Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our new one world currency

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Truth or Fiction

If anyone thinks the talk of a "new world order" that Obama and others in the administration are constantly referring to, just means more "hope and change," think again. If you believe the talk of "one world government" is a conspiracy theory, think again.

Here is the prototype, unveiled at the G8 summit, of the money you will be using soon. A global currency. Money = power.

Can there be a global currency WITHOUT a global government?

Say goodbye to Washington, Lincoln, Hamilton, et al. Say goodbye to the US Constitution. Say goodbye to US sovereignty. Say goodbye to elections or, if we still have them, will not matter since our Republic will be subject to the treaty and the UN.

THE GOOD NEWS IS, if you are familiar with the Torah, the Bible or the Koran, the end times are ushered in with one world government. So, I guess it should not be too long now.

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