Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Really? August 2010

Best of the Month
Democrats continue to call Republicans the Party of NO. Well, 50% to 85% of the people agree with Republicans, depending on the issue.

Bush 43 polling more favorably [by KOS] than Obama In Ohio, 50% to 42%. 8/31/10

Cuba trying to fix government problems with lazy socialist government workers, 95% of the work force. Obama continues to grow the socialist US government payroll at the expense of private enterprise.

China appears to understand free market economy more than does Obama and the Democrats.

UN and Obama working diligently to take away all guns from private citizens.

Glenn Beck rally brings out 300,000 or more people to Washington. Democrats continue calling attendees racist, lost souls, etc.

Rumor: Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, is going to be the sacrificial lamb of the Democrats to fix our 3 year economic decline? When that does not have an impact on our ailing economy, What Next? That would be the November election when the hugely unpopular Congress and controversial president let the voters have a crack at fixing the economy.

Democrats plan to get their EPA to bypass Congress and ban ALL lead bullets under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976. Update: Ooops. Dems are backing off that strategy and are now going after lead fishing sinkers.

Home sale market continues to slide. Jobs scarce. Only thing going up is unemployment claims. Economic problems created by Democrats predicted to continue for up to 10 years. After 20 months on the job, Bush 43 still getting the blame by Democrats for Obama economic failures. Polls indicate that voters are not buying the spin by the Democrats in Congress and the Big Time Dying Media.

It is interesting that the only religious group that enjoys the support of Democrats are muslims. Christians and Catholics in particular are routinely besmirched and trashed by Democrats and their media. Yet muslims appear to be their only religious group that is anti-American, anti-American in their view of our legal system and insistent on imposing "their way" on all with whom they have contact.

Where are the US female protesters' comments on how the dominant middle easterners treat girls and women? Do they not see the Sharia all-in-one legal-political-religious system being applied to people in the USA.

Democrats continue to call Republicans the Party of NO. Well, 50% to 85% of the people agree with Republicans, depending on the issue.

14%-18% of Afghans are literate. Hmmm. Sounds like we need a new book series - War and Terror for Dummies on tape with coloring books.

Bell CA city manager makes $800,000 salary. Other employees make over $375,000 annually. Another nearby California city pays the mayor a $1 million salary. Smells like lots of back room deals being struck without the knowledge of voters. Wake up folks. This is your responsibility.

Some US Gov bailouts for education are being used to prop up pension funds rather than to hire teachers.

Ever heard of The Beast. It is the Goldman Sachs huge super-fast computer that allows their insiders to buy and sell ahead of conventional Wall Street trading. Now we know why they were bailed out and Lehman Brothers was not.

Nations on the list of those who will fail next: Spain. Portugal. UK. World Bank and IMF working to make the Euro the dominant world currency. Industrialized nations "will" fund an international welfare system. Dictators likely to hoard their dividends, as usual.

Slow Improving Economy is the continuing media theme that supports Democrat talking points. In the real world, the economy is not getting better. Unemployment high. Layoffs continue. Public sector job growth is weak. More forecloses on the horizon. Home sales falling. Bailouts not working after 18 months. Dollar weakening. Some prices escalating. And Democrats still want to further weaken the economy by "giving" illegals the same perks and benefits paid for by US Taxpayers.

99ers to receive an additional 20 months of unemployment benefits = 119 months. Real unemployment appears to be between 14% and 22%. See Democrat sponsored "The Americans Want To Work Act" that is directed to states with high unemployment.

Democrats continue to call Republicans the Party of NO. Well, 50% to 70% of the people agree with Republicans, depending on the issue.

The Imam of the projected Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero in New York City, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is on a tour to Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates --- all paid for by the United States State Department (with Hillary Clinton at the helm) with US taxpayer money! 8/14/10

Rumor: Biden to be removed and Hillary to replace him as VP. Not the first time we have heard this from Big Gov insiders. Strategy is what? Obama the inexperienced continues to slide in performance and the polls so Hillary will be in position to become Democrat replacement?

Teachers get $26 billion from Obama. Paid for by reducing food stamps and modifying [i.e., increasing taxes?] business tax rules. House members who voted for this received around $11,000 each from teacher unions while those opposed to it received around $700 each.

And, if you ever find yourself caught in the grips of “irrational pessimism,” remind yourself of this bit of sage advice: Don't worry about the world ending today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.

Responsible business owners who care about their companies and employees are deciding how to trim payroll, hours, staff and benefits in order to not get taxed out of business by new and largely "unknown" Big Dem Gov rules and regulations.

Here is a list of the developed nations that provide for "Birthright Citizenship" to babies born to tourists and illegal aliens. 1. The United States of America. 2. There is no other developed nation on this list. Canada was the last non-U.S. holdout. Illegal aliens stopped getting citizenship for their babies in 2009. Australia in 2007. New Zealand 2006. Ireland 2005. France 1993. India 1987. United Kingdom 1983. Portugal 1981.

Democrats considering a bailout of new homeowners to prevent defaults that go through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These two entities are the Big Gov mortgage companies that started the housing crisis under the watchful eyes [Yea right!] of Barney Frank [D-MA] and Chris Dodds [D-CT]. In the previous mortgage modification program paid for by the US Gov, around 50% of those people still defaulted on their mortgages a second time. 8/6/10

Michelle Obama vacations in Spain. 40 luxury rooms used. Total bill around $375,000 when total unemployment is around 16-17%.

EPA considering "dust" a pollutant. CO2, an essential for plant growth, now called toxic to the environment. Do you smell more tax implications?

Democrats like to use the phrase "the failed economic policies of the past" in connection with anything Bush and/or Republican. Yet, it has been the past few Democrat Congresses [House and Senate], including the last one under Bush 43, that have blatantly threatened lenders and then legislated our way into massive debt, now expanding into "trillions" of dollars. It has been the Democrat's unwillingness to exercise regulatory oversight that destroyed the housing market.

Democrats and the media had a great time poking fun at Sarah Palin when she used the word "refudiate" rather than "repudiate" in a speech. However, huge financial disasters, cronyism, earmarks, transparency, unemployment, ineffective bailouts by Obama and the Democrats are largely ignored or marginalized by the Big Time Dying Democrat Media.

Social Security just paid out more than it took in. Unemployment hits government in the pocketbook. Democrats want to seize "your" retirement accounts and give you 3% back while bailing out Government pensions of all types. Stock market shows 5-10% gains over decades and decades. That is why far left Democrats do not want to "partially" privatize Social Security. Capitalism generates income. Government spends and taxes. 8/5/10

Obama and Democrats are still running against Bush 43. President Bush is now "polling" more favorably than Obama. Looks like a losing strategy by the Democrats. Who will they blame next.

Obama summer of recovery not happening. 9.5% unemployment. Secretary of Treasury Geithener says that unemployment will get worse before it gets better. Media not reporting this.

State government are the next in line for budget problems as Big US Sugar Daddy Government keeps pumping more money in [that we do not have] to save them from their own massive spending problems, some of which have been created by our own Federal Government. 8/5/10

Obama approval ratings fall to 41%. Only 88% among African Americans. Bad Obama economy effects everyone in the USA.

Oil from the BP leak/spill in the Gulf is dissipating. After 105 days, it cannot be found. Democrats and Big Time Dying Media have lost their disaster, the worst ever in the history of humankind. But what about Katrina, Pompey, Asian tsunamis, midwest floods, our own depression-era dust storms or the Obama Administration policies.

Ground Zero mosque in New York City approved by city officials. As is the muslim custom, it will commemorate a muslim victory, this time on US soil. Obama supports building the mosque on 8/14/10.

Elena Kagan is said to have defrauded the Supreme Court [i.e., partial birth abortion] when she was with the Clinton White House. Criminal prosecution being discussed related to obstruction of justice.

Oops! The passport of Obama's mother has been destroyed. US State Department claims records for Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1968 are gone.

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