venom toward Republicans that Obama vehemently objects to hearing from Republicans. Nothing two-faced about the desperate Obama.
And now, even the Left is getting fed up with her bias and slander. July 2012
And now, even the Left is getting fed up with her bias and slander. July 2012
violations of US Constitution
• Giving
UN rights of determination via Hillary Clinton, Secy of State, about possession
of US guns and that belongs to Congress
• Sending
money all over the world for causes and not involving the US Congress
• Sending
US troops to fight in foreign wars without the approval of US Congress
• Failure
to protect USA border from illegal entry
• Forcing
the catholic church to violate their long-held laws and beliefs regarding birth
• Failure
to provide valid proof of US Citizenship to run for and hold office of
President of USA
• Appointment
of unaccountable czars who are making major proclamations and decrees effecting
vast millions without the authority to do so.
Former KKK Democrats running
for local offices in NC. [charlotteobserver.com] 3/14/12 Democrats trying to distance themselves from them.
Santorum on the ropes. Paul and Gingrich appear to be dead in the water as hopeful GOP presidential nominees.
Most interesting that Senator Robert
Byrd [D-WV] never got in any trouble with the Democrats, media, feminists, or
minorities for being a former [?] KKK man and leader. They are all Democrats, after all,
and that is what is really important.
Politics and NCAA basketball. Obama picking the Final Four teams in NCAA hoops based on where he really
needs votes? Kentucky. North Carolina. Missouri. Ohio. He is likely to lose
all four of these states IF he is not kicked off the ballots first by birth fraud. 3/14/12
High percentage of GOP in AL
and MS believe that Obama is a muslim. Many unsure. [wnd.com] 3/12/12 On the
other hand, his biases for homosexuality and women would seem to indicate that he is not
a muslim. Yet, muslims are permitted to lie to non-muslims without penalty.
Sticky wicket for US voters?
Welfare or Work. More and
more, the 2012 election seems to be coming down to US legal and illegal voters
deciding if they prefer a Big Dem Gov handout or a job. Dependence OR Independence.
Same thing - Different day OR Building your own future. Democrat OR
Republican. With nearly 50% of the US population in Big Gov support system in
one form or another, which way will they vote. =TheRightJack 3/10/12
Obama scheduling his own [political] media events on same days as GOP debates and votes.
All about politics. Turns out that Fluke is a dedicated Democrat who likes Media Matters, a Democrat PPD hack operation. The Fluke “testimony” was part of a Democrat political strategy to get female votes and divert attention away from the disastrous Obama economic policies. Obama is why the total number of employed workers is declining and media revenue is down. Many of the sponsors that dropped Rush are from Big Dem States like CA MA MN. We support Rush Limbaugh and his right to make dumb statements as do Joe Biden, Maxine Waters and many other politicians. 3/6/12
Obama campaign focus: Union groups. College groups. Women's groups.
Bottom Line. Anybody but Obama. Republicans will vote for whomever emerges as the winner. What is the agenda of those who complain about the GOP mud-slinging? Does any legal voter but the totally committed Far Left Progressive Democrats really want Obama for another four years? 2/29/12
Bravo Santorum. Rick Santorum on inviting Democrats to vote for him. Romney lets off steam. In truth, Santorum did exactly what we want to happen in the 2012 election. We want to invite Republicans, Tea Party, Independents, No Name Party, Moderates and Democrats to vote Republican in 2012. We want to put an end to the subservient apologies, political handouts and crony bailouts. We want to put an end to the crippling economic insanity of Obama and the Democrats. That means, [1] remove their smothering energy blanket, [2] remove the tax and employment threats that stifle business growth, [3] reduce tax rates so overseas business profits can be brought back into the USA that will ultimately help US workers, create jobs, and give all citizens hope for a bright future with jobs and growth. Yes. We want a government with values that promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. =TheRightJack 2/28/12
Americans for Obama. [westernjournalism.com] 2/18/12 Can you visualize the storm of outrage created by the Big Dem Media and Democrats in Congress if any GOP group or other group doing this for white or even multi-racial potential voters.
Obama: 50% white. 45% muslim. 5% black.
Unbiased? TV personality
makes $1 million donation to Obama campaign. On Friday leftist comedian
Bill Maher announced that he was donating $1 million to President Obama's own
Super PAC -- Priorities USA Action. Maher said, "This is the wisest
investment I think I could make." Also: Jeffrey Katzenberg (Dreamworks) $2
million; Steven Spielberg (Dreamworks) $100,000; J.J. Abrams (The Lost)
• Looks like this portion of the race is becoming Team Romney-Paul versus Team Santorum-Gingrich.
• Question: Will Republicans attack the Obama policies in the same way they are attacking each other during the debates.
Electioneering by Obama and the Democrats
to get your mind off of the horrible Obama economy …
Free contraceptives. It is a
constitutional right. So Big Gov must provide them. US Tax Payers actually pay
for them.
Free abortions. It is a
constitutional right. So Big Gov must provide them. US Tax Payers actually pay
for them.
Free guns. It is a
constitutional right. So Big Gov must provide them. US Tax Payers actually pay
for them. NOT.
Source: A discussion by Laura
Ingram on the radio 2/15/12
Conservatives continue to run for local and state elections as conservatives and WIN. From all appearances, the Republican elite expects a non-conservative like the McCains of the GOP to win the national election against Obama.
Rick Santorum getting traction among the GOP hopefuls. Gingrich falling but still in the race. 2/9/12
"… And so, when the
choices that are put before us today are dangerous ones because if we choose
this path of pitting people against each other, if we buy into this notion that
our economy really can't grow fast enough for all of us to prosper so we're
going to have to somehow empower government to distribute the wealth of this
country among us, we've chosen to become like everybody else. We've chosen to
become like the countries that your parents and grandparents came here to get
away from. And that's a powerful message. And that's the message that we need
to deliver. And that's the message we need to work on delivering. It's a
winning message." - - - Senator Marco Rubio [R-FL] at Hispanic LeadershipConference in Miami on January 27, 2012
SOTU 1/24/12 ...
What Obama did not say,
during the State of the Union … er … make that the State of the 2012 Campaign
speech, when referring to how much better things are now compared to that of
The Previous Administration.
• Wants to consolidate Big Gov
but no mention of reducing the number of employees nor payroll.
• 2 million fewer people
working now that 3-4 years ago
• More smothering Big Gov regulations now than before
• Oil production on private land is up
• Oil production on Big Gov
land is down
• Permit process for drilling for
oil more difficult to get now than before
• No mention about the amount
of debt created during his administration
• No mention that he voted for
the Frank – Dodd - Fannie - Freddie mortgage fiasco.
• No mention of the difference
•• [1] paying taxes on wages
•• [2] paying capital gains
taxes on interest earned, upon which taxes have already been paid on the
originial wages. That is called double taxation.
• No mention about where Big
Gov is going to get the money to pay for the great new Big Dem Gov ideas.
• Send me bills to sign. Of course, Dems in Senate will not agree to any House GOP bills.
• Send me bills to sign. Of course, Dems in Senate will not agree to any House GOP bills.
• Summary: Not much substance. Just
throwing out ideas to see if anything sticks. =TheRightJack 1/25/12
Do Nothing Congress?
1000 days today since Democrats in US Senate have passed a budget. What are they hiding by not doing this? 1/24/12
180 – House Republican bills passed
61 – Senate Democrat bills passed
900+ days since Democrats passed an annual budget
Left continues to call GOP in Congress obstructionists 1/18/12
Culture doing a 180:
• What’s good: Taking Big Dem
Gov handouts. Having welfare babies. Not paying any taxes. Slamming successful wage
earners. Wanting free college education.
• What’s bad: Capitalism. Earning power of money that comes from work. Not paying enough taxes. Working your way up to better jobs from starter jobs.
Oooops. Santorum wins Iowa, not Romney.
What comes after hope and change? The top 10 losing Obama slogans for 2012 [dailycaller.com] 1/19/12
then there were four …
out – endorses Gingrich
out – endorses Romney
out – appears to endorse Gingrich in campaign adv
out - no endorsement yet, then endorses people of USA 1/19/12
then there were five …
out – endorses Romney
out – appears to endorse Gingrich in campaign adv
out - no endorsement given yet
Who is the next one to run out of campaign funds? =TheRightJack 1/15/12
Obama Administration seems to
be in disarray again as people continue to desert his Ship of State. Mrs Obama
seems perpetually honked off. Traditional Democrats not happy with Obama
economic policies. Media showing bias with lack of inquiries. 1/13/12
Dead people could have noted in New Hampshire.
Romney settling into #1 position. Attack ads on him by GOP mates pick up as was done to Newt when he was leading the way. Huntsman looking good.
Suggestion: How about Sean Penn for the Ron Paul Secretary of State. Penn seems to be very friendly with nations like Venezuela that would like to wipe the USA off the map. 1/12/12
57%. Voters who voted for Ron
Paul who were not Republican conservatives. Noted in a WND article that was linked to comments
by Rush Limbaugh where Romeny compared what he did at Bain Capitol to what Obama did for GM. 1/11/12
As rumored here at
TheRightJack, Democrats are supporting Ron Paul to inflate his “body count” and
cause queezie anxiety among the GOP candidates.
Weekend GOP Debate. Unbiased
Democrats spent valuable time with their “gotcha” questions on side issues like
birth and abortion. GOP hopefuls seemed slow or hesitant to switch the
questions to The Obama Economy. Score another one for the unbiased Obama
Democrats. Wise up. Reframe these questions. 1/8/12
x x x
Republican establishment wants to avoid challenging Obama on his disastrous economic record. Yet Conservatives who have challenged Big Washington Gov and massive Democrat spending are winning election after election. Moderate RINOs like John McCain do not win elections.
x x x
Election 2012: equality and entitlements versus freedom. Several good editorials on this in the Sunday newpaper including one by George Will. The gist of it is that we cannot have both economic equality and freedom. It is one or the other. To have total equality [except for the PolitBureauCrats], THEY must take away our freedoms. 1/8/12
x x x
Replay: NY Times disclosed that the 2012 Obama election strategy is to court all voter blocks that represent unions [teachers, government, trades], minorities, those on Big Dem Gov welfare [single mothers in particular], those who pay no taxes and the very wealthy uber-Left. White workforce, men in particular, are of no interest to him and his campaign strategists. 1/2/11
x x x
Congress not scoring well among who? Democrats continue to point the blame for the poor ratings of Congress on the GOP while the GOP tries to reign in MASSIVE Democrats and Obama spending. Democrats continue to put forth spending program after spending program with no signs of restraint. It is hard to believe that Democrats really want to bankrupt the US but since the US is already broke, you have to believe that there objective is to totally destroy the US economy.
Why? Make more people dependent on US Big Dem Gov => More Dem voters => More Dem control => Once they control it all, they can do what ever they wish. =TheRightJack 1/1/12
x x x
Elections have consequences:
• Pardons. Do you think that Obama has the gall to pardon all Gitmo prisoners as he leaves The White House after his 2012 defeat? 12/23/11
• The Supremes. The next US
president may have opportunities to name up to four Supreme Court justices. So, do you understand the concept of Making Laws from the Bench [rather than by US
voters] with four more left wing Liberals like Elena Kagan on The Bench? 12/15/11
x x x
Tea Party done? This is what the Left wing media wants US voters to believe. Just wait until it gets down to campaign season.
x x x
Newt. The rather
DIS-honorable Bill Clinton questions the temperament and leadership qualities
of New Gingrich. Is that where the Democrats Politics of Personal Destruction is going to go with Newt? 12/20/11
Big Time Democrat Dying Media
still asking no questions about Obama after more than four years. Who is this person?
x x xRomney or Gingrich? Gingrich or Romney? Might yet another GOP candidate emerge before all is said and done? Any Republican is better than Obama.
BTW, what will happen if Republican states do not put Obama on the ballot because of his [1] failure to offer unrefutable proof of US citizenship, [2] his odd Connecticut social security number where he never lived, [3] applying for US college as a foreign student, and [4] the failure of Democrats to provide any proof of vetting.
Do you know how many times a month I must show proof of who I am.
x x x
What is the legal strategy to prosecute those involved in Vote Fraud in big Democrat precincts where there is no Republican or neutral observer on site to verify that the votes submitted are "legal" votes. More votes than registered voters IS an absolute signal to RE-Vote under supervision. Trust but verify with a re-vote. =TheRightJack 12/17/11
x x x
VP Biden tests Obama 2012 campaign strategy on education to fix financial problems in education created by Obama administration policies over the past three years. [dailycaller.com] 12/12/11
Education with K-12 and college indoctrination, is a key Obama support group along with public sector unions, single mothers, blacks, gays, Hollywood and the Big Time Dying Media, of course.
x x x
Obama Kansas Speech … "It starts with making sure that everyone has a fair shot at success." [whitehouse.gov] 12/6/11
Obama in Kansas [dailyadvance.com ] 12/9/11
Obama likens the American Dream to dependence on Big Gov, not individual initiative.
Obama wants total fairness and opportunity. Obviously, it includes people who elected NOT to finish school, single teen moms, potheads, druggies, convicts, unions and illegals. I am sure that US Taxpayers are going to get behind that campaign platform. Obama continues to talk jobs but is actively on course for bigger and bigger government at the expense of the US job creators. Watch what he does, not what he says. This applies to all politicians. =TheRightJack 12/10/11
x x x
Latest Obama election pitch: Do you really want to be out there on your own? Fend for yourself? [An anti self reliance pitch?]
What he means: Democrats want as many people as possible to depend on Big Dem Gov for their existence. That will require us to tax the crap out of “everyone” until all businesses are controlled or owned by Big Dem Gov. Then all US businesses will operate with the same “fire in their bellies” as Big Gov with that underlying motivation to keep costs under control, offer great products and service as does Congress, the Post Office, public schools and DMV. =TheRightJack on 12/7/11
x x x
Fact Check Obama. Trusting what Obama says is not smart but his followers seem to believe everything he says. The media may not believe him but they seldom if ever challenge what he says. =TheRightJack 12/7/11
x x x
Perfect. What a perfect way to derail a black candidate. Have white women accuse him of affairs, even if it allegedly happened years ago. Very easy stereotypical deprecation by those who have mastered the Politics of Personal Destruction for their supportive media. To be accused is to be guilty.
How to derail the other candidates …
For Newt, it will be his former wives and House leadership.
For Romney it will be his religion and his big business connections.
For Perry, it is likely to be immigration and lack of intelligence associated with his Texas drawl.
For Bachmann, it is likely to be her extreme right wing conservatism and of course, being a woman.
For Obama, it is likely to be … his record, and Who is this man? We know absolutely nothing about him before 2008?
What dark horse like Paul or Huntsman is going to become the front runner after all of the mud is slung?
x x x
Newt “Poppa Smurf” Gingrich. Is he the one? 12/2/11
x x x
Golden Handcuffs: Handouts. Food stamps. Lifestyle changing unemployment. Black market incomes. Dependence on Big Gov. Big Dem Gov Jobs. Big Bailouts. [Golden Handcuffs was a disparaging term associated with worker policies and pay scales associated with RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company.]
Big Election Question: Will those millions receiving Big Dem Gov handouts vote for those who will promise to give them even more handouts or those who promise to create more jobs.
x x x
Obama Election Strategy Announced: Obama will focus [i.e., cater to] his 2012 campaign strategies on the elite and the poor whites. The elite are the ones who want everyone with comparable incomes to pay more taxes yet seem unwilling to pay more taxes, voluntarily. The poor whites of course are those who are unable to work and those who elect not to work, plus the heavily-subsidized-by-dues me-first union boss elites. [Unbiased summary by TheRightJack, as The Big Time Dying Dem Media would claim] 11/30/11
x x x
Democrats blast Republicans as do nothings. They are trying. Republican solutions and legislation never gets reported by their media. Democrat stalling and obstacles seldom if ever reported by their media.
x x x
Pressure mounting on Obama from inside his party to replace him with a more centrist candidate. Why? Looks like more and more legal US voters are leaving the Left and they are likely to leave the Congressional Democrats in large numbers too. Their only hope is that there is sufficient vote fraud [i.e., ballot stuffing] to overcome a massive legal voter surge for the GOP. =TheRightJack 11/26/11
In regard to vote fraud, how do the states handle situations where there are more votes cast than there are registered voters. It should result in a re-vote, not a recount.
x x x
Newt Gingrich. If I were to vote today, Newt Gingrich would get my vote. Still, I would also vote for any Republican over Obama.
x x x
Democrat Campaign strategy for 2012 in a nutshell: Blame Republicans for unwillingness to raise taxes. [NewsMax.com] 11/16/11
x x x
@KarlRove on Twitter. Almost all of these 12 swing states give Obama a higher disapproval rating than approval rating: http://bit.ly/vs9AFc 11/11/11
x x x
Serial accuser. At least one lady who has accused Herman Cain of sexual misbehavior appears to be a serial accuser. [theblaze.com] 11/9/11 What a surprise. Will she fall on her sword for the Democrat Party?
x x x
Ooops. Another serial accuser. [theBlaze.com] 11/8/11. What next?
x x x
Herman Cain, GOP presidential front runner. The target of another Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction by two more women claiming to have been the victim of his sexual assaults. Tis very suspicious that these allegations did not surface when he ran for other public offices since his restaurant days. 11/8/11
x x x
Visualize a GOP administration and cabinet made up of the top eight presidential candidates ... A truly great combination of political and business experts who could get the USA back on a positive economic path with apologies to none.
x x x
Cain or Gingrich
Gingrich or Cain
Romney still flat lining as a non-conservative
x x x
Mad Michelle to continue her roll as the sweet Obama attack dog during the 2012 election cycle. All problems are the fault of Republicans. Democrats cannot run on their record. [washingtontimes.com] 10/30/11
x x xRacism. If Herman Cain were a Democrat, the Big Time Dying Democrat Media would be shouting racism at the way he has been repeatedly chastised, demeaned and slandered since he became a political frontrunner. However, as we know, Democrats can never be perps when it comes to racism, sexism and homophobia. These charges apply only to Republicans. 11/5/11
x x x
Now a third charge is anonymously leveled at Herman Cain. Democrat operatives use racial stereotype [?] on Cain as they had done previously with Clarence Thomas. That is, African Americans and blacks are sexual predators. 11/2/11
Herman Cain gets sexual harassment claims thrown at him by Democrat Politics of Person Destruction operatives. Media careful to not mention anything about Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, Jesse Jackson and The Clinton Bimbo Eruptions. Clinton women he “friended” became targets for the Big Time Media back then, not Clinton. Bill Clinton keeping his mouth shut.
Inappropriate sexual behavior. Bill Clinton had a string of proven sexual [affairs or assault?] cases going back to his Arkansas days. Hillary in the dark. Yea right! Cain has maybe one anonymous accusation … and it was determined that is was a false accusation. Cain gets grilled. Clinton still on the loose. 10/31/11 Well, maybe it depends on the meaning of sexual behavior.
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Obama’s Army. He said that as president he would create "a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the U.S. military, to advance his "objectives" for America. [wnd] 10/27/11
Turns out that this army is made up of his union leaders and buddies from the Teamsters, AFL-CIO, UAW, IBEW, SEIU-ACORN, NEA etc, and the professional left wing organizers behind the scenes at Occupy Wall Street, all bought and paid for by the the US Taxpayers.
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President Barack Obama getting round his self-imposed ban on accepting campaign donations from registered lobbyists by accepting donations from unregistered lobbyists instead. 15 Wall Street bundlers identified. [newsmax.com] 10/28/11
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Polls. Results are likely to be confusing when the choice is Obama versus one of eight potential GOP candidates compared to election time when it boils down to Obama versus one GOP presidential nominee. In reality, any one of the GOP hopefuls should prevail over Obama … but money talks and Obama is taking in record amounts from his Wall Street cronies. =TheRightJack
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2012 election: Makers vs Takers
[floydreports.com] Good statistics for the factually challenged.
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Obama working hard on his big support groups lately: unions, teachers, students, protesters. Elected Democrats not showing up nor giving him much love.
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Obama tells audience at his most recent campaign stop that “you are on your own” if Republicans are elected in November 2012. Was he speaking to people who will not work and college students? Maybe government workers where the number of jobs have grown and grown during his reign. 10/25/11
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Democrats and Big Dem Media picking Romney to run against Obama. Interesting!
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Tea Party being attacked relentlessly by Big Time Dying Democrat Media. Trying to convince those who do not follow the political ebbs and flows closely that the Occupy Wall Street people are pure saints. Tea Party people are mean angry vicious racists who want Big Gov to protect the wealthy. =TheRightJack 10/23/11
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Moving up in the debates:
Herman Cain
Newt Gingrich
Holding ground:
Mitt Romney
But it is a time to the Primaries.
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Elected Democrats not showing up for Obama [campaign] stops. They do not want him dragging them down as his popularity continues to fall, just like the US economy.
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20%. Mort Zuckerman. Real estate mogul, NY Daily News owner and Democrat says the real unemployment rate is 20%.
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Saul Alinsky. A review of his writings is coming. It will show his very simple political strategy in plain words as well as the influence his writings have had on young impressionable Democrats like Hillary Rodham [the Wellesley student] and Barack Obama [the community organizer]. It may shock you to learn what motivates the protestors, their union organizers, and their financial backers. Their motives are spelled out very clearly. Consider: One person. One vote. One time. Power.
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If I am elected, I promise ...
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Democrats and Their Media are trying desperately to convince US voters that Republicans are to blame for nothing happening in Washington. Democrats had absolute control on Congress for four years and were scared stiff to pass legislation for fear of the blame they would heap upon themselves for such radical far left and “out of touch” legislation.
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MSNBC Republican Debate. Go for it. This is a serious primer for what GOP candidates will face from The Media in the 2012 elections. The GOP can only win converts by speaking before a biased and unfriendly or even hostile left-wing network hosts and audiences. Use it as an opportunity for their audiences hear, maybe for the first time, the GOP point of view from the horse’s mouth. Go git em Newt. Do not let the hosts derail the GOP agenda. =TheRightJack 10/14/11 Stupid. Click Here for the RedState.com story.
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Herman Cain lectured by MSNBC white guy. Neither Cain nor Obama marched in the South. Somehow, Cain is not down for the struggle but Obama is. Much more along with questions Rush Limbaugh would ask this MSNBC fellow. [rushlimbaugh.com] 10/7/11. Cain is able.
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Obama marched with the New Black Panther Party in 2007. Photos and story.
[conservativebyte.com] Click Here and then Click Here.
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Leadership gone astray. Democrats seem intent on fostering riots and partisan political factions by pitting one group against another rather than create positive economic solutions for all Americans. =TheRightJack
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Election 2012
Gaining ground
Herman Cain
Same old same old
Mitt Romney and Rick Perry
Losing ground
Michelle Bachmann
Barack Obama
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reed
Christie and Palin
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How many US Taxpayers who vote, union or not, believe that the unions and their naïve young protesters who are trying to bring down the US economy is a winning political platform.
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Mitt Romney – Wall Street protesters [with union backing] seem to be positioning Mitt Romney as a Wall Street insider for the coming election cycle. Wall Street has been a huge Obama backer. Just more evidence of how little these protesters know about current events and history.
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Herman Cain – Moving up in the polls. Bill O’Reilly does not like Cain because he lacks political experience. Well, is it not all of those people with political experience who put us in the economic mess. Yes it is. Wise up O’Reilly. I will vote for Herman Cain in a heartbeat. He knows what to do. He has a plan. He knows how to put the US back in the black. He will not beat around the bush, and there is plenty of political expertise available. Consider Newt and the other candidates along with John Bolton and many others. Cain is able.
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Suspend national elections say two Democrats. ... current NC Gov and a former Obama administrator. Democrats are sounding like third world despots and dictators who want total control without obtaining the approval of the US electorate at the ballot box. 9/29/11
Spread the blame, not the wealth … Democrats have been offering such horrible legislation in the Senate that they do not dare bring their bills to the floor for votes. Obama's new job killing bill has been stalled BY Democrats. Democrat budgets for Congress has had no action for over 900 days, since Democrats were in control of Congress. Why? Democrats cannot get the GOP to go along with them to spread the blame. Sitting Democrats do not have the courage to bring forward their rotten legislation without the support from the GOP. Cowards, they are. And Democrats blame Republicans for nothing being accomplished by Congress. =TheRightJack on 9/29/11
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When you are holding a Hammer (Everything Looks Like a Nail). You Tube 3:09 minutes. Song that got a teacher fired. So much for freedom of speech in education.
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Obama job approval among:
Overall at 39% and falling
Hispanics at 44% and falling
Young voters at 44% and falling
Gallup Sept 24-26, 2011
49% disapprove
42% approve
And now more people believe that our dismal economy is NOT the fault of Bush 43. The blame rests with the economic policies of the current group of Democrats.
Remember when they said that there is very little difference between Democrats and Republicans. Now who are the racists? Who are the job killers? Who is destroying our once envied economy?
Nazi. Texas teacher calls Texas tea party leader a Nazi. [theblaze.com] 9/22/11
Hmmm. I found the GOP debate Monday night more interesting that the football game. Holy Moly. That is un-American, or something. A political junkie? Any GOP member on that stage last night will be a better president of the USA than Obama or O’Biden or Hillary or Kerry or AlGore. Click Here and then Click Here.
GOP Debate in FL on 9/12/11
Winners: Bachmann. Perry. Romney.
So-So: Cain. Gingrich. Huntsman
Losers: Paul. Santorum.
GOP Debate in CA on 9/7/11
Winners: Huntsman. Perry. Romney.
So-So: Bachman. Cain. Gingrich.
Losers: Paul. Santorum.
Increasingly violent and inflammatory election rhetoric by those on the Left is condoned by Obama with his silence.
In January President Obama called for civility. In January the President claimed he desired lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to stop the finger pointing and to work together toward solving the serious issues facing our nation… “Pause for a moment…make sure that we are talking to each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.” - - - President Barack Obama (January 12, 2011)
President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out and get America back to an America where we belong. - - - Jimmy Hoffa, Teamsters President 9/5/11 Obama Campaign Rally in Detroit in introducing Obama
Violent election rhetoric and lies from the Left as GOP goes about winning at the ballot box. Waters. Carson. Biden. Hoffa. The union way is to do what ever it takes to hold on to their golden goose … bargaining from the same side of the table with the Democrats. Obama quiet. Big Dem Media quiet. [americanthinker.com] 9/6/11
The liberal political machine continues to ramp up their hateful rhetoric towards the Tea Party. This time it was union thug, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., using exactly the kind of rhetoric that President Obama falsely lectured Tea Party activists about during his absurd calls for civility after the tragedy in Tucson.
Jimmy Hoffa Jr to Obama. “Let’s take these sons of bitches out” … “We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war. President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march… Everybody here’s got a vote…Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” [TheTeaParty.net]
Another No-No. Huffinton Post, a leftist report, alters words by Glen Beck to make him seem racist. [theblaze.com] 8/31/11 2012 Dem campaign platform picking up steam.
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$174,000. US Lawmakers say they need a raise. Hey! Suck it up. Do what the rest of us have to do in this economy. Cut spending. Congressional approval rating at 17%. [Yahoo]
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Entitlements. Most dangerous president we’ve had in modern times - - - David Horowitz [NewsMax.com] 8/29/11
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1 hour. Obama spent about one hour per stop on the bus during his recent 3 state "non-campaign" Canadian made Big Gov black bus trip. Total cost over $4 million to US Taxpayers.
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Racism. Democrats positioning the opposition to global warming and/or climate change as equivalent to racism in the coming election cycle. Before this, any and all criticism of Obama has been positioned as racism. The latter is still widely used by Democrats and their media.
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Edited. Michelle Bachmann speech edited by Democrats so she can charge with racism. Democrats must keep the minority voters in their camp, regardless of the damage their economic policies are bringing on all Americans, not just minorities.
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26%. Obama approval ratings in radio report. A new low. No support remains except from the far far left. That would be union bosses, university professors, unmarried mothers, media writer and reporters, poverty pimps and a dwindling majority of elected Democrats. How low can you go? 8/19/11 49% hispanic support. 80% black support.
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Recycling. Neal Boorts plays two sound bites, one after another. Around 17 bullet points. First one is Jimmy Carter followed immediately by a second one by Barack Obama. Same bullet point verbage in both speeches. No new ideas in 40 years. Amazing. 8/19/11 Plagerism? Not in politics. Rules for Business do not apply to politicians.
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Chris Matthews on Hardball offers a “very astute political criticism” of Gov Rick Perry [R-Texas], who just announced that he is running for the GOP nomination for president. Matthews said that Perry “dresses fancy.” Wow. Matthews is an insightful critic. 8/16/11
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39% solution. Obama received a 39% approval rating in latest Gallup Poll, with 54% disapproval from American public.
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Approval ratings of Obama:
80% approval rate by muslims. Down from 84%.
60% approval rating among atheists, agnostics, those of no religion
50% among catholics
37% among protestants
25% among mormons
7% approval rate of Bush 43 by muslims
[NewsMax.com] 8/15/11
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Love Fest. Green Bay Packers All Pro Charles Woodson and female sideline reporter on NFL Network have a mutual Obama Love Fest. 8/14/11 Gag!
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49% Quinnipiac University poll showing that 49% of New York State voters disapprove of his job performance, compared to 45% who approve. 85% disapproval among Republicans. 58% disapproval among Independents. 10% disapproval among Democrats. [newsmax.com] 8/12/11
Holy Smokes. National Organization for Women [NOW] defends Michelle Bachmann against Newsweek article that features an unflattering cover photo of MB. [DailyCaller.com] 8/8/11 The next thing you know, the NAACP will be saying the Obama is bad for jobs for black teens, black 24 to 44 year old, older middle age blacks, and black seniors. Justice Clarence Thomas – not a chance.
Communist Party USA endorses Obama for 2012. Are they not his socialists brethren?
62%. People not sold on their Congressional reps. [Rasmussen]
Now, if a politician wants to get the votes to pass legislation, he better be able to win on the merits of that legislation. It's no longer an option to trade an unprincipled vote to fund some absurd pet project. No more “cornhusker kickbacks” for Ben Nelson in Nebraska; no more "Louisiana purchase” for Mary Landrieu in exchange for the passage of the dangerous Obamacare. This is the first example of how we are going to stop the flow of terrible legislation from Washington. - - - TeaParty.net 7/31/11
Zogby Poll on Obama. On the basic question, 39.2% said they trust the president and 52.8% said they don’t. The rest were not sure. Less than half, 45.8%, over 70 said they trust him. [NewsMax.com] 7/26/11
Wall Street is largest contribute to Obama 2012 re-election campaign so far. Lawyers held the #1 position last time around. Interesting that Wall Street has taken the brunt of the Obama attacks against capitalism.
Obama to run for re-election on his so called “good intentions” and not results, like an absolutely terrible economy caused by socialist collective principles where Big Dem Socialist Government is in charge of all monies and payouts/entitlements [to Unions and the Voluntary Poor dependents, for instance].
Research findings. The Red, White and Blue means Republicans. Americans associate the US Flag with the GOP, not Democrats. [usnews.com] 7/20/11 Wow, more self cleansing … and Democrats have done it to themselves, just like they have done by promoting abortions.
Budgets and Democrats. Any guesses as to how long it has been since Democrats in Congress have fulfilled their obligation to submit an annual budget? Is it 4 years. Why? It is pretty obvious that Democrat budgets are so unsustainably high that they will not bring them forward for fear of the election problems that Democrats would create for themselves. Democrats usually want GOP to side with them on controversial issues so that the blame can be spread to everyone. Democrats do not want to take ownership of losing issues. Where am I wrong. =TheRightJack
Gov Chris Christie beating Obama by 4 points in Zogby poll. Obama approval at 44%. Just 36% say he deserves to be reelected. [NewMax.com] 7/12/11 The stats story.
Are there any politicians today who will put the US people and the USA above party and politics? =TheRightJack
Can the GOP reverse the US economic performance that has been in decline since 2007
National Education Association has never endorsed a Republican for president.
“They [Media Matters for America] used to monitor the media and point out things that were wrong, false, inappropriate, which is fine, but what you are hearing…is that really now they’re involved in opposition research. They are digging up dirt on people. They’re trying to ruin people’s lives and reputation because they disagree with their politics. And, in specific here, what they disagree with is conservative politics and they really don’t like Fox News. So they’re going after everybody associated with Fox News including the likes of me.” - - - Juan Williams on Fox News 7/5/11
Juan Williams is a Democrat on Fox News who was fired from NPR for being fair and balanced in not sticking to the standard Liberal party line. =TheRightJack
Do we really want to consider electing Democrat party candidates whose supporters and donors vow to bring down the US economy. They include George Soros, Steve Lerner [SEIU official], Mexican Workers Party, the Unions and others.
Borked. Remember that term? Democrats now accuse Republicans of what “The Dems” have been doing to the US economy. This is not a new political strategy for Democrats. The Clintons have done this before. Remember the “Politics of Personal Destruction.” To the best of my recall, this started as a Democrat “policy” to berate and slander Republicans. It was used against Oliver North, any Republican attorney general, and any Republican member of Congress who was a threat. It continues today against Sarah Palin and any Republican who gains prominence. See Democrat Hit List here at TheRightJack.
Obama gives “Straw Man” choice of tax cuts for big business like Big Oil or funds for children. Yet Obama wants to allow millions of illegals to stay in the USA and receive free benefits for which they have paid nothing into the system. Where is Obama on the argument that … US Tax Payer money to support thousands if not millions of illegals or US Tax Payer money to support programs for our US Children.
Richard Lugar [R-IN], Obama’s favorite Republican. Lugar voted for the liberal bailouts, sponsored amnesty legislation, supports gun bans, supported Obama's liberal supreme Court nominees, and voted against a ban on earmarks! His GOP opponent gaining support in Indiana.
Blagojevich. What did he learn? According to a sound bite on a radio news report, he learned … "not to talk so much." That means he did not learn to be honest rather than perpetrate various illegal political tricks and unsuccessful payoffs. 6/27/11 Click Here.
Prediction. If GOP takes the Senate and the House in the 2012 election and Obama is reelected . . . there will continue to be a string of far left wing appointees who will continue to strangle the US economy. See Rebecca Wodder nominee for Interior.
The Buck never stops here.
New Democrats campaign strategy … do all they can with the full support of the Big Time Dying Democrat Media to blame the Democrat economic disaster on Republicans.
Theme: the last 2 ½ years under Obama and 4-5 years under a total Democrat Congress just could not overcome what Bush and the GOP did to the US economy. The economy was much worse than we expected ... the old Bill Clinton line when he took office. It is going to take a long time to get this corrected.
Gov Chris Christi of NJ is becoming a GOP presidential favorite for his no nonsense style and plain talking answers to questions. Unlike many Republicans who “pussie foot” around with their answers, he comes directly to the point. His kind of talk is what it will take to back Democrats into the corner they created. =trj
Leftist media figure on MSNBC alters a Neil Boortz quote for maximum political effect. Another Leftist Lied, and got caught. Nothing new about that. [RedState.com] Click Here to read what Boortz actually said.
Off the cliff. Did you see the recent Democrat commercial . . . a white man in a suit is pushing a terrified elderly lady in a wheel chair off a cliff with the fact-less claim, of course, that Republicans want to kill seniors. June 2011
Republicans want to kill seniors. Recurring Democrat campaign theme in one form or another. Ditto the "Republicans want seniors to eat dog food" refrain when GOP sought budget cuts a decade or more ago. These claims are not as outrageous as the number of people that apparently believe them.
Bill O’Reilly is very critical of Herman Cain as a presidential candidate. Cain was interviewed on The Factor and dismissed some of his comments quite abruptly. Maybe there is something else going on with Mr O that would cause him to “dis” the Pizza Man so abruptly. Perhaps it is because Cain is close to Neil Boortz and has/had his own talk show.
TheRightJack believes that Herman Cain is a viable presidential candidate along with Michelle Bachmann, Chris Christy and John Bolton. The latter two have not announced that they are candidates. Sarah Palin needs more experience but actually has had more successful experiences in government than has Obama. He still sounds like a union hack and partisan organizer. However, he has a formidable political team propping him up including, of course, the Big Time Dying Democrat Media.
News Brief: Congressman Anthony Weiner just announced that he will run for President and has selected Attorney General Eric Holder as his Vice-Presidential running mate. Weiner-Holder in 2012. Cannot wait to see their campaign bun-ting.
Democrats plan to run their own Republican candidates to split the vote. The uninformed are their target. Capture around 10% of the Republican vote and Democrat wins.
Liberal women standing behind Congressman Anthony Weiner [D-NY] while Republican women willing to vote for Obama over Sarah Palin.
George Soros is funding a national campaign to get Democrat Secretaries of State elected. Why? Secretaries of State count the votes. Those who count the vote decide the winner.
It is ...
The magnetic personality of Obama or the absolutely wretched economic policies and anti-USA politics of Obama.
Will the voters consider those two factors or will personality trump bad performance.
Which way are the voters going to go?
Will those who pay no taxes and those whose paycheck is dependent on government spending vote for more government and more spending regardless of what is best for the country
We know that 30±% on the Left will vote for Obama without question, regardless of economic facts.
We also know that 30±% on the right will vote for any GOP candidate.
Who will the middle 30% - 40% hear the last few days before the election when casting their votes.
Can the GOP make Obama pay for his massively unpopular policies OR IS the GOP going to “make nice” as did John McCain in the 2010 campaigning and debates.
And finally, who will be counting the votes?
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