Friday, June 1, 2018

Political Correctness is Political Word Games

Democrat word games = denying the obvious

PC code words? []3/5/12


Husband and Wife

Now considered hate speech by the far left liberal Democrats and their significant others in the homosexual community. … 

What next? Mother and Father, because offends single mothers? July 2015


White Privilege?

Wrong. It is self induced pain and suffering for millions of all colors. Privilege is earned by many of those who grow up with the positive influence of two-parent homes, finish school and go on to do well. =TheRightJack on 1/15/15


Rumor: Will the political correct Democrat crowd allow former and current hippies to call the police "pigs" given their "sensitivity" to the politically correct muslim outrage over anything associated with pigs, pork and bacon. Two sides of the same coin doggin the Democrats. 1/16/15


Muslim terrorist killings threaten and parallel the Democrat reliance on the term political correctness. Both going down the same road. January 2015


Latest Democrat “N” words proposed to silence discussion

The Six Words Liberals Say are the New ‘N-Words’
1) Thug- I’m pretty sure any person who acts like a classless bully can be called a thug, regardless of race.

2) Urban/Inner city- Yeah, that’s a geographical location that highlights the differences between the rurals, the suburbs and inside the city. Try again…

3) State’s Rights- You mean that pesky principle that is laid-out in our founding document?

4) Welfare and Food Stamps- Because it’s racist to want people to be responsible for themselves?

5) Law and Order- Aside from being an awesome TV show, society has strived for law and order since the days of the Hammurabi Code. Hardly a racist sentiment.

6) Cut Taxes- Sure, we’re $18 trillion in the hole and government continually goes to the American taxpayer as their own personal piggybanks but, hey, let’s pretend that a call for fiscal sanity is, somehow, racist. [] 11/14/14
Is “acting white” one of those politically correct “N” terms that can be used only when you are not white? Acting white can be translated to mean being smart. So, here is a great idea ... let's encourage our brothers and sisters to be stupid. Eh? Dig that economic hole a bit deeper.


Ole Miss? Redskins? Indians? Braves? Pirates? Chiefs? Saints? Padres? Angels?

How long will it be before some PC Democrats will demand that the LA Angels and San Diego Padres change their names because they are offensive to atheists and various non-believers?


Silencing the opposition with word control ... as in labeling all criticism of Obama as racism.


New Normal. Favored term by high visibility Democrats for any event or condition they chose not to address or to explain away their own administrative or political policy failures. For example:

• high unemployment
• domestic terrorism
• climate change


“Master Bedroom” is Now Sexist and Racist. Freshman = sexist. Fireman = sexist. Congressman = sexist. Standing to urinate = sexist. [] 4/20/13
Standing to urinate = sexist = proves that some gender-neutral humanoids have never lived on a farm, worked the garden or fields or hiked in the woods. = 
Thinking and pontificating without the benefit of practical experience = that is our Big Gov in action.


Kitchen Cabinet. At least one [1] NAACP convention attendee has ruled that the term Kitchen Cabinet, an old government term connected with the presidency, is now a “Racist and not politically correct term” when said by a Republicans within earshot of at least one African American. Heard on the radio 7/13/12 Thus, Romney was the racist.


Gay. Everyone knows homosexuals are now gay.

Pro-choice = Abortion advocates.

Brights = atheists

Intergenerational Sex. Did you know that some mental-health professionals now refer to this rather than pedophelia.

Minor-attracted persons or MAPs. The latest term for child molesters.

Child marriage. A popular Democrat PC euphemism for pedophelia?

Temporary marriage = adultry.

Religion of peace = it would be politically incorrect to attach this to one particular religion.

Islamic Terrorists = No longer exists in AP style manual. We are all safe.

Man-caused disaster = Terrorist attack. Terrorist and terrorism is a politically incorrect term when applied to muslim terrorists.
How did the Obama administration convert the act of war on 9/11 that resulted in the mass-slaughter of almost 3,000 Americans into this?
Note: it IS politically correct for Democrat members of Congress and Democrat recruiting offices to call Tea Party members terrorists and racists.

Overseas contingency operation = War

Sex Reassignment surgery. []
DOJ all over this while ignoring real crimes.


Illegal. Saying “illegal” is the latest new hate crime concocted by the Progressive Left. [
] 4/28/12
The Left is coming up with all manner of "diversions" to shift the focus of debate away from Obama economic policies that are impacting taxes, inflation, record unemployment, job loss, declining workforce, energy strangulation by EPA, ObamaCare death panels and wasteful spending.

New normal is the favored Democrat term for any event or condition they chose not to address.


New Americans. Current politically correct term used by Obama Democrats for "illegal aliens" who are here by breaking the law.


O’Green Day. Replaces St Patrick's Day in Massachusetts school so not to offend non-catholics and be more inclusive. [] 3/15/12


Code words is an interesting overall concept used largely by Democrats to explain that GOP initiatives are racist or sexist. In some cases, the code word concept is used to shield Democrats from criticism. Ordinary words and phrases spoken by Republicans are transformed into anti-female, anti-gay and even anti-black racism “terms” when used to criticize any policy of Obama. Maxine Waters commonly talks about Republican code words to her California constituents to keep them on the Democrat plantation. By the way, whites cannot use the word plantation in any context. However, black Republicans are starting to use it more commonly against Democrats who get about 95% of the black vote but have produced nothing for them but entitlements that foster dependency on Big Dem Gov.
Waters uses "demons" as code word to describe whites: “The concept of whites as "demons" is part of a belief system that runs very deep, psychologically and spiritually within black culture.”
Continue reading on Maxine Waters used a clear racial code word in calling Cantor, Boehner "demons" -Philadelphia Jewish culture


Food desert = no grocery store within one mile of your home. New Obama phrase. Do I smell a new entitlement on the horizon to tax and plunder. 3/6/12


Doctor Protection = Democrat Media Speak

• This term pertains to Live Birth Abortion. When doctors perform abortions, babies are sometimes born alive rather than killed in the womb. These unwanted babies can then be killed by doctors after they are born without fear of liability. Senator Barack H Obama [D-IL] sponsored this legislation, vigorously promoted it, and it passed.

• Source for Doctor Protection: The Huffington Post, date not available


Workplace violence? California ICE office shooter said to be a muslim, but Big Dem Media not reporting that supposed bit of news. [] 2/18/12


North Korea punishing insincere mourners. … 200,000 in NK prison camps [to get their minds straightened out?] with more held in Revolutionary Zones. [] 1/13/12
Good thing there was no public urinating, although losing control of one’s bodily functions, except for real tears of course, might be considered a sign of politically correct mourning. These ruling class dictators really know how to bring about genuine conformity among their dependents. Comply or we will cut your food stamp entitlements. =TheRightJack


Unit = new ObamaCare name for senior. How to better personalize your health care than to give you an impersonal name [unit] to go with your impersonal number. Like they care. Units unite. 1/5/12


Workplace violence = Democrat talk for muslim terrorist member of our US military who goes on killing rampage, at Fort Hood this time.

Radical Islam. Not in Democrat vocabulary.

Muslim extremist terrorists = not in the Democrat vocabulary


Workplace Violence. Democrat speak for US military officer who was or became a muslim terrorist and killed 13 and wounds many more Americans at Fort Hood TX.


Man caused disasters = Muslim terrorist attacks


Right wing = A political designation for those to the right of “mainstream” Liberals on the political specturm. This means that Liberals and/or Progressives represent mainstream popular thought. Interpretation by Bernie Goldberg on Fox News.


Mainstream political thought or action = Liberal or Progressive.

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