Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Indocrination or education

Think China, Cuba, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Iran, USSR.

Plans are for Barack Obama to make his pitch to our school children September 8. He reportedly will ask children to write a letter stating how they can help the president.

School students are already being indoctrinated into the ways and ideals of Democrats by members of our left-leaning public school systems. The Global Warming hoax is just one example. Trashing Republicans is another.

Talk with your children, look at their study materials, homework assignments and reading assignments. Parents will learn whether their children are being educated for life or indoctrinated into becoming young Democrats.

To counter the political propaganda of Herr Obama, ask your offspring to write letters stating how they can help themselves become better family members, better school citizens, and more self-reliant.

Our colleges are notoriously left of center politically. In addition to druggies and other unsavory classmates, add teachers to the list of people from whom you must protect your children. It seems that many parents plan to keep their children home from school on this day.

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