Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Really? August 16-31, 2011

Really ?

Obama avoids the VFW convention again upon his return from the Halls of Martha’s Vinyards … [to the shores of Tripoli.] Too busy. 8/30/11

Congress makes Laws. Obama makes Laws. Which is constitutional?

Prayers and clergy excluded from 911 anniversary ceremony. Big Dem Gov funds from muslim center at 911 site in the works. Islamic Centers mark significant victories.

Drug tests for welfare recipients. State job applicants. Called unfair. State laws likely to find challenges in court. Proponents say people using Big Gov and State money to purchase drugs. Opponents say it is an invasion of privacy. [Yahoo]

Why do people seeking employment need to be clean and not the entitlement class. Does drug use help or hurt those seeking employment. Would you hire a druggie? How has this become an issue. =TheRightJack

Sign: If the music is too loud, you are too old.
- or -
Seniors still have hearing left.

Passing Gas as in Breaking Wind not proper etiquette around Afghans. Other no-no’s among these sensitive people also mentioned in this article. Be sure to read the comments about these thankless people. [MarineTimes]

BREAKING NEWS: President Obama has just confirmed that the DC earthquake occurred on a rare and obscure fault-line, apparently known as "Bush's Fault." Obama also announced that the Secret Service and Maxine Waters continues an investigation of the quake's suspicious ties to the Tea Party. Conservatives however have proven that it was caused by the founding fathers rolling over in their graves ...

OBOTs = radical Obama supporters = short for "Obama Robots"

A living and breathing nightmare writes an Israeli news columnist in scorching Barack Obama. [wnd]

Palestinians want to be given statehood but still refuse to recognize Israel’s statehood or even their right to exist. UN vote coming. Big Dem US Gov not supporting Israel.

Obama to slow down deportations by focusing only on criminals. 1,000s of illegals will become eligible to obtain work permits. [Numbers USA Newsletter]

Transparency in Big Gov as promised by Democrats … now fighting the Freedom of Information Act. Judicial Watch watching out for us. [wnd] 8/20/11

Big Gov terrorists warnings illustrated with mostly white males and females. Muslims unexpectedly, yea right, neglected in our warnings. You cannot fix stupid and Dem dogma.

Making Peace. Since Ramadan began for Muslims about two weeks ago, there have been 102 terror attacks around the world in the name of Islam, costing 439 lives, according to The Religion of Peace website. … Its "Bombathon 2011 Scorecard" indicates that during the same period, there have been zero attacks in the name of all other religions costing zero lives and zero attacks by "anti-Muslim" right-wingers, again costing zero lives. [wnd] 8/19/11

Facebook removes AZ Gov Jan Brewer post that was critical of Obama immigration policy. Unexpected error on the part of Facebook, Big Omni Obama Backers.

News in review. 3 minute video. Entertaining and factual, unlike the simulated news reports by the left. Well worth viewing. [] 8/20/11

ET beings may not like our emissions, and take drastic action. Prepare for the worst. NASA affiliated college types on board with that. [UK Guardian] 1/10/11 What about emissions from Venus? It looks like a much better target for ETs than Earth.

$2.1 Million Rock Star type Canadian Made Bus is OK for Obama in promoting US jobs. [New York Post] 8/17/11 Now, it is time for him to take another vacation, maybe play more golf. TheRightJack thinks he needs a vacation.

T-shirt: Invest in precious metals. Buy lead. Support the 2nd Amendment.

Black cloud economics. Democrats desperately doing their best to make it a racist comment. [Human Events] Remember, this presidency started with … all criticism of Obama was regarded as racist. That @#$% did not float either.

Where are all of the former girlfriends, students and classmates of Obama? [wnd]

Mixed marriages, politically speaking. [PajamaMedia] 8/16/11

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