Sunday, March 25, 2012

Book: How Civilizations Die

Can you guess which country this describes?

The national birthrate is collapsing. The economy is in ruin. Unemployment is skyrocketing. Young people are demoralized. Decadence envelopes the nation, drug use is rampant, and a sizeable portion of the women work as prostitutes.

Is it Greece? Cuba? Russia?

See Answer below.

Dear Fellow Conservative:

I've just finished the most stunning, revealing, "this-changes-everything" book I've ever read — and I must tell you about it.

How Civilizations Die — by David Goldman, author of the renowned "Spengler" columns in Asia Times Online — has just proved to me that nearly everything I thought I knew about the world... IS WRONG.

So significant is this book, I want to send you a free hardcover copy. I strongly urge you to read it right away. You'll never see our world the same way again. I'll tell you how to get your free copy in just a second.

But first, you have every right to wonder: What is in this book that has me hyperventilating like a crazy man?

I'll start by answering the question above — the name of the country on the path to self-annihilation. Surely it must be an exhausted European welfare state that has spent and birth-controlled itself to the point of extinction. Or perhaps a third world nation with a starving, desperate populace. Right?


The country described is Iran — America's sworn enemy, the nation that will lead radical Islam to a "new caliphate" and world domination, as its fanatical leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, claims. But this book proves the reality of Iran is utterly different. Iran, as you'll discover in How Civilizations Die, is in fact following in the footsteps of Western European countries — by committing "cultural suicide."

Far from creating a new caliphate, Iran can barely make new babies. Iran's fertility rate stands at a dismal 1.7 children per woman. Last year, Ahmadinejad demanded girls marry and produce more children. The women of Iran are not obeying. Iran's young are protesting the regime by refusing to bring children into the world.

More Eye-Opening Shocks...

Here's another: It isn't just Iran. Birthrates in most Muslim countries are declining faster than anywhere else in the world and at a rate never documented before. This is the great underreported, or misreported, story of our time.

Islam is routinely described by the media as "the religion of the future," poised to swamp the word in a tidal wave of Muslim births. In fact, Muslim nations are battling to survive population-wise. Not possible? All of these startling trends are verified by the United Nations World Population Division.

What does this mean for the US and other countries threatened by Islamic radical terror attacks? The answer will astound you — all the more because, ignored by the media, massive shifts in global power are remaking our future.

How Civilizations Die is packed with viewpoint-altering shockers:

  • Why European environmentalists who want to shrink the world's population to reduce carbon emissions will spend their retirement years in misery.
  • Why population decline in Muslim nations presents more danger to the world than declines in other countries.
  • Why only two developed countries currently boast birthrates above the 2.1 replacement rate and will survive the global population collapse. The answer will surprise (and encourage) you.
  • Why the population decline in the Muslim world has little to do with religion — but everything to do with a word that begins with "E."
  • Why Europeans were never really "Christian" — except for those who left for America.
  • Why the so-called "Arab Spring" — cheered by the media — is nothing to cheer about.
  • Why one Middle East nation shines as a symbolic exception to the cultural and political disintegration afflicting the region.
Scores more surprises await you in How Civilizations Die. As an intelligent, informed reader you'll be fascinated by them all. That's why I've arranged for you to receive a gift copy just for trying the newspaper conservatives rely on for news and insight they can't get anywhere else... Human Events.

Human Events is the newspaper I edit and write for, a job I consider a labor of love. That's because I love my country. And I believe that living in a free America shouldn't require protecting yourself from lies and robbery by your own government... while the President and his cohorts turn us into Greece.

Except that it does! Take a look...

  • Even after the Solyndra scandal, Obamacrats still insist green jobs will save the economy. Meanwhile, reports Human Events, the White House is under pressure to kill a real job creator, the construction of the Keystone pipeline from Canada which could generate over 188,000 private-industry, high-paying jobs.
  • Who keeps referring to illegal aliens as "lawful citizens going about their business?" Why that would be the "smartest U.S. president ever" — Barack Obama. Illegal aliens are lawful citizens? Really, Mr. President?
  • Obama keeps bashing business for sending jobs overseas, yet virtually everything he's done pushes companies to leave. Just ask the President's close pal, General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt, who has shipped tens of thousands of GE jobs to foreign countries.
  • We're led by the brainiest administration ever? Their latest brainstorm: If you apply for a job and aren't hired — see a lawyer. And sue. You're beingdiscriminated against because you're unemployed. Trial lawyers think it's a great idea. Really, you can't parody the ideas liberals come up with — it's crazy logic that makes your head spin.
You really ought to hear our outspoken voice — especially now, as our nation struggles to regain its economic vitality and national spirit... while being led by a President who believes in neither.

I promise Human Events will give no quarter and take no prisoners. We're locked, loaded and ready to rumble.

Thankfully, you can try rationality for a change in the pages of Human Events with this special introductory offer — a full 30-week trial subscription at the reduced rate of just $39.95... a little more than a dollar an issue.

And don't forget — you'll also receive as a FREE gift the astonishing bestselling new book...

You'll never see today's world the same way again after reading this book. David Goldman (aka "Spengler"), reveals how demography foresees a world the liberal defeatists cannot imagine.

It's the real world in which the Islamic nations are headed for population and economic catastrophe, Europe (even in decline) may be able to survive — and the US and Israel will emerge triumphant.

Try HUMAN EVENTS Risk-Free and Get Your Gift Copy of
HOW CIVILIZATIONS DIE (And Why Islam is Dying Too)

I think you'll enjoy and benefit from Human Events. After all, there's a certain distinction to reading a publication that is universally damned by people who believe signing up more Americans on food stamps will revitalize the economy.

Human Events isn't for everyone. Frankly, it wouldn't be the remarkable news source it is if it didn't upset those who arrogantly believe the rest of us should just shut up and do as we're told.

But I think you'll enjoy it. You have the courage to think for yourself.

But please don't delay. Only a limited number of copies of How Civilizations Diecan be set aside for complimentary distribution. Be sure to claim your copy below!

Yours for reclaiming the America we both cherish!

Jason Mattera
Editor at Large, Human Events

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