Thursday, November 10, 2011

Book: Capitol Punishment by Jack Abramhoff

From epithet to penitent

Author of best-seller earning fans

For more than five years, Jack Abramoff's name has been an epithet for high-level corruption.

But with the release of his penitent new best-selling book, "Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth about Washington Corruption from America's Most Notorious Lobbyist," the man known by the media as "disgraced lobbyist" Jack Abramoff has some adoring fans.

It was over a span of 10 years that Abramoff became the most powerful lobbyist on Capitol Hill. Congressmen lined up to do his bidding, executives heeded his advice and heads of governments hung on his every word.

Then scandal brought him down to disgrace and prison, but this power broker said nothing.

Now a free man, he's penned "Capitol Punishment" and is pulling back the curtain on the mysterious and corrupt world of federal politics, admitting how he initially felt dirty – but got used to it.

While his name became synonymous with government corruption, the drastic fall from grace was his wake-up call. And he now admits he did wrong. He said he lost sight of the "line," and he had plenty of time to reflect during his 43-month prison sentence.

Not only is "Capitol Punishment" rocking K Street and the Beltway Establishment, it is rocketing up the sales chart at Amazon.

With support for Congress at an all-time low, "Capitol Punishment" gives readers the opportunity to view the world of lobbying through the eyes of the ultimate insider in Abramoff and learn just who is manipulating many of the decisions made by America's elected leaders.

The fans are starting to gather, too.

Abramoff's "Capitol Punishment" has been available for only one day, and it already has generated multiple five-star reviews from readers at Amazon.

Here's what readers at Amazon are saying:

"Abramoff has written a book that is both casual and inviting as well as scorchingly honest, both about himself and the broken power system of Washington. You can't help but empathize with a guy who became part of corrupt system and then made huge enemies by playing the system better than anyone else ever did. The fact that the line between morality and dishonesty was so blurred that even good people (and yes, Abramoff was a good person) could be blind as to what side of that line they were on is testament to how badly real reform is needed."

"It's easy to dismiss Jack Abramoff as a villain, but that's too simple and smacks of unearned superiority on our part. As is obvious from reading the book, the real Abramoff is a much more complex and – dare I say – sympathetic character. The story of how a deeply religious person, charitable to a fault, could wind up in federal prison is a cautionary tale. We are foolish if we are 100 percent convinced that, were we in Abramoff's shoes and operating in a system that encouraged and rewarded such aggressive behavior on behalf of our clients, we wouldn't stumble in some if not all of the places Abramoff did."

"I would highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to understand why their government is so infuriating to them. Abramoff opens a window to a universe that few people in America see and tells it like it is (and still is). He certainly crossed the line – if there ever was one – in certain situations, but he's also clearly on a redemption tour. It's not surprising he's being attacked by DC insiders because he is showing the public how slimy and greedy most of them are."

"Capitol Punishment is a great book, full of humor and penetrating analysis. Jack Abramoff is finally able to tell his side of the story. Although he was portrayed as the epitome of evil and a monster, this book demonstrates how the media made him a scapegoat and how it's still business as usual on K Street."

"With incisive, reasoning, refreshing candor, and razor-sharp wit, Mr. Abramoff reveals just why our politicians have got it so wrong. He offers his most comprehensive picture of the American political scene to date. You will find the real, uncensored Lobby World. His book has achieved must-read status."

Branded by a Time magazine cover as "The Man Who Bought Washington," Abramoff was the centerpiece of the largest D.C. scandal since Watergate. Sentenced to prison, Abramoff became the poster child for why the political system needed to be cleaned up. But has the system really been fixed?

In "Capitol Punishment," Abramoff offers a harsh, thorough roster of reform imperatives. There will be little applause inside the Beltway.

He has paid the price for his offenses and now he is ready and willing to discuss details as well as his unique insight into the systemic reforms needed to prevent others from falling into "disgrace."

There is much to the Abramoff saga that almost no one has heard before. The book is full of surprises and entertaining anecdotes that provide insight into many of the escapades and surreal dealings in his life. While he is the villain in the black fedora hat to most of the world, this narrative unearths Abramoff, the human being – tortured, troubled, guilt-ridden, broken, sorrowful, penitent. There are lessons for all in this compelling and redemptive story.

As of today, the book was landing among the top couple dozen at Amazon overall. It was No. 1 in books focused on criminals, No. 7 among political memoirs and No. 11 among all memoirs.

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