Thursday, September 30, 2010

Really? September 2010

Best of the Month
New definition of a RACIST: Any one who is winning an argument with a Liberal. - - - author unknown

Elected Democrat politicians [past and present], talking heads and their "mostly Democrat" media continue their angry assaults on Republican and/or Conservative candidates, women in particular but men too. Yet, support for the Tea Party continues to grow - over 50% along with 33% of African Americans. Now who is out of step with the American people?

Democrats provide a steady steam of criticism against new Republican candidates like Palen in Alaska, O'Donnell in NJ and others. They all have more experience than Obama.

Hatian relief from US still tied up in US Congressional red tape after January 2010 earthquake.

Income gap between rich and poor is a media focus right now. When some folks are running and some folks are sitting, the sitters fall behind waiting for government to provide for them. This is not an economic mystery. It works the same way under socialism. The few elite prosper while the rest of the citizens fall behind.

$350 million in US TaxPayer money going to Planned Parenthood through ObamaCare. Abortions up. Referrals for adoption down.

New Definition [i.e., spin]: When the Fed or the Treasury decide to print more money, it is now referred to as "quantitative easement." Printing money devalues the dollar. In this case, The Fed is using this new money to prop up the stock market.

Yankee Go Home . . . and please take me with you. Middle Eastern commentator on the unfavorable image of the US in the Middle East and the sentiment of those stuck there. 9/26/10

7 of the top 10 richest members of Congress are Democrats. Just 9 of top 25 are Republicans. 2008 data. See

Republicans donate more to charity than do Democrats.

See who gives to what party at

HR 3534 (CLEAR Act). This is the globalist bill designed to give away our land, oceans, adjacent land masses and Great Lakes to an international body, and makes us pay $900 million per year until 2040.

Obama Administration finally gets serious about ... ready for this ... bedbugs, with a summit in Chicago. More fiddling while Rome burns.

US National Debt now at $30,000 to $60,000 per person or per US taxpayer, depending on how it it calculated.

If you want to know what is really going on in the Middle East and the United Nations, listen to what John Bolton says. Democrats who should know appear unclear, vague and/or confused.

Legality of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution being challenged. It relates to illegal immigration. Apparently it was never properly ratified.

US Misery Index at 10.75 August 2010. Highest since Bush 41. Increasing since Dems took over Congress in 2008. Misery Index (10.75) = Unemployment rate (9.6) + Inflation rate (1.15). Would prefer to see this report based on which party is in control of Congress. Congress is in charge of the US Budget.

Stephen Colbert's testimony, in Colbert Show character, before Congress on 9/24/10. Critics abound. Seems like a perfect venue for a meeting of the minds.

DREAM Act amendment fails to pass as Democrats cannot get their own party members to vote YES on Defense Bill. Republicans blamed again, despite the Democrat super majority. Illegal immigrants denied free path to citizenship. 9/21/10

DREAM Act: Allows young people to become legal US residents after spending 2 years in college or military. Applies to those who were [1] under age 16 when they arrived in US, [2] have been in the country at least 5 years, [3] have a diploma from a US high school or equivalent. [Democrats never stop pushing their agenda. Big Time Dying Media silent about this.]

Foreclosure tale. Bank declined low offer from a buyer. Why? Bank gets paid 85% by FDIC if bank does NOT sell below the 85% price. Bank strategy is to hold the property. Do not sell. Then Big Gov will pay the bank for it at 85% rate and sell at a discount [i.e, loss] at US Taxpayer's expense.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research this morning, the recession officially ended in June 2009. 9/20/10 [TRJ: After that date, our economic miseries are the fault of Obama and the Democrats.]

US Post Office said has selected 1,125 workers each day to sit in ready rooms. Cost to US Taxpayers is $50 million annually. [TRJ: Did you know that we also have thousands of teachers sitting in rubber rooms each day because they are not fit to teach but cannot be fired - a union thing.]

Obama goes to church Sunday. Talking like a bloody conservative as do many other Democrats. Obama approval rating at -17 on Rasmussen tracking.

Gun sales up. Crime down. In their minds, Liberals believe that taking guns out of the hands of citizens will reduce crime. How did they ever come up with that party plank, unless of course, they want total despotic control [i.e, rule, as Obama said] of the US population?

Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell, should she win her Fall election, would be seated immediately and be ready to vote immediately against the controversial and highly unpopular Democrat agenda.

In 2019, because of Obamacare, the average household will pay an additional $9,500 per year for health insurance. Get the true story at

Obama removed the reference to the "Creator" from the Declaration of Independence when he quoted a portion at a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Congress. See

Student college loan default rates up to 7%. Unemployment and bad economy blamed. Expect more bailouts from Obama to prop up another key constituency [higher education]. 9/18/10

It costs 10 times more to rent a truck to => California from Texas than from California to => Texas. Few people want to move to California so there are no empty rental trucks on lots in California. 9/17/10

Report from US soldier in Iraq: The name of the Heavy Brigade Combat Team was changed to Advise and Assist Brigade. The ONLY difference is that they changed our name from a HBCT to an AAB. That is how Obama is getting away with saying that he has pulled all of the "combat" troops out of Iraq.

Obama and the Democrats continue to blame Republicans for blocking legislative action. US Taxpayers know that Democrats have a 60 vote majority in Congress. They can pass anything they like. Democrats just want Republicans "on board" to "spread the blame."

Reminder: Democrats have been working in secrecy to shut down the internet when deemed necessary. China had done this with selective domains. Russia did this to the Republic of Georgia during their invasion.

FedEx or UPS. Louisville, Kentucky is the home of UPS. KY State Legislature reportedly working on ways to help the "unionized" UPS compete with the "non-union" FedEx. Unions caused GM and Chrysler to have unsustainable debt problems.

Since 2008, when Dems took control of Congress, 283 banks have closed compared to 27 banks from 2000 to 2007.

Foreclosure rate in August 2010 - highest rate in 13 months. Another 3 to 3.5 million foreclosures and defaults expected this year. More commercial defaults expected. Media quiet about that.

Unemployment in the construction industry at 17%.

Reminder of the stated Democrat housing goal by Barney Frank [D-MA]: A home for everyone to RENT.

3.8%. There is an Obama Health Care sales tax on the sale of certain personal real estate properties like second homes and inherited properties. 3.8% on investment income too. These are but two of 19 new Democrat taxes.

Citgo is now a sponsor on NPR. Citgo, Valero and Petro are distributors of what is now the nationalized Venezuelan oil industry. Venezuelan Oil is the anti-American dictator Hugo Chavez. Chavez has publicly stated that he promotes the overthrow the US government. 9/15/10

Emergency Replay: Obama and the US Treasury Department have plans to go after all US retirement funds. When confiscated, they will provide retirees with a 3% return. Heirs will not receive any portion of the remaining funds. Union retirees exempt.

Latest data expected to show the poverty rate in the USA will rise to 15.3%. 45 million or 1 in 7 are now in poverty. Highest since 1980. Build it and they will come!

Hillary Clinton is right in the middle of the UN attempt to take guns from the citizens of the world. Dictatorships would love to disarm the citizenry.

A Mexican Drug Cartel has placed a $1,000,000 bounty on the head of AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio. All because he is enforcing our laws against illegal immigration!

Obama Justice Department is preventing local officials from asking for Green Cards. Green Cards prove that "internationals" can work in the USA legally. How many times a week are you asked to show a photo ID, drivers license or birth certificate?

Have you noticed that Obama has been wearing a US flag pin on his lapel lately. Democrats are talking like conservatives. Yet, they vote like the liberals they are.

Colorado high school student told by campus security officer to remove two 3x5 American flags from his truck just prior to 9/11. He was honoring his cousin who was serving in the Navy. US Flag could make others uncomfortable.

Latest polls show 58% of Americans do not believe Obama's story and suspect he is not eligible to serve.

U.S. Treasury Department proposes $1.6 billion federal tax break for trial lawyers. Trial Lawyers? How about a tax break for US Taxpayers rather than ambulance and asbestos chasers!

Israelis put boxes of pig remains on buses. Terrorist suicide bombers said to have stopped hitting buses as pig debris on their dismembered bodies also obliterates the Muslim path to heaven. Perhaps we need a huge pig picking at ground zero where the Cordova House commemorates a Muslim victory in Spain. Military bullets tipped in pig blood rejected as war strategy.

New financial bailout scheme by Congressional Democrats has the same "no money down" mortgage plans that caused our economic mess sponsored by the 2008 Congressional Democrats.

The unemployed class expected to exceed 15%. Bush is still being blamed by Obama and the Democrats.

Castro recants. He says that "Capitalism" does not work.

1% tax on all financial transactions under consideration in Ways and Means Committee, which the Democrats control. Hits nearly everyone. So much for that $250,000 promise by Obama.

August unemployment at 9.6%. This rate is an estimate since a number of states including California had not reported on time. Unemployment expected to climb to 10+% in 2011.

Fidel Castro said: "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore." 9/7/10 [The Cuban government employs 95% of the Cuban people. That is because their government has all of the money, what their is of it.]

AlGore, left wing global warming hoaxter and scam artist, nowhere to be found to comment on the Discovery Channel terrorist, an unquestioning left wing global warming zealot. Like many left wingers, AlGore refuses to debate his beliefs.

Bucket List #2 for Democrats. Before Democrats die a natural death at the hands of the November 2010 electorate, Democrats will push through highly controversial and even more unpopular programs like tax grabbing Cap and Trade [based on false science], energy penalties, unpopular immigration policies and more union benefits.

Bucket List for Democrats includes withdrawing campaign financing from those Democrats up for election who have little or no hope of winning. 9/5/10

August unemployment at 9.6%.

Media spin:The private sector added 67,000 workers in August, increasing the unemployment rate to 9.6 percent. [i.e., business failed to produce new jobs.]

Oregon Senator Mark Wyden, a Democrat, went along with the Democrat Health Care bill since he was one of the authors. He is now acting on the "state waiver" provision he sponsored to exempt Oregon from the Democrat Health Care Bill.

Harry Reed to introduce an energy bill that will inject billions of dollars into businesses and companies in which he has personal investments. While Reid is raking in financial profits from his bill, the rest of America can expect to see their energy bills skyrocket and massive job loses across the country. Remember Nancy Pelosi helping her pineapple baron spouse with US Taxpayer money. And Maxine Waters helping her banker husband. Democrat promises mean nothing.

Beck rally in DC puts attendee total around 500,000 with 200,00 or so shown around the Tidal Basin. An adjacent area said to hold another 300,000. Washington Post article "reports" that only 87,000 lost racist souls were there. How can you trust any member of the Big Time Dying Media when they misreport the news in this fashion. What do they know that we should know and why will they not report it honestly.

If the math about birth rate in this video I watched [I could not add it to this blog] is correct, the USA appears to be headed down the road to cultural self-destruction. Calculations show that there must be 2.1 births per couple to sustain the culture. Canada and most of Europe are under that figure. Muslim populations and nations where they land are off the charts and on track to suffocate local populations.

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