Sunday, August 9, 2009

Report on local town hall meeting 8/8/09

Our local Democrat House member held a town hall meeting Saturday August 8. It was estimated that 300 to 400 people showed up at a local elementary school. This two-hour meeting started with the elected House Democrat holding individual meetings for one hour with people on a first come – first served bases. Audience members waited over 90 minutes before the second part of the meeting started. They did not know if these eight people were friendlies or not.

For part two, he then planned to have open mike discussions with the audience members. Due to the unexpectedly large turnout in this small community, he switched the program to a mike-fest. People got up and voiced their concerns.

People in favor of the Obama Health Care Program – Obama Insurance Program – Obama Death Care Plan were generally “booed” for expressing their allegiance to Obama. It was estimated that perhaps 10% of the audience favored the Obama Health Care Program – Insurance Program.

Most everyone else who rose to speak was against the Obama program. When asked if he would use the Obama Plan for himself and his family, he danced around the question and did not answer. He did say that he would “not” vote for the Obama Plan.

The audience members had read the Plan. Generally, they were of mixed ages including many seniors, quite orderly and did not support the Obama plan. … the right jack

Added note on 8/12/09: Our House Democrat went back on his word. He told the local newspaper that he was now going to vote for the Obama Health Care Program but that he did not like the one-payer system. We all know that the government one-payer system will force all of the private business options to close their doors. It will also become more and more expensive to taxpayers, as do all government programs. The US Postal System is the current best example of the failure of government-run operations. Tax and spend is the rule of the day for Democrats only this time it is going to destroy businesses while reducing services.

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