Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fact Free Liberals

Fact Free Liberals


Harry Reid is a lawyer, a really far left Democrat and a Mormon.? Just listen to him make up stories about how all of the ObamaCare true life horror reports are lies. That is what Democrats do, make up stuff. They could not do this if the Big Dem Media were honest. March 2014 


Are conservatives and Republicans anti-poor? Hardly. ... “Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, ‘Who Really Cares,’ cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.... Lots more data in this article. Read on. Debunk the Liberal propaganda by Democrats and their Media. [] 3/11/14

Fact-Free Liberals … Read this four part series written by Thomas Sowell. Do an internet search on Fact-Free Liberals. He goes into the 200 year history of the “wishes” but “fact-less” dis-information that flows so smoothly from the minds and mouths of Liberals today.

Four part series written by Thomas Sowell

First, About the Author 

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

Fact-Free Liberals: Part 1

Obama and liberals long on rhetoric, short on facts … Obama seems completely unaware of how many of the policies he is trying to impose have been tried before, in many times and places around the world, and have failed time and again. Economic equality? That was tried in the 19th century, in communities set up by Robert Owen, the man who coined the term "socialism." Those communities all collapsed. … Facts are not liberals' strong suit. Rhetoric is. [] 1/20/14

Fact-Free Liberals: Part II

 … Rent control … Gun control … Minimum wage laws are another issue where the words seem to carry great weight, leading to the fact-free assumption that such laws will cause wages to rise to the legally specified minimum. Various studies going back for decades indicate that minimum wage laws create unemployment, especially among the younger, less experienced and less skilled workers. … When words trump facts, you can believe anything. And the liberal groupthink taught in our schools and colleges is the path of least resistance.

[] 1/22/14

Fact-Free Liberals: Part III

 … The actual signing of the "war on poverty" legislation took place in August 1964, so the 50th anniversary is some months away. But there have already been statements in the media and in politics proclaiming that this vast and costly array of anti-poverty programs "worked." … What the war on poverty was intended to end was mass dependency on government. President Kennedy said, "We must find ways of returning far more of our dependent people to independence." … On the more fundamental question of dependency, the facts were even clearer. The proportion of people whose earnings put them below the poverty level -- without counting government benefits -- declined by about one-third from 1950 to 1965. [] 1/23/14

Fact-Free Liberals: Part IV

 … Leftists like Rousseau, Condorcet or William Godwin in the 18th century, Karl Marx in the 19th century or Fabian socialists like George Bernard Shaw in England and American Progressives in the 20th century saw the people in a role much like that of sheep, and saw themselves as their shepherds. … The visceral hostility toward Sarah Palin by present day liberals, and the gutter level to which some descend in expressing it, is just one sign of a mindset on the left that goes back more than two centuries. [] 1/24/14

See also posted here at TheRightJack:
Presidents Lie as do other Politicians

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