Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Rumor Mill by TheRightJack

Stopping a rumor is like trying to unring a bell.

Hmmmmm ... The Rumor Mill was here and now it is gone with the content replaced by another post on this site. NO Idea how that happened or where the Rumor Mill went. Perhaps it will return on its own. Let's see what happens. 11/22/13

Rumor has it . . .


It is rumored that George Soros just bought or bought into a company that makes electronic voting machines. Think DEM software rigging as in that VW "fudging" incident. And now Obama wants to federalize all presidential elections under the guise of fraud protection and infrastructure. Democrats win regardless of how the people vote. 

Note the date of this rumor ... 8/31/16 ... Posted here 1/6/21


Rumor: If these far left dems actually do all of the things they have stated that they will do, we will become just another socialist cesspool. Easy Peazy. It starts right away with open borders. Pack the Supreme Court with socialists. Confiscate your retirement accounts. Outlaw guns. Consider also how easy it will be for these dems to mail out fraudulent dem mail in ballots to all dem zip codes nationwide. See how easy this will happen with no “other party” checks and balances.


Rumor: Who is Michael LaVaughn Robinson?


Rumor: President Trump had an affair with Ms Story Daniels back in the day.

Rumor: After being charged by infidelity by her husband, Ms Stormy Daniels must prove that she did not have an affair with DJT in order to win her case against her husband. What is the dollar amount of this possible deal? Interesting self-made entanglement. 7/14/18


Rumor: George Soros is rumored to be the "big money" behind all of the far left democrat cause groups. 2017


Rumor: BHO and HRC have be widely rumored to be working closely for the benefit of Russia [payoffs, uranium deal etc] for years. Yet the DOJ and FBI have focused only on a possible meeting that Trump "may" have had in hopes of "possibly" getting "dirt" on HRC that it was "claimed" that they had. Known Democrat deals versus possible meetings. Strange? 7/1/18


Rumor: Regular Democrats are running running running Right to the Independents and GOP to get away from these far left anti-US socialist Democratics.

And then, slowly they turned ...

Rumor has it that the regular Democrats are running running running toward the Right to the Independents and GOP. Democrat Media helping immensely to further the exodus. 5.17.17


Rumor: Hillary Clinton and BLM is reported to be funded by George Soros, the international capitalist [turned socialist?]. Soros made his billions as a capitalist and nearly brought down the British monetary system. Now he is trying to do that in the USA with the full cooperation of Saul Alinsky Democrats like Hillary Clinton. 5/1/16


Rumor: Obama to pardon thousands of felons just like he turned loose thousands of illegals to wreak havoc on law abiding and unsuspecting US citizens. See a link. 7/13/15


Rumor: Former middle east friends of the USA are not happy with Obama for his treaty work with Iran, They do not trust Obama or Iran.


Rumor: It is rumored that Harry Reid, Senate Democrat leader, did not have an exercise device accident. He received an “attitude adjustment” by a goon squad for failing to support or push their agenda in a manner that was acceptable to them. 3/31/15


Brother Castro playing Obama like a fiddle. The amateur is still in over his head.


Rumor: Obama sending his campaign team to Israel in order to "change" their population over to Left leaning and center leaning US type Democrats. Greece and Spain have already moved in that direction to become anti-austerity US type Democrats. 1/30/15


Rumor: Bill Clinton continues to get involved with other women. Putting Hillary in a political bind again.


Rumor: Does a murderer need to be sane to determine or agree that he or she is insane?


Rumor: Jim Harbaugh, NFL 49ers head football coach, was removed because he could not get along with the decision makers in that far left San Francisco culture. Then, he is pulled into another far left academic culture at the University of Michigan. 1/16/15


Rumor: Will the political correct Democrat crowd allow former and current hippies to call the police "pigs" given their "sensitivity" to the politically correct muslim outrage over anything associated with pigs, pork and bacon. Two sides of the same coin dogging the Democrats? 1/15/15


Rumor: Because of the anti-police riots organized by Democrats, the Far Left Wing Rioting Democrats and their Far Left Wing Cheerleaders are driving voters of all colors into the hands of GOP and Independent voters. Note that the police in the large metro areas are Democrat union members. 12/3/14


Rumor: Latest shooter at Florida State University in November 2014 was reported to be a 31 year old African American who is an attorney who believes the government is after him. I would appear that this shooter fits the profile of many of our recent shooters, a relatively young Democrat with mental problems [paranoia?]. 11/23/14


Rumor: Bill Cosby does not appear to be a puppet who is driven by the Democrat Party line. The consequences are that he is now officially at the top of The Hit List for the Democrat Politics of Personal Destruction. Why now? That is another question. 11/20/14

Cosby was raked over the coals by Democrat leaders in the past when he tried to encourage African American students to do well in school and make something of themselves.


Rumor: Obama to boost unemployment among minorities and the poorly educated dropouts with amnesty for millions of illegals who are also poorly educated. 11/19/14


Rumor: Those illegal children of 2014 … Wonder why the Democrats recruited these unaccompanied children with advertisements to come to the USA this summer. Now we may know why. The Obama executive action amnesty plan is to wipe out existing US immigration laws and give amnesty to foreign adults who have children who are in the USA illegally. Will Democrats put a stop this Obama travesty? 11/13/14


Rumor: Obama is so unpopular among Democrats that union organizers have made plans to stuff the 2014 ballot boxes with Republican votes.


Rumor: Many Democrats up for re-election are going to dump Obama and vote for impeachment before the election to improve their chances for re-election. 10/3/14


Rumor: Eric Holder to be nominated for a seat the Supreme Court at the first opportunity – opening. Would Holder be the first un-convicted law breaker to be so nominated? Elections have far reaching consequences. 9/25/15


Rumor: Obama does not like a number of people in The Party with whom he must work, including Debbie Wassermann Schultz, head of the DNC and Jewish. Put The Clintons in the group as well.


Rumor: Obama using ISIL in describing the terrorists in the Middle East to cover up his decision to support ISIS in previous terrorists actions.


Rumor: Obama gets no respect nor cooperation from the friendly international community due to his far left leaning ideology, lack of management skills and inattention to the tasks at hand. The Russian adversary in particular have all but spit in his face. 9/1/14


Rumor: Anti-Obama ranking officers in the US Military are being purged from the US Military? 8/1/14


Rumor: Ferguson MO. Outsiders from places like Oakland CA are stirring up racial trouble in Ferguson. Other sources say that DHS is stirring up racial trouble as well. … The 6’4” 292 pound gentle giant apparently robbed a convenience store, was high on marijuana, and then assaulted the police officer before being shot. If true, that really blows the Big Dem Media narrative. By the way, are not most big city police departments union Democrats? 8/20/14


Rumor: Diseases of all types, communicable and otherwise, are said to be quite obvious among the new illegal immigrants streaming across our Southern border from Mexico and elsewhere. Both children and adults are spreading diseases as they are transported by bus and plane to all parts of the USA. CDC not sending out any warnings. =TheRightJack on 7/20/14


Rumor: The Border – Security or Votes?

Guess Who's Also Illegally Crossing Our Southern Border … Among the ‘other than Mexican’ were people from countries listed as ‘special interest countries’ such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Somalia, Tunisia, Syria, Uzbekistan, Jordan and Indonesia. Looking at the countries of origin, I think it’s safe to assume that many of them were Muslim, making me wonder how many may have terrorist ties. [] 7/19/14
Now, just what do you think the Obama Gang and his Democrat allies think about the safety of US citizens?


Rumor: Democrats seek to label Christians a terrorist group. Incredible! 7/11/4
Update: Meat Head from the Archie Bunker Show just said that Conservatives need to be eliminated. 8/19/14


Rumor: African American community becoming more and more upset with the attention Obama is giving to the new Hispanic illegals coming across the US border and all of the benefits they are said to receive. Is their solid voting block had enough to change their voting habits? 7/13/14
Democrats New Trophy Wife … “Democrats have built a brand as the party willing to stand up for black Americans, but the amnesty push shows what a false promise that was. The message to black voters is: ‘Yes, your ancestors endured unimaginable hardships and helped build this country, and we said we’d help you out. But now we have a new trophy wife.’ Meanwhile, the harm to African Americans is not limited to reduced wages, greater competition for jobs, and declining household incomes – now even the black history of suffering is being diluted. Liberal columnist and CNN pundit Sally Kohn penned a column last week arguing that the term ‘illegal immigrant’ is the same as the N-word.” [] 7/14/14


Rumor: Democrat insiders in Washington do not understand how Obama could be so incompetent. Heard on the radio 7/9/14
What has Obama ever done or accomplished to make anyone think he knows what he is doing. Obama is an amateur with no experience. He does not know what he does not know. That is bad for any person in a position of responsibility whether a family, small business or elected position. =TheRightJack on 7/9/14


Rumor: Scabies is just one of the health diseases that the new young illegals are bringing across the US border from Central America. Obama Gang threatened the staff with arrest if they divulge any information about the health of these new illegals who were brought into the USA by the Obama Gang. 7/4/14

Other health issues among these young illegals reported by officials who have been told by The Obama Gang to keep your mouth shut.

Click the following for more: Scabies, labeled an STD, is an itchy, highly contagious skindisease caused by an infestation by the itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei.


Rumor: Obama creating chaos intentionally through the AG Holder, EPA, IRS, border security, funding foreign terrorists, bringing in young illegals and climate change. When US Taxpayers have had enough, he can declare Martial Law. Mission Accomplished. 6/23/14


Rumor: Hillary Clinton not disclosing her continuing and severe health problems that would preclude her from receiving the Democrat Presidential Nomination at the Democrat National Convention. MO wants in. Clintons and Obama not on good personal terms. 6/22/14


Rumor: Hillary and Michelle as running mates in 2016 … If this does not bring out the Vote from the Middle and the Right, nothing will. 6/2/14 


Rumor: The new book “Hard Choices” by Hillary Clinton was written by a comedy writer. Subtitled: What Difference, at this point, Does It Make. [] 6/2/14


Rumor: Washington Redskins of NFL Football plan to change their name to the “Hogs” to commemorate all of the pork and refuse/waste that originates in DC. 5/28/14


Rumor: Democrats still considering how to cancel the 2014 and 2016 elections … IF losing big becomes obvious. 5/16/14


Rumor: Affirmative action will never be allowed to end. May 2014


Rumor: U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations [USCMO] aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of "institutionalizing policies" favorable to Islamists — that is, Sharia law. New Muslim network of organizations set goal to establish Sharia Law in the US from inside the US political system. Liberty Councel. 5/26/14 

Capturing the USA via freedom of religion that Democrats will not oppose ... while opposing anything christian.


Rumor: Washington Redskins NFL football team to drop “Washington” from their name because that city name for their team is too embarrassing. 5/24/14


Rumor: Obama and the Obama Surgeon General, with the backing of former president Bill Clinton, who did not inhale, will declare “marijuana” to be a perfectly harmless … er … plant … or … pleasure thing. So, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Democrats need more dependent pot-headed voters. 5/21/14


Rumor: Democrat plan for illegal alien amnesty … Giving work and citizenship amnesty to millions of illegal aliens will dramatically increase unemployment for low skilled workers and school drop outs of all races and colors. 5/19/14


Rumor: What transparency? What are these Democrats considering or planning? It would seem that nothing positive for the American people can result from the massive purchases of ammo, guns, and personal armor along with the militarization of the police by this Big Dem Gov administration? 5/15/14


Rumor: Far Left Dem chatter: They still want to seize all retirement accounts, give you 3%, and take the remainder when you pass away. Nothing for remaining family members. 5/1/14 

If they take retirement accounts, there will be no balance when the pass away. Just like Social Security, it will have already been spent.


Rumor: When Republicans help the Democrat pass the “amnesty” version of immigration reform, Democrats plan to “seed” states like Texas, Florida and Arizona with incentive laden offers for these new immigrants with voting ID card to move to those states. That is, Republican approval of the Democrat immigration reform with voter ID cards will assure Democrats that they will not lose a national election for the next 50 years or more. =TheRightJack on 4/18/14 


Rumor: The highly partisan Democrat IRS is rumored to be going after the children and grandchildren of parents who owe very old debts. Democrats likely to get a pass. 4/11/14


Rumor: Big Dem Media propagandists will publish and eagerly repeat any report put forth by Democrats without verification or proof. This is not an April Fool rumor. 4/1/14


Rumor: $2 B-b-billion dollars have been spent promoting [i.e., infusing] ObamaCare in the various media outlets including TV shows and movies. 1/14/14


Rumor: Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama to lead 2016 Democrat presidential ticket. Joe “The Gaffe” Biden miffed at being left out in the cold. 4/4/14


Rumor: Spying by our Big Dem Gov on Congress, ordinary people and college students may become a huge campaign issue/theme against the Far Left Liberal Democrats in the 2014 and 2016 elections. 3/22/14


Rumor: Democrats plan to campaign on Anti-ObamaCare agendas in 2014 and 2016 … then change back to Pro-ObamaCare if elected … because ObamaCare is so good for all that everyone wants it. 3/11/14


Rumor: Lois Lerner, former top IRS officer, on the Democrat Hit List for testifying before Congress about her role in targeting Conservative groups. Fearing for her life from Obama or the Democrat Hit Machine. 3/3/14

Related: See Clinton Body Count []


Rumor: Hillary Clinton is suffering from some unexplained illness. 2/28/14


Rumor: Democrat Hit List developed by Bill and Hillary Clinton includes many of the Obama Far Left Democrats and their "news" buddies.


Rumor: Both male and female reporters on The Capitol Beat are sleeping around with their government sources in Congress, both male and female. Rumor confirmed by a Democrat on a popular TV talk show. February 2014.


Rumor: Obama having an affair. Resume enhancement for Democrats. 2/13/14


Rumor: College athletes to become unionized. Perfect time to strike is just before the season begins or at bowl time. How can the Big Anti-NCAA AcaDEMics not support the development of these new potential union brethren. 1/29/14


Rumor: In the Common Core Curriculum devised by Liberal Democrats, students can receive extra credit on any assignment by singing the praises of Obama and make neat classroom posters about Obama the Savior. 1/15/14


Rumor: Barack and Michelle are having marital issues. Did you see that look she gave him when they were in South Africa for the funeral. Then she took some extra US Taxpayers paid vacation time in Hawaii. 1/13/14


Rumor: The Obama Death Care Panel criteria for diagnosis and treatment are: 

1. Age over 65 or maybe as low as 60 [so take a pill]
2. Democrats but not Republicans, 
3. High cost of diagnosis and then related treatment. 1/12/14 


Rumor: More people have lost their health care coverage because of ObamaCare than have been covered by ObamaCare ... heard on the radio 1/1/14


Rumor: Dems Rewriting History?
Democrats using 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination to push the blame for that event off onto the Right and Conservatives. ... But, JFK was murdered by a Leftist socialist who came to the US from Russia. 11/22/13


Rumor: Democrats may suspend election laws to retain power. Really?
Congress Fears Out of Control Obama Could Suspend Election Laws … Rep. Trey Gowdy from South Carolina has now publicly raised fears that Obama could go ahead and suspend election laws in order to maintain control of the presidency. Gowdy says that since Obama has already decided to overturn the standing law on illegal immigrants, effectively declaring that the law no longer applies to them without any congressional backing, then what is to stop him from failing to enforce election laws? [] 12/6/13
See what happens when Democrats are out in charge! … Detroit. Big Blue City decay. Growing Unemployment. Massive debt. More Taxes on everything. Big Dem media cover ups. Big Dem Grants to Cronies. Health care disaster. Increase in Big Dem payoffs to unions and the unemployed that they created. Immigration reform = amnesty for millions who will flood the labor market and receive free benefits that we cannot afford. 


Rumor: Big Dem Gov still wants our retirement accounts. Must read.

Alarming Gov't Plan to Confiscate Your Savings . . . This plan to nationalize private 401K and IRA retirement accounts is being deceptively publicized as the government protecting the public against business failings or state bankruptcies. Your cash, your retirement funds, your bank deposits and your investments are at huge risk of being confiscated by the government through some contrived reason or another. [] 11/27/13


Rumor: Microsoft and Amazon offered to help build the ObamaCare web site and were turned down. Obama said no US company was interested in this project. Just makes you wonder where the real truth lies. 11/20/13


Rumor: ObamaCare rumored to implode in two years under its own weight from chaos, inefficiency and greed. This highly unpopular and poorly drafted health care plan is full of gaps, unknowns and waivers to favored political partners. The collapse is to occur in 2015 as a majority of the people in 2013 do not want ObamaCare. Heard on the radio on 9/30/13
Update: England and Canada declare that their socialized health care system is not sustainable. Heard on radio news 10/6/13


Rumor. The spiteful shutdown of government facilities by the non-negotiating Democrats … It actually cost more to shut down some facilities than keep open. Heard on the radio news 10/6/13 


Obama the Negotiator. He will negotiate with Putin, Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood, but not the Republicans.
Rumor: Democrats are losing that unpopular political battle in the public's mind. 10/4/13


Rumor: USPO may seek to opt out of ObamaCare. Unions do not want it. The Post Office is seriously in debt, around $6-$8 B-b-b-billion with huge unfunded pension liabilities. Government officials just do not know basic math nor balance sheets. 9/26/13


Rumor: Hillary Clinton is bi-sexual, as told by Bill Clinton to one of his ... ahem ... "former" lady friends.

Rumor: Obama playing cards during Benghazi fiasco on May 2, 2011? [] 8/14/13


Rumor: Fort Knox is empty. The gold is gone. Shipped to places like China and South Africa. … The U.S. government has NOT done a public audit of the gold in Fort Knox since 1974. Policymakers have ignored all requests for a new audit, too. … Worse yet, $982 million worth of gold has left JFK International Airport in New York since the year began. [Townhall Spotlight] 8/14/13
What if this is true? 


Rumor: Democrats becoming very concerned about the growing un-popularity of Obama by all but the extreme Far Left - Progressive - Socialist - Dependents. 7/4/13 


Rumor: US military will be required to pay for their own health care coverage for war related injuries and wounds.


Rumor: Workplace violence? California ICE office shooter said to be a muslim, but Big Dem Media not reporting that supposed bit of news. [] 2/18/12


And Click Here

Rumor: Obama's Abound Solar going belly up like a dead stink bug?


Rumor: Obama to resign in 2012 over his fake birth certificate. Joe "The Gaff” Biden to become president. Obama will flee to a non-oil-rich middle east nation, acquire a harem and become king? It could happen! 3/9/12


Bill O’Reilly on Fox News will not touch the validity issues surrounding the Obama birth certificate, etc. He is too busy. Interesting, eh what 3/13/12 Rumor is that Saudi’s own a chunk of Fox News. Could that be why?


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