Thursday, January 26, 2012

Really? January 15-31, 2012


Suggestion: Gingrich not on primary ballot in Virginia. Other states too. Solution: If voters do not vote, Romney wins. Vote for Ron Paul to send a message to Romney and the ruling class Republicans.

Gun sales up in 2011.

$1.03 B-b-billion in unpaid taxes by federal employees at the end of 2010. [] 1/25/12. My policy would be, if I were in office, for THEM to pay up now or be fired AND/OR immediately take what is owed out of their pensions.

1,000 days today since Democrats in US Senate have passed a budget. What are they hiding by not doing this? My guess is that Democrats do not want US voters to see their spending habits. So, Continuing Resolutions are giving cover to Democrats lack of openness. 1/24/12

Media fails to report Democrat security leaks [i.e., CIA operatives] to newspaper by former John Kerry staffer during campaign season. Newspaper pleads ignorance. [] 1/23/12 Media continues its cover ups and/or failure to investigate Democrats while making up stuff about Republicans.

72% of NBC references to GOP are negative. Heard on the radio 1/20/11

Income equality or Freedom. We cannot have both. Tis impossible. Big Gov has an insatiable craving for US Taxpayer money.

Issue for Democrats: Making a profit by buying "raw materials" and then making products and then selling products at a profit. The risk is putting up your own money on the line. The reward is selling a lot of product and creating jobs. This is capitalism. Giving Big Gov "grants" to select green energy companies, for example, is not capitalism. That is a mixture of socialism and fascism.

Culture doing a 180:
• What’s good: Taking Big Dem Gov handouts. Having welfare babies. Not paying any taxes. Slamming wage earners. Wanting free college education.
• What’s bad: Capitalism. Earning power of money that comes from work. Not paying enough taxes. Working your way up to better jobs from starter jobs.

As Big Gov spending increases, unemployment rises. This is what Democrats seek. Keeps everyone on the plantation and beholding to them for their daily existence.

How long will it take Big Gov to receive your paycheck and then pay you what they decide is fair?

Fair Tax. Every Democrat who ran against the Fair Tax in the previous election, LOST. Heard on the Neil Boortz radio show on 1/18/12. Not verified.

Do you suffer with too many colds and sore throats. Then quit smoking. 1/16/12

President Obama was employed by ACORN’s Project Vote as a community organizer early in his career

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