Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Media and Freedom with TheRightJack

Big "Low-Information" Media at work shielding Democrats from all criticism

Freedom of the Press or is it Freedom from the Liberal Press!

“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” - - - Malcolm X

Now just cheerleaders for Obama and the Democrats.

If it bleeds, it leads! - - - media axiom

See Resource List here at TheRightJack. Sort it all out for yourself.

Biased media reporting is: 
• Selective reporting
• Failure to investigate
• Failure to report known information
• Extensive use of campaign talking points
• Fabrications, also called lies

• Ongoing claims of being unbiased
• Shifting emphasis to "other" news topics
• Allowing the source to write their news stories

• Don't Ask. Don't tell. Big Dem Media strategy.

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The term "Low-Information" is credited to Rush Limbaugh. It is a perfect description of the Big Dem Media, their reporters and those who follow their self-censored view of the news. They intend to shield Democrats from all responsibility and criticism while blaming Republicans for all manner of social, political and economic ills.

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77% do not trust the main stream media, that is, the Big Dem Media.

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The biggest problems we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America … Senator Barack Obama on March 31, 2008.

This is not the first time that a politician campaigned against "something" the opponent wanted to do or did and then when elected did exactly what he/she campaigned against. This does not generate any reporting by the Big Dem Media when Democrats do this.

FDR campaigned against Hoover's policies, then proceeded to do exactly what he campaigned against and much more .. had [FDR] followed the path of Harding/Coolidge the Great Depression might have been brief and we might have had the roaring 30s like we had the roaring 20s.

This strategy is not limited to the flip-flopping like AlGore and Joe Leiberman did on abortion or what John Kerry and Hillary Clinton did on the war in the Middle East after 911. The Big Dem Media has no conscience nor memory.

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Political Censorship?

Dish Network Head Has Strong Ties to Democrats

… As it turns out, Charles Ergen is a big-time donor to the Democratic Party. According to Open Secrets, Ergen donated a total of $64,000 to the Democratic Senatorial campaign Committee in 2014. … In the 2014 cycle Ergen gave almost exclusively to Democratic candidates particularly to endangered Senate Democrats including Kay Hagen(NC), Mark Pryor (ARK.), Mark Warner (Va) and Mark Begich (Alaska). [] 1/13/15

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Here Are EIGHT Campus Rape Hoaxes Eerily Like The UVA Rape Story

… In February 2013, Morgan Triplett, 20, visited the University of California, Santa Cruz for a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender conference. While there, she claimed that she had been raped in broad daylight on the Santa Cruz campus. … and seven more [] 12/14/14
Then recently, there was this popular [?] TV sit-com young lady who claimed that she was raped by a Republican staffer. Turns out that this Democrat made it up. Democrats who make up stories seems to be great fodder for the Big Dem Media. ... and then there is the recent Bill Cosby media feeding frenzy. 12/14/14

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Gasoline Price History ...

Remember when Bush 43 was criticized by the Big Dem Puppet Media for making secret deals with the Saudis when gas prices fell. The price of gas has dropped nearly 50 cents or more a gallon recently. Have you heard anything from the Big Dem Puppet Media that has been critical of Obama for making secret deals with the Middle Eastern oil producers. Nope? =TheRightJack on 11/25/14

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Lots of Spin about the 2014 election outcome by the Democrats in the Media but you need to be illiterate or totally Left Wing to buy into it. Smart voters are not buying it.

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The Morning After … The Big Dem Media on display at NPR the morning after the 2014 election seemed to be unsurprised with the GOP tidal wave that gave them their first majority in the Senate and House in years. Commentators were very open about the magnitude of what happened, how Obama helped sink his party, and the new GOP majority. Let us see how long this “resigning” attitude lasts before the mood changes back to ... the GOP is worse than ISIS, they are all racists, and the police what to shoot your black babies. =TheRightJack on 11/5/14

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Don't Ask. Don't Tell. 

Democrats who dominate the Media are not covering the 2014 mid-term elections. They do not want the people to know how badly this 2014 election could be for the Democrats. 10/23/14

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Political Observations

Let's see. According to the Democrats and “their” Big Dem Media, Republicans hate women, are racists, want to eliminate government, love big businesses and wall Street execs, Love the rich, are filthy and trashie when they hold gatherings, hate Jews, hate blacks, hate hispanics, hate Asians, hate all welfare recipients, hate teachers, hate workers, hate unwed mothers. Love the politics of personal destruction. Love war. Love subsidies. What am is left out? Seems like this profile fits Democrats at lot more than Republicans. When Democrats complain, it is mostly about what "They" actually DO. Summary posted 10/6/14 by TheRightJack

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Sandy Hook Storm Report ...

Everything must be back to normal on the NJ-NY coast. I have seen or heard nothing from the Big Dem Media to the contrary for weeks, if not months. Yet the Big Dem Media is still calling the New Orleans flooding and Katrina disaster a Bush problem rather an a problem that was made worse by helpless people and a totally ineffective local and state government. 9/18/15

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After 30 Years Of Lies, NY Times Admits “Assault Weapons Are A Myth”

… Democrats decided to push for a ban of what seemed like the most dangerous guns in America: assault weapons, which were presented by the media as the gun of choice for drug dealers and criminals, and which many in law enforcement wanted to get off the streets. [] 9/13/14

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124 to 9 favoring Bush 43 over Obama

MRC Study: TV Buries the Bad News on Obama’s Collapsing Polls … Our researchers don't just catch what's ON the news, but what's NOT on the news. "Eight years ago, the networks aired 124 evening news reports which cited public opinion polls about either President Bush’s overall approval rating or his handling of specific policies." In 2014, those same shows had only NINE reports that mentioned a poll about Obama. [] 9/8/14
Read about more Big Dem Media bias as they provide cover for The Obama Sinking Ship and unrest with the Far left Progressive Democrats.

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Obama Worst Ever?

Bush 43 was hammered relentlessly by the Big Dem Media for over eight years ... and he is still getting hammered ... but BH Obama is still regarded by all but the very Far Left, a few others, and the Big Dem Media as the worst president ever. So, the Big Dem Media has not able to change the views of the people, the US Taxpayers in particular. Obama has earned his place in infamy by his actions and inactions. =TheRightJack on 7/5/14

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$600,000. Starting salary for Chelsea Clinton at NBC.

What did NBC News’s Chelsea Clinton do for her $600,000 salary?

… A key platform for Clinton’s inspirational stories dried up in June 2013, when the network canceled “Rock Center with Brian Williams.” Even so, she has been on the nightly news every now and again. Her $600,000 deal came up for renewal this year, reports Politico, but the network decided to place her on a month-to-month arrangement in case her mom, Hillary Rodham Clinton, should declare for the 2016 presidential race. [] 6/13/14
No public outcry from the Big Dem Media and their worker bees. Where are the fast food minimum wage protestors ... or do they even know about this?

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NFL media execs & announcers … have become members of the National Politically Correct Football League. Now it is just another branch of the Big Dem Media.

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Flipped. Johnny Manzeil, rookie Cleveland Browns QB, flipped off The Washington Redskins bench on Monday Night TV. People in the news like him need to adopt a public persona and then save that raunchy persona for their practice sessions. Knowing what I know about the guys, I am fairly confident that his football practices have been Rated X or XX since high school. Trash talking and vile comments during practices and games have been a staple in professional sports since the early days of Cassius Clay.

Heads up. Take a lesson from Hillary Clinton. In private, she is a foul mouthed vixen, as nasty they come. Apparently LBJ was also that way. Quotes, comments and direct orders that have been written about the Hillary “directives” to the Clinton body guards and other are laced with continual streams of Rated X and XX expletives like C-sucker this, M-F that and F-in this.

Some very high profile coaches have been famous for their “blue” language in practice sessions. However, these people have learned to clean up their language during their public appearances. So Johnny, clean it up in public ... and quit with the nasty gestures, please. =TheRightJack on 8/20/14

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Big DEM Media Bias

Hide ‘D,’ Showcase ‘R’

One of many examples of media bias, hiding the D and showcasing the R … Former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin — “the face of Hurricane Katrina,” as ABC’s Diane Sawyer reminded viewers — was indicted on charges of corruption on January 18, 2013. News on all networks, no Democratic label on any. Nagin was convicted a year later, and the pattern continued: coverage by all three networks and again no party affiliation. [] 8/12/14

The Big US Media is owned by the Democrat Party. It is no different than the media of any dictatorial regime whether NAZI Germany, the old USSR, China, Cuba, Russia or Venezuela today. No different. They cannot be trusted to investigate and give us the truth.

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Big Dem Media showing their anti-Semitism by siding with the Middle Eastern terrorists by blaming Israel for their defense of Hamas rocket attacks on Israel.

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Obama and the leading Democrats say that the economy is improving ... as the unemployment rate goes up to 6.2% plus record numbers of people NOT working. Big Dem Media sheltering the Democrats by selectively reporting the facts. 8/3/14

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What are the odds of 7 specific IRS hard drives crashing?

The odds of winning the Florida lottery are 1 in 22,957,480.

The odds of winning the Powerball is 1 in 175,223,510.

The odds of winning Mega Millions is 1 in 258,890,850.

The odds of a disk drive failing in any given month are roughly one in 36. The odds of two different drives failing in the same month are roughly one in 36 squared, or 1 in about 1,300. The odds of three drives failing in the same month is 36 cubed or 1 in 46,656.

The odds of seven different drives failing in the same month (like what happened at the IRS when they received a letter asking about emails targeting conservative and pro-Israeli groups) is 37 to the 7th power = 1 in 78,664,164,096. (that's over 78 Billion)

In other words, the odds are greater that you will win the Florida Lottery 342 times than having those seven IRS hard drives crashing in the same month.

Now, if you believe our Federal Government isn't corrupt to the core, you definitely need to get a grip on reality! [] 6/24/14
Throw the odds out the window when it comes to Democrats. They are very adept at cover-ups, through years and years of practice, I guess.
Note also that the Big Dem Media seeks to know only how this "crash" strategy will play out, rather than seek the truth.

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Worst Ever?

Bush 43 was hammered relentlessly by the Big Dem Media for over eight years ... and he is still getting hammered ... but BH Obama still came out of the polls as the worst president ever. So, in this instance, the Big Dem Media was unable to change the views of the people, the US Taxpayers in particular. Obama earned his "bottom of the barrel" placement by his actions and inactions. 7/5/14

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US Big Dem Media leads the way in making up "facts" to fit the Democrat policy positions and then the actions they carry out. The show that they have no shame and no integrity. The Big Dem media cannot be trusted. =TheRightJack on 5/29/14 

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NPR morning show host brings in another educator to “talk up” the “goodness” of the Common Core Curriculum. It is also known as the Democrat Indoctrination Program for Student or DIPs ... as states continue to drop it from their schools. 5/27/14 

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Have You Heard About Today’s “Big” March on DC – “Operation American Spring”? … Billed as an event that will draw millions to the nation’s capital to demand the ouster of Obama, Biden, Holder, Pelosi, etc., Operation American Spring (OAS) is now supposedly underway. [] 5/16/14

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7%. Only Seven Percent Of Reporters Are Republicans, And You Are Not Surprised … “U.S. journalists today are much more likely to identify themselves as Independents rather than Democrats or Republicans — a pattern not observed before 2002,” the journalism professors write. ... Huh. Slightly over 50 percent identify themselves that way now, according to the study, which is titled “The American Journalist In The Digital Age.” … You note to yourself that in 2002, only a third of reporters called themselves independents. And 18 percent called themselves Republicans — nearly a fifth! — while 35 percent identified as Democrats. [] 5/6/14 

With all of the Pravda-Like Big Dem Media on their side, Democrats still cannot function out in the open ... like passing ObamaCare with 100% Democrat support in Congress ... by tying it to a series of back room deals ... that the Big Dem Media chose not to cover ... but now the US Taxpayers are not fooled ... thanks to that segment of the Media that will not drink the Democrat Cool Aid.

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Big Dem Media relief with more trivial anti-GOP news.

Paula Dean story likely to generate endless bashing of her and the Right to keep their focus off Obama’s anti-American actions and the death of four Americans in Benghazi due to negligence by Saint Hillary … and $6 B-b-billion in unaccounted for State Department funds under her watch. =TheRightJack on 4/5/14

Paula Deen abruptly shuts down restaurant, forgets to tell employees … The Washington Post reports that those who showed up to their Thursday morning shift at the Savannah, GA eatery were met with locked doors. The Savannah Morning News reported that employees were collecting their severance checks in the parking lot. [] 4/5/14

Deen Footnote: Which is worse. Paule Dean, a Southern Republican, closing down her eatery and not telling her employees in advance ... or Obama and the Democrats threatening to not send out Social Security check to Seniors who have already paid their own way? Big Dem Media would never bring up that comparison or the Obama spending problems.

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Gov Christie and the NJ bridge shutdown getting old ... but Big Dem Media keeping it alive.

CA Dem State Senator running guns. What?

ObamaCare failure not ever going to learn the truth about that from the Big Dem Media. 

AG Holder running running guns into Mexico results in US Boarder Patrol deaths. What?

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Rumor: Big Dem Media propagandists will publish and eagerly repeat any report put forth by Democrats without verification or proof. This is not an April Fool rumor. 4/1/14

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PC or what? Several days ago a network radio news babe described the Russian solders in Crimea as "Men With Guns." Who are these news people trying to fool? 3/22/14

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US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers … As such, Torcello wants governments to make “the funding of climate denial” a crime. … “The charge of criminal and moral negligence ought to extend to all activities of the climate deniers who receive funding as part of a sustained campaign to undermine the public’s understanding of scientific consensus.” [] 3/17/14

Let’s see. A Democrat in a Democrat acaDEMic institution wants to imprison anyone who disagrees with Democrats on the Democrat faux science of climate change thus suspending acaDEMic freedom in a Democrat Ivory Tower of Learning so that selected Democrat ideologies can exist without bipartisan scientific challenges.

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Harry Reid is a lawyer, a really far left Democrat and a Mormon.? Just listen to him make up stories about how all of the ObamaCare true life horror reports are lies. That is what Democrats do, make up stuff. They could not do this if the Big Dem Media were honest. March 2014 

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Big Dem Media Alert:

Are conservatives and Republicans anti-poor? Hardly. ... “Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, ‘Who Really Cares,’ cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.... Lots more data in this article. Read on. Debunk the Liberal propaganda. [] 3/11/14

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Obama may need to delay his Florida vacation to deal with V. Putin of Russia and their non-invasion of Ukraine.  Media trying to figure out how to spin this. March 2014

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Democrats in the Independent Media - It's Hilarious

Barack Obama and MSNBC’s Al Sharpton: The New ‘Pete and Repeat’ … The mainstream media has not done a good job of hiding their allegiance to the Democrat party. They have failed to report on the numerous scandals that plague not just the Obama regime, but Democrats in general. In addition, they have been caught on a number of occasions repeating Democrat talking points. Short video. [] 3/1/14

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Democrat media strategy ... Democrats know that when they tell the same lies over and over, some people will begin to believe them ... particularly when the Big Dem Media will not refute these lies even when that know they are lies.

It should be obvious to all that Democrats want to crack down on news and opinions that differ from their Far Left socialist agenda.

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Gay football, a media diversion?

NFL not permitted to ask future NFL players about their GAYness. Big Dem Media and Obama has had the gay Missouri football player on center stage for two weeks or more. Is this yet another sympathetic diversion by the Big Dem Media to keep the focus off of the Wretched Obama Economy and his unconstitutional actions? =TheRightJack on 2/24/14

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It’s Not Just One Tweet: MSNBC’s Despicable Record of Smearing Conservatives as Racists … 

The Media Research Center has compiled a long list of instances in which the network’s anchors have committed character assassination disguised as journalism, unjustly smearing conservatives, Republicans and the Tea Party as racists. Here are just some of the many outrageous examples we have documented. 

For example … “If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart, along with blind hatred, a total disinterest in the welfare of others, and a full-flowered, self-rationalizing refusal to accept the outcomes of elections, or the reality of democracy, or the narrowness of their minds and the equal narrowness of their public support.” - - - MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann on Countdown, March 22, 2010. [] 2/3/14

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It's just dirty politics as usual ...

Big Dem Media is continuing it's assault on Gov Christie [R-NJ] over a traffic jam going into NYC. 

A female NJ mayor mysteriously comes forward and levels partisan charges at Christie about Hurricane Sandy Relief that seems highly questionable. Democrat investigations underway.

At the same time, Democrats are after former VA Gov, Bob McDonald [R-VA] about gifts, just like the ones Obama has received in the past. The Democrat political machine is after him through the Big Dem Federal Government but The Big Dem Media never makes any connection with Democrats seeking political revenge against the opposition through Big Gov Lawyers. 1/25/14

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MediaGate ... hit jobs on anything GOP

Gov Christie of NJ is in the center of what is likely to be a six week or longer Big Dem Media blitz that is designed to tarnish his political ambitions. Democrats will keep this traffic jam story “out front” as long as possible.

McCain blitz. The Big Dem Media “trashed” John McCain with negative stories after he became the GOP nominee for president. Prior to this, the Media praised McCain for his understanding and bipartisanship.

No Clinton or Holder blitz. 

At the same time, the Big Dem Media has been quiet silent for months about the US Embassy deaths in Benghazi under the watch of Hillary Clinton. Ditto with regard to Eric Holder and the deaths directly related to his Fast and Furious gun running escapade in Mexico. If one read or listened only to the Big Dem Media, one would never know that these deaths that were caused by the actions of Democrats ever occurred. =TheRightJack on 1/10/14 
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52. Scientists trapped on their ship in Antarctica were on a global warming mission. Ice melting? Ice was 15 feet thick. Ice breakers could not get through. Chinese chopper saved the 52 global warming scientists. … Bet you did not hear or read this missing detail in the Big Dem Media reports. Heard many reports on the radio, but always without the “investigating global warming” nature of this expedition. 1/2/14
One must wonder how much more The Big Dem Media knows that they have decided to not tell us.

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NPR report. Rosie report on NPR about the Common Core curriculum devised by Democrats. No mention of the "indoctrination of our children" features in many parts of it. ... heard on the radio 1/2/14

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The economy is humming along with 7% unemployment. - - - Radio news report on 12/9/13 that failed to mention that 92 million people are without work and Obama wants to give amnesty and freebies to another 11 million illegals.

Remember, those who come up with these fantastic unemployment figures remove the chronically unemployed from their report in order to "fudge" these reports and make them look positive, when not.

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Fox News voted most trusted news source again. November 2013

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The Left loves to slander Fox [Real] News, however …

Fox News Ends Year With Higher Ratings Than MSNBC, CNN and HLN Combined … Among all basic cable networks in 2013, FNC ranked sixth in prime time while MSNBC was 29th and CNN was 31st.

In total day, Fox ran fourth while CNN was 28th and MSNBC ran 30th; in 2012, CNN finished behind MSNBC. CNN and HLN showed some year-over-year gains on a total-day basis, while FNC and MSNBC were down. [] 12/19/13

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Chances are that few people saw this reported in the Big Dem Media ...

Lesbian boss ‘fired me for being straight’ … He says three other married coaches with young children were also sacked. Kenney was replaced by a gay female, according to court papers. [] 12/18/13

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Catch 22?

ObamaCare requires very specific insurance coverages … so insurance companies are making those changes in their policies. Then Obama blames the insurance companies for changing their policies and costs.

Obama creates unemployment with the predictably terrible socialist economic policies and laws. Then Obama blames companies for laying off workers.

Big Dem Media does not question what Obama and the Democrats have done. They only question how their explanations will play out with the voters. At the same time, their criticisms of Republican initiatives are very biased in favor of Democrats as would happen with paid commercials and advertising. 12/7/13

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7%. Just 7% think Obamacare is working … Although a majority of Democrats polled still support Obamacare, support dropped from 74% in October to just 58% today. Obama at 57% disapproval. Other numbers cited. [] 11/20/13
Remember, the polls are worth following only when they favor the Democrats. Big Dem Media exceptionally quiet about the tumbling favorability ratings for Obama and ObamaCare. 

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That Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

Why is the US Big Dem Media so focused on this Canadian mayor? [] Why do they care? Two reasons.

First, Ford is being used to take the heat off of the multiple Obama Disasters including ObamaCare, the staggering economy, energy regulations, unions, amnesty and Big Government.

Second, The Christie Assocative Factor. The Big Dem Media is painting a wretched picture of this overweight white guy from Canada. Soon, it will be very easy for them to re-target their vitriol toward Gov Chris Christie, another overweight white guy who is considered an early GOP presidential candidate.

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Martin Bashir of MSNBC Suggests Someone Should Defecate in Palin's Mouth and Urinate in Her Eyes … please read the comments in reaction to his slavery comments. [YouTube] 11/15/13
Reports are that he apologized for his vile and nasty on-air comments. Who watches this garbage. Finally, he was fired. Maybe he can catch on with The Obama Gang.

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Big Dem Media Objective Not Understood

Why does The Media support the destruction of the US labor force and creation of a massive welfare class by Democrats?

How does The Media win when it loses subscribers due to Democrat policies?

How does The Media win when it loses newspapers due to Democrat policies and anti-media Conservatives?

How does The Media when it loses advertising revenue as the creation of new businesses continues to fall from a million a year to 300,000 a year due to Democrat policies?

How does The Media win when Democrats sell out The USA to foreign powers like China? It ranges from military intelligence to business interests.

What is the end game for The Big Dem Media? =TheRightJack on 11/11/13

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Lies. The continual Obama lies about ObamaCare [i.e., you can keep your current plan, etc] are now being reported in the Big Dem Media. If Obama were held accountable for his well recorded lies [i.e., false claims] as happens in business, he would have been indicted by the Federal Trade Commission for false advertising as well as bait and switch tactics. 11/2/13

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Hurricane Sandy … Obama's quiet Katrina. Big Dem Media continues to shield Obama and FEMA from blame for inaction after ravaging Bush 43 relentlessly for months after Katrina …

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Media quiet. Ooops. Excuses about all of the various the problems with ObamaCare are flowing from Democrats. Blame linked to the software developers, Republicans, the private sector and even George Bush 43. Big Dem Media continues to be very very quite about all of this.

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Our Government Says You are a Potential Terrorist … Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents. [] 8/29/13 
... with considerable aid and comfort from the Big Dem Media. The anti-Republican sentiment that the media has created for the Big Dem Agenda would not be possible without their total cooperation.

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The Beltway Lies of the ObamaCare War … What this battle confirms is that, on major national issues that pit social and populist conservatives against Big Government liberals, the beltway press corps invariably acts like a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic National Committee. [] 10/1/13

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In case you did not see this reported in The Big Dem Media

17 Big Gov shutdowns since 1976. Last one was 1996 by Republicans and the GOP made political gains despite the Big Dem Media attempts to lay all blame on GOP. Heard on the radio 10/1/13 

FACT: Since a new budgeting process was put into place in 1976, the U.S. government has shut down 17 times. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan each dealt with six shutdowns during their terms in office, lasting anywhere from one day to 2 1/2 weeks. Source: Republicans on Facebook.

And, the Senate Dems have not passed an annual budget in over five years. Will find the exact number.

Plus, Obama says that raising the debt ceiling does NOT raise the national debt. Missed that "gem" too?

Over 1000 special “breaks” from the ravages of ObamaCare given by Obama ... thus changing the law that is the law of the land. Heard on the radio 10/1/13 

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ESPN bans employees from social media. Heard on the radio 9/30/13 
Caution: Freedom of the press comes with some restrictions for employees but not for the Big Dem Media Moguls.

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NBC, CBS Fail to Cover AFL-CIO's 'Impassioned' Rejection of ObamaCare … Terry O'Sullivan, President of the Laborers' International Union of America, railed, "But we will be damned if we are going to lose our health insurance because of unintended consequences in the law. It needs to be changed. It needs to be fixed. And it needs to be fixed now." See video. [] 9/12/13
That's Fair? Unions just want US Taxpayers to pay for it for them. Smell another Obama waiver or bailout coming?

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Rumor: It is in the self interest of Russia and China for both of those nations to do what they can to enable Obama to run the USA into the ground financially. That is, commit suicide. Unclear why economic disaster that Obama has created in the USA would be in the best self interest of The Big Dem Media. Perhaps it is simply The Dem Party First, regardless of the consequences … but that course of action is comparable to media suicide that will destroy their own house. =TheRightJack on 9/10/13

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8.9% Gallup: Unemployment jumps from 7.7% to 8.9% in 30 days. … Gallup also shows an alarming increase in the number of underemployed (those with some work seeking more). During the same 30-day period, that number has jumped from 17.1% to 17.9%. [] 8/21/13
Let us see how the Big Dem Media presents this poll or ignores it ... considering the lost spousal benefits at UPS and Univ of Virginia due to the Un-Affordable Care Act!

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Obama aims to focus like a laser on jobs ... Gives "more constituent handouts" for education speech ... Acquires a new dog. August 2013 

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News Flash: Racism on the Rise under Obama

More black on white crime []

Black teens shoot white college baseball player because they were bored. [The Guardian] 8/20/13
Where is the “If I had a son guy” on yet another black on white hate crime, or Al, or Jesse or CNN.

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Big Dem Media provide cover for Democrats who make statements like those featured in this article.

The 25 Stupidest Liberal Quotes … #10) Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs. --- Nancy Pelosi  … #13) Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’ The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you. --- Joe Biden. [] 8/17/13
Positive proof of their ignorance, incompetence or indifference. There are more like … #7) Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. -- Barack Obama

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Hillary - the Big Dem Media President, Obama rodeo clown stunt in Missouri and Oprah’s Swiss happening or non-happening push Obama off the front page and faux-news reports for days. Obama’s extravagant vacation, Un-Affordable Care Act train wreck, 400 US missiles lost in Benghazi, More debt cover-up, Benghazi deaths & was Obama playing cards there too, HR Clinton flaps, Clinton Foundation, Carlos Danger and San Diego mayor sex-capades, Obama on wrong side in Egypt, Obama-Putin flap and on and on – just not suitable news for The Big Dem Media. [Just one story forexample] 8/14/13

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Feinstein Wants To Limit Who Can Be A Journalist … At a congressional hearing on the matter last week, Feinstein said shield laws should only apply to “real reporters.”… An amendment offered by Feinstein would extend shield-law protections to those who work as a “salaried employee, independent contractor, or agent of an entity that disseminates news or information,” though students working for news outlets would similarly be covered. The definition seems to leave out the new tide of bloggers and citizen journalists who thrive on the Internet. [] 8/16/13
Is this a conspiracy by Democrats in Congress to silence TheRightJack?

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20 Questions The Media Would Be Asking Barack Obama If He Were A Republican … #20) In 2012, you said, "We refused to throw in the towel and do nothing. We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt. We bet on American workers and American ingenuity, and three years later, that bet is paying off in a big way." Since Detroit has now gone bankrupt, do you think that bet is still paying off or did the American people waste billions of dollars for nothing? Do you think you deserve any blame for Detroit going bankrupt? How about unions? Are they a significant part of the problem in Detroit? [] 8/10/13

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Gaffes by Obama, more

Special Report exposes Associated Press trying to protect Obama from looking stupid … editing his blunder from the Jay Leno show to make it read like he didn’t blunder at all: [] 8/9/13
Obama continues to make grade school type gaffes because he does not know much about the USA and the US Constitution. He was not raised in US schools. =TheRightJack on 8/10/13 

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Gaffes by Obama

57. Early in his reign, Obama mentioned our 57 US states, not 50. But there are 57 muslim states/nations.

In a speech, he thanked the Marines at Camp LeJurne. We do not have a Camp LeJurne, but we do have a Camp LeJeune in NC.

ABC, CBS and NBC Overlook Obama's Gaffe-tastic Performance on Leno [] 8/7/13

Obama on Leno show - And the odds of people dying in a terrorist attack obviously are still a lot lower than in a car accident, unfortunately. - What?

Obama spoke about deepening our shipping ports in the Gulf of Mexico. Then he gave examples that included Jacksonville FL, Savannah SC and Charleston SC – Hey BHO, Those are Atlantic Ocean ports. 

Obama on Leno - They're athletes, they're there to compete. And if Russia wants to uphold the Olympic spirit, then every judgment should be made on the track, or in the swimming pool, or on the balance beam, and people's sexual orientation shouldn't have anything to do with it. - Hey BHO, it is the Winter Olympics that are coming up in Russia. 

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Today Show: RNC Chairman Priebus Calls on NBC and CNN to Stop Promoting Hillary Clinton. 

Hillary for President in 2016 with campaign promotions by NBC with a 4 hour mini series and CNN with a [glowing?] documentary. [] 8/7/13 

What difference, at this point, does it make - - - Hillary Clinton's response to Benghazi cover-up questions before a Congressional committee.

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Media Fiction

Did George Zimmerman Get Away With Murder? The media are reporting that a juror says Zimmerman is guilty of murder. That’s not true. … The video that has been broadcast—on World News Tonight, Nightline, and Good Morning America—has been cut and spliced in different ways, often so artfully that the transitions appear continuous. [] 7/26/13 

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More Obama Open Mic Moments.  Not verified but they appear to be true. Big Dem Media silent in this cover up so it must be true or they would be all over it. [] 7/8/13

#1. “God, this holiday sucks! All this national pride shit get’s on my nerves.”

#2. “You’d think we’d stop celebrating the birth of the worst imperial power in history – but nooooo … we have to do this flag-waving bullshit every year,”

#3. “I can’t believe I have to miss a good day of golf for this crap!”

#4. “…Could have been at Oakmont with Jay-Z now trying out that new Callaway set Alec (Baldwin) gave me last year! Damn this day sucks!”

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Zimmerman Found Not Guilty. Leftists protests reported in California as [Democrat union] police try to contain the vandalism and maintain order. [] 714/13
Media circus not over. News sources continue to show angelic photo of 13 year old Trayvon Martin. Media avoids presenting the school and civic criminal activities of Martin. TV news explains why Zimmerman should have been convicted. Photo of Zimmerman’s hispanic mother shown. Zimmerman is 50% white as is Obama.

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Racist? Big Dem Media captivated by Paula Deen charges of using racial language more than 20 years ago. Still seeking more evidence that she is a racist. 
Little or no coverage by Big Dem media about how the Obama Un-Affordable Care Act has been delayed [just not ready] nor how much it will impact poor women and children as well as those who pay taxes. July 2013
Big Gov staffers, employees and Unions want to be exempt from the chains of ObamaCare.

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Business Media. As Its Ratings Slide, The Confessions Of A Recovering CNBC Pundit. … Keynesian analytical tools were so dominant that most analysts seemed unaware that there was any alternative. Stimuluses would stimulate. Inflation came from too much economic growth. Tax cuts caused deficits. Period. Keynesian vs Free market supply sider capitalism [] 7/11/13

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Cover Up. Big Dem Parrot Media not telling it like it is.
72 killed in Chicago gun battles over 4th weekend. Big Dem Media focuses on San Francisco plane crash with 2 deaths.

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Big Dem Media does not question the truth or validity of statements by Democrats like Obama, Holder or Clinton. They evaluate whether or not the strategic statement just employed was effective. 6/2/13

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Big Dem Gov to host an “off the record” meeting with The Mostly Democrat Media to discuss The Big Gov views on Freedom of the Press. Off The Record is a big snag, even for The Mostly Democrat Media. Perhaps China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Taliban, and Venezuela could be invited in to act as Mediators. 5/31/13

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I Do Not Know. Situational Amnesia approach to Leadership. Interesting how Democrats do not know, do not remember or have no recollection of that. Big Dem Media totally buys into that situational amnesia response by the smartest people in America. The amnesiacs would include Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, and of course the Highly Exhaulted Unknowing One, Barack H Obama. Dang. They just do not know. 5/29/13


Want Free Media Attention. Go out of business. Your local press will give you a huge write up that you would seldom if ever received while in business.

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Recap of last week’s news

• Obama does not know, again.
• Holder still does not know, again.
• Hillary says what difference does it make!
• Big Dem Media quite satisfied with these answers.
• Uninformed concerned about AJ’s breasts. =TheRightJack on 5/20/13

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Team Obama and Dept of Justice under Eric Holder, spies on AP, The Associated Press. Big Dem Media appears to be slightly annoyed. Will Media blame Bush 43? 5/14/13

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Rumor: Some reporters in the Big Dem Media are beginning to see the light and report the important news about the failing US economy, the lack of transparency throughout the Democrat leadership and false Democrat talking points fed to the media. 5/10/11

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Gay story leads. Big Media absolutely giddy about NBA player who comes out of the closet. Wide ranging national coverage via print, radio and TV. On the other hand, the Big Dem Media is …

• Quiet about Muslim terrorism threat nationally and internationally.
• Quiet on abortion doctor who killed live aborted babies in a building owned by wife of AG Holder.
• Quiet on Benghazi cover up of mistakes by Obama and Clinton.

• Quiet on ill-conceived Holder gun running disaster in Mexico. 
• Quiet on border crimes.
• Quiet on sad state of US economy under Obama.

• Quiet on fake sequester cuts that the Dems created.
• Quiet on rising inflation.
• Quiet on losing value of dollar due to quantitative easing.

• Quiet on disastrous unemployment levels.
• Quiet on growing welfare roles under Obama policies.
• Quiet on how easy it is now for people to obtain Obama disability payments with suspicious claims.

• Quiet on continuing under-par job growth.
• Quiet on conspicuous spending on Obama family vacations during hard times. =TheRightJack on 4/29/13

Update: This former NBA player goes to work for Team Obama. 5/11/13

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Curses. Big Dem Media foiled in their broadcasting wishes for Boston Marathon islamic terrorist bombers to be conservative white guys. Turns out that two of the four, were young light skinned Russian international students – Chechen. One killed in gun fight with police. One on the loose, now captured. One to be deported to Saudi Arabia. 4th one TBA. Secy of State Kerry decries fact that fewer internationals are coming to USA to go to college. Dems in Congress fail to support Obama Anti - 2nd Amendment Gun legislation as this poor economy remains as the highest concern for a majority of the US people. Videos by perps have surfaced. [] News reports collected by TheRightJack on 4/19/13 

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Media hopes ... Boston bombings caused by white right wing extremists = very first comments by Big Dem Media. 4/15/13

US History of criminal attacks on defenseless students and shoppers in USA have been show to be mostly registered Democrats, have Democrat leanings or sympathies, and/or have Democrat family members. That is the opposite of how the Big Dem Media reports it.

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Bozell: ABC, CBS, NBC ‘Deliberately Censoring’ Bad News on Obamacare. For just one example … In late March, the Society of Actuaries released a study showing that, partly because of Obamacare, health claims will increase an average 32 percent, and some states will see an increase of 80 percent. [] 4/11/13
Bottom line is that the cost of ObamaCare is going to skyrocket and US health care system is going to deteriorate.

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What Cost? Big Dem Media is mum on cost of recent Obama White House Sequester Party [Number 10] featuring many big name stars, past and present. Stay tuned. US Taxpayers care. = TheRightJack on 4/12/13

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According to a new survey from Pew Research, most of the major "news" networks focus more on opinion than reporting. Number of actual investigative type reporters are declining. More reporting is done via political talking points. [PewNo date shown.

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Shhhhh. Benghazi Cover-up. Still in progress since September 2012. No one knows who is to blame and it is certainly not Obama or Clinton. Big Dem Media disinterested.

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Shhhhh. Hurricane Sandy Cover-up. Still in progress since late October 2012. Many victims still very upset. Big Dem Media quiet as a mouse in contrast to Hurricane Katrina where Bush 43 received daily Big Dem Media criticism for months. Unlike Bush 43, Obama receives No Blame at all. From occasional reports, the Obama effort is laggin behind the Bush 43 effort.

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Giddy. Media personalities at news outlets like NPR are seriously "out of control" giddy over Obama speech. Heard their comments on NPR 1/22/13

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Low information voters explained by Rush Limbaugh. The reason they do not know what is happening is that the media they follow is not keeping them informed by selectively omitting news and information that might harm Democrats. January 2013

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Spinning? Pro-ObamaCare group sponsoring symposium to train journalists how to report on ObamaCare. Obama money helped fund their pre-ObamaCare activities [] 1/17/13 
Do you know what collusion smells like? This is how the Dictators do it.

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Farewell, Mr Boortz … The truth is that Boortz, who dubbed himself everything from "The Talkmaster" to "Mighty Whitey" is an extremely shy and introspective person. [] 1/10/13 A favorite talk show host of TheRightJack.

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Media Bias. Hurricane Sandy relief lagging well behind the relief efforts after Katrina. Media suppressing negative stories of delayed action, grief, anger and desperation that would harm Obama. Republicans and Bush taking heat from Democrats in the media and Congress. 1/11/13
Are you still buying "The LIne" about marvelous Big Gov diagnosis and treatment under ObamaCare?

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Media Bias. Doubt removed. Consider this clear and incredible admission by NBC's Brian Williams just two days following the November 6 election, "With the election now over, it is once again safe to talk about the economy and jobs; now that it is not a campaign issue, it's back to reality." Published 12/26/12 by L. Brent Bozell at the Media Research Center.

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Benghazi Cover-Up. Big Dying Dem Media are able to keep real or fake stories about Republicans on the front pages for months. More serious stories involving Democrats are snuffed out and ignored. Benhgazi cover-up, rampant vote fraud, union violence, black on white crime, Joe "The Gaffe" Biden, and excessive Obama vacation spending are just a few such examples. =TheRightJack on 12/25/12

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School shooting. Another perfect opportunity for the Big Time Dying Dem Media to ignore our fiscal problems made worse by Obama. Focus is on NRA, guns and the GOP.

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Time Man of the Year … Wrong. Not Obama. It should be the Big Time Dying Dem Media. They carried his baggage without ever asking tough questions. For instance, can you provide us with an undoctored copy of your birth certificate, for starters. 12/20/12

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Big Dem Media still very quiet and not inquisitive at all about the 3 million legal and illegal votes that gave Obama the 2012 presidential election. 12/9/12

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Bias. Only THE Media Baffled that More Guns Lead to Less Crime. … Gee, there are more innocent people with guns and people are surprised that criminals are now more reluctant to commit crimes? [] 11/28/12
This following statement continues to be very much a truism. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws and governments will have guns. Hence the UN effort to outlaw guns. The UN is replete with dictatorial regimes that squash dissent.

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Bias. Big Dem Media continues to shield Obama by focusing on Petraeus affair while keeping the Benghazi cover up off the front pages. GOP missteps and disinformation receive weeks of front page coverage. What does the Big Dem Media have to gain with a shrinking economy, shrinking advertising revenue, shrinking subscriptions and fewer employees? 11/17/12

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Fox News. The most trusted by the Right. The most disliked by the Left as many on the street interviews reveal the effectiveness of Big Dem slander campaign of Fox News. 11/16/12

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NPR asking questions this morning that they would not ask Obama before the election. For example: Middle east. Benghazi. Fiscal cliff. Immigration. 11/8/12

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Big Dem Media working feverishly to prop up Obama by spreading false polls and false reports that are detached from scientific reality. =TheRightJack on 11/4/12
Update: The Democrat leaning pollsters were right as the GOP did not get their voters to go to the polls. 11/8/12

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NPR has Obama in the lead this morning. Most other polls have Romney ahead at 50% or more. 10/30/12

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20 sec. ABC gives Bengazhi cover up where 4 men died just 20 seconds of air time. "Still investigating" is the Obama party line on this military disaster. Videos and emails confirm the cover up. They knew and refused to act. 10/27/12

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Big Bird is richer than Romney … so why are US Taxpayers supporting him/them and other public broadcasting show partners. [] 10/8/12
Big Bird is a million dollar enterprise and does not need US Taxpayer funding.

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Media outlets NPR and Yahoo proclaimed that Obama won the debate, as predicted. He showed up. TheRightJack felt it was rather even. Voters on the Right probably decided that Romney came out on top with his smooth delivery of his plans and Obama failures. The Left would certainly be happy feeling that Obama won hands down. Undecided may have shifted more toward Romney based on one focus group made up of mostly undecideds from Nevada, some of whom voted for Obama in 2008. Overall, it would appear that “facts” did not carry the day as Obama frequently wandered into comments and actually “misspoke” several times [e.g., energy permits, jobs created, green job failures, auto bailouts] while Romney did not clarify his position on reducing taxes for everyone once again. Both sides are probably happy. =TheRightJack on 10/17/12

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Style to win over substance. Media talking points about the Presidential Debate emphasize that style will win over substance. Right! US voters want a personable but naive candidate in the White House, not a knowledgeable leader who can get the economy turned around, create jobs and reduce our unsustainable spending. =TheRightJack on 10/16/12

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Dem Media Bias. Extremely quiet and quite disinterested in the fraudulent crony business arrangements of Obama that have cost US Taxpayers billions of dollars. Do you mean like GM, that Obama cell phone maker, and those green energy companies ... not to mention suppressing the absentee voting rights of our people in military service. See our section here at TheRightJack on Vote Fraud and other Gov Fraud. Not much transparency with this gaggle of Democrats. =TheRightJack on 10/9/12

NPR bias continues. Devoted a generous amount of time this morning for the Obama “what I should have said at the debate” Tour as he was back on the road campaigning. Obama and Big Dem Media continue to say that Romney lied and did not offer any specifics. In the meantime, the Obama specifics include the decades old socialist “Forward” theme as a follow up to his 2008 “Hope and Change” theme that was void of specifics. 10/5/12

NPR anti-GOP bias. Woke up this morning to another NPR comment about how the Republicans who are fixed on tax cuts is the problem with Congress. No mention by NPR that Democrats in Congress are fixed on tax increases and more spending. =TheRightJack on 10/2/12
This anti-GOP narrative continues throughout the Big Dem Media and their talk shows. They totally ignore the “fact” that Democrats had total control of Congress for four years – 2 with Bush and 2 with Obama – and accomplished nothing. Why? Democrats absolutely knew that US Taxpayers would have rejected their ideas at the ballot box. Democrats bailed on immigration reform. Then Democrats rammed ObamaCare through a Democrat Congress without GOP input, and it has been rejected by a large percentage of the population. =TheRightJack

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Busted … Obama DOJ using Media Matters, a highly partisan left wing media group, to spin and sanitize DOJ reports to the public. Obama still censoring media reports and stories. 9/22/12 

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Rumor: The anti-muslim video that caused 21 "spontaneous" 911 demonstrations in the middle east was produced by the grandson of former Worst US President Ever Jimmy Carter. Obama administration still not admitting that the 911 violence was known ahead of time. Big Dem Media protecting Obama. [See Rumor Mill here at TheRightJack]

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It’s All Over. Common Big Dem Media theme at this time is that the Romney campaign is dull, unexciting and losing ground to Obama in the polls. The Media Cheerleaders will not disclose complete information about the economy or factual truths that hurt Obama or what Obama is doing or not doing while they contribute to the Obama election campaign. This nearly unanimous cheerleading for Obama must mean that Romney is ahead. Vote like Romney is behind and recruit 2 more like minded voters. =TheRightJack on 9/28/12

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Libya. Big Dem Media all over Romney for what he said about Libya and 47% of population living on US Taxpayer money. Media still asking Obama about his favorite musicians while avoiding any questions about Libya, terrorism, attacks and our terrible economy and the unemployed. 9/20/12

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Truth. Fact checking the fact checkers. Wow. We know that politicians and the media make up “facts” all the time. We have know for some time that Snopes and Wikipedia are biased sources of information. And we should realize by now that Democrats are known to accuse Republicans of what Democrats are actually doing. Who can we trust?

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DNC radio room. Dem staffers do not permit Democrats delegates and elected politicians to speak on the radio. First time this has ever happened according to one Wall Street reporter. Try this internet search: DNC Radio Rooms. Heard on the radio 9/6/12

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Media members at DNC using fake names in order to buy Obama memorabilia to help or honor Democrats. Heard on the news 9/7/12

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Trust? RE: GOP National Convention. Scroll down the menu at this link and see what your local Big Time Dying Media Filter elected to not show. Interesting. TRJ watched the Convention on C-Span. No interruptions. We interpreted for ourselves what we saw and heard. Refreshing. Nothing from either side. Totally Refreshing. []
What does the Big Time Dying Media Filter know that they are not telling us?

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In-depth media interview. Obama grilled in interview by asking for his favorite wish, favorite music and restaurant suggestions for Chicago. KOB-FM in Albuquerque NM. In local newspaper. No attribution.  8/18/12
Wow. Media really digging deep to get to the heart of His economic policies, unemployment, border problems, immigration, added ObamaCare taxes, death panels for seniors, hidden college records, hidden payoffs to cronies, failed energy grants, lack of transparency, illegal DOJ actions, not to mention mob violence, etc.

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San Diego newspaper [Union Tribune] was purchased by a conservative hotelier who has told the world that he is a conservative and what he believes. Big Dem Media rumored to be bent all out of shape for telling everyone what he believes. Heard on the radio [nytimes] 8/18/12
Big Dem Media tells everyone that they are not biased but they are 90% Democrats and carry the water as part of the Democrat propaganda machine.

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Pro-life people beaten up while Big Dem Media covers the divorce of Tom and Katie. … Just in July there have been five attacks against pro-lifers without any mention in major media outlets. But what was news? What were the major news outlets – say, ABC, CBS and NBC – covering instead? Read here about more attacks that go unreported. Pro-lifers grouped in with terrorists by DHS. [] 8/13/12
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The Media Research Center found 86% of Mitt Romney’s recent media coverage was NEGATIVE. The networks then APOLOGIZED for not making it all the way to 100%! … The results: The broadcast networks committed 53 minutes of almost entirely negative coverage to Mr. Romney, and 92 minutes of "gushing" to Mr. Obama. [] 8/3/12
Read on. With research data like these, the Big Dem Media should be required to register as Democrat lobbyists as pure propagandists. Unfortunately, far too many people find their news ONLY through the Pravda-Like mainstream news sources.
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Disinformation: How it works. [] 8/7/12 
A Must Read for the politically astute as well as the believers of transparency in government. In fact, study it. Disinformation was a staple of the old USSR. Dare I say that disinformation cannot survive without a compliant or in-house media.

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Getting better or getting worse. Big Dem Media and Obama continue to use the word "Recovery" to describe a US economy that is faltering or stalled. We are getting worse when
• Total unemployment staying at ±15%
• There are fewer workers now than in the recent past, and growing
• Cost of living is going up
• Unemployment for college grads, blacks and hispanics are unacceptably high
When your competition is getter better, that means you are getting worse. The same thing happens in education, sports and the military. However, if your political objective is mediocrity within a mediocracy, then the performance gap is diminished. =TheRightJack on 8/4/12
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8.3% Unemployment up again. More jobs lost than created. Retail sales down. Energy grant recipients from Obama continue to falter. Illegals allowed to sneak across US border from Mexico. Big Dem media focuses on what They label as Romney gaffes while abroad and that Obama wants to meet Gabby Douglas. =TheRightJack on 8/3/12
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Tea Party blamed for violence by Liberal media. See 5 minute video by Media Research Center shows that the Tea Party members are not the terrorists. [] 7/26/12
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Pravda [USA] Revisited. Establishment Media Controlled. For example … It shows that most – not some – members of the print media establishment with access to the White House submit their copy to government official for revew, “correction” and approval before it reaches the American people. ... but labeled as actual news. [] 7/22/12
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What ever happened to real journalism? … The sad truth is that the Progressive agenda and political correctness have destroyed the integrity, morality, and honesty that once belonged to our press corp. [] 7/22/12
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News and Truth. ... With all the other scandals that have rocked this administration and are almost too numerous to name; here is a partial list:

• Obama campaign contributors receiving sweetheart government loans
• Creation of a hit list of citizens who contributed to Mitt Romney
• Summary execution of citizens [Their list, not mine.]
• Fast & Furious
• Illegally appointing administration officials without Senate confirmation
• Law by executive order and regulatory edict
• Complete shrouding of Obama’s past
• Creation of his own Kenyan birth story
• Leaking national security information
• Extending executive privilege to Eric Holder and the Justice Department
• Changing immigration law by caveat
[] 7/22/12

Big Dem Media in depth reports reveal that Obama likes thin mint Girl Scout cookies and he wants to meet Gabby Douglas 8/3/12
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Colorado movie theater killer. Med School dropout tagged by ABC reporter as a Tea Party member and Rush Limbaugh listener. Unfortunately for the Big Dem Media, they misinformed the public again when they mis-identified a middle age man, not a 24 year old. By the way, is this killer white, black, Hispanic, white Hispanic, white black like Obama, white muslim, black muslim, Asian or what? 7/20/12
Blame it on the Tea Party did not stick. Now the shooter is labeled as a super patriot = anti-immigration.
Late photo shows that the theater shooter is white like the Arizona shooter who was also identified immediately as a Tea Party member by Big Dem Media. ... but turned out this shooter was a left winger.

This shooter was described as a loner. Not a good trait for school children or young adults.
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Black Mob “Knock Out Game” raising alarms. Goal is to knock out with one punch a defenseless or elderly white or Asian person they know will not fight back or is unable to fight back. St Louis newspaper and police not reporting the facts related this popular street game among black youth. Citizens upset. Media covering up these crimes. Police provide little help. [] 7/19/12
The mayor of St Louis is a Democrat. Obama and Holder silent on these sickening race crimes perpetrated on our most defenseless citizens.
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Obama guts welfare reform and removes work requirements. Redefines work to include exercise, bathing, keeping a journal and resting among other things. This executive order was not mentioned in the Big Time Dying Dem Media but they did let us know that Obama likes thin mint Girl Scout cookies. Heard on a radio report 7/16/12
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70% of GM sales are to Government. 7/16/12 
Not going to hear or see that in the Big Dem Media.
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Faith in Big Dem Mainstream Media drops to 15%.
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Media double standards. Big Dem Media highlights the fancy cars of Romney contributors at his fundraisers. Fancy cars of Democrat contributors at Obama fundraisers ignored by Big Dem Media. [] 7/10/12
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Black terrorist mob actions in Seattle go unreported with little or no police action. [] 7/8/12 Obama and Holder ignore this.
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2 Tu-95 Bear H nuclear capable bombers fly simulated attack into US air space on the 4th of July. US Media reports = None that I saw. Obama unexpectedly failed to report this intrusion. US fighters responded. Putin test accomplished. [] 7/6/12 How did we miss this front page news?
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Media still ignoring economic facts and made up "facts" surrounding Obama that would be broadcast from the rooftops were this faltering US economy presided over by a Republican. =TheRightJack 7/5/12
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Media bias against Walker in Wisconsin on full display at Ed Schultz radio show. … A new Media Research Center study shows "The Ed Show" guest count tilted against Walker by 237 to 1. Think about this. One person supports Walker, 237 against him. Contrast this with "The O'Reilly Factor's" guest count on the subject: 12 guests for Walker, eight opposed, seven neutral. [] 6/1/12
With the Fairness Doctrine and the FCC, Democrat politicians are trying to remove radio shows from the airwaves when they favor Republicans while giving a pass to far Left radio personalities who act in the same manner if not far worse, like Ed Schultz who presents an extreme Liberal bias.
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Big Time Dying Media ignores sex selection abortion controversy as Democrats favor abortions for nearly all reasons possible. For instance, if the mother wants a boy and the fetus is a girl, abortion is OK. =TheRightJack 6/1/12
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Day 3. Big Time Dying Democrat Media not covering story about Catholic Church taking Obama to court over the birth control requirement. See notes about media bias above. 5/24/12
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Black on white crime being ignored by media and police in Maryland. When addressed or reported, charges of racism surface. [] 5/18/12
Obama and Holder show no leadership as both are silent on black on black crime and black on white crime. This is just one of many news samplings.
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The Vetting of Obama ... "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." from a 1991 booklet by the Obama publicist. [] 5/17/12

Reported on the Drudge Report 5/17/12
How long will it take for the Big Time Dying Media to report this story?
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Recall Scott Walker effort in Wisconsin. Democrat challengers failings, cause media to go quiet. 5/14/12
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Obama is very energized about trashing Romney [e.g., bullying as high schooler, anti-women, too wealthy, killed jobs] and it is getting good coverage by his media but Obama remains sadly silent on
• black on black crime
• the anti-education beliefs of young black males, and

• hit and run absentee fathers who are destroying the black community. 5/12/12
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Will the Big Time Dying Democrat Media fall on their swords and continue to prop up and cover up for the Obama job killing economy with its massive negative impact on media advertising revenue, subscribers and overall cost of doing business just like most all business sectors? =TheRightJack 5/5/12
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Romney will need to do something to get the attention of the media. Really? Heard on a radio news report 5/3/12
• Well, he could run for president of the USA.
• Maybe work out a ridiculously low priced land-home deal, for instance.
• Playing more golf and taking expensive vacations will not work. The media totally ignores Obama fundraising, vacations and regular golf outings.
• Maybe Romney could hide his birth and school records. Nope. The media ignores that kind of stuff.

• Maybe Romney could tout his communist, socialist and revolutionary mentors. 5/4/12
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Cleansing. Wikipedia takes all references to the 2012 Obama “Forward” campaign theme off their web site. [] 5/2/12
Yet more proof that Wikipedia is not a credible source of accurate information for students or any one else.

It is nice for sketchy characters to have members of the media who will erase or cover for your mistakes. 
Keep media bias out of the 2012 election. Click on the 2nd box down to see how the media is falling all over Obama. []
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22.5%. The media. Real unemployment rate for January 2012. U6 is the real unemployment rate. Bureau of Labor Statistics only reports the U3 rate. [wnd] 4/15/12
Democrats and their Big Time Dying Media neither like nor report data that which reflects badly on "their" economic policies.
Big Time Dying Democrat Media continues to lose revenue from subscribers, viewers and advertisers, not to mention union scale, because of their support for the Far Left agenda of Democrats. Needless to say, when people cannot buy, small and large businesses cannot advertise. Call it that Risk - Reward principle of capitalism.
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Play book for how media creates bias, a case study ...
• Show younger innocent looking photo of victim rather than adult 6’3” version
• Show photos of shooter in jail clothes rather than shirt and tie
• Downplay police reports
• Accent those who generate violent emotions and hatred
• Repeat and replay rants from hate mongers
• Present just one side of the issue
• Ignore the other side of the issue
• Ignore rampant crime problems in the area
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93%. Percentage of deaths by blacks that are at the hands of blacks. This is totally ignored by the Big Time Dying Dem Media and black leaders.
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Trouble in troubled Sanford, Florida before Trayvon Martin [] 3/31/12
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Media strangely [?] quiet about these 19 news items. [] 4/10/12
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Black on white crime. An unthinkable story of hate was visited on an elderly Oklahoma couple in their home. She was raped and killed. He was badly beaten and is unconscious. [] 3/29/12 December 2011 crime not widely reported and mostly ignored.
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Trayvon Martin Media Heat ... for ratings and to sell advertising?
Trayvon Martin, new picture of him. [] 3/27/12
More Trayvon Martin stories from both sides [] 3/26/12 Big Time Dying Dem Media creating heat but shedding no light on this dreadful event.
New Black Panthers put $10,000 bounty on “White” Hispanic accused of shooing 17 year old in self defense. Contributions by athletes and stars. Silence by Obama and Holder means = It is OK. No problem. Details from media still missing. [] 3/26/12
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More jumping to conclusions. Stand your ground. The Trayvon Case case. Assault or self defense. Since February 26, media only giving one side of the story and that flames the fires of hatred and hysteria. [] 3/24/12
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Boy 13 set on fire in Kansas City for being white. [] 3/4/12
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Hmmm. Did not see or hear much of anything about that racially motivated non-hate crime. Many similar black on white non-hate crimes are lightly reported by Big Time Dying Dem Media while so-called hate crime "accusations" proliferate like a virus. 
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Fake hate crime situations like those of Tawana Bradley in NY and Duke lacrosse players in NC are spread like a virus by the Big Time Dying Dem Media and the Justice Brothers [Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson]. 
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Fanning the fires of racial hatred and distrust by jumping to conclusions without proof.

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ESPN and Packers halftime show in 2011. What viewers did not see. [

The Walt Disney Company owns ABC and ESPN. [Source is Free Press]
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Obama petitioning to have Rush Limbaugh removed from Armed Forces Radio 3/15/12 [] Democrats have been trying to shut down talk radio for years. They cannot stand the heat ... make that the light of day. Keep them Democrats dumb, shoeless and pregnant.
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In the meantime, Obama denies disaster relief to heavily GOP areas. This is not new. Just not reported in the Big Time Dying Dem Media.
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Bill O’Reilly on Fox News will not touch the validity issues surrounding the Obama birth certificate, etc. He is too busy. Interesting, eh what 3/13/12 Rumor is that Saudi’s own a portion of Fox news. Could that be why!
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Washington Post writer calls Rush listeners “Jerks” and makes up other stuff about Rush. [] 3/8/12 So who is showing their civility?

False. Rush adultery sponsor reported in WND []

Insults with impunity [] 3/8/12
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People who listen to Rush Limbaugh know that Rush does not say the things that the Leftists claim. These Media types are free to making up nasty stuff about Republicans and Conservatives without facts. Is this not sad? It is scary that these biased “perps” can assassinate the character of those with whom they disagree so easily without qualms and with no consequences. =TheRightJack 3/8/12
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Media acting like Obama PAC [] 3/8/12
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Media Polls. When phrasing poll questions for "selected" or "targeted" respondents, pollsters can get any biased answers they want. =TheRightJack

For example: Questions for Adults, Voters, Registered voters and Likely voters can produce dissimilar results. So, polls mean nothing if readers do not know the details.
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6 to 1. Movies with conservative themes outperforming the favorite valueless movies Hollywood likes to produce. Heard on the radio 3/9/12
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Bias. Sponsor count. Rush sponsors vs local companies that advertise thru the local affiliate. [] 3/7/12 Big Dem Media relentlessly frames their stories with incomplete and inaccurate data ... or they just lie. Their retractions and corrections are infrequent and inadequate when the truth surfaces. 

Read about the Newt Gingrich ethics violations when he was in the House that were ruled no violations by the IRS. The Big Time Dying Democrat media beat the drum for House Democrats for months, just as happens to any right of center politician or celebrity. Conclusion: bogus. [CSmonitor]

There is little or no interest on the part of the Big Dem Media to set the record straight. The media is Democrat to the "corpse."
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Obama scheduling his own [political] media events on the same days as GOP debates and votes.
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All about politics. Turns out that Fluke is a dedicated Democrat who likes Media Matters, a Democrat PPD hack operation. The Fluke “testimony” was part of a Democrat political strategy to get female votes and divert attention away from the disastrous Obama economic policies. Obama is why the total number of employed workers is declining and media revenue is down. Many of the sponsors that dropped Rush are from Big Dem States like CA MA MN. We support Rush Limbaugh and his right to make dumb statements as do Joe Biden, Maxine Waters and many other politicians. 3/6/12

$3,000. Sandra Fluke estimates the cost of birth control for Georgetown students while in Law School. She wants US Taxpayers to pay for this.

Outrage or media diversion? Sponsors that dropped Rush Limbaugh on the radio:
• Guicken Loans based in Detroit, Michigan
• Carbonite based in Boston, Massachusetts
• Sleep Number Beds based in Minneapolis, Minnesota
• ProFlowers based in San Diego, California
• LegalZoom based in Glendale, California
• Citrix based in San Francisco, California [] 3/3/12
• AOL based in New York City, New York
• Tax Resolution Services based in Encino, California
- - - back on Rush Limbaugh 3/13/12
• Sears Holding Company based in Chicago, Illinois
• AllState Insurance based in Chicago area, Illinois

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No outrage occurred when Laura Ingram and Sarah Palen were called the same derogatory names any many others by Democrats in the Big Time Dying Dem Media.
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Unbiased? TV personality makes $1 million donation to Obama campaign. On Friday leftist comedian Bill Maher announced that he was donating $1 million to President Obama's own Super PAC -- Priorities USA Action. Maher said, "This is the wisest investment I think I could make." Also: Jeffrey Katzenberg (Dreamworks) $2 million; Steven Spielberg (Dreamworks) $100,000; J.J. Abrams (The Lost) $50,000. 2/25/12
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Oscars and the Hollywood Left. Interesting report on Oscars facts in Parade. Would like to see a breakdown on who among the award winners have been Republicans. 2/26/12
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Big Time Dying Democrat Media willing to say anything and make up stuff to lend support to Obama and the Democrats. Just look how they make up stories that link violence to Tea Party gatherings.
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Travel day radio 2/8/12
NPR. Interview with former Clinton cabinet member, Robert Reich, now a college professor, calls Social Security an entitlement while sticking it to Republicans. Heard on NPS 2/8/12.

Correction Mr Reich: US workers bought and paid for our Social Security while food stamps, unemployment and welfare payments for having kids are FREE entitlements created by Democrats to generate more Democrat voters.
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Abortion. With abortion as a central plank in the Democrat political platform, they need to get as many voters from other sources as possible. That means Big Dem Gov [1] payments and subsidies to unions and education and [2] opening the US borders to free and unrestricted immigration.

NPR. Talk show host continues to frame the Tea Party as a right wing radical group made up of violent people despite an over 70% approval rating from the general population. This is the kind of ongoing media bias by Democrats IN the media that keeps the uninformed and uneducated lining up at the Big Dem Gov Trough of Dependence. Heard on NPR 2/8/12
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Replay: Bernard Goldburg on Fox explained that Left wing liberals consider themselves to be mainstream and any person to their right is radical.

People like this are so insular that they actually do not know what is going on outside their own narrow sphere of influence, politically called "Inside the Beltway" and "Post Hole Deep" in academic circles. The latter thought is from TheRightJack
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Bias? 250 or so news articles appeared when Newt was charged by the Democrat dominated House for ethics violations. Around 75 of those charges came from one House member, a Democrat. The charges involved a college course he was teaching. The IRS later said that there were no tax violations. Little or no coverage of this by Big Dem Media. Heard on the Neal Boortz radio show 1/24/12
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Bias? Media fails to report Democrat security leaks [i.e., CIA operatives] to newspaper by former John Kerry staffer during campaign season. Newspaper pleads ignorance. [] 1/23/12 Media continues its cover ups and/or failure to investigate Democrats while making up stuff about Republicans.
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Reading the pulse. Letters to the Editor published by our local Left wing newspaper focus on the bias claims against Fox News. This is why the 2012 election will be close. After three years, Democrat party line is to blame our financial mess on GOP. Democrats not in touch with reality or the facts. See Election 2012 here at TheRightJack 1/24/12
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72% of NBC references to GOP are negative. Heard on the radio 1/20/12.
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90%. Before the 2008 election, Bush 43 was hammered relentlessly by Democrats, and their Media in particular, about the poor US economy. Unemployment at 4.6%. High Debt. Today with 9% adjusted unemployment and nearly 20% real unemployment to go along with fewer actual jobs today than in 2008, there is next to no criticism of Obama in the Big Time Dying Democrat Media. Well, what do you expect. 90% of the Big Time Dying Media are self-defined Democrats. =TheRightJack 1/19/12
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Bias? Juan Williams of Fox News continues Democrat media charges of racism on any mention or criticism of Obama policies. This specific occurrence was in response to a Newt Gingrich answer [i.e., The Food Stamp President] to Williams’ debate question in SC. Heard on O’Reilly 1/18/12

Media charges of Racism have been the primary defense of Obama policies from day one. It serves two purposes: [1] suppress criticisms of Obama's policies, and [2] keep African-American voters on the Democrat plantation.
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And then there is still that sticky little birth certificate issue and the Obama failure to produce one that can be verified and certified as legitimate.

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Media wars. Advice continue to filter out that Republicans need to “play nice” rather than confront Obama and the Democrats about their disastrous economic policies. The gist of these reports seem to be that if Republicans continue to talk like extreme far right wing Conservatives, the moderate Republicans and the Independents will flock to Obama. At the same time, there seems to be no remarks for the really extreme far left wing progressive Democrats that they need to tone down their nasty rhetoric and name calling, which they have been doing for decades. Yet, Republicans seem to be winning local and statewide election after election by running as Conservatives who challenge the spending habits of Big Washington Gov. Chances are that these advice pieces by the Big Time Dying Leftist Media are aimed at voters who are not really paying attention yet and voters on the Right who have not yet figured out that they are being “gamed” by the Leftist Media. =TheRightJack 1/3/12

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Replay FYI: Unbiased Media. The Big Time Dying Dem Media believe that they are mainstream and middle of the road. All other media to their right are “extreme” right wing. So, if you believe them, there are only mainstream media and right wing media. That really does make good sense when listening to their own claims of being unbiased. Bernie Goldberg said it best on Fox News. November, 2011
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NPR continues to bring up the decades old “mistakes” of Gingrich despite his numerous explanations. Big Dem Media like NPR still giving Obama a pass as he presents yet another full form but FAKE birth certificate. Who is this Obama? December 30, 2011
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Media bias ... 50 examples. [] 12/10/11
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Bias or incompetence? Harry Reid [D-NV] reported that NPR was not able to find actual millionaires to interview who create jobs. He calls these job creating millionaires unicorns [= fantasies]. Heard on talk radio 12/14/11.
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Home sales. National Association of Realtors re-figuring homes sold to verify/revise their numbers. Going back to 2007. Expecting the results to be worse than originally stated. [CNNmoney] 12/13/11
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Unbiased Media. The Big Time Dying Dem Media believe that they are mainstream and middle of the road. All other media to their right are “extreme” right wing. So, if you believe them, there are only mainstream media and right wing media. That really does make good sense when listening to their own claims of being unbiased. Bernie Goldberg said it best on Fox News. November 2011.
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Worker surplus. Job shortage claims in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by journalists, lobbyists and Obama is false. If anything, jobs are needed, not more talented workers. [] 11/15/11
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Biased media reporting is: 
• Selective reporting
• Failure to investigate
• Failure to report
• Extensive use of campaign talking points
• Fabrications, also called lies
• Claims of being unbiased.
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How long can the Big Time Dying Media continue to suffer financial losses in advertising revenue and subscription revenue by supporting Obama [biased reporting] and the disastrous Democrat agenda against business? Small business [i.e., under 250 workers] employees 80% of US workforce.
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Democrats blast Republicans as do nothings. GOP is trying. Republican solutions and legislation never gets reported by their media. Democrat stalling and obstacles seldom if ever reported by their media.
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Media Integrity: The Big Time Dying Media are the ones who tried to convince us that the economy was in decline during the Bush 43 administration. Then they instantly flipped 180 degrees while trying to convince us that the economy has been improving during the Obama administration. The media propaganda continues despite more than double the unemployment rate of the Bush years, not to mention more food stamp recipients, more foreclosures, falling home values, declining construction, and stagnant if not declining sales.
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Missing. Have you noticed that there are few if any references to the pieces of legislation that have been offered by Republicans over the past five years. Is that because Republicans are a do-nothing bunch or is that because Democrats have shot them all down in committee. In this case, do-nothing means that Republicans have tried to stop Democrats and Obama from further damaging the USA economy.
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Democrat dying media happy. Rick Perry cannot recall the three federal agencies he would eliminate. It was education, commerce and energy. Media lets slide The Obama Gaffe when he spoke about our 57 states. There are 57 muslim states. 11/10/11
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Test. National Alert on radio and TV. November 9, 2011 at 2:00 pm. Done either by FEMA, FCC, Homeland Security or The White House so Obama can show you how much he cares. There are countless shady activities going on with this Obama group in Washington that we must be very suspicious about any project they bring forth.
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Bias? 24/7 Media continues to run the same Herman Cain story line about sexual harassment. Ignoring his response except to say that Cain has denied the allegations. Alleged and actual Democrat transgression receive little or no media coverage.
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High tech lynching of Herman Cain by the Democrat media [] 11/3/11
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IF we only had a real national media with integrity as good as FOX. FYI: Media Internet Search: Obama Sinclair 2008 ...
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Bias? Larry Sinclair and Barack Obama. This is a story you may not have seen in the media. It is quite similar to Bill Clinton and his repeated bimbo eruptions. This search is about Obama and his supplier. When a Democrat has secrets in the shadows, they stay in the shadows and the Democrat media attacks the accusers, naturally. Learn more by clicking on this link. [yahoo]
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A+. I read an extremely well written article in our local editorial page today. I mean it was a really well written response to a local letter to the editor. Of course, it was pro Democrat which is normal here. The quality of this “response” reminded me of those term papers that students can purchase on any subject. I had a student turn in three such “papers” in succession until I told her that she must write her own paper. This A+ article caused me to wonder ... are Democrats now offering files of generic “letters to the editors” on all topics that can be customized for local consumption. 10/31/11

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Bias? Number of protesters inflated by some in the Democrat media while Tea Party numbers are consistently under-counted. Two are bumped up to four or eight and thousands are reduced to hundreds.
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Democrats and Big Dem Media picking Romney to run against Obama. Interesting!
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Bias for Obama by Rueters. [Daniel J Mitchell of the Cato Institute] Click on this one first. Then click on the charts mentioned later in his article.
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Who is Roger Ailes and why should we care?
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Bias? You Tube pulls video by California shooter, a person of color, who had ties to Rev Jesse Jackson. Media seems very quiet about his background. 10/5/11
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Yahoo News question for Obama today: When are you going to drop your socialist agenda for America and accept the fact the government does not create job while the business of capitalism does? 10/3/11
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Yahoo News teams with ABC News = More Obvious Democrat Media?
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Best commercial: Little boy in Darth Vader costume starts his dad’s VW after no success with the washing machine and a doll on the bed. That little boy’s performance is spot on. Well Done. Memorable. Had to watch it several times to remember the sponsor. September 2011.
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WV shooter said to have socialist leanings. Media soft pedaling this aspect of his beliefs. [] 9/7/11
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Jumping to conclusions is what the Big Time Dem Media does as it tries to pin shootings and bizarre behavior on the Right. e.g., the Arizona shooter.
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Big Time Dem Media shaping the news to fit their political agenda. Read about their Diversity Guidelines, extremism, scrubbing the truth and more. [WND] 9/5/11
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Poll evaluates Bill O’Reilly. Survey indicated that more than 52% of Americans describe O'Reilly's work as either good or excellent. 71% of self-identified members of GOP put him in that category. 13% of Democrats. Harshest critics were Asians and those in their 30s. [WND and Wenzel Strategies] 9/4/11
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Poll evaluates Rush Limbaugh. His performance ratings go higher the more people listen to him. His rating is lowest among those who “never” listen to him. Poll by Wenzel Strategies. [WND] 9/2/11 How is that for a mixed signal. That is like giving watermelon a low rating because you choose not to eat it.
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Just the facts. Interesting collection of “correct” information by Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Not exactly what is getting the ink and face time of the Big Dem Media. Too many to list. Read for yourself. []
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Obama schedules awaited non-campaign "jobs" speech before Congress to conflict with a GOP candidate forum. Not a problem as far as the Big Dem Media is concerned. Called an innocent coincidence. Sure!
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Update: Now the Obama non-campaign speech is bumping into opening night for the 2011 NFL season.
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Herman Cain, black GOP presidential hopeful, slammed by imploding far left wing white female media personality. By definition, there cannot be racism when Demcrats slam black Republicans. [] 8/19/11 Racism and sexism can be shown only by Republicans, white males in particular.
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CBS on line store selling Obama merchandise – hoodie, coat, mug, book [The Blaze] 8/19/11
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Rosy Radio Report. Dow Up 73 then Up 6 later in the day. Now follow this. In this morning, the stock market report was Up 73. Later in the day, the report was Up 6. Radio report offers rosy Obama picture at the Up 6 report but somehow neglected to mention that Up 6 fell from Up 73. 8/17/11
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Obama social security numbers, birth certificate and vetting process of no interest to Big Time Dying Democrat Media.
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Durbin is the one who “hysterically compared the treatment of the Gitmo detainees to Nazis, Soviet gulags, and Pol Pot. While calling for an end to “hateful” rhetoric, he’s the one who wrongfully pointed his crooked finger at the Tea Party Movement and Gov. Sarah Palin, blaming them for the Tucson massacre and the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Recently, he’s the one that, hypocritically, accused the Tea Party Republicans of “political extortion” in the debt ceiling debate.”
[washingtontimes,com] 8/11/11 As usual, Democrats chastise Republicans for being un-civil but give themselves an “A” for good behavior and friendly talk. Click Here and Click Here too.

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Watch how the media reports on this "unbiased" group in the 2012 election. No Label political group positioning themselves as neither Democrat nor Republican. Seems to be composed of mushy middle of the roaders and Liberal Democrats trying to re-brand themselves as centrists. When the rubber hits the road, they will vote Democrat. 12/14/10 -trj
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Holy Smokes. National Organization for Women [NOW] defends Michelle Bachmann against Newsweek article that features an unflattering cover photo of MB. [] 8/8/11 The next thing you know, the NAACP will be saying the Obama is bad for jobs for black teens, black 24 to 44 year old, older middle age blacks, and black seniors. Justice Clarence Thomas – not a chance.
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Big Time Dying Democrat Media and the really left wing Democrat talking heads are doing all that they can to divert all blame for our sinking economy away from Obama [2009 - 2011] and the previous four years [2007 - 2010] of Democrat controlled Congress. Ooops. Do not forget Bush 43. As if nobody noticed.

Tea Party blamed for the economic failures of Obama. See … @BrentBozell on Twitter. The liberal media are so predictable. Now they blame the Tea Party for Obama's economic failures!

John Kerry tells media to not give coverage of Tea party. [] This comes after Obama tells the media what not to cover in the news. Imagine that a Republican had offered this advice.

Flash Mobs. Democrats down-playing racial mob violence perpetrated by young black teens on mostly white men, women and children across the nation. Hate crimes not mentioned. Similar violent attacks on Asians as well. Mobs violence reported in St Louis, San Francisco and Philadelphia. Ample witnesses. Police under-performing. Media silent. 8/7/11 Comments by President Obama, Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev Al Sharpton and Minister Farakhan that might cool down these mobs … ah … missing in action.

Media report missing … Black gang of 50 to 100 assault 100 people at Wisconsin State Fair parking lot. No mention of this in Big Time Dying Media. [] Would be interesting to see the report of this had the gang been white guys beating up on blacks. Friday morning there were no people in custody. 8/5/11 Flash Mob?

Later, black youth says whites are easy targets.

Terrorism to Democrats like Joe Biden is fiscal responsibility and not spending more than you make, or “take in” when it comes to Congress. Democrats are doing their best, with considerable help from the Big Time Dying Democrat media, to label Tea Party members as terrorists. Will it stick, considering the wide variety of people who like the Tea Party.

Blame Game. GOP to get blame for debt crisis no matter how it plays out. Big Time Dying Democrat Media will side with Obama despite the fact that a majority of the people do not want the debt ceiling raised. =TheRightJack 7/27/11

Transparency. What is the media not telling us about the US Economy and the back room deals of this administration. Media asks tough penetrating questions when GOP is in charge.

NY Times labels Norwegian killer as a gun loving, right wing Christian. Ditto the Arizona shooter. Fort Hood officer never labeled as a muslim until a year or so after his killing spree. [WND] Click Here to read what Ann Counter says. Big Time Dying Media jumping to conclusions that fit their political agenda without evidence.

White House secretly blacklists Fox News. In other words, our elected officials have deciding who gets to see what they are doing, ask questions and get answers. Expose courtesy of Judicial Watch. It is a First Amendment case. [] 7/16/11 This is exactly what goes on in the closed dictatorial governments of China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Venezuela and the former USSR. Not a problem with the Big Time Dying Democrat Media.

“They [Media Matters for America] used to monitor the media and point out things that were wrong, false, inappropriate, which is fine, but what you are hearing…is that really now they’re involved in opposition research. They are digging up dirt on people. They’re trying to ruin people’s lives and reputation because they disagree with their politics. And, in specific here, what they disagree with is conservative politics and they really don’t like Fox News. So they’re going after everybody associated with Fox News including the likes of me.” - - - Juan Williams on Fox News 7/5/11

ATMs. Obama blames the poor US economy on automatic teller machines. Can you imagine the ridecule and slander that would have come from the Big Time Dying Media had a Republican said this. By the way, there were ATMs during to good economic times of Bush 41 and Bush 43. They were first introduced in 1972. Who is the economic fool?

People not serious. Newspaper runs AP article noting that US People NOT taking the debt seriously. Media propaganda continues. 6/26/11

New Democrats campaign strategy … do all they can with the full support of the Big Time Dying Democrat Media to blame the Democrat economic disaster on Republicans. This cannot be accomplished without the full "unquestioning" cooperation of the media.

Media Matters, a George Soros attack company, is at war with Fox News. is their initiative to get advertisers to abandon Fox. In their campaign, liberals can send a form letter to the advertisers, describing the Fox News Channel as, "a media outlet with an extensive history of deliberate misinformation, reckless vitriol, race-bating, anti-LGBT bigotry and smears against the Latino community." [AmeriPAC] 3/27/11 Click Here and Click Here.

Leftist media figure on MSNBC alters a Neil Boortz quote for maximum political effect. Another Leftist Lied and got caught. Nothing new about that. [] Click Here to read what Boortz actually said.

Bush 43 stopped playing golf because it sent the wrong message during our wars and the negative criticism he was receiving about golf from the Big Dem Media. Negative media criticism of Obama about all of his golf outings is non-existent. Ditto for the lavish vacations.

NY Times and Washington Post, charter members of the Democrat Media asks for help to destroy Sarah Palin. They are fishing for dirt and want readers to help sort through her emails while in office. How Gestapo-like.
Business writers from the New York Times, not exactly a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, lay our financial problems at the feet of Democrats in Congress and Wall Street. This is not what one would expect to find since the New York Times is considered the unofficial mouthpiece of most all Democrats in the media.

Democrats in the media and are having a good old time picking the Republican presidential candidates. By in large, their preferences seems to be those who are not favored by the Tea Party list.

Dem Resignations and the media. Remember the media criticism of GOP administrations when their cabinet members and advisers resign as they linked them to chaos and disarray in the administration. No such media criticism of Obama as they continue to prop up a predictably failed far left Democrat administration. =trj

Media and others raise issues over Romney as a mormon. No issue with Obama as a closet muslim by Leftist media. Any Republican is better than Obama. Get over it.

80%. Obama got the vote of 80% of the journalists in the media in 2010. It is factually correct that when the Big Time Dying Democrat Media cannot find any dirt on Republicans, they just make it up. Of course, it is reported as news. =trj

Things the media would say about Obama if he were a Republican: Stupid. Amateur. Bankrupt us. Wrecking our economy. Not authentic black man. Arrogant jerk. [Town Hall]

Perhaps the Big Time Dying Media is discovering that reporters, using the term loosely, can make names for themselves and cash in by investigating actual trangressions rather than just make up stuff and create inuendos involving Republicans. After all, the objective of reporters today is to make a name for themselves and move up the corporate ladder. It just more widely accepted in the media when they make up or actually find dirt on Republicans. =trj

Rosey. AP writer Jim Kuhnhenn emphasizes the “low negatives” for Obama as this writer positions Obama reelection prospects as rosey. 6/1/11 Media propagandist at work.

Obama to have DOJ go after stations that air ads that are unfavorable to Him. Quite informative to see how Big Dem Gov is watching you. [Breitbart]

FYI: Facebook founders have been key media players for Obama.

Soros and his media. Reaching 300 million monthly around the globe. counting 13 prominent operations of the 180 media organizations he has funded equals 332 million people each month. More than 30 top journalists service on these Boards. Soros denies that he has a media empire. [CNS News] 5/25/11 Click Here and Click Here.

Added Note: George Soros sponsors a project to fund Democrats in statewide Secretary of State races. The holder of these offices “count” the election ballots. See quote by Joseph Stalin.

Media Research Center, America’s Media Watchdog with Brent

Media Matters for America - non-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservatives. [funded by George Soros]

News Busters – Exposing and combating liberal media bias
Big Time Dying Media just an extension of the Democrat Party.

Media make up stories. Esquire Magazine, that endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008, published a completely fabricated news story claiming Jerome Corsi's new best-selling "Where's the Birth Certificate," published by WND Books, has been disavowed by the publisher and taken out of stores nationwide, with refunds offered to purchasers. [WND] 5/19/11 FALSE! Not true!

Caution: US Voters and Tax Payers must be aware that Democrats continually make up stories to fit their needs, and the Big Time Dying Democrat Media seldom if ever challenges or investigates the accuracy of their claims. Remember:

[1] Bill Clinton recalling all of the black churches that were burned down when he was growing up in Arkansas … never happened.

[2] Slave boat routes from Africa are now heavily populated by sharks from slaves being thrown overboard, offered by Georgia Congressman John Lewis … pure fiction.

[3] Children in day care are going to turn to crime if we do not pass … what ever legislation, offered by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, uber-left Democrat from Florida.

[4] CBS hit on Bush 43 military records.

[5] There is no inflation … we are taking about 2011.

[6] Then there is that well worn litany about Republicans wanting to kill seniors and do away with benefit programs. =trj

Tea Party getting a lot of attention and laser like attention blame from Democrats for the downgrading of US money. Media cooperating with Democrats by not challenging any “blame” statements by Dems.

Media Cover-up in Chicago. Senator Dick Durbin [D-IL] … Taking shots at Tea Party for downgrading of US dollar. Media reporting on irritating Conservative reporter’s questions … no comments by Durbin … no reporting of it by the media.

Media quiet … Unions keep blacks out of high paying jobs. [Daily Caller] 5/12/11
Big Time Dying Democrat Media covering anything and everything but news coming out contrary to this Dem Congress and this Dem White House.

Soros and Media. Internet Search and search here at TheRightJack

Leftists in the media and our Ivory Halls of Indoctrination do not want to see any celebrations or expressions of joy over the death of Osama bin Laden. Is he one of theirs?

Reminder: The Big Time Dying Media really believe themselves to be unbiased. They will not readily admit that they are in the tank for all things Democrat. Polls show them to be 90% Democrat. =trj

Media reporting soft or absent ... Unions: me first, seniority, unpredictable quality of work, slow work rates, high wages, work stoppages, unquestioned leadership support for Democrats, threats, physical intimidation, terrorism.

Calling Evil By Its Name [Canadian Free Press] 4/7/11 Cannot be summarized in a few words. Scan and then read it if it piques your interest. Click Here. By the way, read to Canadian Free Press on line to learn more about what is going on in the USA that the dishonest Big Time Dying Democrat Media will not tell us.

Glen Beck trashed by Media Matters for falsely claiming that he has over 400 listener stations. MM says it is under 400. Recent accounting shows Beck is heard on 430 stations. Fact-less claims by the Left go on and on.

Sen Chuck Schumer [D-NY] tells News Representatives how to properly smear Republicans as extremists. Media accidentally included in his telephone conference. 3/29/11

It pains me to say this as someone who has worked in the news media for 35 years: The so-called "mainstream" is totally without morality – totally unable to distinguish between right and wrong, up and down, left and right and black and white. - - - Joseph Farah, World Net Daily 3/29/11 Click here for the entire story.

GE to not pay any corporate taxes for 2010. Click Here for report by CBS News. Other networks carried the story. No outrage by media when Dems favor "their" big corporations.

Transparency. The only pool reporter at FL event for VP Biden locked in storage closet so he could not report on the social talk before and after Biden talk. Click Here. Again, imagine the negative press that this would have generated had ANY Republican done this. There are no polite words to describe the lack of trust we have in the Big Time Dying Democrat Media.

Media Quiet. Environmentalists blocking sustainable green energy projects.

Democrat Puppet Media and NPR [National Publicrat Radio] clones ignore black conservatives. Click Here for the story.

Spin. In what appears to be an orchestrated effort, Democrats in the media now claiming that the US is not in debt. Democrat propaganda reported as news?

Media Spin. The liberal media not only covered rising gas prices 250% more during the Bush administration, but they also tied them to President Bush and government actions FIFTEEN TIMES MORE OFTEN than they do under President Obama's reign. [Media Research Center, 3/4/11]

No complaining in print or broadcasting by the Big Time Dying Democrat Media about high unemployment numbers and high gas prices or anything else that reflects badly on Democrats. =trj

Leftist media saying the US is not broke. Same reports offered for Wisconsin budget. 3/3/11

Big Time Dying Democrat Media reports on Wisconsin union protests ignore incivility, bullying, nasty signs and bad language.

Many Wisconsin polls favor GOP over Democrats. Same thing nationwide. Media is favoring Dems in their fantasy reports. Ethical press missing. Know what is going on or suffer the consequences. =trj

CPAC. Public not likely to see coverage of CPAC by the Big Time Dying Media. Just like the ACORN and Planned Parenthood video stings that the same Big Time Dying Democrat Media did not cover. That is why Fox News is growing and growing. =trj

Real estate sales still going down. Grocery prices going up. Gasoline prices up. Total unemployment at 15%-20%. Dollar losing value to other world currencies. US Big Gov printing more money = inflation. Obama Puppet Media continues to put happy face on reports about US economy. =trj

Obama Leftwing Puppet Media forgot to report that the AZ shooter had an Obama bumper sticker on his car even though several of his neighbors told them. WWhat else are they not telling us? The current media cannot be trusted to tell us the truth and tell us everything about Democrats. =trj

Obama Puppet Media ignores facts, still spinning Obama policies.
• Unemployment claims highest since October 2010
• Housing starts lowest since April 2009
• Home foreclosures topped 1 million in 2010 for first time, predicted to jump 20% in 2011
• Gasoline at pump could go to $5 per gallon by 2011
• Grocery prices continuing to rise
• Dollar losing position as global reserve currency
• Printing more money by US Treasury is inflationary

Home values have fallen 26% since their peak in June 2006, worse than the 25.9% decline seen during Depression years between 1928 and 1933, November marked 53rd consecutive month (4½ years) that home values have fallen. [Katie Curnutte, Zillow PR Manager, January 11, 2011] Obama puppets in the media continues to deceive the US Taxpayers and put a positive spin on this failing economy.

Raising the US debt ceiling and printing billion of dollars by the US Treasury means inflation at best and monetary collapse at worst when the US Dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency. The latter is happening right now. Obama Puppet Media covering this up.

GM in trouble? Financial expert says that GM is selling a lot of program cars to rental companies and the like. Why? Their sales to the general public is not where it needs to be. Obama media reports that GM is doing well.

Print media strategy. Readers cannot rely on media headlines to tell the story. Why? Headlines positive for Obama. Story often bury negative effects of Obama policies. Read the entire story.

Remember when Bush 43 what hosed by the media when gasoline prices dropped and he was accused of some kind of unsubstantiated back room deal with Middle East oil producers.

Obama Health Care death panels in full strategy mode. Remember that death panels do not exist according to Obama, the undocumented US citizen, and the Big Time Dying Media.

James Clapper, Obama Director of National Intelligence, not briefed by staff on London terrorist arrests. 12/22/10. It is OK. It was a Democrat snafu. Media only roasts Republicans who mess up. =trj

Business & Media Institute looks back on the year's news each year and selects the top 10 worst economic myths. Here is the 2010 list:

10. GM Repayment Shows Taxpayer Bailout Worked
9. All the Economy Needs is More Stimulus

8. Soda is Like Cocaine and Ads Cause Obesity
7. Obama the Tax Cutter

6. The Tea Parties are Astroturf, but Green Groups Aren't.
5. Despite Largest Budget in History, Obama is Fiscally Conservative

4. Lack of Press Freedom in Gulf Doesn't Point to Obama
3. Nearly 10 Percent Unemployment Isn't So Bad

2. ClimateGate? What ClimateGate?
1. The Chamber of Commerce is Taking "Secret Foreign Money" for Election. Click here for more lengthy explanations.

Voter fraud being ignored by the Big Time Dying Democrat Media.

Brad Sherman, [D-CA] dismisses stories about voter intimidation and highly charged racist comments by the Black Panthers because he did not know or read about it. Do you suppose he did not read about ObamaCare. Does that mean it does not exist? Rush Limbaugh - Doing journalism the media elects to ignore. July 14, 2010

Sarah Palin. With considerable help from the media, Democrats have been constructing negative voter opinions about Republicans since Dwight Eisenhower. Bush 43 was trashed the very moment he became a Presidential nominee. John McCain was considered a good guy by the media until he became the Republican nominee for the Presidency. Then, Democrats and their media ripped him to shreds. =TheRightJack

Obama snubbed in Russia. Media coverage lacking in US – see attached video

I watch a 10-second video where a lineup of leading Russians refuse to shake the hand of Chairman Obama. They did shake hands with the fellow who was following him down the greeting line. Dmitry Medvedev, I think. Did you see this on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC? 10/1/09

Since Democrats own the big time dying media, one would think that they should register as a political action committee for Democrats. If not that, then perhaps they should forfeit their “Freedom of the Press” privileges … TheRightJack

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