DIVORCE AGREEMENT-- WRITTEN BY YOUNG COLLEGE STUDENT The person who wrote this is a college (law) student. Perhaps there is hope for us after all. DIVORCE AGREEMENT THIS IS SO INCREDIBLY WELL PUT AND I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT'S BY A YOUNG PERSON, A STUDENT!!! WHATEVER HE RUNS FOR, I'LL VOTE FOR HIM. Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al: We have stuck together since the late 1950's for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course. Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way. Here is a our separation agreement: --Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes. -- We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. -- You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. -- Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. -- We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and the coal mines, and you can go with wind, solar and biodiesel. -- You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them. -- We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. -- You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies and illegal aliens. -- We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. -- We'll keep Bill O'Reilly, and Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood . -- You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us. -- You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security. -- We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. -- You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N. but we will no longer be paying the bill. -- We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Volt and Leaf you can find. -- You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. -- We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National Anthem." -- I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine", "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya" or "We Are the World". -- We'll practice trickle-down economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot. -- Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag. Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you might think about which one of us will need whose help in 15 years. Sincerely, John J. Wall Law Student and an American P.S. Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin & Charlie Sheen, Barbara Streisand, ( Hanoi ) Jane Fonda with you. P.S.S. And you won't have to press 1 for English when you call our country. Forward This Every Time You Get It ! Let's Keep This Going, Maybe Some Of It Will Start Sinking In!!
Source: Not documented
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Divorce Agreement
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Distractions and Diversions and the Obama Nanny State
Distractions are Diversions that take our collective minds off the failing Obama economy and massive deficit spending by Democrats and the entrenched Republicans, who want to go along to get along.
Obama Election Strategy:
- Where are all of the Romney tax returns?
- [Reid lied and admitted it.]
- Romney is rich.
- Republicans want to cut spending.
- Republicans want to cut education.
- Republicans want to cut entitlements.
- GOP is conducting a War on Women.
- It is all the fault of Bush 43.
- It is capitalism and the economic policies of the past that got us into this mess.
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What they will try next, apart from just outright lying to us about how the economy is improving?
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Planned Parenthood - Big Dem Media not going to go there.
Bad Iran deal - Big Dem Media backs Obama and UN member dictators against Israel and US populace.
Jenner is a distraction. Media will not tell us about the Clinton emails and bribes. What is she hiding?
The Flag Flap is a distraction. Media will not tell us about the Clinton emails and bribes. What is she hiding?
The distraction is working. Democrats and the middle of the roaders are not talking about how bad-off the USA is under Hillary, Obama and the the Far Left Democrats.
The Flag Flap is an enhanced Big Dem Media distraction to divert all of the negative attention and actions away from Planned Parenthood, Obama's bad Iran deal, Hillary's lack of transparency, Sharpton's nasty racial rhetoric, and the other "off the charts" proclamations by the far left socialist Democrats. July 2015
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Distractions & Diversions
Commissions & Omissions
The illegal children from South of the border Diversion
The Obama IRS mysteriously lost hard drives as a Diversion - to cover up the targeting Conservative groups
Gov Christie and the NJ bridge shutdown getting old ... but Big Dem Media keeping it alive.
California Dem State Senator running guns. What?
Desperate female college students need US Taxpayer birth control pills and abortion pills - but stay out of our bedrooms.
Obama EPA seeking to shut down businesses with new regulations.
Cheerleading by VP Joe Biden and Secy State John Kerry for the world's worst problem = global warming
ObamaCare failures - not ever going to learn the truth about that from the Big Dem Media.
AG Holder running running guns into Mexico results in US Boarder Patrol deaths. What?
Black on white crime rarely mentioned by the Big Dem Media.
Climate change scam gets only the Democrat version.
Abortion deaths in US receive only scant negative media attention while gun deaths take center stage in the Big Dem Media.
Crime by illegal aliens receives little Big Dem Media attention.
Christian bashing receives little Big Dem Media attention. =TheRightJack on 4/5/14, updated 7/17/14
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Big Dem Media relief with more trivial anti-GOP news.
Paula Dean story likely to generate endless bashing of her and the Right to keep their focus off Obama’s anti-American actions and the death of four Americans in Benghazi due to negligence by Saint Hillary … and $6 B-b-billion in unaccounted for State Department funds under her watch. =TheRightJack on 4/5/14
Paula Deen abruptly shuts down restaurant, forgets to tell employees … The Washington Post reports that those who showed up to their Thursday morning shift at the Savannah, GA eatery were met with locked doors. The Savannah Morning News reported that employees were collecting their severance checks in the parking lot. [finance.yahoo.com] 4/5/14
Deen Footnote: Which is worse. Paule Dean, a Southern Republican, closing down her eatery and not telling her employees in advance ... or Obama and the Democrats threatening to not send out Social Security check to Seniors who have already paid their own way? Big Dem Media would never bring up that comparison or the Obama spending problems.
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The Obama Aura taking massive public unpopularity hits from a majority of Americans. Big Dem Media very quiet. Democrats keep maneuvering from one bad idea to the next hoping that working US Taxpayers will not be able to keep track of it.
During sticker shock over Obamacare, he started talking about immigration reform which is really amnesty for 11 million new Democrat voters. Then, Democrats in the Senate overruled 200+ years of Checks and Balances by changing the Senate Rules.
At the same time, we learned that FEMA started buying up emergency food rations while ignoring hurricane Sandy victims in NY. Before that, HHS was buying all of the ammo they could find. Why is unknown? One can only speculate. Recently Obama slighly comes back to his support of gun control before weighing in against the Washington Redskins nickname. Soon, Democrats will be back on seizing all retirement accounts. They need more money to spend.
Obama and the Democrats continually move from one Far Left idea to the next as the Big Dem Media provides ample cover. They do this by focusing of who is pregnant, star news, other non-serious social happenings and threatening Republicans.
In the meantime, the various illegal activities like drug use, illegal immigration and the racial hatred shown by “Knockout Games” receives absolutely no attention by The Administration nor the Big Dem Media. Massive unemployment and job layoffs because of ObamaCare are of no concern either.
As for Obama, he knows nothing. He was not told. Everything is the fault of others. =TheRightJack on 11/24/13
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School shooting. Another perfect opportunity for the media to ignore our fiscal problems created by Obama and focus on guns and the GOP.
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Poor President Obama. If he gets re-elected for a 3rd term, look at the mess he will inherit.
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Diversion. Democrats are calling
for specific information from Romney about what he plans to do if elected. Yet, Obama was elected in 2008 on Hope and Change. In 2012, it is Forward. How is that
for specifics. Where is the outcry from US Voters for more specific information
from Obama?
Romney lied. Obama post-debate strategy.
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911 Middle East Distraction. Coordinated attacks [and 4 deaths] on US interests in 21 countries are called "spontaneous" by Obama officials. Advanced warning ignored. Security briefings not attended before or after. Obama administration tries to blame these attacks on a six month old anti-muslim movie made in the USA. 9/18/12
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War on Women distraction. Todd Akin [R-MO] running for Congress, steps in it with his ill-formulated rape statement. He gives DEMs reason to reinvigorate their charges that GOP is conducting a war on women. 8/21/12
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Distractions? Great spontaneous campaign news for Obama on 7/31/12
• Shazam. Obama might be a descendant of the first slave. Great timing.
• Cal-Berkeley professor is a
No Global Warming Skeptic then becomes Global Warming Guy.
• Counter punch. Hispanic mayor
of LA surfaces suddenly as 2016 presidential hopeful to counter Rubio in
Florida. How do the Dems counter if a black or white female Hispanic or Native American surfaces for the GOP.
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17%. Members of Congress who have published their tax returns for all to see. Heard on the radio 7/20/12# # #
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800,000. Obama says that, in
fact, Romney will create 800,00 jobs overseas if he is elected. There are not
facts at all about this Obama distraction. They continue to make up stuff and
throw it out there for the Big Time Dying Dem Media to repeat over and over.
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Distraction. Very effective cartoon. Click here to view. [conservativebyte.com] 7/15/12
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Distraction. Very effective cartoon. Click here to view. [conservativebyte.com] 7/15/12
The current Obama class warfare campaign strategy should serve as a warning for college students to never work hard and become rich. Just be mediocre to survive under the rule of Big Dem Gov.
The current Obama class warfare campaign strategy should serve as a warning for college students to never work hard and become rich. Just be mediocre to survive under the rule of Big Dem Gov.
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• Good. Obama raised and spent the most money defeating McCain in 2008.
• Bad. Gov Walker raised and spent more money than Democrat backed unions in Wisconsin recall election. Walker wins. Democrat media talks about the evil influence of money on politics. =TheRightJack 6/6/12
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Diversion? Cyber attacks on Iran. Obama bragging again, this time is about the strategy with minute details. [abcnews.go.com] 6/3/12
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Bragging Leaks. [survive-prosper.com] 6/4/12
Election leaks? More in attacks on Iran [freerepublic.com]
Diversion. Obama celebrating his tough leadership by announcing drone attacks with unconfirmed success.
Death to terrorists = No interrogations = No intel. 6/4/12
• Bad. Gov Walker raised and spent more money than Democrat backed unions in Wisconsin recall election. Walker wins. Democrat media talks about the evil influence of money on politics. =TheRightJack 6/6/12
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Election leaks? More in attacks on Iran [freerepublic.com]
Diversion. Obama celebrating his tough leadership by announcing drone attacks with unconfirmed success.
Death to terrorists = No interrogations = No intel. 6/4/12
Update: Obama got him, the #2 guy.
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Voter ID Distraction. Obama and AG Holder campaigning against voter ID requirements claiming that it is done by Republicans to intimidate blacks and reduce the black vote. Democrats claim that it is a hardship for some people to get photo/voter IDs. Democrat strategy to get all the legals and illegals to vote as many times as possible. It is all about vote votes, not hardships. 6/3/12
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Distractions. Top 10 class warfare attacks by Obama. Read the comments too. [humanevents.com] 6/2/12
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Spin on Spending. After Obama claimed that he has been the most thrifty president in decades, we learn that he came up with that revelation by … are you ready … spending well over $1B-b-billion that was designated for spending by the All Democrat Congress under Bush 43, not signed by Bush, not spent by Bush, spent by Obama, but counted against Bush 43. Clarified in a radio report 5/29/12
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80% vs 0%. Success rate of Romney at Bain Capital vs Obama investments and job loss using crony capitalism to pay off backers. Heard on the radio 5/25/12
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Spin. Democrat accounting maneuver/diversion positions Obama and a fiscal moderate as all of his irresponsible spending is blamed on Bush 43 and Republicans. 5/24/12
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80% vs 0%. Success rate of Romney at Bain Capital vs Obama investments and job loss using crony capitalism to pay off backers. Heard on the radio 5/25/12
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Pretty slick diversion. Let's see if this gains traction among the electorate of falls flat. See 5/29/12 update
Diversions. Democrat talking heads still pegging their "bad economy claims" to Bush 43 ... but Democrats controlled the House and Senate for the last two years of Bush and the first two years of Obama. Democrats had the Congressional power to do what ever they wanted while excluding Republicans and they failed. 5/21/12
Diversions. Obama campaign operatives slam Romney for his wealth, Bain Capital, jobs lost and Wall Street connections.
Just how many businesses and jobs did Obama kill with the GM bailout?
Diversions. Obama operatives clobber Romney on his mormon religion and the marital practices of his grandfather. Heard on a radio news report. 5/18/12
Desperation. Obama inserts his own self aggrandizing footnotes, looking like updates, into the official White House biographies of presidents who came before him. How crass. 5/16/12
Gay Marriage Diversion. Biden and then Obama announce that the are all in for gay marriage. Gay campaign bundlers are apparently withholding 20% of the Obama 2012 campaign money. Coincidence? Job loss continues as gay marriage takes center stage for Obama and his Big Time Dying Media. 5/10/12
Diversion. Saying “illegal” is the latest new hate crime dreamed up by the Left. [conservativebyte.com] 4/27/12
The Left is coming up with all manner of "diversions" to shift the focus of debate away from Obama economic policies that are having substantial impacts on taxes, inflation, record unemployment, job loss, declining workforce, energy strangulation by EPA, ObamaCare death panels and wasteful spending.
Diversion tactics. Democrats trying to blame GOP for the loan problems of college students who go into debt well beyond their ability to pay them off in a reasonable amount of time.
Students just cannot take on $100,000 in debt if they plan their careers around majors such as teaching, criminal justice, fine arts and social welfare.
A new Democrat diversion on the horizon. Obama will make massive debt forgiveness initiative to buy the under age 25 vote.Student Loan Interest Rate to double. Obama exhorts Congress to pass a bill to keep interest rates at the same 3.4% rate. [usnews.com] 4/23/12
Did you know that Democrats wrote the bill that would double the interest rate on student loans. Betcha didn’t.
Democrats also took the student loan programs away from banks. That allows them to forgive student loans. Debt forgiveness = votes.
Diversions. Democrat talking heads still pegging their "bad economy claims" to Bush 43 ... but Democrats controlled the House and Senate for the last two years of Bush and the first two years of Obama. Democrats had the Congressional power to do what ever they wanted while excluding Republicans and they failed. 5/21/12
Diversions. Obama campaign operatives slam Romney for his wealth, Bain Capital, jobs lost and Wall Street connections.
Just how many businesses and jobs did Obama kill with the GM bailout?
Diversions. Obama operatives clobber Romney on his mormon religion and the marital practices of his grandfather. Heard on a radio news report. 5/18/12
Desperation. Obama inserts his own self aggrandizing footnotes, looking like updates, into the official White House biographies of presidents who came before him. How crass. 5/16/12
Gay Marriage Diversion. Biden and then Obama announce that the are all in for gay marriage. Gay campaign bundlers are apparently withholding 20% of the Obama 2012 campaign money. Coincidence? Job loss continues as gay marriage takes center stage for Obama and his Big Time Dying Media. 5/10/12
Diversion. Saying “illegal” is the latest new hate crime dreamed up by the Left. [conservativebyte.com] 4/27/12
The Left is coming up with all manner of "diversions" to shift the focus of debate away from Obama economic policies that are having substantial impacts on taxes, inflation, record unemployment, job loss, declining workforce, energy strangulation by EPA, ObamaCare death panels and wasteful spending.
Diversion tactics. Democrats trying to blame GOP for the loan problems of college students who go into debt well beyond their ability to pay them off in a reasonable amount of time.
Students just cannot take on $100,000 in debt if they plan their careers around majors such as teaching, criminal justice, fine arts and social welfare.
A new Democrat diversion on the horizon. Obama will make massive debt forgiveness initiative to buy the under age 25 vote.Student Loan Interest Rate to double. Obama exhorts Congress to pass a bill to keep interest rates at the same 3.4% rate. [usnews.com] 4/23/12
Did you know that Democrats wrote the bill that would double the interest rate on student loans. Betcha didn’t.
Democrats also took the student loan programs away from banks. That allows them to forgive student loans. Debt forgiveness = votes.
Diversion tactics. Gender gap closing as Obama economic plan is causing large job losses among women.
Gender gap in recent presidential elections. Year and percentage points by which women voted Democrat compared to men:
• 1996: 15% points
• 2000: 22% points
• 2004: 14% points
• 2008: 12% points
• Current Rasmussen poll: 12% points [DickMorris.com] 4/26/12
Diversion failed. Democrat “War on Women” diversion apparently backfired as GOP picks up more support from women including moms.
Nice Try. Mitt Romney accused by Democrats and Media of being too rich and out of touch with ordinary people. Right. What we really need in the White House is a very personable guy who has never held a real job and does not know squat about economics, energy, jobs, payroll and world affairs.
War on Women ... Democrats are usually doing what ever they accuse Republicans of doing. Big Time Dying Democrat Media following along like cows heading to the barn.
Perfect Democrat diversion found. Shifting the GOP political debates conversation on to sex and off the deficit, unemployment, reduced workforce, crony capitalism and energy company failures is a big hit with Big Dem Media. Target is the uninformed. 3/2/12
Obama Nanny State = More takers. Fewer producers. More taxes.
Obamanistas in the Big Dem Media raise issues of contraception and birth control at GOP debates to shift the election debate away from the wretched Obama economy. GOP hopefuls fail to shift the debate to Obama and live birth abortions where abortion babies are born alive and then killed. 2/21/12
Obama advertising for new ways to get more people on food stamps. 2/1/12
Disability fraud? Workers whose unemployment is running out now filing for disability. In the past, it took months if not years to qualify for disability payments.
Abortion on demand. Contraceptives for all. Electric cars. Food police. Free food [stamps] for life. Guns for Big Gov only. Have all the kids you want on us. Loan forgiveness. Mortgage discounts and forgiveness. Nuclear-free national defense. Tuition-free college education. Unemployment benefits for ... life [?]. Coal free and Oil free energy. =TheRightJack 2/15/12
School lunches from home now
under control of Big Dem Gov. Parents appear to be unable to handle this
morning task to suit the Obama administration. The observational opportunities
of TheRightJack tell us that smart students have their diet needs figured out
while others consider “fat” to be a resume enhancement along with multiple teen
pregnancies, rotten school grades and dropping out of school. Do you recall
that Bill Cosby was ripped to shreads by “his” people for suggesting that
minority kids should become good students, etc. With that kind of negative
motivation, there is slim hope that some students will ever figure all of this
out on their own without serious one-on-one mentoring, like parents and grandparents
could provide. =TheRightJack
Contraceptive coverage required to be provided by Catholic hospitals for patients and staff by Obama.
Obama says in effect ... Let us reduce about nuclear stockpile of warheads so that we cannot properly defend ourselves and discourage other rouge nations from even thinking about it.
Remember when Obama suggested that we keep our tires properly inflated to reduce gas consumption.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Asking a favor from the US President
Dear Mr. Obama, Senate and Congress:
I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me. We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.
We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, the President of Mexico, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking Government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. Please print all Mexican Government forms in English.
4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.
5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.
7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my housetop, put U.S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.
13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.
14. I want to receive free food stamps.
15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.
16. I'll need income tax credits so that although I don't pay Mexican taxes, I'll receive money from the government.
17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Government pays $4,500.00 to help me buy a new car.
18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all of his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that the President of Mexico won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
Do you see how stupid this looks when you put it in writing????
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking Government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. Please print all Mexican Government forms in English.
4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.
5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.
7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my housetop, put U.S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.
13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.
14. I want to receive free food stamps.
15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.
16. I'll need income tax credits so that although I don't pay Mexican taxes, I'll receive money from the government.
17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Government pays $4,500.00 to help me buy a new car.
18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all of his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that the President of Mexico won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
Do you see how stupid this looks when you put it in writing????
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Senior Discounts
Keep this list and send a copy to your senior friends and relatives.
As I was waiting in line behind an older gentleman at Wendy's recently, I heard him ask for his senior discount. The girl at the register apologized and charged him less. When I asked the man what the discount was, he told me that seniors over age 55 get 10% off everything on the menu, every day. Being of 'that' age myself, I figured I might as well ask for the discount too. This incident prompted me to do some research , and I came across a list of restaurants, supermarkets, department stores, travel deals and other types of offers giving various discounts with different age requirements. I was actually surprised to see how many there are and how some of them start at the young age of 50.
This list may not only be useful for you, but for your friends and family too.
YOU must ASK for your discount!
Applebee's: 15% off with Golden Apple Card (60+)
Arby's: 10% off (55+)
Ben & Jerry's: 10% off (60+)
Bennigan's: Discount varies by location (60+)
Bob's Big Boy: Discount varies by location (60+)
Boston Market: 10% off (65+)
Burger King: 10% off (60+)
Hardee's: $0.33 beverages everyday (65+)
Banana Republic: 30% off (50+)
Bealls: 20% off first Tuesday of each month (50+)
Belk's: 15% off first Tuesday of every month (55+)
Big Lots: 30% off
Bon-Ton Dept 15 % off on senior discount days (55 +)
C.J. Banks: 10% off every Wednesday (50+)
Clarks : 10% off (62+)
Alaska Airlines: 50% off (65+)
American Airlines: Various discounts for 50% off non-peak periods (Tuesdays - Thursdays) (62+) and up (call before booking for discount)
Alamo Car Rental: Up to 25% off for AARP members
Avis: Up to 25% off for AARP members
Budget Rental Cars: 40% off; up to 50% off for AARP membe rs (50+)
Dollar Rent-A-Car: 10% off (50+)
Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 5% off for AARP members
Hertz: Up to 25% off for AARP members
National Rent-A-Car: Up to 30% off for AARP members
Overnight Accommodations
Holiday Inn: 20-40% off depending on location (62+)
Best Western: 40% off (55+)
Cambria Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
AMC Theaters: Up to 30% off (55 +)
Bally Total Fitness: $100 off memberships (62+)
Busch Gardens Tampa, FL: $13 off one-day tickets (50 +)
AT&T: Special Senior Nation 200 Plan $19.99/month (65+)
Jitterbug: $10/month cell phone service (50 +)
Verizon Wireless: Verizon Nationwide 65 Plus Plan $29.99/month (65+).
Great Clips: $8 off hair cuts (60+)
Supercuts: $8 off haircuts (60+)
NOW, go out there and claim your discounts ---- and remember ---- YOU must ASK for your discount ---- no ask, no discount.
I know everyone knows someone over 50...please pass this one on!!!!!
Note: Received 7/8/14. Discounts Not Verified.
Keep this list and send a copy to your senior friends and relatives.
As I was waiting in line behind an older gentleman at Wendy's recently, I heard him ask for his senior discount. The girl at the register apologized and charged him less. When I asked the man what the discount was, he told me that seniors over age 55 get 10% off everything on the menu, every day. Being of 'that' age myself, I figured I might as well ask for the discount too. This incident prompted me to do some research , and I came across a list of restaurants, supermarkets, department stores, travel deals and other types of offers giving various discounts with different age requirements. I was actually surprised to see how many there are and how some of them start at the young age of 50.
This list may not only be useful for you, but for your friends and family too.
YOU must ASK for your discount!
Applebee's: 15% off with Golden Apple Card (60+)
Arby's: 10% off (55+)
Ben & Jerry's: 10% off (60+)
Bennigan's: Discount varies by location (60+)
Bob's Big Boy: Discount varies by location (60+)
Boston Market: 10% off (65+)
Burger King: 10% off (60+)
Chick-Fil-A: 10% off or free small drink or coffee (55+)
Chili's: 10% off (55+)
CiCi's Pizza: 10% off (60+)
Chili's: 10% off (55+)
CiCi's Pizza: 10% off (60+)
Denny's: 10% off, 20% off for AARP members (55 +)
Dunkin' Donuts: 10% off or free coffee (55+)
Dunkin' Donuts: 10% off or free coffee (55+)
Einstein's Bagels: 10% off baker's dozen of bagels (60+)
Fuddrucker's: 10% off any senior platter ( 55+)
Gatti's Pizza: 10% off (60+)
Golden Corral: 10% off (60+)
Golden Corral: 10% off (60+)
Hardee's: $0.33 beverages everyday (65+)
IHOP: 10% off (55+)
Jack in the Box: Up to 20% off (55+)
Jack in the Box: Up to 20% off (55+)
KFC: Free small drink with any meal (55+)
Krispy Kreme: 10% off (50+)
Krispy Kreme: 10% off (50+)
Long John Silver's: Various discounts at locations (55+)
McDonald's: Discounts on coffee everyday (55+)
Mrs. Fields: 10% off at participating locations (60+)
Shoney's: 10% off
Sonic: 10% off or free beverage (60+)
Steak 'n Shake: 10% off every Monday & Tuesday (50+)
Subway: 10% off (60+)
Sweet Tomatoes: 10% off (62+)
Mrs. Fields: 10% off at participating locations (60+)
Shoney's: 10% off
Sonic: 10% off or free beverage (60+)
Steak 'n Shake: 10% off every Monday & Tuesday (50+)
Subway: 10% off (60+)
Sweet Tomatoes: 10% off (62+)
Taco Bell : 5% off; free beverages for seniors (65+)
TCBY: 10% off (55+)
Tea Room Cafe: 10% off (50+)
TCBY: 10% off (55+)
Tea Room Cafe: 10% off (50+)
Village Inn: 10% off (60+)
Waffle House: 10% off every Monday (60+)
Wendy's: 10% off (55 +)
Whataburger: 10% off (62+)
White Castle : 10% off (62+)
Wendy's: 10% off (55 +)
Whataburger: 10% off (62+)
White Castle : 10% off (62+)
Banana Republic: 30% off (50+)
Bealls: 20% off first Tuesday of each month (50+)
Belk's: 15% off first Tuesday of every month (55+)
Big Lots: 30% off
Bon-Ton Dept 15 % off on senior discount days (55 +)
C.J. Banks: 10% off every Wednesday (50+)
Clarks : 10% off (62+)
Dress Barn: 20% off (55+)
Goodwill: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Hallmark: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Kmart: 40% off (Wednesdays only) (50+)
Kohl's: 15% off (60+)
Goodwill: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Hallmark: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Kmart: 40% off (Wednesdays only) (50+)
Kohl's: 15% off (60+)
Modell's Sporting Goods: 30% off
Rite Aid: 10% off on Tuesdays & 10% off prescriptions
Ross Stores: 10% off every Tuesday (55+)
The Salvation Army Thrift Stores: Up to 50% off (55+)
Stein Mart: 20% off red dot/clearance items first Monday of every month (55 +)
Rite Aid: 10% off on Tuesdays & 10% off prescriptions
Ross Stores: 10% off every Tuesday (55+)
The Salvation Army Thrift Stores: Up to 50% off (55+)
Stein Mart: 20% off red dot/clearance items first Monday of every month (55 +)
Albertson's: 10% off first Wednesday of each month (55 +)
American Discount Stores: 10% off every Monday (50 +)
Compare Foods Supermarket: 10% off every Wednesday (60+)
American Discount Stores: 10% off every Monday (50 +)
Compare Foods Supermarket: 10% off every Wednesday (60+)
DeCicco Family Markets: 5% off every Wednesday (60+)
Food Lion: 60% off every Monday (60+)
Fry's Supermarket: Free Fry's VIP Club Membership & 10% off every Monday (55 +)
Food Lion: 60% off every Monday (60+)
Fry's Supermarket: Free Fry's VIP Club Membership & 10% off every Monday (55 +)
Great Valu Food Store: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Gristedes Supermarket: 10% off every Tuesday (60+)
Harris Teeter: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Gristedes Supermarket: 10% off every Tuesday (60+)
Harris Teeter: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Hy-Vee: 5% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Kroger: 10% off (date varies by location)
Morton Williams Supermarket: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Kroger: 10% off (date varies by location)
Morton Williams Supermarket: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
The Plant Shed: 10% off every Tuesday (50 +)
Publix: 15% off every Wednesday ( 55 +)
Rogers Markelace: 5% off every Thursday (60+)
Uncle Guiseppe's Marketplace: 15% off (62+)
Publix: 15% off every Wednesday ( 55 +)
Rogers Markelace: 5% off every Thursday (60+)
Uncle Guiseppe's Marketplace: 15% off (62+)
Alaska Airlines: 50% off (65+)
American Airlines: Various discounts for 50% off non-peak periods (Tuesdays - Thursdays) (62+) and up (call before booking for discount)
Continental Airlines: No initiation fee for Continental Presidents Club & special fares for select destinations
Southwest Airlines: Various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
United Airlines: Various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
U.S. Airways: Various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
Amtrak: 15% off (62+)
Greyhound: 15% off (62+) Trailways Transportation System: various discounts for ages 50+
Car Rental
Car Rental
Alamo Car Rental: Up to 25% off for AARP members
Avis: Up to 25% off for AARP members
Budget Rental Cars: 40% off; up to 50% off for AARP membe rs (50+)
Dollar Rent-A-Car: 10% off (50+)
Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 5% off for AARP members
Hertz: Up to 25% off for AARP members
National Rent-A-Car: Up to 30% off for AARP members
Overnight Accommodations
Holiday Inn: 20-40% off depending on location (62+)
Best Western: 40% off (55+)
Cambria Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
Clarion Motels: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
Econo Lodge: 40% off (60+)
Hampton Inns & Suites: 40% off when booked 72 hours in advance
Hyatt Hotels: 25%-50% off (62+)
InterContinental Hotels Group: Various discounts at all hotels (65+)
Hampton Inns & Suites: 40% off when booked 72 hours in advance
Hyatt Hotels: 25%-50% off (62+)
InterContinental Hotels Group: Various discounts at all hotels (65+)
Mainstay Suites: 10% off with Mature Traveler's Discount (50+); 20%-30% off (60+)
Marriott Hotels: 25% off (62+)
Motel 6: Stay Free Sunday nights (60+)
Myrtle Beach Resort: 30% off (55 +)
Marriott Hotels: 25% off (62+)
Motel 6: Stay Free Sunday nights (60+)
Myrtle Beach Resort: 30% off (55 +)
Quality Inn: 40%-50% off (60+)
Rodeway Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Sleep Inn: 40% off (60+)
Waldorf Astoria - NYC: $5,000 off nightly rate for Presidential Suite (55 +)
Rodeway Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Sleep Inn: 40% off (60+)
Waldorf Astoria - NYC: $5,000 off nightly rate for Presidential Suite (55 +)
AMC Theaters: Up to 30% off (55 +)
Bally Total Fitness: $100 off memberships (62+)
Busch Gardens Tampa, FL: $13 off one-day tickets (50 +)
Carmike Cinemas: 35% off (65+)
Cinemark/Century Theaters: Up to 35% off
Massage Envy - NYC: 20% off all "Happy Endings" (62 +)
Cinemark/Century Theaters: Up to 35% off
Massage Envy - NYC: 20% off all "Happy Endings" (62 +)
U.S. National Parks: $10 lifetime pass; 50% off additional services including camping (62+)
Regal Cinemas: 50% off Ripley's Believe it or Not: @ off one-day ticket (55 +)
Regal Cinemas: 50% off Ripley's Believe it or Not: @ off one-day ticket (55 +)
SeaWorld, Orlando , FL : $3 off one-day tickets (50 +)
AT&T: Special Senior Nation 200 Plan $19.99/month (65+)
Jitterbug: $10/month cell phone service (50 +)
Verizon Wireless: Verizon Nationwide 65 Plus Plan $29.99/month (65+).
Great Clips: $8 off hair cuts (60+)
Supercuts: $8 off haircuts (60+)
NOW, go out there and claim your discounts ---- and remember ---- YOU must ASK for your discount ---- no ask, no discount.
I know everyone knows someone over 50...please pass this one on!!!!!
Note: Received 7/8/14. Discounts Not Verified.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity
Number 10) Only in America...could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 per plate campaign fund-raising event.
Number 9) Only in America ...could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans - 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
Number 8) Only in America...could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.
Number 7) Only in America...can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media and liberals react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.
Number 6) Only in America...would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens (probably should be number one).
Number 5) Only in America....could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."
Number 4) Only in America...could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check, board an airplane or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
Number 3) Only in America...could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. Oil company(Marathon Oil) averages 12% profit and they take all the risk and the US government takes by force 18.4% to 24.4% in gas tax for taking zero risk and doing absolutely nothing for that revenue other than creating a law to force the oil companies to give it to them. So the government makes 6% to 12% more profit than the oil companies themselves on gas sales for doing absolutely nothing but using force.
Number 2) Only in America....could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and the left complains that it still doesn't have nearly enough money for all their programs.
And Number 1) Only in America...could the so called "rich people" who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.
Not identified
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Who is Saul Alinksy? More on the way

Saul David Alinsky
Born: January 30, 1909 in Chicago
Died: June 12, 1972
Personal Quote:
Always remember the first rule of power tactics; power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
The Alinsky Code [alerts.worldnetdaily.com] 5/1/12
If you will not read the book, at least click on this link to see what you are missing and why the Radical Left in American is on a missing to destabilize the USA and then take over. Once “they” take over, governance will be by what ever means is needed and that is not necessarily socialism. A more in depth reading of Alinsky will make this clear to you.
+ + + + +
A brief summary:
Alinsky and his followers are not communists or socialists. They are revolutionaries. Their objective is to disrupt the existing system from the inside and then take over. Big money backers like Soros and a few others, unions like SEIU and ACORN, a few well trained community organizers form the backbone of the Alinsky revolution and gullible college students are the pawns. =TheRightJack 5/2/12
+ + + + +
Saul Alinsky Playbook in Full Operation … While
seemingly caring about the poor, note critics of Saul Alinsky and his
followers, what they really want is political power and will use any means
necessary to seize it. … Tragically,
reading Rules for Radicals is like
reading the playbook for the Obama administration, as the president is engaged
in “fundamentally transforming” the United States. [godfatherpolitics.com]
Disinformation: How it works. [personalliberty.com] 8/7/12
See references to the Alinsky methods. A Must Read for the
politically astute as well as the believers of transparency in government. In
fact, study it. Disinformation was a staple of the old USSR. Dare I say that disinformation cannot survive without a compliant media.
+ + + + +
A review of his writings is coming. It will show his very simple political strategy in plain words as well as the influence his writings have had on young impressionable Democrats like Hillary Rodham [the Wellesley student] and Barack Obama [the community organizer].
It may shock you to learn what motivates our Democrats, the Wall Street protestors, their union organizers, and their financial backers. Their motives are spelled out very clearly.
Consider just one facet of this man's writings and actions:
One person. One vote. One time. Power.
His adherents do not want to change or improve the system. They want to gain power and replace the current system. Replace it with what has always been vague or not stated at all.
The means justifies the end. The deaths of thousands and even millions is of no consequence to his way of thinking.
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