Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Really? November 16-30, 2011


Wife to husband: Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

ACORN Housing = AHCOA = Affordable Housing Centers of America. Name changed in 2009. Receives $700,000 grant from Obama. [] 11/28/11

Hey Suburbs. Tea Party groups are composed of clean, civil, job holders and their families. That means good business. =TheRightJack

Student Education or Indoctrination? Student achievement is the primary purpose of education in our public and private school systems. Education versus indoctrination is becoming a critical issue in shaping young minds. Remember that capturing the minds of the youth through indoctrination has been a primary “social” objective and accomplishment of most totalitarian regimes like those of NAZI Germany, Japan, USSR, China, Cuba and Iran. This includes many of the muslim theocracies where government, politics and religion are one in the same. We now see evidence of indoctrination becoming more common in our US public and private school systems. Mindless repetition of political dogma is indoctrination, not education. =TheRightJack 11/28/11

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you pilgrims out there, regardless of race, gender and condition of servitude, even Liberals.

Biased media reporting is: Selective reporting. Failure to investigate. Failure to report. Excessive dependence on political campaign talking points. Fabrications. Cover-ups. Claims of being unbiased.

Michelle and Jill booed at NASCAR event. Reported by Then carried by Yahoo. [yahoo] 11/20/11 The fiscal irresponsibility of this administration and their lack of transparency that goes right along with their crony capitalist loans and bailouts are too much for sensible US Taxpayers to tolerate. =TheRightJack

Law suit abuse putting small business owners out of business. Small business, from one to 250 employees, hire 80% of US workers. []

$15 T-t-trillion. US Debt just passed $15T = $47,989 per person or $134,271 per US tax payer. 11/16/11

Coincidence. Attacks on Newt Gingrich begin as he becomes the big GOP vote getter in some polls. What a surprise!

$8 billion. Amount of forced union dues that Democrats help secure for the unions that translates into nearly 100% financial support for Democrats. Heard on the radio on 11/16/11. This kind of same-side-of-the-bargaining-table support is why Democrats strongly oppose state by state Right to Work initiatives, not to mention voter ID requirements.

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