The Economy:
Red Ink and Red Flags
The US does not have a tax shortage problem. Big Gov has an acknowledged "addiction to spending" problem. The more they get, the more they spend [to buy votes with our US Taxpayer money]. Time to cut up their credit cards.
• Dollar down. Gold up. **
• Petroleum up. Why? Dollar down.
• Food up. Why? Oil up.
• Real Estate value down. Why? Bad loans.
• Real Estate value down. Who? TUO & Dems & Banks.
• QE I & II. Printing more money = Inflation.
• Inflation up = Dollar down in value.
• Food and fuel still not counted in inflation index.
• Big Spending Gov Spin: The economy is improving and there is no inflation.
** These 9 points were posted 5/30/11 and not much has changed since well before it was first posted. No Change = No Change.
The American Dream is not welfare!
Statistics mean nothing to the uninformed who cannot add and subtract, let alone read and write. =TheRightJack
There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt. - - - John Adams, 2nd President of the United States 1798 - 1801
Sign: Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for life. Give him someone else’s fish, and he’ll vote for you.
If a federal tax on tobacco deters smoking, does a federal tax on earnings deter working?
We demand that poor people create more jobs and hire more people. We need it and we deserve it!
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Obama's Revenge ... starting Year 7. Will the new Congress have the courage to stifle the Obama anti-US initiatives?
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VIDEO: How to Explain Economics to a Liberal. … Middle Class Economics? Start-ups. Lending. Risk. Taxes. Jobs. Demand. Consumer spending. Building prosperity from the bottom up - NOT. 8:39 min video [] 7/15/15
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Why The Soviet Union Collapsed: No Reason To Work – Dick Morris TV: History Video! [] 7/11/15
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Hillary Clinton does not talk about this ... 93-94 in US million not working. 13% teen-20s out of work [NPR]. 75% of black teens out of work [NPR]. Millions have had their weekly hours [=wages] cut due to ObamaCare rules. 7/13/15
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Is there a single example of socialist governance that has been an economic success? USSR? Russia? Cuba? China? Venezuela? NAZI Germany? The socialist leaders and their "IN" groups prosper while every one else struggles. There is no upward mobility in socialism through good honest work, ingenuity and education.
The problem with socialism is that sooner or later "you run out of other people's money." - - - Margaret Thatcher, former UK PM
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About 50% of the big corporations are controlled by Democrats [ie, Apple. Big Media. GM. Nike. Google. Facebook. Twitter, Hollywood. Universities. Public schools. Investment banks. Unions. Abortion services. etc]. It appears that many corporate leaders are benefiting from the massive spending by our self-serving politically entrenched elite from both sides of the isle.
Shocking statistics about black slavery liberals will NEVER admit … Only 25% of black children have a two parent home. … The fact is that most of the social pathology seen in poor black neighborhoods is entirely new in black history. … Ignored in all discussions is the fact that the poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994.” [] 5/20/15
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The Founders’ Model of Welfare Actually Reduced Poverty
… Rather than making welfare a generational inheritance, Franklin thought it should assist the poor inovercoming poverty as expediently as possible: “I am for doing good to the poor.…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.” … If the goal of welfare is to provide for those in need while respecting the rights of all, Americans would do well to ponder the Founders’ outlook on welfare as a limited system, concerned with helping the poor who truly are in need and encouraging those who are able to work to leave their poverty behind as soon as possible. [] 5/30/15
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Red Ink
7 million. Number of students who have defaulted on their student loans. Heard on a radio news report 5/19/15
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The US economy is getting better all the time ... wink, wink
5.4% April unemployment using far left liberal Democrat math as job creation lags while more business layoffs continue. The Big Dem Media neglects to disclose the ugly side of the failing Obama economy. They prefer to focus on shootings by the Democrat union member police. 5/8/15
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93 million. The Not Working rising, a record
55%. The Not Working females
5.5%. Wonderful Obama unemployment rate and falling
150,000. New jobs created in April 2015
225,000. Monthly job creation needed to break even
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12 Steps to Poverty =
Poor education
Cannot read
Do not know the language
Do not know math
Drops out of school
Not qualified for jobs and jobs requiring skills
Have children and not married
Single parent
Alcohol and drug use
Blame others
A child’s job is to do well and school. Period. =TheRightJack on 11/30/14
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Thot: Is it not weird that our US Flag, Culture and Religion offends so many people … but our benefits do not.
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40%. Percentage of the US economy consumed by Big Government. Source: Imprimus report
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25% Nearly one in four Americans between the ages of 25 and 54 is out of work … and Obama is planning to grant work permits to 5 million illegal aliens. Source: Stop Amnesty on Facebook
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Democrat Utopian Economy … a statistical summary
California Now Has Highest 'Poverty' Rate
By Michael Reagan
A recent report by the Census Bureau that features a new way of measuring the poverty rate shows California boasts the nation’s highest level. Higher than Mississippi. Higher than West Virginia.
In 2012, California, using money from federal, state and local sources, spent an incredible $69.1 billion on welfare.
That’s almost one-third of all of state spending ... might explain why although the Golden State only has only one-eighth of the nation’s total population, it has one-third — there’s that number again — of the nation’s population that collects welfare benefits.
California has 23.4 percent of its population living in what federal bureaucrats define as poverty.
Second highest jurisdiction is that other exemplar of the government handout, Washington, D.C. — at 22.4 percent.
Dennis Prager pointed out earlier this week, “Over 99 percent [of those defined as poverty–stricken] have a refrigerator, television, and stove or oven. Eighty-one percent have a microwave; 75 percent have air conditioning; 67 percent have a second TV; 64 percent have a clothes washer; 38 percent have a personal computer.
"Seventy-five percent of the poor have a car or truck.
Only 10 percent live in mobile homes or trailers, half live in detached single-family houses or townhouses
40 percent live in apartments.
Forty-two percent of all poor households own their home, the average of which is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage and a porch or patio.”
80 percent own a cellphone. [] 11/30/14
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Stay at Home or Work?
When a spouse wants to work and hire daycare for the children … In making that decision to work or stay at home, what is the break even point financially. Dave Ramsey says $25,000, given the various expenses associated with working like transportation, work clothes, eating out more, and child care.
Source was Dave Ramsey on the radio, 11/30/14
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Dire Warning
A child’s job is to do well and school. Period. =TheRightJack on 11/30/14
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Thot: Is it not weird that our US Flag, Culture and Religion offends so many people … but our benefits do not.
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40%. Percentage of the US economy consumed by Big Government. Source: Imprimus report
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25% Nearly one in four Americans between the ages of 25 and 54 is out of work … and Obama is planning to grant work permits to 5 million illegal aliens. Source: Stop Amnesty on Facebook
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Democrat Utopian Economy … a statistical summary
California Now Has Highest 'Poverty' Rate
By Michael Reagan
A recent report by the Census Bureau that features a new way of measuring the poverty rate shows California boasts the nation’s highest level. Higher than Mississippi. Higher than West Virginia.
In 2012, California, using money from federal, state and local sources, spent an incredible $69.1 billion on welfare.
That’s almost one-third of all of state spending ... might explain why although the Golden State only has only one-eighth of the nation’s total population, it has one-third — there’s that number again — of the nation’s population that collects welfare benefits.
California has 23.4 percent of its population living in what federal bureaucrats define as poverty.
Second highest jurisdiction is that other exemplar of the government handout, Washington, D.C. — at 22.4 percent.
Dennis Prager pointed out earlier this week, “Over 99 percent [of those defined as poverty–stricken] have a refrigerator, television, and stove or oven. Eighty-one percent have a microwave; 75 percent have air conditioning; 67 percent have a second TV; 64 percent have a clothes washer; 38 percent have a personal computer.
"Seventy-five percent of the poor have a car or truck.
Only 10 percent live in mobile homes or trailers, half live in detached single-family houses or townhouses
40 percent live in apartments.
Forty-two percent of all poor households own their home, the average of which is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage and a porch or patio.”
80 percent own a cellphone. [] 11/30/14
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Stay at Home or Work?
When a spouse wants to work and hire daycare for the children … In making that decision to work or stay at home, what is the break even point financially. Dave Ramsey says $25,000, given the various expenses associated with working like transportation, work clothes, eating out more, and child care.
Source was Dave Ramsey on the radio, 11/30/14
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Dire Warning
If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole, it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on the already overburdened safety net. … Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope, 2006 [aka Candidate Obama]
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Paying your fair share?
The Richest 1 Percent of Americans Pay 24 Percent of Federal Taxes
… CBO also shows that higher income earners paid larger shares of tax. The top 1 percent, for instance, earned almost 15 percent of income and paid 24 percent of federal taxes. The top 20 percent earned 51.9 percent of income and paid 69 percent of taxes [] 11/13/14
What is your fair share when one-half of the population pays nothing and even get money back via earned income tax credits.
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297 Congress Members Have Earmarked $3.8 Billion for Organizations Tied to Them or Family Members
… Interesting tidbits: … 85 family members of 67 Congresspeople have worked as federally registered lobbyists connected to lobbying contracts worth $1,207,764,582.
… 19 members of Congress have paid 19 family members a total of $6,876,026 from their congressional office payroll (including Rep. Moran who paid his daughter a salary of $53,353 for working on his campaign committee in 2010 — just saying). [] 10/12/14
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Unemployment drops to under 6%
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297 Congress Members Have Earmarked $3.8 Billion for Organizations Tied to Them or Family Members
… Interesting tidbits: … 85 family members of 67 Congresspeople have worked as federally registered lobbyists connected to lobbying contracts worth $1,207,764,582.
… 19 members of Congress have paid 19 family members a total of $6,876,026 from their congressional office payroll (including Rep. Moran who paid his daughter a salary of $53,353 for working on his campaign committee in 2010 — just saying). [] 10/12/14
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Unemployment drops to under 6%
Nearly 1 In 4 Americans In Their Prime Are Not Working … But according to the Senate GOP budget staff’s analysis, the number of Americans working as a percentage is near a four-decade low, and two-thirds of the people who have left the work force since 2009 are below the age of 55.
What kind of math are we being fed by the Big Dem Gov and sheltered by the Big Dem Media?
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Feminism vs Truth … In five minutes, American Enterprise Institute’s Christina Hoff Sommers tells you the truth about feminism. 5:54 min video. [] 9/24/14
Well done clarifying what is left out when Democrats talk about what they call the Wage Gap.
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Feminism vs Truth … In five minutes, American Enterprise Institute’s Christina Hoff Sommers tells you the truth about feminism. 5:54 min video. [] 9/24/14
Well done clarifying what is left out when Democrats talk about what they call the Wage Gap.
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Record 92,269,000 Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 36-Year Low
A record 92,269,000 Americans 16 and older did not participate in the labor force in August, as the labor force participation rate matched a 36-year low of 62.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Lab.
Source: Twitter post, a Democrat stronghold
Update: 93 million. We now have more people NOT working than ever before in US history. 9/24/15
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Obama and the leading Democrats say that the economy is improving ... as the unemployment rate goes back up to 6.2% plus record numbers of people NOT working. Big Dem Media sheltering the Democrats by selectively reporting the facts. 8/3/14
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New Study Finds Record Number of Americans on Welfare
• Welfare rolls highest ever - a *new* record
• Unemployment rate down
• The Unemployed rising
35.4% .. Based on Census Bureau data, the number of Americans on welfare in the fourth quarter of 2011 totaled 108,592,000, adding up to 35.4 percent of Americans.
49.2% .. Removing the “means-tested” clause, the Census Bureau stated that the number of Americans on government benefits reached an incredible 49.2 percent of the total population.
55% .. In looking at gendered households, married-couple families were least likely to be on welfare, with the opposite being true for female-headed families, which received welfare at a rate of 55 percent.
The report further notes that, “Children living in families with never-married mothers are at high risk of becoming dependent as adults.” [] 7/9/14
Success. It is a beautiful thing for Obama and the Democrats. So, how long will they keep blaming Bush 43?
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62% of Americans work, lowest since 1978
92,594,000 Americans not working
288,000 - jobs created in April
250,000 - jobs that need to be created every month to break even or keep up with population growth
If everyone would immediately stop looking for work the unemployment rate would be 0%. DO THE RIGHT THING! - - - Dennis Miller
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Problems With Minimum Wage … Limited Anti-Poverty Benefit
James Sherk, a senior policy analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation, argues that "the evidence shows that (1) a higher minimum wage causes employers to cut back on the number of workers they hire and employees' working hours; (2) the beneficiaries of higher minimum wages are unlikely to be poor because most minimum-wage earners are not poor; and (3) few individuals living in poverty work at minimum-wage jobs or any job."
Federal labor statistics suggest that minimum-wage earners are more often part-time youth, including college students and working parents, who may be laboring for additional money but not for their survival. There is little evidence that heads of households work at minimum-wage jobs. [] undated
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Obama's Minimum Wage Increase Fallacy
This article is jammed with statistics about minimum wage works such as … It's rather ironic that Obama chose to cite poverty of a full-time worker. That is because only about 38 percent of those earning minimum wage work full-time. That percentage was true in 2005. Can anyone cite a source that suggests a substantial percentage change since then? So, using 2005 percentages, 53 percent of those earning [minimum wage] or less per hour are between the ages of 16 and 24. Those earning the minimum wage, ages 16 to 24 years, had an average family income of over $64,200 (2005 dollars), while those over 24 had an average family income of over $33,600. Further proof that a minimum wage increase will not help the group Obama cites. Also, consider that even in 2005 dollars, average family income of minimum wage earners far exceeds the amount Obama cites, $14,500. [] 2/16/13
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The Minimum Wage Myth Debunked … Most people making only a minimum wage salary are mostly in transitional work. They are mostly young people with little work experience. The jobs they work are not highly skilled. … "A super-majority of 67.5 percent who earned the minimum wage or less in 2013, according to BLS, worked in what the government calls the 'Leisure and Hospitality' industry. This includes restaurants, bars, hotels, theatres, amusement parks and other facilities catering to people pursuing recreational activities. [] 5/1/14
Surprise? Not! Democrats stretching the facts to make their case more heart-breaking.
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Irish Saying ... about Obama???
The lying man has promised
Whatever thing he could
The greedy man believes him
And thinks his promise good
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FREE Social Security for Obama’s Illegals …
If all of the new legalized illegals that Obama and the Democrats are destined to receive Social Security without having paid into the system, Seniors should receive a refund for all that they have paid into “their own” Big Gov retirement system … and these same Seniors should receive FREE Social Security as well. 4/21/14
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Government Spending Cuts: A triumph of FICTION over FACT … So what is a real cut? A real cut must meet one of the following three criteria:
1) Next year’s total spending must be less than this year’s total spending. If it’s lower, it’s a cut; or
2) Next year’s total funding plan must be fewer total dollars than this year’s total funding plan, if it is, it’s a cut; or
3) If next year’s planned spending per person is less than this year’s planned spending per person, it might be a cut. The key word is “might,” because you have to pay close attention to the details. If government reduces the amount of spending funded by each individual taxpayer, it may reasonably be considered a cut in spending-per-taxpayer. This could happen when the population of a jurisdiction is increasing, but expenses are fixed. On the other hand, if government reduces benefits for each recipient of a social program by 1%, but addicts 50% more people to the same social service, it’s not a cut. It is an expansion of government. [] 3/26/14
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Government Spending Cuts: A triumph of FICTION over FACT (Part 2) … The national debacle related to Common-Core Education standards is a perfect example of grant coersion. The federal government has no authority to tell local jurisdictions how to run their local school systems. The Feds circumvented the law by bribing state boards of education and legislatures to sell-out their local autonomy. That’s why I call it grant coercion. Government overtaxes us, and then returns the money to us via grants… but only if we sign on the dotted line and sell away your freedoms. [] 4/10/14
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Record 92,269,000 Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 36-Year Low
A record 92,269,000 Americans 16 and older did not participate in the labor force in August, as the labor force participation rate matched a 36-year low of 62.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Lab.
Source: Twitter post, a Democrat stronghold
Update: 93 million. We now have more people NOT working than ever before in US history. 9/24/15
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Obama and the leading Democrats say that the economy is improving ... as the unemployment rate goes back up to 6.2% plus record numbers of people NOT working. Big Dem Media sheltering the Democrats by selectively reporting the facts. 8/3/14
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New Study Finds Record Number of Americans on Welfare
• Welfare rolls highest ever - a *new* record
• Unemployment rate down
• The Unemployed rising
35.4% .. Based on Census Bureau data, the number of Americans on welfare in the fourth quarter of 2011 totaled 108,592,000, adding up to 35.4 percent of Americans.
49.2% .. Removing the “means-tested” clause, the Census Bureau stated that the number of Americans on government benefits reached an incredible 49.2 percent of the total population.
55% .. In looking at gendered households, married-couple families were least likely to be on welfare, with the opposite being true for female-headed families, which received welfare at a rate of 55 percent.
The report further notes that, “Children living in families with never-married mothers are at high risk of becoming dependent as adults.” [] 7/9/14
Success. It is a beautiful thing for Obama and the Democrats. So, how long will they keep blaming Bush 43?
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$12 Million. Average annual salary of the non-profit health care CEOs in 2013. Heard on a radio talk show. 5/28/14
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Democrat plan for illegal alien amnesty … Giving work and citizenship
amnesty to millions of illegal aliens will dramatically increase
unemployment for low skilled workers and school drop outs of all races
and colors. 5/19/14
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Obama freely spending US Taxpayer money to support and build the Democrat voting base.
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But the stock market is doing well …
Unlike in the past, before all of the Far Left Democrats like Obama stoked Wall Street and their crony capitalists with stimulus money, the value in the stock market is no longer a good indicator of the general condition of the economy ... a brief explanation of what financial analysts have been saying. =TheRightJack on 5/3/14
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This just in on 5/2/14
6.3% unemployment - down from 6.7%
12.6% - U-6 unemployment rate
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But the stock market is doing well …
Unlike in the past, before all of the Far Left Democrats like Obama stoked Wall Street and their crony capitalists with stimulus money, the value in the stock market is no longer a good indicator of the general condition of the economy ... a brief explanation of what financial analysts have been saying. =TheRightJack on 5/3/14
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This just in on 5/2/14
6.3% unemployment - down from 6.7%
12.6% - U-6 unemployment rate
806,000 - more OUT of the labor force in April
62% of Americans work, lowest since 1978
92,594,000 Americans not working
288,000 - jobs created in April
250,000 - jobs that need to be created every month to break even or keep up with population growth
If everyone would immediately stop looking for work the unemployment rate would be 0%. DO THE RIGHT THING! - - - Dennis Miller
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Problems With Minimum Wage … Limited Anti-Poverty Benefit
James Sherk, a senior policy analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation, argues that "the evidence shows that (1) a higher minimum wage causes employers to cut back on the number of workers they hire and employees' working hours; (2) the beneficiaries of higher minimum wages are unlikely to be poor because most minimum-wage earners are not poor; and (3) few individuals living in poverty work at minimum-wage jobs or any job."
Federal labor statistics suggest that minimum-wage earners are more often part-time youth, including college students and working parents, who may be laboring for additional money but not for their survival. There is little evidence that heads of households work at minimum-wage jobs. [] undated
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Obama's Minimum Wage Increase Fallacy
This article is jammed with statistics about minimum wage works such as … It's rather ironic that Obama chose to cite poverty of a full-time worker. That is because only about 38 percent of those earning minimum wage work full-time. That percentage was true in 2005. Can anyone cite a source that suggests a substantial percentage change since then? So, using 2005 percentages, 53 percent of those earning [minimum wage] or less per hour are between the ages of 16 and 24. Those earning the minimum wage, ages 16 to 24 years, had an average family income of over $64,200 (2005 dollars), while those over 24 had an average family income of over $33,600. Further proof that a minimum wage increase will not help the group Obama cites. Also, consider that even in 2005 dollars, average family income of minimum wage earners far exceeds the amount Obama cites, $14,500. [] 2/16/13
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The Minimum Wage Myth Debunked … Most people making only a minimum wage salary are mostly in transitional work. They are mostly young people with little work experience. The jobs they work are not highly skilled. … "A super-majority of 67.5 percent who earned the minimum wage or less in 2013, according to BLS, worked in what the government calls the 'Leisure and Hospitality' industry. This includes restaurants, bars, hotels, theatres, amusement parks and other facilities catering to people pursuing recreational activities. [] 5/1/14
Surprise? Not! Democrats stretching the facts to make their case more heart-breaking.
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Irish Saying ... about Obama???
The lying man has promised
Whatever thing he could
The greedy man believes him
And thinks his promise good
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FREE Social Security for Obama’s Illegals …
If all of the new legalized illegals that Obama and the Democrats are destined to receive Social Security without having paid into the system, Seniors should receive a refund for all that they have paid into “their own” Big Gov retirement system … and these same Seniors should receive FREE Social Security as well. 4/21/14
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Government Spending Cuts: A triumph of FICTION over FACT … So what is a real cut? A real cut must meet one of the following three criteria:
1) Next year’s total spending must be less than this year’s total spending. If it’s lower, it’s a cut; or
2) Next year’s total funding plan must be fewer total dollars than this year’s total funding plan, if it is, it’s a cut; or
3) If next year’s planned spending per person is less than this year’s planned spending per person, it might be a cut. The key word is “might,” because you have to pay close attention to the details. If government reduces the amount of spending funded by each individual taxpayer, it may reasonably be considered a cut in spending-per-taxpayer. This could happen when the population of a jurisdiction is increasing, but expenses are fixed. On the other hand, if government reduces benefits for each recipient of a social program by 1%, but addicts 50% more people to the same social service, it’s not a cut. It is an expansion of government. [] 3/26/14
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Government Spending Cuts: A triumph of FICTION over FACT (Part 2) … The national debacle related to Common-Core Education standards is a perfect example of grant coersion. The federal government has no authority to tell local jurisdictions how to run their local school systems. The Feds circumvented the law by bribing state boards of education and legislatures to sell-out their local autonomy. That’s why I call it grant coercion. Government overtaxes us, and then returns the money to us via grants… but only if we sign on the dotted line and sell away your freedoms. [] 4/10/14
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Dems in Congress whining about needing higher salaries.
Here is a thought ... Pay elected offocials the average income [i.e., salary] of ALL Americans including those not working or unable to work ... and require them to pay for their own health care with no golden parachute retirement plans of any kind. 4/8/14
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For the First Time, Half of Members of Congress are Millionaires … Democrats Worth more than Republicans
… Democrats in the House were richer than their GOP counterparts, $929,000 versus $884,000. House Republicans, however, could boast having the richest member: Darrell Issa of California, who has had this distinction in other years. The Viper car-alarm magnate has a net worth of $464 million. … In the Senate, the GOP caucus was noticeably wealthier than the Democratic caucus, $2.9 million versus $1.7 million. … Senate Democrats experienced a steep drop in their median net worth from $2.4 million in 2011, due in part to the loss of two multimillionaires: John Kerry of Massachusetts (net worth $248 million) and Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey ($87.5 million). Nonetheless, the four richest senators are still Democrats: Mark Warner of Virginia ($257 million), Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut ($104 million), Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia ($101 million) and Diane Feinstein of California ($68 million). [] 1/11/14
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Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary: ‘The Wealth in America Doesn’t Come from Government’ … In this clip, successful investor Kevin O’Leary from ABC’s hit show “Shark Tank” eloquently and persuasively destroys many of the myths of the “1 percent” and describes in personal detail how many of the small businesses he works with have to spend nearly $20,000 to $30,000 a year complying with federal regulations. [] 3/25/14
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Did You Know Your Friendly Public Servant Probably Out Earns You? … It used to be that public wages were dramatically less than those in the private sector. Their relative permanence and insulation from the rigors of the marketplace were thought to be sufficient compensation to offset the financial difference. Clearly, that has turned upside down. While still maintaining their employment-security aspects, these jobs now earn significantly more. As roughly 1 out of 8 working Americans have jobs in the government, this is a very big deal. [] 3/12/14
It’s all about increasing the number of Big Gov Workers who vote for the hand that feeds those millions of employees. What percentage of them are union members? Word is that the latest demand by Obama [March 2014] to pay employees overtime has a direct effect on union contracts and the union wage agreements.
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Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary: ‘The Wealth in America Doesn’t Come from Government’ … In this clip, successful investor Kevin O’Leary from ABC’s hit show “Shark Tank” eloquently and persuasively destroys many of the myths of the “1 percent” and describes in personal detail how many of the small businesses he works with have to spend nearly $20,000 to $30,000 a year complying with federal regulations. [] 3/25/14
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Entreprenuership in American
History ...
Read the current issue of Imprimis from Hillsdale College ...
Very informative free publication on the relationships
between business and government through the years. [Imprimis] March 2013
Did You Know Your Friendly Public Servant Probably Out Earns You? … It used to be that public wages were dramatically less than those in the private sector. Their relative permanence and insulation from the rigors of the marketplace were thought to be sufficient compensation to offset the financial difference. Clearly, that has turned upside down. While still maintaining their employment-security aspects, these jobs now earn significantly more. As roughly 1 out of 8 working Americans have jobs in the government, this is a very big deal. [] 3/12/14
It’s all about increasing the number of Big Gov Workers who vote for the hand that feeds those millions of employees. What percentage of them are union members? Word is that the latest demand by Obama [March 2014] to pay employees overtime has a direct effect on union contracts and the union wage agreements.
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Are conservatives and
Republicans anti-poor? Hardly. ... “Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on
donors to charity, ‘Who Really Cares,’ cites data that households headed by
conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by
liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual
contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of
liberals.... Lots more data in this article. Read on. Debunk the Liberal
propaganda. [] 3/11/14
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US border patrol not permitted to engage un-friendlies and illegals at the border. They must back off. Just another meaningless US law that Obama and Holder do not like and will not enforce. March 2014
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A Commission makes sense: Dave Ramsey, highly respected talk show financial adviser suggests that parents should call the allowance that they give their children a COMMISSION. It is payment for chores done. Consider adding homework well done, good behavior and volunteering to that commission contract. 3/7/14
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It's all about receiving the Benjamins from the Democrats
It turns out the 'Evil' Koch Bros. are only the 59th biggest donors in American politics. Can you guess who is number one? … So who occupies the 58 spots ahead of the $18 million given by the Evil Koch Bros? Six of the top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats. … These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million). ... In other words, the six biggest union donors in American politics gave 15 times more to mostly Democrats than did the Evil Koch Bros. [] 2/14/14
Where is George Soros, the former immigrant who is now a US citizen, on this list. Soros is the anti-USA financier and multi-billionaire who funds an uncounted number of Leftist and Socialist causes in the USA that benefit the Democrat political machine. What is the Soros goal, you ask? To destabilize and destroy the US economy.
Where is George Soros, the former immigrant who is now a US citizen, on this list. Soros is the anti-USA financier and multi-billionaire who funds an uncounted number of Leftist and Socialist causes in the USA that benefit the Democrat political machine. What is the Soros goal, you ask? To destabilize and destroy the US economy.
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Tyranny of Big Dem Gov and The Obama IRS
100 Percent of 501(c)(4) Groups Audited by the Obama IRS Were Conservative … “We now know that the IRS targeted not only right-leaning applicants, but also right-leaning groups that were already operating as 501(c)(4)s,” ... “At Washington, DC’s direction, dozens of groups operating as 501(c)(4)s were flagged for IRS surveillance, including monitoring of the groups’ activities, websites and any other publicly available information. Of these groups, 83% were right-leaning. And of the groups the IRS selected for audit, 100% were right-leaning.” [] 2/12/14
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Obama so loved the poor that he made millions more - - - post on FB
Obama and the Democrats are carrying out the tyranny of Big Gov that the US Constitution was designed to prevent. See what happens when Far Left Liberal Democrats are in control.
The proof is in the pudding. Just look at the economic mess in California, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and the coming disaster in New Mexico [the New California].
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Rich people stay rich by living like they are poor.
Broke people stay broke by living like they are rich.
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Obama’s 2014 State of the Union
Obama to blame Bush for the slow economic recovery. When examining the economic facts, there is no recovery. The US economy was better under Bush 43 than now. Predictably, the socialist economic policies of Obama and the Democrats have failed to make things better in over five years. In fact, things are worse, except for Obama’s cronies.
BTW, where is that Misery Index that was so telling when Jimmy Carter was president?
• Unemployment up, higher under Obama
• Number of people working down, lowest is decades, under Obama
• Welfare recipients up, highest ever, under Obama
• Inflation up under Obama
• Value of the dollar down under Obama
• Respect for the USA down under Obama
• National Public Radio applauds the achievements of Obama 1/28/14
• Almost no mention of the worsening economy in The Big Dem Media under Obama
Source: Summary analysis of the US economy by TheRightJack, just six hours before the Obama fairy tale. 1/28/14
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John B Taylor, author of
First Principles:
Five Keys To Restoring American’s Prosperity.
Five Keys To Restoring American’s Prosperity.
… America’s
economic future is uncertain. Mired in a long crippling economic slump and
hamstrung by bitter partisan debate over the growing debt and the role of government,
the nation faces substantial challenges, exacerbated by a dearth of vision and
common sense among its leaders.
… Review: John Taylor argues persuasively for a return
to the founding principles of our free society—rule of law, predictable
government policies, and free markets—and shows how violation of these
principles has derailed American prosperity time and again. This book sends a
clear and powerful message to everyone searching for a way out of the malaise
gripping the nation. – Gary Becker, University of Chicago, winner of the Nobel
Prize in Economics. [] 1/18/14
$ $ $
10%. Real inflation rate [not
approved by Big Dem Gov]. Financialyst suggested that you make a grocery list.
Then check prices for the very same items every 2-3 months. See inflation for
yourself. … mentioned by a
financial planner on a local radio show on 1/18/14
Big Dem Gov does not count
food and fuel in the inflation rate in order to fool the US Taxpayers. Big Dem
Media not saying much about the ongoing rise in inflation. It was 8% in 2011.
$ $ $
Politics: The first-term
economic records: Bush vs. Obama …
PARTICIPATION - At the end of President Obama’s first term the labor force
participation rate was 65.8 percent, down from 67.2 percent. At the end of
President Obama’s first term, the labor force participation rate was 63.7
percent, down from 65.7 when he took office. … Just one of eight sets of facts, not opinions.
[] 1/14/14
The socialist economic agenda of the Liberal Democrats is a failure, just like every other place socialism has been tried. It only works for those in power while the masses suffer.
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Sign …
Tired of being harassed by your stupid parents?
Act Now!
Move out. Get a job.
Pay your own bills while you still know everything.
Ditto for pajama boys too.
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The Obama Economy:
• Job creation down
• Working adults down
• Employment down
• Inflation up
• The Obama Economic Recovery myth continues 1/10/14
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Warning Sign Posted:
Please do not feed squirrels. Feeding makes squirrels dependent on humans and increases their population so that pest control may be needed. Help the squirrels by not feeding them. - - - The City of San Diego [] undated
Might want to think twice about this.
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• 1 out of every 8 US jobs depend on travel and tourism. News report on 8/14/13
• ObamaCare capturing 1/5 to 1/6 of US economy.
• 11 million illegals cannot be absorbed into the US welfare, social security, educational and penal systems.
• FEMA buying up food supplies in preparation for Marshall Law.
• HHS buying up as much ammo as possible.
• Foreign aid going out to Iran and other enemies of our nation.
• Democrats have plans to confiscate our retirement accounts, give back at 3%, and take the balance upon our death. Our kids are left out in the cold.
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Minimum Wage 'Facts' Democrats Don't Want Voters to Know … in a nation of 317 million people, just 3.6 million (1.1%) make at or below the minimum wage. As a share of the U.S. workforce, just 2.8% of people working make minimum wage.” [] 1/6/13
Check the links in this article to and learn more about the Democrat minimum wage charade.
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• ObamaCare capturing 1/5 to 1/6 of US economy.
• 11 million illegals cannot be absorbed into the US welfare, social security, educational and penal systems.
• FEMA buying up food supplies in preparation for Marshall Law.
• HHS buying up as much ammo as possible.
• Foreign aid going out to Iran and other enemies of our nation.
• Democrats have plans to confiscate our retirement accounts, give back at 3%, and take the balance upon our death. Our kids are left out in the cold.
$ $ $
Minimum Wage 'Facts' Democrats Don't Want Voters to Know … in a nation of 317 million people, just 3.6 million (1.1%) make at or below the minimum wage. As a share of the U.S. workforce, just 2.8% of people working make minimum wage.” [] 1/6/13
Check the links in this article to and learn more about the Democrat minimum wage charade.
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Obama’s Big Lie:
The Unemployment Rate … His shell game. 7%. 13.7%. 66.7%. 58.6% To get a more accurate feel for where things really stand in America’s workforce, it is necessary to look at three indicators: 1) the unemployment rate, 2) the U6 unemployment rate, and 3) the employment rate. Click here to read. [] 12/13/13
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40% of the top US tax payers
are paying 106% of the taxes collected. Radio report on 12/12/13.
What does
that say about tax “subsidies” for the other 60%?
Did we learn nothing from the
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The economy is humming along with 7% unemployment. - - - Radio news report on 12/9/13 that failed to mention that 92 million people are without work and Obama wants to give amnesty and free stuff to another 11 million illegals.
Remember, those who come up with these fantastic unemployment figures remove the chronically unemployed from their report in order to "fudge" these signs that the economy is improving under Obama.
14%. The real Obama unemployment rate. 12/9/13
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Gotcha. Busted. Big Democrats in Government who control the reporting of unemployment data are 'fudging" the numbers to make the Obama policies look good.
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If the Democrats keep handing
out health care waivers like campaign buttons, before long, Republicans and Independents
will be the only ones left to pay for all of the ObamaCare moochers, whiners,
illegals, union members and Big Dem Gov employees. =TheRightJack on 12/3/13
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Crime alert …
Gotcha. When you log in to the Big Dem Gov ObamaCare web site, your personal information is captured immediately without signing up for anything. The Obama Navigators are have NOT had background checks. YOU are exposed, infected and at risk for all manner of crimes. 12/2/13
$ $ $
Rumor: Big Dem Gov still wants our retirement accounts. Must read.
Alarming Gov't Plan to Confiscate Your Savings . . . This plan to nationalize private 401K and IRA retirement accounts is being deceptively publicized as the government protecting the public against business failings or state bankruptcies. Your cash, your retirement funds, your bank deposits and your investments are at huge risk of being confiscated by the government through some contrived reason or another. [] 11/27/13
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9 Mind-Blowing Facts About Obama’s Unemployment Crisis [] 11/15/13
• 50 straight months, there has been sub 59% participation in the job market.
• October 2013, America lost 623,000 full-time jobs.
• In the same month, 357,000 women lost their job
• 3x average duration of unemployment is almost three times as long today as it was in October 2000.
• In October of 2013 alone, the number of Americans falling out of the labor force hit 932,000.
• An honest evaluation of the unemployment statistics would put the number of jobless Americans near 11 percent.
• Almost 25% of American workers can only find part time work, which keeps them below the poverty level.
• In 2000, there were 75 million Americans who could be working but weren’t. Today, there are 102 million. That’s roughly 1/3 of America.
And the Big Dem Media keeps referring to The Recovery. There is no recovery. Democrat socialist policies continue smothering the US economy.
Obama and the other Democrats continue to say that they do not know. That is so very true. They just do not know anything.
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Democrat Economic Priorities
In 34 states, average income from welfare payments is higher than the minimum wage. Not much of an incentive there to find a job. Heard on the Huckabee report 11/181/3
At the same time …
Obama cutting payments for rent etc to ready-to-fight military members. Heard on a network news report 11/18/14
While a radio commercial notes that …
Welfare payments have increase 33% or more during the Obama years while social security payments have increase a bit over 1% … and our “paid for” SS benefits is one of the first items the Democrats threaten to cut.
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See new post here at TheRightJack ...
Welfare is now #1 occupation in USA, posted 11/1/13
At the end of 2011, the last year for which data are available, some 108.6 million people received one or more means-tested government benefit programs — bureaucratese for welfare.
Meanwhile, there were just 101.7 million people with full-time jobs, the Census data show, including both the private and government sectors.
Crime alert …
Gotcha. When you log in to the Big Dem Gov ObamaCare web site, your personal information is captured immediately without signing up for anything. The Obama Navigators are have NOT had background checks. YOU are exposed, infected and at risk for all manner of crimes. 12/2/13
$ $ $
Rumor: Big Dem Gov still wants our retirement accounts. Must read.
Alarming Gov't Plan to Confiscate Your Savings . . . This plan to nationalize private 401K and IRA retirement accounts is being deceptively publicized as the government protecting the public against business failings or state bankruptcies. Your cash, your retirement funds, your bank deposits and your investments are at huge risk of being confiscated by the government through some contrived reason or another. [] 11/27/13
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9 Mind-Blowing Facts About Obama’s Unemployment Crisis [] 11/15/13
• 50 straight months, there has been sub 59% participation in the job market.
• October 2013, America lost 623,000 full-time jobs.
• In the same month, 357,000 women lost their job
• 3x average duration of unemployment is almost three times as long today as it was in October 2000.
• In October of 2013 alone, the number of Americans falling out of the labor force hit 932,000.
• An honest evaluation of the unemployment statistics would put the number of jobless Americans near 11 percent.
• Almost 25% of American workers can only find part time work, which keeps them below the poverty level.
• In 2000, there were 75 million Americans who could be working but weren’t. Today, there are 102 million. That’s roughly 1/3 of America.
And the Big Dem Media keeps referring to The Recovery. There is no recovery. Democrat socialist policies continue smothering the US economy.
Obama and the other Democrats continue to say that they do not know. That is so very true. They just do not know anything.
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Democrat Economic Priorities
In 34 states, average income from welfare payments is higher than the minimum wage. Not much of an incentive there to find a job. Heard on the Huckabee report 11/181/3
At the same time …
Obama cutting payments for rent etc to ready-to-fight military members. Heard on a network news report 11/18/14
While a radio commercial notes that …
Welfare payments have increase 33% or more during the Obama years while social security payments have increase a bit over 1% … and our “paid for” SS benefits is one of the first items the Democrats threaten to cut.
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See new post here at TheRightJack ...
Welfare is now #1 occupation in USA, posted 11/1/13
At the end of 2011, the last year for which data are available, some 108.6 million people received one or more means-tested government benefit programs — bureaucratese for welfare.
Meanwhile, there were just 101.7 million people with full-time jobs, the Census data show, including both the private and government sectors.
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30%. Fraudulent payments on earned income tax payments according to IRS … and they are not able to identify those who are defrauding the US Taxpayers. Heard on a radio news report on 10/25/13
If Big Gov cannot get this EITC right, how can it possibly manage the massively larger ObamaCare effectively and efficiently?
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Hmmmmm ...
1.3%. Increase in Social Security payments for those who have paid into the system.
30% or more. Increase in payment to welfare recipients under Obama. Heard on a radio commercial 10/24/13
The Social Security Ponzi Scheme has been funded by US tax and it is among the first thing that Big Gov threatens to cut. ... But we cannot ever cut the badly needed welfare payments. Something fraudulant going on, eh what!
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Democrat logic:
Democrats want to create
dependents of all colors. Gotta keep growing the Big Dem Plantation. That is
what their massive welfare "invitations" in Mexico and the inner
cities are creating. Right out of the failed dogma of the Communist Manifesto.
$ $ $
I am going to try to figure
out just how I can spend more money like the government and lower my debt. Maybe I need to study
Madrassa economics?
Democrat logic:
Let's allow millions of illegals to come into the country so that we can give them welfare payments and FREE health care to help the economy grow and prosper. 10/29/13
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Heads Up for stock brokers
and financial planers. When Obama and The Democrats are finally able to seize
our retirement accounts, you will be looking for a new career.
Remember the goals of The
Democrats are to own our money, our schools, the minds of our children and our wealth at
death. This current batch of extreme leftist Democrats are working to achieve
the "failed" Socialist Ideal where everyone works for the government. 10/23/13
October 2013 Employment
• 7.2% Unemployment … Down
• Payments to the unemployed
and possibly disabled … Up
• Number of people working …
• Real unemployment figure … Up
• Confidence in the US economy
… Down
• Big Dem Media excuses for
Obama … Up
• Democrat dissatisfaction with
Obama … Up
• RINO motivation … down
• Tea Party motivation …
Up 10/22/13
US Debt. The World debtor
nations want the USA to raise their debt limit and spend more Big Gov money …
er … Little US Taxpayer Money. Democrats are listening and using this drumbeat as their
rationale to spend more and more. There will never be a ceiling to the Democrat
spending. Spineless GOP will go along to get along. 10/15/13
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You are the average of the
five people with whom you spend the most time. - - - self development book
That would be a perfect description of the Washington Beltway Insiders - Democrats, Independents and Republicans.
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Obama’s Sequester Revenge … "It's a cheap way to deal with the situation," one angry ranger told The Washington Times, "We've been told to make like as difficult for people as we can. It's disgusting."
Keeping with that theme, several news outlets reported today that the Obama administration shut down the nation's "Amber Alert" website -- but kept the First Lady's "Let's Move" site up and running! [ update] 10/7/13
The Obama Spite House threatens to not send out Social Security checks again. These seniors are the people who have actually paid into the system .. unlike many legal and illegal welfare recipients' checks that keep coming.
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In case you did not see this reported in The Big Dem Media
17 Big Gov shutdowns since 1976. Last one was 1996 by Republicans and the GOP made political gains despite the Big Dem Media attempts to lay all blame on GOP. Heard on the radio 10/1/13
FACT: Since a new budgeting process was put into place in 1976, the U.S. government has shut down 17 times. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan each dealt with six shutdowns during their terms in office, lasting anywhere from one day to 2 1/2 weeks. Source: Republicans on Facebook.
And, the Senate Democrats have not passed an annual budget in over five years. That is, over 1600 days and counting with no interest taking care of that standard business necessity. 10/5/13
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Over 1000 special “breaks” from the ravages of ObamaCare given by Obama ... thus changing the law that is the law of the land to suit their political needs. Heard on the radio 10/1/13
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313. Employers who have cut worker hours to avoid ObamaCare tax … “As of Sept. 25, our ObamaCare scorecard included 313 employers. Here’s our latest analysis, focusing on cuts to adjunct hours at nearly 200 college campuses,” … See list. [] 9/28/13
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Debt Ceiling
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Big DEM Gov Accounting Cooking the Books ...
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Obama stated
basically that if we raise the debt ceiling we will NOT go deeper in debt. Is
that a “unique style of math” being taught in the Islamic madrassa he attended?
Some European leaders are
calling for more government spending to lift up their people and reduce
unemployment. They must really believe this. Personally, if you and I were to spend
more, would that pull us out of debt. Nonsense! Is that really how they think?
$ $ $
Warren Buffet said that
ObamaCare or BidenCare is like a tapeworm. He said … work on cutting costs.
Buffett said this March 1, 2010 but it is just catching the light of day.
Probably not a comment that the Big Dem Media wants to “share” with their uninformed audiences. More recently Buffett said that he is not against BidenCare while a majority of
the people are against this train wreck that may never be ready for
implementation. [] 9/17/13
Dirty Tricks Department by
Your Public Utility … The Telephone Company. I learned yesterday that when you
cancel your business telephone [in favor of cell phones, no doubt] that your
phone company may be REROUTING calls to your old disconnected number to another business
that is likely to be your direct competitor. =TheRightJack on 9/19/13
$ $ $
QE III. Quantitative Easing to
the Big Wall Street benefactors continues.
By the way, just how many of
those large Wall Street money brokers/grabbers are run mainly by Democrat.
After all, Obama keeps giving money to Wall Street while denigrating Wall Street
at the same time. Obama certainly would not continue to give money to Big Republicans Wall
Streeters, would he?
$ $ $
1/8. IF you taxed away everything
the Forbes 400 top billionaires own, it pays off just one-eighth of the national
debt. - - - Mike Huckabee report on 9/19/13
Job Layoffs caused by
ObamaCare and the Un-Affordable Care Act. You get what you vote for.
Do you suppose that it has
occurred to those people who have been laid off … that around 50% of those who
were laid off are Democrats who voted for Obama. Yep! They voted to terminate
their own jobs, as predicted. How is Obama’s Transformational Change working
out for you now? As the author of her own health care plan when Slick Willie
was president, Hillary will keep this job killing fraud going, regardless of
what she says. =TheRightJack on 9/11/13
$ $ $
Health care costs have no
grounding or relationship to our normal costs for other every day consumer
items such as cars, toasters, cameras, air travel, hotel rooms, et cetera. Rush
credits this to the absence of competitive market forces where insurance
companies and government set the rates and payouts. Heard on the Rush Limbaugh
radio show again 8/22/13
Big DEM Gov Accounting Cooking the Books ...
Latest unemployment numbers
reveal something we have not seen since 1978 … unemployment rate down to 7.3%
from 7.4% … U6 at 13.7% … 11.3 million unemployed … 63.2% labor force =
working. []
Here’s unemployment broken up
by group:
• Men: 7.1 percent (previous:
7.0 percent)
• Adult women: 6.3 percent
(previous: 6.8 percent)
• Teenagers: 22.7 percent
(previous: 24.0 percent)
• Whites: 6.4 percent
(previous: 6.6 percent)
• Blacks: 13.0
percent(previous: 13.7 percent)
• Hispanics: 9.3 percent
(previous: 9.1 percent)
• Asians (not seasonally
adjusted): 5.1 percent (previous: 5.0 percent)
FINAL THOUGHT: The jobless rate would be 10.8 percent if
labor force participation were at January 2009 levels.
This means that the Democrat way to lower the ugly unemployment figure is to remove some of the unemployed from the calculations. Then count on the Big Dem Media to not point out this accounting maneuver. There you go. =TheRightJack on 9/6/13
Obama aims to focus like a laser on jobs ... Threatens to bomb Syrian government or terrorists who set up Nasty Assad Gov or somebody.
Some reports indicate that the insurgents, not the Assad Gov were the perps. They set up Assad and Big Dem Gov knows this. August 2013
Some reports indicate that the insurgents, not the Assad Gov were the perps. They set up Assad and Big Dem Gov knows this. August 2013
$ $ $
63.4%. Labor participation rate hits
34 year low. Under 63.4% … A record 8,733,461
people now receive disability benefits, a figure greater than the population of
New York City. Today, nearly 90 million Americans are
no longer in the labor force. [] 8/29/13
We do not have enough working
US Taxpayers to subsidize those who cannot work or will not work. Of course,
more people are paying more taxes to subsidize the highly unpopular Obama
Un-Affordable Health Care Act. However, if Big Dem Gov takes all of our money, then there will be enough money to give everyone a little bit.
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Obama and The Dems want our retirement accounts. They will put it in the Big Gov Coffers. You die and Big Dem Gov gets the balance, not your heirs.
If you do not know this or never heard that before … you might want to question who are you listening to
or reading for your news. =TheRightJack on 8/26/13
$ $ $
Tax friendly states for
retirees … Of the seven states with zero income tax, only three made our list
of top tax-friendly states for retirees: Alaska, Nevada and Wyoming. Florida,
South Dakota, Texas and Washington did not make the cut. The 10 below are not
ranked. Too many variables to consider. [] 2013 - Undated
South Carolina
8.9% Gallup: Unemployment
jumps from 7.7% to 8.9% in 30 days. … Gallup also shows an alarming increase in
the number of underemployed (those with some work seeking more). During the
same 30-day period, that number has jumped from 17.1% to 17.9%. []
Let us see how the Big Dem
Media presents this poll or ignores it ... considering the lost spousal benefits at UPS and Univ
of Virginia due to the Un-Affordable Care Act!
Obama aims to focus like a
laser on jobs ... Gives education speech ... Acquires a new dog. August 2013
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Obama and his policies not mentioned in CNN report on jobs. Big Dem Media coverup still going strong.
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$98 B-b-billion
Treasury Ran $98 Billion Deficit in July--But Debt Stayed Exactly $16,699,396,000,000 … If Treasury's daily statements were to declare that the government had borrowed an additional net $98 billion to cover the $98 billion deficit the Treasury declared in its monthly statement for July, the Treasury would be conceding that the government had already surpassed the legal limit on the debt--and has been violating the law by continuing to borrowing additional money. [] 8/14/13
12 U.S. Cities Following Detroit Into Bankruptcy & the Party That Runs Them. [] 8/8/13
Compton CA [D]
Chicago IL [D]
Cincinnati OH [D]
Minneapolis MN [R] unfunded pension liabilities
Las Vegas [D]
Omaha NE [R] unfunded pension liabilities
Portland OR [D] unfunded pension liabilities
Fresno CA [R]
Harrisburg PA [D]
Trenton NJ [D]
Oakland CA [D]
Providence RI [D]
You get what you vote for!
$ $ $
July 2013 Economic report ...
7.4% unemployment, down from 7.6% in June
Number of unemployed continues to rise.
Number of public assistance continues to rise.
Fewer than 200,000 new jobs created in July.
250,00 new jobs = break even point
250,00 new jobs = break even point
Number of part time jobs continue to rise.
70% of all new jobs created under Obama are part time jobs
ObamaCare a huge drag on the economy, not to mention family life
Unions want out of ObamaCare
IRS wants out of ObamaCare
Congressional staffers want out of ObamaCare. Obama to give them subsidies.
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61%. Phil Mickelson pays 61% of his $1.4 Million British Open golf prize money to taxes in the UK, US and California. Mickelson lives in California. FL and TX do not charge those taxes. Heard on the radio 7/23/13
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Business Media. As Its Ratings Slide, The Confessions Of A Recovering CNBC Pundit. … Keynesian analytical tools were so dominant that most analysts seemed unaware that there was any alternative. Stimuluses would stimulate. Inflation came from too much economic growth. Tax cuts caused deficits. Period. Keynesian vs Free market supply sider capitalism [] 7/11/13
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No change in economic indicators. Unemployment. New jobs. Inflation. All still at record highs. Big Dem Parrot Media silent
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Profiling by IRS. Obama IRS Team selectively reviews Conservative groups who are seeking Not-For-Profit status. Asks many intrusive personal questions about members, their views, their church affiliation, what they read, do they protest and if so, who, etc. Delay tactics go on for months. Democrat and muslim groups slide through the process very quickly. Appears to have been happening since 2010. 5/31/13
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What’s wrong with Internet Sales Tax … i.e., 9,600 sales tax jurisdictions that track where you live; magnets for criminals and hackers; and more. [] 5/7/13
Now this is a lesson for business. Give away merchandise and services to make your business more profitable. How on earth did we miss this promising strategy?
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Ninety days of destruction from the Obama White House by Wayne Allen Root, author of the best seller The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide. Ample current economic data points in his article. [] 4/15/13
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The incredible shrinking labor force, in one chart [] 4/10/13
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20%. The new Obama budget will increase federal spending by 20% over the next five years. US Taxpayers could fix that in the 2014 election. 4/14/13 [] 4/11/13
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Balanced approached?These days, Obama and the Dems are all about a balanced approach to more taxes with some symbolic spending cuts. From 2009 until recently, there was absolutely no concern by these same Dems about a balanced approach to more and more spending. After the massive increase in spending, NOW they want a balance approach. Yeh Right.
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March 2013 economy at a glance = Red Ink every place you look
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Social Security Disability to run out of money in 2016. The Obama Administration has made that "qualification" bar so low that nearly any person who claims a disability can qualify for Big Gov Lifetime Support. This growth in payments has been stimulated by the terrible Obama job market and rising unemployment in the 14%-16% range. 3/27/13
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Finance and Marriage. Starbucks CEO says that it does not want investors [and customers?] who support traditional marriage. His wishes and those of their Board of Directors should be honored.
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Obama says that cuts in spending cannot balance the budget. It requires more taxes.
Carbon Emissions. US vs China
80/20 Rule. 20% of job hunters will not be hired because of their criminal records. Add drug and alcohol background test failures. Those are Obama people = More entitlement money to support their habits.
States with more people on welfare than working. ... And ... These 11 states represent 167 electoral votes: CA = 55. NM = 5. IL = 20. MS = 6. AL = 9. SC = 9. KY = 8. OH = 18. NY = 29. ME = 4. HI = 4. 1/11/13
Taxes will go up for all income groups under ObamaCare, regardless of your income level. Big Dem Gov wants your money and will not cut spending. 12/29/12
Government Dependents Outnumber Those With Private Sector Jobs In 11 U.S. States … This list includes some of the biggest states in the country: California, New York, Illinois, Ohio, Maine, Kentucky, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, New Mexico and Hawaii. It is interesting to note that seven of those states were won by Barack Obama on election night. In California, there are 139 “takers” for every 100 private sector workers. [] 12/27/12
More taxes & more spending. Obama wants to increase spending with the new $1.8 Bil / $1.4 Bil tax money he wants. How is that for bipartisanship and working together. Dems just cannot figure out where to cut spending. 12/15/12
Fact: 73% Of New Jobs Created In Last 5 Months Are In Government. [] 12/7/12
Taxes: Obama continues to campaign on the false claims that:
[1] the US economy is in trouble because taxes are too low. Not substantiated by the facts, and
[2] the economic policies of the past 250 years is what got us into this mess of the past 10 years. Not substantiated by facts.
Economic Facts:
Lower taxes = More revenue into US Treasury.
Increase Taxes = Less revenue into US Treasury.
Increase Taxes = The wealthy adapt and/or flee.
Increase Taxes = To suppress the economy.
Spending Cuts vs More Taxes. Democrats refuse to commit to spending cuts, the problem, while focusing on tax increases. Increasing taxes is not the problem and will not solve the $16 trillion dollar debt problem. 11/30/12
7.9%. U6 Unemployment increased last month, October 2012. Job creation not keeping pace with population grown. 12/3/12
18%. Salary for women in the Obama White House is 18% less than men. One woman described the White House work environment as a good old boys club. Look at what Obama does, not what he says. 10/19/12
Romney campaign adv . . . This 30 second ad opens with a black screen and, in total silence, the following indisputable statistics scroll up on the screen:
Report: Welfare government’s single largest budget item in FY 2011 ... The government spent approximately $1.03 trillion on 83 means-tested federal welfare programs in fiscal year 2011 alone.
+14% U6 unemployment rate for September. This is the real unemployment rate.
7.8% unemployment rate for September as more people who have stopped looking for work are removed from the workforce to help bring down unemployment rate. This is the favorite number of the Big Dem Media.
More people not working. More people taking Big Gov subsidies. Hmmm. How is it that 25% of the “undecideds” still not know for whom to vote?
47% of US population receiving Big Gov money. Romney speech. Media does not play the entire presentation as Romney has asked. Romney said that he was wrong about this data.
$ $ $
Which are the most important** employment figures?
8.1% new Obama unemployment rate, August 2012. Not counting +300,000 who stopped looking. Democrats say that 8% is new normal? Lots of fuzzy math.
$ $ $
$ $ $
Democrats would like to ban business profits. See 4:48 minute video. [] 9/6/12. Please absorb their responses to the interviewer and think through the consequences of a Democrat party plank like this.
33%. Mood disorders are the newest disability claim of the most recent NEW claimants who are having a hard time finding work under Obama policies. Try to sell that excuse to any D-1 football coach or basketball coach, or high school coach for that matter. Just learned this fact from a fellow knuckledragger. As Obama said, we tried my plan and it is working. 8/27/12
Retails sales up in July after a three month decline. Must be vacation time. 8/6/12
8.3%. Unemployment climbing again. More jobs lost than created. Retail sales down. Energy grant recipients from Obama continue to falter. Illegals allowed to sneak across US border from Mexico. Big Dem media focuses on what They label as Romney gaffes while abroad and that Obama wants to meet Gabby Douglas. =TheRightJack on 8/3/12
Jobless claims increase but we are reminded by the Big Dem Media that Obama likes thin mint Girls Scout cookies and Romney is rich. Read the numbers. Obama still trying to sugar coat sour grapes. [] 8/2/12
Blame Game: Obama likes to blame the sorry US financial mess on the policies of the past. The policies of the past were created by Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress. Democrats had control of Congress for 40 years until the mid 1990s. Republicans went along to get along. Then Democrats took total control of Congress from 2006 to 2010. Then for two of those years, 2008 to 2010, Democrats had control of all three branches of the US government. Add to this, the actions by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton who fought hard for housing loans to people who could not make their loan payments. Obama blames Republicans for our mess but Democrats were in control and the Big Time Dying Democrat Media agrees with Obama. =TheRightJack on 8/6/12
Out-sourcing. Millions in bridge construction money in TX and CA going to Chinese workers rather than US bridge builders. Just who is shipping these jobs overseas? 7/29/12
Look who is rebuilding US bridges. Chinese companies and workers. [ABCnews] 9/23/11 2:55 minute video
Flip Flop. Harry Reid, in the 1990s, was anti-immigration. He made the same arguments in his Senate remarks back then and sponsored legislation back then that the GOP is making now. Except today, Reid is basically an “open borders” and “amnesty” kind of Democrat.
"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet." --- Barrack Obama in Virginia
We tried our plan – and it worked. - - - Barrack Hussain Obama
Obama says that his economic plan is working. [] 7/25/12
Does he define working as decreasing employment and increasing welfare while making and the USA and himself dis-respected on the world stage.
80% of the new farm bill is for food stamps called SNAP.
• Up 4 times what it was in 2000.
• 1 in 50 were on it in the 1970s.
• 1 in 7 today. [Source: Graph] 7/21/12
What Recovery? There is no recovery. Only Democrats in Washington and in the Big Time Dying Democrat Media can allow this continuing downward economic spiral with massive job loss, inflation, growing welfare rolls and a declining real estate market to be called a recovery or a jobless recovery. If Republicans were in charge during this economic mess, Democrats would be spreading the blame on the GOP day and night unlike the Obama love fest that is taking place today. =TheRightJack 7/19/12
Will the moochers and takers ever get it? When all of the air is out of the balloon, what will they have. The PIGS [Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain] certainly do not get it, yet. Nor do England and France. Austerity is not in their vocabulary, nor is it for unions. No reason to think that our own moochers and takers will get it.
Fair Share. The wealthy are not paying their fair share according to Democrats. From their perspective, 50% of the people who pay nothing IS fair.
FYI: Mr Obama. Tax money from tax payers built our roads and internet, not government and certainly not Barack the partisan bigot.
Government has not lifted a finger to help me build my business and I have not built my business on the backs of anyone.
“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” - - - Barack the Clueless
Barack the Clueless. Not only do people work 24/7 to build their businesses, they teach their employees how to work and how to build their own businesses down the road. And for many owners, they are the last ones to be paid.
Obama guts welfare reform and removes work requirements. Redefines work tio include exercise, bathing, keeping a journal and resting among other things. This executive order was not mentioned in the Big Time Dying Dem Media but they did let us know that Obama likes thin mint Girl Scout cookies. Heard on a radio report 7/16/12
Waste. Big Dem Gov agency, National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership, NIST MEP, spent between $3 to $5 million dollars on an annual conference at a lavish resort near Walt Disney World in Florida. [] 7/12/12
Uniforms for US Olympic teams made on China. 7/12/12 Really!
Obama and Democrat election machine blames Romney for shipping jobs overseas. Fact checkers say it is not true.
How Obama shipped the recovery overseas … What do Finnish cars, Mexican solar panels and Danish windmills have in common? They were all funded by US tax dollars. … That's right, US taxpayer money, mostly in the form of stimulus funds, ended up in the hands of companies overseas instead of creating jobs here in America. [obamanomicsoutsourced]
Click on the link above and see this incredible list of locations and US dollars shipped overseas by Obama.
San Bernadino, California declares bankruptcy. Heard on radio news report 7/11/12
How many US cities is that now. Yet another real world test result from Big Dem Gov right here on our home soil. Add the PIGS to this and you have living proof that the Obama model is a recipe for fiscal disaster.
8.5 days. If Obama holds the line on not giving the Bush Tax Break to all US citizens, the added income for Big Gov from the wealthy will run Big Dem Gov for 8.5 days. Yet, tax deductions will reduce that to less than 8.5 days. 7/11/12
Snapshot of the Obama Economy after 3 1/5 years of ObamaNomics, June 2012
80,000 net jobs created in June 2012. Jobs created minus jobs lost = 80,000. 250,000 jobs created per month is the break even point. Some say 200,000.
8.2% Unemployment for June, 2012 but it is really at 14.9% if Big Gov did not cook the data.
5,000,000 jobs lost since it was announced that the recovery has begun. [] 7/6/12
Consumer spending down in June.
63.8% of working age population is working or looking for work, a 30 year low.
58.6% is the civilian employment ratio - divides employed people by total population
How to miscount the number of people employed. [] 7/6/12
Fact Act. Trial lawyers opposed to legal reform related to transparency and the big bailouts. [Institute for Legal Reform] 6/30/12
$105 billion. Tort liability price tag for American small businesses alone topped $105 billion in 2008. 6/29/12 Guess who pays for that, at the cash register?
Stockton, California is broke. Heard on a TV news report 6/29/12
What a surprise! Hint: Raise taxes and keep spending.
Obama: Then and Now
• Unemployment
Then: 7.8 percent
Now: 8.2 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
• National Average for Gas Prices
Then: $1.83
Now: $3.87, according to the Energy Information Administration
• National Debt
Then: $10.627 trillion
Now: $15.620 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department
• Americans on Food Stamps
Then: 31,983,716
Now: 46,449,850, according to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, January 2012
• Source: article by Stephen Goldberg, a conservative political pundit who posts his wry observations on breaking news at
Obama wants for four more years to permit his economic policies to succeed. You know, the US economy was so much worse than he was lead to believe [A Bill Clinton line.]
Weak. Obama jobs proposal = give illegal immigrants amnesty. 3½ years in office and that is the best he can come up with, AFTER he said he would not do this and violate the US Constitution nor go around Congress. 6/23/12
Clueless or Partisan? Obama states that private sector job growth is doing fine. It is the public government sector employment that is hurting. 6/7/12
The US has the most friendly legal immigration policies of any nation on Earth.
39%. The amount that family net worth has dropped from 1992 to 2010 according to the Federal Reserve. Blame Congress Blame Bush. Blame Obama. Then listen to this Audio file. [] 6/23/12
This is criminal and it is rooted in US Government action.
1968. Number of new businesses created is at its lowest level in nearly 50 years, 1968.
Will Democrats ever take responsibility for the consequences of their actions?
Business creates jobs and wealth. Government creates debt.
8.2% unemployment for May 2012 goes up from 8.1% April 2012. 6/1/12
10.9%. Unemployment rate would be ... if this administration counted the 2 million people who stopped looking for jobs during this administration. 6/1/12
Spending Spin. After Obama claimed that he has been the most thrifty president in decades, we learn that he came up with that revelation by … are you ready … spending well over $1B-b-billion that was designated for spending by the All Democrat Congress under Bush 43, not signed by Bush, not spent by Bush, spent by Obama, but counted against Bush 43. Clarified in a radio report 5/29/12
80% vs 0%. Success rate of Romney at Bain Capital versus Obama investment strategy and job loss while using crony capitalism to pay off backers. Heard on the radio 5/25/12
Perspective on JPMorgan Chase losses compared to Big Dem Gov losses [] 5/25/12. Good read. Good facts. No smoke.
I cannot spend more money than I have and neither should our US Government. The annual US budget is the plan for the year. It is well past time for Congress to get to work and put the US budget on paper for all to see.
Word is that Democrats do not want to put their budget on paper for all to see. Once seen, US voters will not support their plan. In other words, their real Democrat budget is a loser at the ballot box. =TheRightJack on 5/25/12
Spin. Democrat accounting maneuver positions Obama and a fiscal moderate as all of his irresponsible spending is blamed on Bush 43 and Republicans. 5/24/12
It’s been breaking news all over MSNBC, liberal blogs, newspapers and even the Wall Street Journal: “Federal spending under Obama at historic lows … It’s clear that Obama has been the most fiscally moderate president we’ve had in 60 years.” There’s even a chart! [] 5/23/12
+ +
And if you believe that accounting spin by Democrats, I've got …
Democrat new campaign theme? We cannot make drastic spending cuts all at one time. It needs to be done gradually so people can adapt.
+ +
That is, we gave away all of this money to our constituent unions, both labor and government, as well as our crony businesses, not to mention so-called grants to overseas organizations/companies and higher education. It will do great harm to our political efforts if they are cut off instantly. =TheRightJack on 5/20/12
$12,984. Debt increase for 117,538,000 US households up $12,984.00 since first 2011 debt deal. [] 5/18/12
$18 B-b-billion Federal job training program has waste. … In one state, workforce agency employees took more than 100 gambling trips to casinos mostly during work hours. [] 5/19/12
John Lovitz on the economics of Obama. 5 minute video [] 5/18/12
Thought for the day ... The Secret Service scandal was uncovered when a disagreement came to light on how much a prostitute wanted for her services. She wanted $800. The Secret Service Agent offered $30. How ironic is it that the only person in Washington willing to cut spending gets fired?
10 Political and Economic Imponderables that should drive you crazy [] 5/12/12
Budget Cuts. Chuck Wollery, a game show host, on budget items to cut. A 3.5 min you tube video. [] Doing in 10 minutes what our fearless [make that cowardly] members of Congress have not been able to accomplish in two years. Priceless. Undated, from 2011 or 2012 most likely.
The Shrinking Labor Force [] 5/10/12
We will be better of in 10-15 years if we follow my economic policies, according to words of Obama. 5/8/12
Business Media. As Its Ratings Slide, The Confessions Of A Recovering CNBC Pundit. … Keynesian analytical tools were so dominant that most analysts seemed unaware that there was any alternative. Stimuluses would stimulate. Inflation came from too much economic growth. Tax cuts caused deficits. Period. Keynesian vs Free market supply sider capitalism [] 7/11/13
$ $ $
No change in economic indicators. Unemployment. New jobs. Inflation. All still at record highs. Big Dem Parrot Media silent
$ $ $
IRS sent $46 million in tax
refunds to 23,994 “Unauthorized aliens – all at the same address in Atlanta …
for example … 10 addresses in the U.S. that were issued anywhere from 1,846 to
23,994 tax refunds each. Four of those 10 addresses were located in Atlanta. …
IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien
workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and
2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth. … Read on. [] June 21,
$ $ $
Amnesty for illegals gives Democrats a vote majority for the next decade and increases our debt. Republican Party relegated to insignificance if not oblivion [R.I.P.] until the illegals figure out that dependency is a dream-killing form of economic slavery and Conservatives are able convert the self-motivated achievers into becoming Tea Party members. =TheRightJack on 6/18/13
$ $ $
iPhones. One of these days, I am going to get one of those fancy iPhones like the person ahead of me in line making those food stamp purchases.
$ $ $
7.6%. Unemployment up ... Big Dem Media puts a happy face on it as the number of unemployed continues to rise. [] 6/9/13
174,000 new low skill, low growth potential jobs in May 2013. Media happy face.
Still takes 250,00 new jobs per month to break even with population growth.
Record 23,116,441 households on food stamps.
Each receiving an average monthly benefits of $274.30.
$ $ $
Amnesty for illegals gives Democrats a vote majority for the next decade and increases our debt. Republican Party relegated to insignificance if not oblivion [R.I.P.] until the illegals figure out that dependency is a dream-killing form of economic slavery and Conservatives are able convert the self-motivated achievers into becoming Tea Party members. =TheRightJack on 6/18/13
$ $ $
iPhones. One of these days, I am going to get one of those fancy iPhones like the person ahead of me in line making those food stamp purchases.
$ $ $
7.6%. Unemployment up ... Big Dem Media puts a happy face on it as the number of unemployed continues to rise. [] 6/9/13
174,000 new low skill, low growth potential jobs in May 2013. Media happy face.
Still takes 250,00 new jobs per month to break even with population growth.
Record 23,116,441 households on food stamps.
Each receiving an average monthly benefits of $274.30.
47,727,052 people enrolled in
SNAP, receiving an average monthly benefit of $132.86.
Dems spending $41.3 million
US Taxpayer dollars advertising food stamp programs in the US and Mexico. Big
Uncle Dem Gov wants dependents/votes.
Entitlements continue to be
largest line item in Obama budgets and is the largest item in the Agriculture
budget, not subsidies to big farms. News report 6/9/13
$ $ $
Profiling by IRS. Obama IRS Team selectively reviews Conservative groups who are seeking Not-For-Profit status. Asks many intrusive personal questions about members, their views, their church affiliation, what they read, do they protest and if so, who, etc. Delay tactics go on for months. Democrat and muslim groups slide through the process very quickly. Appears to have been happening since 2010. 5/31/13
$ $ $
What’s wrong with Internet Sales Tax … i.e., 9,600 sales tax jurisdictions that track where you live; magnets for criminals and hackers; and more. [] 5/7/13
What could possibly go wrong?
$ $ $
Malifornia reasoning. Legislators plan to pass legislation to give 1 million illegal immigrants free health care. They reasoned that this would make their state healthcare system more profitable. Heard on the radio news 4/25/13
/$ $ $
Malifornia reasoning. Legislators plan to pass legislation to give 1 million illegal immigrants free health care. They reasoned that this would make their state healthcare system more profitable. Heard on the radio news 4/25/13
Now this is a lesson for business. Give away merchandise and services to make your business more profitable. How on earth did we miss this promising strategy?
$ $ $
Ninety days of destruction from the Obama White House by Wayne Allen Root, author of the best seller The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide. Ample current economic data points in his article. [] 4/15/13
$ $ $
The incredible shrinking labor force, in one chart [] 4/10/13
$ $ $
20%. The new Obama budget will increase federal spending by 20% over the next five years. US Taxpayers could fix that in the 2014 election. 4/14/13 [] 4/11/13
$ $ $
Balanced approached?These days, Obama and the Dems are all about a balanced approach to more taxes with some symbolic spending cuts. From 2009 until recently, there was absolutely no concern by these same Dems about a balanced approach to more and more spending. After the massive increase in spending, NOW they want a balance approach. Yeh Right.
Sure. Give Big Gov more and
more of our US Taxpayer money. They know how to spread it around AFTER they add
a bunch of new Big Gov administrators and regulator who owe their jobs to
Big Dem Gov. =TheRightJack on 4/10/13
$ $ $
March 2013 economy at a glance = Red Ink every place you look
7.7% unemployment for March. Obama and Democrats trying to convince us that this is the “new normal” but maybe it is just a new normal when Democrat are in charge.
Remember when Bill Clinton
said, during is reign, that the US economy was recession proof. Clinton never
considered how the Democrats in Congress lead by Obama/Alinsky Style Socialism
would spend us all into poverty. It was a GOP Congress back then.
• 200,000 jobs created - not hardly!
• 88,000 added to the economy
wrote another source
* Takes over 250,000 new jobs per month to keep pace with population growth
• More people stopped looking for work
• 663,000 left the workforce
wrote another source = yet unemployment goes down ... because those who stopped looking are removed from the unemployment records
• Disability claims skyrocketing
under this Demoerat Administration. Democrats need dependents
• Welfare rolls increasing
• Thousands of new Democrat
workers hired to help people wade through ObamaCare rules and regulations … and
… that also includes voter registration, as Democrats, of course. All paid for
by working US TaxPayers.
Obama continues to create new jobless initiatives and spend and spend and spend
Conscientious Democrats who care about the USA starting to question Obama
See links to this
$ $ $
$ $ $
Financial News. UK Reporters
tell their Big Gov across the pond that they desperately need to spend more
money to bring the nation out of its financial quagmire. Heard on a news report
I do not know how I missed
this approach to pulling myself out of debt. I learned from financial
specialists that one must to cut spending to reduce debt.
$ $ $
Cyprus Government has a plan
to solve its financial mess. Confiscate all bank assets. That is what Big Dem
Gov wants to do here in the USA. Then give us back 3% a year … until Big Dem
Gov spends it all. Then what?
$ $ $
Nations of economic fools. []
These are the same kind of fools who
did not want the Colonies to separate from Britain and did not want to go to
war with Hitler when he was ravaging Europe.
$ $ $
Stockton. Another Malifornia
city gone bankrupt by over spending on pensions. Cannot figure out whether to
fund the union pensions plans or pay the creditors. … unions not asked to give
up a little … bond holders to be hit hard … the average firefighter in Stockton costs the city
$157,000 a year in pay and benefits, and this firefighter can retire at age 50
with a pension equal to 90% of his highest year's salary and free lifetime health
[] 4/2/13 Wow! Really?
Bush 43 to blame? Certainly
not the elected tax and spend Democrats in CA. How much is this going to cost US Taxpayers?
The lessons to be learned are … [1] do not invest
in government bonds in Malifornia, [2] get out now while you can, and [3] consider moving to another state like Nevada or Texas for instance.
The Stockton scoop as told by Rush
Limbaugh on 4/2/13 []
$ $ $
Social Security Disability to run out of money in 2016. The Obama Administration has made that "qualification" bar so low that nearly any person who claims a disability can qualify for Big Gov Lifetime Support. This growth in payments has been stimulated by the terrible Obama job market and rising unemployment in the 14%-16% range. 3/27/13
$ $ $
Finance and Marriage. Starbucks CEO says that it does not want investors [and customers?] who support traditional marriage. His wishes and those of their Board of Directors should be honored.
Starbucks Gay Marriage
Stance: CEO Howard Schultz Puts Smackdown On Anti-Marriage Equality
Shareholder. … Tells shareholdes who do not wish to support marriage diversity,
to buy other company stocks. Sales off a bit. [] 3/22/13
$ $ $
The Obama Economy, March 2013
• 7.7% unemployment in February
2014. Down from 7.9%
• 130,000 More people who are
no longer working are removed from the unemployment count.
• 8.5 million fewer jobs in US
since Obama took office.
• Food and fuel prices still
not counted in the inflation rate.
• Food packages continue to
shrink but the price remains unchanged.
• Billions of US Taxpayer
dollars shipped overseas to help others.
• Big Dem Gov spending budget
increases for 2013, surpassing the Obama bogus sequester hysteria.
• Quantitative Easing by The Fed continues to make the US dollar weaker and weaker.
• US Taxpayer income at the US
Treasury increases.
$ $ $
Busted. Obama budget
sequester crisis shown to be Bogus. Rush runs the numbers. Big Dem Gov will
spend $15 billion more this year than last year. The budget cut crisis
connected to The Dem Sequester Bill comes out to less than that $15 billion. Absolutely NO Budget Cuts are needed if The Dem Sequester Bill goes into effect. Obama and the Dems are either [1] trying
to scare everyone with their “cuts” or [2] trying to make yet another case against
Republicans or [3] do not know squat about the relationship between budgets and
spending. Note: This budget sequester bill was a Big Dem creation. Source: Rush
Limbaugh on the radio 2/21/13
$ $ $
If the Obama
anti-capitalist Economic Plan plays out to its logical conclusion, it will be
nearly impossible for ordinary people, not to mention high achievers, to gain
upward mobility unless they can land a cushie government or political jobs,
by birth or otherwise. This reminds me of how things worked in the past and
present communist empires. =TheRightJack on 2/22/13
$ $ $
Obama says that cuts in spending cannot balance the budget. It requires more taxes.
Economic Facts from TheRightJack:
Raising taxes will not even begin to balance the budget but cutting taxes will
bring more revenue into the US Treasury. Unfortunately, Obama and The Democrats
are only enacting measures that will further depress the US economy. =TheRightJack
on 1/8/13
Carbon Emissions. US vs China
According to Bloomberg News,
US carbon emissions are down 13% over the past five years and that they are now
the lowest since 1994. … US doing it without Big Gov … The gaping hole in
carbon reductions efforts is China which refuses to act to cut them.
Claiming it is a developing country, the world's second largest economy is its
largest carbon emitter. Indeed, each year China's emissions grow by an
amount that exceeds the total emissions of Japan. So each year, the
increase in Chinese GDP (about $400 billion) causes more emissions than the
total of the Japanese economy which is ten times as much -- $5 trillion.
Emissions is not the point.
Bringing down the US economy is the Obama objective.
• 82% of US energy comes from
fossil fuel.
• 78% of world energy fossil
fuel demand 2009 to 2035.
Source: George Will column on Sunday 2/3/13
80/20 Rule. 20% of job hunters will not be hired because of their criminal records. Add drug and alcohol background test failures. Those are Obama people = More entitlement money to support their habits.
Americans with No Abilities
Act [] January 2009/
OR 12 years of public school education = Nothing accomplished.
Somebody need to pay for my
15 kids … and 3 baby daddies. [] January 2013
Scroll down to see how many people in the USA are working and how many are on Big Gov entitlements, welfare and unemployment. This level of income support cannot be sustained. Other people's money will run out. Then what?=TheRightJack on 1/17/13
States with more people on welfare than working. ... And ... These 11 states represent 167 electoral votes: CA = 55. NM = 5. IL = 20. MS = 6. AL = 9. SC = 9. KY = 8. OH = 18. NY = 29. ME = 4. HI = 4. 1/11/13
10 States Set To Boost
Unemployment And Keep Youth Out Of Labor Force … “minimum wage laws decrease
employment among unskilled workers and prevent them from acquiring the skills
they need to climb the socioeconomic ladder. When the minimum wage increases,
businesses respond by hiring fewer low-wage employees. The employees who keep
those jobs are more likely to be teenagers from relatively affluent families
than minority workers from poorer households. [] 1/1/13
Nancy Pelosi, [D-CA, Liberal member from Malifornia in House of Representative in Congress], actually believes that unemployment payments are a key Democrat job creation strategy. Think through her reasoning as see where it falls apart. Carrying her reasoning to the extreme, if we were all unemployed, the Obama economy would be booming.
Good news for wanna be home
buyers. Big Dem Gov has managed to "encourage" mortgage banks** to create two
categories of regulations for wanna be home owners. They are:Nancy Pelosi, [D-CA, Liberal member from Malifornia in House of Representative in Congress], actually believes that unemployment payments are a key Democrat job creation strategy. Think through her reasoning as see where it falls apart. Carrying her reasoning to the extreme, if we were all unemployed, the Obama economy would be booming.
1. Those who can repay their
loans if they can come up with the inflated down payments.
2. Those who cannot may not
be able to repay their loans.
** Some of the massive mortgage loan disaster that blossomed under Bush 43 was caused by a Big Dem Congress. It "forced" lending institutions via Big Gov Penalties to give loans to people who could not repay the loans. Dems do not own up to this political strategy. They blame Bush 43 on this thoughtless initiative that was started with Jimmy Carter and then given another shot in the tush by Bill Clinton. 1/9/13
Taxes will go up for all income groups under ObamaCare, regardless of your income level. Big Dem Gov wants your money and will not cut spending. 12/29/12
In 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there was an average of 112.556 million full-time workers in the United States, of whom 17.806 million worked full-time for local, state or federal government. That left an average of only 94.750 million full-time private sector workers in the country.$$$
Government Dependents Outnumber Those With Private Sector Jobs In 11 U.S. States … This list includes some of the biggest states in the country: California, New York, Illinois, Ohio, Maine, Kentucky, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, New Mexico and Hawaii. It is interesting to note that seven of those states were won by Barack Obama on election night. In California, there are 139 “takers” for every 100 private sector workers. [] 12/27/12
And who is going to pay for
the pensions for these millions of retired government workers.
And then there are the
entitlements, some paid for and some not …
• For example, the number of
Americans on food stamps grew from about 17 million in 2000 to more than 47
million today. It has nearly tripled in just 12 years.
• Today, there are 56.76 million Americans
on Social Security. [and Democrats refuse to address the funding issue.]
• To support all of those
Americans on Social Security, there are only about 94.75 million full-time
private sector workers.
• So there are just 1.67
full-time private sector workers to support each American that is on Social
• Medicare is also growing like
crazy. ... the number of Americans on Medicare is expected to grow from 50.7 million in
2012 to 73.2 million in
It is becoming more clear
that the only path to retirement, based on how Obama and the Democrats are
running the country, is to work for A Government. But then, what happens when
the government runs low on other people’s money [OPM], and it will. That is certain. GULP!
Gaming the System.
Obamanomics: Number Of Americans Collecting Social Security Disability Payments
Hits Record High In December: 8,827,795… [] 12/26/12
22 of the Worst Government
Expenditures of 2012 including … Congressional salaries total almost $100
million. Seems like they should be able to get something done for that much
money, ey? [] 12/21/1/2
More taxes & more spending. Obama wants to increase spending with the new $1.8 Bil / $1.4 Bil tax money he wants. How is that for bipartisanship and working together. Dems just cannot figure out where to cut spending. 12/15/12
Cut what. Could Your Family
Live on $61,320 Per Year Tax Free? … “According to the Republican side of the
Senate Budget Committee, welfare spending per day per household in poverty is
$168, which is higher than the $137 median income per day. When broken
down per hour, welfare spending per hour per household in poverty is
$30.60, which is higher than the $25.03 median income per hour.”
[] 12/8/12
Fact: 73% Of New Jobs Created In Last 5 Months Are In Government. [] 12/7/12
The Obama campaign plan of 2008 is working.
Grow Big Dem Gov. Smother the economy and job creation with more taxes, more
regulations and uncertainty. That increases unemployment. Spend more Big Gov
money on the unemployed, underemployed and those not wishing to work. Give more
Big Gov grants to crony businesses, causes and projects here and abroad. Open the borders for more
dependents to come aboard. Increase the spending of Big Dem Gov. Bringing the
USA to its knees with “fundamental change” in less than four years. … and we
voted for him to do this to us. =TheRightJack on 12/9/12
Who pays for Obama's Fundamental Change?
• The Wealthy Class. No. They can work around economic problems with the resources to flee to tax havens as do the Hollywood elite.
• The Working Class -You guessed it. We are trapped.
• The Idle Class - No. They do not have anything to start with. Nothing to loose.
Taxes: Obama continues to campaign on the false claims that:
[1] the US economy is in trouble because taxes are too low. Not substantiated by the facts, and
[2] the economic policies of the past 250 years is what got us into this mess of the past 10 years. Not substantiated by facts.
Economic Facts:
Lower taxes = More revenue into US Treasury.
Increase Taxes = The wealthy adapt and/or flee.
Increase Taxes = To suppress the economy.
Rich Lefties and Their taxes.
[] 12/6/12
Liberals want you to pay more
taxes but they still find ways to avoid paying taxes themselves. Similarly,
Liberals want to restrict guns while their body guards carry guns. Back to taxes
= when taxes go up, income to the US Treasury goes down and economic activity is
suppressed. The wealthy usually find ways to avoid paying taxes. Some flee like
the Hollywood leftists who move their assets to more tax-friendly nations.
7.7%. Unemployment rate drops as over 500,000 people who stopped looking for work are dropped from the rolls.
146,000 jobs added, they say. US still needs to generate 250,000 jobs per month to
keep pace with population growth. [Drudge Report and Yahoo] 12/7/12
Employers not adding new jobs
and cutting worker hours in response to the ObamaCare economic penalties they
will incur with full time workers.
3.8% unemployment rate for
Big Gov workers.
The Employed, USA
63% of the US civilian labor
force was employed, 2007
of labor force unemployed, 2007
54.8% of the US civilian
labor force was employed, 2011
% of labor force unemployed, 2011
Population grew by 800
thousand from 2007 to 2011. More people. Fewer working. Even more unemployed.
Fleeing high taxes. Brits,
Yanks And French Show Fleeing High Taxes Is Universal … Incredibly, the total
number of millionaire tax filers [in the UK] plunged from 16,000 in 2009-2010
to 6,000 in 2010-2011. [] 12/4/12
4 years. How long it has been
since Obama and the Democrats showed / explained / said what they are willing
to cut from the budget to begin reducing the debt. Tax increases will not even
begin to reduce the debt yet Dems continue to ignore all GOP proposals. 12/1/12
And a majority of those who were asked still blame Bush 43.
Spending Cuts vs More Taxes. Democrats refuse to commit to spending cuts, the problem, while focusing on tax increases. Increasing taxes is not the problem and will not solve the $16 trillion dollar debt problem. 11/30/12
$188 million. Big US Gov
spends $188 million per hour. Heard on the radio 11/26/12
Big Dem Gov can confiscate all wealth and it will not pay off the debt, but the earners will be broke and not earning anything the following year two. Then what?
7.9%. U6 Unemployment increased last month, October 2012. Job creation not keeping pace with population grown. 12/3/12
18%. Salary for women in the Obama White House is 18% less than men. One woman described the White House work environment as a good old boys club. Look at what Obama does, not what he says. 10/19/12
Romney campaign adv . . . This 30 second ad opens with a black screen and, in total silence, the following indisputable statistics scroll up on the screen:
• 23 Million Unemployed or Underemployed
• 47 Million on Food Stamps
• 5.5 Million Homes in Crisis/Foreclosure
• $4500 Drop in Household Income
• $5.5 Trillion of New Debt
• $716 Billion in Medicare Cuts
• $2.6 Trillion for Obamacare
• $1.9 Trillion in New Taxes in Obama’s Budget
• 100% Increase in Gas Prices. October 2012
Report: Welfare government’s single largest budget item in FY 2011 ... The government spent approximately $1.03 trillion on 83 means-tested federal welfare programs in fiscal year 2011 alone.
• approximately $1.03 trillion in 2011 [] 10/18/12
• approximately $1.03 trillion in 2011 [] 10/18/12
• $745.84 billion on federal
welfare programs in 2011
• $563.413 billion on federal
welfare programs in 2008
• $725 billion for Social
• $540 billion for non-war
• $480 billion for Medicare
• $77.3 billion for
• $65.5 billion for Education
• $30.5 billion for Justice
Sources of income for Big US
Gov []
• $2.2 trillion collected in
2010 or 14.9% of GDP
• #1 is income tax [but that
takes jobs] **
• Payroll taxes [and that takes
• Corporate income taxes [and
that takes sales]
• Excise taxes [and that takes people who spend]
** Lower taxes and income to
the US Treasury increases. It works. Big Gov just cannot cut spending. That is how
they get votes. The Fair Tax would fix that. =TheRightJack on 10/18/12
Waste Book. $19B-b-billion.
For example: The report spotlights widespread abuse of the food stamp system --
including an exotic dancer who earned more than $85,000 a year in tips, but
also collected nearly $1,000 a month in food stamps while spending $9,000
during that time period on "cosmetic enhancements." [] 10/15/12
Compare the budget and jobs
cuts to struggling companies by Bain Capital to Big Gov – it seldom ever cuts
programs or eliminates duplication. These Big Gov programs just keep multiplying at US
Taxpayers expense without regard to costs.
allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to
establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy
sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial
institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a
state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the
action for six months. What is he planning to do that he needs EO 11921 and the
other 922 executive orders? See Executive Orders by Obama at TheRightJack.
Obama declared ‘we
got back every dime’ of bailout... On the SAME DAY, the CBO announced the
bailout will lose $24 BILLION! October 2012
The Obama Economy ...
Work hours reduced. ObamaCare
mandates that employers must provide health care for employees that work over
30 hours per week. Solution: reduce employee hours to part time status. Prime
example is Darden Restaurants. 10/11/12
Other businesses are laying
off workers to keep their companies profitable, even if it means reducing growth.
Obama asking companies to not
announce layoffs until after the election, even if it violates labor laws.
Obama offers Big Dem Gov money to pay their fines if they will wait. =TheRightJack on 10/11/12
Obama Election Theme ...
Be specific now. What exactly
are those economic policies of the past that Democrats have been railing
against for the past four years that have brought us to the edge of financial
disaster. Have you ever heard or seen what they actually are?
Are those policies the
financial regulations that Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd created in a
Democrat controlled Congress during Bush 43 … and then threatened to hammer
businesses into the ground if they did not implement these ill-advised Democrat
policies. Mortgage loan demands first comes to mind.
Are they the tenants of
capitalism, not the tenants of socialism that Democrats continue to promote as
the answer to all US and world problems … despite the fact that there are no
examples of successful socialist nations. For example: China, Cuba, the old
USSR, Venezuela and on and on. When socialists spread the wealth, these nations
eventually become filled with members of the peasant class while the ruling
despots and dictators hoard the people’s wealth and prosper.
What are those economic policies
of the past that are so terrible? =TheRight Jack on 10/11/12
+14% U6 unemployment rate for September. This is the real unemployment rate.
7.8% unemployment rate for September as more people who have stopped looking for work are removed from the workforce to help bring down unemployment rate. This is the favorite number of the Big Dem Media.
More people not working. More people taking Big Gov subsidies. Hmmm. How is it that 25% of the “undecideds” still not know for whom to vote?
47% of US population receiving Big Gov money. Romney speech. Media does not play the entire presentation as Romney has asked. Romney said that he was wrong about this data.
$ $ $
Which are the most important** employment figures?
8.1% new Obama unemployment rate, August 2012. Not counting +300,000 who stopped looking. Democrats say that 8% is new normal? Lots of fuzzy math.
95,000 new jobs in August
368,000 dropped out of the
work force in August 2012
300,000. Net job growth under
the economic policies of Obama after 45 months. Democrats and Clinton claim
4.5 million jobs created by Obama in DNC speech. Heard on the radio 9/6/12 **
Fewer people working now than when Obama took office. Not sure if that includes the jobs Obama saved. ;-)
+142 million. Number of
people employed in US, lowest since 1980s, and the population keeps growing **
+90 million not in the labor
23 million not working but
would or could or are under-employed [plus more jobs not saved.] **
+12.5 million unemployed. More fuzzy math.
8.7 million. Number of people
on federal disability including the creative Mood Disorder Disability. Presumably a job will improve their modd. July 2012
11.4% and +19%. If we
calculated unemployment now the way it was calculated before Obama, U3
unemployment would be 11.4% and U6 unemployment would be nearly 20%. Heard on
the radio 9/7/12
For August 2012 data, clickhere.
$ $ $
Percentage of population
working. Confusing accounting stats.
58.3% Bureau of Labor
Statistics table. [] August 2012
58.2%. July 2011
45.4%. Only 45.4% of Americans had
jobs in 2010, the lowest rate since 1983
49.3% Peak in 2000.
2010, just 66.8% of men had jobs, the lowest on record.
[] 4/14/11
61.8% on 2008, lowest since
1983. []
1970. Big surge as more women entered the workforce.
In 2011, according to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, there was an average of 112.556 million full-time
workers in the United States, of whom 17.806 million worked full-time for
local, state or federal government. That left an average of only 94.750 million
full-time private sector workers in the country.
this time, the percentage of the population that is working is shrinking while those who receive US Taxpayer benefits is growing. 2012
$ $ $
Democrats would like to ban business profits. See 4:48 minute video. [] 9/6/12. Please absorb their responses to the interviewer and think through the consequences of a Democrat party plank like this.
Less is more. Democrats will
never ever admit, particularly during the campaign season, that reducing taxes on
all US Taxpayers brings in more money into the US Treasury than does raising
taxes. Democrats must keep the false claim alive to support their unquenchable
thirst for US Taxpayer money. Bill Clinton, who knows better, gets a Pinocchio
on 9/5/12
33%. Mood disorders are the newest disability claim of the most recent NEW claimants who are having a hard time finding work under Obama policies. Try to sell that excuse to any D-1 football coach or basketball coach, or high school coach for that matter. Just learned this fact from a fellow knuckledragger. As Obama said, we tried my plan and it is working. 8/27/12
Housing Misery Index. … While
the housing market continues to pick up across the country, some housing
markets still rank high on Trulia’s Housing Misery Index. The top four
states: Nevada, Florida, Arizona, California … Other states also ranking
high on the Housing Misery Index are Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, Maryland, New
Jersey, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. California []
Big Dem Media trying as hard as the
can to convince us that high gas prices are not that bad, high unemployment is
the new normal, the real estate market is getting better, while ignoring
The bottom line is Tax cuts = economic growth …
It’s no wonder Christina Romer resigned
from her post as Chair of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers: In 2007 she had
co-authored a study of “all significant tax changes since 1947.” It found that
“exogenous tax increases have a large, rapid, and highly statistically
significant negative
effect on output,” and “a tax increase is followed by a large and
highly significant rise in the unemployment rate.” In contrast, it concluded,
“tax cuts have very large and persistent positive output effects.”
[] 8/22/12
Informative article with tables. Tax cuts stimulate the economy but Democrats continue to push for more taxes on US Taxpayers, not to mention states like California. Tax increases are hardwired into the DNA of Democrats as they ignore the data that shows they are dead wrong.
1.2 million jobs lost in July
2012 according to the Washington Post. Heard on the radio 8/6/12Informative article with tables. Tax cuts stimulate the economy but Democrats continue to push for more taxes on US Taxpayers, not to mention states like California. Tax increases are hardwired into the DNA of Democrats as they ignore the data that shows they are dead wrong.
Retails sales up in July after a three month decline. Must be vacation time. 8/6/12
8.3%. Unemployment climbing again. More jobs lost than created. Retail sales down. Energy grant recipients from Obama continue to falter. Illegals allowed to sneak across US border from Mexico. Big Dem media focuses on what They label as Romney gaffes while abroad and that Obama wants to meet Gabby Douglas. =TheRightJack on 8/3/12
Jobless claims increase but we are reminded by the Big Dem Media that Obama likes thin mint Girls Scout cookies and Romney is rich. Read the numbers. Obama still trying to sugar coat sour grapes. [] 8/2/12
Blame Game: Obama likes to blame the sorry US financial mess on the policies of the past. The policies of the past were created by Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress. Democrats had control of Congress for 40 years until the mid 1990s. Republicans went along to get along. Then Democrats took total control of Congress from 2006 to 2010. Then for two of those years, 2008 to 2010, Democrats had control of all three branches of the US government. Add to this, the actions by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton who fought hard for housing loans to people who could not make their loan payments. Obama blames Republicans for our mess but Democrats were in control and the Big Time Dying Democrat Media agrees with Obama. =TheRightJack on 8/6/12
Out-sourcing. Millions in bridge construction money in TX and CA going to Chinese workers rather than US bridge builders. Just who is shipping these jobs overseas? 7/29/12
Look who is rebuilding US bridges. Chinese companies and workers. [ABCnews] 9/23/11 2:55 minute video
Flip Flop. Harry Reid, in the 1990s, was anti-immigration. He made the same arguments in his Senate remarks back then and sponsored legislation back then that the GOP is making now. Except today, Reid is basically an “open borders” and “amnesty” kind of Democrat.
Unions said to be furious with Democrats about flooding the USA labor market with cheap labor that cuts into opportunities for Unions to strike and negotiate higher wages with friendly elected Democrats.
It appears that welfare entitlement that buy votes for Democrats trump the Union leaders strategy for gaining higher wages. =TheRightJack 7/27/12
Obama taken out of context, says
the Big Dem media. Obama said ...
"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet." --- Barrack Obama in Virginia
• There is no confusion about what Obama said when taken in full context.
• There is no confusion about what Obama said when taken in full context.
• Government takes tax money
from US Taxpayers.
• Government is broke without US Taxpayers.
• Government did not build the
internet. Business built the internet after DOD backed away from it.
• DOD, by the way, gets its money from US Taxpayers too.
• Obama must never have taken a
US Government course in high school. Mine was called Problems in Democracy.
We tried our plan – and it worked. - - - Barrack Hussain Obama
Obama says that his economic plan is working. [] 7/25/12
Does he define working as decreasing employment and increasing welfare while making and the USA and himself dis-respected on the world stage.
80% of the new farm bill is for food stamps called SNAP.
• Up 4 times what it was in 2000.
• 1 in 50 were on it in the 1970s.
• 1 in 7 today. [Source: Graph] 7/21/12
What Recovery? There is no recovery. Only Democrats in Washington and in the Big Time Dying Democrat Media can allow this continuing downward economic spiral with massive job loss, inflation, growing welfare rolls and a declining real estate market to be called a recovery or a jobless recovery. If Republicans were in charge during this economic mess, Democrats would be spreading the blame on the GOP day and night unlike the Obama love fest that is taking place today. =TheRightJack 7/19/12
Will the moochers and takers ever get it? When all of the air is out of the balloon, what will they have. The PIGS [Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain] certainly do not get it, yet. Nor do England and France. Austerity is not in their vocabulary, nor is it for unions. No reason to think that our own moochers and takers will get it.
Fair Share. The wealthy are not paying their fair share according to Democrats. From their perspective, 50% of the people who pay nothing IS fair.
FYI: Mr Obama. Tax money from tax payers built our roads and internet, not government and certainly not Barack the partisan bigot.
Government has not lifted a finger to help me build my business and I have not built my business on the backs of anyone.
“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” - - - Barack the Clueless
Barack the Clueless. Not only do people work 24/7 to build their businesses, they teach their employees how to work and how to build their own businesses down the road. And for many owners, they are the last ones to be paid.
Obama guts welfare reform and removes work requirements. Redefines work tio include exercise, bathing, keeping a journal and resting among other things. This executive order was not mentioned in the Big Time Dying Dem Media but they did let us know that Obama likes thin mint Girl Scout cookies. Heard on a radio report 7/16/12
Waste. Big Dem Gov agency, National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership, NIST MEP, spent between $3 to $5 million dollars on an annual conference at a lavish resort near Walt Disney World in Florida. [] 7/12/12
Uniforms for US Olympic teams made on China. 7/12/12 Really!
Obama and Democrat election machine blames Romney for shipping jobs overseas. Fact checkers say it is not true.
How Obama shipped the recovery overseas … What do Finnish cars, Mexican solar panels and Danish windmills have in common? They were all funded by US tax dollars. … That's right, US taxpayer money, mostly in the form of stimulus funds, ended up in the hands of companies overseas instead of creating jobs here in America. [obamanomicsoutsourced]
Click on the link above and see this incredible list of locations and US dollars shipped overseas by Obama.
San Bernadino, California declares bankruptcy. Heard on radio news report 7/11/12
How many US cities is that now. Yet another real world test result from Big Dem Gov right here on our home soil. Add the PIGS to this and you have living proof that the Obama model is a recipe for fiscal disaster.
8.5 days. If Obama holds the line on not giving the Bush Tax Break to all US citizens, the added income for Big Gov from the wealthy will run Big Dem Gov for 8.5 days. Yet, tax deductions will reduce that to less than 8.5 days. 7/11/12
Snapshot of the Obama Economy after 3 1/5 years of ObamaNomics, June 2012
80,000 net jobs created in June 2012. Jobs created minus jobs lost = 80,000. 250,000 jobs created per month is the break even point. Some say 200,000.
8.2% Unemployment for June, 2012 but it is really at 14.9% if Big Gov did not cook the data.
5,000,000 jobs lost since it was announced that the recovery has begun. [] 7/6/12
Consumer spending down in June.
63.8% of working age population is working or looking for work, a 30 year low.
58.6% is the civilian employment ratio - divides employed people by total population
How to miscount the number of people employed. [] 7/6/12
Fact Act. Trial lawyers opposed to legal reform related to transparency and the big bailouts. [Institute for Legal Reform] 6/30/12
Deep down, lawyers are pretty good people ... six feet down!
$105 billion. Tort liability price tag for American small businesses alone topped $105 billion in 2008. 6/29/12 Guess who pays for that, at the cash register?
Stockton, California is broke. Heard on a TV news report 6/29/12
What a surprise! Hint: Raise taxes and keep spending.
Obama: Then and Now
Then: 7.8 percent
Now: 8.2 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
• National Average for Gas Prices
Then: $1.83
Now: $3.87, according to the Energy Information Administration
• National Debt
Then: $10.627 trillion
Now: $15.620 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department
• Americans on Food Stamps
Then: 31,983,716
Now: 46,449,850, according to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, January 2012
• Source: article by Stephen Goldberg, a conservative political pundit who posts his wry observations on breaking news at
Obama wants for four more years to permit his economic policies to succeed. You know, the US economy was so much worse than he was lead to believe [A Bill Clinton line.]
Weak. Obama jobs proposal = give illegal immigrants amnesty. 3½ years in office and that is the best he can come up with, AFTER he said he would not do this and violate the US Constitution nor go around Congress. 6/23/12
Clueless or Partisan? Obama states that private sector job growth is doing fine. It is the public government sector employment that is hurting. 6/7/12
The US has the most friendly legal immigration policies of any nation on Earth.
39%. The amount that family net worth has dropped from 1992 to 2010 according to the Federal Reserve. Blame Congress Blame Bush. Blame Obama. Then listen to this Audio file. [] 6/23/12
This is criminal and it is rooted in US Government action.
1968. Number of new businesses created is at its lowest level in nearly 50 years, 1968.
Will Democrats ever take responsibility for the consequences of their actions?
Business creates jobs and wealth. Government creates debt.
8.2% unemployment for May 2012 goes up from 8.1% April 2012. 6/1/12
10.9%. Unemployment rate would be ... if this administration counted the 2 million people who stopped looking for jobs during this administration. 6/1/12
Spending Spin. After Obama claimed that he has been the most thrifty president in decades, we learn that he came up with that revelation by … are you ready … spending well over $1B-b-billion that was designated for spending by the All Democrat Congress under Bush 43, not signed by Bush, not spent by Bush, spent by Obama, but counted against Bush 43. Clarified in a radio report 5/29/12
80% vs 0%. Success rate of Romney at Bain Capital versus Obama investment strategy and job loss while using crony capitalism to pay off backers. Heard on the radio 5/25/12
Perspective on JPMorgan Chase losses compared to Big Dem Gov losses [] 5/25/12. Good read. Good facts. No smoke.
I cannot spend more money than I have and neither should our US Government. The annual US budget is the plan for the year. It is well past time for Congress to get to work and put the US budget on paper for all to see.
Word is that Democrats do not want to put their budget on paper for all to see. Once seen, US voters will not support their plan. In other words, their real Democrat budget is a loser at the ballot box. =TheRightJack on 5/25/12
Spin. Democrat accounting maneuver positions Obama and a fiscal moderate as all of his irresponsible spending is blamed on Bush 43 and Republicans. 5/24/12
It’s been breaking news all over MSNBC, liberal blogs, newspapers and even the Wall Street Journal: “Federal spending under Obama at historic lows … It’s clear that Obama has been the most fiscally moderate president we’ve had in 60 years.” There’s even a chart! [] 5/23/12
+ +
And if you believe that accounting spin by Democrats, I've got …
Democrat new campaign theme? We cannot make drastic spending cuts all at one time. It needs to be done gradually so people can adapt.
+ +
That is, we gave away all of this money to our constituent unions, both labor and government, as well as our crony businesses, not to mention so-called grants to overseas organizations/companies and higher education. It will do great harm to our political efforts if they are cut off instantly. =TheRightJack on 5/20/12
$12,984. Debt increase for 117,538,000 US households up $12,984.00 since first 2011 debt deal. [] 5/18/12
$18 B-b-billion Federal job training program has waste. … In one state, workforce agency employees took more than 100 gambling trips to casinos mostly during work hours. [] 5/19/12
John Lovitz on the economics of Obama. 5 minute video [] 5/18/12
Thought for the day ... The Secret Service scandal was uncovered when a disagreement came to light on how much a prostitute wanted for her services. She wanted $800. The Secret Service Agent offered $30. How ironic is it that the only person in Washington willing to cut spending gets fired?
10 Political and Economic Imponderables that should drive you crazy [] 5/12/12
+ +
You absolutely must read
this. Don’t make me come over there! Read the comments section too.
The Shrinking Labor Force [] 5/10/12
We will be better of in 10-15 years if we follow my economic policies, according to words of Obama. 5/8/12
+ +
Can you imagine how the Democrats and their Big Time Dying Media would have responded to a statement like this if said by any Republican! This statement by Obama speaks volumes about media bias.
Pig farms. Europe cracking down on small business pig farms. US seems to be on a similar track to do the same thing. [] 4/16/12
+ +
What is going on with that? Pollution? Big Agri-Business? What? Chances are there are some secret underlying Big Gov motives.
14.5% is real U6 unemployment rate … meaning some 22.8 million people are either unemployed, have stopped looking for work, or need full-time work but can only find part-time employment. [] 5/7/12
Taxes. We pay more in taxes than for food, clothing and shelter combined.[] 5/4/12
+ +
Democrats figuring out how to get us all to pay more and it is not just the rich, it is the 100%ers.
11.1% is the real unemployment rate when considering the labor force under Bush versus Obama. [] 5/5/12
+ +
Specific data that you are not likely to learn from Obama or the Obama media.
Unemployment data for April 2012 as job growth slows and Obama touts the improving economy.
April 29th = 3 years since Senate Democrats have passed a budget.
Pig farms. Europe cracking down on small business pig farms. US seems to be on a similar track to do the same thing. [] 4/16/12
+ +
What is going on with that? Pollution? Big Agri-Business? What? Chances are there are some secret underlying Big Gov motives.
14.5% is real U6 unemployment rate … meaning some 22.8 million people are either unemployed, have stopped looking for work, or need full-time work but can only find part-time employment. [] 5/7/12
Taxes. We pay more in taxes than for food, clothing and shelter combined.[] 5/4/12
+ +
Democrats figuring out how to get us all to pay more and it is not just the rich, it is the 100%ers.
11.1% is the real unemployment rate when considering the labor force under Bush versus Obama. [] 5/5/12
+ +
Specific data that you are not likely to learn from Obama or the Obama media.
Unemployment data for April 2012 as job growth slows and Obama touts the improving economy.
• 8.1% unemployment using the U3 numbers
• 7.5% for men
• 7.4% women
• 13.0% for blacks
• 10.3% for Hispanics
• 5.2% for Asians
• 14.6% using the u6 data
• 25% for ages 16 to 19
• 40.5 % for 16 to 19 year old
• 30.5 % for 16 to 19 year old
[] 5/4/12
342,000 left the work force
= 5.1 million
= 41% of the unemployed
+ +
190 million = adult US
88 million are being subsidized
and not in the US labor force
Only 115,000 jobs added
Need 250,000 new jobs to break even
Need 600,000 new jobs for normal economic
+ +
But the real war on women,
I'm gonna go back to last Friday, the real war on women is being conducted by
the regime, by the Obama administration. Since Barack Obama took office,
the unemployment rate for women has gone up from seven to 8.1%. Since
Obama took office, the number of female workers has declined by 683,000. Since Obama took office, the number of women unemployed has increased by
858,000, close to a million. The poverty rate among women rose to
14-and-a-half percent last year, up from 13.9% when Obama was
immaculated. That's over half a percentage point in Obama's three
years. And it happens to be the highest rate for poverty in women in 17
years. If there is a war on women, it is happening and it is being
directed from the White House with Obama as the generalissimo. - - - [RushLimbaugh] 5/4/12
April 29th = 3 years since Senate Democrats have passed a budget.
+ +
Democrats celebrate three years without a budget. … The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 stipulates that Congress must approve a budget resolution by April 15 of each year. In the Senate, only 51 votes are needed to pass a budget, as budgets are one of the few pieces of legislation invulnerable to a filibuster. Democrats currently control 53 seats. [] 4/29/12
+ +
Irresponsible if the first thought that comes to mind. Is it any wonder the US is broke ... and Democrats absolutely do not care.
More bad planning or false advertising. 16,000 predicted jobs in NH actually yielded 845 jobs. … The latest audit of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act confirmed that the $766.5 million in taxpayer dollars spent in the Granite State paid for the equivalent of 845 full-time jobs. [] 5/4/12
Obama sends $192 million aid package to Palestinian Authority in overriding Congress. [] 4/27/12
More bad planning or false advertising. 16,000 predicted jobs in NH actually yielded 845 jobs. … The latest audit of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act confirmed that the $766.5 million in taxpayer dollars spent in the Granite State paid for the equivalent of 845 full-time jobs. [] 5/4/12
Obama sends $192 million aid package to Palestinian Authority in overriding Congress. [] 4/27/12
US Green energy jobs go to foreign countries. [] See video. 4/27/12
Debt ceiling parable. [] 4/20/12
9% to 10% unemployment with legitimate counting and over 14% total unemployment.
Democrats can intentionally create more people who depend on Big Gov for their existence and thus people who will vote Democrat by adopting Big Dem political policies that cause business uncertainty and smother job creation.
4 million more foreclosers still to come on the market in 2012, says a real estate specialist. That averages out to 8,000 per state. 3/28/12
9.1% Unemployment for
February 2012. Gallup. No seasonal adjustments. 3/8/12
9% and 19.1%. Unemployment figures and total unemployment figures from Gallup. 2/14/12 Just not the numbers that Big Dem Gov likes to use.
Gold up to over 1700 today, Does that mean buyers are not bullish on Obama SOTU campaign speech? 1/25/12
Democrats like to explain our economic distress since 2008 on the failures or evils of capitalism. When Big Gov takes away your business, puts your business out of business with regulations, curbs employment with unknown tax, wage and health obligations, gives massive handouts [called grants] and bailouts to friends, and raises taxes on every business, that is not capitalism. That is Big Socialist Gov. =TheRightJack 1/12/12
6.6 million. Labor Department estimates that there are 6.6 million employable Americans who have given up looking for work but could be coaxed back into the job hunt if optimism finally comes back into vogue. [NYPost] 1/3/12 Those who can but are not looking for work are not counted as unemployed in the Big Dem Gov reporting system.
• 2.128 million federal gov workers, 2010
• 5.089 million state gov workers
• 14.076 million local gov workers
• 109.349 million employed private workers, over 2.5 million fewer jobs, September 2011
• 111.822 million employed private workers, 2008
125. Number of Sears Stores to be closed nationwide. Heard on the radio news 12/26/11
But Harry Reid said that corporate American is doing fine. It is government that needs assistance. How can he be so blatantly dishonest about our dreadful Big Socialist Gov economy? =TheRightJack 12/27/11
11%. If unemployment were counted today as it was counted in 2007, the unemployment rate would be 11%. Heard on Rush Radio where he identified the source as an Obama supporter from the Washington Post. 12/12/11 Real unemployment still somewhere between 15% and 20%.
Jobs? Compliance Software. Hi tech guy says that the biggest area in software development at this time is compliance software to help businesses wade through Big Gov requirements. News flash heard on the radio. 12/19/11
Job creators not happy with Big Gov. [Stossel] 12/14/11
50 facts about US economy. For example … #5. One recent survey found that 77% of all U.S. small businesses do not plan to hire any more workers. and #20. If you can believe it, the median price of a home in Detroit is now just $6,000. and #43. A staggering 48.5% of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits. Back in 1983, that number was below 30%. [] 12/18/11
Incredibly bad economic news. Obama, the Democrats and their puppet Media continue to blame Bush 43 for our economic decline while Democrats were in total control of the House, Senate, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the US Treasury. Click Here to see the list.
Thanksgiving Holiday spending nothing to get excited about, unless you believe the Democrat spin.
109,349 million employed private workers, over 2.5 million fewer jobs, September 2011
111.822 million employed private workers, 2008
Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse. In hot water for pulling their adv on TV show featuring the hard times that Muslims face in America. Congressman [D-CA] calling for a boycott and plans to bring the power of Big Dem Gov down on them just like Democrats [Barney Frank and Chris Dodd] threatened to do if mortgage companies did not give loans to people who could not afford to make the payments. [] 12/12/11
Jobs. The budget office states that the federal executive branch had 1.875 million civilian full-time employees back when the financial crisis hit in 2008. Two years later, that number had risen by 253,000 to 2.128 million, a 13.5% increase. State governments have cut their employment by a total of 49,000 to a total of 5.089 million. Local governments have cut much more at 210,000 workers down to a total of 14.076 million.
• 2.128 million federal gov workers, 2010
• 5.089 million state gov workers
• 14.076 million local gov workers
• 109,349 million employed private workers, over 2.5 million fewer jobs, September 2011
• 111.822 million employed private workers, 2008
Sorry Senator Reid, the private jobs market numbers are not doing “just fine.” Looking back to 2008, the Labor Department reported 111.822 million employed private workers. As of September 2011 that number was 109,349 million, which is over 2.5 million fewer jobs.
[Source: WatchDog on Wall Street by Christopher Markowski]
Unemployment. Shell game by Big Dept of Labor Gov. [AP via Yahoo] 12/8/11 Working. Not working. Stopped looking. Receiving benefits. No longer receiving benefits. Benefits expired.
Statistics as presented by Big Gov. Unemployment down as labor force shrinks. [] 12/6/11 As labor force shrinks, more people depend on Big Gov handouts. That means more votes for Democrat to keep the handouts flowing. Just another form of addiction.
99%-ers. 2 Conservatives for every 1 Liberal. n = 65,000. [Gallup] 12/6/11 This means that more people call themselves Conservatives than Democrats among The 99% population.
8.6% unemployment down from 9% last month.
[AP Economics Writer Paul Wiseman contributed to this report]
Obama: See. Our economic policies are working. We just need more time.
GOP: How do increasing numbers of people on food stamps, 120,00 jobs being created when 250,00 per month are necessary to break even with population growth, increasing unemployment claims, increasing numbers of people no longer looking for work =equal= lower unemployment rate? Wages Down. Inflation up. Christmas jobs and Christmas spending not likely to last. Somebody is cooking the books to hide the truth.
Crazy Budget Cuts [] Short video
Thrift – Buy these things after the holidays ...
Televisions. Linens. Tools. Snow blowers. Cameras.Outerwear. Skis. Furniture. Cars. Cruises. Bicycles. Gym memberships. Read why. [Yahoo. Shopping] 12/5/11
Sign on trucks owned by Georgia employer:
New Company Policy. We are not hiring until Obama is gone. Update: Owner is holding his ground.
Obama decision costs jobs for American aircraft workers in favor of Brazilian workers. [] 11/21/11 Another situation where US jobs are lost to foreign companies. Obama foreign policies continue to work against US workers.
Cut spending versus increase taxes. Democrats are politically incapable of cuts in spending. Spending US Taxpayer money is their primary strategy to keep and expand their power. For instance, in difficult economic times that they themselves created, Democrats continue to offer “incentives” for the college population, whether it be grants for "frivolous research" or student loan forgiveness. Then there are those illegal immigrant dollars, hidden ACRON grants and crony energy loans. We can only hope that Republicans will clean up their own history of dollars for votes after the 2112 elections. =TheRightJack 11/22/11
$15 T-t-trillion. US Debt just passed $15T = $47,989 per person or $134,271 per US tax payer. 11/16/11
Fannie and Freddie execs get million of dollars in bonuses. … The two loss-making firms have been propped up by about $169 billion in federal aid since they were rescued by the government in 2008. [Reuters]11/16/11 No belt tightening in Big Gov.
6.7% less. Family income has been reduced 6.7% in the past three years since Obama declared an end to the recession. Heard on the radio 11/11/11
9.0%. 80,000 new jobs in October 2011. Manchester, NH - The Department of Labor released its October jobs report today, which some are hailing as good news because the economy added 80,000 jobs and unemployment fell from 9.1 to 9%. This is pathetic! Nearly 14 million Americans are unemployed, and we could only create 80,000 new jobs? Source: Presented by Buddy Roemer for President 11/4/11
250,000 jobs need to be created every month to keep up with population growth and new people aging into the workforce. So, it is hard to determine how the Big Gov DOL unemployment accountants come up with that 9.0% figure for last month. Some estimates have unemployment as high as 20% along with growing food stamp assistance created by Obama economic policies. 10/4/11
Equal Opportunity or Income Equality. CBO becoming partisan Democrats and that is not their charge. Good factual data. [] 10/28/11
Signs of deflation = 7
Economist Gary Shilling says there are seven signs of deflation, and five are already here ...
• financial assets
• tangible assets
• commodity prices
• wages, and
• currencies
The remaining two deflationary signs ...
• deflation by government and the
• goods and services deflation
that the Federal Reserve fears can't be far behind, given all the other areas where prices are already falling, says Shilling.
“Financial assets are sinking again under the weight of an increasingly recession-prone U.S. economy, a likely hard landing in China, and Europe's sovereign-debt crisis,” Shilling writes in The Christian Science Monitor. “That crisis and ratings downgrades are forcing down the value of sovereign debt and bank shares.” [] 11/4/11
Job Formula: Let business create private sector jobs at no expense to Big Gov. Then collect Big Gov taxes from worker pay.
Small businesses targeted by legal action with false accusations. Ridiculously expensive for owners to defend themselves. [Institute for Legal Reform]
Democrats have been The Obstacle to tort reform and our disastrous mortgage debacle created by Democrats in Congress.
The 1%. Get the facts. … Total income for top 1% fell 21% (to $1.3 trillion in 2009 from $1.7 trillion in 2008), while the average tax rate rose to 24% from 23.3%, the IRS data showed.
• 1% threshold has fallen to $343,927 in 2009 from $410,096 in 2007.
• Top 5% at $154,643.
• Top 10% at $112,124.
• Top 25% at $66,193. [scrippsnews] 10/28/11
An OWS protester complaining about income inequities heard on the radio, a retired teacher, was making over $65,000 just in retirement income. That puts him in the top 25%.
Democrats continue to make fact-less claims that are parroted by the Occupy people and their union backers. See Fact-Less Claims by Politicians here at TheRightJack.
Jobs lost. Solyndra. Eleven hundred jobs for half a billion US Taxpayer dollars. That was $450,000 for every job. Of course, when the money ran out, those 1,100 Solyndra jobs ran out too. [] 10/28/11 Big Gov wrong yet again.
Economic mobility. The bottom 15% to 20% of the economic ladder. It is not static or fixed. People move out of poverty in large numbers, even into the top 1%, and move into poverty in large numbers. For the factually challenged, like our politicians, the US capitalist economic system allows people to move up without limits or restrictions, apart from legal matters. This includes politicians who become extremely wealthy once they gain that highly valued political office. “Perks” Happen. Just ask Charlie Rangel [D-NY] who went from nearly nothing to millionaire status. =TheRightJack
Dick Morris supports Cain’s 9-9-9 plan over Perry’s optional flat tax. In a nutshell, Cain cuts the economic drag on business while Perry simplifies the paperwork. [] 10/28/11 Worthwhile read.
Income Tripled. A quick hit line from radio news revealed that the Top 1% have tripled their incomes between 1979 and 2007. Unlike Obama, there was no mention of how many jobs these big earners “created” or how many jobs they “saved” during that time. [] 10/26/11
TheRightJack's grandmother said that it takes money to make money. And in the view of TheRightJack, that starts by doing well in school and earning your high school diploma.
No Education = No Gain
No Education = No Job
No Education = No Hope
Job Fair for illegals hosted by DHS. Working against the USA or a Sting? It is not a sting, but should be. [] 10/24/11
What Congress? Obama says that he will bypass Congress to get a jobs bill enacted. His Democrat Congress will not pass another Democrat Tax and Spend bill with election season about to bloom. However, Democrats in Congress may be more than willing to allow Obama to hang himself while violating the US Constitution. 10/24/11
Stimulus failures. Jobs not going to US workers. [danieljmitchell on twitter] 10/21/11
Unemployment increases among college grads. []
Blame Government, not Wall Street. Democrats in Congress and Democrats in Big business plus the Union first socialist policies of Obama are to blame for our economic mess and increasing unemployment. Click Here to read these comments.
1.5 million private sector jobs lost since 2009, when Obama took office.
603,000 jobs shed by various governments since early 2010.
Strike 2. Just $35 B-b-b-b-billion. Public sector union jobs bill of Obama, version two, voted down by Democrats. Cannot get enough Democrat votes to pass the bill. Republicans blamed. 10/20/11 Have the US voters figured it out yet?
Jobs in private sector doing fine. It is the public sector jobs, Government Job, that need help, says Harry Reed. Democrats continue fighting for the union jobs in the public sector [i.e., union teachers, union government employees, first responders, etc.] while ignoring private sector jobs that actually generate profitable tax income for Big Gov. [Las Vegas Review-Journal] 10/19/11
13.0. Misery index at 28 year high. At levels not seen since 1983 and the era of Jimmy Carter. []
Misery Index
See Resource List here at TheRightJack for other valuable sources of information.
Facts from O’Reilly = F on Obama report card after 1000 days:
• Jobs: The president has presided over the loss of 2.2 million jobs.
• Debt: Obama has increased taxpayer debt by $4.2 trillion. Every day, the nation runs a deficit of $4.2 billion.
• Foreclosure and Bankruptcy: 2.4 million homes have been foreclosed on. Homeowners and businesses have declared 4 million bankruptcies.
• The Stimulus: Obama promised that his $787 billion stimulus would save or create 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010. He came up 7.3 million jobs short of his goal, according to the Heritage Foundation.
• Healthcare: Obamacare did not reduce healthcare costs as promised and is in fact responsible for increasing costs in 2011. Health insurance premiums are up 13 percent.
• Poverty: Nearly 3 million more Americans live in poverty than did before Obama took office. [] 11/17/11
Jesse Jackson Jr [D-IL] wants Big Dem Gov to hire all of the 14 million unemployed at $40,000 per year. Who is going to pay them? What will they actually do? Where will the money come from year 2, not to mention year 1? [] 10/15/11
Obama Spendulus Calulator
Jobs. Congressional Democrats sink Obama jobs plan. Astute Democrats do not want to put their name on another disastrous Democrat Tax and Spend jobs bill. Obama blames Republicans for this jobs failure.
Jobs. ObamaNistas looking for administrative ways for the White House to work around Congress and create Big Gov infrastructure jobs. No funding sources mentioned in his talk to union members today. Congress not talking, yet. 10/11/11
14%. Unemployment would be at 14% if it were not for the Obama stimulus plans, according to Nancy Pelosi. See how easily Democrats make up stuff that is likely to go challenged by the Big Time Dying Democrat Media. 10/7/11
Democrats claim new jobs created by counting the return of striking workers. New jobs during Obama Economy not keeping pace with what is actually needed. To make progress, the US needs to create 150,00 to 175,00 new jobs per month to keep pace with new workers who are aging into the work force. 10/7/11
Harry Reed blocks GOP efforts to bring the Obama Jobs bill to the floor for a vote. That means the Dems do not have enough Dem Senators who are willing to vote for his horrible bill.
5% solution. Harry Reed plans to add a 5% tax on millionaires to the Obama jobs bill. Tax and spend is still the Democrat way. Will they ever change?
Private sector creates 91,000 jobs in September 2011. Big Obama Gov crony capitalism created 45 green jobs for $737 million, some with ties to Nancy Pelosi. [The Western Center for Journalism]
Obama's Unfunded Teacher Mandate: He funds the teachers for a year, and then when the year is up and there's no money to pay them, guess what? It's "The Republicans hate teachers!" all over again. - - - Rush Limbaugh 10/4/11
Oooops. Jew Tax comment by Obama not helping his perpetual get out the presidential vote campaigning. [] When does he have time to rule?
If you love me, you’ve got to help me pass this bill - - - - Barack Obama on 9/15/11 Wow. What compelling leadership? This jobs bill that is missing details has yet to be introduced in Congress for discussion. Is this another piece of Democrat legislation that needs to be passed so that we can see what is in it?
The rich are not paying their fair share! Truth about taxes being paid:
• 29.1% = tax percentage paid by those with incomes over $1 million
• 15% = taxes paid on income earners between $75K and $50K
• 12.5% = taxes paid on income earners between $50K and $40K
• 5% = taxes paid on income earners between $30K and $20K
Look who is rebuilding US bridges. Chinese companies and workers. [ABCnews] 9/23/11 2:55 minute video
Remember the 3 “Canadian” buses purchased by Big Obama Gov for US campaign stops in 2011.
The Tax Policy Center estimates that 46% of households, mostly low- and medium-income households, will pay no federal income taxes this year. Most, however, will pay other taxes, including Social Security payroll taxes. Read this fact checking article about Obama. [YahooNews]
Obama continues to make up stuff to fit his socialist agenda.
Democrats in general continue to make up stuff and their Big Time Dying Democrat Media seldom if ever questions those assertions. Politically, unchallenged lies become truths.
Letter to editor in newspaper from college professor decries the gap in wealth between the haves and have nots. No mention of the effort gap and individual initiative gap between producers and consumers, workers and non-workers or the productive and non productive. No mention of creating wealth by working your buns off as opposed to sitting on your buns day after day. Some people are running, some are walking and some are sitting. Those who are walking and running are not responsible for those who are sitting but the charitable contributions of the walkers and runners certainly helps, not to mention all of the taxes they have paid. =TheRightJack 9/17/11
Will closing the wealth gap put more money in the pockets of the poor. So far, The Obama Strategy to spread the wealth seems to have created more [poor?] people who depend of Big Gov for their existence.
Build it, a massive welfare system, and they will come.
As the US economy recovers, according to Obama and his media, 46.2 million Americans are in poverty and 22% of our children are in poverty. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, there is no tunnel.
The $447 B-b-b-billion Obama Jobs Plan has not yet been introduced as legislation by Democrats in Congress. More Taxes. Bigger Gov. They are not fools. Democrats do not want to get saddled with more Obama debt weighting them down.
Unemployment numbers tweaked downward by Big Gov = we are in a depression. Some say we have never moved out of a depression economy despite the rosy words of Obama and his media supporters. [] 9/2/11
Is it possible that the “string of bad luck” that Obama has faced is due to just two main things:
[1] Trying to fundamentally transform the US into a Big Government socialist economy is not working because socialist dependency just does not work, and
[2] Obama is indeed naïve and lacks both the education and experience needed to come up with the workable solutions that are part of the fabric of Republican lawmakers and the job creating business community. Obama just does not know, nor do his czars and advisers. It is one thing to know what you do not know. It is a totally different matter to Not Know what you do Not Know. Obama and his advisers seem to fall in the latter category. =TheRightJack
ZERO! Job growth in August. Unemployment remains at 9.1% but the number of workers [declining] and non workers [increasing] makes that 9.1% low, low, low. 9/2/11 Add to the Obama string of bad luck.
US Debt. Please read it. Too many numbers to explain. [] 9/2/11
925. 75. It has been 925 Days since President Obama last presented a comprehensive plan to get Americans back to work. Exactly 925 days ago the failed stimulus was signed into law, and today national unemployment remains at 9.1% and 24 million Americans are either unemployed, underemployed or have stopped looking all together. 75 rounds of golf played. No jobs plan. [Let Freedom Ring] 8/31/11 Click Here and Then Here for
Likely new EPA rules to throttle business and the economy with costs of doing business [i.e., debts] of over $90 billion per year. [National Center for Policy Analysis] 9/1/11 US Taxpayer efforts got it cancelled. Good move.
Warren Buffett called for more taxes on the wealthy. [Yahoo] So what is stopping the wealthy from making serious donations to Big Gov.
>>> But wait. There’s More <<<
Big US financier who wants the wealthy to pay more taxes. He has been battling the IRS since 2002 to get his business taxes reduced. [DrudgeReport and NY Post] Click Here.
72 – 28. Welfare and entitlement payments create jobs, according to Democrats. An old statistics suggests that Big Gov Overhead costs 72 cents out of every dollar it takes in while giving out 28 cents of ever dollar. If even somewhat accurate, the only jobs that Big Gov creates are highly inefficient and ineffective Big Gov Jobs. Unable to verify, yet =TheRightJack
15%-20% overhead. Not for profit organizations do well in qualifying for grants when they can limit their administrative overhead to less 20%.
Listen to this audio and video link. ±40 minutes. Good historical perspective. It is about: Rising prices. Joblessness. U6 unemployment. Debt. Deficit. Convenient exclusions. 1 in 7 in poverty. 43.6M on food stamps. Misery Index for Carter now 12.72% Obama. Calm before the storm. Inflation surge. Lessening the inflationary storm. Milton Friedman and Money Mischief. Decimation of the dollar. Survival. Book offer. Read: p18, 19, 42, 55-56, 76-77, 67, 211, 256, 255. Replace dollar. P220, 12 & 27, 263, 48. Early warning signs. 46, 105, 202-204, 217. No preventative plans in DC. p 40 Wall of protection. 22-23, 24-25, 37-39 formula, 47-50, 86 real value of silver, 223, 224. Receive Inflation Survival Handbook, free. Followed by a commercial for the Dividend Machine, an investment newsletter by Bill Spetrino – 3 months free. Very good history lesson.
Wall Street Coverup = Whitewashing. SEC has been deleting “Matters Under Inquiry” files of those big hitters who have been investigated but not prosecuted, since at least 1993. So, there is no paper trail that can be used to find bad guys with similar patterns of crime through their modus operandi. [] 8/17/11
There is always a question in business and government about who is watching who. That is, who is watching the oversight groups. In the Case of Fannie and Freddie, they were to be watched by a Congressional Committee. So who is watching the Congressional Committee. That is a massive US Taxpayer problem. =TheRightJack
Obama economic strategy. Let’s loan more money to people who are in trouble with their mortgages or cannot even afford mortgages in the first place. In the meantime, banks are not loaning money to people with good credit ratings, have jobs, and show that they are willing to work. Why? Banks make more money on mortgages backed by Big Gov and do not need to risk their [stimulus?] money on people who may or may not make payments. Maybe that makes economic sense to the socialist mind. =TheRightJack
CBO’s Latest Budget and Economic Outlook is Unrealistic []
The CBO Report. Click Here.
CBO is said to be politically neutral. Previous comments about CBO reports have indicted that CBO figures are based on reports given to them by The Administration. Hence, garbage in = garbage out. =TheRightJack
Cut spending, not entitlements, says Byron York. "... federal spending has exploded in recent years. In fiscal 2007, the last year before things went haywire, the government took in $2.568 trillion in revenues and spent $2.728 trillion, for a deficit of $160 billion. In 2011, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, the government will take in $2.230 trillion and spend $3.629 trillion, for a deficit of $1.399 trillion." []
Unemployment at 9.1% or 16.1% or 25%. Depends on who you count and how you count.
Boom & Bust reader, Bill, emailed in the following question: “I recently heard that the formula to figure the unemployment rate is continually tweaked to make it look better to the voting public. Is this true?” … Rodney replies: Unemployment numbers have been tweaked repeatedly over the last 75 years. The latest was in the 1990s to not count long-term “discouraged workers.” The main unemployment number is called U-3, and is at 9.1%. A more inclusive figure is U-6, which stands at 16.1%. However the government quit counting people who have not looked for a job in the last 12 months because they believe none to be available. It is estimated that adding this figure would pop the statistic up to around 25%. []
Tax Foundation wrote that taxing the wealthy as Warren Buffett suggests, will not solve the deficit. … “Even taking every last penny from every individual making more than $10 million per year would only reduce the nation's deficit by 12% and the debt by 2%” the non-partisan Tax Foundation’s David Logan writes. … In fact, the only way for the government to solve its fiscal issues with [increased tax] revenue would be to confiscate every single dollar from every single American making $200,000 or more per year, the study said. [] 8/19/11 And that could be done only once. Understand why?
Blowing Smoke. Why Warren Buffett will not pay more US income Tax even if taxes on the wealthy are raised. And his secretary will still pay more taxes than will he. [] 8/17/11
Liberals in this country have adapted this perfectly to their political forum!
Attorneys have a saying:
when the facts are against you, argue the law;
when the law is against you, argue the facts; and
when they're both against you, call the other guy names.
They lose on the facts … when Obama took control of Congress, the average gas price in this country was $1.79. Now it's $3.59. In January 2009, the unemployment rate was 7.6%. Now it's 9.2%. National debt was at about $10.7 trillion when Obama took office. Today, it's $14.6 trillion. The facts have spoken, and the liberal agenda is wreaking havoc on this country's economy! []
Unemployment. Up in 28 states for 2nd straight month. Down in 9. Texas has accounted for nearly half US jobs created since recession officially ended in 2009, according to calculations by Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Its job-creation figures are coming under scrutiny now that Gov Rick Perry, Republican, has launched presidential campaign. Unemployment: CA = 12.0%. NV = 12%. NE = 4.1% ND = 3.3%. US Economic growth revised downward from 2.5% to 1%. [yahoo]
Made in China. When total import content is considered, 13.9% of US consumer spending can be traced to the cost of imported goods and services. See links in this article.
[National Center For Policy Analysis] 8/16/11
String of Bad Luck. The reason Obama gives for our failing US economy.
Obama says Food Stamps and Unemployment Benefits create jobs. Exactly what is the different between this Obama “trickle down” jobs plan and the highly criticized Reagan economic plan. The two major differences I see in them is that [1] one is a Democrat plan and the other is a Republican plan, and [2] the Reagan stimulus and tax cuts went to those who could create jobs and create tax payers. =TheRightJack
610,000 jobs. Debt-ridden California has lost more than 610,000 manufacturing jobs in past 10 years thanks in large part to high taxes and regulatory burden imposed by Democrats. … CA ranked 49th in Tax Foundation’s 2011 State Business Tax Climate Index, which compares states in five areas of taxation that affect businesses. [] 8/15/11 TheRightJack has a solution. Just elect more Democrats.
Obscene Language. Felonious Munk's You Tube X rated rant against Obama and his "X#&@*^#" spending habits. No confusion evidenced by this US citizen tax payer.
Bush tax cuts yield increased revenue to US Treasury. When HUMAN EVENTS cited figures from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) showing that the Bush tax cuts in 2004-06 produced the highest two-year tax revenue increase in the preceding 40 years, Carney [WH Press Secy] dismissed the OMB statistics as “a very convenient slice of a figure.” [] It is just not in the DNA of Democrats today to lower taxes, despite this rich history of tax cuts = more revenue. Take time to read the comments.
Obama: The buck never stops here.
Tea Party blamed for the economic failures of Obama. See … @BrentBozell on Twitter. The liberal media are so predictable. Now they blame the Tea Party for Obama's economic failures!
Big Time Dying Democrat Media and the really left wing Democrat talking heads are doing all that they can to divert all blame for our sinking economy away from Obama [2009 - 2011] and the previous four years [2007 - 2010] of Democrat controlled Congress. Ooops. Do not forget Bush 43. As if nobody noticed.
Obama continues to prove that socialism and capitalism have totally different objectives. Private sector tax generating jobs is just not an objective of socialism. All Big Gov all the time and more Big Gov jobs all the time is the objective of socialism, that plus welfare and union dependents. =TheRightJack 8/8/11
Unemployment under Obama nearly twice as high as under Bush 43 when comparing levels of education.
15%. Employment report released by Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicated that unemployment rate for Americans 25 years and older who have less than a high school diploma spiked from 14.3% in June to 15.0% in July.
4.3% Americans 25 years and older who have college degree or better, unemployment rate dropped from 4.4% in June to 4.3% in July. That followed a drop from 4.5% in May. More number for high school grads and those with some college. [] 8/5/11 Hey kids, get your HS diploma and college degree. Education pays. Read more at this link.
US debt deal and European PIGS blamed for stock market fall. No confidence in US and European money. China rails against US as they continue to manipulate their currency. 8/6/11
Letter to editor features Big Execs multi-million dollar salaries that are 200+ times larger than their employees. No mention as to whether these execs are Democrats or Republicans but the inference is that there are no wealthy Democrats and that only Republicans are looking out for their wealthy friends. 8/6/11
It has been reported that Big Gov can take all of the income from all of the big earners and the US will still not be out of the debt problem. And Big Gov will only be able to do this once. The folloing year, those high earners will not be working or they will not be working in the USA. =TheRightJack
Fact: Democrats in Congress are more wealthy than Republicans in Congress and there are more wealthy Democrats than Republicans.
Fact: Republicans donate more total money and a higher percentage of their income to charities than do Democrats.
193,000. More people left the job market than entered. July 2011
58.1% of adults in America are working. Lowest level since the summer of 1983, when unemployment topped 10%. [Bureau of Labor Statistics]
30 straight months of unemployment over 8%. Well obviously, it is the fault of Bush 43, certainly not the Democrat controlled Congress from 2007 thru 2010.
NY Times warning about double dip recession. [] 8/5/11 You know it is serious when a Leftist newspaper like the Times is going against A Democrat Administration.
Unemployment drops to 9.1% from 9.2% with 117,000 jobs created.** Democrats in the media are beside themselves with joy just like when there was a 0.10% growth in spending last month. US needs to create 250,000 jobs per month or we are losing ground. Big employment reality problem is that a smaller and smaller percentage of the population is working. Some people are not counted because they are not looking. Liars lie and liars figures.
** Revised numbers to be released soon, as usual. They tend to be less rosey than those first released.
40.4 weeks. Average length of unemployment.
Dow falling. Not looking good. Bush to blame, no doubt. Or perhaps it is the Tea Party Terrorists. Yea. That’s it.
The White House says that we need to raise taxes to create jobs. Big Gov spends and Big Gov needs more tax revenue. The repeated failure of the socialist philosophy of government works against business and job creation. Socialism looks to Big Gov to solve problems but Big Socialist Gov can only take. It cannot get out of the way of the real job creators … that is big business and small business. =TheRightJack
We demand that poor people hire us for the jobs that we need and deserve!
Mystery. Why do the Masters of Misery [i.e., Left Wing Democrats] have so much difficulty with this simple economic concept. Poor people do not create jobs. They devour tax money and government devours tax money trying to support them [and buy their votes]. Job creators and tax revenue creators are small businesses and the wealthy. =TheRightJack
New Regulatory Red Tape added in July by The White House. Comes with a $9.5 billion price tag. 229 new rules. 379 rules finalized. Among those he cited were EPA, healthcare reform, and financial regulatory reform rules. [Friends of the US Chamber of Commerce] 8/4/11
More Red Tape means more Big Gov eyes to monitor it. That means Bigger Gov and more money taken from the US TAxpayers to hire Big Gov bean counters. =TheRightJack
Bankruptcy. Central Falls, RI is broke. 19,000 residents. Unfunded pensions. $5 million in debt each of next five years. Pension reductions for retirees and unions is one attempted remedy but no takers. Bankruptcy is next option. Mayors who watched the store being blamed. [Yahoo Finance] 8/1/11
$90 million US dollars spent on national health, in China. [] 7/28/11 How charitable of our representatives in Washington DC.
It appears that the Congressional debate over the Faux Debt Crisis is "where" the spending cuts will occur. It is not so much about "how much" but where. That is, whose ox gets gored. Keep in mind that real spending cuts by our members of Congress seldom occur despite the rhetoric. It is all talk and posturing. 7/30/11
See "Understanding Big Gov Budget Cuts" here at TheRightJack. Democrats are particularly good at using this budget language against any colleague who wants to cut spending.
Jobs. Obama chief job advisor [in training?] Jeffrey Immelt, head of GE, admonished US Business for not creating jobs. GE received huge “Green Jobs” stimulus money from Obama. GE just let go of 35,000 workers. GE just sent more jobs to China. Do as I say, not as I do. Why does this phrase comes to mind?
According to a study released last year, the tort liability price tag for American small businesses alone topped $105 billion in 2008. These are the same small businesses that have created 64% of all net new jobs in this country during the past 15 years. [US Chamber for Legal Reform]
Democrats strongly resist tort reform as lawyers are among their top contributors. Cost of No Reform to US Taxpayers is higher prices and fewer jobs.
$14.59 T-t-t-trillion = US debt on 6/26/11
$400 B-b-billion. Cost of illegal immigration to US Taxpayers annually.
Obama The Campaigner: Fundamentally change the USA. Well, there is no doubt that this is happening right in our billfolds and pocketbooks ...
Go to the Watchdog on Wall Street by Christopher Markowski to develop a better understand our US economy, our US banking system and Congress. He is a financial guy and on the radio as well.
$5,600. CA police get $5,600 annual if they will clean their own motorcycles. Heard on the radio. 7/30/11 Some state and federal uniformed personnel are also given clothes cleaning allotments or their clothing is cleaned for them.
Blame Game. GOP to get blame for debt crisis no matter how it plays out. Big Time Dying Democrat Media will side with Obama despite the fact that a majority of the people do not want the debt ceiling raised. =TheRightJack 7/27/11
Tax the wealthy. Sure. Big Dem Gov can take every cent from business via taxes and that will not cover our national debt. You had better believe that businesses will shut down if they cannot afford to pay their employees and make a profit. So, what does Big Dem Gov do after there are no businesses to tax.
Caution: US Taxpayers need to figure out how to shelter your pension and other retirement plans. Big Dem Gov has their eyes on that too, and this has come right out of their own mouths. Pay Attention.
Compromise. Republicans are taking grief from Democrats for not working to compromise on the debt ceiling, spending cuts and tax hikes. Why can Republicans not comprise like Democrats. For instance, when ObamaCare was in the discussion stages, Democrats found a way to compromise among themselves ... that Death Panels should start with the Age 65 Seniors and then work down to younger ages depending on how much money it would save. Now that is the spirit of compromise.
Transparency. What are Democrats not telling us about the US Economy and their back room deals.
Debt ceiling default. Crisis or another Democrat Hoax. Politically, they voted to NOT raise the debt ceiling before they called it a crisis if the debt ceiling were not raised.
Nearly 900 days. How long it has been since Democrats passed a budget and they were in total control of Congress.
Profits or jobs? Why are company profits on the rise along with unemployment.
[1] Fewer employees doing more.
[2] Business world uncertainty and risk created by this administration. Business does not know what new tax, policy or regulation will be instituted at the stroke of a pen.
[3] Business cannot risk hiring, training and retaining workers in an uncertain or unstable business climate.
[4] Uncertainty and Risk is … Big Gov placing enormous financial obstacles in the path of businesses who hire employees under Big Gov regulation #1 but then need to downsize due to new Big Gov regulation #2.
[5] Losing money is not the purpose of business, whether small “mom and pop” operations or mega stores. =TheRightJack
Those polled now believe Obama is responsible for our poor economy. [] 7/21/11
Measured in purchasing power, i.e. the number of gallons of gasoline or loaves of bread an average worker could buy with one hour of labor, American workers have experienced a steady decline in the value of their labor for the past 40 years. … it takes $7 in 2011 dollars to buy what $1 bought in 1966. [] 7/21/11
Fuzzy math from the Gang[sters] of Six. [] Is my bias showing?
Do away with the debt ceiling. [] 7/19/11 Like that is a really bright idea with Democrats who only know how to spend and the olde guard Republican legislators who are of a similar mind set.
Poverty in America. An amenities score [appliances TVs etc] of 19 is the median number for Americans. Analysis showed that median “poor households” most frequently had 14 items: air conditioning, washer and dryer, ceiling fans, cordless phone, etc. 43% of all poor households own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio. Poverty is misrepresented by Liberals thus hampering effective programming. 2005 study by The Heritage Foundation. [] Published 7/18/11 Eye opening research report that shows how the Leftist media and politicians misrepresent poverty in the US.
Real Estate Value Falling. Local radio new reporter interviews a realtor who says that local home sales is lowest and pricing is lower than it has been in the past two year. Then recovery is predicted to be three or more years away. After this comment by the realtor, the reporter paints a rosey “improving” picture. It sounded to me as if this news reporter did not even realize what he was saying ... putting lipstick on a pig. 7/18/11
Cut, Cap, Balance pledge. Tuesday vote 7/19/11. Democrats running from this legislation like rats on a sinking ship. To sign the pledge, click here.
The Republican "cut, cap and balance" the federal budget plan set for a House vote Tuesday would condition a $2.4 trillion increase in the debt limit on an immediate $100 billion cut from next year's federal budget and adoption by Congress of a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget without tax increases. []
Obamageddon. Debt ceiling crisis. Interesting concept, this “crisis’ thing. Seems like Democrats find one every week to keep the Republicans on the defensive. [WND]
This reminds me of a joke that goes like this …
A man is laying in his hospital bed and his wife was at his bedside.
He said:
“You were by my side when we had that car wreck.”
“You were at my side when I slipped and fell on that hike.”
“You were by my side when I broke my arm.”
“And now you are here by my side in the hospital.”
“I am beginning to think that you are Bad Luck.” [The Democrats, that is ; - )]
Obama plans to ignore Congress and raise the Debt Ceiling by himself. On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced his intention to go along with Obama's plan. … Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution specifically grants the power to spend and incur debt only to Congress. Yet Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is now ready to allow Barack Obama to raise the debt ceiling all by himself – essentially granting Obama king-like powers. [Alan Keyes, Declaration Alliance]
How big is $14 trillion. Click on this video illustration using Lake Michigan. [] It is a deep subject.
@RasmussenPoll on Twitter. Scott Rasmussen. 70% Think Government Regulation Hurts Small Business More Than Big Business...
Obama like Jell-O trying to pin him down to a consistent path for budget reduction, says Boehner. [] 7/14/11 Then Obama apparently walked out of the budget meetings in a huff.
Debt ceiling ...
Democrats say: Raise it or the US will crumble into dust, and will not have money to pay seniors and soldiers.
Republicans say: Show me the specific spending cuts and we will talk about raising the debt ceiling.
Neil Boortz says: Grow the economy at 5% per year and we will not need to do either.
TheRightJack says: I does not matter what we do. It does matter who we vote in. Democrats always want to spend more than what is generated by taxes. Republicans too … but this group “might” be willing to balance the budget.
Who is paying the bills ...
• Top 1% pay 39% of all income taxes, up from 2% on 2000 when Bush 43 took office.
• Top 25% of income earners pay 86% of all federal income taxes, up from 85% in 2000.
• Top 50% pay 97% of all income taxes.
• Percentages mean nothing to those who never learned the Three R’s and are habitually dependent on Big Dem Gov = the dole.
Italy, 3rd largest economy in Europe, in danger of economic collapse.
$48,000,000,000 US Taxpayer money lost to Medicare fraud in 2010 says GOA.
Democrat Debt Scam. Obama will not assure seniors and soldiers that they will receive their monthly checks while continuing to pay out billions to other Big Gov recipients.
Compare this Democrat Debt Scam to school levies when they are up for a vote. Of all of the things that schools could stop paying, they like to threatened the end of school bussing, kindergarten, library, art and gym classes. I suppose they also must now threaten to end in-school day care for young teen students with babies.
In the meantime, teacher unions are opposing volunteers who come into the schools to help out where needed.
Unions fear trickle down unemployment because of EPA regs. Barack Obama's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pushing job-killing regulations that even the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers says are too extreme ... imposed regulations will lead to a loss of 50,000 jobs for its members and 200,000 other workers down the supply line. [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise]
Under Obama• Federal government spending has increased 21.4%
• Federal government DEBT has increased $3.5 TRILLION
• Welfare spending has increased 54%
• REAL unemployment rates are stuck at over 16%
• REAL inflation rates at over 5% and rising [Declaration Alliance]
EPA War on copper mines and miners. Every hybrid car contains about 100 pounds of copper - most of it in the electrical cables and, of course, the electric motor. A conventional car only contains about 50 pounds of copper. … Copper is at the heart of every eco-friendly modern technology - including wind power. It is essential to everything from cell phones to toasters and, as noted, electric cars to wind turbines. Without it, life would be downright primitive, the Washington Examiner noted in a recent article. That's why it doesn't make sense for environmentalists to oppose mining copper in Alaska or anywhere else. Copper makes eco-friendly products work. [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise]
• EPA War on the US economy. Yet another brain-dead job killing political policy of the Obama administration. =TheRightJack
Just heard on the radio news that Obama has a $37 million payroll for 400 White House workers. That is around $93,000 per job if 400 is close to the right number. Tops Bush 43. 7/5/11 Big US Gov Mega Spending Job Killing Yikes.
EPA is Obama's No. 1 Job Killing Machine! Environmental Protection Agency has created 946 pages of new regulations aimed at power plants that will cost businesses an estimated $10.9 billion every year. Costs will be passed on to consumers! [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise]
Why banks are not lending to businesses or potential homeowners! Simple. Bankers can make greater profits from US Big Gov by not lending, on housing in particular, and then avoid the risks of lending. Then banks service the loans, which means that they do the paperwork and get paid for doing that … and US Big Gov wrote the rules.
Geithner says that prioritizing our debt payments will not work. In other words, when you find yourself with too much personal debt, deciding where to cut back and what to pay does not work. Where did this man learn his budget policies, Seseme Street or Animal House. [] 6/29/11 Click Here.
Alan Greenspan says: "There is no evidence that huge inflow of money into the system basically worked," Greenspan tells CNBC. [Money News] 7/1/11 Did not Joe Biden, the man next to the president, tell us that the stimulus is working. Click Here.
ND has jobs. State jobs office has 15,205 listings, up 64% from May 2010.
ATMs. Obama blames the poor US economy on automatic teller machines. Can you imagine the ridicule and slander that would have come from the Big Time Dying Media had a Republican said this. By the way, there were ATMs during to good economic times of Bush 41 and Bush 43. They were first introduced in 1972. Who is the economic fool?
Timothy Geithner, 49, may desert the Obama ship of state. What can he do to strengthen the US economy when he must work under the socialist principles of more government control and more taxes. [] 7/1/11 Click Here.
Nations ready for bankruptcy: 1 Greece. 2 Italy. 3 Spain. 4. Portugal [Called the P I G S]
States ready for bankruptcy: California
Bernanke. What did we learn? He said that he did not know what to do about the economy. In business, that could mean that he should be fired immediately and replaced by someone who knows what to do. Many of us know what to do. Why does Bernanke not know this? It is not a secret. Click Here.
We don't have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting. One way to think about it is that maybe some of the headwinds that have been concerning us, like, you know, weakness in the financial sector, problems in the housing sector, balance sheet and de-leveraging issues -- some of these headwinds may be stronger and more persistent than we thought. - - - Ben Bernanke of The Fed, June 22, 2011
• Financial sector - What about that huge bailout? Printing more money?
• Housing - aaah! Bad mortgage policies? Loans to people would could not pay their bills?
• Balance sheet - like the Big US Democrat Gov spending more than they take in?
• Is job killing Big Gov policies of EPA a factor?
• And, What exactly are de-leveraging issues?
People not serious. Newspaper runs AP article noting that US People NOT taking the debt seriously. Media propaganda continues to blame everyone but Obama and the Democrats. 6/26/11
Democrats want to raise the debt limit but unwilling to make spending cuts. No Spending Cuts = No Change = More Debt = Upward Debt Growth.
Cuts. While House Republicans continue to deliver on promise to reduce federal spending, Democrats have doubled-down on their failed agenda of borrowing and spending. Last week, Republicans voted to cut $2.7 billion in discretionary spending, but the untold part of the story: every single Democrat in the House voted no - every single one. All of them voted against making cuts in the federal government’s annual spending … again! Democrats proved once again that they are unwilling to cut federal spending.
Rebecca Wodder, former CEO and president of Big Green's dam-killing, water-grabbing, natural gas enemy, American Rivers Inc. ($12.1 million in 2010 revenue), believes government should have authority over every tiny lake, pond and wetlands in your State, county, city or neighborhood. … If her nomination is confirmed by the Senate, Wodder will have control over a $2.9 billion budget, 21,000 employees, 84.4 million acres for National Park Service; and a $2.7 billion budget, 7,900 employees, and 96.2 million acres for US Fish and Wildlife Service. That is a total budget of $5.6 billion, 28,900 employees, and 180.6 million acres of land! [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise] Election of Democrats have consequences for US economy.
The job situation. 7 million jobs lost wipes out all job gains since 2000. Job loss closer to 10.5 million. [US News] 6/20/11 Click Here. Facts, not opinions or spin. Very good presentation of the employment numbers that really make you question to actions of the current Democrat administration. Not easily summarized so just read and learn. =trj
The Truth about tax cuts. 6/22/11 Click Here for the article. The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation.
In January 2007, as the federal debt stood at just over $8 trillion, a new class of Democrat Senators took control after promising to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington. … Just over four years later, the debt now stands at $14.3 trillion and climbing. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats have not passed a budget in over 780 days, and these same Democrat Senators now up for re-election next year are calling for a clean debt ceiling increase without any fiscal reforms. [The National Republican Senatorial Committee] 6/21/11
Remember, part of the reason that there is a budget mess in Congress now is that the Democrat Congress failed to pass a budget in 2010 when they had total control of Congress. Democrat have been raising a stink about the debt limit since Republicans took control of the House. =trj
Cleaning out the American People: Trickle Down Economy of Reagan or Colonoscopy Economy by Obama?
Who owns this terrible economy? Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairperson of DNC, says that this economy belongs to the Democrats. Let us see how the Democrats dance around that declarative statement when and if there is no improvement. That could be easy because a majority of the people who have been polled still blame Bush 43 for our terrible economy. It has been three long years now and the Democrat have yet to fix the economy. How many know that the Democrats have controlled the House and Senate since 2007 where they stopped Bush from fixing anything related to over-spending including that Fannie and Freddie mortgage disaster.
Democrats continue to play that fact-less “economy is slowly improving” campaign theme while the real facts about the US economy continue to show downward movement. How long are Democrats in the media going to go along with the fact-less Democrat propaganda? Will the middle undecided and unaffiliated 40% of the voters get it?
High speed rail service between Iowa City and Chicago to take longer than existing bus service. Bus fare is $18. Cost overruns expected. []
3% unemployment in Washington DC metro area of Virginia and Maryland. Follow the money. 6/14/11
16.2%. With really high inflation among African Americans, they still support Obama. [TheDailyCaller] 6/10/11 Click Here to learn why Democrats come up with new outreach programs for Our So-Called Minorities at election time. The majority of the 4-year cycle Democrats are pretty much a "white male" club. In reality, the GOP has shown much more diversity than have Democrats. That inconvenient fact escapes the Democrat media and Democrat campaigners. =trj
1%. Bernanke says that inflation is around 1% BUT the Bureau of Labor Statistics "excludes" food and energy costs. Well, dah. What do people purchase more frequently and at higher and higher prices every week? []
Worst Ever? No change = No change.
Economist Marc Faber says President Barack Obama is "by far one of the worst presidents" the United States has ever had. [] 6/7/11 Click Here. His comments read like a GOP campaign agenda.
Economy worse than you think. Misguided decisions. GDP down and more. [] 6/78/11 Short and to the point comments that lay out the GOP campaign agenda.
Budget and Tax News reports that the United States has the highest statutory corporate tax rates of the major developed countries and requires all but the smallest businesses to do vast amounts of paperwork to figure out what they owe.
Bigger Business or Bigger Government. Which is going to help you prosper, not just survive, but prosper.
The employment fix. Do not ask. Tell your Representatives in Congress to ...
• Get out of the way of business and entrepreneurs.
• Cut government spending across the board by 25% or more.
• Reduce government payroll by 50% immediately.
• Cut government waste and fraud, now.
• Do not spend it if you do not have it.
• Give US companies abroad a tax holiday to bring their profits home without the massive tax penalties that now exist.
ObamaNomics. In just 3 years Under Obama ...
• Federal government spending has increased 21.4%
• Federal government DEBT has increased $3.5 TRILLION
• welfare spending has increased 54%
• we are BACK to Jimmy Carter's STAGFLATION/MISERY INDEX
– REAL unemployment rates are stuck at over 16%
- REAL inflation rates at over 5% and rising [Declaration Alliance PAC] 6/9/11
Outrage. Rural Missouri farmer John Dollarhite was just fined $90,000 by our central government for engaging in a commercial endeavor, selling rabbits. [] Click Here to read about the growth of new regulations that hamper initiative.
Staggering debts and loose monetary policy is going to send the United States into a financial crisis worse than the one in 2008, says investor guru Jim Rogers. [] 6/9/11
5:1. It takes 5 private sector jobs to support just one [1] public sector government job. Mark Belling, heard on the radio today. 6/6/11
McDonalds is the biggest job creator last month. Was it not Obama who slammed hamburger flippers as menial jobs?
Georgia farmer employing legals and locals who "want" to work.
Jobs saved. Mostly union jobs and teacher jobs while Congress is trying to save their own skin.
Austan Goolsbee, the Chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers to resign after just 10 months. Back to Univ of Chicago. [The Daily Caller] 6/6/11. Click Here.
So what is the story here? Did they decide that Goolsbee is totally inept OR was he unable to change the dastardly socialist agenda that is killing the US economy? My guess is that it is the latter. =trj
QE 3 in the works despite the expensive failures of QE 1 and 2 to stimulate the US economy. It appears that the only predictable result of Quantitative Easing is inflation and devaluation of the US dollar. []
3 Prisons in Louisiana. One operated by private contractors was run just as well as the two that were run by state employees – only less costly. [Red State] 6/2/11
More and more public services, and even war-related jobs, are being "contracted out" to private businesses. They usually run these services at a lower cost than do public employees, with as good if not better efficiency, job performance and customer satisfaction. Congress knows this. They "contracted out" their own cafeteria because they could not do it themselves. =trj
Big Dem Gov says that the car companies they bailed out are profitable, BUT they still owe the US Taxpayers B-b-b-billions. That is not profitable. Add loan repayments to their balance sheets, then calculate their profitability.
Caution: Many US businesses operate on profits and profit margins of 10% or less.
2.5% or 3%. Obama wants to raise payroll taxes by 2.5% or 3%. Pushing for more taxes on capital gains from 15% to 22%.
Here’s how the added withholding tax would impact you:
• The federal government, as well as your state and local governments, withhold 3% from payments to any business that provides them with a product or service. This may include your local office supply store, local builders, electric company or even a business selling equipment to first responders.
• These businesses will then be forced to raise their prices to make up for the 3% of revenue being held hostage — or simply take a huge hit and risk going out of business.
• Higher prices could drastically impact government budgets, which are already strapped for cash.
• Local or state governments may be forced to raise your taxes to help make up for the budget gap.
• Similar to the 1099 mandate included in the health care bill, the 3% withholding requirement was an unrelated offset included in the Tax Reconciliation Act of 2005. Unless repealed, the 3% Withholding Tax will go into effect on January 1, 2013.
[Friends of the US Chamber of Commerce]
9.1%. May 2011 unemployment, not counting those not looking and other degrees of not working.
16+% unemployment when real counting of the really unemployed.
• 54,000 jobs added
• 28,000 gov jobs cut at local level
• 18,000 jobs were in education
• 446,000 city and county jobs cut since 2008
• 2007 is when Democrats too over Congress
[Daily Caller]
Bean counters. Obama labor officials are playing a shell game with the worker numbers in order to show low monthly unemployment numbers. In doing this, it appears that the total number of people who are working has dropped. The employed, officially unemployed, and officially not even looking for work should be counted, to be honest. Unemployment figures remain lower when those who are not looking are removed from the official monthly bean counting. =trj
TUO golfs for 12th time in 2011 and 70th time in 28 months of his presidency, on Memorial Day [2009 too]. Bush 43 stopped golfing because of the wars in the Middle East and media criticism. Click Here.
38,000 new private sector jobs added in May 2011. Economists were expecting 175,000. 6/1/11
Unexpectedly? Media shocked by bad economic news. Where have they been since 2007 when Democrats took over Congress. [Human Events] 5/30/11
The S&P/Case-Shiller index of property values in 20 cities fell 3.6 percent from March 2010, the biggest year-over-year decline since November 2009, the group said today in New York. In the first quarter, housing prices dropped 4.2 percent, a new low that is likely to threaten the economic recovery. [] 5/31/11
Default by Greece would/would threaten US economy much like the subprime mortgage mess created by Democrats in US Congress with the help of RINOs who wanted to get along. 5/29/11 Click Here.
Bailouts worked, less that expected then lost steam. [] 5/27/11
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in April 17.2% of people under 25 were unemployed, rising from 13.2% in 2008. A poll done by Associated Press in conjunction with mtvU in September of 2010 showed that now only 44% of that demographic is supportive of Obama’s presidency, a significant drop from previous years, and somewhat surprising considering the immense popularity he once held.
[] 5/31/11
After two years, the economy is not recovering. [USA Today] 5/31/11
• Inflation rate at 5% to 8%
• Real unemployment now at 16%
• Gas at the pump has risen 100% since Obama took office
• Cotton is up 140%
• Agricultural Raw Materials are up 81%
• Food Prices are up 49%
• Energy Prices are up 81%
[Life and Liberty PAC] 5/30/11

Debt ceiling parable. [] 4/20/12
It is impossible to cut
spending when the dominant plank in your political platform is to
indiscriminately give away money, grants and services to buy votes to get
elected ... and call it fairness.
22.5%. Real unemployment rate for January 2012. U6 is the real unemployment
rate. Bureau of Labor Statistics only reports the U3 rate. [wnd] 4/15/12
+ +
Democrats and their Big Time Dying Media neither like nor report data that reflects badly on "their" economic policies.
+ +
Big Time Dying Democrat Media continues to lose revenue from subscribers, viewers and advertisers, not to mention union scale, because of their support for the Far Left agenda of Democrats. Needless to say, when people cannot buy, small and large businesses cannot advertise. Call it that Risk - Reward principle of capitalism.
+ +
Democrats and their Big Time Dying Media neither like nor report data that reflects badly on "their" economic policies.
+ +
Big Time Dying Democrat Media continues to lose revenue from subscribers, viewers and advertisers, not to mention union scale, because of their support for the Far Left agenda of Democrats. Needless to say, when people cannot buy, small and large businesses cannot advertise. Call it that Risk - Reward principle of capitalism.
Problems. Fake president. Fake energy. [ Daily] 4/15/12 Well
worth spending your time reading this.
Capital Gains Tax by Daniel J
Mitchell. Another perspective on taxes and double taxing. []
+ +
Some Legal US Voters know
that Big Gov can take ALL profits from ALL US businesses this year and it will
not balance the Democrat budget. Fortunately, politicians may actually realize that they can do
this just once. Why? Why work! That's why.
Obama likes tax cuts … in
China. … While making positive comments about the most recent five-year-plan
developed by the Communist government of the People’s Republic of China,
Undersecretary of State Robert Hormats specifically applauded China’s decision
to lower taxes because it would spur economic growth. [] 4/7/12
+ +
Comment: In a logical world as Gallagher would say,
tax cuts for US taxpayers would also stimulate the US economy, but not in
8.2% unemployment. Continues
to fall. Total employed at 142+ million = fewer jobs than existed when Obama
took office. 4.1 million more jobs now than in December 2009. 4.5 million fewer
jobs than existed in November 2007. Unemployment for African Americans is
dismal. Long term joblessness skyrocketing under Obama subsidies. Percentage of
US population who are not working continues rapid rise since 2008. []
+ +
Good clear report. Job creation still not keeping pace with population growth. Awaiting real unemployment numbers and adjusted CBO numbers.
+ + 9% to 10% unemployment with legitimate counting and over 14% total unemployment.
Democrats can intentionally create more people who depend on Big Gov for their existence and thus people who will vote Democrat by adopting Big Dem political policies that cause business uncertainty and smother job creation.
Male workers age 16 to 24
• Nearly 80% in the workforce
in 1970s
• 58% in workforce today []
+ +
Is our work ethic being replaced by an entitlement ethic? You know that this is learned behavior, do you not!
Signs that a drowning man is grasping for straws ... Obama Warns Ryan's GOP Budget Would
Make Weather Prediction Less Accurate. 4/4/12
+ +
Obama on the Paul Ryan
budget: "We wouldn't have the capacity to enforce the laws that protect
the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food that we eat. Cuts to the
FAA would likely result in more flight cancellations, delays and the complete
elimination of air traffic control services in parts of the country. Over time,
our weather forecasts would become less accurate because we wouldn't be able to
afford to launch new satellites and that means governors and mayors would have
to wait longer to order evacuations in the event of a hurricane. That's just a
partial sampling of the consequences of this budget." - - - Obama
[] 4/3/12
+ +
Obama neglected to mention
that the Ryan budget would cause the sky to fall and the fingers and toes of
all newborns to fall off ;-)
Really? US Postal Service, with $8
B-b-billion in over spending for the year, is offering workshops for businesses on how to
make more money. Is it wise to take advice from a Big Gov unit that cannot operate its own business in a fiscally sound manner? 3/29/12
8.5% US Big Dem Gov
unemployment rate. 3/9/12
• Still 2 million fewer jobs
now than since Obama took office.
• Democrats were in control of
US Senate for 2 years before Obama took office.
4.2 million out of work and
out of the figures used to calculate Big Dem Gov unemployment. Unemployment is
over 10% when not manipulating the numbers to get more positive results.
Economy roaring back. NOT!
3/9/12, but ...
Big Time Dying Dem Media
keeps trying to convince those who are not paying attention of this false story
line to prop up Obama. While Bush 43 was in office and the Dems were in
control of Congress, the same Dem Media kept making up stories about Bush 43’s failing economy --- which was
actually much better that the Obama economy of the last three years. =TheRightJack 3/8/12
8,000 Unemployment claims up.
US budget shown above is explained so very clearly by Mr Conservative that even the most dedicated radical far left liberal progressives could
understand it … IF they cared at all about the future of their children and the USA. []
Inflation under Obama and Democrats is worse than reported in the news. Everyday Price Index = 8% inflation in 2011 compared to Consumer
Price Index = 3.1% inflation in 2011. [] 3/2/12 How on earth can unbiased analysts leave food and fuel out of any inflation index. Ditto for the real unemployment rate of more than 15%.
Visit the American Institute for Economic Research.
20 economic stats like this: #6 There are more unemployed Americans than there are people living in the entire
nation of Greece. [] 2/29/12
North Korea has high-end printing presses
to print fake US money. [] 2/28/12 Have we heard anything about
this from Obama or the State Department? What soft response if any would Obama
US per capita debt worse than
Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Ireland. See the chart here. []
Manufacturing is up. Based on
9 indicators, 3 up and 6 are down. Media cherry picking the data. Might not want to take that info to the bank.
Source: Empire State Mfg Study.
Who me? Lying. Obama still claiming
the economy was so much worse than what he was lead to believe upon taking
office [an old Bill Clinton line] … despite a 2-3 year onslaught of negative
economic/campaign news by the Big Dem Media and the Democrats including Obama during the last
several years of the Bush administration. Obama campaigned on a terrible
economy as did Slick Willie … but the Obama economy of the last three years is far worse than what
he inherited. Obama and the Democrats made a slow economy worse with their
socialist economic policies. =TheRightJack 2/15/12
8.3%. Unemployment down again for January
2012. Obama happy. U6 unemployment at +15%. Total number of workers down too.
Net is fewer people working. Lowest level in years. []
Share of population working. 45.4% of Americans had
jobs in 2010, the lowest rate since 1983 and down from a peak of 49.3% in 2000.
Last year, just 66.8% of men had jobs, the lowest on record. [USA Today]
4/15/11. Current number of workers is lowest since mid 1960s. Heard on the radio 2/3/12
$1.03 B-b-billion in unpaid taxes by federal employees at the end of 2010. [] 1/25/12. My policy, if I were elected, would be for THEM to pay up now or be fired. AND/OR take what is owed out of their pensions.
What has this president done for the US economy, apart from trying to shift the blame for his failing economic policy on to the previous administration that was saddled with a Democrat as the head of the US Treasury [a Bush 43 appointment as director of bailouts], a Democrat House and a Democrat Senate.
• 22.9% unemployment for recent high school graduates
• 31.5% unemployment for recent high school dropouts
13.9% unemployment for recent college graduates in architecture
11.1% unemployment for recent college graduates in the arts
California. Sigh. It has one of the most troubled economies among all of our United States. It has had a long and well deserved reputation of the land of fruits, flakes and nuts. California is the home of a tremendous amount of “out of the ordinary” and deviant behavior. It includes: the absence of “conventional” civility, rampant homelessness, public nudity and vulgarity, unrestrained obscene behavior, gang violence, vile OWS/Union behavior supported and encouraged by local politicians, out of control state and local government spending, unfunded government pensions, unfunded services for illegals, open in-migration to sanctuary cities and far too many homicides. California, with its most beautiful climates and natural features, also leads the nation in “out migration” to other states … the State of New Detroit in the making. =TheRightJack
• 22.9% unemployment for recent high school graduates
• 31.5% unemployment for recent high school dropouts
13.9% unemployment for recent college graduates in architecture
11.1% unemployment for recent college graduates in the arts
• 9.4% unemployment for recent college graduates in the humanities and liberal arts
• 8.9% unemployment for recent college graduates in social science
• 8.3% unemployment for recent college graduates in law and public policy
• 8.3% unemployment for recent college graduates in law and public policy
Prior to the Obama economic policies being implemented, unemployment for college graduates was in the 4.6% range. =TheRightJack 1/22/12
See this link:
See this link:
Issue for Democrats: Making a profit by buying "raw materials" and then making products and then selling products at a profit. The risk is putting up your own money on the line. The reward is selling a lot of product and creating jobs. This is capitalism. Giving Big Gov "grants" to select green energy companies, for example, is not capitalism. That is a mixture of socialism and fascism.
Issue for Democrats: Making a profit by buying "raw materials" and then making products and then selling products at a profit. The risk is putting up your own money on the line. The reward is selling a lot of product and creating jobs. This is capitalism. Giving Big Gov "grants" to select green energy companies, for example, is not capitalism. That is a mixture of socialism and fascism.
Ask yourself. Who is looking out for you?
• Big Dem Gov? Nope. They want total control.
• Congress? Nope. They want votes.
• Wall Street execs? Nope. Greedy and un-principled.
• Big Time Dying
Democrat Media? Nope. They are Democrats.
• The Talking Heads? Nope.
• Top Military brass? Nope. They change with the political winds.
• Union
bosses? Nope. Not a chance.
• Teachers who are indoctrinating your children? Nope.
• SEIU? Nope.
• ACORN? Nope.
• OWS/Democrats, Unions and Organizers? Nope.
• US Chamber of
Commerce? Maybe.
• Your broker? Don’t count on it.
• Democrats? Nope, unless you vote for them to take it all.
• GOP? Nope. They just want to go along to get along.
• Tea Party? Maybe.
If you hold
a private sector job, you should learn all you can, act and plan like you are on our own.
=TheRightJack 1/20/12
Sign: A penny saved is a government oversight.
California. Sigh. It has one of the most troubled economies among all of our United States. It has had a long and well deserved reputation of the land of fruits, flakes and nuts. California is the home of a tremendous amount of “out of the ordinary” and deviant behavior. It includes: the absence of “conventional” civility, rampant homelessness, public nudity and vulgarity, unrestrained obscene behavior, gang violence, vile OWS/Union behavior supported and encouraged by local politicians, out of control state and local government spending, unfunded government pensions, unfunded services for illegals, open in-migration to sanctuary cities and far too many homicides. California, with its most beautiful climates and natural features, also leads the nation in “out migration” to other states … the State of New Detroit in the making. =TheRightJack
Did you ever notice that when
you put the two words “The IRS” together is spells “theirs”
125 under performing grocery
stores to be closed by Food Lion. Radio business report on 1/15/12
399,000. Jobless claims up at
start of 2012. Highest is 6 weeks. Well, dah. Christmas hiring and buying season is over. Stat-savie caller to Rush Limbaugh Show explains how seasonally adjusted unemployment
figures hide the real unemployment figures of 642,000. 1/12/12 Click Here.
Democrats like to explain our economic distress since 2008 on the failures or evils of capitalism. When Big Gov takes away your business, puts your business out of business with regulations, curbs employment with unknown tax, wage and health obligations, gives massive handouts [called grants] and bailouts to friends, and raises taxes on every business, that is not capitalism. That is Big Socialist Gov. =TheRightJack 1/12/12
Greece to expand disabilities
to include a wide variety of “conditions” that have little or nothing to do with
being disabled. Get this: pedophiles, pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers,
fetishists, kleptomaniacs, sadomasochists, etc [] 1/10/12
More fat in the fire. And
just how does one accommodate for pyromaniacs? Maybe help them burn down your
home. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns. Greece is spending time on this
kind of “relief” while their financial mess is dragging down the European
economy. In some ways, this is exactly what the US is doing with all of this
spending on “things” [i.e., green energy] that do nothing to improve the US economy. =TheRightJack
@danieljmitchell on twitter. Dan
Mitchell What if Noah Tried to Build
the Ark in Illinois?
The Keystone Pipeline project
offers America ...
• 85,000 jobs
• $71 billion in wages
• Cheaper gas and
• Reduces our dependence on
terror oil
Note: Obama and the Democrats oppose this project to satisfy their Leftist EnviroCrats who would like to see the US Economy fail. Unions upset with the loss of potential jobs. Helping the US economy not a Democrat priority. 1/7/12 [] 1/7/12 Update: Obama vetoed it.
8.6% or 8.5%. December
unemployment figures. Heard both figures on the radio. 200,000 new jobs created. No
mention that these might be temporary Christmas jobs. No mention of the facts below. No mention that it takes 250,000 new jobs per month to keep unemployment from rising. No mention that the number of private sector workers is declining. 1/6/12
6.6 million. Labor Department estimates that there are 6.6 million employable Americans who have given up looking for work but could be coaxed back into the job hunt if optimism finally comes back into vogue. [NYPost] 1/3/12 Those who can but are not looking for work are not counted as unemployed in the Big Dem Gov reporting system.
• 2.128 million federal gov workers, 2010
• 5.089 million state gov workers
• 14.076 million local gov workers
• 109.349 million employed private workers, over 2.5 million fewer jobs, September 2011
• 111.822 million employed private workers, 2008
125. Number of Sears Stores to be closed nationwide. Heard on the radio news 12/26/11
But Harry Reid said that corporate American is doing fine. It is government that needs assistance. How can he be so blatantly dishonest about our dreadful Big Socialist Gov economy? =TheRightJack 12/27/11
@RasmussenPoll Scott Rasmussen
10% Rate U.S. Economy Good or Excellent ...
TRJ: Hard core Liberal Left believe that everything is great. Party over economic reality.
10% Rate U.S. Economy Good or Excellent ...
TRJ: Hard core Liberal Left believe that everything is great. Party over economic reality.
@nprnews NPR News
US Treasury: China Is Not Manipulating Its Currency …
TRJ: Economists would disagree.
US Treasury: China Is Not Manipulating Its Currency …
TRJ: Economists would disagree.
11%. If unemployment were counted today as it was counted in 2007, the unemployment rate would be 11%. Heard on Rush Radio where he identified the source as an Obama supporter from the Washington Post. 12/12/11 Real unemployment still somewhere between 15% and 20%.
Jobs? Compliance Software. Hi tech guy says that the biggest area in software development at this time is compliance software to help businesses wade through Big Gov requirements. News flash heard on the radio. 12/19/11
Job creators not happy with Big Gov. [Stossel] 12/14/11
50 facts about US economy. For example … #5. One recent survey found that 77% of all U.S. small businesses do not plan to hire any more workers. and #20. If you can believe it, the median price of a home in Detroit is now just $6,000. and #43. A staggering 48.5% of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits. Back in 1983, that number was below 30%. [] 12/18/11
Incredibly bad economic news. Obama, the Democrats and their puppet Media continue to blame Bush 43 for our economic decline while Democrats were in total control of the House, Senate, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the US Treasury. Click Here to see the list.
Thanksgiving Holiday spending nothing to get excited about, unless you believe the Democrat spin.
109,349 million employed private workers, over 2.5 million fewer jobs, September 2011
111.822 million employed private workers, 2008
Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse. In hot water for pulling their adv on TV show featuring the hard times that Muslims face in America. Congressman [D-CA] calling for a boycott and plans to bring the power of Big Dem Gov down on them just like Democrats [Barney Frank and Chris Dodd] threatened to do if mortgage companies did not give loans to people who could not afford to make the payments. [] 12/12/11
Jobs. The budget office states that the federal executive branch had 1.875 million civilian full-time employees back when the financial crisis hit in 2008. Two years later, that number had risen by 253,000 to 2.128 million, a 13.5% increase. State governments have cut their employment by a total of 49,000 to a total of 5.089 million. Local governments have cut much more at 210,000 workers down to a total of 14.076 million.
• 2.128 million federal gov workers, 2010
• 5.089 million state gov workers
• 14.076 million local gov workers
• 109,349 million employed private workers, over 2.5 million fewer jobs, September 2011
• 111.822 million employed private workers, 2008
Sorry Senator Reid, the private jobs market numbers are not doing “just fine.” Looking back to 2008, the Labor Department reported 111.822 million employed private workers. As of September 2011 that number was 109,349 million, which is over 2.5 million fewer jobs.
[Source: WatchDog on Wall Street by Christopher Markowski]
Unemployment. Shell game by Big Dept of Labor Gov. [AP via Yahoo] 12/8/11 Working. Not working. Stopped looking. Receiving benefits. No longer receiving benefits. Benefits expired.
Statistics as presented by Big Gov. Unemployment down as labor force shrinks. [] 12/6/11 As labor force shrinks, more people depend on Big Gov handouts. That means more votes for Democrat to keep the handouts flowing. Just another form of addiction.
99%-ers. 2 Conservatives for every 1 Liberal. n = 65,000. [Gallup] 12/6/11 This means that more people call themselves Conservatives than Democrats among The 99% population.
8.6% unemployment down from 9% last month.
[AP Economics Writer Paul Wiseman contributed to this report]
Obama: See. Our economic policies are working. We just need more time.
GOP: How do increasing numbers of people on food stamps, 120,00 jobs being created when 250,00 per month are necessary to break even with population growth, increasing unemployment claims, increasing numbers of people no longer looking for work =equal= lower unemployment rate? Wages Down. Inflation up. Christmas jobs and Christmas spending not likely to last. Somebody is cooking the books to hide the truth.
Crazy Budget Cuts [] Short video
Thrift – Buy these things after the holidays ...
Televisions. Linens. Tools. Snow blowers. Cameras.Outerwear. Skis. Furniture. Cars. Cruises. Bicycles. Gym memberships. Read why. [Yahoo. Shopping] 12/5/11
Sign on trucks owned by Georgia employer:
New Company Policy. We are not hiring until Obama is gone. Update: Owner is holding his ground.
Obama decision costs jobs for American aircraft workers in favor of Brazilian workers. [] 11/21/11 Another situation where US jobs are lost to foreign companies. Obama foreign policies continue to work against US workers.
Cut spending versus increase taxes. Democrats are politically incapable of cuts in spending. Spending US Taxpayer money is their primary strategy to keep and expand their power. For instance, in difficult economic times that they themselves created, Democrats continue to offer “incentives” for the college population, whether it be grants for "frivolous research" or student loan forgiveness. Then there are those illegal immigrant dollars, hidden ACRON grants and crony energy loans. We can only hope that Republicans will clean up their own history of dollars for votes after the 2112 elections. =TheRightJack 11/22/11
$15 T-t-trillion. US Debt just passed $15T = $47,989 per person or $134,271 per US tax payer. 11/16/11
Fannie and Freddie execs get million of dollars in bonuses. … The two loss-making firms have been propped up by about $169 billion in federal aid since they were rescued by the government in 2008. [Reuters]11/16/11 No belt tightening in Big Gov.
6.7% less. Family income has been reduced 6.7% in the past three years since Obama declared an end to the recession. Heard on the radio 11/11/11
9.0%. 80,000 new jobs in October 2011. Manchester, NH - The Department of Labor released its October jobs report today, which some are hailing as good news because the economy added 80,000 jobs and unemployment fell from 9.1 to 9%. This is pathetic! Nearly 14 million Americans are unemployed, and we could only create 80,000 new jobs? Source: Presented by Buddy Roemer for President 11/4/11
250,000 jobs need to be created every month to keep up with population growth and new people aging into the workforce. So, it is hard to determine how the Big Gov DOL unemployment accountants come up with that 9.0% figure for last month. Some estimates have unemployment as high as 20% along with growing food stamp assistance created by Obama economic policies. 10/4/11
Equal Opportunity or Income Equality. CBO becoming partisan Democrats and that is not their charge. Good factual data. [] 10/28/11
Signs of deflation = 7
Economist Gary Shilling says there are seven signs of deflation, and five are already here ...
• financial assets
• tangible assets
• commodity prices
• wages, and
• currencies
The remaining two deflationary signs ...
• deflation by government and the
• goods and services deflation
that the Federal Reserve fears can't be far behind, given all the other areas where prices are already falling, says Shilling.
“Financial assets are sinking again under the weight of an increasingly recession-prone U.S. economy, a likely hard landing in China, and Europe's sovereign-debt crisis,” Shilling writes in The Christian Science Monitor. “That crisis and ratings downgrades are forcing down the value of sovereign debt and bank shares.” [] 11/4/11
Job Formula: Let business create private sector jobs at no expense to Big Gov. Then collect Big Gov taxes from worker pay.
Small businesses targeted by legal action with false accusations. Ridiculously expensive for owners to defend themselves. [Institute for Legal Reform]
Democrats have been The Obstacle to tort reform and our disastrous mortgage debacle created by Democrats in Congress.
The 1%. Get the facts. … Total income for top 1% fell 21% (to $1.3 trillion in 2009 from $1.7 trillion in 2008), while the average tax rate rose to 24% from 23.3%, the IRS data showed.
• 1% threshold has fallen to $343,927 in 2009 from $410,096 in 2007.
• Top 5% at $154,643.
• Top 10% at $112,124.
• Top 25% at $66,193. [scrippsnews] 10/28/11
An OWS protester complaining about income inequities heard on the radio, a retired teacher, was making over $65,000 just in retirement income. That puts him in the top 25%.
Democrats continue to make fact-less claims that are parroted by the Occupy people and their union backers. See Fact-Less Claims by Politicians here at TheRightJack.
Jobs lost. Solyndra. Eleven hundred jobs for half a billion US Taxpayer dollars. That was $450,000 for every job. Of course, when the money ran out, those 1,100 Solyndra jobs ran out too. [] 10/28/11 Big Gov wrong yet again.
Economic mobility. The bottom 15% to 20% of the economic ladder. It is not static or fixed. People move out of poverty in large numbers, even into the top 1%, and move into poverty in large numbers. For the factually challenged, like our politicians, the US capitalist economic system allows people to move up without limits or restrictions, apart from legal matters. This includes politicians who become extremely wealthy once they gain that highly valued political office. “Perks” Happen. Just ask Charlie Rangel [D-NY] who went from nearly nothing to millionaire status. =TheRightJack
Dick Morris supports Cain’s 9-9-9 plan over Perry’s optional flat tax. In a nutshell, Cain cuts the economic drag on business while Perry simplifies the paperwork. [] 10/28/11 Worthwhile read.
Income Tripled. A quick hit line from radio news revealed that the Top 1% have tripled their incomes between 1979 and 2007. Unlike Obama, there was no mention of how many jobs these big earners “created” or how many jobs they “saved” during that time. [] 10/26/11
TheRightJack's grandmother said that it takes money to make money. And in the view of TheRightJack, that starts by doing well in school and earning your high school diploma.
No Education = No Gain
No Education = No Job
No Education = No Hope
Job Fair for illegals hosted by DHS. Working against the USA or a Sting? It is not a sting, but should be. [] 10/24/11
What Congress? Obama says that he will bypass Congress to get a jobs bill enacted. His Democrat Congress will not pass another Democrat Tax and Spend bill with election season about to bloom. However, Democrats in Congress may be more than willing to allow Obama to hang himself while violating the US Constitution. 10/24/11
Stimulus failures. Jobs not going to US workers. [danieljmitchell on twitter] 10/21/11
Unemployment increases among college grads. []
Blame Government, not Wall Street. Democrats in Congress and Democrats in Big business plus the Union first socialist policies of Obama are to blame for our economic mess and increasing unemployment. Click Here to read these comments.
1.5 million private sector jobs lost since 2009, when Obama took office.
603,000 jobs shed by various governments since early 2010.
Strike 2. Just $35 B-b-b-b-billion. Public sector union jobs bill of Obama, version two, voted down by Democrats. Cannot get enough Democrat votes to pass the bill. Republicans blamed. 10/20/11 Have the US voters figured it out yet?
Jobs in private sector doing fine. It is the public sector jobs, Government Job, that need help, says Harry Reed. Democrats continue fighting for the union jobs in the public sector [i.e., union teachers, union government employees, first responders, etc.] while ignoring private sector jobs that actually generate profitable tax income for Big Gov. [Las Vegas Review-Journal] 10/19/11
13.0. Misery index at 28 year high. At levels not seen since 1983 and the era of Jimmy Carter. []
Misery Index
See Resource List here at TheRightJack for other valuable sources of information.
Facts from O’Reilly = F on Obama report card after 1000 days:
• Jobs: The president has presided over the loss of 2.2 million jobs.
• Debt: Obama has increased taxpayer debt by $4.2 trillion. Every day, the nation runs a deficit of $4.2 billion.
• Foreclosure and Bankruptcy: 2.4 million homes have been foreclosed on. Homeowners and businesses have declared 4 million bankruptcies.
• The Stimulus: Obama promised that his $787 billion stimulus would save or create 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010. He came up 7.3 million jobs short of his goal, according to the Heritage Foundation.
• Healthcare: Obamacare did not reduce healthcare costs as promised and is in fact responsible for increasing costs in 2011. Health insurance premiums are up 13 percent.
• Poverty: Nearly 3 million more Americans live in poverty than did before Obama took office. [] 11/17/11
Jesse Jackson Jr [D-IL] wants Big Dem Gov to hire all of the 14 million unemployed at $40,000 per year. Who is going to pay them? What will they actually do? Where will the money come from year 2, not to mention year 1? [] 10/15/11
Obama Spendulus Calulator
Jobs. Congressional Democrats sink Obama jobs plan. Astute Democrats do not want to put their name on another disastrous Democrat Tax and Spend jobs bill. Obama blames Republicans for this jobs failure.
Jobs. ObamaNistas looking for administrative ways for the White House to work around Congress and create Big Gov infrastructure jobs. No funding sources mentioned in his talk to union members today. Congress not talking, yet. 10/11/11
14%. Unemployment would be at 14% if it were not for the Obama stimulus plans, according to Nancy Pelosi. See how easily Democrats make up stuff that is likely to go challenged by the Big Time Dying Democrat Media. 10/7/11
Democrats claim new jobs created by counting the return of striking workers. New jobs during Obama Economy not keeping pace with what is actually needed. To make progress, the US needs to create 150,00 to 175,00 new jobs per month to keep pace with new workers who are aging into the work force. 10/7/11
Harry Reed blocks GOP efforts to bring the Obama Jobs bill to the floor for a vote. That means the Dems do not have enough Dem Senators who are willing to vote for his horrible bill.
5% solution. Harry Reed plans to add a 5% tax on millionaires to the Obama jobs bill. Tax and spend is still the Democrat way. Will they ever change?
Private sector creates 91,000 jobs in September 2011. Big Obama Gov crony capitalism created 45 green jobs for $737 million, some with ties to Nancy Pelosi. [The Western Center for Journalism]
Obama's Unfunded Teacher Mandate: He funds the teachers for a year, and then when the year is up and there's no money to pay them, guess what? It's "The Republicans hate teachers!" all over again. - - - Rush Limbaugh 10/4/11
Oooops. Jew Tax comment by Obama not helping his perpetual get out the presidential vote campaigning. [] When does he have time to rule?
If you love me, you’ve got to help me pass this bill - - - - Barack Obama on 9/15/11 Wow. What compelling leadership? This jobs bill that is missing details has yet to be introduced in Congress for discussion. Is this another piece of Democrat legislation that needs to be passed so that we can see what is in it?
The rich are not paying their fair share! Truth about taxes being paid:
• 29.1% = tax percentage paid by those with incomes over $1 million
• 15% = taxes paid on income earners between $75K and $50K
• 12.5% = taxes paid on income earners between $50K and $40K
• 5% = taxes paid on income earners between $30K and $20K
Look who is rebuilding US bridges. Chinese companies and workers. [ABCnews] 9/23/11 2:55 minute video
Remember the 3 “Canadian” buses purchased by Big Obama Gov for US campaign stops in 2011.
The Tax Policy Center estimates that 46% of households, mostly low- and medium-income households, will pay no federal income taxes this year. Most, however, will pay other taxes, including Social Security payroll taxes. Read this fact checking article about Obama. [YahooNews]
Obama continues to make up stuff to fit his socialist agenda.
Democrats in general continue to make up stuff and their Big Time Dying Democrat Media seldom if ever questions those assertions. Politically, unchallenged lies become truths.
Letter to editor in newspaper from college professor decries the gap in wealth between the haves and have nots. No mention of the effort gap and individual initiative gap between producers and consumers, workers and non-workers or the productive and non productive. No mention of creating wealth by working your buns off as opposed to sitting on your buns day after day. Some people are running, some are walking and some are sitting. Those who are walking and running are not responsible for those who are sitting but the charitable contributions of the walkers and runners certainly helps, not to mention all of the taxes they have paid. =TheRightJack 9/17/11
Will closing the wealth gap put more money in the pockets of the poor. So far, The Obama Strategy to spread the wealth seems to have created more [poor?] people who depend of Big Gov for their existence.
Build it, a massive welfare system, and they will come.
As the US economy recovers, according to Obama and his media, 46.2 million Americans are in poverty and 22% of our children are in poverty. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, there is no tunnel.
The $447 B-b-b-billion Obama Jobs Plan has not yet been introduced as legislation by Democrats in Congress. More Taxes. Bigger Gov. They are not fools. Democrats do not want to get saddled with more Obama debt weighting them down.
Unemployment numbers tweaked downward by Big Gov = we are in a depression. Some say we have never moved out of a depression economy despite the rosy words of Obama and his media supporters. [] 9/2/11
Is it possible that the “string of bad luck” that Obama has faced is due to just two main things:
[1] Trying to fundamentally transform the US into a Big Government socialist economy is not working because socialist dependency just does not work, and
[2] Obama is indeed naïve and lacks both the education and experience needed to come up with the workable solutions that are part of the fabric of Republican lawmakers and the job creating business community. Obama just does not know, nor do his czars and advisers. It is one thing to know what you do not know. It is a totally different matter to Not Know what you do Not Know. Obama and his advisers seem to fall in the latter category. =TheRightJack
ZERO! Job growth in August. Unemployment remains at 9.1% but the number of workers [declining] and non workers [increasing] makes that 9.1% low, low, low. 9/2/11 Add to the Obama string of bad luck.
US Debt. Please read it. Too many numbers to explain. [] 9/2/11
925. 75. It has been 925 Days since President Obama last presented a comprehensive plan to get Americans back to work. Exactly 925 days ago the failed stimulus was signed into law, and today national unemployment remains at 9.1% and 24 million Americans are either unemployed, underemployed or have stopped looking all together. 75 rounds of golf played. No jobs plan. [Let Freedom Ring] 8/31/11 Click Here and Then Here for
Likely new EPA rules to throttle business and the economy with costs of doing business [i.e., debts] of over $90 billion per year. [National Center for Policy Analysis] 9/1/11 US Taxpayer efforts got it cancelled. Good move.
Warren Buffett called for more taxes on the wealthy. [Yahoo] So what is stopping the wealthy from making serious donations to Big Gov.
>>> But wait. There’s More <<<
Big US financier who wants the wealthy to pay more taxes. He has been battling the IRS since 2002 to get his business taxes reduced. [DrudgeReport and NY Post] Click Here.
72 – 28. Welfare and entitlement payments create jobs, according to Democrats. An old statistics suggests that Big Gov Overhead costs 72 cents out of every dollar it takes in while giving out 28 cents of ever dollar. If even somewhat accurate, the only jobs that Big Gov creates are highly inefficient and ineffective Big Gov Jobs. Unable to verify, yet =TheRightJack
15%-20% overhead. Not for profit organizations do well in qualifying for grants when they can limit their administrative overhead to less 20%.
Listen to this audio and video link. ±40 minutes. Good historical perspective. It is about: Rising prices. Joblessness. U6 unemployment. Debt. Deficit. Convenient exclusions. 1 in 7 in poverty. 43.6M on food stamps. Misery Index for Carter now 12.72% Obama. Calm before the storm. Inflation surge. Lessening the inflationary storm. Milton Friedman and Money Mischief. Decimation of the dollar. Survival. Book offer. Read: p18, 19, 42, 55-56, 76-77, 67, 211, 256, 255. Replace dollar. P220, 12 & 27, 263, 48. Early warning signs. 46, 105, 202-204, 217. No preventative plans in DC. p 40 Wall of protection. 22-23, 24-25, 37-39 formula, 47-50, 86 real value of silver, 223, 224. Receive Inflation Survival Handbook, free. Followed by a commercial for the Dividend Machine, an investment newsletter by Bill Spetrino – 3 months free. Very good history lesson.
Wall Street Coverup = Whitewashing. SEC has been deleting “Matters Under Inquiry” files of those big hitters who have been investigated but not prosecuted, since at least 1993. So, there is no paper trail that can be used to find bad guys with similar patterns of crime through their modus operandi. [] 8/17/11
There is always a question in business and government about who is watching who. That is, who is watching the oversight groups. In the Case of Fannie and Freddie, they were to be watched by a Congressional Committee. So who is watching the Congressional Committee. That is a massive US Taxpayer problem. =TheRightJack
Obama economic strategy. Let’s loan more money to people who are in trouble with their mortgages or cannot even afford mortgages in the first place. In the meantime, banks are not loaning money to people with good credit ratings, have jobs, and show that they are willing to work. Why? Banks make more money on mortgages backed by Big Gov and do not need to risk their [stimulus?] money on people who may or may not make payments. Maybe that makes economic sense to the socialist mind. =TheRightJack
CBO’s Latest Budget and Economic Outlook is Unrealistic []
The CBO Report. Click Here.
CBO is said to be politically neutral. Previous comments about CBO reports have indicted that CBO figures are based on reports given to them by The Administration. Hence, garbage in = garbage out. =TheRightJack
Cut spending, not entitlements, says Byron York. "... federal spending has exploded in recent years. In fiscal 2007, the last year before things went haywire, the government took in $2.568 trillion in revenues and spent $2.728 trillion, for a deficit of $160 billion. In 2011, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates, the government will take in $2.230 trillion and spend $3.629 trillion, for a deficit of $1.399 trillion." []
Unemployment at 9.1% or 16.1% or 25%. Depends on who you count and how you count.
Boom & Bust reader, Bill, emailed in the following question: “I recently heard that the formula to figure the unemployment rate is continually tweaked to make it look better to the voting public. Is this true?” … Rodney replies: Unemployment numbers have been tweaked repeatedly over the last 75 years. The latest was in the 1990s to not count long-term “discouraged workers.” The main unemployment number is called U-3, and is at 9.1%. A more inclusive figure is U-6, which stands at 16.1%. However the government quit counting people who have not looked for a job in the last 12 months because they believe none to be available. It is estimated that adding this figure would pop the statistic up to around 25%. []
Tax Foundation wrote that taxing the wealthy as Warren Buffett suggests, will not solve the deficit. … “Even taking every last penny from every individual making more than $10 million per year would only reduce the nation's deficit by 12% and the debt by 2%” the non-partisan Tax Foundation’s David Logan writes. … In fact, the only way for the government to solve its fiscal issues with [increased tax] revenue would be to confiscate every single dollar from every single American making $200,000 or more per year, the study said. [] 8/19/11 And that could be done only once. Understand why?
Blowing Smoke. Why Warren Buffett will not pay more US income Tax even if taxes on the wealthy are raised. And his secretary will still pay more taxes than will he. [] 8/17/11
Liberals in this country have adapted this perfectly to their political forum!
Attorneys have a saying:
when the facts are against you, argue the law;
when the law is against you, argue the facts; and
when they're both against you, call the other guy names.
They lose on the facts … when Obama took control of Congress, the average gas price in this country was $1.79. Now it's $3.59. In January 2009, the unemployment rate was 7.6%. Now it's 9.2%. National debt was at about $10.7 trillion when Obama took office. Today, it's $14.6 trillion. The facts have spoken, and the liberal agenda is wreaking havoc on this country's economy! []
Unemployment. Up in 28 states for 2nd straight month. Down in 9. Texas has accounted for nearly half US jobs created since recession officially ended in 2009, according to calculations by Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Its job-creation figures are coming under scrutiny now that Gov Rick Perry, Republican, has launched presidential campaign. Unemployment: CA = 12.0%. NV = 12%. NE = 4.1% ND = 3.3%. US Economic growth revised downward from 2.5% to 1%. [yahoo]
Made in China. When total import content is considered, 13.9% of US consumer spending can be traced to the cost of imported goods and services. See links in this article.
[National Center For Policy Analysis] 8/16/11
String of Bad Luck. The reason Obama gives for our failing US economy.
Obama says Food Stamps and Unemployment Benefits create jobs. Exactly what is the different between this Obama “trickle down” jobs plan and the highly criticized Reagan economic plan. The two major differences I see in them is that [1] one is a Democrat plan and the other is a Republican plan, and [2] the Reagan stimulus and tax cuts went to those who could create jobs and create tax payers. =TheRightJack
610,000 jobs. Debt-ridden California has lost more than 610,000 manufacturing jobs in past 10 years thanks in large part to high taxes and regulatory burden imposed by Democrats. … CA ranked 49th in Tax Foundation’s 2011 State Business Tax Climate Index, which compares states in five areas of taxation that affect businesses. [] 8/15/11 TheRightJack has a solution. Just elect more Democrats.
Obscene Language. Felonious Munk's You Tube X rated rant against Obama and his "X#&@*^#" spending habits. No confusion evidenced by this US citizen tax payer.
Bush tax cuts yield increased revenue to US Treasury. When HUMAN EVENTS cited figures from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) showing that the Bush tax cuts in 2004-06 produced the highest two-year tax revenue increase in the preceding 40 years, Carney [WH Press Secy] dismissed the OMB statistics as “a very convenient slice of a figure.” [] It is just not in the DNA of Democrats today to lower taxes, despite this rich history of tax cuts = more revenue. Take time to read the comments.
Obama: The buck never stops here.
Tea Party blamed for the economic failures of Obama. See … @BrentBozell on Twitter. The liberal media are so predictable. Now they blame the Tea Party for Obama's economic failures!
Big Time Dying Democrat Media and the really left wing Democrat talking heads are doing all that they can to divert all blame for our sinking economy away from Obama [2009 - 2011] and the previous four years [2007 - 2010] of Democrat controlled Congress. Ooops. Do not forget Bush 43. As if nobody noticed.
Obama continues to prove that socialism and capitalism have totally different objectives. Private sector tax generating jobs is just not an objective of socialism. All Big Gov all the time and more Big Gov jobs all the time is the objective of socialism, that plus welfare and union dependents. =TheRightJack 8/8/11
Unemployment under Obama nearly twice as high as under Bush 43 when comparing levels of education.
15%. Employment report released by Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicated that unemployment rate for Americans 25 years and older who have less than a high school diploma spiked from 14.3% in June to 15.0% in July.
4.3% Americans 25 years and older who have college degree or better, unemployment rate dropped from 4.4% in June to 4.3% in July. That followed a drop from 4.5% in May. More number for high school grads and those with some college. [] 8/5/11 Hey kids, get your HS diploma and college degree. Education pays. Read more at this link.
US debt deal and European PIGS blamed for stock market fall. No confidence in US and European money. China rails against US as they continue to manipulate their currency. 8/6/11
Letter to editor features Big Execs multi-million dollar salaries that are 200+ times larger than their employees. No mention as to whether these execs are Democrats or Republicans but the inference is that there are no wealthy Democrats and that only Republicans are looking out for their wealthy friends. 8/6/11
It has been reported that Big Gov can take all of the income from all of the big earners and the US will still not be out of the debt problem. And Big Gov will only be able to do this once. The folloing year, those high earners will not be working or they will not be working in the USA. =TheRightJack
Fact: Democrats in Congress are more wealthy than Republicans in Congress and there are more wealthy Democrats than Republicans.
Fact: Republicans donate more total money and a higher percentage of their income to charities than do Democrats.
193,000. More people left the job market than entered. July 2011
58.1% of adults in America are working. Lowest level since the summer of 1983, when unemployment topped 10%. [Bureau of Labor Statistics]
30 straight months of unemployment over 8%. Well obviously, it is the fault of Bush 43, certainly not the Democrat controlled Congress from 2007 thru 2010.
NY Times warning about double dip recession. [] 8/5/11 You know it is serious when a Leftist newspaper like the Times is going against A Democrat Administration.
Unemployment drops to 9.1% from 9.2% with 117,000 jobs created.** Democrats in the media are beside themselves with joy just like when there was a 0.10% growth in spending last month. US needs to create 250,000 jobs per month or we are losing ground. Big employment reality problem is that a smaller and smaller percentage of the population is working. Some people are not counted because they are not looking. Liars lie and liars figures.
** Revised numbers to be released soon, as usual. They tend to be less rosey than those first released.
40.4 weeks. Average length of unemployment.
Dow falling. Not looking good. Bush to blame, no doubt. Or perhaps it is the Tea Party Terrorists. Yea. That’s it.
The White House says that we need to raise taxes to create jobs. Big Gov spends and Big Gov needs more tax revenue. The repeated failure of the socialist philosophy of government works against business and job creation. Socialism looks to Big Gov to solve problems but Big Socialist Gov can only take. It cannot get out of the way of the real job creators … that is big business and small business. =TheRightJack
We demand that poor people hire us for the jobs that we need and deserve!
Mystery. Why do the Masters of Misery [i.e., Left Wing Democrats] have so much difficulty with this simple economic concept. Poor people do not create jobs. They devour tax money and government devours tax money trying to support them [and buy their votes]. Job creators and tax revenue creators are small businesses and the wealthy. =TheRightJack
New Regulatory Red Tape added in July by The White House. Comes with a $9.5 billion price tag. 229 new rules. 379 rules finalized. Among those he cited were EPA, healthcare reform, and financial regulatory reform rules. [Friends of the US Chamber of Commerce] 8/4/11
More Red Tape means more Big Gov eyes to monitor it. That means Bigger Gov and more money taken from the US TAxpayers to hire Big Gov bean counters. =TheRightJack
Bankruptcy. Central Falls, RI is broke. 19,000 residents. Unfunded pensions. $5 million in debt each of next five years. Pension reductions for retirees and unions is one attempted remedy but no takers. Bankruptcy is next option. Mayors who watched the store being blamed. [Yahoo Finance] 8/1/11
$90 million US dollars spent on national health, in China. [] 7/28/11 How charitable of our representatives in Washington DC.
It appears that the Congressional debate over the Faux Debt Crisis is "where" the spending cuts will occur. It is not so much about "how much" but where. That is, whose ox gets gored. Keep in mind that real spending cuts by our members of Congress seldom occur despite the rhetoric. It is all talk and posturing. 7/30/11
See "Understanding Big Gov Budget Cuts" here at TheRightJack. Democrats are particularly good at using this budget language against any colleague who wants to cut spending.
Jobs. Obama chief job advisor [in training?] Jeffrey Immelt, head of GE, admonished US Business for not creating jobs. GE received huge “Green Jobs” stimulus money from Obama. GE just let go of 35,000 workers. GE just sent more jobs to China. Do as I say, not as I do. Why does this phrase comes to mind?
According to a study released last year, the tort liability price tag for American small businesses alone topped $105 billion in 2008. These are the same small businesses that have created 64% of all net new jobs in this country during the past 15 years. [US Chamber for Legal Reform]
Democrats strongly resist tort reform as lawyers are among their top contributors. Cost of No Reform to US Taxpayers is higher prices and fewer jobs.
$14.59 T-t-t-trillion = US debt on 6/26/11
$400 B-b-billion. Cost of illegal immigration to US Taxpayers annually.
Obama The Campaigner: Fundamentally change the USA. Well, there is no doubt that this is happening right in our billfolds and pocketbooks ...
Go to the Watchdog on Wall Street by Christopher Markowski to develop a better understand our US economy, our US banking system and Congress. He is a financial guy and on the radio as well.
$5,600. CA police get $5,600 annual if they will clean their own motorcycles. Heard on the radio. 7/30/11 Some state and federal uniformed personnel are also given clothes cleaning allotments or their clothing is cleaned for them.
Blame Game. GOP to get blame for debt crisis no matter how it plays out. Big Time Dying Democrat Media will side with Obama despite the fact that a majority of the people do not want the debt ceiling raised. =TheRightJack 7/27/11
Tax the wealthy. Sure. Big Dem Gov can take every cent from business via taxes and that will not cover our national debt. You had better believe that businesses will shut down if they cannot afford to pay their employees and make a profit. So, what does Big Dem Gov do after there are no businesses to tax.
Caution: US Taxpayers need to figure out how to shelter your pension and other retirement plans. Big Dem Gov has their eyes on that too, and this has come right out of their own mouths. Pay Attention.
Compromise. Republicans are taking grief from Democrats for not working to compromise on the debt ceiling, spending cuts and tax hikes. Why can Republicans not comprise like Democrats. For instance, when ObamaCare was in the discussion stages, Democrats found a way to compromise among themselves ... that Death Panels should start with the Age 65 Seniors and then work down to younger ages depending on how much money it would save. Now that is the spirit of compromise.
Transparency. What are Democrats not telling us about the US Economy and their back room deals.
Debt ceiling default. Crisis or another Democrat Hoax. Politically, they voted to NOT raise the debt ceiling before they called it a crisis if the debt ceiling were not raised.
Nearly 900 days. How long it has been since Democrats passed a budget and they were in total control of Congress.
Profits or jobs? Why are company profits on the rise along with unemployment.
[1] Fewer employees doing more.
[2] Business world uncertainty and risk created by this administration. Business does not know what new tax, policy or regulation will be instituted at the stroke of a pen.
[3] Business cannot risk hiring, training and retaining workers in an uncertain or unstable business climate.
[4] Uncertainty and Risk is … Big Gov placing enormous financial obstacles in the path of businesses who hire employees under Big Gov regulation #1 but then need to downsize due to new Big Gov regulation #2.
[5] Losing money is not the purpose of business, whether small “mom and pop” operations or mega stores. =TheRightJack
Those polled now believe Obama is responsible for our poor economy. [] 7/21/11
Measured in purchasing power, i.e. the number of gallons of gasoline or loaves of bread an average worker could buy with one hour of labor, American workers have experienced a steady decline in the value of their labor for the past 40 years. … it takes $7 in 2011 dollars to buy what $1 bought in 1966. [] 7/21/11
Fuzzy math from the Gang[sters] of Six. [] Is my bias showing?
Do away with the debt ceiling. [] 7/19/11 Like that is a really bright idea with Democrats who only know how to spend and the olde guard Republican legislators who are of a similar mind set.
Poverty in America. An amenities score [appliances TVs etc] of 19 is the median number for Americans. Analysis showed that median “poor households” most frequently had 14 items: air conditioning, washer and dryer, ceiling fans, cordless phone, etc. 43% of all poor households own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio. Poverty is misrepresented by Liberals thus hampering effective programming. 2005 study by The Heritage Foundation. [] Published 7/18/11 Eye opening research report that shows how the Leftist media and politicians misrepresent poverty in the US.
Real Estate Value Falling. Local radio new reporter interviews a realtor who says that local home sales is lowest and pricing is lower than it has been in the past two year. Then recovery is predicted to be three or more years away. After this comment by the realtor, the reporter paints a rosey “improving” picture. It sounded to me as if this news reporter did not even realize what he was saying ... putting lipstick on a pig. 7/18/11
Cut, Cap, Balance pledge. Tuesday vote 7/19/11. Democrats running from this legislation like rats on a sinking ship. To sign the pledge, click here.
The Republican "cut, cap and balance" the federal budget plan set for a House vote Tuesday would condition a $2.4 trillion increase in the debt limit on an immediate $100 billion cut from next year's federal budget and adoption by Congress of a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget without tax increases. []
Obamageddon. Debt ceiling crisis. Interesting concept, this “crisis’ thing. Seems like Democrats find one every week to keep the Republicans on the defensive. [WND]
This reminds me of a joke that goes like this …
A man is laying in his hospital bed and his wife was at his bedside.
He said:
“You were by my side when we had that car wreck.”
“You were at my side when I slipped and fell on that hike.”
“You were by my side when I broke my arm.”
“And now you are here by my side in the hospital.”
“I am beginning to think that you are Bad Luck.” [The Democrats, that is ; - )]
Obama plans to ignore Congress and raise the Debt Ceiling by himself. On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced his intention to go along with Obama's plan. … Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution specifically grants the power to spend and incur debt only to Congress. Yet Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is now ready to allow Barack Obama to raise the debt ceiling all by himself – essentially granting Obama king-like powers. [Alan Keyes, Declaration Alliance]
How big is $14 trillion. Click on this video illustration using Lake Michigan. [] It is a deep subject.
@RasmussenPoll on Twitter. Scott Rasmussen. 70% Think Government Regulation Hurts Small Business More Than Big Business...
Obama like Jell-O trying to pin him down to a consistent path for budget reduction, says Boehner. [] 7/14/11 Then Obama apparently walked out of the budget meetings in a huff.
Debt ceiling ...
Democrats say: Raise it or the US will crumble into dust, and will not have money to pay seniors and soldiers.
Republicans say: Show me the specific spending cuts and we will talk about raising the debt ceiling.
Neil Boortz says: Grow the economy at 5% per year and we will not need to do either.
TheRightJack says: I does not matter what we do. It does matter who we vote in. Democrats always want to spend more than what is generated by taxes. Republicans too … but this group “might” be willing to balance the budget.
Who is paying the bills ...
• Top 1% pay 39% of all income taxes, up from 2% on 2000 when Bush 43 took office.
• Top 25% of income earners pay 86% of all federal income taxes, up from 85% in 2000.
• Top 50% pay 97% of all income taxes.
• Percentages mean nothing to those who never learned the Three R’s and are habitually dependent on Big Dem Gov = the dole.
Italy, 3rd largest economy in Europe, in danger of economic collapse.
$48,000,000,000 US Taxpayer money lost to Medicare fraud in 2010 says GOA.
Democrat Debt Scam. Obama will not assure seniors and soldiers that they will receive their monthly checks while continuing to pay out billions to other Big Gov recipients.
Compare this Democrat Debt Scam to school levies when they are up for a vote. Of all of the things that schools could stop paying, they like to threatened the end of school bussing, kindergarten, library, art and gym classes. I suppose they also must now threaten to end in-school day care for young teen students with babies.
In the meantime, teacher unions are opposing volunteers who come into the schools to help out where needed.
Unions fear trickle down unemployment because of EPA regs. Barack Obama's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pushing job-killing regulations that even the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers says are too extreme ... imposed regulations will lead to a loss of 50,000 jobs for its members and 200,000 other workers down the supply line. [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise]
Under Obama• Federal government spending has increased 21.4%
• Federal government DEBT has increased $3.5 TRILLION
• Welfare spending has increased 54%
• REAL unemployment rates are stuck at over 16%
• REAL inflation rates at over 5% and rising [Declaration Alliance]
EPA War on copper mines and miners. Every hybrid car contains about 100 pounds of copper - most of it in the electrical cables and, of course, the electric motor. A conventional car only contains about 50 pounds of copper. … Copper is at the heart of every eco-friendly modern technology - including wind power. It is essential to everything from cell phones to toasters and, as noted, electric cars to wind turbines. Without it, life would be downright primitive, the Washington Examiner noted in a recent article. That's why it doesn't make sense for environmentalists to oppose mining copper in Alaska or anywhere else. Copper makes eco-friendly products work. [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise]
• EPA War on the US economy. Yet another brain-dead job killing political policy of the Obama administration. =TheRightJack
Just heard on the radio news that Obama has a $37 million payroll for 400 White House workers. That is around $93,000 per job if 400 is close to the right number. Tops Bush 43. 7/5/11 Big US Gov Mega Spending Job Killing Yikes.
EPA is Obama's No. 1 Job Killing Machine! Environmental Protection Agency has created 946 pages of new regulations aimed at power plants that will cost businesses an estimated $10.9 billion every year. Costs will be passed on to consumers! [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise]
Why banks are not lending to businesses or potential homeowners! Simple. Bankers can make greater profits from US Big Gov by not lending, on housing in particular, and then avoid the risks of lending. Then banks service the loans, which means that they do the paperwork and get paid for doing that … and US Big Gov wrote the rules.
Geithner says that prioritizing our debt payments will not work. In other words, when you find yourself with too much personal debt, deciding where to cut back and what to pay does not work. Where did this man learn his budget policies, Seseme Street or Animal House. [] 6/29/11 Click Here.
Alan Greenspan says: "There is no evidence that huge inflow of money into the system basically worked," Greenspan tells CNBC. [Money News] 7/1/11 Did not Joe Biden, the man next to the president, tell us that the stimulus is working. Click Here.
ND has jobs. State jobs office has 15,205 listings, up 64% from May 2010.
ATMs. Obama blames the poor US economy on automatic teller machines. Can you imagine the ridicule and slander that would have come from the Big Time Dying Media had a Republican said this. By the way, there were ATMs during to good economic times of Bush 41 and Bush 43. They were first introduced in 1972. Who is the economic fool?
Timothy Geithner, 49, may desert the Obama ship of state. What can he do to strengthen the US economy when he must work under the socialist principles of more government control and more taxes. [] 7/1/11 Click Here.
Nations ready for bankruptcy: 1 Greece. 2 Italy. 3 Spain. 4. Portugal [Called the P I G S]
States ready for bankruptcy: California
Bernanke. What did we learn? He said that he did not know what to do about the economy. In business, that could mean that he should be fired immediately and replaced by someone who knows what to do. Many of us know what to do. Why does Bernanke not know this? It is not a secret. Click Here.
We don't have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting. One way to think about it is that maybe some of the headwinds that have been concerning us, like, you know, weakness in the financial sector, problems in the housing sector, balance sheet and de-leveraging issues -- some of these headwinds may be stronger and more persistent than we thought. - - - Ben Bernanke of The Fed, June 22, 2011
• Financial sector - What about that huge bailout? Printing more money?
• Housing - aaah! Bad mortgage policies? Loans to people would could not pay their bills?
• Balance sheet - like the Big US Democrat Gov spending more than they take in?
• Is job killing Big Gov policies of EPA a factor?
• And, What exactly are de-leveraging issues?
People not serious. Newspaper runs AP article noting that US People NOT taking the debt seriously. Media propaganda continues to blame everyone but Obama and the Democrats. 6/26/11
Democrats want to raise the debt limit but unwilling to make spending cuts. No Spending Cuts = No Change = More Debt = Upward Debt Growth.
Cuts. While House Republicans continue to deliver on promise to reduce federal spending, Democrats have doubled-down on their failed agenda of borrowing and spending. Last week, Republicans voted to cut $2.7 billion in discretionary spending, but the untold part of the story: every single Democrat in the House voted no - every single one. All of them voted against making cuts in the federal government’s annual spending … again! Democrats proved once again that they are unwilling to cut federal spending.
Rebecca Wodder, former CEO and president of Big Green's dam-killing, water-grabbing, natural gas enemy, American Rivers Inc. ($12.1 million in 2010 revenue), believes government should have authority over every tiny lake, pond and wetlands in your State, county, city or neighborhood. … If her nomination is confirmed by the Senate, Wodder will have control over a $2.9 billion budget, 21,000 employees, 84.4 million acres for National Park Service; and a $2.7 billion budget, 7,900 employees, and 96.2 million acres for US Fish and Wildlife Service. That is a total budget of $5.6 billion, 28,900 employees, and 180.6 million acres of land! [Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise] Election of Democrats have consequences for US economy.
The job situation. 7 million jobs lost wipes out all job gains since 2000. Job loss closer to 10.5 million. [US News] 6/20/11 Click Here. Facts, not opinions or spin. Very good presentation of the employment numbers that really make you question to actions of the current Democrat administration. Not easily summarized so just read and learn. =trj
The Truth about tax cuts. 6/22/11 Click Here for the article. The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation.
In January 2007, as the federal debt stood at just over $8 trillion, a new class of Democrat Senators took control after promising to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington. … Just over four years later, the debt now stands at $14.3 trillion and climbing. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats have not passed a budget in over 780 days, and these same Democrat Senators now up for re-election next year are calling for a clean debt ceiling increase without any fiscal reforms. [The National Republican Senatorial Committee] 6/21/11
Remember, part of the reason that there is a budget mess in Congress now is that the Democrat Congress failed to pass a budget in 2010 when they had total control of Congress. Democrat have been raising a stink about the debt limit since Republicans took control of the House. =trj
Cleaning out the American People: Trickle Down Economy of Reagan or Colonoscopy Economy by Obama?
Who owns this terrible economy? Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairperson of DNC, says that this economy belongs to the Democrats. Let us see how the Democrats dance around that declarative statement when and if there is no improvement. That could be easy because a majority of the people who have been polled still blame Bush 43 for our terrible economy. It has been three long years now and the Democrat have yet to fix the economy. How many know that the Democrats have controlled the House and Senate since 2007 where they stopped Bush from fixing anything related to over-spending including that Fannie and Freddie mortgage disaster.
Democrats continue to play that fact-less “economy is slowly improving” campaign theme while the real facts about the US economy continue to show downward movement. How long are Democrats in the media going to go along with the fact-less Democrat propaganda? Will the middle undecided and unaffiliated 40% of the voters get it?
High speed rail service between Iowa City and Chicago to take longer than existing bus service. Bus fare is $18. Cost overruns expected. []
3% unemployment in Washington DC metro area of Virginia and Maryland. Follow the money. 6/14/11
16.2%. With really high inflation among African Americans, they still support Obama. [TheDailyCaller] 6/10/11 Click Here to learn why Democrats come up with new outreach programs for Our So-Called Minorities at election time. The majority of the 4-year cycle Democrats are pretty much a "white male" club. In reality, the GOP has shown much more diversity than have Democrats. That inconvenient fact escapes the Democrat media and Democrat campaigners. =trj
1%. Bernanke says that inflation is around 1% BUT the Bureau of Labor Statistics "excludes" food and energy costs. Well, dah. What do people purchase more frequently and at higher and higher prices every week? []
Worst Ever? No change = No change.
Economist Marc Faber says President Barack Obama is "by far one of the worst presidents" the United States has ever had. [] 6/7/11 Click Here. His comments read like a GOP campaign agenda.
Economy worse than you think. Misguided decisions. GDP down and more. [] 6/78/11 Short and to the point comments that lay out the GOP campaign agenda.
Budget and Tax News reports that the United States has the highest statutory corporate tax rates of the major developed countries and requires all but the smallest businesses to do vast amounts of paperwork to figure out what they owe.
Bigger Business or Bigger Government. Which is going to help you prosper, not just survive, but prosper.
The employment fix. Do not ask. Tell your Representatives in Congress to ...
• Get out of the way of business and entrepreneurs.
• Cut government spending across the board by 25% or more.
• Reduce government payroll by 50% immediately.
• Cut government waste and fraud, now.
• Do not spend it if you do not have it.
• Give US companies abroad a tax holiday to bring their profits home without the massive tax penalties that now exist.
ObamaNomics. In just 3 years Under Obama ...
• Federal government spending has increased 21.4%
• Federal government DEBT has increased $3.5 TRILLION
• welfare spending has increased 54%
• we are BACK to Jimmy Carter's STAGFLATION/MISERY INDEX
– REAL unemployment rates are stuck at over 16%
- REAL inflation rates at over 5% and rising [Declaration Alliance PAC] 6/9/11
Outrage. Rural Missouri farmer John Dollarhite was just fined $90,000 by our central government for engaging in a commercial endeavor, selling rabbits. [] Click Here to read about the growth of new regulations that hamper initiative.
Staggering debts and loose monetary policy is going to send the United States into a financial crisis worse than the one in 2008, says investor guru Jim Rogers. [] 6/9/11
5:1. It takes 5 private sector jobs to support just one [1] public sector government job. Mark Belling, heard on the radio today. 6/6/11
McDonalds is the biggest job creator last month. Was it not Obama who slammed hamburger flippers as menial jobs?
Georgia farmer employing legals and locals who "want" to work.
Jobs saved. Mostly union jobs and teacher jobs while Congress is trying to save their own skin.
Austan Goolsbee, the Chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers to resign after just 10 months. Back to Univ of Chicago. [The Daily Caller] 6/6/11. Click Here.
So what is the story here? Did they decide that Goolsbee is totally inept OR was he unable to change the dastardly socialist agenda that is killing the US economy? My guess is that it is the latter. =trj
QE 3 in the works despite the expensive failures of QE 1 and 2 to stimulate the US economy. It appears that the only predictable result of Quantitative Easing is inflation and devaluation of the US dollar. []
3 Prisons in Louisiana. One operated by private contractors was run just as well as the two that were run by state employees – only less costly. [Red State] 6/2/11
More and more public services, and even war-related jobs, are being "contracted out" to private businesses. They usually run these services at a lower cost than do public employees, with as good if not better efficiency, job performance and customer satisfaction. Congress knows this. They "contracted out" their own cafeteria because they could not do it themselves. =trj
Big Dem Gov says that the car companies they bailed out are profitable, BUT they still owe the US Taxpayers B-b-b-billions. That is not profitable. Add loan repayments to their balance sheets, then calculate their profitability.
Caution: Many US businesses operate on profits and profit margins of 10% or less.
2.5% or 3%. Obama wants to raise payroll taxes by 2.5% or 3%. Pushing for more taxes on capital gains from 15% to 22%.
Here’s how the added withholding tax would impact you:
• The federal government, as well as your state and local governments, withhold 3% from payments to any business that provides them with a product or service. This may include your local office supply store, local builders, electric company or even a business selling equipment to first responders.
• These businesses will then be forced to raise their prices to make up for the 3% of revenue being held hostage — or simply take a huge hit and risk going out of business.
• Higher prices could drastically impact government budgets, which are already strapped for cash.
• Local or state governments may be forced to raise your taxes to help make up for the budget gap.
• Similar to the 1099 mandate included in the health care bill, the 3% withholding requirement was an unrelated offset included in the Tax Reconciliation Act of 2005. Unless repealed, the 3% Withholding Tax will go into effect on January 1, 2013.
[Friends of the US Chamber of Commerce]
9.1%. May 2011 unemployment, not counting those not looking and other degrees of not working.
16+% unemployment when real counting of the really unemployed.
• 54,000 jobs added
• 28,000 gov jobs cut at local level
• 18,000 jobs were in education
• 446,000 city and county jobs cut since 2008
• 2007 is when Democrats too over Congress
[Daily Caller]
Bean counters. Obama labor officials are playing a shell game with the worker numbers in order to show low monthly unemployment numbers. In doing this, it appears that the total number of people who are working has dropped. The employed, officially unemployed, and officially not even looking for work should be counted, to be honest. Unemployment figures remain lower when those who are not looking are removed from the official monthly bean counting. =trj
TUO golfs for 12th time in 2011 and 70th time in 28 months of his presidency, on Memorial Day [2009 too]. Bush 43 stopped golfing because of the wars in the Middle East and media criticism. Click Here.
38,000 new private sector jobs added in May 2011. Economists were expecting 175,000. 6/1/11
Unexpectedly? Media shocked by bad economic news. Where have they been since 2007 when Democrats took over Congress. [Human Events] 5/30/11
The S&P/Case-Shiller index of property values in 20 cities fell 3.6 percent from March 2010, the biggest year-over-year decline since November 2009, the group said today in New York. In the first quarter, housing prices dropped 4.2 percent, a new low that is likely to threaten the economic recovery. [] 5/31/11
Default by Greece would/would threaten US economy much like the subprime mortgage mess created by Democrats in US Congress with the help of RINOs who wanted to get along. 5/29/11 Click Here.
Bailouts worked, less that expected then lost steam. [] 5/27/11
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in April 17.2% of people under 25 were unemployed, rising from 13.2% in 2008. A poll done by Associated Press in conjunction with mtvU in September of 2010 showed that now only 44% of that demographic is supportive of Obama’s presidency, a significant drop from previous years, and somewhat surprising considering the immense popularity he once held.
[] 5/31/11
After two years, the economy is not recovering. [USA Today] 5/31/11
• Inflation rate at 5% to 8%
• Real unemployment now at 16%
• Gas at the pump has risen 100% since Obama took office
• Cotton is up 140%
• Agricultural Raw Materials are up 81%
• Food Prices are up 49%
• Energy Prices are up 81%
[Life and Liberty PAC] 5/30/11

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again
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