Thursday, November 20, 2014

Democrat Hit List

Democrat [and Obama] Hit List ... with substantial help from the Big Time Dying Dem Media

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Previously the Clinton Hit List

The Politics of Personal Destruction: Who Democrats target once a Republican or Conservative reaches a level of prominence that threatens the Democrat establishment or status quo. Of course, the Democrat Puppet Media is happy to chip in with their own "lack of interest," fabrications, lies and half-truths that the Democrats generate.

Politicians are not held to any standard of truth as is the business world and the Democrat Media follows that same strategy, unless it involves a Republican.

Clinton Body Count []

Democrat Targets, in general terms are ...

Any state government or company that tries to cut spending to balance their budget when unions are among those who must give up [i.e., pay for] some of their benefits and wages.

Any Black, Hispanic or Female Republican. Democrats from all corners can call these people anything they like and the "perps" will never be called on it by their Big Time Dying Media.

Remember, Democrats cannot be racists, sexists or homophobes. That is found on page one of the Big Time Dying Media Guide to Democrat Love and Support.


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Latest Targets: Do you see a pattern in these attacks on any Republican who steps to the front of the line? And we still do not know squat about Obama!

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Rumor: Bill Cosby does not appear to be a puppet who is driven by the Democrat Party line. The consequences are that he is now officially at the top of The Hit List for the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction. Why now? That is another question. 11/20/14

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Ooops. She is one of ours.

Lois Lerner fears for her life if she testifies at Wednesday’s oversight hearing … “I advised the staff that calling Ms. Lerner knowing that she will assert her rights was not only improper but dangerous. Ms. Lerner has been the subject of numerous threats on her life and safety, and on the life and safety of her family. I left with the staff recent evidence of those threats,” said Atty Bill Taylor in a letter to Issa. [] 3/4/14


Recall all of those mysterious deaths among the associates and “Friends of Bill” during the Clinton Administration. See above and that post here at TheRightJack.

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Big Dem Media is continuing it's assault on Gov Christie [R-NJ] over a traffic jam going into NYC. 

A female NJ mayor levels partisan charges at Christie about Hurricane Sandy Relief that seems highly questionable. Democrat investigations underway.

At the same time, Democrats are after former VA Gov, Bob McDonald [R-VA] about gifts, like the ones Obama has received in the past. The Democrat political machine is after him through the Big Dem Federal Government but The Big Dem Media never makes any mention of Democrats seeking political revenge against the opposition through Big Gov Lawyers. 1/25/14

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‘Hillary’s Hit List’: New Book Alleges Secret Database of Those Who Have Crossed the Clintons … Why? The book sums it up [emphasis added]: “It meant that when asks rolled in, she and Bill would have at their fingertips all the information needed to make a quick decision — including extenuating, mitigating, and amplifying factors — so that friends could be rewarded and enemies punished.”

The “hit list” includes poplar names: John Kerry. Jay Rockefeller. Bob Casey. Patrick Leahy. Chris Van Hollen. Baron Hill. Rob Andrews. Ted Kennedy. But above all, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO). [] 1/13/14
Geez. A Democrat Hit List from The Clintons? Aw shucks. Bet Hillary has no recollection of that either ... and that is just the Democrats on the Clinton hit list.

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MediaGate ... Continuing hit jobs on Republicans as a NJ traffic jam under Gov Christie [R-NJ] trumps Hillary's Genghazi embassy deaths, Holder's gun running deaths, Obama's Democrat IRS revenge against Republican non-profit requests, massive and carelessly crafted ObamaCare mess, and millions losing jobs in the Obama economy.
Gov Christie of NJ is in the center of what is likely to be a six week or longer Big Dem Media blitz that is designed to tarnish his political ambitions. Democrats will keep this traffic jam story “out front” as long as possible, then bring it back out at election time.

McCain blitz. The Big Dem Media “trashed” John McCain with negative stories after he became the GOP nominee for president. Prior to this, the Media praised McCain for his understanding and bipartisanship.

No Clinton or Holder blitz. At the same time, the Big Dem Media has been quiet silent for months about the US Embassy deaths in Benghazi under the watch of Hillary Clinton. Ditto with regard to Eric Holder and the deaths directly related to his Fast and Furious gun running escapade in Mexico. If one read or listened only to the Big Dem Media, one would never know that these deaths that were caused by the actions of Democrats ever occurred. =TheRightJack on 1/10/14

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Ruling Class GOP and Democrats are on the same side against Conservative Tea Party candidates. Entrenched Republicans and RINOs are gearing up to defeat Conservatives in the next election cycle. Dems also running as 3rd Party Libertarians. Democrats could not be more proud of their GOP bretheren-in-money and spirit as they help Democrats get elected. Go-along-to-get-along Ruling Class GOP want Conservatives to lose more than they want to defeat Democrats. 11/11/13

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Tea Party ...

Caution: Democrats are calling Tea Party members the most vile of names. That strategy is meant to intimidate Republicans from associating with any event or candidate linked with the Tea Party. Democrats are scared "shipless" of the Tea Party, and they should be. Tea Party candidates keep winning elections against Democrats and RINOs. 

And the RINOs are out to destroy the Tea Party too. =TheRightJack on 11/4/13

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Our Government Says You are a Potential Terrorist … Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents. [] 8/29/13 

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Ted Cruz becomes bigger than life target on the Democrat Hit List after the CR shut down filabuster.

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Conservatives. IRS Division of the Obama Revenge Team [Geithner was head of Treasury 2009-2013] wants to know from Conservative and Tea Party groups who they associate with and what they are reading, writing and praying before granting any of them not-for-profit status. Delays part of their revenge game. Been going on since before the 2012 election. [] 5/17/13

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Obama targets Ted Cruz [R-Texas]. [] 5/9/13
SOP: Trash the opposition to make them seem irrelevant to those not paying attention. Depict them as terrible undesirables.

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Texas. Democrats plan to turn Texas into a blue state. That will make the US voting process loss proof for Democrats. Texas is the objective. March 2013

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Republican Party. Top of the Democrat Hit List right now. Objective is to marginalize them among key members of Democrat coalition. Harry Reid finding ways to spin the stagnent and retracting Obama economy with speeches about the long lasting effects of the Bush economy. 2/1/13

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Marco Rubio moving to the top of the Democrat Hit List. 1/31/13

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The Republican Party. Democrats working diligently to brand the GOP as totally worthless bigots, racists, unfriendly to the poor, anti-women, anti-abortion, anti-workers, anti-government, anti-homosexuals, anti-education, pro-guns, anti-immigrant, you name it. 12/25/12

Marco Rubio, a possible GOP front runner for 2016 presidential election - already the newest addition to the Democrat Hit List. [] 11/21/12

Paul Ryan, the GOP VP nominee.

Michelle Bachmann revisited by The Dem Machine, revenge for her unyielding roll in holding Obama accountable.

Allen West, a black conservative in Congress from Florida. When Democrats attack a black Republican, it is not racism. When Obama is criticized, it is racism.

Obama and Biden attack Romney's time with Bain Capital for cutting jobs at companies that were going under. 5/15/12
No mention of Obama's massive job loss, jobs lost and dealerships shut down with GM bailout, and failure as a job creator.

Mitt Romney attacks begin in earnest. Romney ... fill in the blank

• Bullied a gay high school student. Family says not so.
• Is anti-women. That backfired on Obama.
• Is still married to the same woman and she does not work outside the home
• Has cut jobs to save companies from going under
• Is too wealthy
• His father was wealthy
• Is pro family
• Is pro capitalism
• Is pro business
• Is a mormon
• Has had real jobs
• Has worked in the business world
These are all negatives as far as Big Dem Gov 2012 campaigning is concerned. If Obama cannot find any dirt on Romney, they will make it up just like the high school bullying claim that his family said did not happen.
Obviously, Obama cannot run on his record in office. So he is creating distractions to cover up his sorry economic record and secret ID.

Democrat from Maine Legislature says former VP Dick Cheney should be executed. [] 4/13/12
Obama has had more than enough time to jump all over this fellow. Heard anything yet? Nope. He waded into the Harvard and Sanford cases with knee-jerk reflexes. Hmmm! Looks like partisan pro-Democrat civility is his policy when it comes to NOT monitoring the talk of fellow politicians. Only citizens on the Right need to have their speech monitored.

GOP Donors. Obama hit list now includes private citizens by name. People who have contributed to Romney and GOP. … These are people like 
• Paul Schorr and Sam and Jeffrey Fox, investors who the site outed for the crime of having "outsourced" jobs. 
• T. Martin Fiorentino is scored for his work for a firm that forecloses on homes. 
• Louis Bacon (a hedge-fund manager), 
• Kent Burton (a "lobbyist") and Thomas O'Malley (an energy CEO) stand accused of profiting from oil. 
• Frank VanderSloot, the CEO of a home-products firm called Melaluca, is slimed as a "bitter foe of the gay rights movement." … 
These are wealthy individuals, to be sure, but private citizens nonetheless. Not one holds elected office. Not one is a criminal. Not one has the barest fraction of the position or the power of the U.S. leader who is publicly assaulting them. [] 4/26/12
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The Left has been trying to criminalize political differences since Bush 43 was in office.

Moms. Far Left Democrat War on Women continues as Democrats trying to back off their dislike of moms, African American GOP women and married GOP women but female Democrats in Congress and talking heads keep ringing that bell and slingin' mud. 4/14/12

Democrats Hit List now includes Ann [Mrs Mitt] Romney for being a stay at home mom raising five kids and has not worked ... so she is not qualified to comment on the economy. [] 4/12/12
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TheRightJack has never tried suicide but I believe that I am well qualified to comment on it and intervene, particularly if it helps someone select a positive course of action. Ms Romney has MS.
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Rush Limbaugh takes more hits from Left. When writers note that Rush attacks women on his radio show, that causes TheRightJack to have a knee-jerk reaction. I have listened to him since his early days from California. [1] I do not recall Rush ever ever having a "war on women" or lashing out a women as writers and talking head commonly claim. But he does go after the Liberal Left whether male or female. Such is the case with the Ms Georgetown Law School student, Ms Pelosi, Ms Boxer. Ms Waters, Ms Wasserman-Schultz and other Far Left females, males too. [2] Writers like this and talking heads obviously do not listen to his show. The Far Left 20% - 30% just parrot the comments of others who obviously do not listen to his show or just make up stuff to fit their agenda. The Left is very good at making up stuff. 4/12/12

AZ Sheriff Joe and those who report on his investigations taking heat and actual retaliatory threats from Big Dem Gov. More on this to come. 4/1/12

Next! Hey Mitt Romney, who is watching your back?

Joe Arpaio is a likely hard Democrat PPD target as Obama and Holder at DOJ seek to stop the enforcement of laws regarding illegals who come across the Arizona border. Sheriff Joe is also investigating the secret background of Obama to determine if he is or is not a US citizen who can legally hold the office of US President. [] 3/17/12

When Big US Gov can use their/our massive US wealth to pursue whom ever they want, whether individuals, groups or businesses, those in charge of the US Government must be above reproach. =TheRightJack 3/19/12

Rush Limbaugh. Obama minions trying to take Rush off the air after the flap involving Georgetown Law School ladies who seek free Big Gov birth control. This is part of a larger Democrat agenda to eliminate talk radio under a fairness doctrine [that only applies to radio, not TV or print], the largest voice on the Right that generally opposes Obama. Eliminating the competition so that the Big Time Dying Dem Media becomes The Voice of Big Dem Propaganda. 3/17/12

Here it comes: Santorum is the next target for the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction. [] 2/18/12 Pundits from the Right say that GOP hopefuls need to stay out of the personal lives as Democrats push the gay, abortion and contraceptive agenda to divert inattentive voters’ attention away from the faltering Obama economy.

Rick Santorum. Since he has moved to the front of the pack, expect attacks on him to increase.

Newt’s ex-wife = hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. [] 1/18/12. Here comes the dirt. Will this become a part of the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction?

Romney take hits from Newt and Democrats on his Bain Capital days. Firing workers at heart of the issue along with making profits. 

It appears that Newt is still the most feared opponent for Obama when you look at the continuing HITS he is taking from the Left ... despite his falling poll numbers. They want to bury him. =TheRightJack 1/8/12

Newt takes a direct hit this time from leftist Doonesbury cartoon in Sunday newspaper. 1/8/12. Obama pretty much gets a pass on his poor economy, muslim beliefs, socialist leanings, social security cards and birth mysteries when compared to all Republicans.

Newt getting hit from all sides including the Ruling Class Republicans. You ain't seen nuthin yet. Just wait until Obama pulls out the heavy guns against the GOP nominee at election time.

Newt. The unquestionably DIS-honorable Bill Clinton questions the temperament and leadership qualities of New Gingrich. Is that where the Democrats Politics of Personal Destruction is going to go with Newt? 12/20/11 Newt, as Speaker of the House, was the one who forced Clinton the Diddler into agreements on welfare and entitlement reforms.

Big Time Democrat Dying Media still asking no questions about Obama after more than four years.

You would never ever guess who is now the target of Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction. Aw shucks. How did you know. Newt moves to #1 in many polls so he is now their target. [] 12/7/11 This charge is a resume enhancement for Democrats like Bill Clinton. Remember the media jawing about “private lives” when Democrats were in the sexual headlights.

Newt. Nancy Pelosi threatens to spill the beans about Newt's ethics violations associated with teaching a class. Spilling the beans is in itself an ethics violation. What ever happened to the unwritten pact of honor among thieves?

Mitt. Obama team in Massachusetts including the current Democrat governor try to dig up dirt on Romney. [] 11/18/11

Newt. What a coincidence. Newt moves up in the polls and Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction operatives go to work on him. It begins with Newt taking consulting fees from Democrat controlled Fannie and Freddie. 11/15/11

Palin. Yet another coincidence. Have you noticed that the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction attacks on Sarah Palin have fallen off dramatically since she said that she would not enter the presidential race. 11/11/11

Newt. As Newt Gingrich moves up in the polls, look for the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction operatives to begin bringing up all manner of things designed to take the heat off the Obama policy failures and highlight Newt’s alleged transgressions. 11/8/11

Mitt Romney still not taking any heat from the Democrat media. Democrats really want to run against Romney in 2012.

Herman Cain is now the main target of the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction operatives. This has been a central media tactic by Democrats. It seems to have started during the Bill Clinton years. 10/31/11

Rick Perry - Latest dumb Republican, according to the Left and their lockstep friends in the media 8/30/11

Other dumb Republicans from the past include: Sarah Palin. Clarence Thomas. George Bush 43. Ronald Reagan. Dan Quayle. Gerald Ford. Dwight Eisenhower.

Glenn Beck says five Obama political hacks [i.e., hit men?] with ties to the White House tried put him out of business, politically of course. 8/16/11 The Obama definition of bipartisanship needs some word-smithing.

John Boehner [R-OH], House majority leader, is the top target during the Faux Budget Crisis. Has now jumped to the top of the Hit List for Democrat politics of personal destruction. 7/29/11.

Fringe Radical Far Right Wing Tea Party and Sarah Palin continue to be prime Dem Hit List targets. 9/15/10 and 7/30/11

Rep Allen West (R-FL) fired back against the relentless Left-wing attacks upon him, this time those spewed from the House floor by the DNC nag-in-chief Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (D-FL) and Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX). West is African American. No problem for NAACP. Party trumps racism.

With success in early polls and TV appearance, Michelle Bachmann is moving up toward the top of the Democrat Hit List. Pretty hard to beat those on the left with Palen-Envy. No outcry from NOW. Party trumps sexism.

Michelle Bachmann [R-MN] has become a very prominent conservative Republican since Obama became our Ruler. Expect continued Democrat character assassination of her as 2012 primary time nears. See her comments on Obama State of The Union Show.

Sarah Palin continues to be a top target for Democrat politicians and the media. Party trumps sexism.

Gov Rick Perry [R-TX], next major target on Democrat hit list. It begins with "how can we vote for another Texan."

Rumor: NJ Gov Chris Christie latest addition to Democrat Hit List. Dirt being sought/collected on him just in case he is GOP Presidential nominated. 5/23/11 Democrat digging is heating up.

Newt Gingrich just moved to the top of the Democrat Hit List since Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump dropped out of the presidential race. 5/17/11

Paul Ryan. GOP budget strategist. The last thing Democrats want to see or hear is a workable GOP plan to balance the budget. Democrats would like to balance the budget by raising taxes but a 100% tax would run Big Dem Gov for only 3 months. 4/14/11

Ken Cuccinelli, Attorney General of Virginia who is in the middle of Republican efforts on budget matters. Unlike many states lead by Democrats, Virginia is on solid financial ground. Visit CA IL MI NY.

John Kasich, new governor of Ohio, who was in Congress [1983 to 2001] and a central figure in balancing the US budget.

Gov Scott Walker of Wisconsin because he is trying to balance the state budget. Tells Obama to butt out. Thousands of union supporters bused in by Obama Organizing for America. Tea Party shows support for The People with 1000s more. February 2011.

Donald Trump. Possible GOP Presidential candidate. Calls out Obama on hiding birth certificate and lack of business skills. Democrats immediately label him a racist. Call on Republicans to censure him. 4/28/11 Now off the Dem Hit List for the time being since he decided not to run. 5/15/11

Bush 43 continues to be blamed for nearly three years now for all of the failures of the Obama administration by the Left in our local Letters to the Far Left Wing Sympathetic Editor. Barack "No Fault" Obama nearly always gets a pass from these Letter Writers. 7/30/11

Present and Past Democrat Targets

• Talk radio

• USA – The Source of evil in the world

• George Bush 43 – Dumb. Cowboy. Quick on the trigger. Everything bad will always be his fault, if you listen to Democrats.

• Any US business that gives to Republicans and Conservatives
• WV coal mine disaster, owners ripped for giving to Conservative causes, April 2010
• US Military - Kill innocent people. Abuse children. Anti-gay.

• Insurance companies – Greedy. Unfair to poor.
• Banks – Greedy. Unfair to poor. But not Wall Street.
• Health Care – Hillary tried and failed. Now ObamaCare kills best medical system in the world.

• Doctors and health care providers – Greedy. Charge too much.
• Fox News – One sided. Exposes Dems.
- - Transparency is dangerous threat to Democrats.

• Eric Massa – Not on same page with Obama so destroy him.
• Tea Party movement – Fringe. Terrorists. Knuckle Draggers. Racists.
- - Threat to big spending Democrats.

• Karl Rove – Knows too much. Cares too much about USA.
• John McCain – No longer bipartisan and not in sync with Obama.
• Sarah Palin – Dumb, Dangerous threat to Democrats.

• Glenn Beck – Dangerous threat to Democrats.
• All Republican Presidents are dumb while AlGore is really smart.
• Rush Limbaugh – Biased. Exposes Dems. Dangerous threat to Democrats.

• Capitalists – Greedy. Selfish. Dishonest.
- - Profiting on the backs of the poor.
- - Nice cliche but how does that actually work?
- - Shown to be another factless claim.

• Anything Conservative – Dumb racists. Sexists. Homophobes.

Media. Unions. Education. Wall Street insiders – Already puppets for Obama.

Older Democrat Hit List

• US Business – Capitalists are bad. Big business is worst.
• Religion – Christians, Protestants and Catholics are bigots.
• Anything Republican – Evil. Racists. Sexists. Money Mongers. Elitists.

• Talk radio – One sided. Exposes Dems. Dangerous threat to Democrats.
• Donald Rumsfeld, Multi-Secretary, Bush favorite. Discredit him.
• Clarence Thomas – Uncle Tom. Bad image for poor black Democrats.

• George Bush 41 – Read my lips. Used his bipartisanship against him.
• Robert Bork – Segregationist. Anti-Women.
• John Ashcroft, AG – Christian. Anti-abortion. Wrong values.

• Newt Gingrich – Right wing Demon. Dangerous threat to Democrats.
• Ronald Reagan – Tried to tarnish him but failed. Made him an icon.
• Gerald Ford - Dumb.

• Richard Nixon – Crook.
• Dwight D Eisenhower - Dumb.
• US Military – Evil force in the world.

Do you see the pattern here. Democrats and their puppets in the Big Time Dying Dem Media have engaged in the politics of personal destruction for decades. This is not new. The early efforts by Democrats centered around perpetuating stories that Republican presidents and presidential candidates were not very bright or smart. This goes back to Dwight D. Eisenhower and has been supported for decades by the Big Time Dying Dem Media.

It is very important that you understand the following point. What ever the Democrats accuse Republicans of doing, is exactly what Democrats are actually doing. The clearest example of this is Bill Clinton who continually complained about the Politics of Personal Destruction BY Republicans. Yet, that is what Clinton and his appointees tried to do to create negative images of the opposition.

People on the left side of the isle seem to conviently ignore ugly comments by other Democrats like Donna Brazile. This Democrat insider is the person who “wished” that Mrs. Clarence Thomas would feed him a lot of eggs so that he would pass away quickly. Condolezza Rice was impugned by Democrats as being as incompetent as a maid.

This political strategy is right out of the Saul Alinksy handbook and it works. However, there is a competing media today with talk radio, popular Right Side of The Isle TV commentators and the free and unbridled internet. Long live the free media. We can only hope their their massive left wing biases do not destroy their own media corporations. =TheRightJack

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