Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Reality Check: Felons and guns

Why Convicted Felons Don't / Won't Have to Register Their Firearms

U.S. Supreme Court’s 1968 Haynes v. U.S. decision:

Haynes, a convicted felon, was convicted of unlawful possession of an unregistered short-barreled shotgun. He argued that for a convicted felon to register a gun was effectively an announcement to the government that he was breaking the law and that registration violated his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.   

The court, by an 8 – 1 margin, agreed, concluding:

“We hold that a proper claim of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register a firearm…or for possession of an unregistered firearm.” (Summary from American Rifleman, March 2000, page 20)

So, when these gun registration schemes are announced, be aware that only lawful gun-owners are required to register their firearms.  

Unlawful owners are exempted from registration laws due to their constitutional protection against self-incrimination.  

Amazing but true…

Perfect! The only thing better than this is a warrior religion where the "sensitivity" of US leftists to anything anti-foreign religion smacks of intolerance. =TheRightJack 2/12/13

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