Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Given Nobel Peace Prize

= = New World Record

President Barach Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently, the his nomination took place February 1, 2009. This means that he was in office for just a few weeks before this happened. This has to be a new world record. What has he done?

He has nominated and appointed a number of Czars who should be fined and put in jail for cheating on their taxes. His school czar promotes man-boy love.

His TARP program accomplished nothing. No jobs. Nothing.

He gave banks and other corporations huge sums of money. No jobs. Nothing accomplished.

He bailed out two auto companies, thus prolonging the eventual loss of more jobs.

He forced other auto companies to shut their doors and sell their assets, like Hummer, to China.

He has presided over a huge nine month increase in US UNemployment. About to reach 10% or 17%, depending on how the unemployed are counted.

There is no evidence that any thing he has done thus far has created any jobs. His claim for "saved jobs" is just spin for use by the supporting media. However, they have handed out huge sums of money to those who do not work, cannot work or elect not to work.

His tax laden and fine laden health care initiative is hugely unpopular with seniors and many other tax payers.

His Tax and Trade program is as bogus as Global Warming. It will help destroy the US economy by making businesses totally uncompetitive in the world market. International leaders and manufacturers must be jumping with joy.

He has waffled and stalled on winning the war in Afghanistan, after he said that is where we should focus our military efforts. In 9 months, nothing accomplished.

Every Democrat initiative he promotes is loaded with tax increases and fines.

Keep in mind that it took the family four months to find their dog.

Receiving this award is quite possibly his first actual accomplishing apart from his earned degrees.

The world is laughing at Obama. Yet world leaders and US antagonists are very appreciative of his efforts to destroy the US economy and minimize US leadership. No doubt, the joke is on us.

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