Friday, February 5, 2010

Headline Capsules

** Democrat job plans focus on bailing out government employees in all sectors. Tax incentives for small business to hire more employees is a government-styled welfare program that would force small businesses to close their doors when sales do not increase enough to cover the added payroll. Dah!

** Remember, ObamaWorld has the fewest number of cabinet members and other appointees with business experience than any administration in history. The fewest ever!!! They only know how government, education and charity works.

** Unemployment is down slightly to 9.7%. More jobs lost than gained in January. More people have stopped looking for jobs. Unemployment is over 17% and needlessly high. Democrats continue to blame their big spending plans and the resulting poor economy they created on Bush 43.

** Super Bowl advertisements cost $3 million for 30 seconds. Big Government TV advertising for the US Census is paying out for 37 markets or SMSAs. US population is how the number of delegates for the House of Representatives are set, make that fixed. Democrat census workers can "cook the count" in Blue areas.

** 51% of union members work for government. FDR did not approve of unionized government. Boortz on 2/4/10

** $0.42 of every ObamaWorld Big Government $1.00 in spending is borrowed. Can they make a deal with their credit card company to pay off "our" debt at a big discount?

** Detroit muslim terrorist passenger was ready to spill what he knew and brag about future terrorist bombers coming our way UNTIL he was marandized. Then he shut up. Conclusion: ObamaWorld DOJ not a friend of the USA. Is this the kind of change you want?

** Communist Party USA and ObamaWorld have exactly the same agenda.

** Obama meets with Republicans in the Senate for first time in 12 months. Cites the need for bipartisanship. Yet, Democrat leaders in Congress excluded Republicans from their back room approach to writing legislation.

** From Bob Livingston's Liberty Alert … Barack Obama’s populist pandering. No doubt the president’s promise to “tax those darned banks” will get the support of many voters. But consider: Many of his targets, such as HSBC, never took any bailout funds. Others, such as Wells Fargo, only accepted because they were forced to … and paid back every penny as soon as they could. Of course, such political favorites as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the auto companies—which were the largest recipients of government funds—will be exempt from the special tax. - - - Chip Wood

** I watched a 25 year old Obamite with the USAID shrieking hysterically, berate a full bird colonel in the air force, because he countermanded her orders, whilst trying to unscrew the air pattern. "You don't know what your president wants! The military isn't in charge here we are!" --- from Nick in Haiti. Does that remind you of Bay Area Barbara Boxer berating a high ranking military officer during Senate hearings. Conclusion: ObamaWorld and Democrats no friend of the USA and US Military. Is this the kind of change you want?

** An increase in atmospheric water vapor is responsible for at least a third of the average temperature increase since the early 1990s, say scientists at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Susan Soloman, the respected climate scientist who lead the research, says that this finding does not undermine man-made global warming theories. "Not to my mind it doesn't," she said. Soloman did point out that the research does allude to human emissions having a much smaller role in climate change than previously thought, and serves as a warning to climate modelers who "over-interpret the results from a few years one way or another." Despite Soloman's personally held belief, the NOAA study is expected to give further ammunition to climate skeptics working to draw public attention to perceived flaws in man-made global warming theories.

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