Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Politics and Party Planks

Democrats were always crying about the fate of the homeless during Republican administrations. Now that the Democrats have control of the government, there is no mention or concern for the homeless. However, they do want to spend billions and billions on illegal aliens now in our country – health care, homes, meals, tuition, tax free incentives, etc.

A Republican agenda for the coming years COULD be to care for our own homeless population, many of whom are military veterans. At the same time, Republicans could stop illegal immigration.

It is possible that providing for the homeless, stopping illegal immigration, the Fair Tax could be three planks in the Republican platform. All could be winners that Democrats would not support.

Then there is Sarah Palin. With considerable help from the media, Democrats have been constructing negative voter opinions about Republicans since Dwight Eisenhower. Bush 43 was trashed the very moment he became a Presidential nominee. John McCain was considered a good guy by the media until he became the Republican nominee for the Presidency. Then, both ripped him apart.

No Republican escapes the Democrat politics of personal destruction. So, we first need to explain their long-time strategy and ignore the slings and arrows thrown at all Republicans by Democrats and their big friends in the Big Time Dying Media. This takes courage.

However, the Democrats have sealed their own fate by attempting to take over the lives of private citizens with czars, their deadly Health Care bill, Cap and Trade and foolish energy policies. Many scholars consider these initiatives Un-Constitution. If successful, Republicans need to reverse the Democrat conquest of America. If Republicans do not take care of business, there are plenty of Americans who are prepared to vote them out too and start over. … the right jack

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