Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Sign: Air Force Safety System

A friend sent me a power point slide show about an Air Force fire safety system. Here is how it works. The safety system comes on and drops foam all over the potentially hazardous vehicle [i.e., airplane]. In this particular test, the system would not shut off. Foam filled the hangar up to the rafters - no kidding, up to the rafters. The foam spilled out of the hangar onto the runway as well as in and on nearby cars and trucks. It looked like something out of an old Buster Keaton silent movie.

Let’s see. Congress cannot run their own cafeteria at a profit. Social Security and Medicare are going broke. Postal rates keep going up. Public government schools are an unqualified educational disaster. Now, the current government-in-charge wants to take over our health care system. Do you see any pattern here at all . . . the right jack

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