Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Unions and Lawyers


Wonder why we are in trouble as a nation

Have you noticed who is left untouched by the Changes we can believe in.

Union members, particularly in the auto industry.

Union members, with nearly 50 per cent favoring Republicans, made substantial donations of time and money to Democrat politicians. That is to say, union bosses contributed greatly to Democrats. Workers did not get a vote. Getting paid to not work makes quite a hit to the cost of a car or truck.

Lawyers left untouched

Have you been paying attention to how many of our representatives in Congress are lawyers. Lawyers write the rules that we are forced to follow. As they say, it is difficult to beat a person at their own game.

According to The Maverick Philosopher, of the 535 members of the 109th Congress, 228 hold law degrees and 217 had former occupations in law. That is a total of 445 or 83%. Just 59 of 100 Senators in the 110th Congress are lawyers.

Trial Lawyers, particularly those involved in the liability business, are partly responsible for the high cost of health care in the USA. To protect themselves, doctors must call for all kinds of tests on patients that are not needed.

Why? Attorneys bring liability claims against doctors in hopes that it can be shown that the medical problem might have been discovered had a certain test been administered. These tests include all kinds of expensive drugs, CAT scans and MRIs. Then insurance companies settle rather than go through a trial where that liability claim MIGHT be upheld by a jury, thus costing substantially more than the settlement. Guilt or innocence has little to do with these settlements. So, doctors must carry massive liability coverage to protect themselves from ANY kind of liability action by lawyers. That increases our cost of health care.

Liability reform has not been brought up by the Obama administration.

Wonder why we are in trouble. As the saying goes, 95% of the attorneys in American give the other 5% a bad name. … the right jack

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