Sunday, January 15, 2012

Really? January 1-15, 2012


Have you ever notice that when you put the two words “The IRS” together is spells “theirs”

Need Rats? DC to catch and relocate rats, not kill them. Wildlife Protection Act. Virginia AG believes they will be relocated into Virginia. [] 1/12/12 This parallels what is going on in Greece … making deviant behavior a disability while their financial structure collapses.

Muslim Brotherhood Peace and Freedom [For Men Only] Party wins political control of Egypt. Seeking a lessening of military control. Reported on NPR 1/14/12. Muslim Brotherhood was previously banned by Murbark and his predecessors.

PC? North Korea punishing insincere mourners. … 200,000 in NK prison camps [to get their minds straightened out?] and more in Revolutionary Zones. [] 1/13/12

Good thing there was no public urinating, although losing control of one’s bodily functions, except for real tears of course, might be considered a sign of politically correct mourning. These ruling class dictators really know how to bring about genuine conformity among their dependents. Comply or we will cut your food stamp entitlements. =TheRightJack

Soldiers. If US soliders did urinate on dead terrorists, does the buck not stop ultimately with the Commander in Chief who shows lack of leadership and control. He should resign like a good soldier. 1/12/12 That is exactly what the Left tried to pin on Bush 43. BTW: Why did they video this? And then what idiot spread this video?

Dead people could have noted in New Hampshire had those who tested the system were Republicans, and they did not vote. 1/21/12

Ms Obama plans to start tweeting. Can she make nice? Better let others do the tweeting if they want peace and harmony. 1/12/12

What is looking out for you: Big Dem Gov? Nope. Congress? Nope. Wall Street execs? Nope. Big Time Dying Democrat Media? Nope. The Talking Heads? Nope. Top Military brass? Nope. Union bosses? Nope. Teachers who are indoctrinating your children? Nope. SEIU? Nope. ACORN? Nope. Democrats? Nope. GOP? Nope. OWS/Democrats? Nope. US Chamber of Commerce? Maybe. Tea Party? Maybe. If you hold a private sector job, we better act and plan like we are on our own. =TheRightJack 1/12/12

How long do you think it will be before lawyers figure out how to represent children who are born with disabilities and bring suits in court for damages against their parents and doctors?

OWS now looking like European socialists: Disrupting commerce. Vandalizing businesses like Wal-Mart. Starting fires. Shouting down free speech at GOP campaign rallies. 1/10/12

Obama busted. 2009 Alice in Wonderland Halloween Party at White House that they tried to keep secret - another cover up. Then denied that they tried to keep it secret. More transparency? See photos. Cost to US Taxpayers not revealed. There would have been a huge media stink had any Republican thrown a party of self-indulgence like this, even in a good economic environment. [] 1/10/12

GOP Debate. Unbiased Democrats spent valuable time with their “gotcha” questions on side issues like birth and abortion issues. GOP hopefuls seemed slow or hesitant to switch the questions to The Obama Economy. Score another one for the unbiased Obama Democrats. Wise up. Reframe these questions. 1/8/12

I want you to know you’re the reason that I ran for this office in the first place. You remind me what we are still fighting for. You inspire me. - - - Statement in speech by Barack H Obama in Shaker Heights, Ohio 1/5?/12

Obama gets laughed AT in Shaker Heights, Ohio high school talk. Teen unemployment rate over 50%. []

• 2.128 million federal gov workers, 2010
• 5.089 million state gov workers
• 14.076 million local gov workers
• 109.349 million employed private workers, over 2.5 million fewer jobs, September 2011
• 111.822 million employed private workers, 2008

Unit = new ObamaCare name for senior. How to better personalize your health care than to give you an impersonal name [unit] to go with your impersonal number. Like they care. Units unite.

Voter ID. Obama's DOJ AG Holder working hard ... to make sure voters do not need an ID so they can caste illegal votes for Obama and other Democrats.

90. Obama's rounds of golf that we know about.

$14 million. Cost of Obama vacations in 2010. Heard on Fox radio 12/30/11. News like this not heard or seen in Big Time Dying Dem Media.

$10,000/night. Nancy Pelosi, a big time 1%er vacations at $10,000 per night exclusive resort in Hawaii for Christmas. [newsmax] 12/27/11

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