Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tell your Congressional Representatives

What you "could" tell your Congressional Representatives and State Legislators:

Cut government spending across the board by 25% or more.
Reduce government payroll by 50% immediately.
Cut government waste and fraud, now.
Do not spend it if you do not have it.
Give US companies abroad a tax holiday to bring their profits home without the massive tax penalties that now exist.

End ObamaCare immediately.
Open health insurance to across state line sales.
Reform tort law to eliminate ambulance chasers.
Start over on health care.

Stop illegal immigration at the border immediately.
Enforce existing immigration laws, and others.
Eliminate laws related to anchor babies.

Stop all stimulus spending and bank bailouts.
Stop all thoughtless and undercover government spending associated with this.
Display government transparency on all issues not involving national security.

Stop energy taxes based on the climate change hoax.
Open US areas to oil and gas exploration.
Liberate our coal industry for massive government intrusions.
Increase the use of nuclear power.
Wait for technological advances in wind and solar power before outlawing our vast gas coal and oil production.

Promote and support capitalism, the greatest job creating system on Earth, trust and verify.

Promote and support self-reliance rather than government dependence.

Never ever allow the USA to become subject to some international governing body, never.

Enforce existing gun control laws on criminals, not lawful US citizens.

Gun control, following any UN model, should not be a path that freedom loving US Taxpayers need to obey. When government and criminals have all of the guns, our freedom and safety is in jeopardy.

De-politize the US military now.

Adopt The Fair Tax as soon as possible.
Keep greedy US Government hands off of our pensions.

Stop Democrat efforts to criminalize political dissent.
Get out of internet affairs, a freedom of speech issue
Stop attacking talk radio, a freedom of speech issue.

Never ever allow the USA to become subject to the desire some international governing body, never.

And for chuckles, request that RINOs and Democrats resign immediately.

Warning: If you do not get involved in monitoring our US government, you and your children and their children will be working for the government for generations to come. That is socialism.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with most of your sentiments -- especially cut the pay of government employees -- and drastically cut their pensions.

    But on Fairtax-- listen up. I used to love Fairtax, then I read the fine print. The fine print is amazing.

    It's not a transparent plan, at all. In fact, the leaders know their fine print is a "poison pill" that it can not possibly be accepted.

    The fine print shows a massive new tax -- hidden in just one or two sentences. Forget for a moment what this new tax is, my point is, they HIDE it.

    See more about this massive hidden tax. I found out about this massive hidden tax, and so I asked some Fairtax spokesmen about it -- official spokesmen. I got official answers!

    The answers were insane double talk.

    See more about the hidden tax, and how Fairtax leaders have tried to KEEP it hidden

    And remember, I was a big fan of Fairtax, at first.
