Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Teacher spending

Summarizing a few point from a George Will article.

Obama Secy of Education Arne Duncan hopes to get $23 billion more from Congress to the states for teachers to prevent a catastrophe. Earlier, states were sent $100 billion that saved 342,000 school teacher and staff jobs. If they do not get this $23 billion, more teachers and staff will lose their jobs.

K-12 spending has doubled since 2000. The education emergency and dependency has become routine and perpetual.

From 2001 to 2007, the number of teachers rose and the number of students declined in 12 states.

In six other states, teacher hiring increased faster than student growth.

In Virginia, the number of teachers grew by 21 per cent while student growth was at 5 per cent.
In Florida, the number of teachers grew by 20 per cent while student growth was at 6 per cent.

In North Carolina, the number of teachers grew by 22 per cent while student growth was at 9 per cent.

During this continuing [Bush] recession that huge [Democrat] bailouts have failed to stop, private sector job-loss comes in at around 8.5 million while government job loss is at 141,000.

Note from the right jack. One might be able to see that union jobs in union schools are being paid for by US Tax Payers dollars from the private sector.

This is happening under the guise of educational emergencies. The same Democrat strategy was used when Bush 41 was the President. Republicans tried to reduce the “rate of growth” of our big spending government. That is, spending rose each year but Republicans were not able to cut the rate of spending. This did not mean cutting the budget. It was cutting the rate of growth from 10 per cent to 5 per cent. Do you see the difference?

Democrat strategy was to call a cut in the rate of growth a budget cut. It worked. Democrats won the day with this fallacious argument.

We know that Big Democrat Sugar Daddy Government will continue to pump tax payer dollars into the unions and their other supporters. This fiscal madness must stop. The USA is broke and we all know it. Like the global warming hoax, this inconvenient fact is not going to stop Democrat spending.

Source: George Will column “The hysteria ploy at work” on June 6, 2010.

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