• Education or Indoctrination?
• Education is what you remember when you have forgotten all that you learned.
• Knowledge is the enemy of politicians! Governments do not want an educated populace.
= = = = =
Where are these young people today learning to hate the USA?
Answer: Public school union teachers, closed minded far left professors in higher education and media controllers.
Biological Fact: Girls lose most of the time when competing against teen boys and men. Boys have a 10% to 20% biological advantage in most sporting activities.
Men vs Women in Sports ... Biological Men vs Biological Women in Women’s Sports … The current world record for men in the one mile run is 3:43.13. For women it is 4:12.56. In weight lifting, regardless of age category, women are lifting at 80-83% of the male world records. In sprinting, Women's performances hover, with incredible similarity, around 90 percent of men's top records. Politically, there are no differences between the sexes. Hence, it is OK politically for biological men to compete against biological women. In physiological reality, biological males are superior to females. Martina Navratilova is right. So sayeth this highly educated former college professor. However, every women on the pro tennis tour could beat the “you know what” out of me on the tennis courts as could most female college and many female high school tennis players. 3/27/19
Student Loans. Borrow no more student loan dollars than you will earn your
first year on the job. … Clark Howard’s “rule of thumb” noted on his radio show
Transgender people have now been given access to very young public school students because "they" do not represent a religion. They strive to be seen as mainstream and ordinary? July 2018
Scholarships: What happens if we invest in developing our grads and then they leave us? What happens if we don’t and they stay? … an anonymous internet post May 2018
Yet another reason that parents opt for home schooling and private schools. Dem anti-USA values teachers in our schools are creating two-level educational tracks. We have public school students who do not know squat. At the same time, there are more and more private school and home school students who know all the "squat" that they can absorb. Hence, the more you learn, the more you earn. 6/14/15
11,000 hours =
Time spend learning in school at 5 hours a day x 183 days x 12 years ... and still too many students leave school or come out as dumb as a box of rocks.
Where are our national education advocates? =TheRightJack on 7/4/15
= = = = =3Rs
11,000 hours =
Time spend learning in school at 5 hours a day x 183 days x 12 years ... and still too many students leave school or come out as dumb as a box of rocks.
Where are our national education advocates? =TheRightJack on 7/4/15
or another way to look at those 11,000 hours is
11,000 hours / 60 hours / 52 weeks = 3.5 years - the length of time it should take to build a successful business.
11,000 hours / 60 hours / 52 weeks = 3.5 years - the length of time it should take to build a successful business.
• The new average in American education is mediocrity. The Obamas want students to set their employment goals to become government sector workers. =TheRightJack
• Unions. "When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of schoolchildren." - - - long-attributed to the late American Federation of Teachers union boss Al Shanker, first quoted in a Mississippi newspaper in 1985.
• Raising your children properly and seeing that they are well educated begins at home with toddlers, not when they are older and have started causing problems at home and in school. =TheRightJack
• A child educated only at school is an uneducated child - - - George Santayana [1863-1952]
• With the socialist values
system being foisted on our students by the far left teachers, administrators
and union members, all without permissions, there needs to be balance in the
values being taught in school, both formally and informally. June 2018 --- Comment by TRJ June 2018
• Basic economics are not
taught in school or college: Spend less than you make. Now apply that same
financial principle to the cost of college. How does the cost of your college
education compare to the salary that your degree & future job will enable
you to earn? --- Comment by TRJ June 2018
• As a former
teacher … The education of school children in the USA has a long history of
socialism. That dogma or theme appears to be challenged by parents today who
are removing their kids from traditional public schools and putting them in charter
schools, private schools and home schools. An underlying theme by the left,
based on the declining performance of students [dropouts, low performance,
etc], appears to be that the left does not want an educated populace. They want
dependents who rely on government, their leftist government, for their very
existence. For more information about our schools and society, subscribe to the
free Imprimus offered by Hillsdale College.
and public education in the USA
- See their
survey results
- An
historical perspective
- Opinions
Life Plan for students by Rick Santorum. During 2012 campaign.
• Get your basic education first, high school and perhaps on to college
• Then, Get a job
• Then, Get married
• Then, Have children
Sign: Never confuse education with intelligence or common sense.
127,000 Student Visas Issued To Students From Muslim Countries Last Year – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert! [DickMorris.com] 7/21/15
Student Loans & Debt
"Consider: In 2005, undergraduate student borrowers were leaving school with something like $17,000 in loans on average. Today, that figure is doubled. More disturbing, however: national student loan debt was less than $400 Billion in 2005. Today, it is likely north of $1.4 Trillion- more than triple the 2005 amount." … The Hill on 7/20/15
Climate Change Indoctrination?
13 States Adopt Common Core Science Lessons … For instance, elementary school students are taught that rising global temperatures will affect the lives of all humans. By eighth grade, students learn that greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels are a major factor in global warming. [insiderfoxnews.com] 5/29/15
Students should be learning to read and write [printing is not writing], work ordinary math problems, negotiate the internet, understand science, fitness and health, and appreciate good music and art.
Red Ink
7 million. Number of students who have defaulted on their student loans. Heard on a radio news report 5/19/15
… Summary: In Ohio, teacher steps in when a 5th grade student is being bullied by another student. Teacher gets fired. What is going on in the mind of school administrators who make decisions like this. This administrator should be fired. It makes no sense given the national emphasis on bullying in school. [newsiosity] 5/21/15
Common Core-Approved Workshop Teaches Sympathy for Hamas
… Common Core-approved workshop on the Middle East conflict titled “Whose Jerusalem?” has sparked controversy among critics who charge that the program portrays Israel and America in a negative light while cultivating sympathy for terrorist group Hamas. [truthrevolt.org] 5/19/15
Unanticipated outcomes
Democrat policies are creating a two tier educational system. By dumbing down the public school system, parents who understand what is going on are shifting their children into other forms of good education including private schools and home schools.
Now, illegal immigrant students want diplomas, regardless of their school achievement level. Why bother to go to school. Give them a diploma and voter ID card at birth along with their driver's license and passport.
Now, illegal immigrant students want diplomas, regardless of their school achievement level. Why bother to go to school. Give them a diploma and voter ID card at birth along with their driver's license and passport.
Oakland Kids Who Cuss Teachers Out No Longer Need To Fret About Getting Suspended
… Students in public schools in Oakland, Calif. will no longer face suspension if they swear at teachers — or ignore teachers’ instructions, or tell teachers off or decide to spend time texting instead of paying attention in class. [dailycaller.com] 5/15/15
Oakland Kids Who Cuss Teachers Out No Longer Need To Fret About Getting Suspended
… Students in public schools in Oakland, Calif. will no longer face suspension if they swear at teachers — or ignore teachers’ instructions, or tell teachers off or decide to spend time texting instead of paying attention in class. [dailycaller.com] 5/15/15
At what point in time do students learn proper social behavior … since some students are certainly not being exposed to it at home or church?
Gay Pizza War by Media: Would like to see this [vindictive] kind of Democrat political passion focused on the poor performing students in our city schools and their parents where dropouts, drugs and deviance dominate their young lives, not to mention children having children by absent fathers. =TheRightJack
Why Is Higher Education So Expensive? (3:44 min Video)
... Often well meaning people just don’t understand what they are doing. They want to make society better by getting the government to “do something.” Yet with time these plans, these expensive plans, fall apart. Then the planners ask for more money and concoct new plans. It’s stupid but that’s been America since the New Deal. [againstcronycapitalism.org] 1/21/15
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled - - - Mark Twain
Likewise, it takes 10 times more information to change an opinion or view than it did to originally present an erroneous belief, information or questionable fact as the truth - - - unknown source. Global warming and “acting white” are good examples of how hard it is to change “erroneous or false” beliefs or bits of information that are presented as truths.
MRO earns an F
Gay Pizza War by Media: Would like to see this [vindictive] kind of Democrat political passion focused on the poor performing students in our city schools and their parents where dropouts, drugs and deviance dominate their young lives, not to mention children having children by absent fathers. =TheRightJack
Why Is Higher Education So Expensive? (3:44 min Video)
... Often well meaning people just don’t understand what they are doing. They want to make society better by getting the government to “do something.” Yet with time these plans, these expensive plans, fall apart. Then the planners ask for more money and concoct new plans. It’s stupid but that’s been America since the New Deal. [againstcronycapitalism.org] 1/21/15
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled - - - Mark Twain
Likewise, it takes 10 times more information to change an opinion or view than it did to originally present an erroneous belief, information or questionable fact as the truth - - - unknown source. Global warming and “acting white” are good examples of how hard it is to change “erroneous or false” beliefs or bits of information that are presented as truths.
MRO earns an F
Totally Missed The Boat. Ms Obama had a fabulous opportunity to urge students to go to school every day, do homework, get good grades, be a positive social member, and earn that diploma. Instead, she made people food-fight mad by focusing on the school lunchroom. She earned an F.
White Privilege?
Wrong. It is self induced pain and suffering for millions of all colors. Privilege is earned by many of those who grow up in two-parent homes, finish school and go on to do well. =TheRightJack on 1/15/15
8 College Degrees with the Worst Return on Investment
… Numerous studies over the years have shown that individuals with college degrees significantly out-earn those with high school degrees by $1 million or more over the course of a lifetime. … When it comes to return on investment (ROI), not all degrees are considered equal. This article exposes eight college degrees with poor ROI.
8 Sociology
7 Fine Arts
6 Education: [Need BS + Masters]
5 Religious Studies/Theology
4 Hospitality/Tourism
3 Nutrition
2 Psychology: [need advanced degree specialty]
1 Communications
The first thing you should do is research, so you're able to come to the table armed with the knowledge of what your job is worth. [salary.com] undated. Posted 1/3/15
Go to a two year college that works with a four year college where transferring is easy. Live at home. Avoid private schools costs unless there are generous scholarship opportunities available. Start the search early. Do not wait until the last part of the senior year in high school. Investigate the earning potential in the degree you seek. Rule #3. Finish the degree. Many jobs/careers are available when you have a degree, regardless of the field of study. =TheRightJack
Smart? Some [far left?] teacher/anti-gun advocates are telling their students to steal their parents’ guns. Then bring them to school and turn them in to their teachers. What could possibly go wrong with that far left liberal idea ... at home, on the way to school, in school, after school? 12/25/14
High School Vocabulary Worksheet Seen As 'Islamic Propaganda'
... “In the following exercises, you will have the opportunity to expand your vocabulary by reading about Muhammad and the Islamic word,” the assignment’s worksheet read. ... The vocabulary words that followed included conductive, erratic, mosque, pastoral, zenith, and astute, all used in sentences about the Islamic faith. [opposingviews.com] 12/20/14
Wait Until You See the Anti-American, Hate-Filled ‘New Pledge’ this Professor Made his Students Recite
… A professor at the university since 1967, Dr. Angeletti has had his students recite this America bashing pledge for the past 20 years. But, for some reason, it is just coming to light ... [tpnn.com] 12/8/14
In what academic area is this self-proclaimed atheist and socialist teaching? His name does not come up on a faculty web site search.
WHOA! Liberals Running the Classroom, Teaching Flag Stomping and Islamic Laws (MUST WATCH)
… Watch (above) as Kelly gives examples of a high school teacher stomping on the American flag and another school which said a pledge to the country of Mexico! In one 6th grade class, President George Bush was compared to Adolph Hitler. And in another, the teacher’s lesson of Islam went so far that female students were asked to wear burkas. [ThePoliticalInsider.com] 12/2/14
Schools in North Dakota
North Dakota Bill Would Make Sure Students Know As Much About America As Immigrants
… Natural-born citizens, on the other hand, fall far below that threshold as a whole. A survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center determined that more than a third of Americans were unable to name even one branch of government, virtually the same as the number who could name all three. Shockingly, some estimates suggest a paltry four percent of high school students in some states could currently pass the immigration test. [western journalism] 12/2/14
Dah. Why should we expect our students to know anything about the USA when they are offered 12-13 years of far left socialism from their far left union teachers who are systematically erasing freedom and academic achievement from their list of curriculum objectives.
Rumor is that there will be an executive order coming down in the near future where some highly influential person in this unlawful administration that will forgive most if not all of the student debt accumulated by our economically illiterate college students ... to buy votes. 12/3/14
Just what are my children being taught?
Teacher Tells Child Her Mother is Not Her Teacher … "She said, 'Yes, I’m only allowed to learn from my teacher,'" Vines remarked. [godfatherpolitics.com] 11/25/14
You MUST read this article if you care about the education of your child rather than the indoctrination of your child.
In a nutshell, our children need to get all of the educational support and "coaching" to help them do well in school. The last thing our children need to learn is that parents need to "butt out" of the education of their own children. If this is happening in your child's school, then the school board needs to be changed.
Rumor: Bill Cosby does not appear to be a puppet who is driven by the Democrat Party line. The consequences are that he is now officially at the top of The Hit List for the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction. Why now? That is another question. 11/20/14
Common Core Opposition is Creating More Home Schooling
… Fox News has an encouraging report noting that there is a boom in home schooling thanks to the un-American Common Core policies.
... Common Core is certainly set to further destroy our horrid school systems, but it looks like not every parent is just sitting around meekly letting government indoctrinate their children.
... North Carolina, already a home-schooling hotbed, saw a 14 percent rise last year in the number of students being educated at home, according to a report from Heartlander Magazine. Similar increases have been seen in Virginia, California and New York, according to education activists. [libertynews.com] 11/26/14
Parents in the know are just not going to sit idly by and allow their children be indoctrinated into dependent socialism by poorly educated teachers and administrators of the Far Left Democrat faith. As a result, the Democrat system is creating and dual educational caste system of reasonably well educated students and poorly educated youth and drop outs. =TheRightJack on 11/17/14
Common Core Propaganda?
How One School May Be Spinning A School Assignment About Islam Has One Mother Demanding Answers
… But the tipping point for the mom? A sentence on the assignment that stated: “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.” It’s from this section of the assignment ... [ijreview.com] 11/13/14
In the meantime, Muslims are getting all other competing religious activities removed from schools.
Based on what we see and hear today ...
in the various print, broadcast and internet news sources, our students are being taught to become little “big government” socialists while our own US economic system, US political system and the US government principles of democracy would seem to receive scant attention by far too many teachers. There does not appear to be much difference between the black students who are assaulted for “acting white” and our precocious young college elite students, muslim youth and hispanic youth who denigrate all things in the USA except our generous welfare system. There is so much that they just do not know. =TheRightJack on 11/11/14
Why in the world would anyone go to a college these days where you would not earn enough salary upon graduation to pay back your student loan? You failed Economic Education 101. Not smart! =TheRightJack on 10/31/14
Democrat policy:
We want every student to be average or below average ... so students do not feel embarrassed by the above average students. That means we do not want our students to know anythings including the US Constitution and the principles that make America great and its independent and self reliant people.
If this is not true, why are Democrats: [1] against charter schools, [2] in support of below average if not incompetent teachers, [3] against evaluating teacher performance, and [4] cheering on the absurd Common Core "Indoctrination" Curriculum that looks to have been written by rank amateurs without input from teachers. =TheRightJack on 9/18/14
$500,000 more
Is Our K–12 Education System Lagging Behind? … It’s well-documented that a quality education is often the difference between a life of opportunity and success and one of poverty and struggle. A high school graduate will earn almost $500,000 more than a dropout over the course of a lifetime, and a university graduate will earn some $800,000 more than a college dropout. More broadly, a strong education system is crucial to fostering a skilled workforce that can compete for 21st century jobs in a global economy, producing the next generation of leaders, and sustaining a strong domestic economy. [uschamber.com] 9/8/14
Guess what? Over the past 15-20 years, the primary educational objective has been to dampen achievement and not allow excellence to surface. Their anti-educational goal is to help those less able not feel embarrassed. So, wait until these students get out of school and get smacked down by the facts of life in the real world. This in-school objective of “sameness” could present these “coddled” grads with hurdles they are not equipped to handle.
Freshman in College … Suggestions
1. Take notes in class.
2. Read the homework assignment every day. Do not wait until exam time to cram.
3. Work the written assignments. Not just read it. Work it.
4. Do not expect your professor to care if you fail if you do not read the assignments and you do not seek help as soon as you know you do not understand.
5. Read your homework assignments daily. =TheRightJack on 9/9/14
New Study finds Little Link Between Teacher Pay and Test Scores … While teacher salaries could vary widely, MacIver found that there was no connection between teacher salaries and the performance of students on national NAEP tests, one of the only means by which students can be compared state to state. Indeed, some of the highest-paying cities had the worst test results. [lastresistance.com] 9/4/14
This is not new information.
Young college grad in “Women’s Studies” is $60K debt. One kid. Tending bar. Desperate. … Blame Obama for the same financial plight that many new college grads share, that PLUS the dead end no job degree that you failed to research so you could find out who is going hire you. $15K a year for that? Bummer. Where have you been hiding in recent years. Those who read this should Take Heed. Enroll in a community college and learn a trade. Plan 2. Start your own small business. No excuses please. 9/1/14
Parents have figured it out. Democrat union teachers are indoctrinating their students into Democrat socialist. Parents who are on top of things are sending their offspring to other schools where a quality education trumps union indoctrination. As a result, Democrats are creating a caste system in US schools. =TheRightJack on 9/6/16
Education or Indoctrination
Why You Should Avoid Sending Kids to Public Schools
1) More and more teachers are engaging in sexual practices with their students.
2) Today’s schools are re-writing history with lies and half-truths to fit their agenda
3) The El Rancho Unified School District in Pico Rivera, California, a suburb of Los Angeles has decided that students will be required to take and pass an ethnic studies course in order to graduate. [lastresistance.com] 7/18/14
Democrat Union teachers are indoctrinating students into socialism without the benefit of learning about the USA, it’s founders, principles of government and the Republic, independence, self-reliance and freedom, not to mention the benefits of capitalism found world-wide. Several examples can be seen in nations like Australia, Canada, India, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
Unfortunately, students learn nothing from below-average teachers about the continuing economic failures of socialism and communism under one type of dictatorship after another. It survives in such places as China, Cuba, North Korea, the now former USSR nations and Venezuela. Students also learn nothing about the savage dictators in Africa, the Middle East and in nations dominated by drug lords.
How government made college degrees worth less, a lot less (But they cost more) … This situation illustrates a major logical flaw in the college argument: if a degree confers advantages over people who don’t have one, what happens when more people get one? The benefit is relative—the more people who take the advice, the less it makes sense. If this is part of the intelligentsia’s case, they need not have spent so much time in school: eighth grade dropout Yogi Berra proved himself perfectly capable of the same error when he said that “nobody goes there any more—it’s too crowded.” [againstcronycapitalism.org] 8/17/14
Learn a trade at your local community college in 12 to 24 months or short courses [i.e. small engine repair] and then go right to work ... but select a trade that fits the economic demands of your geographic area. Some community colleges have organized trade groups in the community to advise their faculties on job needs.
Texas School Principal Fired for Following State Law and Trying to Prepare Students … Ms. Lacey said the incident was blown way out of proportion — and that she only advocated what Texas states in its code as law. … Lacey also appealed to state law—Title 19, Texas Administrative Code 89.1201 c. It reads:
English is the basic language of this state. Public schools are responsible for providing a full opportunity for all students to become competent in speaking, reading, writing and comprehending the English language.
… The mastery of basic English skills is a prerequisite for effective participation in the state’s educational program. Using English to the extent possible would also allow non-Spanish-speaking teachers a better opportunity to assess understanding and learning. … As far as I can tell, this is a pure-type example of the so-called government declaring a verdict against a person for merely doing her job in order to satisfy the angry masses. The rules and laws and educational goals don’t matter. Once you have angered a minority mob, or a hipster mob, you’re career is over. … No doubt this teaches other teachers a valuable lesson in what it really expected of them in state schools. [politicaloutcast.com]
Democrat policy: keep their dependents and future dependents as dumb as possible?
Teachers are leaving the classroom because they cannot figure out how to teach the math sections of the Common Core curriculum.
Common Core experts acknowledge that the Common Core [Indoctrination] Curriculum does not prepare students for the academic work in college.
Forget Learning Anything, University Says Grades Should Be Distributed Equally Based On Ethnicity … “Professors, instead of just awarding the grade that each student earns, would apparently have to adjust them so that academically weaker, ‘historically underrepresented racial/ethnic’ students perform at the same level and receive the same grades as academically stronger students.” [ijreview.com] 7/21/14
Sure. I really want to drive over the bridge that those “less than gifted” students have designed. This concept should send a message to those who are considering the questionable value of their degrees from the University of Wisconsin.
Democrat policy: We want every student to be average or below average ... so students will not be embarrassed by the above average students. That means we do not want our students to know anything like [1] the 3Rs, [2] higher math in particular, [3] the US Constitution, and [4] the principles that have made Americans great like the independent spirit and self-reliance. Democrats want uninformed dependents in our classrooms who are passed along under the policies and principles of socialism. =The RightJack on 7/4/14
Union Teachers had enough?
Teachers Union Abruptly Breaks Rank On Common Core … Common Core has aroused its most notable opposition on the right from activists who claim the multi-state standards constitute a federal takeover of education and object to particular components of the standards. … However, it has also seen increasing opposition on the left as well, particularly from a new faction of almost 100,000 left-wing teachers calling themselves the Badass Teachers Association, many of whose members are also a part of AFT. Such teachers typically object to how the standards further entrench the role of standardized tests in education and oppose using such tests to implement merit pay or fire teachers for alleged ineffectiveness. [thedailycaller.com] 7/11/14
It is about time someone in the union education movement took notice of this Big Dem Gov indoctrination fraud called the Common Core Curriculum.
‘Dating Lesson’ Asks Eighth-Grade Girls To Publicly Declare How Far They Will Go Sexually … Some of the labeled signs were innocuous, according to KGTV. These included “smiled at,” “hugged” and “kissed.” ... Other signs, such as “above the waist,” “below the waist” and “all the way,” were to varying degrees considerably less innocuous. [dailycaller.com] 6/8/14
There is absolutely no academic reason for this kind of “lesson” in our schools. None. In fact, I would not have asked this of college students in sex education classes. However, there are political reasons to do this to students if your political objective is dominated by the belief that “family values” must be stamped out.
Tuition Bubble Collapsing Already; Colleges Offering Huge Savings … NACAC’s new 2014 “College Openings Update” list is out and there are a whopping 470 colleges listed as still urgently seeking either freshman or transfers students. This large and growing list of colleges that are unable to attract enough students is an alarming reminder of how troubled and inefficient the market for higher education is in the U.S. The vast majority of colleges continues to engage in “prestige” pricing, but ultimately are forced to quietly offer deep discounts in an attempt to fill up their classes. Then, when even that doesn’t work, hundreds report that they still can’t find enough “customers.” [politicaloutcast.com] 6/3/14
Why? Students know all about the wretchedly high unemployment rate for recent college graduates as the Obama Economic Policy has proven to be a real job killer for millions of Americans. Even the illegals are fleeing the USA because of the poor Obama economy. Living at home with Mom and Dad is not "cool" for many high school grads. The answer for many is to go to the nearest community college and learn a trade. =TheRightJack on 6/4/14
The Easiest And Most Difficult Languages For English Speakers To Learn … The easiest languages — including Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian — require just 23-24 weeks of study, or 575-600 class hours, to achieve proficiency, and are the easiest because of their closeness to English. … The most difficult languages — Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Japanese — require, on average, 1.69 years (88 weeks), or 2,200 class hours, to reach speaking and reading proficiency. [finance.yahoo.com] 6/1/14
Right is wrong and wrong is right. Anybody confused.
& & &
NPR morning show host brings in another educator to “talk up” the “goodness” of the Common Core Curriculum. It is also known as the Democrat Indoctrination Program for Student or DIPs. 5/27/14
Unions have banned parents from volunteering to help in the schools because they are not union members.
Education or Indoctrination?
US Education under Democrat influence - - The 5th Reich?
Michelle Obama Now Suggests Monitoring Family Members For Racism … Michelle Obama has taken the racism bait hook, line and sinker it appears as most of her speeches lately seems to be heavily saturated in the leftist argument. Most recently though, she has taken to urging high school students to monitor their own family members for racial intolerance and to go even one step further and correct it. [tellmenow.com] 5/19/14
Be good little Nazi youth and tell on your parents, or just make up stuff if you do not get your way.
Michelle Obama Urges High School Grads to Become Thought Police? … Drawing heavily on “progressive ideals” – shocker – Obama also “encouraged the students to push older generations forward on issues like gay rights and climate change.” [buzzpo.com] 5/19/14
Future Leader Indoctrination?
The Reason College Kids Were Banned From Petting A Camel Would Be Hilarious If It Wasn’t So Pathetic … the event was subsequently cancelled after students took to Facebook to proclaim their concerns. The students said they were concerned about the money spent on bringing the camel to campus—around $500—and the implication that it would be racially insensitive to Middle Eastern cultures. [ijreview.com] 5/16/14
The more you learn, the more you earn. This is not a secret.
The Divide. The educational divide and the economic divide in the USA appears to be growing in opposite directions at the same time … if you believe the Democrat propaganda. It is rather obvious that caring parents want their children to do well in school, and they take measures to make sure that this happens. Other parents have absolutely no concern that their children must learn and absolutely need to become good students. Who cares? Low education means high unemployment. It is absolutely known - - the more you learn the more you earn. This is not a secret fact. On the educational end, school leaders have chosen to dumb-down their curriculums while making sure that excellence and achievement are not identified or celebrated. And your conclusion would be … ?
For example: Are we experiencing the Democrat social plan? Aid and abet the creation of ill-prepared students, create dependents, tax the crap out everyone, and pad the pockets of the top 10% who have ties with Big Dem Gov? =TheRightJack on 4/15/14
Report card on students, peers, parents, teachers, administrators or the state of education today and yesterday?
Who cares? No. I mean who does care? There is failure where ever you look.
Two Reports on the same information
Only One-Quarter of U.S. High School Seniors Solid in Math … In an abysmal showing, only about one-quarter of U.S. high school seniors performed solidly in math in a major assessment known as the nation's report card, reinforcing concerns that large numbers of students are unprepared for either college or the workplace. [breitbart.com] 5/7/14
and ...
Seventy-Five Percent of High School Seniors Have Been Wasting Their Time in School … the nation’s report card notes …
75%. Three-fourths of students should have been doing something productive with their lives rather than going to math classes.
60% . Sixty percent would probably be better off if they had dropped out and gotten a full-time job.
40%. In reading, almost 4 in 10 students reached the "proficient" level or higher.
25%. only about one-quarter of U.S. high school seniors performed solidly in math.
25%. The results come as community colleges and four-year institutions try to improve remedial education programs, given that only about one-quarter of students who take a remedial class graduate.
33+% and 50+%. It's estimated that more than one-third of all college students, and more than one-half in community colleges, need some remedial help, according to research from the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University. [politicaloutcast.com] 5/8/14
See also: Online: http://nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_g12_2013/#/
Looking ... for those reports on public school versus private school on student performance, growth or decline in private school enrollment, and the Democrat efforts to eradicate charter schools and other parental efforts to educate their children, particularly in the inner city. =TheRightJack on 5/9/14
Ignorance is bliss. Democrat strategy is to eradicate all signs, symbols and history of the USA so that union teachers and the Big Dem Media can indoctrinate our school students with their sacred ideals of socialism. =TheRightJack on 5/3/14
Democrats working diligently to change the USA into their sacred version of Socialism ... To do this, they must suppress, slander and chastise all matters and people related to the founding principles, history and traditions of US Government in K-12 and higher education. It is working. =TheRightJack on 5/6/14
Teacher Fired for Trying to Break up Vicious Fight … Now that the cell phone footage has been released, the teacher is facing child abuse charges and has been reportedly fired. The students returned to school after serving a 10-day suspension. [lastresistance.com] 5/8/14
When adults try to break up a vicious fight, as reported, get out of the way. Young males are quick, strong and full of testosterone. Look carefully. They may be totally out of control. If they are posturing, yaking and dancing, adults may be able to calm them down. Otherwise, back off. Observe the first rule of life saving. Save yourself first. Really!
UConn Professor Who Harangued Christians Doubles Down On Crazy, Expects Punishment … His story was … After his rant went on YouTube (see below), Prof Boster spoke to NBC Connecticut, alleging that the evangelical demonstrators disparaged the ethnicity and sexuality of some students passing by. … “When they attacked the student, I went out to confront them,” Prof Boster told the station. “It was my moral duty to become outraged.” [dailycaller.com] 4/26/14
UConn AcaDEMic goes ballistic with college students who do not believe as he believes. Towers of learning becoming no more than indoctrination centers for Big Dem Gov.
No well-reasoned discourse from this professor. The principle is … Attack when you have no facts or nothing else to back up your case. =TheRightJack on 4/27/14
ANOTHER university stops students from handing out Constitution … this was the second recent instance of a college
censoring the distribution of copies of the Constitution. A similar thing happened at Modesto Junior College in California, where student Robert Van Tuinen successfully sued MJC for violating his rights. (RELATED: Campus cop stops student from handing out Constitutions … ON CONSTITUTION DAY) [dailycaller.com] 4/24/14
Democrats do not want students to learn about the US Constitution, the history of the USA, the founding principles of the USA and why it is the leader of the free world. On the other hand, Democrats are very proud of socialism, their preferred form of governance. No competing ideas in the classroom. One point of view. Nothing to explain. Ignorance is bliss.
More Evidence Leftists have Taken Over Colleges … Campus Reform conducted a study to analyze the number of Democrat vs. Republican speakers at college commencement ceremonies this spring semester. According to their findings, Democrats dominate the commencement address list of political speakers by margin of two-to-one with 57 Democrats speaking at graduation ceremonies compared to 26 Republicans. [tpnn.com] 4/18/14
Students have begun to voice opposition to some of the Democrats who are paid to do their graduation speeches. Democrat student [presumably] groups have been very vocal for years about their opposition to Republican graduation speakers and have tried numerous times to shout down Republican speakers on campus. Free speech is not free when Democrats are around. =TheRightJack
Chicago Teachers Union to Mayor Rahm: Improving failed schools full of black kids is RACIST … Still reeling from the closure of 50 schools in 2013, embattled Chicago Teachers Union Karen Lewis called the turnaround plan “a slap in the face to those of us who are attempting to negotiate for more resources” and “nothing more than school closings by another name.” … The email from the teachers union also suggested that the effort to improve the schools is an effort spearheaded by Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett to damage black children and black families. … “This is an attack on Black schools that continues the assault carried out by” Byrd-Bennett “last year, when she closed 50 schools (claiming they were the last closings for at least five years).” … Byrd-Bennett is black. [dailycaller.com] 4/12/14
It would appear that helping black children in predominately black schools brings into play many competing obstacles, boundaries, politics and priorities. The educational process is not a deeply guarded secret. Hundreds if not thousands of schools in our 16,000 US school districts do it quite well. The win-lose nature of those priorities is the problem. Students, the customers, are not high on “their” list of priorities .. and that is sad.
Pennsylvania high school student production on YouTube. Click below:
Democrat’s Common Core Indoctrination Curriculum Revised
Democrat revision of history, revised.
UPDATE: Common Core MATH lesson quietly changes Lincoln’s religion from ‘liberal’ to nothing … At the linked Infoplease.com page, Abraham Lincoln’s religion was listed as “Liberal” — until at some point on Wednesday or Thursday when some unknown person at Infoplease.com changed this dubious information. [DailyCaller.com] 2/6/14
Where are the real history teachers hiding? Why are they quiet?
The states with the most segregated public schools are epicenters of liberalism … In the entire state of New York, approximately half the public school students are white. However, during the 2009-2010 academic year, a typical black kid
in the Empire State attended a school where just 17.7 percent of the students were white. … In Illinois, the exposure number for black kids
was 18.8 percent. In California, it was 18.9 percent. … The study also noted that black and Latino students tend to perform better academically when they attend public schools which are integrated in terms of both skin color and income
levels. [dailycaller.com] 3/27/14
The 7 hottest careers for college grads
Career #1 - Software Developers, Applications and Systems Software (tie)*
Career #2 - Market Research Analyst
Career #3 - Accountant and Auditor
Career #4 - Network and Computer Systems Administrator
Career #5 - Elementary School Teacher (excluding special education)
Career #6 - Computer Systems Analyst
Career #7 - Management Analyst [education.yahoo.net] undated
Dying Careers You Should Avoid
Dying Career #1: Desktop Publisher
Dying Career #2: Reporter [intellectual suicide?]
Dying Career #3: Semiconductor Processor
Dying Career #4: Auto Insurance Appraiser
Dying Career #5: Insurance Underwriters
See alternate choices. [education.yahoo.net] undated
4 surprises about the costs and benefits of college … Four fields fall well below the median 20-year return on college investment across all schools and majors, which is about $261,000: education, social work, arts and humanities. (Details on methodology are here.) [finance.yahoo.com] 3/26/14
Hoax: University officials determine racist messages self-inflicted … In February, an African-American student reported that someone left racist messages and drawings on a whiteboard outside of their dorm room at Copeland Living Center on the Allendale, Michigan campus. The messages included anti-black phrases and a drawing of a person being hanged. ... But police say that the markings were self-inflicted. [dailycaller.com] 3/23/14
Quick to judge because that is what the powers that be want to believe. This is a common action by a people looking for … what? Not much different from a homosexual or women who cries rape that ultimately gets an innocent man thrown in jail. Remember the Duke lacrosse hoax? The legal system and media have learned nothing when these situations pop up. Suggestion: Get the facts first.
Common Core/Next Gen Assignment:“Who Is The Baby Daddy”
… In an assignment on genetic traits in 9th grade biology, students were asked to identify the “baby daddy.” The mother didn’t know who the baby daddy was, and the state took blood samples from the baby and suspected males. The students were asked to match the baby to the baby daddy given the mother’ blood type and the baby’s blood type. The choices included: the cable guy, the mailman, the cab driver, the bartender and the guy at the club. [pakalertpress.com] 2/17/14
What in the world are our mindless teachers thinking or better yet, the Obama Common Core authors? Well, it actually opens a window into “their reality” for all to see. Then there is the values transmitted with the assignment of Who be da daddy, ebonically speaking?
Democrat war on non-union education
De Blasio starts his war on charter schools … [D-NY] … Charter advocates were livid. … New York Charter School Center CEO James Merriman blasted de Blasio’s team for acting without consulting the parents involved. … “It is hard to believe that an administration that constantly urges stakeholder engagement did not hold one meeting with affected families before making these recommendations,” he said. [nypost.com] 2/27/14
Harvard Columnist Warns University Free Speech Threatens Liberalism … If someone wanted to do research to determine the positive aspects of heterosexual parent families over homosexual parents, that research should not be allowed to take place on the Harvard campus and those involved with the research be removed from the school. [godfatherpolitics.com] 2/25/14
Please read this eye-opening report. With leftist like the author mentioned in this article working to shape and control thought of students and faculties in public educational institutions like Harvard, there is absolutely no hope for freedom and justice for all in academia. Her thoughts are the antithesis of academic freedom.
Prisoners. The prison population, that votes heavily for Democrats, is characterized by alcohol at time of arrest, school drop outs, illiteracy and single parent homes. Draw your own conclusion. Climate Change?
Social unrest in the socialist utopias. The death of unarmed civilians at the hands of Big Socialist Gov in Venezuela and Ukraine has been reported. Obama and the Far Left Democrats working toward this type of Big Socialist Gov for the USA. So, why are US educators so enamored with socialism? =TheRightJack on 2/26/14
Rumor: College athletes to become unionized. Perfect time to strike is just before the season begins or at bowl time. Another case of players, unions and academia on the same side of the bargaining table. They are all majority Democrats. Interesting to see how this plays out and who cares. 1/29/14
Update: Permission to move forward granted ... How could the predictably leftist university faculties that are usually anti-NCAA and and anti-big time college sports not support the efforts of college players to unionize. =TheRightJack on 3/27/14
Obama's Revenge
Obama the Dunce
Can you solve this grammatically incorrect, impossible Common Core question?
“Tyler made 36 total snowflakes which is a multiple of how triangular snowflakes he made. How many triangular snowflakes could he have made?” This is a question for 9 year olds. [dailycaller.com] 1/16/14
See also
Common Core textbooks arrive late, filled with errors … The mistakes are numerous. A third-grade workbook contains a set of questions accompanying a mismatched reading
selection; one of the pages in another workbook is printed upside down; and some teacher’s manuals don’t line up with student versions. [dailycaller.com]
Does this cause you to think about the problems with ObamaCare. Haste makes waste. These brainless educational dunces are as incompetent as the students they are producing. Any wonder that private school education is growing. 1/16/14
Politics Versus Education … In other words, Eric Holder, sitting in Washington, knows better than the thousands of people who run public schools across the country what kinds of sanctions are necessary to preserve some semblance of order in the classrooms, so that hoodlums do not make the education of their classmates impossible. [townhall.com] 1/14/14
Sign …
Tired of being harassed by your stupid parents?
Act Now!
Move out. Get a job.
Pay your own bills while you still know everything.
Democrats out of control, any way you look at it …
DOJ to schools: It’s racist to punish students for behaving badly, texting in class. ... Click here for the Holder directive
Obama’s Holder wants to investigate the school situation where more black students rather than those student of other colors end up at the police department rather than the principal’s office.
So, Holder wants to determine why teachers [likely to be Democrat union members] send more black students [likely to be future Democrats] to the police department [likely to be Democrat union members] than the principal’s office [likely to be Democrat educators].
Guess what! They are all Democrats. This is not a social problem. This is a Democrat problem that THEY have refused to address for decades.
NPR report. Rosie report on NPR about the Common Core curriculum devised by Democrats. No mention of the "indoctrination of our children" aspects in many parts of it. ... heard on NPR radio 1/2/14
$2 B-b-billion - Teacher dollars collected in union dues and used as campaign contributions for Democrats. Heard on the radio 12/31/13
Bullies as role models?
Study: Bullying occurs among those in academia . . . Beitz noted the most common cases of bullying involve academic administrators targeting faculty, but in some cases, faculty are bullying other faculty members or their administrative superiors.
Bullies might be threatened by a fellow academic's qualifications and scholarship, or victims might be targeted because they are perceived as weak, Beitz said. [breitbart.com] 12/20/13
Do as I say, not as I do.
Chances are that few people saw this report in the Big Dem Media
Lesbian boss ‘fired me for being straight’ … He says three other married coaches with young children were also sacked. Kenney was replaced by a gay female, according to court papers. [nypost.com] 12/18/13
Is this Common Core math question the worst math question in human history? [dailycaller.com] 12/7/13
What a terrible question. I am not a math whiz but there is not enough information in this example to answer the question. Who wrote this drivel? Then who OKed this drivel? What educational body put their stamp on this amateurish gruel? A certified teacher should be fired for producing unsatisfactory "national" test material like this. Parents should be outraged.
Indoctrination alert:
Obama and the Democrats are indoctrinating your children through union school teachers, television shows for children, books and magazines and off-beat cultural movies with highly Left-biased lessons, discussions and portrals of value free life styles. It is suggested that you quiz your children about their school activities in particular. Do not neglect their viewing and reading selections. Please de-program them as needed with discussions, explanations and understanding. =TheRightJack on 12/2/13
Holy Communist Style Indoctrination Right Wing Man ...
Public Schools Teach Of The Biblical Benevolence Of Barack . . . The Common Core lesson plan that uses this book calls for students to make a collage of Obama. “Have students bring in magazines and photos of President Obama. Have students create a collage about Barack Obama based on the information from the text. The collage should represent pictures and words about Barack Obama.” [lastresistance.com] 11/29/13
Indoctrination alert:
Please click on this link. Know what your children are supposed to learn.
Professor at UCLA called "racist" because he corrected students use of the written English language.
If teachers are not permitted to correct "things" then what are they?
Principals say Common Core tests make little kids vomit, pee their pants … as a result of the Common Core-aligned test scores, students who never needed academic intervention before this year are now receiving mandatory extra help. In some districts, these students have been forced to give up electives such as instrumental music and computer training. [dailycaller.com] 11/25/13
Indoctrination alert:
Common Core is the Democrat Indoctrination Curriculum.
When schools close, lunch gets cut, school libraries close or schools teams go unfunded, parents get upset and pay attention to matters related to education.
They will probably not even notice that there little darlings are being turned into socialist puppets by union teachers through the Obama school curriculum called the Common Core Curriculum.
Communists and dictators alike know that you must capture the minds of school age children. Pity that many parents do not care. =TheRightJack on 11/24/13
Top 5 most regretted majors …
To help you avoid this stinging regret, PayScale has ranked the majors college alumni recommend least. If you have your heart set on one of these, you don’t necessarily have to change course -- just do your research on job prospects so your dreams aren’t dashed after graduation day. [career-services.monster.com]
1 Anthropology (average starting salary: $36,500)
2 History (average starting salary: $39,700)
3 Visual Communication (average starting salary: $37,300)
4 Social Science (average starting salary: $37,300)
5 Journalism (average starting salary $38,100)
Should disability law force a college to waive required math classes? . . . the attorney says his client has a throng of disabilities including Asperger’s syndrome, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He says she also has dyscalculia—a difficulty understanding numbers and doing arithmetic that is more or less analogous to dyslexia. [dailycaller.com] 11/13/14
This would open the doors to any number of exceptions. Then what? Employers beware. Who will the courts hold responsible for the actions of “untrained” or "unqualified" employees? Of course, the deepest pockets pay.
Indoctrination alert:
White Privilege?
Wrong. It is self induced pain and suffering for millions of all colors. Privilege is earned by many of those who grow up in two-parent homes, finish school and go on to do well. =TheRightJack on 1/15/15
8 College Degrees with the Worst Return on Investment
… Numerous studies over the years have shown that individuals with college degrees significantly out-earn those with high school degrees by $1 million or more over the course of a lifetime. … When it comes to return on investment (ROI), not all degrees are considered equal. This article exposes eight college degrees with poor ROI.
8 Sociology
7 Fine Arts
6 Education: [Need BS + Masters]
5 Religious Studies/Theology
4 Hospitality/Tourism
3 Nutrition
2 Psychology: [need advanced degree specialty]
1 Communications
The first thing you should do is research, so you're able to come to the table armed with the knowledge of what your job is worth. [salary.com] undated. Posted 1/3/15
Go to a two year college that works with a four year college where transferring is easy. Live at home. Avoid private schools costs unless there are generous scholarship opportunities available. Start the search early. Do not wait until the last part of the senior year in high school. Investigate the earning potential in the degree you seek. Rule #3. Finish the degree. Many jobs/careers are available when you have a degree, regardless of the field of study. =TheRightJack
Smart? Some [far left?] teacher/anti-gun advocates are telling their students to steal their parents’ guns. Then bring them to school and turn them in to their teachers. What could possibly go wrong with that far left liberal idea ... at home, on the way to school, in school, after school? 12/25/14
High School Vocabulary Worksheet Seen As 'Islamic Propaganda'
... “In the following exercises, you will have the opportunity to expand your vocabulary by reading about Muhammad and the Islamic word,” the assignment’s worksheet read. ... The vocabulary words that followed included conductive, erratic, mosque, pastoral, zenith, and astute, all used in sentences about the Islamic faith. [opposingviews.com] 12/20/14
Wait Until You See the Anti-American, Hate-Filled ‘New Pledge’ this Professor Made his Students Recite
… A professor at the university since 1967, Dr. Angeletti has had his students recite this America bashing pledge for the past 20 years. But, for some reason, it is just coming to light ... [tpnn.com] 12/8/14
In what academic area is this self-proclaimed atheist and socialist teaching? His name does not come up on a faculty web site search.
WHOA! Liberals Running the Classroom, Teaching Flag Stomping and Islamic Laws (MUST WATCH)
… Watch (above) as Kelly gives examples of a high school teacher stomping on the American flag and another school which said a pledge to the country of Mexico! In one 6th grade class, President George Bush was compared to Adolph Hitler. And in another, the teacher’s lesson of Islam went so far that female students were asked to wear burkas. [ThePoliticalInsider.com] 12/2/14
Schools in North Dakota
North Dakota Bill Would Make Sure Students Know As Much About America As Immigrants
… Natural-born citizens, on the other hand, fall far below that threshold as a whole. A survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center determined that more than a third of Americans were unable to name even one branch of government, virtually the same as the number who could name all three. Shockingly, some estimates suggest a paltry four percent of high school students in some states could currently pass the immigration test. [western journalism] 12/2/14
Dah. Why should we expect our students to know anything about the USA when they are offered 12-13 years of far left socialism from their far left union teachers who are systematically erasing freedom and academic achievement from their list of curriculum objectives.
Rumor is that there will be an executive order coming down in the near future where some highly influential person in this unlawful administration that will forgive most if not all of the student debt accumulated by our economically illiterate college students ... to buy votes. 12/3/14
Just what are my children being taught?
Teacher Tells Child Her Mother is Not Her Teacher … "She said, 'Yes, I’m only allowed to learn from my teacher,'" Vines remarked. [godfatherpolitics.com] 11/25/14
You MUST read this article if you care about the education of your child rather than the indoctrination of your child.
In a nutshell, our children need to get all of the educational support and "coaching" to help them do well in school. The last thing our children need to learn is that parents need to "butt out" of the education of their own children. If this is happening in your child's school, then the school board needs to be changed.
Rumor: Bill Cosby does not appear to be a puppet who is driven by the Democrat Party line. The consequences are that he is now officially at the top of The Hit List for the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction. Why now? That is another question. 11/20/14
Cosby was raked over the coals by Democrat leaders in the past when he tried to encourage African American students to do well in school and make something of themselves. They shut him up.
Common Core Opposition is Creating More Home Schooling
… Fox News has an encouraging report noting that there is a boom in home schooling thanks to the un-American Common Core policies.
... Common Core is certainly set to further destroy our horrid school systems, but it looks like not every parent is just sitting around meekly letting government indoctrinate their children.
... North Carolina, already a home-schooling hotbed, saw a 14 percent rise last year in the number of students being educated at home, according to a report from Heartlander Magazine. Similar increases have been seen in Virginia, California and New York, according to education activists. [libertynews.com] 11/26/14
Parents in the know are just not going to sit idly by and allow their children be indoctrinated into dependent socialism by poorly educated teachers and administrators of the Far Left Democrat faith. As a result, the Democrat system is creating and dual educational caste system of reasonably well educated students and poorly educated youth and drop outs. =TheRightJack on 11/17/14
Common Core Propaganda?
How One School May Be Spinning A School Assignment About Islam Has One Mother Demanding Answers
… But the tipping point for the mom? A sentence on the assignment that stated: “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.” It’s from this section of the assignment ... [ijreview.com] 11/13/14
In the meantime, Muslims are getting all other competing religious activities removed from schools.
Based on what we see and hear today ...
in the various print, broadcast and internet news sources, our students are being taught to become little “big government” socialists while our own US economic system, US political system and the US government principles of democracy would seem to receive scant attention by far too many teachers. There does not appear to be much difference between the black students who are assaulted for “acting white” and our precocious young college elite students, muslim youth and hispanic youth who denigrate all things in the USA except our generous welfare system. There is so much that they just do not know. =TheRightJack on 11/11/14
Why in the world would anyone go to a college these days where you would not earn enough salary upon graduation to pay back your student loan? You failed Economic Education 101. Not smart! =TheRightJack on 10/31/14
Democrat policy:
We want every student to be average or below average ... so students do not feel embarrassed by the above average students. That means we do not want our students to know anythings including the US Constitution and the principles that make America great and its independent and self reliant people.
If this is not true, why are Democrats: [1] against charter schools, [2] in support of below average if not incompetent teachers, [3] against evaluating teacher performance, and [4] cheering on the absurd Common Core "Indoctrination" Curriculum that looks to have been written by rank amateurs without input from teachers. =TheRightJack on 9/18/14
$500,000 more
Is Our K–12 Education System Lagging Behind? … It’s well-documented that a quality education is often the difference between a life of opportunity and success and one of poverty and struggle. A high school graduate will earn almost $500,000 more than a dropout over the course of a lifetime, and a university graduate will earn some $800,000 more than a college dropout. More broadly, a strong education system is crucial to fostering a skilled workforce that can compete for 21st century jobs in a global economy, producing the next generation of leaders, and sustaining a strong domestic economy. [uschamber.com] 9/8/14
Guess what? Over the past 15-20 years, the primary educational objective has been to dampen achievement and not allow excellence to surface. Their anti-educational goal is to help those less able not feel embarrassed. So, wait until these students get out of school and get smacked down by the facts of life in the real world. This in-school objective of “sameness” could present these “coddled” grads with hurdles they are not equipped to handle.
Freshman in College … Suggestions
1. Take notes in class.
2. Read the homework assignment every day. Do not wait until exam time to cram.
3. Work the written assignments. Not just read it. Work it.
4. Do not expect your professor to care if you fail if you do not read the assignments and you do not seek help as soon as you know you do not understand.
5. Read your homework assignments daily. =TheRightJack on 9/9/14
New Study finds Little Link Between Teacher Pay and Test Scores … While teacher salaries could vary widely, MacIver found that there was no connection between teacher salaries and the performance of students on national NAEP tests, one of the only means by which students can be compared state to state. Indeed, some of the highest-paying cities had the worst test results. [lastresistance.com] 9/4/14
This is not new information.
Young college grad in “Women’s Studies” is $60K debt. One kid. Tending bar. Desperate. … Blame Obama for the same financial plight that many new college grads share, that PLUS the dead end no job degree that you failed to research so you could find out who is going hire you. $15K a year for that? Bummer. Where have you been hiding in recent years. Those who read this should Take Heed. Enroll in a community college and learn a trade. Plan 2. Start your own small business. No excuses please. 9/1/14
Parents have figured it out. Democrat union teachers are indoctrinating their students into Democrat socialist. Parents who are on top of things are sending their offspring to other schools where a quality education trumps union indoctrination. As a result, Democrats are creating a caste system in US schools. =TheRightJack on 9/6/16
Education or Indoctrination
Why You Should Avoid Sending Kids to Public Schools
1) More and more teachers are engaging in sexual practices with their students.
2) Today’s schools are re-writing history with lies and half-truths to fit their agenda
3) The El Rancho Unified School District in Pico Rivera, California, a suburb of Los Angeles has decided that students will be required to take and pass an ethnic studies course in order to graduate. [lastresistance.com] 7/18/14
Democrat Union teachers are indoctrinating students into socialism without the benefit of learning about the USA, it’s founders, principles of government and the Republic, independence, self-reliance and freedom, not to mention the benefits of capitalism found world-wide. Several examples can be seen in nations like Australia, Canada, India, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
Unfortunately, students learn nothing from below-average teachers about the continuing economic failures of socialism and communism under one type of dictatorship after another. It survives in such places as China, Cuba, North Korea, the now former USSR nations and Venezuela. Students also learn nothing about the savage dictators in Africa, the Middle East and in nations dominated by drug lords.
How government made college degrees worth less, a lot less (But they cost more) … This situation illustrates a major logical flaw in the college argument: if a degree confers advantages over people who don’t have one, what happens when more people get one? The benefit is relative—the more people who take the advice, the less it makes sense. If this is part of the intelligentsia’s case, they need not have spent so much time in school: eighth grade dropout Yogi Berra proved himself perfectly capable of the same error when he said that “nobody goes there any more—it’s too crowded.” [againstcronycapitalism.org] 8/17/14
Learn a trade at your local community college in 12 to 24 months or short courses [i.e. small engine repair] and then go right to work ... but select a trade that fits the economic demands of your geographic area. Some community colleges have organized trade groups in the community to advise their faculties on job needs.
Texas School Principal Fired for Following State Law and Trying to Prepare Students … Ms. Lacey said the incident was blown way out of proportion — and that she only advocated what Texas states in its code as law. … Lacey also appealed to state law—Title 19, Texas Administrative Code 89.1201 c. It reads:
English is the basic language of this state. Public schools are responsible for providing a full opportunity for all students to become competent in speaking, reading, writing and comprehending the English language.
… The mastery of basic English skills is a prerequisite for effective participation in the state’s educational program. Using English to the extent possible would also allow non-Spanish-speaking teachers a better opportunity to assess understanding and learning. … As far as I can tell, this is a pure-type example of the so-called government declaring a verdict against a person for merely doing her job in order to satisfy the angry masses. The rules and laws and educational goals don’t matter. Once you have angered a minority mob, or a hipster mob, you’re career is over. … No doubt this teaches other teachers a valuable lesson in what it really expected of them in state schools. [politicaloutcast.com]
Democrat policy: keep their dependents and future dependents as dumb as possible?
Teachers are leaving the classroom because they cannot figure out how to teach the math sections of the Common Core curriculum.
Common Core experts acknowledge that the Common Core [Indoctrination] Curriculum does not prepare students for the academic work in college.
Forget Learning Anything, University Says Grades Should Be Distributed Equally Based On Ethnicity … “Professors, instead of just awarding the grade that each student earns, would apparently have to adjust them so that academically weaker, ‘historically underrepresented racial/ethnic’ students perform at the same level and receive the same grades as academically stronger students.” [ijreview.com] 7/21/14
Sure. I really want to drive over the bridge that those “less than gifted” students have designed. This concept should send a message to those who are considering the questionable value of their degrees from the University of Wisconsin.
Democrat policy: We want every student to be average or below average ... so students will not be embarrassed by the above average students. That means we do not want our students to know anything like [1] the 3Rs, [2] higher math in particular, [3] the US Constitution, and [4] the principles that have made Americans great like the independent spirit and self-reliance. Democrats want uninformed dependents in our classrooms who are passed along under the policies and principles of socialism. =The RightJack on 7/4/14
Union Teachers had enough?
Teachers Union Abruptly Breaks Rank On Common Core … Common Core has aroused its most notable opposition on the right from activists who claim the multi-state standards constitute a federal takeover of education and object to particular components of the standards. … However, it has also seen increasing opposition on the left as well, particularly from a new faction of almost 100,000 left-wing teachers calling themselves the Badass Teachers Association, many of whose members are also a part of AFT. Such teachers typically object to how the standards further entrench the role of standardized tests in education and oppose using such tests to implement merit pay or fire teachers for alleged ineffectiveness. [thedailycaller.com] 7/11/14
It is about time someone in the union education movement took notice of this Big Dem Gov indoctrination fraud called the Common Core Curriculum.
‘Dating Lesson’ Asks Eighth-Grade Girls To Publicly Declare How Far They Will Go Sexually … Some of the labeled signs were innocuous, according to KGTV. These included “smiled at,” “hugged” and “kissed.” ... Other signs, such as “above the waist,” “below the waist” and “all the way,” were to varying degrees considerably less innocuous. [dailycaller.com] 6/8/14
There is absolutely no academic reason for this kind of “lesson” in our schools. None. In fact, I would not have asked this of college students in sex education classes. However, there are political reasons to do this to students if your political objective is dominated by the belief that “family values” must be stamped out.
Tuition Bubble Collapsing Already; Colleges Offering Huge Savings … NACAC’s new 2014 “College Openings Update” list is out and there are a whopping 470 colleges listed as still urgently seeking either freshman or transfers students. This large and growing list of colleges that are unable to attract enough students is an alarming reminder of how troubled and inefficient the market for higher education is in the U.S. The vast majority of colleges continues to engage in “prestige” pricing, but ultimately are forced to quietly offer deep discounts in an attempt to fill up their classes. Then, when even that doesn’t work, hundreds report that they still can’t find enough “customers.” [politicaloutcast.com] 6/3/14
Why? Students know all about the wretchedly high unemployment rate for recent college graduates as the Obama Economic Policy has proven to be a real job killer for millions of Americans. Even the illegals are fleeing the USA because of the poor Obama economy. Living at home with Mom and Dad is not "cool" for many high school grads. The answer for many is to go to the nearest community college and learn a trade. =TheRightJack on 6/4/14
The Easiest And Most Difficult Languages For English Speakers To Learn … The easiest languages — including Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian — require just 23-24 weeks of study, or 575-600 class hours, to achieve proficiency, and are the easiest because of their closeness to English. … The most difficult languages — Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Japanese — require, on average, 1.69 years (88 weeks), or 2,200 class hours, to reach speaking and reading proficiency. [finance.yahoo.com] 6/1/14
Right is wrong and wrong is right. Anybody confused.
Hipster Parents Win Award for
Turning 6-Year-Old Daughter Into a 'Boy' … What the Whittingtons have done to their
daughter is tantamount to child abuse, and child abuse is what the Harvey Milk
Breakfast organizers are honoring. [godfatherpolitics.com] 5/30/14
& & &
Father Gets Probation For
Making Son Walk Home From School ... A Hawaii man has been
sentenced to a year of probation after making his son walk a mile home from
school. … age of son revealed as 8. [news.yahoo.com] 5/30/14
& & &
& & &
But then ...
Giving classmates aspirins or Midol is a crime but helping students obtain condoms, birth control pills and abortions without parental notification or consent is OK.
NPR morning show host brings in another educator to “talk up” the “goodness” of the Common Core Curriculum. It is also known as the Democrat Indoctrination Program for Student or DIPs. 5/27/14
Unions have banned parents from volunteering to help in the schools because they are not union members.
Education or Indoctrination?
Another View -- Cass R.
Sunstein: How easy is it to indoctrinate students? Easy … Notwithstanding the two
failures, it is striking, and somewhat ominous, that government planners [in China] were
able to succeed in altering students’ views on fundamental questions about
their nation. As Cantoni and his co-authors summarize their various findings,
“the state can effectively indoctrinate students.” To be sure, families and
friends matter, as do economic incentives, but if an authoritarian government
is determined to move students in major ways, it may well be able to do so. [unionleader.com]
Interesting article with
references to China and how indoctrination worked there. So, we know that
student views and actions can be molded according to the wishes of those in charge … like Hitler
did and like the people who wrote the Common Core Curriculum for Obama and the
Democrats are doing. In the latter situation, it is up to parents to know what their
children are being taught in school. Just ask. Hitler solved that problem by teaching their
Hitler Youth to be informers, on parents in particular. Michelle Obama put
forth that same general objective for students in her 2014 graduate speeches to
high schoolers.
US Education under Democrat influence - - The 5th Reich?
Michelle Obama Now Suggests Monitoring Family Members For Racism … Michelle Obama has taken the racism bait hook, line and sinker it appears as most of her speeches lately seems to be heavily saturated in the leftist argument. Most recently though, she has taken to urging high school students to monitor their own family members for racial intolerance and to go even one step further and correct it. [tellmenow.com] 5/19/14
Be good little Nazi youth and tell on your parents, or just make up stuff if you do not get your way.
Michelle Obama Urges High School Grads to Become Thought Police? … Drawing heavily on “progressive ideals” – shocker – Obama also “encouraged the students to push older generations forward on issues like gay rights and climate change.” [buzzpo.com] 5/19/14
Future Leader Indoctrination?
The Reason College Kids Were Banned From Petting A Camel Would Be Hilarious If It Wasn’t So Pathetic … the event was subsequently cancelled after students took to Facebook to proclaim their concerns. The students said they were concerned about the money spent on bringing the camel to campus—around $500—and the implication that it would be racially insensitive to Middle Eastern cultures. [ijreview.com] 5/16/14
The more you learn, the more you earn. This is not a secret.
The Divide. The educational divide and the economic divide in the USA appears to be growing in opposite directions at the same time … if you believe the Democrat propaganda. It is rather obvious that caring parents want their children to do well in school, and they take measures to make sure that this happens. Other parents have absolutely no concern that their children must learn and absolutely need to become good students. Who cares? Low education means high unemployment. It is absolutely known - - the more you learn the more you earn. This is not a secret fact. On the educational end, school leaders have chosen to dumb-down their curriculums while making sure that excellence and achievement are not identified or celebrated. And your conclusion would be … ?
For example: Are we experiencing the Democrat social plan? Aid and abet the creation of ill-prepared students, create dependents, tax the crap out everyone, and pad the pockets of the top 10% who have ties with Big Dem Gov? =TheRightJack on 4/15/14
Report card on students, peers, parents, teachers, administrators or the state of education today and yesterday?
Who cares? No. I mean who does care? There is failure where ever you look.
Two Reports on the same information
Only One-Quarter of U.S. High School Seniors Solid in Math … In an abysmal showing, only about one-quarter of U.S. high school seniors performed solidly in math in a major assessment known as the nation's report card, reinforcing concerns that large numbers of students are unprepared for either college or the workplace. [breitbart.com] 5/7/14
and ...
Seventy-Five Percent of High School Seniors Have Been Wasting Their Time in School … the nation’s report card notes …
75%. Three-fourths of students should have been doing something productive with their lives rather than going to math classes.
60% . Sixty percent would probably be better off if they had dropped out and gotten a full-time job.
40%. In reading, almost 4 in 10 students reached the "proficient" level or higher.
25%. only about one-quarter of U.S. high school seniors performed solidly in math.
25%. The results come as community colleges and four-year institutions try to improve remedial education programs, given that only about one-quarter of students who take a remedial class graduate.
33+% and 50+%. It's estimated that more than one-third of all college students, and more than one-half in community colleges, need some remedial help, according to research from the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University. [politicaloutcast.com] 5/8/14
See also: Online: http://nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_g12_2013/#/
Looking ... for those reports on public school versus private school on student performance, growth or decline in private school enrollment, and the Democrat efforts to eradicate charter schools and other parental efforts to educate their children, particularly in the inner city. =TheRightJack on 5/9/14
Ignorance is bliss. Democrat strategy is to eradicate all signs, symbols and history of the USA so that union teachers and the Big Dem Media can indoctrinate our school students with their sacred ideals of socialism. =TheRightJack on 5/3/14
Democrats working diligently to change the USA into their sacred version of Socialism ... To do this, they must suppress, slander and chastise all matters and people related to the founding principles, history and traditions of US Government in K-12 and higher education. It is working. =TheRightJack on 5/6/14
Teacher Fired for Trying to Break up Vicious Fight … Now that the cell phone footage has been released, the teacher is facing child abuse charges and has been reportedly fired. The students returned to school after serving a 10-day suspension. [lastresistance.com] 5/8/14
When adults try to break up a vicious fight, as reported, get out of the way. Young males are quick, strong and full of testosterone. Look carefully. They may be totally out of control. If they are posturing, yaking and dancing, adults may be able to calm them down. Otherwise, back off. Observe the first rule of life saving. Save yourself first. Really!
UConn Professor Who Harangued Christians Doubles Down On Crazy, Expects Punishment … His story was … After his rant went on YouTube (see below), Prof Boster spoke to NBC Connecticut, alleging that the evangelical demonstrators disparaged the ethnicity and sexuality of some students passing by. … “When they attacked the student, I went out to confront them,” Prof Boster told the station. “It was my moral duty to become outraged.” [dailycaller.com] 4/26/14
UConn AcaDEMic goes ballistic with college students who do not believe as he believes. Towers of learning becoming no more than indoctrination centers for Big Dem Gov.
No well-reasoned discourse from this professor. The principle is … Attack when you have no facts or nothing else to back up your case. =TheRightJack on 4/27/14
ANOTHER university stops students from handing out Constitution … this was the second recent instance of a college

Democrats do not want students to learn about the US Constitution, the history of the USA, the founding principles of the USA and why it is the leader of the free world. On the other hand, Democrats are very proud of socialism, their preferred form of governance. No competing ideas in the classroom. One point of view. Nothing to explain. Ignorance is bliss.
More Evidence Leftists have Taken Over Colleges … Campus Reform conducted a study to analyze the number of Democrat vs. Republican speakers at college commencement ceremonies this spring semester. According to their findings, Democrats dominate the commencement address list of political speakers by margin of two-to-one with 57 Democrats speaking at graduation ceremonies compared to 26 Republicans. [tpnn.com] 4/18/14
Students have begun to voice opposition to some of the Democrats who are paid to do their graduation speeches. Democrat student [presumably] groups have been very vocal for years about their opposition to Republican graduation speakers and have tried numerous times to shout down Republican speakers on campus. Free speech is not free when Democrats are around. =TheRightJack
What to do about the Common
Core Democrat Indoctrination
Just do away with it. The
good teachers can figure out what to teach rather quickly. The poor teachers are mostly
hopeless “educators” regardless of the curriculum material but many will
continue to indoctrinate our students with their liberal ideology as they have
been doing. =TheRightJack on 4/19/14
Chicago Teachers Union to Mayor Rahm: Improving failed schools full of black kids is RACIST … Still reeling from the closure of 50 schools in 2013, embattled Chicago Teachers Union Karen Lewis called the turnaround plan “a slap in the face to those of us who are attempting to negotiate for more resources” and “nothing more than school closings by another name.” … The email from the teachers union also suggested that the effort to improve the schools is an effort spearheaded by Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett to damage black children and black families. … “This is an attack on Black schools that continues the assault carried out by” Byrd-Bennett “last year, when she closed 50 schools (claiming they were the last closings for at least five years).” … Byrd-Bennett is black. [dailycaller.com] 4/12/14
It would appear that helping black children in predominately black schools brings into play many competing obstacles, boundaries, politics and priorities. The educational process is not a deeply guarded secret. Hundreds if not thousands of schools in our 16,000 US school districts do it quite well. The win-lose nature of those priorities is the problem. Students, the customers, are not high on “their” list of priorities .. and that is sad.
When a teacher gets suspended
for defending himself in the classroom from attack by a drug dealing student, parents need to
elect a new school board ASAP. This type of change is happening more and more where
"educators" have become politically correct while showing no common
sense. =TheRightJack on 4/7/14
Pennsylvania high school student production on YouTube. Click below:
Democrat’s Common Core Indoctrination Curriculum Revised
Democrat revision of history, revised.
UPDATE: Common Core MATH lesson quietly changes Lincoln’s religion from ‘liberal’ to nothing … At the linked Infoplease.com page, Abraham Lincoln’s religion was listed as “Liberal” — until at some point on Wednesday or Thursday when some unknown person at Infoplease.com changed this dubious information. [DailyCaller.com] 2/6/14
Where are the real history teachers hiding? Why are they quiet?
The states with the most segregated public schools are epicenters of liberalism … In the entire state of New York, approximately half the public school students are white. However, during the 2009-2010 academic year, a typical black kid

The 7 hottest careers for college grads
Career #1 - Software Developers, Applications and Systems Software (tie)*
Career #2 - Market Research Analyst
Career #3 - Accountant and Auditor
Career #4 - Network and Computer Systems Administrator
Career #5 - Elementary School Teacher (excluding special education)
Career #6 - Computer Systems Analyst
Career #7 - Management Analyst [education.yahoo.net] undated
Dying Careers You Should Avoid
Dying Career #1: Desktop Publisher
Dying Career #2: Reporter [intellectual suicide?]
Dying Career #3: Semiconductor Processor
Dying Career #4: Auto Insurance Appraiser
Dying Career #5: Insurance Underwriters
See alternate choices. [education.yahoo.net] undated
4 surprises about the costs and benefits of college … Four fields fall well below the median 20-year return on college investment across all schools and majors, which is about $261,000: education, social work, arts and humanities. (Details on methodology are here.) [finance.yahoo.com] 3/26/14
Hoax: University officials determine racist messages self-inflicted … In February, an African-American student reported that someone left racist messages and drawings on a whiteboard outside of their dorm room at Copeland Living Center on the Allendale, Michigan campus. The messages included anti-black phrases and a drawing of a person being hanged. ... But police say that the markings were self-inflicted. [dailycaller.com] 3/23/14
Quick to judge because that is what the powers that be want to believe. This is a common action by a people looking for … what? Not much different from a homosexual or women who cries rape that ultimately gets an innocent man thrown in jail. Remember the Duke lacrosse hoax? The legal system and media have learned nothing when these situations pop up. Suggestion: Get the facts first.
US college professor demands
imprisonment for climate-change deniers … As such, Torcello wants governments
to make “the funding of climate denial” a crime. … “The charge of criminal and
moral negligence ought to extend to all activities of the climate deniers who
receive funding as part of a sustained campaign to undermine the public’s
understanding of scientific consensus.” [dailycaller.com] 3/17/14
Let’s see. A Democrat in a
Democrat acaDEMic institution wants to imprison anyone who disagrees with
Democrats on the Democrat faux science of climate change thus suspending
acaDEMic freedom in a Democrat Ivory Tower of Learning so that selected
Democrat ideologies can exist without bipartisan scientific challenges.
Common Core/Next Gen Assignment:“Who Is The Baby Daddy”
… In an assignment on genetic traits in 9th grade biology, students were asked to identify the “baby daddy.” The mother didn’t know who the baby daddy was, and the state took blood samples from the baby and suspected males. The students were asked to match the baby to the baby daddy given the mother’ blood type and the baby’s blood type. The choices included: the cable guy, the mailman, the cab driver, the bartender and the guy at the club. [pakalertpress.com] 2/17/14
What in the world are our mindless teachers thinking or better yet, the Obama Common Core authors? Well, it actually opens a window into “their reality” for all to see. Then there is the values transmitted with the assignment of Who be da daddy, ebonically speaking?
Democrat war on non-union education
De Blasio starts his war on charter schools … [D-NY] … Charter advocates were livid. … New York Charter School Center CEO James Merriman blasted de Blasio’s team for acting without consulting the parents involved. … “It is hard to believe that an administration that constantly urges stakeholder engagement did not hold one meeting with affected families before making these recommendations,” he said. [nypost.com] 2/27/14
College Text Book Trashes
Reagan, Blatantly Lies … “In one part, Krist-Ashman’s text teaches students
about ‘Conservative Extremes in the 1980s and Early 1990s’ and claims that
Reagan ‘ascribed to women primarily domestic functions’ while refusing to
appoint women to important positions during his presidency.”
[lastresistance.com] 2/18/14
The ivory towers of knowledge
are crumbling down at the hands of Democrat acaDEMic intellectuals while espousing the
truth of science and academic freedom for all … yet they rewrite history for naive students to fit
their Leftist political indoctrination. Pity!
Harvard Columnist Warns University Free Speech Threatens Liberalism … If someone wanted to do research to determine the positive aspects of heterosexual parent families over homosexual parents, that research should not be allowed to take place on the Harvard campus and those involved with the research be removed from the school. [godfatherpolitics.com] 2/25/14
Please read this eye-opening report. With leftist like the author mentioned in this article working to shape and control thought of students and faculties in public educational institutions like Harvard, there is absolutely no hope for freedom and justice for all in academia. Her thoughts are the antithesis of academic freedom.
Prisoners. The prison population, that votes heavily for Democrats, is characterized by alcohol at time of arrest, school drop outs, illiteracy and single parent homes. Draw your own conclusion. Climate Change?
Social unrest in the socialist utopias. The death of unarmed civilians at the hands of Big Socialist Gov in Venezuela and Ukraine has been reported. Obama and the Far Left Democrats working toward this type of Big Socialist Gov for the USA. So, why are US educators so enamored with socialism? =TheRightJack on 2/26/14
Indoctrination alert:
Common Core MATH lesson plans attack Reagan, list Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’
Common Core MATH lesson plans attack Reagan, list Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’
• Abraham Lincoln’s
religion is listed as “Liberal.”
• Any math student who surfs
over to the Infoplease.com biography of Ronald Reagan is in for a treat. The page duly explains
that Reagan’s “‘supply side’ economic program” of “tax cuts and sharp
reductions in government spending” led to “the worst recession in 40 years” and
a “constantly growing budget deficit.” The roaring economy and the huge plunge
in both inflation and unemployment that ensued rate nary a mention.
• Other well
documented problems with their math sections are presented. [dailycaller.com] 2/5/14
Indoctrination alert:
False information and dis-information. The Common Core Curriculum is Democrat Indoctrination in full bloom just as communist and fascist dictators have done for a hundred years.
3Rs False information and dis-information. The Common Core Curriculum is Democrat Indoctrination in full bloom just as communist and fascist dictators have done for a hundred years.
Rumor: College athletes to become unionized. Perfect time to strike is just before the season begins or at bowl time. Another case of players, unions and academia on the same side of the bargaining table. They are all majority Democrats. Interesting to see how this plays out and who cares. 1/29/14
Update: Permission to move forward granted ... How could the predictably leftist university faculties that are usually anti-NCAA and and anti-big time college sports not support the efforts of college players to unionize. =TheRightJack on 3/27/14
Obama's Revenge
40% of US college graduates
are unemployed
College Degree No Longer the
Solution to Good Jobs … The online survey of 1,050 workers who finished school
in the previous two years and 1,010 who received their degree in 2013 also
found that many graduates, some heavily in debt because of the cost of their
education, say they are in jobs that do not require a college degree. In fact,
just 53 percent of the graduates found full-time jobs in their field of study.
[moneynews.com] 1/23/14
Pollsters noted that a
large majority of college student population voted for Obama. They were blinded by his charm but did not do their homework. They got what they voted for, an anti-American
socialist and anti-colonialist seeking revenge against the young people
who are seeking a better life and the American Dream through education. In effect, they chose their own demise just like the Occupy Wall Street
crowd has done. =TheRightJack on 1/25/14
Obama the Dunce
Can you solve this grammatically incorrect, impossible Common Core question?
“Tyler made 36 total snowflakes which is a multiple of how triangular snowflakes he made. How many triangular snowflakes could he have made?” This is a question for 9 year olds. [dailycaller.com] 1/16/14
See also
Common Core textbooks arrive late, filled with errors … The mistakes are numerous. A third-grade workbook contains a set of questions accompanying a mismatched reading

Does this cause you to think about the problems with ObamaCare. Haste makes waste. These brainless educational dunces are as incompetent as the students they are producing. Any wonder that private school education is growing. 1/16/14
Politics Versus Education … In other words, Eric Holder, sitting in Washington, knows better than the thousands of people who run public schools across the country what kinds of sanctions are necessary to preserve some semblance of order in the classrooms, so that hoodlums do not make the education of their classmates impossible. [townhall.com] 1/14/14
Sign …
Tired of being harassed by your stupid parents?
Act Now!
Move out. Get a job.
Pay your own bills while you still know everything.
Democrats out of control, any way you look at it …
DOJ to schools: It’s racist to punish students for behaving badly, texting in class. ... Click here for the Holder directive
Obama’s Holder wants to investigate the school situation where more black students rather than those student of other colors end up at the police department rather than the principal’s office.
So, Holder wants to determine why teachers [likely to be Democrat union members] send more black students [likely to be future Democrats] to the police department [likely to be Democrat union members] than the principal’s office [likely to be Democrat educators].
Guess what! They are all Democrats. This is not a social problem. This is a Democrat problem that THEY have refused to address for decades.
NPR report. Rosie report on NPR about the Common Core curriculum devised by Democrats. No mention of the "indoctrination of our children" aspects in many parts of it. ... heard on NPR radio 1/2/14
$2 B-b-billion - Teacher dollars collected in union dues and used as campaign contributions for Democrats. Heard on the radio 12/31/13
Bullies as role models?
Study: Bullying occurs among those in academia . . . Beitz noted the most common cases of bullying involve academic administrators targeting faculty, but in some cases, faculty are bullying other faculty members or their administrative superiors.
Bullies might be threatened by a fellow academic's qualifications and scholarship, or victims might be targeted because they are perceived as weak, Beitz said. [breitbart.com] 12/20/13
Do as I say, not as I do.
Chances are that few people saw this report in the Big Dem Media
Lesbian boss ‘fired me for being straight’ … He says three other married coaches with young children were also sacked. Kenney was replaced by a gay female, according to court papers. [nypost.com] 12/18/13
Is this Common Core math question the worst math question in human history? [dailycaller.com] 12/7/13
What a terrible question. I am not a math whiz but there is not enough information in this example to answer the question. Who wrote this drivel? Then who OKed this drivel? What educational body put their stamp on this amateurish gruel? A certified teacher should be fired for producing unsatisfactory "national" test material like this. Parents should be outraged.
Indoctrination alert:
Obama and the Democrats are indoctrinating your children through union school teachers, television shows for children, books and magazines and off-beat cultural movies with highly Left-biased lessons, discussions and portrals of value free life styles. It is suggested that you quiz your children about their school activities in particular. Do not neglect their viewing and reading selections. Please de-program them as needed with discussions, explanations and understanding. =TheRightJack on 12/2/13
Holy Communist Style Indoctrination Right Wing Man ...
Public Schools Teach Of The Biblical Benevolence Of Barack . . . The Common Core lesson plan that uses this book calls for students to make a collage of Obama. “Have students bring in magazines and photos of President Obama. Have students create a collage about Barack Obama based on the information from the text. The collage should represent pictures and words about Barack Obama.” [lastresistance.com] 11/29/13
Indoctrination alert:
Please click on this link. Know what your children are supposed to learn.
Professor at UCLA called "racist" because he corrected students use of the written English language.
If teachers are not permitted to correct "things" then what are they?
Principals say Common Core tests make little kids vomit, pee their pants … as a result of the Common Core-aligned test scores, students who never needed academic intervention before this year are now receiving mandatory extra help. In some districts, these students have been forced to give up electives such as instrumental music and computer training. [dailycaller.com] 11/25/13
Indoctrination alert:
Common Core is the Democrat Indoctrination Curriculum.
When schools close, lunch gets cut, school libraries close or schools teams go unfunded, parents get upset and pay attention to matters related to education.
They will probably not even notice that there little darlings are being turned into socialist puppets by union teachers through the Obama school curriculum called the Common Core Curriculum.
Communists and dictators alike know that you must capture the minds of school age children. Pity that many parents do not care. =TheRightJack on 11/24/13
Top 5 most regretted majors …
To help you avoid this stinging regret, PayScale has ranked the majors college alumni recommend least. If you have your heart set on one of these, you don’t necessarily have to change course -- just do your research on job prospects so your dreams aren’t dashed after graduation day. [career-services.monster.com]
1 Anthropology (average starting salary: $36,500)
2 History (average starting salary: $39,700)
3 Visual Communication (average starting salary: $37,300)
4 Social Science (average starting salary: $37,300)
5 Journalism (average starting salary $38,100)
Should disability law force a college to waive required math classes? . . . the attorney says his client has a throng of disabilities including Asperger’s syndrome, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He says she also has dyscalculia—a difficulty understanding numbers and doing arithmetic that is more or less analogous to dyslexia. [dailycaller.com] 11/13/14
This would open the doors to any number of exceptions. Then what? Employers beware. Who will the courts hold responsible for the actions of “untrained” or "unqualified" employees? Of course, the deepest pockets pay.
Indoctrination alert:
Common Core Indoctrination:
In this new school curriculum ... The people must obey the government’s commands. [minutemennews.com] 11/2/13
Home schooling is increasing among military families. [Source not identified.]
Does this mean that our valued members of the military are fed up with the public school indoctrination programs foisted on naïve students by leftist union teachers and school administrators … not to mention the anti-military position of this batch of Democrats? Is my bias showing? =TheRightJack on 10/30/13
Criminals in our classrooms
Unions oppose bipartisan effort to keep criminals out of public schools ... “The bill has run into objections from major teachers’ unions like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. In letters to lawmakers, their criticisms included concerns that the measure might jeopardize workers’ protections under union contracts,” the Associated Press reports. … In far too many cases involving teachers or administrators, union officials have negotiated separation agreements with employers that allow the offenders to quietly leave their positions with a letter of recommendation, and sometimes a hefty payout. [joeforamerica.com] 10/24/13
Students are becoming aware of and learning how to respond to Leftist indoctrination tactics and dogma of union teachers in the classroom.
• Learn from their behavior and propaganda
• Pick your battles
• Learn. Understand their dogma and your position
• Remove the ideologues from the board
• Elect an education oriented school board
• Remember, many students are smarter than their under-performing teachers. Ouch.
Prom Waste?
Meet One Person Willing to Defend the Most Ridiculous Examples of Government Spending … liberal guest Tamara Holder [challenged] to defend a half-million dollar federal grant to develop a video game that simulates a high school prom. … 7:33 min video [conservativebyte.com] 8/21/14
Transgender Teachers
US Senate Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) targets YOU and your children. … should ENDA pass it will override the laws in 33 states and force schools to hire and retain transgendered teachers. Every school administrator will be forbidden by law from reassigning or not hiring any transgender, she-male or other psychologically unhealthy teacher, as this would be considered "discrimination" under ENDA. It will be illegal even to reassign these psychologically unhealthy teachers to office jobs away from children. [Traditional Values Coalition] 10/26/13
US Senate Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) targets YOU and your children. … should ENDA pass it will override the laws in 33 states and force schools to hire and retain transgendered teachers. Every school administrator will be forbidden by law from reassigning or not hiring any transgender, she-male or other psychologically unhealthy teacher, as this would be considered "discrimination" under ENDA. It will be illegal even to reassign these psychologically unhealthy teachers to office jobs away from children. [Traditional Values Coalition] 10/26/13
Unintended consequences.
Parents who care an can, will seek opportunities to place their children in schools
that are not under the political influence of unions and Democrat government legislation like this. See bullet point #4 above.
Criminals in our classrooms
Unions oppose bipartisan effort to keep criminals out of public schools ... “The bill has run into objections from major teachers’ unions like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. In letters to lawmakers, their criticisms included concerns that the measure might jeopardize workers’ protections under union contracts,” the Associated Press reports. … In far too many cases involving teachers or administrators, union officials have negotiated separation agreements with employers that allow the offenders to quietly leave their positions with a letter of recommendation, and sometimes a hefty payout. [joeforamerica.com] 10/24/13
Students are becoming aware of and learning how to respond to Leftist indoctrination tactics and dogma of union teachers in the classroom.
• Learn from their behavior and propaganda
• Pick your battles
• Learn. Understand their dogma and your position
• Ask for proof or documentation of their made up "facts"
• Make sure parents know what is happening in the classroom
• Remove the ideologues from the board
• Elect an education oriented school board
• Remember, many students are smarter than their under-performing teachers. Ouch.
Prom Waste?
Meet One Person Willing to Defend the Most Ridiculous Examples of Government Spending … liberal guest Tamara Holder [challenged] to defend a half-million dollar federal grant to develop a video game that simulates a high school prom. … 7:33 min video [conservativebyte.com] 8/21/14
What Big Gov waste?
Reality Check. Dropouts. What is so very unfortunate for so many of the students who are always on the bottom of the educational data ladder is that every generation is starting life from scratch, ground zero. They seldom have the benefits that come with parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents who can help, teach, motivate and guide them toward a better life. Nothing has changed in over 50 years and the Race Mongers are to blame. = TheRightJack on 10/8/13
Graduation rate. A recent study by the Review of Economics of the Household claims that children living with same-sex parents have a lower high school graduation rate than those living in opposite-sex families. Noted in World Magazine on 10/7/13
Duke prof: White people are the problem, racism everywhere [dailycaller.com] 9/27/13
Graduation rate. A recent study by the Review of Economics of the Household claims that children living with same-sex parents have a lower high school graduation rate than those living in opposite-sex families. Noted in World Magazine on 10/7/13
Middle School To Students: “Be A Servant” To Obama …
Professor discusses covert
racism … Bonilla-Silva defined cultural racism as placing the blame on
minorities for their social position.
[thedartmouth.com] 9/27/13
Be sure to read the comments
by students at the end of the article.
Who is putting pressure on
minority students to stop “acting white” by studying and getting good grades in
school? Who?
Who is forcing minority
students to doe such things as cut school, drop out of school, hang with gangs,
use drugs, adopt the criminal career path, and service time in jail if not
shoot and killed first.
Who is keeping minority
students from attending charter schools where they will be taught to
knowledgeable teachers rather then inner city inept Democrat idealoges.
Just asking. =TheRightJack on
Wisconsin School Apologizes
for Showing Gooey Pro-Obama Video to Kids … The same controversy erupted when
in the fall of 2009
when the Utah Eagle Forum protested that this pro-Obama video was shown to
grade-school students in Farmington, Utah. [newsbusters.org] 9/27/13
These teachers are either
Pro-Obama and Pro-Democrat puppets or failed miserably in their responsibility to preview
the material which is absolutely essential for any material presented to
Middle School To Students: “Be A Servant” To Obama …
Well-known actors and musicians were among those who demonstrated their voluntary subservience to Barack Obama through a series of pledges. … “I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama,” said singer Anthony Kiedis, while Demi Moore promised to “be a servant to our president.” [westernjournalism.com] 9/30/13
This reminds me of "cult worship" but should have been a pledge to Our US Flag.
Insane Quotes From Typical College Professors … " 'We get to show the troops we still appreciate what they’re doing for us,' said another College Republican. What are they doing for us? Nothing. But against us they’re doing a lot: creating anti-American terrorists in the countries they occupy." - Thomas Walker, Iowa State University … an others. [politicaloutcast.com] 9/24/13
Denver, Colorado area school system parts ways with the teacher's union. Citizens elected conservative school board members and booted out the union. Seniority replaced by merit pay system. Heard on the radio on 9/19/13
The writing is on the wall?
Ashton! Famous actor reveals real name, gives incredibly insightful speech about hard work and generosity at Teen Choice Awards. Short video of his speech included. [theblaze.com] 8/13/13
Outrages of the week. … This
week, we have not one, but four outrageous incidents of ridiculously enforced
zero-tolerance policies to report. [nraila.org] 10/4/13
School administrators demonstrate their support for the Far Left political agenda.
Head Start statistical
evaluation from 2010 = No Effect!
Cost has been $180 B-b-billion thru 2012. A congressional
study … indicated that Head Start had little to no effect on the participants'
cognitive abilities, socio-emotional development, or physical health. … and ... No
effect seen in study of 3rd and 4th graders who were in
Head Start. [discoverthenetworks.org]
That is disappointing. $180B-B-b-billion for baby sitters. Another Democrat "Feel Good" project shot down.
Insane Quotes From Typical College Professors … " 'We get to show the troops we still appreciate what they’re doing for us,' said another College Republican. What are they doing for us? Nothing. But against us they’re doing a lot: creating anti-American terrorists in the countries they occupy." - Thomas Walker, Iowa State University … an others. [politicaloutcast.com] 9/24/13
‘Secular safe zones’ offer campus shelter to atheist students … The program is patterned on similar safe zones for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students now found on many college campuses. [religionnews.com] 9/18/13
Are there also "safe class sections" where students are “protected” from Left Wing professors who single-mindedly indoctrinate naïve college students into the fruits of Democrat socialist theology and the disastrous horrors of conservatism? =TheRightJack on 9/23/13
arrested at Common Core government school curriculum town meeting where responses to softball
questions about this curriculum were read off and answered by an educational panel of three [Democrat?] school administrators. … e.g., Is this program training our
children for community colleges? And it is! [2+ min You Tube video with text]
Unintended consequences: Private schools enrollment growing to flee the negative influences of Democrat teacher indoctrination.
Avoid These Five Low-Pay,
Dead-End Careers
1 Teller – go for Financial
2 Fashion Designer – go for
Art Ddirector
3 Dental Laboratory
Technician – go for Dental Hygienist
4 Craft and Fine Artist – go
for Graphic DEsigner
5 Credit Auditor – go for
[education.yahoo.net] undated, 2013
Remember, Obama wants YOU to go into low skilled government work.
The writing is on the wall?
Little Rock Teachers Complain About Having to Wear Bras And Underwear … having to wear bras and underwear could be harmful to teachers. Additionally, not being allowed to wear halter tops, sheer or torn tops or backless dresses could also be harmful to the faculty. [godfatherpolitics.com] Undated
Then and now. Yikes. Nothing like a braless teachers to keep the attention of male students focused on learning core subject matter. Teachers setting good examples for the girls while trolling?
Of course, teachers today have been subjected to [i.e, indoctrinated] an array of the Left Leaning professors throughout their time in college who owe their nice paychecks to local, state and federal monies.
Student Debt: Taking on a large student debt is not a sound educational strategy IF you are not likely to reach a six-figure or high five-figure income, ever.
Hint: Select a major and college that matches up with your future earning potential. =TheRight Jack on 9/21/13
2013 - 2014
PayScale College Salary Report … With data from over 1.4 million
college alumni, our College Salary Report can help you compare salary data for
over 1,000 US colleges & 120 majors. [payscale.com] Undated
10 College Majors You’ll
Regret … 10 majors in Chart 1 that fall below the median on three key gauges of
satisfaction, and therefore rank as the most disappointing majors … Majors in
Chart 2 that lead to the most rewarding jobs, by contrast, tend to be
specialized fields that lead to technical jobs in growing industries. [finance.yahoo.com] 9/12/13
Student Debt: Taking on a large student debt is not a sound educational strategy IF you are not likely to reach a six-figure or high five-figure income, ever.
Hint: Select a major and college that matches up with your future earning potential. =TheRight Jack on 9/21/13
It’s personal:
The Obamas carried $120,000 student loan debt for decades … The president and the first lady also racked up $40,000 each attending Harvard Law School. Including undergraduate loans, the Obamas owed a combined $120,000 after college.
They did not settle their debts until 2004, when Obama signed a $1.9 million book deal to write “The Audacity of Hope.” He was also elected to the U.S. Senate that year. [dailycaller.com] 8/27/13
They did not settle their debts until 2004, when Obama signed a $1.9 million book deal to write “The Audacity of Hope.” He was also elected to the U.S. Senate that year. [dailycaller.com] 8/27/13
And they have been unusually quick to achieve 1%ers millionaire status considering their record of public service.
Big Dem Gov help for colleges. New Obama spending initiative is to pay colleges for reducing their student tuition costs. Then increase student loans. This Big Dem constituency is going to come out fine.
Is this the lazer-like focus on jobs?
Life is … You never know when you are going to be tested.
Flash: Most new job opportunities come from referrals. When you pass those "un-recognized" tests that life throws at you, it demonstrates your talents to others.
Ashton! Famous actor reveals real name, gives incredibly insightful speech about hard work and generosity at Teen Choice Awards. Short video of his speech included. [theblaze.com] 8/13/13
Democrat do not want their dependent masses to hear this time-tested message.
Students are the victims of Big Dem Education!
Are We Serious About Education? … If it seems strange that there would be a vendetta against an educator who has defied the education establishment and thereby improved the education of minority students, the fact is that Ben Chavis is only the latest in a long line of educators who have done just that -- and aroused animosity, and even vindictiveness, as a result. [realclearpolitics.com] 8/13/13
It costs $60B to keep 2 million Americans in prison. National Review's Rich Lowry says those numbers should make prison reform a high priority.
Textbook Praises Islam, Denigrates Christianity … It’s remarkably one-sided. … kids are going to take this book as gospel and believe that Christians and Jews were murderous barbarians and thank God the Muslims came along and the world is great,” he said. [townhall.com] 7/29/13
Home schoolers plead for help fighting ‘anti-parent’ law … In Scotland, a … “named person” would have great authority to order what the child – and parents – must do throughout life, regarding schooling, health, social activities and the like. [wnd.com] 7/25/13
Black education tragedy. The 19 year old Zimmerman witness can neither read nor write. [humanevents.com] 7/10/13
So sad that both black and white Democrats have stood in the way or ignored the educational problems of minority students. No change in 50 years. Dependence accepted. Achievement gone. Capitalism at fault. No change = No change.
Obama Attorney General Eric Holder wants to make home schooling illegal. Perfect Democrat recipe for The Dependent Class: Uneducated and unmotivated children totally free of parental values, guidance, modeling and responsibility. 7/10/13
These are the same anti-education people who do not want teacher aides in the classroom because they are not union members. See the Albert Shanker quote above.
Drug Testing. Employers find job applicants cannot pass drug screening tests. Democrats want drug testing thrown out as it "discriminates" against minorities. Union members, Teachers and Students getting a pass too?
Marijuana use reduces self motivation ... British study. July 2013
Marijuana Science: Why Pot Heads Are Slackers … UK researchers … found that the long-term cannabis users tended to produce less dopamine, a "feel good" chemical in the brain that plays an important role in motivation and reward-driven behavior. [Trippy Tales: The History of 8 Hallucinogens] [news.yahoo.com] 7/2/13
The claim for decades has been that marijuana is no worse or not as harmful as alcohol.
Approximately 10 people in the US drown every day and more than one in five victims are children under the age of 14. Source CDC
1 in 6 = 16.7% of people in the USA do not know where their next meal is coming from. Rachel Ray radio commercial on 6/20/13 Really?
Barack Obama’s G8 Speech ‘An Alarming Call For An End To Catholic Education’ … Obama flatly told a crowd of about 2,000 that parochial schools are, essentially, part of the problem. [personalliberty.com] 6/20/13
8 college degrees with the worst return on investment. [Salary.com]
Big Dem Party Public School Curriculum. Democrats opt for political indoctrination over unbiased indoctrination-free education. A few states have peeked behind the curtain and have thrown out that curriculum. More rejections coming.
30%. Harvard's graduating seniors admitted to cheating in a recent survey. Hmmm. I wonder if they also have situational amnesia problems. News quickie on 5/29/13
LGBTQIA. Gender confusion and gender issues make life difficult for teachers with risk of lawsuits in the picture. “As of this writing, the preferred designation by many activist groups is LGBTQIA, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual." [worldmag.com] 5/20/13
Pills. OK for 15 year old girls to obtain morning after pills over the counter without parental permission but do not dare give them aspirin in school without parental permission. Big Dem Gov taking the place of parental authority. Hmmm. Where has that happened before in our lifetime? 5/10/13
A peek into the educational climate in The Ivory Towers
Obama’s Plan To Destroy America Hatched at Columbia University, Says Classmate … In my class the typical Columbia political science student vowed to change America, bankrupt business owners and vaporize what they called “the white power structure.” For the most part these were children of wealth, given everything on a silver platter. Yet all they felt was anger and guilt. Their goal was to destroy their own fathers. They talked about it all day long. [personalliberty.com] 4/18/13
Meals. Students denied school meals because they did not pay for them. Parents upset. Board suspends and then fires the cafeteria workers. No mention of the failure of parents to do their job, pay the bills. Heard on a radio report on 4/10/13
Government School principal in Alabama bans the word Easter. [townhall.com] 3/27/13
Florida college student suspended in a classroom exercise about intolerance ... for not stomping on a Jesus placard. [rawstory.com] 3/22/13
Rumor: Government "Union First" Education apparatus continues to deemphasize excellence, accomplishments and individual initiative among students. Seeking sameness? Objective: Mediocrity? Compliance? Big Gov Zombie Workers? 3/24/13
Texas high school students suspended for taking a loaded .22 away from another student on the bus. 3/1/13
Texas schools force muslim religion on to school children in government school. Statewide curriculum. Christianity on the outside looking in. Feb 2013
Rote Indoctrination. US Education Communist Style. Cultural sensitivity training at the US Department of Agriculture Videos from 2011. … The Pilgrims were illegal immigrants, and more. [rushlimbaugh.com]
Sensitivity classes like this at USDA is not thoughtful learning. This is what was done in the first grade to learn the alphabet, spelling, math etc. With adults and older school students, this is called indoctrination or re-education in communist nations. In Big Dem Gov, it is Comply or lose your job. This is just plain shameful.
Education or Indoctrination?
Teacher Education. An ongoing complaint against the US teacher education system is that curricula do not put enough emphasis on subject matter. In other nations, teachers take more subject matter courses and a less educational methods. We take more educational methods than subject matter. That produces too many teachers who do not know squat. One cannot teach when one does not know the subject matter. =TheRightJack, an unemployed teacher 12/27/12
See Basic Economics 101 posted here on TheRightJack.
Good parents will not allow their children to be indoctrinated by union teachers who have little interest in unbiased education. How do you guard against this? Talk with your children. Find out what they are being taught in school, on the streets, and even in college. Failure to do this will bring uncertainty, confusion and turmoil into your family life as well as the future lives of your children. 12/24/12
Parent alert: When your child
as a “loner” that is a sign to seek help and initiate corrective action for
your child. We have known for 20 years or more that “loners” have the potential
to be problem students in some fashion. The indicators can be seen in, if
profiling is accepted, isolation, falling grades, mixing with younger age groups, drug use
and perhaps negative changes in what was previously considered “normal”
behavior. =TheRightJack on 12/17/12
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
Washington Proposes $1
Trillion Bailout for Delinquent Student Loans … And liberals in Congress have
proposed forgiving all student loans via “The Student
Loan Forgiveness Act 2012,” costing taxpayers $1 trillion.
* * *
College students cheer for Karl Marx, Socialism and Barack Obama … Let’s not forget that one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto is, in addition to “a heavy progressive or graduated income tax” is “free education for all children in public schools.” [godfatherpolitics.com] 11/10/12
+ + +
Parent Tip: Having difficulty getting your children out of bed, dressed, fed and out the door to the bus stop on time. Then read an exciting books to them like Harry Potter while they are waiting for the bus. 11/5/12
+ + +
Per pupil spending, adjusted
for inflation, has risen from $7,500 in 1990 to $10,500 today with no
improvement in national test scores. The jurisdiction with the highest per
pupil spending (Washington DC at $25,000 per student) also has the lowest
graduation rate and the worst test scores. Published at DickMorris.com on
+ + +
Bullying by teachers. Democrat union teachers in the classroom across the nation continue to push Obama on their students while bullying students who do not support Obama. This has been going on in college classrooms for years, if not decades. Do your own internet search on this topic to find many instances of teachers taking advantage of and attempting to indoctrinate their students. =TheRightJack on 10/23/12
+ + +
What today’s students do not know about the principles of US Government and Democracy, US and world history, economics/business, geography and politics is sufficient to bring about the decline and fall of the United States of America. Why would they care about, stand up for and fight for matters of country about which they have no knowledge. =TheRightJack on 10/21/12
+ + +
E-tablets said to replace books in schools by 2015. Heard on a radio report. 10/3/12
+ + +
Most educated Nations
+ + +
Occupy Wall Street
protesters/students who were pepper-sprayed will receive $30,000 each in
compensation from California university system. Tuition debt solved for now. How fast will this tuition scheme spread? Heard
on the radio news. [yahoo.com] 9/26/12
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
Ohio college coed [a freshman] makes a swooning remark that Obama is “sooooo nice” after shaking hands with him. Heard on NPR on 8/22/12 Any wonder that Obama is smoozing the naïve college crowd?
+ + +
Concussions. Brain injury in sports like American football, where there are 5-7 million high school players plus millions of middle school players, is getting prime coverage in the print and broadcast media. Will the Left Leaning Media that rakes in Really Big Revenue from football on television take a side for or against tackle football?
BTW: In Athletic Departments, the men tend to be more Republican than Democrat. The women tend to be more Democrat with more homosexuals. =TheRightJack on 8/6/12
+ + +
Left-wing indoctrination need not be part of college. 29% coming in. 40% going out. [yahoo.com] 7/28/12
Teacher education reinvented at Hillsdale College [popecenter.org] 7/26/12
Learn what Hillsdale did and their success story once they were unshackled from the bonds of state department of education certification requirements. Such as ...Do away with teacher education courses. Require a subject matter specialty. And their teacher grads are in high demand.
Hispanic leaders saying that their students need to do well in school. They figured it out. Meanwhile Black leaders are still allowing that “acting white” mentality to flourish in the black community despite the efforts of some blacks to promote education. Obama absent on improving black education. 7/27/12
Indoctrination. Welfare state must rise up. Whites are the problem teaches this U of Wisconsin professor. Student reviews of this course provided. … “When you speak in class, please refer exclusively to authors and texts we happen to be reading that day (or read earlier in the semester),” the teacher instructs students. That means there will be no open minded discussions of his dogma. [wnd.com] 7/25/12
+ + +
+ + +
Loners. Colorado theater shooter was described as a loner. Loner and isolate seem to be a characteristic of children likely to have problems of one kind or another. Is your child a loner or isolate? If so, take corrective action. You are the adult, whether Democrat, Independent or Republican. Be persistent. =TheRightJack 7/21/12
+ + +
Campaign strategy of racism in America. Obama has been going around the nation and the globe promoting the political ideology of racism and income disparity in the USA. If he honestly studied and reported on this so-called problem, he would know that the real problem is lack of education. He has had nearly four years to erase that “acting white” stigma from the minds of black youth and their parents. He has totally ignored his opportunities to get youngsters pumped up about the need to go to school every day, listen, pay attention, do your homework, be good school citizens and earn that diploma. Education is the great equalizer, incentive and enabler. Without a high school education, for starters, young people are dead in the water and dependent on everyone but themselves. Instead, Obama has given us four more lost years and more excuses for failure. No Education = No Hope. =TheRightJack 7/18/12
+ + +
Brainwashed. NLRB nominee sent her children to a camp with roots in communism. Founded in 1923 as a camp for radical Jewish activists. Recently took current campers to Occupy Wall Street protest in NYC. [dailycaller.com] 7/18/12
+ + +
School is too easy in the USA. [personalliberty.com] 7/12/12 Read the lively remarks.
I recall neighborhood high school students telling me this when referring to those competency exams more than 30 years ago.
+ + +
Dumbing Down. The link above IS about dumbing down the curriculum to meet the needs to the least capable and least interested students who have parents who complain the loudest. Any wonder there is a growth in private schools across the nation as parents select challenge and excellence over average and mediocre.
When teachers teach to the least capable or least interested students, boredom prevails and achievement declines. When teachers teach to the most capable and most interested, the low performing and non-performing students are left behind. It has not always been this way.
See the link here [Deliberate Dumbing Down of Amerca]
+ + +
Teachers on Facebook in trouble. Writing comments about students for all to see. Other offenses noted. [wnd.com] 7/4/12 The education blog by John Stossel … Private schools outperforming government schools. “Low-income Americans are far richer than the poor people of China, India and Africa. So if competitive private education can work in Beijing, Calcutta and Nairobi, it can work in the United States.” [townhall.com] 7/4/12
+ + +
Anti-American education begins very early in North Korea [philstar.com] 6/23/12
A familiar tactic from WWII by the Japanese, then the Viet Cong and now the middle easterners.
+ + +
School bus monitor, age 68, bullied with verbal abuse on the bus. [yahoo.news] 6/21/12
Values on display. School age students learn from their parents, peers, teacher and other adult leaders. Where have their parents been?
+ + +
Porn studies on campus [worldoncampus.com] 6/19/12
With porn appreciation, music appreciation, art appreciation, sports appreciation, race appreciation, ethnicity appreciation, diversity appreciation, gender appreciation, gay appreciation, multi-gender appreciation, sex-change appreciation, drug appreciation, drug use appreciation, suicide appreciation, bullying appreciation, religious appreciation, atheism appreciation, muslim appreciation, single parenthood appreciation, environmental appreciation, endangered species appreciation, and great nations like China and Russia appreciation [but not USA], how can students spend enough time learning their major courses of study to become knowledgeable and productive graduates. =TheRightJack on 6/21/12
+ + +
See: New high school principal posted 6/10/12 here at TheRightJack. A new principal in Colorado addresses his students. Undated.
+ + +
The Higher Education Bubble by George Will. Where academic administrators outnumber faculty. … So taxpayers should pay more and parents and students should borrow more to fund administrative sprawl in the service of stale political agendas? Perhaps they will, until “pop!” goes the bubble. [ljworld.com] 6/10/12 Good read.+ + +
Blunt commencement address. You are not special … Across the country no fewer than 3.2 million seniors are graduating about now from more than 37,000 high schools. That’s 37,000 valedictorians… 37,000 class presidents… 92,000 harmonizing altos… 340,000 swaggering jocks… 2,185,967 pairs of Uggs. [nation.foxnews.com] 6/8/12
+ + +
Teacher unions and their insurance program in Wisconsin ... It seems that the insurance company that provided all the benefits to the teachers, was owned and operated by the teacher's union. Since the company was guaranteed to get the insurance business from the teachers and that the state had to pay for it (not the teachers) they were increasing the annual costs every year to become the most expensive insurance company in the state. The insurance company then was free and able to donate millions of dollars to their favorite Democrat politicians who, when they got elected, were obligated to keep funding the unions outrageous costs. Source: See Union News from Wisconsin here at TheRightJack
+ + +
Cows give more milk both when they are referred to by their given name and when they listen to pleasing music. So why do we yell and scream at our children and our students and expect to obtain good behavior and positive results? 6/2/12
+ + +
Origins of the welfare state by Dick Morris for the classroom. History lesson on buying votes. Social welfare was used to kill democracy in Germany in the 1800s. Short video. [DickMorris.com] 6/2/12
36 year old college grad $142,000 in debt 8 years after graduation. Total outstanding debt by college students is $1 T-t-trillion. [finance.yahoo.com] 5/30/12
Signs that society is breaking down [yolohub.com] May 29, 2012
Numbers 7 and 8 are about female teachers and their sexual relationship with young male students. The last one is interesting too, considering who it named.
Most educated countries in the world
10 Finland
9 Australia
8 United Kingdom
7 Norway
6 South Korea
5 New Zealand
4 United States - How can that be?
3 Japan
2 Israel
1 Canada [247wallst.com] 1/31/12
Video of NC high school teacher losing it over students who do not appear to like Obama. She says it is criminal to disrespect Obama. Listen carefully. 9:15 minute video [mrctv.org] 5/21/12
Students are the victims of Big Dem Education!
Are We Serious About Education? … If it seems strange that there would be a vendetta against an educator who has defied the education establishment and thereby improved the education of minority students, the fact is that Ben Chavis is only the latest in a long line of educators who have done just that -- and aroused animosity, and even vindictiveness, as a result. [realclearpolitics.com] 8/13/13
It costs $60B to keep 2 million Americans in prison. National Review's Rich Lowry says those numbers should make prison reform a high priority.
History lesson as I recall it: The prison population is characterized by school dropouts, heavy chemical and alcohol use, and single [selfish and weak?] parent homes. It is so very costly in emotional energy, time and money to rehabilitate rather than help of our babies and children grow up and develop at home and in school. =TheRightJack on 8/7/13
No values. No limits. No consequences.
The challenge as noted by a mentor in a Baltimore one-on-one mentoring program developed to bring wayward men back into normal society.
History lesson as I recall it: The prison population is characterized by school dropouts, heavy chemical and alcohol use, and single [selfish and weak?] parent homes. It is so very costly in emotional energy, time and money to rehabilitate rather than help of our babies and children grow up and develop at home and in school. =TheRightJack on 8/7/13
No values. No limits. No consequences.
The challenge as noted by a mentor in a Baltimore one-on-one mentoring program developed to bring wayward men back into normal society.
Textbook Praises Islam, Denigrates Christianity … It’s remarkably one-sided. … kids are going to take this book as gospel and believe that Christians and Jews were murderous barbarians and thank God the Muslims came along and the world is great,” he said. [townhall.com] 7/29/13
This is not education. This is blatant indoctrination.
This is not education. This is blatant indoctrination.
Home schoolers plead for help fighting ‘anti-parent’ law … In Scotland, a … “named person” would have great authority to order what the child – and parents – must do throughout life, regarding schooling, health, social activities and the like. [wnd.com] 7/25/13
Why? How long will it be before
Obama and the Democrats make it a crime against Big Dem Gov to teach, tutor and coach
your children at home? Democrats do not want smart and informed students. They
prefer uneducated docile puppets.
Black education tragedy. The 19 year old Zimmerman witness can neither read nor write. [humanevents.com] 7/10/13
So sad that both black and white Democrats have stood in the way or ignored the educational problems of minority students. No change in 50 years. Dependence accepted. Achievement gone. Capitalism at fault. No change = No change.
Obama Attorney General Eric Holder wants to make home schooling illegal. Perfect Democrat recipe for The Dependent Class: Uneducated and unmotivated children totally free of parental values, guidance, modeling and responsibility. 7/10/13
These are the same anti-education people who do not want teacher aides in the classroom because they are not union members. See the Albert Shanker quote above.
Drug Testing. Employers find job applicants cannot pass drug screening tests. Democrats want drug testing thrown out as it "discriminates" against minorities. Union members, Teachers and Students getting a pass too?
Marijuana use reduces self motivation ... British study. July 2013
Marijuana Science: Why Pot Heads Are Slackers … UK researchers … found that the long-term cannabis users tended to produce less dopamine, a "feel good" chemical in the brain that plays an important role in motivation and reward-driven behavior. [Trippy Tales: The History of 8 Hallucinogens] [news.yahoo.com] 7/2/13
The claim for decades has been that marijuana is no worse or not as harmful as alcohol.
Approximately 10 people in the US drown every day and more than one in five victims are children under the age of 14. Source CDC
1 in 6 = 16.7% of people in the USA do not know where their next meal is coming from. Rachel Ray radio commercial on 6/20/13 Really?
Barack Obama’s G8 Speech ‘An Alarming Call For An End To Catholic Education’ … Obama flatly told a crowd of about 2,000 that parochial schools are, essentially, part of the problem. [personalliberty.com] 6/20/13
Hmmm. Do not recall Obama calling for an end to Asian schools, Jewish schools or Muslim schools. Although, Obama is not supportive of private schools either as many offer great educational experiences that are free of Big Gov Union propaganda. By the way, where will public school teachers send their own children if government schools are the ONLY schools. =TheRightJack on 6/20/13
8 college degrees with the worst return on investment. [Salary.com]
It is just not smart for
bright students to go into debt, like $50,000 and up, when your future job
field is not likely to approach a $50,000 annual salary quickly. Pick another major or pick another college and/or work part time and save. In other words, do your homework and Plan Ahead. =TheRightJack
Big Dem Party Public School Curriculum. Democrats opt for political indoctrination over unbiased indoctrination-free education. A few states have peeked behind the curtain and have thrown out that curriculum. More rejections coming.
30%. Harvard's graduating seniors admitted to cheating in a recent survey. Hmmm. I wonder if they also have situational amnesia problems. News quickie on 5/29/13
LGBTQIA. Gender confusion and gender issues make life difficult for teachers with risk of lawsuits in the picture. “As of this writing, the preferred designation by many activist groups is LGBTQIA, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual." [worldmag.com] 5/20/13
Pills. OK for 15 year old girls to obtain morning after pills over the counter without parental permission but do not dare give them aspirin in school without parental permission. Big Dem Gov taking the place of parental authority. Hmmm. Where has that happened before in our lifetime? 5/10/13
Really? When a high school student
lifted a finger towards the sky after helping his team win a state-qualifying
4X100M relay, the Texas University Interscholastic League disqualified his
entire team on grounds of "excessive celebration." [worldmag.com]
Try that with certain other religions [Name? ________] in the
USA and see what repercussions that brings upon your house.
When betting. Put your money down that Many if not Most colleges are dominated by Liberal faculty. There is a reason Obama makes so many speeches in front of his young adoring collegians and sympathetic Leftist faculty members = Friendly territory; No tough questions. To reward them for staying in his camp, he will likely forgive most if not all student loan debt and push for more Big Gov Money for colleges. =TheRightJack on 5/7/13
US Dumbed Down Class System. Big US Government Education is creating a class system. In public government schools, students are routinely passed along without regard to knowledge acquired, achievement or accomplishment. In fact, achievement and competition in particular, are routinely smothered. In private and home schools, students learn. compete and achieve. Thus Big Gov Education is fulfilling the need of politicians. That is, a poorly educated populace. =TheRightJack on 4/25/13
When betting. Put your money down that Many if not Most colleges are dominated by Liberal faculty. There is a reason Obama makes so many speeches in front of his young adoring collegians and sympathetic Leftist faculty members = Friendly territory; No tough questions. To reward them for staying in his camp, he will likely forgive most if not all student loan debt and push for more Big Gov Money for colleges. =TheRightJack on 5/7/13
US Dumbed Down Class System. Big US Government Education is creating a class system. In public government schools, students are routinely passed along without regard to knowledge acquired, achievement or accomplishment. In fact, achievement and competition in particular, are routinely smothered. In private and home schools, students learn. compete and achieve. Thus Big Gov Education is fulfilling the need of politicians. That is, a poorly educated populace. =TheRightJack on 4/25/13
A peek into the educational climate in The Ivory Towers
Obama’s Plan To Destroy America Hatched at Columbia University, Says Classmate … In my class the typical Columbia political science student vowed to change America, bankrupt business owners and vaporize what they called “the white power structure.” For the most part these were children of wealth, given everything on a silver platter. Yet all they felt was anger and guilt. Their goal was to destroy their own fathers. They talked about it all day long. [personalliberty.com] 4/18/13
Meals. Students denied school meals because they did not pay for them. Parents upset. Board suspends and then fires the cafeteria workers. No mention of the failure of parents to do their job, pay the bills. Heard on a radio report on 4/10/13
Government School principal in Alabama bans the word Easter. [townhall.com] 3/27/13
Florida college student suspended in a classroom exercise about intolerance ... for not stomping on a Jesus placard. [rawstory.com] 3/22/13
Rumor: Government "Union First" Education apparatus continues to deemphasize excellence, accomplishments and individual initiative among students. Seeking sameness? Objective: Mediocrity? Compliance? Big Gov Zombie Workers? 3/24/13
Texas high school students suspended for taking a loaded .22 away from another student on the bus. 3/1/13
Pledges in Texas: Student Punished for
Refusing to Pledge to the ‘Mexican’ Flag … 15 year-old sophomore at Achieve
Early College High School (AECHS) in McAllen Texas, was thrust into the
national spotlight after she refused to stand up, extend her arms straight out
with palms down and recite the Mexican Pledge of Allegiance and sing the
Mexican National Anthem. Reyna Santos, the Spanish 3 teacher, required
all of her students to recite this allegiance to Mexico. ... Other non-US students permitted to be conscientious objectors in connection with allegiances to the US. [MinuteMenNews.com] 2/28/13
Must read. Do you know what Leftist teachers are foisting upon your children? If not, you should. Education begins at home.
Must read. Do you know what Leftist teachers are foisting upon your children? If not, you should. Education begins at home.
Texas schools force muslim religion on to school children in government school. Statewide curriculum. Christianity on the outside looking in. Feb 2013
Rote Indoctrination. US Education Communist Style. Cultural sensitivity training at the US Department of Agriculture Videos from 2011. … The Pilgrims were illegal immigrants, and more. [rushlimbaugh.com]
Sensitivity classes like this at USDA is not thoughtful learning. This is what was done in the first grade to learn the alphabet, spelling, math etc. With adults and older school students, this is called indoctrination or re-education in communist nations. In Big Dem Gov, it is Comply or lose your job. This is just plain shameful.
Education or Indoctrination?
Politics: Sixth grade
homework assignment: design a new socialist/communist flag … “They [parents?] also
complained that it is hard for non-teachers to get a look at the program."
[caintv.com] 2/5/13 Published by: Robert Laurie
Unqualified Teachers Cover Up
Their Incompetence By Helping Students Cheat ... Those familiar with this
issue know there are numerous intertwined and overlapping reasons why American
high school graduates are not prepared for college or the workplace. One reason
is that leftwing indoctrination has supplanted teaching and learning as the
overall thought unstated purpose of public education. Another reason is that
liberals do not want young people to be able to read, write, compute, and think
critically—it makes them harder to mislead. Yet another reason is that the
development of academic discipline has been replaced by a focus on building self-esteem
in students—a trend that has made hurting a student’s feelings by giving him
honest feedback about sloppy, unacceptable work something akin to a capital
crime. [patriotupdate.com] 1/25/13 by David L. Goetsch
Americans with No Abilities Act [snopes.com] January 2009
12 years of public school education = Nothing worthwhile accomplished in 225 days x 12 years = 2,700 days. The "mean streets" win.
12 years of public school education = Nothing worthwhile accomplished in 225 days x 12 years = 2,700 days. The "mean streets" win.
Teacher Education. An ongoing complaint against the US teacher education system is that curricula do not put enough emphasis on subject matter. In other nations, teachers take more subject matter courses and a less educational methods. We take more educational methods than subject matter. That produces too many teachers who do not know squat. One cannot teach when one does not know the subject matter. =TheRightJack, an unemployed teacher 12/27/12
See Basic Economics 101 posted here on TheRightJack.
Good parents will not allow their children to be indoctrinated by union teachers who have little interest in unbiased education. How do you guard against this? Talk with your children. Find out what they are being taught in school, on the streets, and even in college. Failure to do this will bring uncertainty, confusion and turmoil into your family life as well as the future lives of your children. 12/24/12
+ + +
Values. CT shooter was loner and had
been bullied. So what value system lead him to believe it was OK to murder
young children and teachers. Why not go after those who bullied him? Why did
teachers not know that loners have problems and deal with that behavior
appropriately when he was in school. Ditto his mother.
+ + +
Unions shut down Michigan
schools to intimidate voters into eliminating their Right To Work Laws. When
unions win, forcing workers to pay union dues occurs, then expect an end to
secret voting by union rank and file. Obama campaigning strongly with unions for forced
dues. 12/11/12
+ + +
Teachers. The largest
demographic group that sends their children to private schools. Heard on a
radio news report. 11/2012
+ + +
Is this a good idea, or does it teach students to be irresponsible when they select their college and major/future work? ... and the cost of a college
education continues to escalate.
And Big Dem Gov is still interested in canceling a student's debt if they work for Big Gov for 10 years.
* * *
Socialism is where the people work for the government. Democracy is where the government works for the people. Big Gov IS the communist/socialist goal.
* * *College students cheer for Karl Marx, Socialism and Barack Obama … Let’s not forget that one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto is, in addition to “a heavy progressive or graduated income tax” is “free education for all children in public schools.” [godfatherpolitics.com] 11/10/12
Learned professors like academic
freedom so that they can indoctrinate the minds of their impressionable
students, as do dictatorial regimes. Now, there are far too many public school teachers doing the same thing. This is particularly devastating for students who have parents who are uninterested in the education of their children. =TheRightJack on 11/15/12
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Bullying by teachers. Democrat union teachers in the classroom across the nation continue to push Obama on their students while bullying students who do not support Obama. This has been going on in college classrooms for years, if not decades. Do your own internet search on this topic to find many instances of teachers taking advantage of and attempting to indoctrinate their students. =TheRightJack on 10/23/12
+ + +
What today’s students do not know about the principles of US Government and Democracy, US and world history, economics/business, geography and politics is sufficient to bring about the decline and fall of the United States of America. Why would they care about, stand up for and fight for matters of country about which they have no knowledge. =TheRightJack on 10/21/12
+ + +
E-tablets said to replace books in schools by 2015. Heard on a radio report. 10/3/12
+ + +
Most educated Nations
5 New Zealand
4 United States **
3 Japan
2 Israel
1 Canada [finance.yahoo.com]
** TheRightJack is shocked that the USA is as high as #4. One might be tempted to believe that the USA would fall much lower. Consider this. A large percentage of our student population does not finish high school. On top of that, some youngsters grow up being taught on the streets that education is out of character and highly unfavored among their peers. Leaders leading youngsters down the path of lifetime failure. So sad.
+ + +
+ + +
Kids to drink gay kool-aid. October will be
designated as LGBT History Month. Gay history expected to be taught to students in grades K-12.
Report on history of NAMBLA and LGBT presented in this article. [wnd.com] 9/25/12
+ + +
Out of Context. Could
colleges and universities be the next Big Democrat Institution to go be belly
up? They are spending more than the can afford. That is, they cannot sustain
their levels of spending. [worldoncampus.com]
+ + +
Why is it that when Democrats talk
about education, they talk about teachers. When Republicans talk about
education, they talk about students. Comment heard on Laura Ingram radio show
on 8/31/12
+ + +
Ohio college coed [a freshman] makes a swooning remark that Obama is “sooooo nice” after shaking hands with him. Heard on NPR on 8/22/12 Any wonder that Obama is smoozing the naïve college crowd?
+ + +
Concussions. Brain injury in sports like American football, where there are 5-7 million high school players plus millions of middle school players, is getting prime coverage in the print and broadcast media. Will the Left Leaning Media that rakes in Really Big Revenue from football on television take a side for or against tackle football?
BTW: In Athletic Departments, the men tend to be more Republican than Democrat. The women tend to be more Democrat with more homosexuals. =TheRightJack on 8/6/12
+ + +
Left-wing indoctrination need not be part of college. 29% coming in. 40% going out. [yahoo.com] 7/28/12
Teacher education reinvented at Hillsdale College [popecenter.org] 7/26/12
Learn what Hillsdale did and their success story once they were unshackled from the bonds of state department of education certification requirements. Such as ...Do away with teacher education courses. Require a subject matter specialty. And their teacher grads are in high demand.
Hispanic leaders saying that their students need to do well in school. They figured it out. Meanwhile Black leaders are still allowing that “acting white” mentality to flourish in the black community despite the efforts of some blacks to promote education. Obama absent on improving black education. 7/27/12
Indoctrination. Welfare state must rise up. Whites are the problem teaches this U of Wisconsin professor. Student reviews of this course provided. … “When you speak in class, please refer exclusively to authors and texts we happen to be reading that day (or read earlier in the semester),” the teacher instructs students. That means there will be no open minded discussions of his dogma. [wnd.com] 7/25/12
Seldom can we peek into a classroom like this to see how Wisconsin tax dollars
are spent. There is NO academic freedom in this fellow's classroom. That signals indoctrination.
+ + +
Thot. The Colorado shooter …
Were teachers and professors not the most prevalent people in his young life
and possibly the most influential? Experts say they are not able to profile, type or come up with identifiable traits to profile people who act out like this. =TheRightJack 7/23/12
+ + +
Loners. Colorado theater shooter was described as a loner. Loner and isolate seem to be a characteristic of children likely to have problems of one kind or another. Is your child a loner or isolate? If so, take corrective action. You are the adult, whether Democrat, Independent or Republican. Be persistent. =TheRightJack 7/21/12
+ + +
Campaign strategy of racism in America. Obama has been going around the nation and the globe promoting the political ideology of racism and income disparity in the USA. If he honestly studied and reported on this so-called problem, he would know that the real problem is lack of education. He has had nearly four years to erase that “acting white” stigma from the minds of black youth and their parents. He has totally ignored his opportunities to get youngsters pumped up about the need to go to school every day, listen, pay attention, do your homework, be good school citizens and earn that diploma. Education is the great equalizer, incentive and enabler. Without a high school education, for starters, young people are dead in the water and dependent on everyone but themselves. Instead, Obama has given us four more lost years and more excuses for failure. No Education = No Hope. =TheRightJack 7/18/12
+ + +
Brainwashed. NLRB nominee sent her children to a camp with roots in communism. Founded in 1923 as a camp for radical Jewish activists. Recently took current campers to Occupy Wall Street protest in NYC. [dailycaller.com] 7/18/12
+ + +
School is too easy in the USA. [personalliberty.com] 7/12/12 Read the lively remarks.
I recall neighborhood high school students telling me this when referring to those competency exams more than 30 years ago.
+ + +
When teachers teach to the least capable or least interested students, boredom prevails and achievement declines. When teachers teach to the most capable and most interested, the low performing and non-performing students are left behind. It has not always been this way.
See the link here [Deliberate Dumbing Down of Amerca]
+ + +
+ + +
A familiar tactic from WWII by the Japanese, then the Viet Cong and now the middle easterners.
+ + +
Values on display. School age students learn from their parents, peers, teacher and other adult leaders. Where have their parents been?
+ + +
With porn appreciation, music appreciation, art appreciation, sports appreciation, race appreciation, ethnicity appreciation, diversity appreciation, gender appreciation, gay appreciation, multi-gender appreciation, sex-change appreciation, drug appreciation, drug use appreciation, suicide appreciation, bullying appreciation, religious appreciation, atheism appreciation, muslim appreciation, single parenthood appreciation, environmental appreciation, endangered species appreciation, and great nations like China and Russia appreciation [but not USA], how can students spend enough time learning their major courses of study to become knowledgeable and productive graduates. =TheRightJack on 6/21/12
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
Origins of the welfare state by Dick Morris for the classroom. History lesson on buying votes. Social welfare was used to kill democracy in Germany in the 1800s. Short video. [DickMorris.com] 6/2/12
36 year old college grad $142,000 in debt 8 years after graduation. Total outstanding debt by college students is $1 T-t-trillion. [finance.yahoo.com] 5/30/12
Signs that society is breaking down [yolohub.com] May 29, 2012
Numbers 7 and 8 are about female teachers and their sexual relationship with young male students. The last one is interesting too, considering who it named.
Most educated countries in the world
10 Finland
9 Australia
8 United Kingdom
7 Norway
6 South Korea
5 New Zealand
4 United States - How can that be?
3 Japan
2 Israel
1 Canada [247wallst.com] 1/31/12
Video of NC high school teacher losing it over students who do not appear to like Obama. She says it is criminal to disrespect Obama. Listen carefully. 9:15 minute video [mrctv.org] 5/21/12
Democrat indoctrination in public schools and minority churches is widespread and illegal.
Best high schools. Ranking of 22,000 public high schools. Rankings by state included. Methodology explained. [usnews.com]
$10B and then $70B = student achievement flat or falling. Video news report. Kyle Olson of eagnews.org [youtube.com]
Poor student performance on government and constitution. Video news report. Kyle Olson of eagnews.org [youtube.com]
Bad actors, to use an old term, get to coach high school football in Orlando. [wnd.com] 5/16/12
Is that really the best models they can bring forward for their students? Three types of people effect students: parents, peers, teacher/coaches/leaders plus TV and video games.
Best high schools. Ranking of 22,000 public high schools. Rankings by state included. Methodology explained. [usnews.com]
$10B and then $70B = student achievement flat or falling. Video news report. Kyle Olson of eagnews.org [youtube.com]
Poor student performance on government and constitution. Video news report. Kyle Olson of eagnews.org [youtube.com]
Bad actors, to use an old term, get to coach high school football in Orlando. [wnd.com] 5/16/12
Is that really the best models they can bring forward for their students? Three types of people effect students: parents, peers, teacher/coaches/leaders plus TV and video games.
Who is teaching your children? Where are they learning what they are learning?
You can be that your children are learning a lot more in school than just their ABCs. That is why child rearing today is a 24/7 job.
Why is college worth it today. 40% of jobs do not require an expensive degree. [nypost.com] 5/13/12
But wait. If you are in college now, and the GOP wins out in November, expect the economy to rebound as businesses will begin to hire. That makes college worth it. However, it is still economically foolish to go into big debt of $25,000 or more with the prospects of low paying jobs in education and service. 5/14/12
Obama is very energized in trashing Romney [e.g., bullying as high schooler, anti-women, too wealthy] but is sadly silent on
• black on black crime
• crime and incarceration rates of black males
• drop out rates of black males
• the anti-education beliefs of young black males, and
• absentee fathers who are destroying the black community. 5/12/12
+ +
Obama could have had a dramatically positive influence and he passed on it. But, he is probably a muslim who likely holds no special love for the black community.
Big Gov and Higher Education. Grove City College and Vanderbilt University. ... religious organizations of specific faiths may not discriminate against non-believers, athiests and believers of other theologies who want to join their group that holds common beliefs. Greeks exempt from these Big Gov Regs. [godfatherpolitics.com] 5/8/12
Racial bigotry of lower expectations … “The social implications of these results are important; many minority students might not be getting input from instructors that stimulates intellectual growth and fosters achievement. Some education scholars believe that minorities under-perform because they are insufficiently challenged—the ‘bigotry of lowered expectations,’ in popular parlance,” [personalliberty.com] 5/9/12
Why is college worth it today. 40% of jobs do not require an expensive degree. [nypost.com] 5/13/12
But wait. If you are in college now, and the GOP wins out in November, expect the economy to rebound as businesses will begin to hire. That makes college worth it. However, it is still economically foolish to go into big debt of $25,000 or more with the prospects of low paying jobs in education and service. 5/14/12
Obama is very energized in trashing Romney [e.g., bullying as high schooler, anti-women, too wealthy] but is sadly silent on
• black on black crime
• crime and incarceration rates of black males
• drop out rates of black males
• the anti-education beliefs of young black males, and
• absentee fathers who are destroying the black community. 5/12/12
+ +
Obama could have had a dramatically positive influence and he passed on it. But, he is probably a muslim who likely holds no special love for the black community.
Racial bigotry of lower expectations … “The social implications of these results are important; many minority students might not be getting input from instructors that stimulates intellectual growth and fosters achievement. Some education scholars believe that minorities under-perform because they are insufficiently challenged—the ‘bigotry of lowered expectations,’ in popular parlance,” [personalliberty.com] 5/9/12
In other words, positive feedback that is void of positive criticism has been a plank in the self-esteem movement. When it is given where not deserved, it tells students that they are doing just fine and reduces their ability to overcome hurdles and rise to the challenges of learning new material. False praise without accomplishments is just “blowing smoke” that fosters mediocrity. Achievement is a key part of gaining self-esteem.
Prime examples: [1] Top notch high school athletes have been passed along but cannot read and write well enough to accept college athletic scholarships called grants-in-aid. [2] Then there is the 40% unemployment rate among black teenagers during the hard times created largely by the current administration. 5/9/12
Are your students as sharp as this bird?
Student – Teacher Sex in California. [wnd.com] 4/17/12
Read what is going on in Government Schools in California. No way this article can be summarized effectively.
Bulling with some really foul language thrown in to boot by anti-bullying advocate who holds an endorsement from Obama. [westernjournalism.com] 5/1/12
Do what I say not what I do. Turn the other cheek. Fight fire with fire. And eye or an eye. Where is the White House leadership on on this?
The Scale of the Universe. Click and allow it to load. Slide the bar on the bottom to zoom in and zoom out to see the size of various items from a DNA spiral and smaller to the known universe. [htwins.net] Give us perspective.
Diversion tactics. Democrats trying to blame GOP for the loan problems of college students who go into debt well beyond their ability to pay them off in a reasonable amount of time.
+ +
Students just cannot take on $100,000 in debt if they plan their careers around majors such as teaching, criminal justice, fine arts and social welfare.
+ +
A new Democrat diversion on the horizon. Obama will make massive debt forgiveness initiative to buy the under age 25 vote.Student Loan Interest Rate to double. Obama exhorts Congress to pass a bill to keep interest rates at the same 3.4% rate. [usnews.com] 4/23/12
+ +
Did you know that Democrats wrote the bill that would double the interest rate on student loans. Betcha didn’t.
+ +
Democrats also took the student loan programs away from banks. That allows them to forgive student loans. Debt forgiveness = votes.
50% of college grads under the age of 25 are unemployed or underemployed. Heard on the radio 4/24/12
Teacher in Virginia lines up students and shoots blanks at them. [timesnews.net] 4/18/12
A 6 year old Georgia girl went berserk [my word choice] in classroom and was taken away by police in handcuffs. Parent says her child has moods. [TheBlaze] 4/17/12 Moods?
After becoming aware of the two school news items above ... I have a truly great suggestion for teacher preparation studies some place along the way in the college curriculum like Educational Psychology 201 or Student Teaching 301. Conduct an internet search on …
Cal State campii plan enrollment freeze unless they can get more tax money from the voters. 4/16/12 See www.WorldOnCampus.com
12% of millionaires are wealthy educators. Highest percentage are managers. [westernjournalism.com] Short
video. 3/31/12 Average $60,000+ salary of educators puts them in the top 25% of wage earners. Hear that OWS and Wisconsin union protesters!
+ +
See Occupy Wall Street Protesters here at TheRightJack
Republicans accused of being anti-science. That is a Democrat talking point. Study of some sort reported on the radio revealed that Republicans who are anti-science are less educated or not as smart ... as who?
+ +
Can you "trust" science or education when there is so much fraud connected with it ... like climate change ... where "scientists" are not even willing to open their findings to professional or peer review.
+ +
Let us not even get started on the "science" and false hope of green energy. How about just a little scientific market research! That would be a great idea. =TheRightJack
Melting Pot No More. Multi-Culturalism has been an educational objective for well over 30 years. In that vein, Democrats have been leaning heavily on the notion that immigrants and illegals who come into the USA should maintain a strong sense of their native heritage - where they came from. In prior times, the USA was regarded as a melting pot. That concept seems to have been thrown out by Democrats. Why? Is it possible that Democrats seek every means possible to segment the US population into voting blocks?
Examples of Pro-Democrat groups that can be kept in "their camp" with special legislation include ...
• union members
• media broadcasters, reporters and other employees
• Hollywood's highly visible and vocal stars
• single mothers
• public school and college teachers and students
• debt ridden college students
• african americans
• gays and lesbians
• hispanics
• seniors
• the poor
• immigrants, legal and illegal =TheRightJack 3/18/12
Education begins at home, not day care or school or your kid's coaches. The "streets" will raise your kids for you but you are not going to like the outcome. =TheRightJack
Our scientific and engineering workforce has dropped from 5.4% of the workforce to 4.9% of the workforce. 2/17/12
Read: "The College of Really Hard Knocks" here at TheRightJack, published 2/13/12
Incubators. Have you noticed that Obama gives many of his speeches to gullible college students and their Big Dem College Professors.
California public school teachers found to be sexually abusing elementary school students. 2/6/12
Two new pieces of legislation effecting education:
$56/hr. Average teacher pay.
$28/hr. Average worker pay.
[Source: NLRB] 12/15/11
Yikes: My starting gross pay as a teacher back when the Earth was cooling --- $25/day.
47% of schools do not meet No Child Left Behind standards. The Fix is to lower the standards even more so more schools pass. That is called dumbing down the educational system. Missouri and then DC are the two lowest performers. Heard on the radio 12/15/11
VP Biden tests Obama 2012 campaign strategy on education to fix financial problems in education created by Obama administration policies over the past three years. [dailycaller.com] 12/12/11
Education with their K-12 and college indoctrination programs, is a key Obama support group along with public sector unions, single mothers, blacks, gays, Hollywood and the Big Time Dying Media, of course.
Smart students for hire to take SAT exams. See there, Education Pays.
The Strategy: Gotta look like a high schooler. Do not take the exam at a school where the client is enrolled. Be inconspicuous. Do you suppose they offer a money back guarantee?
5th grader kicked out of school when he said a local anchorman looks like Obama when the man visited their school. Racism charged. [theblaze.com] 12/5/11
Busted for sexual harrasment. 9 year old boy suspended from school for calling his teacher cute. [theblaze.com] 12/5/11 Back in the day, my female classmates went crazy over our new good looking blond phys ed teacher.
Student Education or Indoctrination? Student achievement is the primary purpose of education in our public and private school systems. Education versus indoctrination is becoming a critical issue in shaping young minds. Remember that capturing the minds of the youth through indoctrination has been a primary “social” objective and accomplishment of most totalitarian regimes like those of NAZI Germany, Japan, USSR, China, Cuba and Iran. This includes many of the muslim theocracies where government, politics and religion are one in the same. We now see evidence of indoctrination becoming more common in our US public and private school systems. Mindless repetition of political dogma is indoctrination, not education. =TheRightJack 11/28/11
Typography of Religion from USA Today
Government schools are one of our most debilitating government failures. First, school leaders and politicians cry out for more and more money. Then, when it occurs, more money has absolutely no effect on student performance. Secondly, teacher indoctrination of students into favored political positions takes precedence over the unbiased education of students. This is criminal behavior befitting the world’s worst despots. =TheRightJack 11/15/11
Parental alert: Do you know what your kids are learning in school today. Is it the 3 Rs or how to protest or Unions are the answer. Guess which side teachers are taking. Find out if it sounds like indoctrination or education. My wife and I always needed to set our children straight [i.e, re-educate or un-learn] after what they learned from their classmates and their teachers.
$25,250. Average student loan, now facing a 9.1% unemployment rate. 2010 data.
Oakland teachers supporting Occupy. Some teachers pledge to teach about the Occupy protests. [biggovernment.com] 11/4/11
Teacher Salaries
I met a teacher in California three years ago. She was on an after school field trip with her middle school students. She was making nearly $90,000 a year and that included $20,000 for the after school program she led. I made $4,300 my first year of teaching and $990 for coaching two sports. That was nearly 50 years ago. =TheRightJack
educ ** educ ** educ
College degrees: Fields of study with a bachelor’s degree that do not pay well. Do not take out massive student loans if you plan to major in one of these areas.
• History - become an attorney
• Psychology, need a PhD
• Ethnic studies
• Women’s studies
• Classical studies
Strategy: Get a job and/or find a less expensive college. Take two years at a community college and then transfer.
So, select another major unless you are willing to earn a Masters Degree and then a Doctorate. Consider also that unemployment for people with a college degree has doubled. It was 4%, now it is at 8+% under the Obama economic policies. Employment = jobs are much worse for young adults with no college degree and even worse yet for dropouts with no high school diploma.
Prostitution: It is interesting to hear that women who complain about their job prospects are quick to bring up prostitution as their only course of action. In addition to hearing it in broadcasts, I have actually heard well educated women say this.
educ ** educ ** educ
School district must pay muslim teacher for trip to Mecca. ... DOJ forced a Berkeley IL middle school district to pay muslim teacher $75,000 and implement a sensitivity training course throughout the district after administrators refused to allow new hire to take 3 weeks off for trip to Mecca in 2008. [westernjournalism.com] 10/26/11 Outrageous!
Run the numbers. Obama student loan plan will save students around $10.00 a month. University costs continue to rise. 82% of student loan debt has been taken in the last 10 years.
Student borrowing has increased. Student loan default rates rising. Most recent figures: 7% in 2008. 8.8% in 2009. 11.6% to 15% for for-profit schools. 9/12/11
Texas school students pledge allegiance to Mexico, not USA. [TheBlaze.com] 10/17/11 Watch Video.
Steve Jobs on Wall Street protesters at Kamp Alinsky and teacher unions. [capoliticalreview.com] 10/14/11
The problem there of course is the unions. The unions are the worst thing that ever happened to education because it’s not a meritocracy. It turns into a bureaucracy, which is exactly what has happened. The teachers can’t teach and administrators run the place and nobody can be fired. It’s terrible. - - - Steve Jobs on education reform
Union Schools: Good for bad teachers. Bad for good kids. A thought expanded upon a bit with original credit based on what John Stossel tweeted on 9/20/11
Wall Street Protesters want free university education, a $20 minimum wage, total debt forgiveness, and an end to corporate profits among other things.
As educational corporations, nearly all US institutions of learning of all sizes are subsidized with local, state and federal US Taxpayer money at a rate of 30% or more. When all corporate profits and all income are seized by Big Gov, who pays the bills. Seems like our protesters need to go back and review Econ 101 where it is taught that innovation and risk vs reward are the foundations of capitalism, profits and comfortable university teaching, learning and living. =TheRightJack
No profits = No charity. There goes the alumni associations, the building funds, the endowments and the athletic programs.
Obama's Unfunded Teacher Mandate: He funds the teachers for a year, and then when the year is up and there's no money to pay them, guess what? It's "The Republicans hate teachers!" all over again. - - - Rush Limbaugh 10/4/11
Church Sign: Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Degrees in demand
Degree #1 - Master's in Business Administration (MBA)
Degree #2 - Associate's in Paralegal Studies
Degree #3 - Bachelor's in Accounting
Degree #4 - Associate's in Dental Assisting
Degree #5 - Bachelor's in Human Resources
[Yahoo education] 9/15/11
Should math be taught in schools. Miss USA 2011. Click here to see the video.
Caught or taught? Unidentified school system superintendent says that what is going on in the schools sets the tone for attitudes [i.e., improvement, unrest or despair] in the community. 9/3/11
I believe that there is a measure of truth to that. Parents set the tone from day one for how their children think and behave in school, at home and elsewhere. Students spend 185 days a year under the very personal influence of their teachers and coaches. What are they learning, either caught or taught? =TheRightJack
Most popular on line degrees
#1 Online Degree - Business
#2 Online Degree - Computer and Information Technology (IT)
#3 Online Degree - Criminal Justice
#4 Online Degree - Nursing
#5 Online Degree - Education
#6 Online Degree - Health Care
#7 Online Degree - Communications
#8 Online Degree - Psychology
ACLU battles schools over gay websites … wanting filters removed that block sexually explicit materials. Called objectionable materials for children. Responses to law suits being crafted. [washingtontimes.com]
Will sexually explicit web sites help students learn reading, writing and math? Help diversity? Stop bullying? Improve conflict resolution?
Democrat Special Interest Groups: Teacher Unions and Gays.
$9.2 million in 2011. US Taxpayers via Peace Corps are subsidizing higher education in China where volunteers are limited to teaching classes in English. [cnsnews.com] 9/2/11
Miami Vice. Did former Clinton Health Secretary Donna Shalala know about the ethics violations at “The U” that went on for nine years or more under her watch [2001 to present]? What did she know and when did she know it. Perhaps she will use the Obama Defense and blame all of these "lapses" on Florida, Florida State, SEC, ACC, Big Ten, PAC10, all former U coaches, Bush 43 or The Tea Party. =TheRightJack
Student Loans. $1 T-t-trillion. Delinquency and default rates on nearly $1 trillion worth of private and federally subsidized loans are growing, the report discloses. … In August of last year, data showed student loan debt for first time had surpassed credit card debt. A month later, Department of Education said default rates for student loans had risen from 4.6% in 2005 to 7% in 2008, the most recent year for which data is available. … Tuition has doubled since 2000. [NewsMax.com] 8/15/11
Education represents a huge Special Interest voting block for Democrats. Students seem to move their political allegiances to the Right once the get into the real work world and away from the teachers running their indoctrination courses, colleges in particular. =TheRightJack
Boortz on Re-Education in US Schools. Remember how you bought school supplies and then bought a small box or zippered binder in which to keep “your” supplies – paper, pencils, ruler, glue, scissors, crayons, etc. Hold on. This is how that is done in some schools today. Buy your school supplies, just like we always did. Bring them to school, just like we always did. … But now … bring them to the front of the room and put them in a common or community box. Now “your” school supplies belong to all of your classmates. Student come and get supplies that you bought, when needed. Do you see a little “collectivism” creeping into the minds and actions of your treasured offspring?
From each according to his ability. To each according to his need. - - - Karl Marx, circa 1875.
Flash Mob riots in Europe and USA. Spreading the wealth through crime.
2002. 9 years later. DOE to grant waivers so that schools do not have to meet the basic standards posed in No Child Left Behind. 9 years later. The racial gap has been closed a bit. The bottom has come up. Still far too many students can neither read nor write. Who is to blame for this. Certainly not the students. It is teachers, parents and governments that keep lowering the bar that enables teachers to "dumb down" their students. See History just below =TheRightJack 8/9/11
History. In the history of public school education in the USA, there have been Legislators who did not want the masses to become too well educated. They might start asking questions. Today, some business leaders do not want their employees to become too well educated for fear that they will seek employment elsewhere. You can verify this with the GED leaders in your area. ... Furthermore, since teachers became unionized, starting in the 1960s, we have Big Dem Gov and unions putting union seniority rather than teacher competence above the education of our children. This lack of educational focus gives private school graduates a big head start into positions of leadership, and employers know it. =TheRightJack
@Gretwire on Twitter. 30,000 college students in Michigan on Food Stamps: The cost is $75 million. What do you think about the ... http://bit.ly/oBJMQf
Wisconsin and Ohio teachers fighting against having to pay union dues against their wishes as well as being denied the right to work. Teachers oppose being forced to pay union dues that go to union political activism. [National Right To Work Foundation]. Click here too.
Matt Damon on education vs Michelle Malkin on education. [HumanEvents] Click Here. Do you really know what you think you know, about teachers, government workers and education?
Drug deal gone bad. Seller calls 911 when he was stiffed by the buyer. Reported on the radio by Neal Boortz. You just have to love these stories about dumb crooks. What does it say about our system of education and their parents.
• Wrote a hold up note on his bank statement.
• Went to sleep in the bed of the home he just robbed.
Unemployment and Education
• Around 14% - less than a high school diploma
• Around 10% - HS diploma and no college degree
• Bit over 8% - Some college, no degree
• Around 7% - Associate degree
• Around 4% - College degree and higher
• Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010
The more you learn, the more you earn.
Why can students not find Alabama or Afghanistan on a map. Do you think it might be because geography is no longer a subject that is taught in school.
Why do students know little or nothing about the founding fathers of the USA or how the USA differs from China. Maybe it is because it is not taught in school.
@danieljmitchell on Twitter Dan Mitchell. The Diversity Racket in California: Good for Bureaucrats, Bad for Education. Click on his link that follows. http://bit.ly/rduBbL
Democrat Debt Scam. Obama will not assure seniors and soldiers that they will receive their monthly checks while continuing to pay out billions to the favored Big Gov recipients.
Compare this Democrat Debt Scam to school levies when they are up for a vote. Of all of the things that schools could stop paying, they prefer to threatened an end to school bussing, kindergarten, library, art and gym classes. I suppose they also must now threaten to end in-school day care for young teen students with babies.
In the meantime, teacher unions oppose volunteers who come into the schools to help out where needed.
National Education Association has never endorsed a Republican for president.
Degrees worth the investment: Finance degree. Information technology degree. Accounting degree. Marketing degree. Health care administration degree. [Yahoo] Click Here to get more details.
Fraud in Education by Herbert London [NewMax.com]
Book: Decline and Revival in Higher Education by Herbert London [Hudson.org]. Book summary by publisher
8th grade test in 1895. See post here at TheRightJack
ACLU attacks teachers. Two years ago, two senior school employees in Florida were charged with criminal contempt and faced $5,000 in fines, six months in jail, and the loss of their collective 70 years of retirement benefits. Their "crime" was asking a blessing over a meal. [LibertyAction.org] 7/1/11 In the meantime, muslim garb and muslim religious practices continue in the USA without question or interference, because?
Best career reboots:
1. Medical assistant.
2. Paralegal.
3. Administrative assistant.
4. Computer support specialist.
5. Dental assistant. See related articles at the bottom of this report. [Yahoo] Click Here.
Degrees in demand: Accounting. Finance. Engineering. Computer Science. Business Administration. [Yahoo] 6/21/11 From the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Do parents really want to see their adults children returning to the nest because of this economy the past 2 1/2 years with No Change in sight?
No Change. No Change.
Department of Education SWAT Team leaps into action over a student loan. In Stockton, California, one such unit of “operators” -- a term almost exclusively used to refer to military special operations personnel like Navy SEALs and Delta Force -- was used to assault the home of a person who owed money on their student loans. [www.nationalgunrights.org] The question was asked ... Why in the world does the Department of Education have a SWAT Team?
No Child Left Behind Act, first introduced in 2001, gave educators 12 year and more to see that all students were proficient in reading and math. Democrats believe that objective is too tough. Reread that first sentence. [Christian Science Monitor] 6/13/11 You get what you expect! Ask any coach in any activity from sports to music.
Google sponsoring a multi-million dollar homosexual campaign that targets children as young as 10 years of age. [Grassfire] www.grassfire.net
Programs like this and many others foisted upon our schools are part of the reason our students cannot read, write, add, subtract and do not know their geography. While they do not know Alabama from Arizona, they do know all about sexting and how to put a condom on a banana. Add "indoctrination" rather than "education" to the agenda of some teachers and school administrators and it is easy to see why many students in this generation know much less than their predecessors. Of course, if you are a Democrat, there is no need for you to know anything. Big Dem Gov will care of your every need, at US Taxpayers expense, of course. =trj
Kindergartner allowed back in school after being expelled. His crime: He touched the teacher’s thigh attempting to comfort her when she complained that her leg hurt. [MyWay.com]
Ann Counter sizes up the colleges by the nature of their actions toward her at her speeches. [Daily Caller] 6/8/11 Click Here to see how she evaluates our college population. Interesting.
65%. California schools among others have become aggressive sponsors of gay lifestyle agendas. Homosexuality is not a religion, is it, so what is the beef that parents are not given the opt-out choice for their children. … scientific telephone survey done April 19-21 with a margin of error of 3.23 percentage points found that 65% of all respondents objected to teaching elementary school children that homosexuality is a "normal alternative lifestyle." [WND.com] Click Here for a must read article.
In the meantime, teachers complain that there is not enough time in the school day to see that their students know [actually know, not just spend some time on it] reading, writing and arithmetic. It is no wonder that our students come out of school knowing less than did our ancestors. Look at the number of mandated social agenda items that are eating up the instructional time for students. Consider … basic hygiene, anger management, homosexual lifestyle agenda, save the “green” earth training, fake global warming indoctrination, protest training, condom training, aids awareness, diversity training, self-esteem brainwashing, conflict resolution, muslim religion study/awareness, computer games time … and those curricular [?] topics are for the teachers as well as the students. Back to basics parents. Back to basics if you want your child to succeed in school and in life. =trj
12%. High school students poll in 1985 to find out if they thought they were very important. In 2005, 85% said they were very important. [Gallup poll results heard on the radio] 6/1/11
• Are teachers today giving our students a false sense of importance?
• Is this the self-concept or self-esteem version of empty calories?
$1 million. California school system [Alvord Unified School District] built a new high school for $105 million and cannot now afford to open it. Maybe next year. Maintenance and security costs for this new “unopened” school are $1 million a year. What ever happened to that olde fashioned concept of Plan Ahead?
If you think that education is expensive, consider ignorance ...
$24,000. Average annual cost to keep a criminal behind bars. In jail, many criminals us that time to perfect their craft. The dominant characteristics of inmates are poor roles models, school dropouts, drug and alcohol abuse, single parent homes, and parental abuse. Click Here.
Good grammar now called "white" grammar rather than "correct" grammar. Teachers in some schools are not permitted to correct poor grammar of students. Is this a hidden strategy to keep the poor unemployed and on Big Dem Gov welfare programs? How many businesses can afford to hire people who "cain't tauwk a lick?"
See: Formula for Failure posted here on TheRightJack.
High school student in Virginia faces zero tolerance “spit wad” assault charge. Suspended for remainder of school year. Complaining grandmother wanted him expelled. [WND] 5/24/11 Click Here.
Map Game with focus on nations of northern Africa and the middle east. Click Here. Caution: this could be considered educational.
6,000. NYC teaches to be cut. Click Here.
3. Teachers fired in NYC last 6 months for flirting with students on Facebook. Another teacher gave extra credit for “friending” him. Click Here.
Pro Abortion fanatics vandalize Pro Life memorial at Clarion University in Pennsylvania. Tolerance missing in the ivory towers of intolerance. [Americans for Life] How can our young open minded adults become so intolerant at such early ages? Click Here and Here.
Gasoline. Solutions for shrinking school budgets:
• Stop bussing. Students take health walk to school.
• School sports teams play only home games.
47% of Detroit citizens are functionally illiterate. Hmmm. Were these people absent from school the first 2 or 3 years? [SayAnythingBlog.com] 5/4/11 Absolutely inexcusable! In fact, how is it even possible to sit through five or more years of primary and elementary school and know nuttin?
#1 Objective. When will the Left begin telling parents that they must see that their children come to school ready and willing to learn. Teachers cannot push a rope. In this wretched educational climate, teachers bring a lot less grief on themselves if the just pass “bad” students along to the next teacher. More money for teacher salaries is not the issue or the fix. Learning is about parents and school administrators who support and stand behind the teachers. How many more wasted lives will it take before learning becomes the #1 Objective in education. =trj
Football memorabilia. While Ohio State and head football coach Jim Tressel dance around with the NCAA, there are hundreds of college and university athletic departments around the nation that are hoping against all hope that the NCAA czars do not come knocking on their doors. 4/27/11 =trj
$1.5B. National Education Association and their state affiliates are a $1.5 Billion operation … a union dedicated to Democrats and indoctrinating [not educating] your children in the classroom to the Ways of the Left, either by commission or omission. [HotAir.com] 4/27/11
72%. Number of US Taxpayers who say we are not getting our moneys worth from the public schools. [Rasmussen] 4/27/11
It is widely known in some circles that the education of our school children in not the number one priority of union leaders and some teachers.
School Finance. [New American Foundation]
Ethnic Language. Who in their right mind wants to make unintelligible variations of our common language and dress acceptable, if not preferred. Are people like this coming from the same faulty position where “acting white” is still considered a bad thing in the black community. Who is irreparably harmed by this position. Certainly not people who make sure their children go to school every day, learn, behave and go on to have successful lives - - at least until TUO came on the scene. =trj
It is my personal experience as a seasoned professional and through first hand anecdotal evidence that people remain young at heart when they are involved with young people whether by coaching, teaching or associating with the younger set in some other way. [Pedophilia is very bad.] Ignore this advice and become an olde fuddy-duddy well before your time. = trj
Stay Young! Doctor’s Orders from Dr Judy Garman:
• “The fountain of youth can be found between the sheets ...”
• “Vigorous sex three times a week for a year is the equivalent caloric burn as walking 75 miles.”
• “middle-aged men who have sex five times a week can lower the risk for prostate cancer by 33%, compared to those that have sex only five times a month.”
Source: Staying Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health
The Stay Young Book
Why are tax dollars at Univ of Missouri being used to fund a program that espouses Communism, teaches tactics in industrial sabotage (including stalking CEOs, using members to insinuate sabotage, as well as the killing of cats), and convincing union members that their “group goals” are more important than their individual goals. Click Here.
Coalition for Educational Success. For profit colleges bring in “Fast Eddie” Rendell, former PA Gov, to help sell proposal to open up [i.e., disclose] information that students and their families need to know about financing and job possibilities. [Inside Higher Education] 4/22/11. Click Here.
MTV promoting ‘transgender” lifestyle in the show DeGrassi to their young audiences. More Here.
NY safety inspectors to crack down on Tag, Capture the Flag, Red Rover, Kickball and other “dangerous” games that kids play at camps. Meanwhile dangerous, abusive, murdering illegals ignored. Click Here.
Follow up the next day: Never mind. They backed off their knee-jerk announcement.
The Workforce. Retirees generally are more costly to support than children. The average public school education costs $10,000 a year. The average retiree gets $25,000 a year in benefits — $13,000 in Social Security and Medicare benefits of $12,000. In all, taxpayers will spend about $125,000 educating a child and $500,000 caring for a senior, in today’s dollars at current life expectancies, according to federal education and retirement program data. The costs are paid differently, too. State and local governments, through sales and property taxes, pay most education expenses. The federal government, though income taxes, pays most retiree costs. [USA Today]
$24,000. Average annual cost to keep a criminal behind bars. … and you think that education is expensive. In jail, many criminals use that time to perfect their craft. Click Here.
Ban on bringing your lunch to school is becoming more prevalent. How long before the ban is implemented on a large scale. Click Here.
California teachers association supports a cop killer. Between negotiating for more benefits and teaching their students, AFT has adopted a resolution of support for convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal [who was Wesley Cook], former Black Panther. [Republican Heritage] 4/11/11
Education or Indoctrination? Majority Democrats in California legislature have given another thumbs-up to "sexual brainwashing" plan that would require public school students to believe transgenders, bisexuals, homosexuals and those with other alternative sexual lifestyles are role models to be admired. [World Net Daily] 4/6/11
Unions loose big bucks when dues become voluntary as Wisconsin turmoil becomes more about union power than anything else. [Red State] 4/2/11
Unions using intimidation in Wisconsin just like organized crime and street gangs. Threaten phone calls and boycotts if businesses do not comply with their wishes. Those threatened not allowed to be neutral. Click Here for the story.
6.7 million college educated immigrants in USA. 350,000 college educated immigrants underemployed. 1.2 million unemployed. [Numbers USA 3/28/11] Click Here for article.
Check out our full list of hot careers of the future:
• Sales Representative
• Mobile App Developer
• Project Manager
• Construction Manager
• Elementary School Teacher
[Yahoo Education] 4/1/11
Muslim Student Association. Chapters on hundreds of college campi. [ActForAmerica.org] Click Here for more. Recruiting ground for impressionable minds?
Islamic organizations in academia. Click Here.
NIE. Newspapers in Education. Always seeking sponsors for this tax deductible enterprise. Providing free Democrat propaganda to schools. Many big city newspapers are biased toward Democrats. Is this how you want your tax money used?
Wisconsin union dues supporting Planned Parenthood in addition to Democrat campaign coffers.
ACLU continues the fight in court to criminalize religious expression such as praying over meals in schools and government dining rooms.
Obama taking sides – both sides as usual - talking against his own education policies. Clinton was pretty good at taking both sides of important issues too when he was president. Like Clinton, you must pay attention to what he does, not what he says.
TUO says too much testing. Providing students with excuses for failure? This may be a step along the way to awarding diplomas to students who can prove that they have a pulse. Then eliminate testing for Civil Service exams. Click Here 3/28/11.
Job applicants should read the center section of the April 2011 Readers Digest, pages 130-139, for job interview rejection traps. They have present some really bizarre stories about job applicants that will get your application tossed in the circular file in a heart beat. Well worth your time if you or a relative is job hunting. I have seen job applicants at fast food places filling out applications in their jammies. =trj
$69.9B. US Dept of Education discretionary budget. The Department's elementary and secondary programs annually serve nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools. Department programs also provide grant, loan, and work-study assistance to more than 15 million postsecondary students. What does it do? Certainly not improve the academic performance of students. Click Here.
17.1%. National average for moderately physically activity high school students. Take out 5-6 million students who are on sports teams. That leaves a huge percentage of high school students who are physical slugs.
States with the most couch potatoes and lowest activity levels: TN at 51.8% active is the laziest state. LA with 56% active. MS with 57.2% active. KY with 57.9%. AL with 59% active. NC with 60.9%. Following in ascending order of increased physical activity by AR WV NV OK. [CDC 3/22/11]
Gay activists have found the bullying of children to be an easy way to spread their literature, gain acceptance and influence public schools. =trj
Bullying. US Civil Rights Division and entire Justice Department are committed to ending bullying and harassment in schools. BUT … DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination of the victim’s race, color, religion, sex or will be considered by DOJ. The overweight straight white male who is verbally and/or physically harassed because of his size can consider himself invisible to the Justice Department. Click Here for article.
This TUO = DOJ policy is de facto discrimination! Voters can absolutely NOT trust a biased government like this. Two wrongs still do not make a right. =trj
Wisc. Voter attitudes toward collective bargaining are complex. They wholeheartedly support the right to collective bargaining by public employees. By 39-59 voters reject elimination of collective bargaining for public employee unions and by 43-48 they oppose limiting the bargaining to wages and benefits. But, by 66-25, voters agree with limiting "collective bargaining so that the union contract does not stop the dismissal of incompetent teachers and allows teachers to be paid based on merit not on seniority." [DickMorris.com] 3/17/11
Sexual orientation. In an effort to make K-12 sports and physical education safer and more inclusive for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, and a diverse coalition of athletes, journalists and sports figures today launch Changing the Game: The GLSEN Sports Project … Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT youth (84.6%) said they’d experienced harassment in school in the past year because of their sexual orientation and nearly two-thirds (63.7%) because of their gender expression, according to GLSEN’s 2009 National School Climate Survey. Additionally, 61.1% said they felt unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation. … GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. New York 3/17/11
Bullying. Rep Jackie Speier [D-CA] will introduce a bill that would require schools to report incidents of bullying against children diagnosed with conditions like Down syndrome and Aspergers to the federal government. It would also mandate that any federal dollars that promote anti-bullying programs focus partially on that group. Click Here.
Priorities. Most states are spending three to four times more incarcerating criminals than educating public school students. In Georgia, they spend $18,000 per inmate and $6,000 per student. New York spends $56,000 per inmate and $16,00 per student. California spend $47,000 per inmate and $9,000 per student. Michigan is $34,000 and $11,000. 3/14/11 [Department of Justice and National Education Association data compared over similar periods of time.] But we may have the smartest bombs and guns!
When it comes to peer to peer education, inmates do a better job helping each other learn "new crime skills" than do students in helping each other learn the "Three R's." =trj
Unprofessional! In NY, NYSUT Union [UFT member] pays teachers to miss school and protest. School system pays for the substitutes. Union rakes in $126 million in dues. $300,000 salary for teacher union boss. Subs costs an estimate $9 million dollars to Taxpayers. [Patriot Action Network] Click Here to learn about Teachers Union 101 – “A” is for Agitation. 3/6/11 Unionism is part of the reason that teachers get no respect.
Florida Democrat with US House of Representatives quick to say that de-funding day care will create criminals. Hey Dems! Parents create good children, not day care! Yet another fact-less claim by the Left. Remember this one? ObamaCare will save money.
= = =
Homosexual Classrooms Act contains a laundry list of anti-family provisions that will:
• Require schools to teach appalling homosexual acts so “homosexual students” don’t feel “singled out” during already explicit sex-ed classes;
• Spin impressionable students in a whirlwind of sexual confusion and misinformation, even peer pressure to “experiment” with the homosexual “lifestyle;”
• Exempt homosexual students from punishment for propositioning, harassing, or even sexually assaulting their classmates, as part of their specially-protected right to “freedom of self-expression;”
• Force private and even religious schools to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum and purge any reference to religion if a student claims it creates a “hostile learning environment” for homosexual students. [Public Advocate of the United States 3/15/11]
Sign Petition. Click Here.
= = =
Sex education expert from NEA told the UN that sexual behavior needs to be viewed as an inclusive continuum of behaviors. Click Here.
Mechanical sex toys with a live nude are subject of sex presentation by Prof at Northwestern University. Porn industry promo? Click Here.
Wisconsin has become ground zero. Obama's Organizing for America continues busing in socialist agitators to march on behalf of state employees, while the liberal media are doing their utmost to position greedy union members and their budget-busting benefits as the "poor working class" that is being attacked by big fat-cat Republicans. [Media Research Center 3/1/11] Click Here.
Dick Morris, the pollster with 30 years experience, reports on Wisconsin. Voters support changing the benefits to state workers, pay, and automatic deductions for union dues. [DickMorris.com 2/24/11]
• By 79-16, they support asking state workers contribute more toward their pensions.
• By 74-18, they back making state employees pay more for their health insurance.
• By 66-30, they back limiting state workers' pay increases to the rate of inflation unless voters approve a higher raise by a public referendum.
• By 54-34, Wisconsin voters support ending the automatic deduction of union dues from state paychecks and support making unions collect dues from each member.
• By 51-47, Wisconsin voters favor budget reforms of the governor.
Fact Check. Supporters of Wisconsin teachers get basic facts about teaching completely wrong -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin and other supporters of the state's teachers union need to check their math: In Facebook posts and twitter messages, union supporters have been "promoting statistics that would suggest that collective bargaining for teachers is correlated with higher scores on standardized academic tests," according to Politifact. More specifically, union supporters claim that the five states that do not have collective bargaining for teachers have the following SAT/ACT ranks: South Carolina -50th/ North Carolina -49th/ Georgia -48th/ Texas -47th/ Virginia -44th," and that Wisconsin ranks second. According to Politifact, the claim is completely bogus. For starters, the data used to assemble the ranking is from 1999. In data from 2010, Virginia places higher (34th) and Wisconsin places slightly lower (3rd) on the SAT. The rest of the non-union states do much worse, but not because of collective bargaining. More likely, it's because only 4 percent of Wisconsin students took the SAT in 2010, compared to 74 percent of Georgia students, 67 percent of Virginia students, 66 percent of South Carolina students, 63 percent of North Carolina students, and 53 percent of Texas students. Hell, every state in the country would have a shot at the podium if it excluded 96 percent of its students from standardized test rankings. [The DC Morning 2/24/11] Click Here to read the article from PolitiFact.com.
Wisconsin's teachers required to teach kids labor union and collective bargaining history. (The Daily Caller)
All teachers in Providence RI to receive dismissal letters by March 1, 2011 in order to comply with the law as the school board do not know the budget allocation for the coming year. This is happening in other locations. [Drudge Report 2/23/11] Done 2/25/11.
There was no massive outcry about budget cuts in Wisconsin by unions and others when former Wisconsin governor, a Big D Democrat, talked about the need to cut spending.
32% of Wisconsin public-school 8th graders earned “proficient” rating
2% earned an “advanced” rating.
66% of 8th graders earned ratings below “proficient”
44% earned a rating of “basic”
22% earned a rating of “below basic”
Wisconsin has the highest per pupil spending in the Midwest.
[National Assessment of Educational Progress tests, 2009]
No Excuses Please. There is no excuse for 8th graders to not be able to read or work elementary math problems. Back when the Earth was cooling and I was in elementary school, we had to stand beside our desks and read aloud in class. We had to go to the chalkboard and work math problems that we were studying. Teachers kept those with difficulties after school to fix their errors. Today, this board work would be considering embarrassing and would harm student self-esteem.
Which is worse when all is said and done. Becoming a functionally illiterate adult or having a slightly bruised grade school ego.
Do you know that not being able to read is one of the prime characteristics of our prison population!
Doctors in Wisconsin handing out “I am sick” excuses for teachers who are cutting classes at the expense of the students and Tax Payers. Fraud. Fraud. Fraud.

Wisconsin Tea Party rally supporting Gov Walker and budget cutting draws thousands. Click Here to see slide show. Union on one side of Capitol. Tea Party on the other side. Popular support for teacher union demands falling like dominoes.
Teachers and other workers should have the "right" to choose whether or not they wish to join a union when they work in what might be called a Union Shop. Forced union membership violates our freedom.
@CatoInstitute on Twitter. How has education spending impacted test scores since 1970? Click Here.
10 dead or dying career paths.
• Computer operators
• Stage performers
• Postal Service mail sorters
• Holistic healers
• Office and administrative support workers
• Telemarketers and door to door sales people
• Photo processors
• Seamstresses
• Radio operators
• Carpenters. [Forbes]
This article did not mention Democrat operatives.
Taxpayers who are age 70½ with IRAs can give money directly to a charity from their IRA this year. Making charitable gifts this way keeps the taxable income off your tax return. This could lower the amount of your Social Security benefits that are subject to tax.
Obama White House calls in the Wisconsin protesters in order to overturn election results of We The People. This Dem tactic is probably not generating any sympathy or support for Big Gov Unions. In fact, watch what happens to Unions down the road when they employ tactics like this.
$89,000+ Salary of Wisconsin teachers has been reported today to be from $89,500 to $101,005 annually counting benefits. Average private sector salaries at $61,000 counting benefits. 2/18/11
Extra Credit. Do you suppose Wisconsin teachers have bribed their students with "Extra Credit" if they show up and protest against the Governor. Hmmm!
Replacements. Retired teachers are notoriously anti-union, as are many workers. They would step up en mass across the nation and fill in for teachers who would rather violate the rules and “sick-out” than teach.
Female teachers and young boys. One has to wonder if the promiscuous attitude toward sex on many college campuses is partially responsible for young female teachers who become entangled, to put it politely, with their young male students. Times sure have changed since I was in school, college too for that matter. =trj
Iowa HS Sophomore wrestler withdrew from his tournament match rather than wrestle a girl. He said: "As a matter of conscience and faith, I do not believe that it is appropriate for a boy to engage a girl in this manner. It is unfortunate that I have been placed in a situation not seen in most other high school sports in Iowa."
Trouble ahead for Teenagers. Be aware of the three H's: Hormones. Hooch. Horsepower.
On average, 30% of our students do not complete high school.
Average teacher salaries:
Elementary school teacher $51,240
Middle school educators $50,950
High school teachers $49,400
[Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008]
Teachers and students in Wisconsin protesting Gov Scott Walker's budget bill. Teachers taking pupils out of school to march on Madison. Called a "sickout" … and it is illegal. Witness to protest said. "Yesterday, more than half of the student body of Madison East High School walked out with the support and assistance of their teachers." [Weekly Standard]
Read more on Newsmax.com: Wisconsin Dems Go Into Hiding to Prevent Union-Busting Vote
Michigan courts rule that Unions cannot take teacher dues and use them for political donations, to Democrats of course. Teachers to get refunds.
10 NFL stars who went bankrupt: Marlin Briscoe. Raghib “Rocket” Ismail. Johnny Unitas. Michael Vick. Deuce McAllister. Mark Brunell. Travis Henry. Dermontti Dawson. Lawrence Taylor. Arthur Marshall. Question: What do they have in common? Answer: They all attended college.
Public school in Texas mandates Arabic as a required language. Parents protest. Federal grant pays for this. Click Here. 2/9/11
Test scores. Many nations have two tracks for students. Some children go to school for anywhere from 5 to 8 years. Other students are enrolled for 12 or 13 years. Why? They have established what you might call a "labor" track and what you might call a "college prep" track. Guess on which track many test scores are based on for math and science? Our test scores are usually based on ALL students, not just our college prep students.
The first testicular guard, the "Cup," was used in ice hockey in 1874. The first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.
Seniority is the most dominant feature of unions. Not quality. Not production. Just rate management and job protection in schools, business and government.
Latest economic development objectives of this administration involve sending yet more job money to various government entities like education, cities, counties, etc. Government spending does not generate jobs. They just soak up US Tax Payer money. Listen and Look for who, not what. =trj
Private schools outperform public [i.e., government] union schools. They produce better students at lower costs without rubber rooms for highly paid, under-performing so-called teachers.
13%. Come down from your ivory tower, Dick Durbin - Is Sen Dick Durbin shameless, or just ill-informed? On Tuesday, the Illinois senator spoke to the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, a trade group hellbent on cutting off federal funding to for-profit colleges. Durbin had this to say about the industry he's villified for over a year now: "There are many good for-profit colleges and they serve a vital purpose....But there are also a lot of bad for-profit schools that are raking in huge amounts of federal dollars and leaving students poorly trained and over their heads in debt." Are those statements true? Yes. So are these statements: "There are many good non-profit colleges and they serve a vital purpose. ... But there are also a lot of bad non-profit schools that are raking in huge amounts of federal dollars and leaving students poorly trained and over their heads in debt." One such non-profit is Chicago State University in Durbin's home state of Illinois. In its annual education issue, Washington Monthly reported that Chicago State "has the worst graduation rate of any public four-year university in Illinois and one of the worst in the nation, with just 13% of students finishing in six years." Funny how this problem is bigger--and closer to home--than either Durbin or Chicagoan Arne Duncan are willing to admit. [The DC Morning 2/2/11]
National Signing Day in College Football is 2/2/11. These university scholarships for football are one year deals. Some universities over commit beyond the 25/85 rule. That is 25 offers per year and a total of 85 players on scholarship. In order to take in new "hopefuls" they must take away scholarships from some players or run off the under performing players.
Horseplay? Spotsylvania VA high school freshman Andrew Mikel has been suspended for the school year, placed in a "diversion program" by police for blowing soft plastic pellets through a pen at 3 classmates. ... School officials classified the pellets [like spit wads] as a weapon, expelled the student from school the rest of the year, filed assault charges on him with the sheriff's department, mandated that he take 'substance-abuse counseling' and 'anger-management counseling' and must do 24 hours of community service." To read: Zero tolerance 'insane madness' in Virginia high school, Click Here. [WND]
National science scores disappoint: More than 2/3s of the nation's 4th graders failed to show proficiency in science in 2009, the federal government reported, meaning that the average student was likely to be stumped when asked to interpret a temperature graph or explain an example of heat transfer. Roughly six out of 10 8th-graders and 12th-graders also fell short of science proficiency on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a key measure of performance in a subject that President Obama and business leaders call crucial for American competitiveness. "It's disappointing," said Francis Eberle, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association, based in Arlington. "Essentially, it says that science hasn't been part of the agenda. Science has had very little attention." He said that reading and math - the focus of most state standardized tests - have squeezed time for science lessons in daily classroom schedules.
Click Here to read full article.
Source: Washington Post Education Report
Speed stacking and Cubes. Click Here to see.
And Here.
45% - In “Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses," a book written by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, two professors of sociology ... at least 45% of students showed no statistically significant improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning and written communication in their first two years of college. [From my experience, male college students in particular make a big jump in maturity on most all levels as juniors and seniors. There is hope! =trj]
Armed robbers held up middle school students at their bus stops in St Louis MO area. Click Here.
US Congress and Attorney General asked to investigate MTV series “Skins” for child porn.
Teacher at Oakland's Markham Elementary School suspended indefinitely after school officials said pair of 2nd graders performed sex acts on each other in class with the teacher present. 1/21/11 [sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com]
Nearly 30,000 British schoolchildren in 2010 had their names added to a "hate crimes" bullying list for making taunts deemed racist or "homophobic." 10,000+ in elementary school. Figures include nursery school students down to toddler age. 1/22/10 Click Here to read more: Kids put on 'hate crimes' list for schoolyard taunts.
Spelling Matters. Click Here.
Neil Boortz offers an interesting slant on public school education. It was never designed to produce "men of letters." In the early 1800s, government and business did not want a highly educated populace. Way Too Threatening. No different from today at all. Listen to his morning radio show on line at www.boortz.com if he is not on your local station from 9:00am to noon. Neil Boortz is an attorney who brings a unique and entertaining perspective on politics and more to talk radio.
$ $ $
Facts: young American adults aged 18-29 who have only a high school degree:
• 40% of all these young adults do not have a job
• 43% of the Hispanic-American young adults do not have a job
• 50% of Black Americans of this group do not have a job
• 60% of all American high school dropouts and
• 60% of Hispanic-American dropouts do not have a job
• 75% of Black Americans dropouts do not have a job [Numbers USA]
• Democrat initiatives to open US borders to mass immigration continues with great conviction.
$ $ $
"A teacher was told by a 15-year-old high school sophomore that he was having homosexual sex with an 'older man.' At the very least, statutory rape occurred. Fox News reported that the teacher violated a state law requiring that he report the abuse. That former teacher, Kevin Jennings, is President Obama's 'safe school czar.' ... Clearly, the process for vetting White House employees has broken down," the Washington Times editorial board said. 9/28/09 [WND]
Auburn defeats Oregon 22-19. Study of 2010-2011 bowl-bound college teams conducted by Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at University of Central Florida showed that Auburn has highest disparity in graduation rates between white & black players of any major football team. White players graduate at 100%; black players 49%. University of Oregon, according to that study, graduates 76% of white players; 41% of African-American players. [Washington Post, The Answer Sheet 1/11/11]
Desperation? Texas schools ticketing students [i.e., misdemeanors] for what were previously trips to the principal’s office or truant officer. Most common infractions are disorderly conduct and leaving school without permission. Black students and special education students were overrepresented among those ticketed. School location important. Yahoo 1/10/11 [Maybe some "stings" could be set up in the schools to entrap more orderly students into breaking school rules. -trj]
Grand Rapids Education Association, local affiliate of Michigan’s largest teachers union, stops taking union dues from the teacher paychecks. Teachers must pay this union separately. Teachers refusing to pay since the union does not represent their wishes. [Townhall.com. This story is not over. –trj]
AZ shooter called a left wing pothead by friend. People on the left are trying to analyze him while blaming this shooting on Conservatives. Shooter escapes blame.
Childrearing starts at birth, not when children begin to cause family and school problems.
Loners. Loaners with few if any friends and social activities tend not to do well in school.
Drugs. When parents and close relatives see a marked change in behavior of their children such as secrecy, declining grades, and absence of old friends, it may be past time to suspect new indulgences in alcohol and drugs.
TV and Internet. Too much TV time and too much internet time with games or what ever, contribute to poor performance and poor grades for students in school.
Abuse. Abusive adults tended to have abused animals when younger.
• 40% of Chicago teachers send their children to private schools. 12/10
• 75% of all teachers are women.
• 50+% of new female teachers come from upper 40% of high school graduates.
• 33% of 4th graders in America are functionally illiterate, according to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress
Reading to learn. The first good indicator of student chances for success may come in fourth grade. That is when students transition from learning to read to reading to learn. A Manhattan Institute study found that students who cannot read and yet are promoted fall further behind over time. Alarmingly, 33% of fourth-graders in America are functionally illiterate, according to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Florida's experience in reform during the last decade gives us the road map to avoid this slow-moving economic calamity, says Bush.
• In 1998, nearly half of Florida's fourth-graders were functionally illiterate.
• Today, 72% of them can read.
• Florida's Hispanic fourth-graders are reading as well as or better than the average student in 31 other states and the District of Columbia.
[National Center for Policy Analysis, 1/7/11]
Commonwealth of Virginia finds numerous factual errors [i.e., dates, names, places, etc.] in their public school history text books. No historical fact checking done. No input or editing by historians. January 2011. [In some states, history text books are politically biased based on current events while diminishing the values of our founders. -trj]
Marine Corps Bumper Sticker:
My kid fought in Iraq so yours can party in college.
Schools. Many big city blue state school systems have become educational wastelands. Absenteeism, dropouts and violence run rampant. City and county public - government schools continue to dumb down the curriculum to the point were many students entering college spend their first year in remedial courses. Remedial courses enable them to pass college level courses. Private schools are quite successful at much lower costs. [See Notable Government Failures posted at the right jack]
Inner city parents are coming to realize that unionized government schools do not work. Unions do not have education of their children as their main priority. School administrators continue to make it difficult if not impossible for parents to transfer their children to more successful schools.
40% of teachers come from the bottom 60% of the college population. [statistic from the 1980s]
In the early teaching days of the right jack, San Francisco sanitation workers made 4-6 times my teaching salary.
Democrat 2010 pre-election campaign letter: The Republicans are hell-bent on obstructing the change that our country so desperately needs: restoring our economy, guaranteeing every citizen access to quality health care, improving education, and achieving energy independence. And if we don't shut them down at the ballot box and stop them from redistricting themselves back into power, President Obama's reforms will be dead in the water. [Republicans are getting there. =trj]
= = = = =
Conservative Manifesto by Mark Levin, undated
5. Government Education
Eliminate monopoly control of government education by applying the antitrust laws to the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers; the monopoly is destructive of quality education and competition and is unresponsive to the taxpayers who fund it.
Eliminate tenure for government schoolteachers and college/university professors, making them accountable for the quality of instruction they provide students.
= = = = =
Posted May 4, 2009 on trj
Proposal Would Transform College Aid
Obama Plan to Expand Federal Control of Lending Includes Creating Entitlement
Click here to read the full article.
By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 4, 2009
"President Obama's health-care goals may be garnering attention, but his higher-education proposals are no less ambitious.
If adopted, they could transform the financial aid landscape for millions of students while expanding federal authority to a degree that even Democrats concede is controversial. ..."
Editor’s Note: Remember, HillaryCare was going to dictate what health fields colleges could offer and what students could enroll in and study. Medical schools would have had enrollment ceilings in certain fields. With that, just watch what happens to the choice of majors once the government is in total control of grant money.
Want to become a teacher? That is probably OK because that is how the government indoctrinates the k-12 student population.
Want to study art, business or medicine? Not so fast there lowly high school graduates. Let your all-knowing and all-seeing Uncle Sam take a politically correct look at the job market and decide the appropriate major for you . . . The Right Jack
= = = = =
Obama plans to expand and take over the college loan business. 4/29/09 [This will ultimately expand the government entitlement class with the objetive to create more Democrat voters. -trj]
What’s Hot, posted at trj on 4/29/09
• States governed by Republicans.
• Private schools that operate on smaller budgets than the public government-run schools
Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama:
• Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government.
• He voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
• Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.
• In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing. [dated 9/1/08
• Occidental College records -- Not released
• Columbia College records -- Not released
• Columbia Thesis paper -- Not available
[What is Obama hiding and why? -trj]
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' [by Prime Minister of Australia John Howard view on immigrants. Undated]
Are your students as sharp as this bird?
Student – Teacher Sex in California. [wnd.com] 4/17/12
Read what is going on in Government Schools in California. No way this article can be summarized effectively.
Bulling with some really foul language thrown in to boot by anti-bullying advocate who holds an endorsement from Obama. [westernjournalism.com] 5/1/12
Do what I say not what I do. Turn the other cheek. Fight fire with fire. And eye or an eye. Where is the White House leadership on on this?
The Scale of the Universe. Click and allow it to load. Slide the bar on the bottom to zoom in and zoom out to see the size of various items from a DNA spiral and smaller to the known universe. [htwins.net] Give us perspective.
Diversion tactics. Democrats trying to blame GOP for the loan problems of college students who go into debt well beyond their ability to pay them off in a reasonable amount of time.
+ +
Students just cannot take on $100,000 in debt if they plan their careers around majors such as teaching, criminal justice, fine arts and social welfare.
+ +
A new Democrat diversion on the horizon. Obama will make massive debt forgiveness initiative to buy the under age 25 vote.Student Loan Interest Rate to double. Obama exhorts Congress to pass a bill to keep interest rates at the same 3.4% rate. [usnews.com] 4/23/12
+ +
Did you know that Democrats wrote the bill that would double the interest rate on student loans. Betcha didn’t.
+ +
Democrats also took the student loan programs away from banks. That allows them to forgive student loans. Debt forgiveness = votes.
50% of college grads under the age of 25 are unemployed or underemployed. Heard on the radio 4/24/12
Teacher in Virginia lines up students and shoots blanks at them. [timesnews.net] 4/18/12
A 6 year old Georgia girl went berserk [my word choice] in classroom and was taken away by police in handcuffs. Parent says her child has moods. [TheBlaze] 4/17/12 Moods?
After becoming aware of the two school news items above ... I have a truly great suggestion for teacher preparation studies some place along the way in the college curriculum like Educational Psychology 201 or Student Teaching 301. Conduct an internet search on …
• Student
beats up teacher
• Teacher
beats up student
• Student has sex with teacher
• Teacher
has sex with student
Right Jack is at a total loss of words to explain how to describe what these searches render, but I do know that praying in school by students is not in the same league as any of the above findings.
+ +
I am still laughing about the parent who said that her little girl has moods! Maybe this little diva needs a Snickers Bar.
+ +
I am still laughing about the parent who said that her little girl has moods! Maybe this little diva needs a Snickers Bar.
Cal State campii plan enrollment freeze unless they can get more tax money from the voters. 4/16/12 See www.WorldOnCampus.com
+ +
• No jobs so HS grads are applying for college. College grad unemployment has doubled under Obama = +4% to +8%.
+ +
• Time to cut administrative overhead and require all professors teach a full load. That means a minimum of four courses per term.
+ +
• Time to cut administrative overhead and require all professors teach a full load. That means a minimum of four courses per term.
Colleges skimp on science,
spend big on diversity. [realclearpolitics.com] 4/5/12
+ +
This is similar to what is
going on in the schools where teachers and administrators host sensitivity
training, green training, no bullying training, condom training, self concept coddling,
diversity training and democrat indoctrination training [i.e, learning how to
protest, etc, not a joke].
+ +
Is it any wonder that student
test scores continue to fall, students
• cannot do much math beyond
add or subtract,
• cannot find their neighboring
state on a map,
• know little about the three
branches of government
• know nothing about economics and the free market,
• know more about socialism than capitalism, and
• have no idea how to search for or apply for a summer job or any other kind of job. =TheRightJack 4/6/12
Virginia school teacher
thinks Republicans are stupid, she tells her 6th grade class. [dailycaller.com] 4/5/12
+ +
Democrats have no problem politicizing education and religion when it fits
their agenda ... as they move to take religious broadcasters off the air.
+ +
Remember when teachers were well respected?
+ +
Remember when teachers were well respected?
+ +
See Occupy Wall Street Protesters here at TheRightJack
Republicans accused of being anti-science. That is a Democrat talking point. Study of some sort reported on the radio revealed that Republicans who are anti-science are less educated or not as smart ... as who?
+ +
Can you "trust" science or education when there is so much fraud connected with it ... like climate change ... where "scientists" are not even willing to open their findings to professional or peer review.
+ +
Let us not even get started on the "science" and false hope of green energy. How about just a little scientific market research! That would be a great idea. =TheRightJack
Anti-semitism. Why is higher
education, a liberal bastion, anti-semitic? There have been a number of media
comments about this recently. This is curious since the Jewish population in
the USA is identified in polls as more Liberal than Conservative, despite the
pro-muslim stance of the Obama administration. This is very odd. =TheRightJack
+ +
Search topics for self-study:
• universities and
• David Horowitz, former
• Barack Obama’s Rules for
Revolution: The Alinsky Model by David Horowitz
• Muslim Hate Groups on Campus
by Daniel Greenfield
Who is getting cheated?
• More suspicious fluctuations
= test cheating nationwide. … Overall, 196 of the nation’s 3,125 largest school
districts had enough suspect tests that the odds of the results occurring by
chance alone were worse than one in 1,000. [ajc.com] 3/25/12
20 common arrows for the
grammatically challenged. [litreactor.com] 1/31/12 My high school Senior
English teacher would have loved this.
Sign: Teenagers.
Tired of being harassed by
your stupid parents.
Act Now! Move out. Get a job.
Pay your own bills while you
still know everything. ;-)
Socialism/Communism. Part 1. [westernjournalism.com] 2/23/12. No explanation needed. Just read this.
Northern Virginia 8th
grade middle school teacher requires students to do opposition research in
support of Obama. [dailycaller.com] 3/22/12
If the teacher wanted this to
be a fair and balanced class exercise, the teacher would have split the class, with half taking one side and half taking the other side. To do this exercise
his way, it becomes indoctrination, not education. Is he a union teacher?
O’Green Day replaces St
Patrick's Day in Massachusetts school so not to offend non-catholics and be more inclusive. [moonbattery.com] 3/15/12
Will "they" soon change President’s Day to Leaders Day so as not to offend those who grew up under kings, dictators, generals, theocrats, and despots?
Will "they" soon change President’s Day to Leaders Day so as not to offend those who grew up under kings, dictators, generals, theocrats, and despots?
Examples of Pro-Democrat groups that can be kept in "their camp" with special legislation include ...
• union members
• media broadcasters, reporters and other employees
• Hollywood's highly visible and vocal stars
• single mothers
• public school and college teachers and students
• debt ridden college students
• african americans
• gays and lesbians
• hispanics
• seniors
• the poor
• immigrants, legal and illegal =TheRightJack 3/18/12
San Antonio Showdown. USA USA
USA chants Alamo Whites [i.e., Heights], nickname given to them by the largely Hispanic high
school. Apologies from San Antonio Heights chanters school and superintendent. [ironicsurrealism.com]
3/7/12 You gotta read this story where the chants of US students are called
racist, but not those of the opponents. No winners when schools are politicized like this. It is common for attitudes like this to begin at home if there are no positive influences there. If not home, then it is the mean streets. Learning suffers.
Pedophilia? Teachers having sex with
students. It just keeps happening. Do your own search on that topic. See results in California. Too
many to report. Times sure have changed from when teachers could get in serious
trouble for chewing gum during school hours. 2/24/12
Our scientific and engineering workforce has dropped from 5.4% of the workforce to 4.9% of the workforce. 2/17/12
School lunches from home now
under control of Big Dem Gov. Parents appear to be unable to handle this
morning task to suit the Obama administration. The observational opportunities
of TheRightJack tell us that smart students have their diet needs figured out
while others consider “fat” to be a resume enhancement along with multiple teen
pregnancies, rotten school grades and dropping out of school. Do you recall
that Bill Cosby was ripped to shreads by “his” people for suggesting that
minority kids should become good students, etc. With that kind of negative
motivation, there is slim hope that some students will ever figure all of this
out on their own without serious one-on-one mentoring, like parents and grandparents
could provide. =TheRightJack
Houston school teacher
indoctrinating youngsters = Praising Obama. [examiner.com] 2/12/12. Is this how you want your tax money spent?
Incubators. Have you noticed that Obama gives many of his speeches to gullible college students and their Big Dem College Professors.
California public school teachers found to be sexually abusing elementary school students. 2/6/12
Jobs today: College internships and volunteering [read more at this post on 1/22/12]
Jobs today: College internships and volunteering [read more at this post on 1/22/12]
Once upon a time in the Land of Oh Ap A Dah, a college degree opened the doors to good jobs. In some cases, getting that degree meant employment regardless of the field of study. That was then. This was now.
The link below is from a Washington Post article that current and soon to be college students AND PARENTS should read. It appeared in the Sunday business page 1/22/12.
The wise student will read and study it. Look closely at the unemployment data.
3rd grade teacher resigns for inserting slavery into questions for
math problems [suwanee.patch.com] 1/18/12. And 150 years after the end of the Civil War, it is quite
likely that some people will never allow the slavery issue to die. It is far too important in keeping voters with the Democrat Party.
success rate if these three “suggestions” are followed:
• Finish
high school
• Get
a job
• Get
married before having children
success if this is ignored. Noted by Neil Boortz on the radio. From Creating an Opportunity Society [Search TheRightJack] 1/18/12
Schools in Finland. Why are
they so great? [mindshift.kqed.org] 1/13/12
Hazing death from severe
beating at FAMU. Was drum major. Judged not a hate crime. Family to sue bus company
and school. [kctv5.com] 1/10/12
Failed Education Policy Has
Crippled Economy. Poor education linked to relatively low skilled work force.
[moneynews.com] 1/6/12
1. California Assembly Bill 266
has been amended to read:
"A pupil shall be
permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and
facilities, including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his or
her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil's
records." Note: This effectively permits boys and girls to share locker rooms.
-- and --
2. Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) and
openly homosexual Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) now have 138 co-sponsors in the House
and 38 in the Senate, to do what?
To mandate nationwide "re-education" of kindergarten and first-grade children that homosexuality is normal, not a sin. No kidding. The bills are S. 555 and H.R.998, (aka the "Homosexual classrooms act") that bullies kids without permission of Christian parents, in the name of promoting sexual re-orientation in kids they wish to recruit for sinful acts.
To mandate nationwide "re-education" of kindergarten and first-grade children that homosexuality is normal, not a sin. No kidding. The bills are S. 555 and H.R.998, (aka the "Homosexual classrooms act") that bullies kids without permission of Christian parents, in the name of promoting sexual re-orientation in kids they wish to recruit for sinful acts.
Have not yet found specific links to the education items mentioned above. Anti-bulling legislation has been a favorite educational strategy of gay and lesbian groups to get their agenda into the school curricula.
= = =
Students baiting their
teachers into committing acts like bullying and physical abuse while shooting videos for
You Tube that can get them fired. [yahoo] 1/3/11
Dumbing down. Cal Thomas
editorial is good reading for teachers and parents. [jewishworldreview.com]
As you read this Thomas article above and other
articles related to “dumbing down” the curriculum, keep in the back of your
mind that union teachers and like minded educational administrators are at the heart of this issue. So what does that
mean? Well, either our teachers have been dumbed down right along with the
students, or worse, far too many teachers have totally bought into the Democrat
social philosophy of 2+2=5 or 3 and every students is entitled to good grades
regardless of interest, effort and appitude. =TheRightJack
Study reveals that Oregon
University students earned better grades when their football team was less
successful. Male students most effected. 12/11 [Freakonomics] 12/22/11
$28/hr. Average worker pay.
[Source: NLRB] 12/15/11
Yikes: My starting gross pay as a teacher back when the Earth was cooling --- $25/day.
No brains. No gain. Politics of
education. Dumb down the students. Hold students to lower and lower levels of
learning and comprehension. Why? Studies have shown in this section [scroll
down and learn] that our average Democrats are not quite as bright and scholarly as are
Republicans. So, keep students dumb and/or pregnant so that they will never learn
what they need to know to pull themselves up and seek independence from Big Dem Gov. But wait, business is no friend of educating their work force either. Just ask your local GED course instructors. =TheRightJack 12/21/11
47% of schools do not meet No Child Left Behind standards. The Fix is to lower the standards even more so more schools pass. That is called dumbing down the educational system. Missouri and then DC are the two lowest performers. Heard on the radio 12/15/11
VP Biden tests Obama 2012 campaign strategy on education to fix financial problems in education created by Obama administration policies over the past three years. [dailycaller.com] 12/12/11
Education with their K-12 and college indoctrination programs, is a key Obama support group along with public sector unions, single mothers, blacks, gays, Hollywood and the Big Time Dying Media, of course.
Smart students for hire to take SAT exams. See there, Education Pays.
The Strategy: Gotta look like a high schooler. Do not take the exam at a school where the client is enrolled. Be inconspicuous. Do you suppose they offer a money back guarantee?
5th grader kicked out of school when he said a local anchorman looks like Obama when the man visited their school. Racism charged. [theblaze.com] 12/5/11
Busted for sexual harrasment. 9 year old boy suspended from school for calling his teacher cute. [theblaze.com] 12/5/11 Back in the day, my female classmates went crazy over our new good looking blond phys ed teacher.
Student Education or Indoctrination? Student achievement is the primary purpose of education in our public and private school systems. Education versus indoctrination is becoming a critical issue in shaping young minds. Remember that capturing the minds of the youth through indoctrination has been a primary “social” objective and accomplishment of most totalitarian regimes like those of NAZI Germany, Japan, USSR, China, Cuba and Iran. This includes many of the muslim theocracies where government, politics and religion are one in the same. We now see evidence of indoctrination becoming more common in our US public and private school systems. Mindless repetition of political dogma is indoctrination, not education. =TheRightJack 11/28/11
Typography of Religion from USA Today
Government schools are one of our most debilitating government failures. First, school leaders and politicians cry out for more and more money. Then, when it occurs, more money has absolutely no effect on student performance. Secondly, teacher indoctrination of students into favored political positions takes precedence over the unbiased education of students. This is criminal behavior befitting the world’s worst despots. =TheRightJack 11/15/11
Parental alert: Do you know what your kids are learning in school today. Is it the 3 Rs or how to protest or Unions are the answer. Guess which side teachers are taking. Find out if it sounds like indoctrination or education. My wife and I always needed to set our children straight [i.e, re-educate or un-learn] after what they learned from their classmates and their teachers.
$25,250. Average student loan, now facing a 9.1% unemployment rate. 2010 data.
Oakland teachers supporting Occupy. Some teachers pledge to teach about the Occupy protests. [biggovernment.com] 11/4/11
Teacher Salaries
I met a teacher in California three years ago. She was on an after school field trip with her middle school students. She was making nearly $90,000 a year and that included $20,000 for the after school program she led. I made $4,300 my first year of teaching and $990 for coaching two sports. That was nearly 50 years ago. =TheRightJack
educ ** educ ** educ
College degrees: Fields of study with a bachelor’s degree that do not pay well. Do not take out massive student loans if you plan to major in one of these areas.
• History - become an attorney
• Psychology, need a PhD
• Ethnic studies
• Women’s studies
• Classical studies
Strategy: Get a job and/or find a less expensive college. Take two years at a community college and then transfer.
So, select another major unless you are willing to earn a Masters Degree and then a Doctorate. Consider also that unemployment for people with a college degree has doubled. It was 4%, now it is at 8+% under the Obama economic policies. Employment = jobs are much worse for young adults with no college degree and even worse yet for dropouts with no high school diploma.
Prostitution: It is interesting to hear that women who complain about their job prospects are quick to bring up prostitution as their only course of action. In addition to hearing it in broadcasts, I have actually heard well educated women say this.
educ ** educ ** educ
School district must pay muslim teacher for trip to Mecca. ... DOJ forced a Berkeley IL middle school district to pay muslim teacher $75,000 and implement a sensitivity training course throughout the district after administrators refused to allow new hire to take 3 weeks off for trip to Mecca in 2008. [westernjournalism.com] 10/26/11 Outrageous!
Run the numbers. Obama student loan plan will save students around $10.00 a month. University costs continue to rise. 82% of student loan debt has been taken in the last 10 years.
Student borrowing has increased. Student loan default rates rising. Most recent figures: 7% in 2008. 8.8% in 2009. 11.6% to 15% for for-profit schools. 9/12/11
Texas school students pledge allegiance to Mexico, not USA. [TheBlaze.com] 10/17/11 Watch Video.
Steve Jobs on Wall Street protesters at Kamp Alinsky and teacher unions. [capoliticalreview.com] 10/14/11
The problem there of course is the unions. The unions are the worst thing that ever happened to education because it’s not a meritocracy. It turns into a bureaucracy, which is exactly what has happened. The teachers can’t teach and administrators run the place and nobody can be fired. It’s terrible. - - - Steve Jobs on education reform
Union Schools: Good for bad teachers. Bad for good kids. A thought expanded upon a bit with original credit based on what John Stossel tweeted on 9/20/11
Wall Street Protesters want free university education, a $20 minimum wage, total debt forgiveness, and an end to corporate profits among other things.
As educational corporations, nearly all US institutions of learning of all sizes are subsidized with local, state and federal US Taxpayer money at a rate of 30% or more. When all corporate profits and all income are seized by Big Gov, who pays the bills. Seems like our protesters need to go back and review Econ 101 where it is taught that innovation and risk vs reward are the foundations of capitalism, profits and comfortable university teaching, learning and living. =TheRightJack
No profits = No charity. There goes the alumni associations, the building funds, the endowments and the athletic programs.
Obama's Unfunded Teacher Mandate: He funds the teachers for a year, and then when the year is up and there's no money to pay them, guess what? It's "The Republicans hate teachers!" all over again. - - - Rush Limbaugh 10/4/11
Church Sign: Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Degrees in demand
Degree #1 - Master's in Business Administration (MBA)
Degree #2 - Associate's in Paralegal Studies
Degree #3 - Bachelor's in Accounting
Degree #4 - Associate's in Dental Assisting
Degree #5 - Bachelor's in Human Resources
[Yahoo education] 9/15/11
Should math be taught in schools. Miss USA 2011. Click here to see the video.
Caught or taught? Unidentified school system superintendent says that what is going on in the schools sets the tone for attitudes [i.e., improvement, unrest or despair] in the community. 9/3/11
I believe that there is a measure of truth to that. Parents set the tone from day one for how their children think and behave in school, at home and elsewhere. Students spend 185 days a year under the very personal influence of their teachers and coaches. What are they learning, either caught or taught? =TheRightJack
Most popular on line degrees
#1 Online Degree - Business
#2 Online Degree - Computer and Information Technology (IT)
#3 Online Degree - Criminal Justice
#4 Online Degree - Nursing
#5 Online Degree - Education
#6 Online Degree - Health Care
#7 Online Degree - Communications
#8 Online Degree - Psychology
ACLU battles schools over gay websites … wanting filters removed that block sexually explicit materials. Called objectionable materials for children. Responses to law suits being crafted. [washingtontimes.com]
Will sexually explicit web sites help students learn reading, writing and math? Help diversity? Stop bullying? Improve conflict resolution?
Democrat Special Interest Groups: Teacher Unions and Gays.
$9.2 million in 2011. US Taxpayers via Peace Corps are subsidizing higher education in China where volunteers are limited to teaching classes in English. [cnsnews.com] 9/2/11
Miami Vice. Did former Clinton Health Secretary Donna Shalala know about the ethics violations at “The U” that went on for nine years or more under her watch [2001 to present]? What did she know and when did she know it. Perhaps she will use the Obama Defense and blame all of these "lapses" on Florida, Florida State, SEC, ACC, Big Ten, PAC10, all former U coaches, Bush 43 or The Tea Party. =TheRightJack
Student Loans. $1 T-t-trillion. Delinquency and default rates on nearly $1 trillion worth of private and federally subsidized loans are growing, the report discloses. … In August of last year, data showed student loan debt for first time had surpassed credit card debt. A month later, Department of Education said default rates for student loans had risen from 4.6% in 2005 to 7% in 2008, the most recent year for which data is available. … Tuition has doubled since 2000. [NewsMax.com] 8/15/11
Education represents a huge Special Interest voting block for Democrats. Students seem to move their political allegiances to the Right once the get into the real work world and away from the teachers running their indoctrination courses, colleges in particular. =TheRightJack
Boortz on Re-Education in US Schools. Remember how you bought school supplies and then bought a small box or zippered binder in which to keep “your” supplies – paper, pencils, ruler, glue, scissors, crayons, etc. Hold on. This is how that is done in some schools today. Buy your school supplies, just like we always did. Bring them to school, just like we always did. … But now … bring them to the front of the room and put them in a common or community box. Now “your” school supplies belong to all of your classmates. Student come and get supplies that you bought, when needed. Do you see a little “collectivism” creeping into the minds and actions of your treasured offspring?
From each according to his ability. To each according to his need. - - - Karl Marx, circa 1875.
Flash Mob riots in Europe and USA. Spreading the wealth through crime.
2002. 9 years later. DOE to grant waivers so that schools do not have to meet the basic standards posed in No Child Left Behind. 9 years later. The racial gap has been closed a bit. The bottom has come up. Still far too many students can neither read nor write. Who is to blame for this. Certainly not the students. It is teachers, parents and governments that keep lowering the bar that enables teachers to "dumb down" their students. See History just below =TheRightJack 8/9/11
History. In the history of public school education in the USA, there have been Legislators who did not want the masses to become too well educated. They might start asking questions. Today, some business leaders do not want their employees to become too well educated for fear that they will seek employment elsewhere. You can verify this with the GED leaders in your area. ... Furthermore, since teachers became unionized, starting in the 1960s, we have Big Dem Gov and unions putting union seniority rather than teacher competence above the education of our children. This lack of educational focus gives private school graduates a big head start into positions of leadership, and employers know it. =TheRightJack
@Gretwire on Twitter. 30,000 college students in Michigan on Food Stamps: The cost is $75 million. What do you think about the ... http://bit.ly/oBJMQf
Wisconsin and Ohio teachers fighting against having to pay union dues against their wishes as well as being denied the right to work. Teachers oppose being forced to pay union dues that go to union political activism. [National Right To Work Foundation]. Click here too.
Matt Damon on education vs Michelle Malkin on education. [HumanEvents] Click Here. Do you really know what you think you know, about teachers, government workers and education?
Drug deal gone bad. Seller calls 911 when he was stiffed by the buyer. Reported on the radio by Neal Boortz. You just have to love these stories about dumb crooks. What does it say about our system of education and their parents.
• Wrote a hold up note on his bank statement.
• Went to sleep in the bed of the home he just robbed.
Unemployment and Education
• Around 14% - less than a high school diploma
• Around 10% - HS diploma and no college degree
• Bit over 8% - Some college, no degree
• Around 7% - Associate degree
• Around 4% - College degree and higher
• Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010
The more you learn, the more you earn.
Why can students not find Alabama or Afghanistan on a map. Do you think it might be because geography is no longer a subject that is taught in school.
Why do students know little or nothing about the founding fathers of the USA or how the USA differs from China. Maybe it is because it is not taught in school.
@danieljmitchell on Twitter Dan Mitchell. The Diversity Racket in California: Good for Bureaucrats, Bad for Education. Click on his link that follows. http://bit.ly/rduBbL
Democrat Debt Scam. Obama will not assure seniors and soldiers that they will receive their monthly checks while continuing to pay out billions to the favored Big Gov recipients.
Compare this Democrat Debt Scam to school levies when they are up for a vote. Of all of the things that schools could stop paying, they prefer to threatened an end to school bussing, kindergarten, library, art and gym classes. I suppose they also must now threaten to end in-school day care for young teen students with babies.
In the meantime, teacher unions oppose volunteers who come into the schools to help out where needed.
National Education Association has never endorsed a Republican for president.
Degrees worth the investment: Finance degree. Information technology degree. Accounting degree. Marketing degree. Health care administration degree. [Yahoo] Click Here to get more details.
Fraud in Education by Herbert London [NewMax.com]
Book: Decline and Revival in Higher Education by Herbert London [Hudson.org]. Book summary by publisher
8th grade test in 1895. See post here at TheRightJack
ACLU attacks teachers. Two years ago, two senior school employees in Florida were charged with criminal contempt and faced $5,000 in fines, six months in jail, and the loss of their collective 70 years of retirement benefits. Their "crime" was asking a blessing over a meal. [LibertyAction.org] 7/1/11 In the meantime, muslim garb and muslim religious practices continue in the USA without question or interference, because?
Best career reboots:
1. Medical assistant.
2. Paralegal.
3. Administrative assistant.
4. Computer support specialist.
5. Dental assistant. See related articles at the bottom of this report. [Yahoo] Click Here.
Degrees in demand: Accounting. Finance. Engineering. Computer Science. Business Administration. [Yahoo] 6/21/11 From the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Do parents really want to see their adults children returning to the nest because of this economy the past 2 1/2 years with No Change in sight?
No Change. No Change.
Department of Education SWAT Team leaps into action over a student loan. In Stockton, California, one such unit of “operators” -- a term almost exclusively used to refer to military special operations personnel like Navy SEALs and Delta Force -- was used to assault the home of a person who owed money on their student loans. [www.nationalgunrights.org] The question was asked ... Why in the world does the Department of Education have a SWAT Team?
No Child Left Behind Act, first introduced in 2001, gave educators 12 year and more to see that all students were proficient in reading and math. Democrats believe that objective is too tough. Reread that first sentence. [Christian Science Monitor] 6/13/11 You get what you expect! Ask any coach in any activity from sports to music.
Google sponsoring a multi-million dollar homosexual campaign that targets children as young as 10 years of age. [Grassfire] www.grassfire.net
Programs like this and many others foisted upon our schools are part of the reason our students cannot read, write, add, subtract and do not know their geography. While they do not know Alabama from Arizona, they do know all about sexting and how to put a condom on a banana. Add "indoctrination" rather than "education" to the agenda of some teachers and school administrators and it is easy to see why many students in this generation know much less than their predecessors. Of course, if you are a Democrat, there is no need for you to know anything. Big Dem Gov will care of your every need, at US Taxpayers expense, of course. =trj
Kindergartner allowed back in school after being expelled. His crime: He touched the teacher’s thigh attempting to comfort her when she complained that her leg hurt. [MyWay.com]
Ann Counter sizes up the colleges by the nature of their actions toward her at her speeches. [Daily Caller] 6/8/11 Click Here to see how she evaluates our college population. Interesting.
65%. California schools among others have become aggressive sponsors of gay lifestyle agendas. Homosexuality is not a religion, is it, so what is the beef that parents are not given the opt-out choice for their children. … scientific telephone survey done April 19-21 with a margin of error of 3.23 percentage points found that 65% of all respondents objected to teaching elementary school children that homosexuality is a "normal alternative lifestyle." [WND.com] Click Here for a must read article.
In the meantime, teachers complain that there is not enough time in the school day to see that their students know [actually know, not just spend some time on it] reading, writing and arithmetic. It is no wonder that our students come out of school knowing less than did our ancestors. Look at the number of mandated social agenda items that are eating up the instructional time for students. Consider … basic hygiene, anger management, homosexual lifestyle agenda, save the “green” earth training, fake global warming indoctrination, protest training, condom training, aids awareness, diversity training, self-esteem brainwashing, conflict resolution, muslim religion study/awareness, computer games time … and those curricular [?] topics are for the teachers as well as the students. Back to basics parents. Back to basics if you want your child to succeed in school and in life. =trj
12%. High school students poll in 1985 to find out if they thought they were very important. In 2005, 85% said they were very important. [Gallup poll results heard on the radio] 6/1/11
• Are teachers today giving our students a false sense of importance?
• Is this the self-concept or self-esteem version of empty calories?
$1 million. California school system [Alvord Unified School District] built a new high school for $105 million and cannot now afford to open it. Maybe next year. Maintenance and security costs for this new “unopened” school are $1 million a year. What ever happened to that olde fashioned concept of Plan Ahead?
If you think that education is expensive, consider ignorance ...
$24,000. Average annual cost to keep a criminal behind bars. In jail, many criminals us that time to perfect their craft. The dominant characteristics of inmates are poor roles models, school dropouts, drug and alcohol abuse, single parent homes, and parental abuse. Click Here.
Good grammar now called "white" grammar rather than "correct" grammar. Teachers in some schools are not permitted to correct poor grammar of students. Is this a hidden strategy to keep the poor unemployed and on Big Dem Gov welfare programs? How many businesses can afford to hire people who "cain't tauwk a lick?"
See: Formula for Failure posted here on TheRightJack.
High school student in Virginia faces zero tolerance “spit wad” assault charge. Suspended for remainder of school year. Complaining grandmother wanted him expelled. [WND] 5/24/11 Click Here.
Map Game with focus on nations of northern Africa and the middle east. Click Here. Caution: this could be considered educational.
6,000. NYC teaches to be cut. Click Here.
3. Teachers fired in NYC last 6 months for flirting with students on Facebook. Another teacher gave extra credit for “friending” him. Click Here.
Pro Abortion fanatics vandalize Pro Life memorial at Clarion University in Pennsylvania. Tolerance missing in the ivory towers of intolerance. [Americans for Life] How can our young open minded adults become so intolerant at such early ages? Click Here and Here.
Gasoline. Solutions for shrinking school budgets:
• Stop bussing. Students take health walk to school.
• School sports teams play only home games.
47% of Detroit citizens are functionally illiterate. Hmmm. Were these people absent from school the first 2 or 3 years? [SayAnythingBlog.com] 5/4/11 Absolutely inexcusable! In fact, how is it even possible to sit through five or more years of primary and elementary school and know nuttin?
#1 Objective. When will the Left begin telling parents that they must see that their children come to school ready and willing to learn. Teachers cannot push a rope. In this wretched educational climate, teachers bring a lot less grief on themselves if the just pass “bad” students along to the next teacher. More money for teacher salaries is not the issue or the fix. Learning is about parents and school administrators who support and stand behind the teachers. How many more wasted lives will it take before learning becomes the #1 Objective in education. =trj
Football memorabilia. While Ohio State and head football coach Jim Tressel dance around with the NCAA, there are hundreds of college and university athletic departments around the nation that are hoping against all hope that the NCAA czars do not come knocking on their doors. 4/27/11 =trj
$1.5B. National Education Association and their state affiliates are a $1.5 Billion operation … a union dedicated to Democrats and indoctrinating [not educating] your children in the classroom to the Ways of the Left, either by commission or omission. [HotAir.com] 4/27/11
72%. Number of US Taxpayers who say we are not getting our moneys worth from the public schools. [Rasmussen] 4/27/11
It is widely known in some circles that the education of our school children in not the number one priority of union leaders and some teachers.
School Finance. [New American Foundation]
Ethnic Language. Who in their right mind wants to make unintelligible variations of our common language and dress acceptable, if not preferred. Are people like this coming from the same faulty position where “acting white” is still considered a bad thing in the black community. Who is irreparably harmed by this position. Certainly not people who make sure their children go to school every day, learn, behave and go on to have successful lives - - at least until TUO came on the scene. =trj
It is my personal experience as a seasoned professional and through first hand anecdotal evidence that people remain young at heart when they are involved with young people whether by coaching, teaching or associating with the younger set in some other way. [Pedophilia is very bad.] Ignore this advice and become an olde fuddy-duddy well before your time. = trj
Stay Young! Doctor’s Orders from Dr Judy Garman:
• “The fountain of youth can be found between the sheets ...”
• “Vigorous sex three times a week for a year is the equivalent caloric burn as walking 75 miles.”
• “middle-aged men who have sex five times a week can lower the risk for prostate cancer by 33%, compared to those that have sex only five times a month.”
Source: Staying Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health
The Stay Young Book
Why are tax dollars at Univ of Missouri being used to fund a program that espouses Communism, teaches tactics in industrial sabotage (including stalking CEOs, using members to insinuate sabotage, as well as the killing of cats), and convincing union members that their “group goals” are more important than their individual goals. Click Here.
Coalition for Educational Success. For profit colleges bring in “Fast Eddie” Rendell, former PA Gov, to help sell proposal to open up [i.e., disclose] information that students and their families need to know about financing and job possibilities. [Inside Higher Education] 4/22/11. Click Here.
MTV promoting ‘transgender” lifestyle in the show DeGrassi to their young audiences. More Here.
NY safety inspectors to crack down on Tag, Capture the Flag, Red Rover, Kickball and other “dangerous” games that kids play at camps. Meanwhile dangerous, abusive, murdering illegals ignored. Click Here.
Follow up the next day: Never mind. They backed off their knee-jerk announcement.
The Workforce. Retirees generally are more costly to support than children. The average public school education costs $10,000 a year. The average retiree gets $25,000 a year in benefits — $13,000 in Social Security and Medicare benefits of $12,000. In all, taxpayers will spend about $125,000 educating a child and $500,000 caring for a senior, in today’s dollars at current life expectancies, according to federal education and retirement program data. The costs are paid differently, too. State and local governments, through sales and property taxes, pay most education expenses. The federal government, though income taxes, pays most retiree costs. [USA Today]
$24,000. Average annual cost to keep a criminal behind bars. … and you think that education is expensive. In jail, many criminals use that time to perfect their craft. Click Here.
Ban on bringing your lunch to school is becoming more prevalent. How long before the ban is implemented on a large scale. Click Here.
California teachers association supports a cop killer. Between negotiating for more benefits and teaching their students, AFT has adopted a resolution of support for convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal [who was Wesley Cook], former Black Panther. [Republican Heritage] 4/11/11
Education or Indoctrination? Majority Democrats in California legislature have given another thumbs-up to "sexual brainwashing" plan that would require public school students to believe transgenders, bisexuals, homosexuals and those with other alternative sexual lifestyles are role models to be admired. [World Net Daily] 4/6/11
Unions loose big bucks when dues become voluntary as Wisconsin turmoil becomes more about union power than anything else. [Red State] 4/2/11
Unions using intimidation in Wisconsin just like organized crime and street gangs. Threaten phone calls and boycotts if businesses do not comply with their wishes. Those threatened not allowed to be neutral. Click Here for the story.
6.7 million college educated immigrants in USA. 350,000 college educated immigrants underemployed. 1.2 million unemployed. [Numbers USA 3/28/11] Click Here for article.
Check out our full list of hot careers of the future:
• Sales Representative
• Mobile App Developer
• Project Manager
• Construction Manager
• Elementary School Teacher
[Yahoo Education] 4/1/11
Muslim Student Association. Chapters on hundreds of college campi. [ActForAmerica.org] Click Here for more. Recruiting ground for impressionable minds?
Islamic organizations in academia. Click Here.
NIE. Newspapers in Education. Always seeking sponsors for this tax deductible enterprise. Providing free Democrat propaganda to schools. Many big city newspapers are biased toward Democrats. Is this how you want your tax money used?
Wisconsin union dues supporting Planned Parenthood in addition to Democrat campaign coffers.
ACLU continues the fight in court to criminalize religious expression such as praying over meals in schools and government dining rooms.
Obama taking sides – both sides as usual - talking against his own education policies. Clinton was pretty good at taking both sides of important issues too when he was president. Like Clinton, you must pay attention to what he does, not what he says.
TUO says too much testing. Providing students with excuses for failure? This may be a step along the way to awarding diplomas to students who can prove that they have a pulse. Then eliminate testing for Civil Service exams. Click Here 3/28/11.
Job applicants should read the center section of the April 2011 Readers Digest, pages 130-139, for job interview rejection traps. They have present some really bizarre stories about job applicants that will get your application tossed in the circular file in a heart beat. Well worth your time if you or a relative is job hunting. I have seen job applicants at fast food places filling out applications in their jammies. =trj
$69.9B. US Dept of Education discretionary budget. The Department's elementary and secondary programs annually serve nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools. Department programs also provide grant, loan, and work-study assistance to more than 15 million postsecondary students. What does it do? Certainly not improve the academic performance of students. Click Here.
17.1%. National average for moderately physically activity high school students. Take out 5-6 million students who are on sports teams. That leaves a huge percentage of high school students who are physical slugs.
States with the most couch potatoes and lowest activity levels: TN at 51.8% active is the laziest state. LA with 56% active. MS with 57.2% active. KY with 57.9%. AL with 59% active. NC with 60.9%. Following in ascending order of increased physical activity by AR WV NV OK. [CDC 3/22/11]
Gay activists have found the bullying of children to be an easy way to spread their literature, gain acceptance and influence public schools. =trj
Bullying. US Civil Rights Division and entire Justice Department are committed to ending bullying and harassment in schools. BUT … DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination of the victim’s race, color, religion, sex or will be considered by DOJ. The overweight straight white male who is verbally and/or physically harassed because of his size can consider himself invisible to the Justice Department. Click Here for article.
This TUO = DOJ policy is de facto discrimination! Voters can absolutely NOT trust a biased government like this. Two wrongs still do not make a right. =trj
Wisc. Voter attitudes toward collective bargaining are complex. They wholeheartedly support the right to collective bargaining by public employees. By 39-59 voters reject elimination of collective bargaining for public employee unions and by 43-48 they oppose limiting the bargaining to wages and benefits. But, by 66-25, voters agree with limiting "collective bargaining so that the union contract does not stop the dismissal of incompetent teachers and allows teachers to be paid based on merit not on seniority." [DickMorris.com] 3/17/11
Sexual orientation. In an effort to make K-12 sports and physical education safer and more inclusive for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, and a diverse coalition of athletes, journalists and sports figures today launch Changing the Game: The GLSEN Sports Project … Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT youth (84.6%) said they’d experienced harassment in school in the past year because of their sexual orientation and nearly two-thirds (63.7%) because of their gender expression, according to GLSEN’s 2009 National School Climate Survey. Additionally, 61.1% said they felt unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation. … GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. New York 3/17/11
Bullying. Rep Jackie Speier [D-CA] will introduce a bill that would require schools to report incidents of bullying against children diagnosed with conditions like Down syndrome and Aspergers to the federal government. It would also mandate that any federal dollars that promote anti-bullying programs focus partially on that group. Click Here.
Priorities. Most states are spending three to four times more incarcerating criminals than educating public school students. In Georgia, they spend $18,000 per inmate and $6,000 per student. New York spends $56,000 per inmate and $16,00 per student. California spend $47,000 per inmate and $9,000 per student. Michigan is $34,000 and $11,000. 3/14/11 [Department of Justice and National Education Association data compared over similar periods of time.] But we may have the smartest bombs and guns!
When it comes to peer to peer education, inmates do a better job helping each other learn "new crime skills" than do students in helping each other learn the "Three R's." =trj
Unprofessional! In NY, NYSUT Union [UFT member] pays teachers to miss school and protest. School system pays for the substitutes. Union rakes in $126 million in dues. $300,000 salary for teacher union boss. Subs costs an estimate $9 million dollars to Taxpayers. [Patriot Action Network] Click Here to learn about Teachers Union 101 – “A” is for Agitation. 3/6/11 Unionism is part of the reason that teachers get no respect.
Florida Democrat with US House of Representatives quick to say that de-funding day care will create criminals. Hey Dems! Parents create good children, not day care! Yet another fact-less claim by the Left. Remember this one? ObamaCare will save money.
= = =
Homosexual Classrooms Act contains a laundry list of anti-family provisions that will:
• Require schools to teach appalling homosexual acts so “homosexual students” don’t feel “singled out” during already explicit sex-ed classes;
• Spin impressionable students in a whirlwind of sexual confusion and misinformation, even peer pressure to “experiment” with the homosexual “lifestyle;”
• Exempt homosexual students from punishment for propositioning, harassing, or even sexually assaulting their classmates, as part of their specially-protected right to “freedom of self-expression;”
• Force private and even religious schools to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum and purge any reference to religion if a student claims it creates a “hostile learning environment” for homosexual students. [Public Advocate of the United States 3/15/11]
Sign Petition. Click Here.
= = =
Sex education expert from NEA told the UN that sexual behavior needs to be viewed as an inclusive continuum of behaviors. Click Here.
Mechanical sex toys with a live nude are subject of sex presentation by Prof at Northwestern University. Porn industry promo? Click Here.
Wisconsin has become ground zero. Obama's Organizing for America continues busing in socialist agitators to march on behalf of state employees, while the liberal media are doing their utmost to position greedy union members and their budget-busting benefits as the "poor working class" that is being attacked by big fat-cat Republicans. [Media Research Center 3/1/11] Click Here.
Dick Morris, the pollster with 30 years experience, reports on Wisconsin. Voters support changing the benefits to state workers, pay, and automatic deductions for union dues. [DickMorris.com 2/24/11]
• By 79-16, they support asking state workers contribute more toward their pensions.
• By 74-18, they back making state employees pay more for their health insurance.
• By 66-30, they back limiting state workers' pay increases to the rate of inflation unless voters approve a higher raise by a public referendum.
• By 54-34, Wisconsin voters support ending the automatic deduction of union dues from state paychecks and support making unions collect dues from each member.
• By 51-47, Wisconsin voters favor budget reforms of the governor.
Fact Check. Supporters of Wisconsin teachers get basic facts about teaching completely wrong -- The Democratic Party of Wisconsin and other supporters of the state's teachers union need to check their math: In Facebook posts and twitter messages, union supporters have been "promoting statistics that would suggest that collective bargaining for teachers is correlated with higher scores on standardized academic tests," according to Politifact. More specifically, union supporters claim that the five states that do not have collective bargaining for teachers have the following SAT/ACT ranks: South Carolina -50th/ North Carolina -49th/ Georgia -48th/ Texas -47th/ Virginia -44th," and that Wisconsin ranks second. According to Politifact, the claim is completely bogus. For starters, the data used to assemble the ranking is from 1999. In data from 2010, Virginia places higher (34th) and Wisconsin places slightly lower (3rd) on the SAT. The rest of the non-union states do much worse, but not because of collective bargaining. More likely, it's because only 4 percent of Wisconsin students took the SAT in 2010, compared to 74 percent of Georgia students, 67 percent of Virginia students, 66 percent of South Carolina students, 63 percent of North Carolina students, and 53 percent of Texas students. Hell, every state in the country would have a shot at the podium if it excluded 96 percent of its students from standardized test rankings. [The DC Morning 2/24/11] Click Here to read the article from PolitiFact.com.
Wisconsin's teachers required to teach kids labor union and collective bargaining history. (The Daily Caller)
All teachers in Providence RI to receive dismissal letters by March 1, 2011 in order to comply with the law as the school board do not know the budget allocation for the coming year. This is happening in other locations. [Drudge Report 2/23/11] Done 2/25/11.
There was no massive outcry about budget cuts in Wisconsin by unions and others when former Wisconsin governor, a Big D Democrat, talked about the need to cut spending.
32% of Wisconsin public-school 8th graders earned “proficient” rating
2% earned an “advanced” rating.
66% of 8th graders earned ratings below “proficient”
44% earned a rating of “basic”
22% earned a rating of “below basic”
Wisconsin has the highest per pupil spending in the Midwest.
[National Assessment of Educational Progress tests, 2009]
No Excuses Please. There is no excuse for 8th graders to not be able to read or work elementary math problems. Back when the Earth was cooling and I was in elementary school, we had to stand beside our desks and read aloud in class. We had to go to the chalkboard and work math problems that we were studying. Teachers kept those with difficulties after school to fix their errors. Today, this board work would be considering embarrassing and would harm student self-esteem.
Which is worse when all is said and done. Becoming a functionally illiterate adult or having a slightly bruised grade school ego.
Do you know that not being able to read is one of the prime characteristics of our prison population!
Doctors in Wisconsin handing out “I am sick” excuses for teachers who are cutting classes at the expense of the students and Tax Payers. Fraud. Fraud. Fraud.

Wisconsin Tea Party rally supporting Gov Walker and budget cutting draws thousands. Click Here to see slide show. Union on one side of Capitol. Tea Party on the other side. Popular support for teacher union demands falling like dominoes.
Teachers and other workers should have the "right" to choose whether or not they wish to join a union when they work in what might be called a Union Shop. Forced union membership violates our freedom.
@CatoInstitute on Twitter. How has education spending impacted test scores since 1970? Click Here.
10 dead or dying career paths.
• Computer operators
• Stage performers
• Postal Service mail sorters
• Holistic healers
• Office and administrative support workers
• Telemarketers and door to door sales people
• Photo processors
• Seamstresses
• Radio operators
• Carpenters. [Forbes]
This article did not mention Democrat operatives.
Taxpayers who are age 70½ with IRAs can give money directly to a charity from their IRA this year. Making charitable gifts this way keeps the taxable income off your tax return. This could lower the amount of your Social Security benefits that are subject to tax.
Obama White House calls in the Wisconsin protesters in order to overturn election results of We The People. This Dem tactic is probably not generating any sympathy or support for Big Gov Unions. In fact, watch what happens to Unions down the road when they employ tactics like this.
$89,000+ Salary of Wisconsin teachers has been reported today to be from $89,500 to $101,005 annually counting benefits. Average private sector salaries at $61,000 counting benefits. 2/18/11
Extra Credit. Do you suppose Wisconsin teachers have bribed their students with "Extra Credit" if they show up and protest against the Governor. Hmmm!
Replacements. Retired teachers are notoriously anti-union, as are many workers. They would step up en mass across the nation and fill in for teachers who would rather violate the rules and “sick-out” than teach.
Female teachers and young boys. One has to wonder if the promiscuous attitude toward sex on many college campuses is partially responsible for young female teachers who become entangled, to put it politely, with their young male students. Times sure have changed since I was in school, college too for that matter. =trj
Iowa HS Sophomore wrestler withdrew from his tournament match rather than wrestle a girl. He said: "As a matter of conscience and faith, I do not believe that it is appropriate for a boy to engage a girl in this manner. It is unfortunate that I have been placed in a situation not seen in most other high school sports in Iowa."
Trouble ahead for Teenagers. Be aware of the three H's: Hormones. Hooch. Horsepower.
On average, 30% of our students do not complete high school.
Average teacher salaries:
Elementary school teacher $51,240
Middle school educators $50,950
High school teachers $49,400
[Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008]
Teachers and students in Wisconsin protesting Gov Scott Walker's budget bill. Teachers taking pupils out of school to march on Madison. Called a "sickout" … and it is illegal. Witness to protest said. "Yesterday, more than half of the student body of Madison East High School walked out with the support and assistance of their teachers." [Weekly Standard]
Read more on Newsmax.com: Wisconsin Dems Go Into Hiding to Prevent Union-Busting Vote
Michigan courts rule that Unions cannot take teacher dues and use them for political donations, to Democrats of course. Teachers to get refunds.
10 NFL stars who went bankrupt: Marlin Briscoe. Raghib “Rocket” Ismail. Johnny Unitas. Michael Vick. Deuce McAllister. Mark Brunell. Travis Henry. Dermontti Dawson. Lawrence Taylor. Arthur Marshall. Question: What do they have in common? Answer: They all attended college.
Public school in Texas mandates Arabic as a required language. Parents protest. Federal grant pays for this. Click Here. 2/9/11
Test scores. Many nations have two tracks for students. Some children go to school for anywhere from 5 to 8 years. Other students are enrolled for 12 or 13 years. Why? They have established what you might call a "labor" track and what you might call a "college prep" track. Guess on which track many test scores are based on for math and science? Our test scores are usually based on ALL students, not just our college prep students.
The first testicular guard, the "Cup," was used in ice hockey in 1874. The first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.
Seniority is the most dominant feature of unions. Not quality. Not production. Just rate management and job protection in schools, business and government.
Latest economic development objectives of this administration involve sending yet more job money to various government entities like education, cities, counties, etc. Government spending does not generate jobs. They just soak up US Tax Payer money. Listen and Look for who, not what. =trj
Private schools outperform public [i.e., government] union schools. They produce better students at lower costs without rubber rooms for highly paid, under-performing so-called teachers.
13%. Come down from your ivory tower, Dick Durbin - Is Sen Dick Durbin shameless, or just ill-informed? On Tuesday, the Illinois senator spoke to the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, a trade group hellbent on cutting off federal funding to for-profit colleges. Durbin had this to say about the industry he's villified for over a year now: "There are many good for-profit colleges and they serve a vital purpose....But there are also a lot of bad for-profit schools that are raking in huge amounts of federal dollars and leaving students poorly trained and over their heads in debt." Are those statements true? Yes. So are these statements: "There are many good non-profit colleges and they serve a vital purpose. ... But there are also a lot of bad non-profit schools that are raking in huge amounts of federal dollars and leaving students poorly trained and over their heads in debt." One such non-profit is Chicago State University in Durbin's home state of Illinois. In its annual education issue, Washington Monthly reported that Chicago State "has the worst graduation rate of any public four-year university in Illinois and one of the worst in the nation, with just 13% of students finishing in six years." Funny how this problem is bigger--and closer to home--than either Durbin or Chicagoan Arne Duncan are willing to admit. [The DC Morning 2/2/11]
National Signing Day in College Football is 2/2/11. These university scholarships for football are one year deals. Some universities over commit beyond the 25/85 rule. That is 25 offers per year and a total of 85 players on scholarship. In order to take in new "hopefuls" they must take away scholarships from some players or run off the under performing players.
Horseplay? Spotsylvania VA high school freshman Andrew Mikel has been suspended for the school year, placed in a "diversion program" by police for blowing soft plastic pellets through a pen at 3 classmates. ... School officials classified the pellets [like spit wads] as a weapon, expelled the student from school the rest of the year, filed assault charges on him with the sheriff's department, mandated that he take 'substance-abuse counseling' and 'anger-management counseling' and must do 24 hours of community service." To read: Zero tolerance 'insane madness' in Virginia high school, Click Here. [WND]
National science scores disappoint: More than 2/3s of the nation's 4th graders failed to show proficiency in science in 2009, the federal government reported, meaning that the average student was likely to be stumped when asked to interpret a temperature graph or explain an example of heat transfer. Roughly six out of 10 8th-graders and 12th-graders also fell short of science proficiency on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a key measure of performance in a subject that President Obama and business leaders call crucial for American competitiveness. "It's disappointing," said Francis Eberle, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association, based in Arlington. "Essentially, it says that science hasn't been part of the agenda. Science has had very little attention." He said that reading and math - the focus of most state standardized tests - have squeezed time for science lessons in daily classroom schedules.
Click Here to read full article.
Source: Washington Post Education Report
Speed stacking and Cubes. Click Here to see.
And Here.
45% - In “Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses," a book written by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, two professors of sociology ... at least 45% of students showed no statistically significant improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning and written communication in their first two years of college. [From my experience, male college students in particular make a big jump in maturity on most all levels as juniors and seniors. There is hope! =trj]
Armed robbers held up middle school students at their bus stops in St Louis MO area. Click Here.
US Congress and Attorney General asked to investigate MTV series “Skins” for child porn.
Teacher at Oakland's Markham Elementary School suspended indefinitely after school officials said pair of 2nd graders performed sex acts on each other in class with the teacher present. 1/21/11 [sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com]
Nearly 30,000 British schoolchildren in 2010 had their names added to a "hate crimes" bullying list for making taunts deemed racist or "homophobic." 10,000+ in elementary school. Figures include nursery school students down to toddler age. 1/22/10 Click Here to read more: Kids put on 'hate crimes' list for schoolyard taunts.
Spelling Matters. Click Here.
Neil Boortz offers an interesting slant on public school education. It was never designed to produce "men of letters." In the early 1800s, government and business did not want a highly educated populace. Way Too Threatening. No different from today at all. Listen to his morning radio show on line at www.boortz.com if he is not on your local station from 9:00am to noon. Neil Boortz is an attorney who brings a unique and entertaining perspective on politics and more to talk radio.
$ $ $
Facts: young American adults aged 18-29 who have only a high school degree:
• 40% of all these young adults do not have a job
• 43% of the Hispanic-American young adults do not have a job
• 50% of Black Americans of this group do not have a job
• 60% of all American high school dropouts and
• 60% of Hispanic-American dropouts do not have a job
• 75% of Black Americans dropouts do not have a job [Numbers USA]
• Democrat initiatives to open US borders to mass immigration continues with great conviction.
$ $ $
"A teacher was told by a 15-year-old high school sophomore that he was having homosexual sex with an 'older man.' At the very least, statutory rape occurred. Fox News reported that the teacher violated a state law requiring that he report the abuse. That former teacher, Kevin Jennings, is President Obama's 'safe school czar.' ... Clearly, the process for vetting White House employees has broken down," the Washington Times editorial board said. 9/28/09 [WND]
Auburn defeats Oregon 22-19. Study of 2010-2011 bowl-bound college teams conducted by Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at University of Central Florida showed that Auburn has highest disparity in graduation rates between white & black players of any major football team. White players graduate at 100%; black players 49%. University of Oregon, according to that study, graduates 76% of white players; 41% of African-American players. [Washington Post, The Answer Sheet 1/11/11]
Desperation? Texas schools ticketing students [i.e., misdemeanors] for what were previously trips to the principal’s office or truant officer. Most common infractions are disorderly conduct and leaving school without permission. Black students and special education students were overrepresented among those ticketed. School location important. Yahoo 1/10/11 [Maybe some "stings" could be set up in the schools to entrap more orderly students into breaking school rules. -trj]
Grand Rapids Education Association, local affiliate of Michigan’s largest teachers union, stops taking union dues from the teacher paychecks. Teachers must pay this union separately. Teachers refusing to pay since the union does not represent their wishes. [Townhall.com. This story is not over. –trj]
AZ shooter called a left wing pothead by friend. People on the left are trying to analyze him while blaming this shooting on Conservatives. Shooter escapes blame.
Childrearing starts at birth, not when children begin to cause family and school problems.
Loners. Loaners with few if any friends and social activities tend not to do well in school.
Drugs. When parents and close relatives see a marked change in behavior of their children such as secrecy, declining grades, and absence of old friends, it may be past time to suspect new indulgences in alcohol and drugs.
TV and Internet. Too much TV time and too much internet time with games or what ever, contribute to poor performance and poor grades for students in school.
Abuse. Abusive adults tended to have abused animals when younger.
• 40% of Chicago teachers send their children to private schools. 12/10
• 75% of all teachers are women.
• 50+% of new female teachers come from upper 40% of high school graduates.
• 33% of 4th graders in America are functionally illiterate, according to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress
Reading to learn. The first good indicator of student chances for success may come in fourth grade. That is when students transition from learning to read to reading to learn. A Manhattan Institute study found that students who cannot read and yet are promoted fall further behind over time. Alarmingly, 33% of fourth-graders in America are functionally illiterate, according to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Florida's experience in reform during the last decade gives us the road map to avoid this slow-moving economic calamity, says Bush.
• In 1998, nearly half of Florida's fourth-graders were functionally illiterate.
• Today, 72% of them can read.
• Florida's Hispanic fourth-graders are reading as well as or better than the average student in 31 other states and the District of Columbia.
[National Center for Policy Analysis, 1/7/11]
Commonwealth of Virginia finds numerous factual errors [i.e., dates, names, places, etc.] in their public school history text books. No historical fact checking done. No input or editing by historians. January 2011. [In some states, history text books are politically biased based on current events while diminishing the values of our founders. -trj]
Marine Corps Bumper Sticker:
My kid fought in Iraq so yours can party in college.
Schools. Many big city blue state school systems have become educational wastelands. Absenteeism, dropouts and violence run rampant. City and county public - government schools continue to dumb down the curriculum to the point were many students entering college spend their first year in remedial courses. Remedial courses enable them to pass college level courses. Private schools are quite successful at much lower costs. [See Notable Government Failures posted at the right jack]
Inner city parents are coming to realize that unionized government schools do not work. Unions do not have education of their children as their main priority. School administrators continue to make it difficult if not impossible for parents to transfer their children to more successful schools.
40% of teachers come from the bottom 60% of the college population. [statistic from the 1980s]
In the early teaching days of the right jack, San Francisco sanitation workers made 4-6 times my teaching salary.
Democrat 2010 pre-election campaign letter: The Republicans are hell-bent on obstructing the change that our country so desperately needs: restoring our economy, guaranteeing every citizen access to quality health care, improving education, and achieving energy independence. And if we don't shut them down at the ballot box and stop them from redistricting themselves back into power, President Obama's reforms will be dead in the water. [Republicans are getting there. =trj]
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Conservative Manifesto by Mark Levin, undated
5. Government Education
Eliminate monopoly control of government education by applying the antitrust laws to the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers; the monopoly is destructive of quality education and competition and is unresponsive to the taxpayers who fund it.
Eliminate tenure for government schoolteachers and college/university professors, making them accountable for the quality of instruction they provide students.
= = = = =
Posted May 4, 2009 on trj
Proposal Would Transform College Aid
Obama Plan to Expand Federal Control of Lending Includes Creating Entitlement
Click here to read the full article.
By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 4, 2009
"President Obama's health-care goals may be garnering attention, but his higher-education proposals are no less ambitious.
If adopted, they could transform the financial aid landscape for millions of students while expanding federal authority to a degree that even Democrats concede is controversial. ..."
Editor’s Note: Remember, HillaryCare was going to dictate what health fields colleges could offer and what students could enroll in and study. Medical schools would have had enrollment ceilings in certain fields. With that, just watch what happens to the choice of majors once the government is in total control of grant money.
Want to become a teacher? That is probably OK because that is how the government indoctrinates the k-12 student population.
Want to study art, business or medicine? Not so fast there lowly high school graduates. Let your all-knowing and all-seeing Uncle Sam take a politically correct look at the job market and decide the appropriate major for you . . . The Right Jack
= = = = =
Obama plans to expand and take over the college loan business. 4/29/09 [This will ultimately expand the government entitlement class with the objetive to create more Democrat voters. -trj]
What’s Hot, posted at trj on 4/29/09
• States governed by Republicans.
• Private schools that operate on smaller budgets than the public government-run schools
Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama:
• Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government.
• He voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
• Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.
• In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing. [dated 9/1/08
• Occidental College records -- Not released
• Columbia College records -- Not released
• Columbia Thesis paper -- Not available
[What is Obama hiding and why? -trj]
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' [by Prime Minister of Australia John Howard view on immigrants. Undated]