Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Energy follies sparking TheRightJack

Democrat Green Energy ... Priorities?

Gimme an E

Gallons of jet fuel used per hour by Obama on his free-spending jaunts, not to mention the other members of his administration and Congress … while telling us how bad drilling for oil is for Planet Earth.

In the meantime, the free-wheeling climate change fraudsters at NPR and elsewhere continue to spread false information about a warming Earth ... which is NOT happening.

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Obama War on Coal. Electricity bills are going to climb as power plants shut down. US electricity to become a scarce resource. Single women, children, minorities and the middle class with limited budgetary wiggle room will be hit the hardest. 6/2/14

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Break the Back of the US Economy ... US has already lowered our industrial emissions, but not the rest of the world.

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Senate Report Ties Soros Group to 'Billionaire's Club' Dictating EPA Actions … An "elite group of left wing millionaires and billionaires" fund "the far-left environmental movement, which in turn controls major policy decisions," according to a U.S. Senate report released on July 30. The report singled out, among other groups, the secretive Democracy Alliance, a group founded in part by liberal billionaire George Soros. [mrc.org] 7/13/14

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Big Green’s untold billions: 

Mainstream media don’t know Big Green has deeper pockets than Big Oil … Mainstream reporters appear not to be aware of the component parts that comprise Big Green: environmentalist membership groups, nonprofit law firms, nonprofit real estate trusts (The Nature Conservancy alone holds $6 billion in assets), wealthy foundations giving prescriptive grants, and agenda-making cartels such as the 200-plus member Environmental Grantmakers Association. They each play a major socio-political role. … Weather Channel co-founder John Coleman adds, “The federal government is currently spending $2.6 billion [per year] on climate change research (and only those who support the “carbon dioxide is a pollutant/major greenhouse gas’ receive funding).” [cfact.org] 5/15/14 
Major Eye Opener. Exposing the sources of Big Green Money that the Big Dem Media elects to ignore [censor].

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Gasoline Price History. 

Remember when Bush 43 was criticized by the Big Dem Puppet Media for making secret deals with the Saudis when gas prices fell. The price of gas has dropped nearly 50 cents or more a gallon recently. Have you heard anything from the Big Dem Puppet Media that has been critical of Obama for making secret deals with the Middle Eastern oil producers. Nope? =TheRightJack on 11/25/14

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Power outages = What will motorists who rely on electric vehicles do for those days if not weeks without power to charge their dead car batteries? Not all dead electric car batteries can be recharged. One electric car company sells a replacement battery for $40,000. =TheRightJack on 4/29/13


• Fisker Automotive, which received nearly $200 million in taxpayer money, is laying off three-fourths of its U.S. workers.

• Karma. This losing tax-subsidized venture joins other past losers like the Obama-subsidized Volt that gets 40 miles per battery charge, or like the Obama-subsidized Tesla that turns into a “brick” when the battery completely discharges and then costs $40,000 to repair. [therightscoop.com] 4/5/13
Big Dem Media very very quiet about Obama energy cronyism.


Carbon Emissions ... US vs China

According to Bloomberg News, US carbon emissions are down 13% over the past five years and that they are now the lowest since 1994. … US doing it without Big Gov … The gaping hole in carbon reductions efforts is China which refuses to act to cut them.  Claiming it is a developing country, the world's second largest economy is its largest carbon emitter.  Indeed, each year China's emissions grow by an amount that exceeds the total emissions of Japan.   So each year, the increase in Chinese GDP (about $400 billion) causes more emissions than the total of the Japanese economy which is ten times as much -- $5 trillion. [DickMorris.com]
Emissions is not the point. Bringing down the US economy is the Obama objective.


• 82% of US energy comes from fossil fuel.
• 78% of world energy fossil fuel demand 2009 to 2035. 
Source: George Will column on Sunday 2/3/13

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A123 Systems Inc. Battery company got $1M from Energy Department the day it filed Chapter 11 [thehill.com] 11/16/12


Obama Greene energy follies … On October 16, A123 Systems -- a manufacturer of lithium batteries for electric cars -- became "the fourth major clean energy company backed by the Obama administration to fail" when it filed for bankruptcy. $138 million wasted. Can you say: Solyndra. Vesta. LG Chem. A123. [americanthinker.com] 10/27/12


$179 Million. Solopower, the next Solyndra? 
Obama learns nothing from Solyndra.
Set to blow $197 million on "Solopower" [breitbart.com] 9/29/12


Gasoline prices up. Food cost up. Family income down. Inflation up. Hmmm. How is it that those “undecideds” still not know for whom to vote?


Blame Game …

Price increases for food [inflation] over the past years have been blamed on the increasing cost of gasoline.

Today, the recent increases in the price of gasoline is blamed on increasing food costs. Presumably They really mean the cost of corn used to produce ethanol. *

* Ethanol is less efficient for your car engine and it costs more [energy] to produce than is saved by adding it to gasoline. How economically dumb is that?


14 months to fail. The Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, heavily financed under an Obama administration energy initiative, has closed its 214,000-square-foot facility 14 months after it opened. Officials at Amonix headquarters in Seal Beach, Calif., have not responded to repeated calls for comment this week. ... This company received a U.S. tax credit of $6 million and a $15.6 million grant from the U.S. Energy Department in 2007, according to Jen Stutsman, an agency spokeswoman. [businessweek.com] 7/18/12


GE employees 301,000 people worldwide. How many Obama green energy bailout money jobs went "overseas" to just this one "favored" company?


+50%. Over 50% of GM autos are built outside USA. Side comment heard on a radio news report. 10/24/12


70% of GM sales are to Government.


Obama czar, former Illinois Republican turned Democrat, gives The Undocumented One credit for developing the Toyota Prius, a car that hit the road in 2004. Heard in his own words on the radio 7/11/12
Not yet able to confirm with a link to his words but TheRightJack heard his very words.


Pay up. How would you like to be fined for not using a product or service that is not yet available. This is actually happening in the US oil industry. See below.
Big Goofy Gov. Companies are now paying EPA fines for not adding a required ethanol additive to their gasoline. But get this. The contracts have been let for the additive BUT the new additive is not yet in production. As ridiculous as it seems, companies are already paying fines for not putting this additive in their gasoline. How did Big EPA Gov manage to pull that off? 6/22/12


$1.36. Cost to charge your cell phone … and other electronic devices. [iphonehacks.com] 6/22/12

See: Green Energy Failures by Obama posted here at TheRightJack on 6/16/12

New definition of green jobs by Obama for Obama. [foxnews.com] 6/6/12\
This is Saturday Night Live material.

And more on Green Jobs creativity / imagineering.
If Obama is going to take credit for the police writing tickets on a Prius as a green job, I want to know how many green jobs Bush 43 created, in comparison.

Oil rich islands/land near Alaska given to Russia by Obama. … The agreement was negotiated in total secrecy. The state of Alaska was not allowed to participate in the negotiations, nor was the public given any opportunity for comment. [wnd.com] 2/16/12
Click on the link to read this incredible story of US Big Gov irresponsibility at a time of partisan disagreements on domestic oil production.

Pros and Cons of 5 types of green cars. [kiplinger.com] 1/27/12

Two Faced Predictability. Obama says that he cannot do anything about high gasoline prices. When Bush 43 was president, Democrats ranted against him about high gas prices and even accused him of making deals with the middle east oil producers when the price of gasoline came down. At that time, as today, Democrats were able to block new exploration and building new refineries. Add to this the fact that Obama has blocked off shore drilling and the Canada-US oil pipeline and you have a good reasons why we have high gas prices today. =TheRightJack on 5/12/12

Truth or Fiction? Price of gasoline has nothing to do with Obama. [westernjournalism.com] 4/26/12

EPA under Obama has political philosophy to crucify oil and gas industry. [cnsnews.com] 4/25/12
Update. And then he was fired. Another socialist bites the dust, for now. He will return, eventually.

Obama holding off on the Canadian pipeline until after the election so that his "greenies" do not vote against him. Then full steam ahead after he is re-elected. It is all about politics for the Left.

Solar Trust of America’s Chapter 11 filing on Monday listed assets between $1 million and $10 million, and liabilities between $50 million and $100 million. US Taxpayers out $2 B-b-billion [conservativebyte.com] 4/3/12
Another shot in the dark by an administration with virtually no business experience fizzled out. And Obama wants us to give him another 4 years to see if he can, what ... figure it out.

Oil subsidies. What specific oil company subsidies are Obama and the Democrats cutting? Read on ...
Big Oil Subsidies. Shell Oil exec Marvin Odum with Charlie Rose on US Big Gov subsidies … ODUM: We don't see these as subsidies. It's important to understand these are the same deductions, manufacturing cost type deductions that are taken across all industries, not just the oil and gas industry. [www.rushlimbaugh.com] 3/30/12 with transcript commentary by Rush Limbaugh

Electric rates to rise as Obama EPA has blocked more coal fired power plants bypassing Congress while nation focused on ObamaCare. 3/30/12 [foxnews.com] 3/29/12

Airplanes, Electric, that is. Cannot wait to see that nuclear powered airplane since we are prevented by Obama from tapping into our 250 year supply of oil … Or will we invent some kind of IRF extension cord?

250 years. US oil reserves will last 250 years based on current usage. Perhaps we will have discovered another safe energy source, like nuclear, and anti-friction technology by then. 3/8/12

Gasoline. Obama says that US has 2% of world oil reserve. Correction. US has 2% of US oil reserve pumped and out of the ground. All in all, we have more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia but Obama will not allow it to be brought to the surface, to appease the anti-capitalist Democrat environmentalists, some of who can be regarded as domestic terrorists. [foxnews] 3/7/12 Political trickery at the pump.

Cost of gasoline. Obama crew admits that they have no idea how to lower the cost of gasoline. They say that possible solutions will not be fruitful and lower costs for nearly a decade. Whose fault is that? Democrats. So, let's start working on the solutions now, not later, says TheRightJack 2/24/12

Algae. Really?? ... Obama promotes algae as a source of fuel to reduce oil consumption. "If we can figure out how to make energy out of that, we'll be doing alright. Believe it or not, we could replace up to 17% of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in America." [campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com] 2/23/12
Sure. Let us invest barrels of US Taxpayer money is this really smart Obama idea. His track record on speculative energy jobs is so good. How did algae escape the Energy-conscious? Why not kudzu! Is the Big Dem Media smiling at his brilliance or his grasping for meandering straws. Remember his moment about "inflating your tires" to solve gasoline price problems.

Semantics on oil: Obama claims there is more drilling now than before. Opponent claims that oil production is down. We know that off-shore drilling is down and drilling on Big Gov lands is down. So what is Obama telling us during this election cycle? 2/24/12

Ener1. Another energy company that received Obama Money declares bankruptcy. [cbnnews.com] 1/26/12 Yet another bad Big Dem Gov "guess" gone bad as Obama officials with absolutely no business experience continue to show their ignorance at the expense of  US Taxpayers.

Chapter 11. Yet another huge strategic business blunder by Obama on the viability of green energy. ... Energy Conversion Devices (ECD), based in Auburn Hills, MI, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and intends to sell its assets, including its main subsidiary United Solar Ovonic (Uni-Solar). [conservativebyte.com] 2/15/12

Energy. Obama vetoes Canadian oil pipeline citing GOP arbitrary timeline. Hurts US. Unions angry. Obama money backers angry. As with oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, Obama supports it but places permit obstacles in the path of drilling and energy self-sufficiency. 1/18/12

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Chevie Volt ranks #3 on worst product flop of 2011. [24/7WallSt] 12/27/11

Stirling Energy Systems Files for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy [renewableenergyworld.com] 9/28/11

Beacon Power declares bankruptcy; second loan guarantee recipient to falter [washingtonpost.com] 10/31/11

Energy Savings Tips from Yahoo Finance. 11/23/11

While working to save energy, you might also develop a plan to improve your health. If and when ObamaCare begins, older people who are among those who are most prone to health issue, will become the last people in line to receive diagnosis and treatment. The ObamaCare Financial Strategy is to let older people die in order to save budget dollars. =TheRightJack

Solyndra to cost US Taxpayers another $14.3 million as 1,100 former employees to receive $13,000 assistdance package. … The greatest outrage is the fact that no one in the administration has been held accountable for the illegal shennanigans that assured this fleecing of the American taxpayer ever took place. See notes at the end for more more crony stories. [westernjournalism.com] 11/23/11

Legal fees of Solyndra paid for with money in the Big Green Gov grant from US Taxpayers pockets.

Obama pushing for $9.2 B-b-b more in green energy spending. More US Taxpayer venture capital payoffs directed to his campaign backers. He seems to be a slow learner, if you follow his growing unfavorables in the polls. Follow the history lesson below …

• September 2009: Department of Energy approves a $535 million dollar "loan" for Solyndra
• September 2010: Opens a $733 million dollar factory in Freemont California
• November 2010: Shuts down one of their older plants due to lack of demand for their products and increased costs. 40 employees are laid off and 150 contracts for temporary workers are terminated.
• December 2010: Staff is decreased to 1,000.
• August 2011: Solyndra declares bankruptcy.
• September 2011: FBI agents and inspectors from the Department of Energy raid the Solyndra offices and search the executive's mansions. Source: Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise 9/28/11

Dupped? Dupable? Dupee? Obama dupped by his highly favored Solyndra solar energy company as they went belly up. What a lame excuse for incompetence and bad socialist policy. US Taxpayers taken to the cleaners again with yet another Big Gov spending program that did not work.

The lies we tell about green energy. [Las Vegas Review-Journal] 9/4/11

AG Ken Cuccinelli of Virginia sues EPA as he is being labeled anti-science. [Roanoke.com] 6/13/11 See why he sued and why he is not anti-science. See the Dem spin on that.

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax. Energy. Green. Conservation. Drive mileage tax next Democrat dream tax. [Human Events] Big Dem Gov needs to generate Big Gov income when energy conservation results in less Big Gov income ... in order to spread the wealth. That means buy votes in the US system.

Picking Winners. Another favored “green” company of Obama, this time in Massachusetts, lost its spark and goes out of business in 3 years. Moving overseas. [Beck] 8/16/11

125. Chevy Volts sold in July 2011. [RedState.com] Interesting article about the GM business and their bailout payments. Have seen 2-3 versions of the GM payback and have no idea what is true. Media disinterested. =TheRightJack

Gasoline - the natural state. I am sure that you have seen women and men who have augmentations, lifts, nips, tucks, suctions, replacements, injections, stretching, transplants, hair dying and all manner of “changes you can believe in” that are designed to return them to their natural appearance. In the end, they usually look like cartoon depictions of their former natural state.
Some experts predict that gas prices are likely to never drop to the low rates of the pre-Obama era. Why? Big Gov is most likely the culprit. We do not have a free economy nor do we even know what our “natural state" is or could become again. Big Gov and Congress has so many regulations and restrictions on so many aspects of our US capitalist economy, that it would take some broad based economic action, equivalent to The Fair Tax, to remove and correct all of the “take aways” and “give aways” that are effecting domestic energy production and pricing.
At the present time, our Big Gov energy policy and pricing is a bad cartoon, a bad haircut and a bad hair day all rolled into one. As is the case in many instances, Big Gov is not the answer. It is the problem. = trj

Head of GM wants Big Dem Gov to raise gasoline tax $1.00 per gallon. Why? To force drivers to purchase the more fuel efficient cars that they produce.

Actually, these so-called fuel efficient cars use more energy to build and recharge and replace batteries than they save in energy. The technology is just not there yet as green energy businesses stall, flounder and fail.

Cannot believe that Juan Williams actually said on Fox last night that producing our own oil would not lower the cost of gasoline by more than a few cents. 6/8/11

Green before its time? Is California self destructing and going dark with clean renewable energy mandate. 20 other states in the same boat. Incredibly easy terrorist targets. [NYTimes.com] Click Here to see how they plan to do it.

Do not ask. Tell your Representatives in Congress to ...

• Stop energy taxes based on the climate change hoax.
• Open US areas to oil and gas exploration.
• Liberate our coal industry from massive government intrusions.
• Increase the use of nuclear power.
• Wait for technological advances in wind and solar power before outlawing our vast gas coal and oil production potential.

Taxes. State and federal taxes account for over 20% of the cost of gasoline at the pump in 2009. 20% profit for doing nothing. Pretty nifty business model. See this history of energy taxation. Click Here.

Cap and Trade will make it necessary for the USA to import energy and, at the same time, raise taxes on tax payers. Non-taxpayers and those who choose not to work will receive energy subsidies from the Democrat government =TheRightJack

Congressional “earmarks” galore [1400 energy and water projects] in new Democrat spending bill. Click Here. Do I not remember something during the campaign about reducing earmarks. Nah. Just my imagination.

BTW: What are the energy costs for overnight battery charges in zero-emission electric cars. Reports say that the total cost of energy for in-efficient electric cars is higher than current cars. This includes the manufacturing costs. Then there is replacing that huge car battery every how many years ... well, never mind. = TheRightJack

$2 billion to Brazil for off shore drilling to help China get oil. No benefit to USA. Why not drill in US waters? 7/20/10

Energy tax rejected around the world ...
• China Rejects "Energy Tax" bill will not reduce global warming
• Obama is on his own as countries around the world such as France, Poland, Australia, the Czech Republic, and New Zealand are turning against the cap-and-trade "Energy Tax" regressive policies for their own countries. China says that Obama is borrowing 50 cents of every dollar he spends. India has rejected the idea for their emerging economies all along.
• Even global warming advocates admit that the bill passed by the House will have no significant effect in reducing global warming, despite all of its costs for the America people.
• Source: Short section from the Conservative Action Alerts on July 2, 2009.

Energy taxes are predicted to double in the future under Democrat initiatives. Those who are poor, untaxed, or do not care to work, will be given additional stipends by the government to compensate them for higher energy taxes. Everyone else pays … June 27, 2009

While on the campaign trail in 2008, Barack Obama threatened to shut down the US coal industry. This has wide-spread Democrat support as do other forms of energy control. At the present time, coal produces 50% of US electricity. Where are the Volt buyers going to get the needed juice to power their all-electric cars that get an estimated 40 miles per day between charges. … trj

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