Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama Lies – Gives HealthCare Amnesty To Illegals

Obama Lies – Gives HealthCare Amnesty To Illegals

ObamaCare Proposal Provides Backdoor Amnesty for ALL Illegals

Remember when an angry Obama lied to the nation on National TV about extending his NO Enforcement - Open Border Amnesty Policy to ObamaCare.
He said his plan would not apply to illegals and Congressman Joe Wilson called him on his lie.

The truth - 22 Million Illegals are in America and will cost taxpayers $102 Billion a year for ObamaCare.

During his campaign, Obama promised that his healthcare proposal would not benefit illegal aliens. Now the current proposed Senate Bill about to be voted on will force employers to cover illegal aliens using fake ID’s with Obama’s full support. U.S. employers have the option of using an online system called E-Verify to check whether potential employees are in the U.S. legally. Republicans have pressed to make the system mandatory. But Democrats, including Chuck Schumer (D-NY), have blocked making the provision mandatory complaining that the existing system is ineffective and that any illegal can easily get at fake ID.

TELL SENATORS Obama Lied – REJECT HealthCare Amnesty For Illegals and STOP ObamaCare

ObamaCare mandates that employers must provide health coverage to all employees and includes coverage for tens of millions of illegal aliens. Just cross the border get your fake ID and you can get free health care paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Don’t worry your illegal status will not be questioned ObamaCare STILL HAS NO MANDATORY PROOF OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP. What a country! Obama is letting 3.6 million illegal aliens in the country every year and he plans to make you pay for the health care.


The Obama White House says that there are only 12 million illegals in the US. Well if you can count and we can the number is really 22 Million Illegals in the US.

Eight years ago the government said there were 12 million illegals in the U.S.

Currently, 1.6 million legal and illegal aliens settle in the country each year; 350,000 leave each year, resulting in a net of 1.25 million according to the The Center for Immigration Studies.

Liars Can figure But Figures Don’t Lie – Just Do The Math

1.25 Million New Illegals A Year times 8 years = 10 Million New Illegals
12 Million Current Illegals + 10 Million New Illegals = 22 Million Illegals

The Center for Immigration Studies has calculated that ObamaCare for Illegals Will Cost Taxpayers $30.5 Billion Annually for just 6.6 Million Illegals or $4621/illegal.
22 Million Illegals will cost $102 Billion Each Year.

50 Illegal aliens WILL ILLEGALY JUMP America’s borders while you are reading and be ELIGIBLE FOR OBAMACARE AT A COST OF $231,050 TO TAXPAYERS

Harry Reid has vowed to pass Amnesty and with open U.S. borders to Mexico and he will allow anyone to enter the country. Senator Schumer is ready to introduce another Amnesty Bill and the illegal immigration issue is now merging with Health Care.

On July 30 an amendment by Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA) that would have required identity variation for those claiming U.S. birth was defeated by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

However 83% of Americans Say Proof of Citizenship Should Be Required to Get Government Health Aid

Opposition to illegal aliens and any form of Amnesty to illegals without a green card and that will be ELIGIBLE FOR OBAMACARE was evident at town hall meetings across the country dealing with ObamaCare.

TELL SENATORS Obama Lied – REJECT HealthCare Amnesty For Illegals and STOP ObamaCare

25 New illegal aliens JUST CROSSED our border while you were reading and will be ELIGIBLE FOR OBAMACARE AT A COST OF $115,525 TO TAXPAYERS

This is the kind of change Obama is rushing at break neck speed to impose on the 97% of Real Americans that work hard for a living. It is time to stand up for what the majority of Americans believe in a free America, where the government represents the people, not use them for their own gains.

New polling information could become a political death blow to Obama's plans to radically overhaul America's Health Care and Immigration Laws!

Rasmussen Reports has released polling data showing that 83% of Americans oppose illegal aliens receiving any "government health care subsidies".

Opposition crossed all racial, gender, and political party lines. Only 12% of those surveyed support health care subsidies for illegals.

This new fusion of the Health Care and Illegal Immigration debates combined with new polling data shows a super majority of Americans oppose ObamaCare and plans for Immigration Reform.

Minutemen must make their voices heard and defeat this bill just like all previous Amnesty Bills have been stopped.

Minutemen are once again calling on supporters nationwide to distribute the new poll showing 83% opposition to benefits for illegal aliens, to attend and speak out against illegal immigration and Amnesty at the White House and on Main Street, and to attend and support 9/11 and Taxpayer Tea Party events with signs opposing Amnesty for illegals and any politician siding with the illegal aliens.

TELL SENATORS Obama Lied – REJECT HealthCare Amnesty For Illegals and STOP ObamaCare

Is THIS "change we can believe in"? NO -- and that means Minutemen have to take action NOW!

We can't AFFORD Obama's plan to socialize health care in America!

How can anyone in Congress vote for a new entitlement program for health care when Congress has not even begun to face up to this unfunded liabilities problem?

50 New illegal aliens JUST CROSSED the border as you finish reading and will be ELIGIBLE FOR OBAMACARE AT A COST OF $231,050 TO TAXPAYERS
Please, take action right away to STOP ObamaCare dead in its tracks!

Help us mobilize common sense, patriotic Americans against this travesty!! The Obama Administration MUST BE STOPPED!!

Which is why I hope we can count on you for a much-needed donation of $25, $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, or more to Minuteman PAC. Select Here to Donate.
Yes, I know I am asking a lot of you today.

Especially in these difficult economic times.

But please, remember what is at stake -- the security, the safety, the sovereignty -- very possibly the very survival of not just Americans, but America herself.

Sincerely For our Republic,
Carmen Mercer
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

P.S. America needs health care reform. But amnesty with new government programs, mandates, and price controls will destroy the healthcare system -- and it's "reform" that we cannot afford.

THIS ATTEMPT BY LIBERALS IS OUTRAGEOUS -- and it MUST be stopped! Send your faxes right away to make sure these Senators get a STRONG message, to REJECT HealthCare Amnesty For Illegals NOW -- Thank you!

REJECT HealthCare Amnesty For Illegals and STOP ObamaCare

If you would like to pay by check, please send your check to:
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
P.O. Box 1310
Herndon, VA 20172

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is a project of the Declaration Alliance - a public policy and issues advocacy organization that aggressively addresses the intensifying assaults that the American Republic continues to endure - at home, and abroad. Declaration Alliance is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit, tax exempt organization.

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