Sunday, September 6, 2009

What sense does that make?

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Our upside down government

If Cap and Trade passes, and certain provisions in that bill are NOT thrown out, homeowners who want to sell their homes will be forced to spend thousands of dollars in repairs. How? Home sellers will be forced to replace roofs, doors, windows, insulation and other parts to bring their homes up to their current energy standards. This could cost each home seller $10,000 to $20,000 or more. This will hit the low cost homeowners particularly hard. How can they spend $10,000 to $15,000 to bring a $60,000 up to code. They will not be able to afford these upgrades. If they try, then they will not be able to sell these homes for what they have spent on them. What sense does that make?

The massive Obama administration bailouts are not working. With less than 15% of the bailout money distributed, unemployment continues to climb toward 10%, joblessness continues to grow, bank failures continue, real estate sales shows limited growth, construction shows little growth, and consumer spending shows little improvement. US debt continues to climb. Bailout spending continues. What sense does that make?

Elders in our society will be sacrificed, [i.e., take a pill] in order to sustain the Obama Health Care plan. In many societies, the elderly are revered. In the USA under this plan, elders are expendable. What sense does that make?

The AARP has been positioning itself as a representative for seniors. However, AARP supports the Obama Health Care plan that will sacrifice seniors to save money. The AARP also derives income from insurance for seniors. That amounts to cutting off your own oxygen supply. What sense does that make?

Barney Frank, a key player in the mortgage disaster, is now pushing for people to rent homes rather than home ownership. What is behind this shift from ownership to a rental mind-set. What sense does that make?

Obama cabinet appointees and czars include tax cheats, indicted former politicians, and avowed communists who hate America. These appointments and affiliations are just like putting The Fox in charge of the hen house. That demonstrates seriously flawed judgment. What sense does that make?

Congress has given itself a health care system fit for gold-plated royalty while trying to push an unpopular and inadequate health care program off on the US population. Similar British and Canadian plans are not well received by their people. Now they want to force us to adopt yet another unpopular plan. What sense does that make?

The Cash for Clunkers plan mandates that the trade-in vehicles must be destroyed. They cannot be sold, shipped out or even salvaged for parts. We have to pay to have these clunkers destroyed on top of the Union bailout. What sense does that make?

The Obama administration has taken over the management of private corporations [e.g., GM] as part of their massively failing bailouts. Then the private sector executive was replaced by a union boss. What sense does that make?

We have given welfare benefits to people who are in need. In over 40 years, the end result for way too many people is generation after generation on welfare. What sense does that make?

We will not even go down the road where Democrats claim over and over that all of the problems in American are the fault of old white men. When Democrats make political statements like that, they have to look the other way when considering the dictators in Africa, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela. However, there are the old white guys like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd who are at the heart of the mortgage disaster.

Many policies of the Obama administration make no sense. Have we seen enough yet. It is time to vote them all out … the right jack
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