Saturday, January 9, 2010

Obama’s flag?

Obama’s flag?

Our nephew who lives in Michigan emailed us with the revelation that his daughter, a three year old, recognizes Obama’s voice on television without seeing him. While driving to the store, she even pointed out the Obama’s flag.

Oh my. Our nephew had a conversation with her later that day explaining that the stars and stripes is the US flag. Now this three year old says, NOT Obama flag, when she sees Old Glory.

Do you know what your children are being taught [and learning] in pre-school and in k-12 school, not to mention a majority of leftist colleges and universities. If not, you should quiz them about their schooling. It is your duty. Under the deadly communist regimes, this kind of schooling noted earlier would be called indoctrination. It is not education.

Indoctrination is rote memory. Say the right thing when living in dictatorships and you will not be imprisoned or eliminated.

Education is learning about both sides of any given issue [i.e., capitalism versus socialism, democracy versus dictatoriships] and free thinking. Education is poisonous to dictatorships that exist in places like China, Russia, the former USSR, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, fascist Italy, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and many African nations.

This makes one wonder why so many of the Obama appointees, and the President himself, so admire these socialist and communist dictators. Are these dictatorial socialist nations his vision for America? … the right jack

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