Thursday, December 23, 2010

START treaty bad for USA

• It forces the U.S. to reduce its stockpile of nuclear weapons, and makes our existing nuclear arsenal unreliable

• It gravely reduces the ability of the U.S. to defend itself by banning the use of missiles to shoot down incoming missiles [Do you see this. We cannot defend ourselves. This is a key provision insisted upon by Russia. -trj]

• It compromises our sovereignty by creating a Bilateral Consultative Commission ... which could open the U.S. up to more restrictions without Senate approval

• It abandons the "trust but verify" monitoring deal with Russia, undermining our ability to know what kind of missiles they are developing and testing

• It forces the U.S. to eliminate as many as 150 delivery vehicles, even though they may be used for transporting conventional weapons, so it harms other military actions ... and it allows Russia to ADD more than 130!

• It does nothing to address the danger of nuclear terrorism, ignoring the threats we face from Iran and North Korea

Note from The Voice of Russia: Russia and the US signed the new START treaty on April 8 in Prague. The treaty envisages large scale reduction of nuclear missiles and means of their delivery. On the insistence of Russia the new START connects strategic arms with global anti missile systems. 7/10/10

Note from the right jack: If the Democrats in Congress had the interests of the USA as their number one priority, they would have brought this legislation to the floor before the lame duck session.

Posted later: A retired military expert said that Russia gave up what it did not want like old technology. The US gave up what it needs - self defense capability against the likes of Venezuela with its new Iranian missiles.

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