Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fact-less claims by politicians


Fact-less claims, known as lies in some circles, are the bedrock of politics. Claims like this sound very impressive and are designed to tantalize the gullible and uninformed. They are very difficult to refute on the spot and very time-consuming to disprove.

Retort to these fact-less claims when delivered: There you go again, ala Reagan. Please back that up and cite where you found that information? The Romney version ... Nice Try!

Latest Fact-less Claims . . .

Diversions. Democrat talking heads still pegging their "bad economy claims" to Bush 43 ... but Democrats controlled the House and Senate for the last two years of Bush and the first two years of Obama. Democrats had the Congressional power to do what ever they wanted while excluding Republicans ... and they failed. 5/21/12


Obama and Biden still telling us how the economy is improving. In three-plus years, the Obama economic policies have made things worse, not better. 5/18/12


Women in USA hit hardest by Obama economic policies as Democrats play the old tired fact-less restrain that GOP and Rush Limbaugh have a war on women.


The 1%. Get the facts. … Total income for top 1% fell 21% (to $1.3 trillion in 2009 from $1.7 trillion in 2008), while the average tax rate rose to 24% from 23.3%, the IRS data showed.

• Top 1% threshold has fallen to $343,927 in 2009 from $410,096 in 2007.

• Top 5% at $154,643.

• Top 10% at $112,124.

• Top 25% at $66,193. [scrippsnews] 10/28/11

An OWS protester complaining about income inequities heard on the radio, a retired teacher, was making over $65,000 just in retirement income. That puts him in the top 25%. The Big Time Media seldom if every checks the facts.


Democrats continue to make fact-less claims that are parroted by the Occupy people and their union backers.
VP Joe O’Biden claims that rapes will go up if the latest Democrat jobs bill for unions, first responders, etc is not passed. Getting tired yet of hearing these same old fact-less claims by Democrats if their spending increases are not passed? 10/20/11

See Debbie Wasserman Schultz [D-FL] and Ray Lewis [D-Baltimore Ravens]. Then there is Grandma forced to eat dog food, and Republicans pushing Grandma over the cliff in her wheel chair. Oh yes, there are Republicans starving school children. =TheRightJack

400,000 jobs supported. Another wild Obama claim and the spin. [economics21.org] It depends on what the definition of is, is. Remember, it was last month that striking workers going back to work were considered new jobs created. And of course, there is virtually no way to measure “jobs saved.” It is simply a way for Democrats to spin the economic news and make no news and bad news look positive. Free and reputable journalists would question all of these spin phrases.

14%, Unemployment would be at 14% if it were not for the Obama stimulus plans, according to Nancy Pelosi. See how easily Democrats make up stuff that is likely to go challenged by the Big Time Dying Democrat Media. 10/7/11

Obama Fables. Four more case studies revealed or were they fantasies. Click Here.

The Older Fables . . .

Remember when John Lewis, while a member of the US Congress, claimed that the sea routes from Africa to the USA used by the slave traders back in the early days of the USA, were infested with sharks yet today. Why? That is where the slave traders threw slaves overboard. Fact checking by the media shows that this was a fact-less claim used for partisan political gain.

Remember when Bill Clinton, when running for the presidency, claimed that he remembered black churches being burned to the ground [or words to that effect] when he was growing up. Fact checking by the media shows that this did not happened. It was a fact-less claim used for partisan political gain.

Current fact-less Fables . . .

The economy is recovering - - - Democrat party line in 2011

Remember this one? ObamaCare will save money.

Remember this: The stimulus is working - - - Joe Biden [blowing smoke]

Fact-less Racism. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz [D-FL] has tossed out the outrageous defamation that, "now you have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally – and very transparently – block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote Democratic candidates than Republican candidates"! This fact-less claim is being circulated by Democrats because of conservative efforts to enact anti-fraud Voter ID legislation in the Congress, necessitated by rampant and well-documented abuses perpetrated by ACORN, Hermandad Mexicana, and countless other leftist fronts. Operation Black Storm re-launches for 2012. Headed by Alan Keyes, former US Ambassasdor under Bush 41.[Patriot Pac] Alan Keyes is an African American Republican.

Democrats continue to play that fact-less “economy is slowly improving” campaign theme while the real facts about the US economy continue to show downward movement. How long are Democrats in the media going to go along with the fact-less Democrat propaganda? Will the undecided and unaffiliated middle 40% of the voters ever get it? =trj

Florida Democrat in US House of Representatives quick to say that de-funding day care in 2011 will create criminals. Hey Dems. Parents create good children, not day care! Yet another fact-less claim by the Left.

Fact-less claims by the Left. So … remember when Ray Lewis insisted that the longer the lockout went on, the more crime there would be? Turns out, there's no historical precedent for such a statement, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's PolitiFact group. [Yahoo News] 6/17/11. Click Here for the report. Democrats continue to make one fact-less claim after another. It would be a full time job to track every remark they make, but that is what it would take, in all honesty.

Media and Democrats continue their fact-less claims that the economy is recovering or improving. No substantiated by the economic data such as unemployment, real estate foreclosures, fuel prices, and on and on.

Left adds “no radical muslim threat” to their “no US debt” fact-less claims.

Ray Lewis, NFL all pro, warns that crime will rise if NFL season is cancelled. Maybe he is just talking about Baltimore, a city plagued by juvenile and adult crime. More fact-less claims by the Left. Click Here.

The sky is falling. The sky is falling.

Remember: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, uber-Left Democrat from Florida and now head of DNC, made similar fact-less claims about children in day care centers turning to the life of crime if really really important legislation did not pass.

70,000 deaths. Head of federal agency called USAID says Republican budget cuts would cause the death of 70,000 children. He worked with AlGore campaign. Another fact-less claim made by Democrats. [DailyCaller.com] 4/1/11

March unemployment at 10%. Underemployment at 19.3. [Gallup] Rosie fact-less picture painted by Dems not substantiated by the numbers. Click Here. No complaints for the Big Time Dying Democrat Media.

Gerald Ford debate claim vs jimmy Carter that the old Soviet Union is not controlling Eastern Europe.

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