Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Who is Saul Alinksy? More on the way

Saul David Alinsky
Born: January 30, 1909 in Chicago
Died: June 12, 1972

Personal Quote:
Always remember the first rule of power tactics; power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

The Alinsky Code [alerts.worldnetdaily.com] 5/1/12
If you will not read the book, at least click on this link to see what you are missing and why the Radical Left in American is on a missing to destabilize the USA and then take over. Once “they” take over, governance will be by what ever means is needed and that is not necessarily socialism. A more in depth reading of Alinsky will make this clear to you.

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A brief summary:

Alinsky and his followers are not communists or socialists. They are revolutionaries. Their objective is to disrupt the existing system from the inside and then take over. Big money backers like Soros and a few others, unions like SEIU and ACORN, a few well trained community organizers form the backbone of the Alinsky revolution and gullible college students are the pawns. =TheRightJack 5/2/12

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Saul Alinsky Playbook in Full Operation While seemingly caring about the poor, note critics of Saul Alinsky and his followers, what they really want is political power and will use any means necessary to seize it.   Tragically, reading Rules for Radicals is like reading the playbook for the Obama administration, as the president is engaged in “fundamentally transforming” the United States. [godfatherpolitics.com] 6/26/14

Known Fact: Both BH Obama and Hillary Clinton are devoted and strident followers of Saul Alinsky.

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Disinformation: How it works. [personalliberty.com] 8/7/12
See references to the Alinsky methods. A Must Read for the politically astute as well as the believers of transparency in government. In fact, study it. Disinformation was a staple of the old USSR. Dare I say that disinformation cannot survive without a compliant media.

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A review of his writings is coming. It will show his very simple political strategy in plain words as well as the influence his writings have had on young impressionable Democrats like Hillary Rodham [the Wellesley student] and Barack Obama [the community organizer]. 

It may shock you to learn what motivates our Democrats, the Wall Street protestors, their union organizers, and their financial backers. Their motives are spelled out very clearly.

Consider just one facet of this man's writings and actions:

One person. One vote. One time. Power.

His adherents do not want to change or improve the system. They want to gain power and replace the current system. Replace it with what has always been vague or not stated at all.

The means justifies the end. The deaths of thousands and even millions is of no consequence to his way of thinking.

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