Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Medicare Ponzi Scheme

Medicare fiasco. This is not a debate. It is a political collision.

The way that Medicare has been run by Congress has been likened to what is called a Ponzi Scheme. It works like this.

[1] Offer a nice return on your investment.

[2] Take investment dollars from the suckers.

[3] Make a few nice payoffs to the early "investors" who buy into the scheme. This will entice new investors into the scheme.

[4] Take the money from the new investors and run out on the late investors.

[5] Move to a new area, change your name, and repeat the Ponzi scheme with variations on new suckers knowing that the investors will be cheated out of their investments.

The problems:

[1] Congress has "borrowed" money for years from the Medicare account into which the US Taxpayers have been paying ... just like in a Ponzi scheme.

[2] Politicians do not want to fix Medicare because it is likely to result in some changes to the current benefit system. If those changes involve reduced payments and benefits, those politicians who make the changes will pay for it at the ballot box.

[3] So Democrats have crucified all Republicans who have made attempts over the past 6-8 years, and maybe longer, to start repairing Medicare. It is happening now.

Current payments into the Medicare system have been sufficient to keep it solvent, afloat. Now, more people are to become eligible for Medicare payments than will be paying into the system. In order to continue making payments to more and more eligible recipients, Big Gov [i.e., The US Treasury] must borrow more money to make payments to the eligible recipients. Since the US is already borrowing what amounts to 40 cents on every dollar the US spends, borrowing to pay Medicare adds to our mounting debt.

Democrats do not want to mend Medicare, until it fails, if then.

2018 or 2024 or 2036 are the collapse and go broke dates according to the partisan Democrat US General Accounting Office - GAO.

Rumor: Democrats just want to let Medicare die so that it can be replaced by ObamaCare and the new Democrat Death Panels.

Once again, Republicans are trying to fix Medicare now, so that it does not fail. A 2011 GOP proposal makes no changes to beneficiaries for 10 years.

Factoid heard on the radio [5/25/11]. Medicare, the Big Government Plan, denies more medical claims than does The Insurance Industry. So, who wants to kill granny, as Democrats say? Big Gov or capitalism.

Who are Democrats always ripping? Big Insurance.

Hey Seniors! Wake up. Who is trying to fix Medicare. Who is looking out for you? Republicans.

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