Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ObamaCare Draft Card

Register For Your ObamaCare Draft Card!

White House Alert: The ObamaCare Draft Is Legal!

You read that correctly. You are to be drafted against your will into ObamaCare. Obama, Pelosi and the Democrats have shut Americans out of the Healthcare debate and now you are being drafted.

At the core of ObamaCare there is a legal question "Does the United States Constitution give the United States Congress the authority to mandate individuals to have health insurance, to carry health insurance?"

Simple put AmeriPac Says NO!

The ObamaCare Draft plan is simply, you just register to get your ObamaCare Draft Card. Then wait in line for the ObamaCare lottery to draw your number and tell you when you can line up at a government clinic to get care.


Not registering is not an option. The penalty for those who choose not to get insurance, is 2.5% of one's income and the penalties will be collected by the IRS. You will be fined and you will get a criminal record but you will not go to jail (what a relief) if you want to care for yourself.

Now Reid is set to push ObamaCare in the Senate. We must be vigilant as Reid is planning a Senate vote by the end of the year.


The focus is now on the Senate and we must continue to tell Democratic leaders not to compromise on provisions that are leaving many questioning the viability of the bill.

Nothing Is Being Done To Reduce Health Care Premium Costs.

The ObamaCare plan has no Tort Reform and will leave hospitals and doctors with growing massive legal and malpractice insurance costs and increase premiums. No reduction in prescription costs will continue to force Americans to bear the cost of drug research and development worldwide. While the Chinese and the rest of the world get reduced drug costs the premiums for Americans increase. With no provisions in ObamaCare to reduce the cost of doctors, nurses, hospitals and treatments premiums will spiral out of control.

No problem just Tax the wealthy to bankroll ObamaCare. Reid has asked the Congressional Budget Office to analyze a proposal to increase the Medicare payroll tax for people making more than $250,000 per year to help pay ObamaCare.

Premiums are based on the cost of care and the number of people paying those premiums. With no cost controls Obama is mortgaging America's healthcare future by not addressing the costs of tort reform, prescription drugs and making China and the rest of the world help pay for drug research not just the US

The unknown program details will be worked out over the next four years. The 111 NEW BOARDS, bureaucracies, commissions, and programs created in H.R. 3962, Speaker Pelosi's government takeover of health care are sure to cost at least $3,000,000,000,000. Yes, $3 Trillion more in taxes with no cost cutting in sight.

Current legislation leaves unanswered many of questions that will determine perhaps dozens of votes. The final timing and outcome of the vote is in question.

We must STOP Reid and his dangerous and destructive plan NOW!

The bills reviewed by the CBO have produced even more questions about thier costs and their ability to reduce the deficit. Initial REPORTS FROM CAPITAL HILL SHOW DISAPPOINTMENT FROM LIBERAL SENATORS AND CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRATS alike about what is in the bill and what's been left out.


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