Saturday, November 14, 2009

Create Jobs in America

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A plan to put Americans back to work

The current Democrat administration is intent on worldwide recruiting to bring in new Democrat voters while giving their existing Democrat voters all possible taxpayer funded perks imaginable.

While Democrats are creating tax and fine programs, unemployment continues to rise. By the end of October 2009, unemployment rose to 10.2%, 17.5% when counting those who have stopped looking for jobs. I have no idea how people can stop looking for jobs, unless of course, they are making a cash-only tax-free living under the table.

Growing US unemployment can be directly linked to the Democrat massive jobless bailout strategies and their new spend, tax and fine “public” initiatives. It should be no surprise to any rational American that Democrats spend and tax. That is what they do. This time of course, their tax strategy is going to kill the golden goose - taxpayers. As noted many times before, tax reduction brings more revenue into the US Treasury than does confiscatory taxing.

Democrats know that they need to develop new sources of revenue to fund these wretched programs. That is why they have included fines in their unconstitutional health care proposal while creating even more new health-related tax programs.

When taxes are increased, people hold onto their money. Reduced taxation leads to increased spending by people with money in their pockets. Reduced taxation worked for Kennedy, Reagan and Bush.

Jobs can be created through the tax code. Here is how The Right Jack would do it.

First, stop the ridiculous taxing and job killing programs that come with their greedy and ill-conceived health care proposals and their job-killing Cap and Trade environmental programs.

Second, reduce the federal tax rate on all US citizen taxpayers.

Third, institute a minimum federal tax on all citizens or adopt the Fair Tax. Everyone becomes a taxpayer. No exceptions.

Fourth, give those who are illegally in the USA six months to become citizens and pay taxes or leave the country.

Fifth, reduce Federal corporate taxes so that they can build their domestic businesses and increase jobs.

Sixth, give corporations a Federal Tax Holiday of six months so that they can bring their foreign profits back to the USA without “tax” penalties.

Finally, I would put a moratorium on the USA gifts and support to other nations for a year. If we do not get our economy back on track, both the USA and those who rely on us for support will suffer in the long run.

These seven proposals will create jobs. There may be other strategies worth considering but I am not an economist, treasury expert, or tax cheat. However, I do know that taxing and fining taxpayers and businesses is not a solution to job creation. The evidence is overwhelming. Stop spending. Lower taxes. This will work for America and put Americans back to work.

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