Monday, January 31, 2011

Really? January 16-31, 2010

Highlights of the month

Dilemma for the right jack. Political news on the right and left has been keeping my daily capsule reports flowing like the billions of dollars in Big Dem Government spending. Starting today, the 16th, I am separating the Really? Monthly News Capsules into two sections – 1st thought the 15th and then the 16th through the end of the month.

How do you know Democrats are guilty? When Democrats start taking heat for their shady activities, Democrats are "knee-jerk" quick to draw Republicans into the criticisms and shift the blame to both parties. =trj

If guns kill then do spoons make me fat? Do pens and computers make me mispell words?

The Undocumented One = The Alleged Citizen. Proof of US birth still missing.

Democrat Strategy? Overwhelm the US economy in every way imaginable with centralization, bailouts, loans, credits, rules, regulations, taxes, etc. Increase government jobs. Penalize employers. Destroy private sector jobs. Create unemployment. Create government dependence. Blame Republicans. After two years, begin talking about creating jobs to usher in approaching November 2012 re-election season.

2011 is an unusual year. We will experience 4 uncommon dates, 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, and 11/11/11. Now go figure this out. Take the last 2 digits of the year you were born, plus the age you will be this year and it will equal 111.

See my comments about Neil Boortz at Educational Awareness. For instance, producing "men of letters' was not a goal of public education in the early years of the nation. Boortz is one of my favorite radio talk show hosts.

And now on to our regular posts

Dear God, All I ask for in 2011 is a big, fat bank account and a slim body. Please don't mix these up like you did last year. Amen.

NYC mayor trying to rid city budget of non-teaching teachers. Rubber room teachers on probation, etc. likely to have full support by their union.

Democrats receive 95% of union donations. [Trentonial Editorial 1/26/11]

The less educated you are, the more likely you will vote for a Democrat - - - Neil Boortz

Terrorist arrested. US Border Patrol agents captured radical Muslim cleric, Jaziri, age 44, attempting to illegally sneak into USA across California-Mexican border. This terrorism supporting cleric has been banned from France, Canada and US police sources told the Law Enforcement Examiner. Jaziri gained notoriety when he ordered his followers to "execute" the controversial Danish cartoonist who drew pictures of the prophet Mohammed. Jaziri had been deported from Canada to Tunisia in 2007 after Canadian immigration officials discovered that he had fabricated statements on his refugee application. Prior to that he had been imprisoned in France on terrorism-related charges. [DAPAC 1/29/11]

Egypt. The Undocumented One [TUO] scolded Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak saying that he must respond to the wishes of his people and stop the dictatorial powers of his special police force, among other things. Yet, TUO completely ignores these admonitions when it comes to what he is doing to US voters as he bypasses Congress with HealthCare, waivers, his Czars, special buy-outs and selective enforcement of the laws by his Department of Justice. 1/28/11 =trj

Muslim Brotherhood appears to be in the center of the revolt to take over Egypt. Iraq seems to be within their grasp as well when US forces abandon the Afghan and Iraqi people.

The Undocumented one [UDO] appears to have absolutely no foreign policy strategy or experience to protect the USA from terrorist nations. That comes as no surprise to those who voted against him and Democrats in 2008 and 2010 elections. Economic policies of Obama and the Democrats are the biggest threat to US freedom and independence in our history.

40% of those who are exempt from ObamaCare are union members.

Energy Poverty. New anti-accomplishment way to rob wealthy nations with responsible governance of their wealth to benefit those who live without electricity or efficient cooking and heating, while lacking responsible governance. Note that much charitable giving ends up in the private bank accounts of despots.

ACLU and US Department of Justice in cahoots against State of Arizona’s immigration legislation.

Gasoline Revenue. Taxes to go up on electricity to replace tax revenue lost on gasoline sales. [The Fair Tax will fix that! =trj]

Audit the Federal Reserve. A Republican initiative. Click Here to support that effort.

Links between Google and The Undocumented One raising many ethical and transparency questions. Same can be said for GE and Wall Street, not to mention the ongoing missing birth certificate issue.

Folks in the Middle East should be getting paranoid as they become more and more like the animals that eat their young. What goes around, comes around. =trj

Democrats planning to create national Bio Gov Pharmacy. To cost billions but not disclosed. Called National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. [We can say with certainty that any Big Gov cost estimate for any Big Gov project will be grossly understated. =trj]

What do Hugo Chavez, Adolph Hitler, Harry Reid and Barack Obama have in common? They were all duly elected officials that ran on Socialist platforms, who immediately went to work illegally changing rules and subverting their constitutions with the intention of “fundamentally transforming” their republics into Dictatorships. The first two succeeded. Will we allow Reid and Obama to follow in their footsteps? [DAPAC]

All evidence to date confirms that the alleged killer in the recent AZ mayhem is an apolitical, pot-head, psychotic loner personally obsessed with the Democrat Congresswoman he had targeted. He had no contact or connection to conservative politics at all. Need visual proof that Obama Puppet Media continues to lie. Includes the Daily Kos targeting Gabby in 2008. Click Here.

New homes sales lowest in 47 years. 5th consecutive year of declining sales. 310,000 in 2010. 375,000 in 2009. Article by Martin Crutsinger, AP Economics Writer. 1/26/11

Real estate sales still going down. Grocery prices going up. Gasoline prices up. Total unemployment at 15%-20%. Dollar losing value to other world currencies. US Big Gov printing more money = inflation. Obama Puppet Media continues to put happy face on their reports about US economy. =trj

Tuesday night ". . . President Obama highlighted the urgent need to revitalize our economy, create jobs, build a world-class infrastructure system, and strengthen America's competitiveness in his State of the Union address. America must move swiftly to create millions of jobs, unshackle entrepreneurs and small businesses, and restore America's economic leadership around the globe—or we will be left behind." [Sounds great. Let’s see if his actions match his talk. =trj]

Fact-checking the State of the Union Campaign Stop. Click Here.

The Undocumented One calls for spending freeze and more spending in his State of the Union Campaign Stop. 1/26/11

Truth is Elusive. Financial meltdown of 2008 was avoidable according to Sewell Chan NYT writer on 1/25/11. Blame spread around. “The government commission [Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission] that investigated the financial crisis casts a wide net of blame, faulting two administrations, the Federal Reserve and other regulators for permitting a calamitous concoction: shoddy mortgage lending, the excessive packaging and sale of loans to investors, and risky bets on securities backed by the loans.” … “Portions of the dissents are included in the report, which is being published as a paperback book (with a cover price of $14.99) by PublicAffairs, along with an official version by the Government Printing Office.” Dissent to the final published report to be written by 3 Republicans. Click Here for the article, if it is still available on line.

The short article above did not mention that Democrat policy directives, starting with Carter and then Clinton, forced lenders, under penalty of government sanctions, to make no-money-down loans to millions of people who could not and then did not make their home mortgage payments. Massive numbers of loan defaults were the result. This resulted in a banking economy based on bad paper. Again, it started with Carter and then Clinton. Democrats in Bush 43 administration gave bad advice and Bush 43 did not verify their bailout recommendations. =trj

Paul Gaspard, longtime ACORN operative and hatchet man to take over reins of the Democratic National Committee as executive director in time to begin initial preparations for President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. Gaspard currently holds title of White House political affairs director, same title Karl Rove held in Bush 43 administration. Another Leftist spit in your face action by the undocumented one. Click Here to read more.

Lang Lang pays anti-American propaganda song from Korean War era at state dinner for China hosted by the undocumented one. Click Here for more including video.

If You Want to Understand Why Keynesianism Is Wrong and How Government Mistakes Caused the Great Depression, Learn about Austrian Economics. Click Here. And Here.

Explaining Keynesian Economics: A supporter of Keynesian economics believes it is the government's job to smooth out the bumps in business cycles. Intervention would come in the form of government spending and tax breaks in order to stimulate the economy, and government spending cuts and tax hikes in good times, in order to curb inflation.

Why Keynesian economics does not work … from a Conservative perspective. A more broad perspective of government spending. Click Here.

In 1959, the Senate made it ILLEGAL for any future Senate, at the beginning of a new Congress, to force a rules change unless approved by 2/3 of all duly sworn senators. This was specifically enacted to preserve the checks and balances on political power mongers, and prevent a narrow majority from subverting the will of the people while establishing itself as a dictatorial ruling party. Dirty Harry Reid [D-NV] has decided the law does not apply to Marxists like himself. He has decided that only a simple majority, (50 Democrats + Joe Biden), is all it takes to change the rules. Apparently, Harry’s new motto is “if you can’t beat ‘em, cheat ‘em – old school Vegas mobster mentality at its best. 1/25/11

Will Democrats and Republicans be able to play together nicely in the sandbox tonight during the State of the Union Campaign Stop by the Undocumented One.

What birth certificate? Mike Evans spoke with Hawaii Gov Neil Abercrombie. Was told that he searched relevant Hawaii hospitals using his powers as governor, and concluded, according to Evans, "There is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii, absolutely no proof at all that Obama was born in Hawaii." 1/24/11 [The Western Center for Journalism] So what’s next? Maybe The Undocumented One will deem himself born in Hawaii. =trj

The Abercrombie interviewer above recanted his story. 1/26/11

Sign or Veto. Obama is moving toward the Political Center in his comments and speeches. His entire history of actions [i.e., voting] however, places him on the far left fringe. Let’s see how he “acts” on Republican legislation from the House of Representatives IF Democrats in the Senate vote with Republicans, thus putting legislation on his desk to sign or veto.

For US Taxpayers, “Investments” talk by Democrats means spend, Spend, SPEND US Taxpayer money.

NYT writer, Charles M Blow, selectively misrepresents gun and murder figures to suit his anti-gun agenda. Nothing new. Click Here to see how they do it.

Obama approval ratings improve to 52% according to Rasmussen. Maybe it is because Republicans have temporarily haulted the uncontrolled spending sprees by Democrats Reed, Pelosi and Obama, the Undocumented smooth talker. =trj

@BrettsBenefits on Twitter. Obamacare and the Law of Unintended Consequences. Click Here.

US will need an additional 130,000 doctors 15 years from now to keep up with increased demand for medical care ... WALL STREET JOURNAL

A number of the House GOP's leading conservative members on Thursday announced legislation that would cut $2.5 trillion over 10 years ... DAILY CALLER 1/20/11

Federal government's anti-drilling policies resulting in $3.7 million in lost federal revenue each day ... TEXAS INSIDER 1/24/11

Coal mining provides $26 billion for West Virginia economy annually. Supports 60,000 jobs. Pays $1.2 billion in wages for WV families ... INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY 1/24/11

Pirates captured a record 1,016 hostages in 2010 and currently hold 31 vessels and 713 crew members of various nationalities after hijacking another four ships so far this year, according to IMB report. 1/23/11

Population change. Click Here.

Speculation that the Undocumented One could resign under legal challenges, absence of birth records, and Supreme Court scrutiny. The White Hat Report #8. 1/11/11. Click Here for 2008 Fact Check dated 11/1/08.

NewsBusters at twitter. Ed Schultz Bashes Michele Bachmann for Doing Same Thing Obama Did in 2008. Click Here. 1/22/11

Exodus of business from Illinois begins with latest tax hikes rather than spending cuts. Similar stories heard from California, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island. Florida wins. Click Here for the Illinois story from Daniel Mitchell.

$144,000. US Taxpayers in Big Apple forced to pay $144,000 a year for salary, health and pension benefits for garbage workers, who are unskilled but unionized laborers. Click Here to read more: Life's tough for $144,000 garbage collectors

Hu Jintao, Chinese dictator, says that he will try to stop Chinese government agencies from using [i.e., stealing] pirated US software. This appears to be the concession that our Undocumented One received in recent meetings. What a guy. 1/22/11

$0.40 out of every $1.00 the US Government spends is borrowed.

Big US Gov Helps Unions Get Forced Dues. See post here at the right jack dated 1/22/11

Card Check legislation hinders American employers. H.R. 800, the "Employee Free Choice Act," would replace secret ballot elections at workplaces. Unions can do away with secret ballots … a fundamental right in a democracy. Big Labor can unionize companies simply by persuading, cajoling or coercing a majority of workers into signing a card. All employees would have to pay union dues as soon as 50% of employees sign a petition [a "card"] demanding a union. The "card-signing" would not be private, so everybody will know who did not sign the card. Dissenters might be "encouraged" to change their minds. Under The Undocumented One, union intimidation could become the law of the land.

US Big Sugar Daddy Government funds a network of 1,000 advisory panels that consisted of more than 74,000 members last year. They are becoming increasingly expensive. Statistics kept by Big Gov show the cost of running these committees has nearly doubled over past decade. $215M in 2000 with 52,000 members. $386M in 2010. $400+M in 2011. Click Here for the story.

$ $ $
EMERGENCY HEALTHCARE SURVEY: 40,000 actively practicing physicians asked how ObamaCare will affect them.

According to a Physician Foundation 2010 survey 74% of doctors have already planned their medical field exit strategy

40% may drop out of patient care in next 1 to 3 years by retiring, seek a non-health care related job.

60% said health reform will compel them to close or significantly restrict their practices to certain categories of patients

Of these, 93% said they will drop or restrict Medicaid patients, while 87% said they would drop or restrict Medicare patients.

69% will no longer have the time or resources to see additional patients.

10% said reform will improve quality of patient care
56% said reform will diminish quality of care.
$ $ $

Democrat Strategy? Overwhelm the US economy in every way imaginable with centralization, bailouts, loans, credits, rules, regulations, taxes, etc. Increase government jobs. Penalize employers. Destroy private sector jobs. Create unemployment. Create government dependence. Blame Republicans. After two years, begin talking about creating jobs to usher in approaching November 2012 re-election season.

U.S.-Mexico government study estimates that $19 billion to $29 billion is shipped south to Mexico, then laundered through cash purchases of land, luxury hotels, cars and other high-end items. [LA Times] 6/3/10

Common workplace email mistakes. Click Here.

If your dog is fat, you are not getting enough exercise.

Sen. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, calls Hu Jintao a 'dictator' but gets a diplomatic pass on his accurate political remark from Obama Puppet Media. Remember Harry, China is holding about 15% of our national debt. Hu might send his sleeper-agent enforcers over to your house to straighten out your thinking.

Disney to stop doing animated fairy tale movies. Why? Biggest reason cited for this change is that girls no longer view princesses and getting married to be the ideal. … “By the time they’re 5 or 6, they’re not interested in being princesses,” said Dafna Lemish, chairman of the Radio and TV Dept. at Southern Illinois University and a self-proclaimed expert in the role of media in children’s lives. “They’re interested in being hot, in being cool. Clearly, they see this is what society values.” [MovieGuide 12/2/10] Click Here to follow the movies.

[Sounds like this professor believes that parents want their daughters to be a bunch of little hotties? –trj]

Garbage in. Garbage out. Media Research Center's own Business and Media Institute released report spotlighting the fact that since President Obama took office, only 16% of health care stories mentioning the CBO included the flaws in their methods. Once again, the liberal media are playing gatekeeper with information--choosing what you should or shouldn't hear about ObamaCare. . . . Speaker John Boehner [R-OH] points out that the "CBO can only provide a score based on the assumptions [that means cost figures] that are given to them", adding "if you go back and look at the health care bill and the assumptions that were given to them, you see all of the double counting that went on." [MRC 1/21/11]

Act 2. Senator Harry Reid [D-NV] wants to block-stop-avoid Obama Health Care repeal vote in Senate. Why? He does not want his jittery Democrat Senators to vote with Republicans in an attempt to save their Senatorial jobs in the November 2012 election.

Double Standard on Budget Cuts. Democrats have started whining over possible budget cuts. They want to know exactly what is being cut be Republicans. However, Democrats had no interest in learning what was in ObamaCare bill and budget when passed. In fact, Nancy Pelosi said on 3/8/10 that the bill had to be passed so they could see what was in it.

Are calls for civility by Democrats just another way to tell Republicans to shut up? In the meantime, Democrats in Congress and in Obama Puppet Media have stepped up their slanderous name calling rants.

Obama Leftwing Puppet Media forgot to report that the AZ shooter had an Obama bumper sticker on his car even though several of his neighbors told them. [What else are they not telling us? The current media cannot be trusted to tell us the truth and tell us everything about Democrats. =trj]

From 2008 to 2010, 1.1 million new migrants who entered USA landed jobs as US household employment declined by 6.26 million over same period. Around 35% said to be illegals and undocumented. 42% under age 30. Click Here to read more: Over a Million Immigrants Landed Jobs in 2008-10 [] 1/20/11

Republicans expected to receive non-stop Democrat Liberal Progressive heat - mud - slander as they cut spending.

Act 1. US House of Representatives voted 245-149 to repeal ObamCare. Just 3 Democrats voted with Republicans. Harry Reid [D-NV] will try to stop the same vote on ObamaCare in the Senate. Many Democrats who are up for re-election in 2012 do not want to be seen supporting ObamaCare against the will of the people. 1/19/11

Federal district judge ruled it is OK for the U.S. government [i.e., US Taxpayers] to fund commercial enterprises that promote the indoctrination of Islamic law, or Shariah, in the United States. Click Here to read more: Judge OKs 'flag of Islam on American soil'

Gun ban. US ban on guns makes them highly profitable theft targets for criminals. The value of guns rise as they become more difficult to acquire and keep. Of course, we become less safe.

Palin in Liberal cross hairs. Palin gets slammed by Liberals at every opportunity. She catches Liberal mud if she does NOT respond to their libelous charges. Then catches more Liberal grief when she DOES respond. Democrats see here as a massively popular threat to their voting base.

Hawaii Gov Neil Abercrombie [D] suggested in an interview that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health. “They” are declining to be interviewed. 1/1911 [The undocumented one still on thin ice as long as he cannot prove he is a legal citizen. Democrat party machine on the hook for this mess. =trj]

If guns kill then do spoons make me fat? Do pens and computers make me mispell words?

China, top socialist dog in the world right now, is advising The Undocumented Obama on US economic matters while all the time working with Russia and middle east oil nations to replace the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency and replace it with a basket of currencies including their suspiciously state-regulated Renminbi. 1/18/11 [US Diplomacy: Bow subserviently to China then bend over and hold your ankles? =trj]

Scientists are reporting development and successful lab tests of “killer paper,” a material intended for use as a new food packaging material that helps preserve foods by fighting the bacteria that cause spoilage. The paper, described in ACS’ journal, Langmuir, contains a coating of silver nanoparticles, which are powerful anti-bacterial agents. ACS News Service 1/19/11 [Will we start to glow in the dark? =trj]

"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes..." Our undocumented president. [Remember, muslims are permitted to lie to non-muslims without guilt or sin.]

Trust GOP. Voters now trust GOP more than Democrats on all 10 of most important issues regularly surveyed by Rasmussen Reports: Economy, National security and War on terror, War in Iraq, War in Afghanistan, Immigration, Government ethics and corruption, Taxes, Health care, Social security, Education. Click Here to Rasmussen read report. 1/18/11

Chinese stealth fighter development speeding up based on technology transfers they acquired during Clinton administration. 1/17/11 [WND]

US House committed to vote on repealing morally odious, fiscally bankrupting and thoroughly unconstitutional ObamaCare legislation as early as this week. Democrats would like us to believe that Republican-led repeal of ObamaCare will hurt seniors and the economically disadvantaged. TRUTH is ObamaCare will KILL seniors and financially wreck our health care system … and the decision makers are finally openly admitting it. [Declaration Alliance PAC]

If you are planning for one year, grow rice. If you are planning for 20 years, grow trees. If you are planning for centuries, grow men. - - - Chinese proverb

Kudzu. Weeds for supper. Click Here for the story.

Test Run? EPA demands door to door home inspections in PA looking for clear water discharges into sewer system. Penalties and fines for failure to comply. [WND 1/16/11]

Obama-Friendly AP poll reports that opposition to Obama health care is declining. 41% oppose. 40% favor. 43% want it changed. Under 20% OK with it as is. 1/16/11 [End it. Do not mend it. Start over. That is the best course of action for US Taxpayers and US economy. =trj]

Top 10 Investigation Targets List: ObamaCare. Stimulus. Freddie and Fannie. Wikileaks. Climate science. ACORN. Oil spill response. Justice Department. Czars. Obama presidential eligibility. [Human Events] Click Here.

Top 10 Political Gaffes Of 2010. Click Here.

Top 10 Examples Of Liberal Hate. Click Here.

Humor. US Army creates new Hurt Feelings Form. [Goggle it. Printed form will not upload. A joke? -trj]

Debt. WASHINGTON – The United States just passed a dubious milestone: Government debt surged to an all-time high, topping $14 trillion — $45,300 for each and everyone in the country. Republicans promise to cut $100 billion from domestic spending this year. [AP 1/15/11]

Staunch global warming believer [a relative] read “Heaven and Earth: Global Warning – the missing science” by Ian Plimer [2009], geologist from Australia. My relative had previously read and heard only tree-huggers global warming side of the story. Turns my relative around 180 degrees. Click Here to read a review from a Global Warming proponent.

Senate Resolution 10. Harry Reid, anti-American Democrat, concocted scheme that violates over two centuries of precedent and rights of minority party by changing basic rules of the Senate with only 51 votes. Ignores all existing rules and precedents. Pushing ahead with his radical agenda as if he had done nothing wrong. 1/16/10

Chevie Volt wins car of the year award.

[TRJ above award is very suspicious of coordinated Big Gov-Media marketing. Is Volt green when you figure in high manufacturing costs, frequent battery charging costs from your home plus cost of home charging station, even with $7,500 Big Gov US taxpayer rebate? Is total carbon cost of electricity lower, same or higher than gasoline when using house current since 50% of our electricity comes from coal. Break even point comes in 9 to 14 years. Does not reflect higher energy costs. -trj]

Please report suspicious activity at Wal-Mart to Janet Napolitano at DHS.
Click Here.

Obama Puppet Media ignores facts. Still putting a smiley face on Obama economy.
• Unemployment claims highest since October 2010
• Housing starts lowest since April 2009
• Home foreclosures topped 1 million in 2010 for first time, predicted to jump 20% in 2011
• Gasoline at pump could go to $5 per gallon by 2011
• Grocery prices continuing to rise
• Dollar losing position as global reserve currency
• Printing more money by US Treasury is inflationary

Propaganda? "Inside Job" has made Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' short list for Best Documentary Feature. Hollywood insider favorite to win the Oscar. Conservative critics say Inside Job, which blames Wall Street, deregulation and the Bush administration for the financial crisis, is political propaganda masquerading as serious documentary. [WND] NAZI era film maker propagandist was [Ms] Leni Riefenstahl. Click Here to read more about Oscar nod 'Inside Job' pro-Obama propaganda.

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