Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tweets and more

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Health Care Tweets, etc

Where is Robin Hood when we need him

jamiedupree But CBO also says it "has not completed an estimate of all of the legislation’s potential impact on spending"

jamiedupree CBO confirms $848 billion cost estimate that I had expressed doubts about for Senate health care bill

jamiedupree CBO letter to Sen Harry Reid about new health care bill now on line at

jamiedupree Looks like the new Senate health bill has renamed the public option as the "Community health insurance option"

jamiedupree The bill has 65 instances where it would spend "such sums" as necessary on certain health care initiatives

jamiedupree Senate Dem health bill is titled the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"; Pelosi calls it "encouraging"

thenation GM 'Recovery' Plan: Lose Plants, Workers

42% of jobs that are listed on line are in districts that do not exist. Is this an example of government ineffectiveness or government scam.

gopsaver Going Green is for Thee and NOT Mr OBAMA'S 71 CAR MOTORCADE.

The Obama Gitmo terrorists show trial in federal civilian court in New York city has been estimated to cost US Taxpayers as much as $75 million. A military tribunal at Gitmo would cost next to nothing in comparison. However, the tribunal would not give prosecutors opportunities to put the Bush administration on trial.

By the way, can you imagine what would happen in the business world if any company of any size would take on 2-3-4-5 massive new programs all at one time with unstated budgets and unaccountable managers who are miles and miles away from the headquarters. Can you spelling economic D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R.

Government initiatives include: Banks. Auto industry. Real Estate. Coal-Oil-Global warming hoax. Health Care. Jobs - nothing more than more government jobs. Government assistance to selected supporters continues.

Banks continue to fail. Real estate market not improving. Loans to small business still hard to get. Unemployment continues to rise. More government jobs proposed. Costs continue to rise.

Hey. US taxpayers and those who do not pay taxes. If these trillion dollar Big Government programs are voted in, kiss your paycheck good-by. We will all be working for the government, cradle to grave. That is Socialism. These disastrous programs will create a nation of peasants just like Cuba and every other socialist regime that is run by and for government. Have the US Government legislators learned nothing from Robin Hood. … the right jack

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