Saturday, October 9, 2010

Indian mascot name

Wisconsin high school drops Indian mascot name

State law in Wisconsin has forced Kewalunee High School to drop its Indian nickname, used since 1936. Indians, Braves, Warriors and Chiefs, plus other names associated with native Americans are being purged from schools and colleges across the nation.

A common complaint by government authorities, native Americans and advocacy groups is that the use of school nicknames like these demeans their culture. It seems quit odd that the spirit, effort, courage and loyalty, typified by thousands upon thousands of high school and college students, is regarded as demeaning to the native American culture.

Today, the native American culture is known mostly for poverty, school drops outs, alcoholism, drug use and gambling. Does purging native American names from schools across the nation really help create a more positive image for once proud nations? Is appears that anonymity what they are really getting. - - - trj

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