Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why US health care is so expensive

Report from Pennsylvania.

An hospital administrator reported to her state legislator how illegal emigrants cost her hospital millions of dollars a year in care. INS will not remove the illegals. The hospital cannot pay for their fare back to their home country. So, the hospital is saddled with millions of dollars in FREE unpaid debt.

[Cannot upload the video that shows her testimony.]

Imagine how much US Taxpayer costs will go up when Obama Health Care Scam & Tax goes into effect. Our own States like Massachusetts and California and other Nations are going broke trying to pay for free health care. Please note that our Democrat "Big Daddy" Federal Government thinks this is great and that it will lower costs.

Obama Health Care Scam & Tax could possibly work if everyone over age 50 [maybe 45] is denied diagnosis and treatment. Pain pills cost a lot less than diagnosis and proper treatment.

By the way, just when did our Democrat "Big Daddy" Federal Government decide to drop the time honored value of respect your elders. This current crop of Democrats are just as bad as the common street thugs who rob and beat up defenseless old people.

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